Alternative History

The 10th and 9th Centuries are the third section of the Iron Age.

Iron Age Pt. 2:
1200-1001 BCE
Iron Age Pt. 3
1000-801 BCE
Iron Age Pt. 4:
800-601 BCE


Going into the 10th Century BCE, Zoromonth II wished to consolidate and help his Empire grow as much as possible without putting a huge dent in the now recovered Egyptian economy. War was not an option for Zoromonth II and his advisors as his conquest of the Hittite Empire was successful, they were still caught off guard by them and with the growing power in Assyria and the small nations growing in the Northeastern Levant. Zoromonth II believed war was not an option for now as declaring war on any of these nations in the Levant would open them up for an assault from the other nations. Zoromonth II would stick to the task of maintaining peace with the Assyrians, but began pushing it's influence into Anatolia. By influencing the small states of Hattusa, Acem, Malatya, and Isuwa. This influencing of these smaller nations would be the first signs of the use of the standard Alliance System used today. The Egyptians made very little progress with the Kingdom of Eneti during his reign, as many of the Eneti were still very untrustworthy of outside nations, especially the Egyptians.

Gilukhipa the third female Pharaoh to rule Egypt was not met with many challenges in her reign, though there was a rapid increase in skirmishes between the Egyptians and outside nations. The Assyrians continually tested the Egyptians patience with them, as each raid was sporadic with no pattern, with every king claiming that the raiders were "rogues". Even though she met problems along her borders in the Levant, her Empire saw a rise in trade with the rise of powerful nation states in Greece, with such nations as; Athens, Sparta, and Corinth. Though Gilukhipa's son, Panehesy, did not match her pacifist way of politics. He was the first Pharaoh since the war with the Hittite Empire to annex or declare war on another neighboring nation. Though the nations that he annexed surprised many, as he annexed his most loyal allied nations, Hattusa and Accem. Around the same time the Egyptians witnessed their once rivals the Hittite declare war and annex the nation of Mogolan. The future Pharaohs would simply watch the world change. As they consolidated and worried on building up their newly acquired territories and help rebuild and maintain their current territories. Though a new initiative to build up important outposts and military bases close to important cities that bordered other nations was found during this time.


Hittite Civil War GU Labeled

1 - Hittites, 2 - Mogolan Rebels, 3 - Athens, 4 - Corinth, 5 - Sparta, 6 - Phrygia, 7 - Bithynia, 8 - Malatya, 9 - Isuwa, 10 - Shupria, 11 - Nairi, 12 - Armenia, 13 - Urartu, 14 - Alshe

Consolidation efforts in the former Hittite Empire were going strong at the beginning of the Tenth Century BCE. The Hittites have taken over Mogola by this time, but were already overextending. There was no such thing as nationalism at the time, but the former king of Mogola was able to raise his troops against the Hittites soon after their campaign, in 850 BCE. In a period of what was known as the Second Hittite Civil War (the first was when Egypt attacked), it marked the final end of the empire. Mogola was able to hold strong once more, and the Hittites fell apart. Eneti was doing swimmingly, however. They began to formally expand towards the north, and over the Sea of Adonai. Bithynia and Phrygia were also doing pretty well for themselves, especially considering they barely were able to have a standing army. The Armenians, forced to relocate eastward due to expansion from Eneti and later the Hittites, began to form states of their own. Egypt tried to befriend Eneti, which had little to no records of their time as slaves in the region. The Holy Book was only stored in the capital of Eneti, and the rest used oral tradition. They agreed to peace, at least for the time being.

Rest of the World[]

Though the Egyptians were growing in power and the Hittite's time was declining, the Egyptians paid little mind to their neighbors to the east of them, merely thinking they could set up outposts to stop them. The Assyrians made great gains in the 10th and 9th centuries BCE. As through the Kings of: Tiglath-Pileser II, Ashur-Dan II, Adad-nirari II, Tukulti-Ninurta II, Ashurnasirpal II, Ashurnasirpal II, and Shalmaneser III. Were the Assyrians able to make great gains in the Levant area and secretly build up their military might. The went as far as influencing the new established Aryan tribes in what would be now known as Iran, by trading, educating, and helping build towns in the region to win over the hearts of the people and their future children. Shalmaneser III went as far to win over the native people's hearts by staging raids against the Egyptians and by sacking and raiding the nations in the Northern Levant most notably the Hurrians, a group known for coming into Aryan territory and sacking villages.

In Asia the once large Indus Valley Civilization began fracturing and splintering into various groups across the river valley. The largest of the nations to splinter was the Kingdom of Panchala. For the first time in the history of Indian history, two large nations went to war with one another. A total of ten wars would be fought between Indus and Panchala, as new kings would continuously fight with one another until land was gained. Meanwhile in China the Zhou would continue their dominance over the region, with naval ships reaching the Korean Peninsula, along the South China Sea, and even trading with primitive Japanese peoples. Europe was finally beginning to form considerably large sized communities uniting under a ruler. The City-states of Greece were most known as with the trade coming from Egypt and the Levant, allowed them to grow in size and power. With various city-states becoming serious contenders for power in Greece.

Grand Union World Map c

World c. 850 BCE