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11th Century 12th Century 13th Century



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Facing a lack of support from the other Iberian Christian kingdoms, Alfonso VI enters into correspondence with Pope Gregory VII, inquiring as to how he might bring his realm closer to Christendom.

Alfonso VI secures tribute from Badajoz, much to the chagrin of his brother, the king of Galicia. This was done in part thanks to the prowess of Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar ("El Campeador"), Alfonso's right hand man. After the mission to Badajoz, however, disagreements between the two lead to Rodrigo being dismissed from Alfonso's court. Left as a wandering knight, Rodrigo offers his service to Pere-Ramon in Barcelona.

A synod is held in Brixen by Henry IV and the imperial clergy, confirming the deposed status of Gregory VII and electing Guibert of Ravenna as Antipope Clement III.

The Battle of Flarchheim featured a snowstorm that caused confusion on the field. The most decisive act came when Otto of Nordheim made a sweeping attack on Henry IV's camp, then routed his Franconians. Rudolf's forces were unable to capitalize on their momentum due to the weather, however, and both armies retreated from the field. Overall, the Saxons were left in a better state (morale and casualty-wise) than their foes, but more will be needed for their Revolt to succeed.

Sokal of Cumania launches an invasion into Hungarian Wallachia in an attempt to restore hegemony north of the Danube in favor of the Kipchaks. As a result of this, Cumans and Pechenegs cross the Danube into Bessarabia, where they camp on lands belonging to the Byzantine Empire.

The Armenian principality of Cilicia is founded by Ruben I, the "Lord of the Mountains".

Almoravid Sultan Yusuf finishes conquering the Tangier Peninsula, and expands his empire to Tenes in Algeria. His recent success would draw fevor from the ruling Prince in Seville, Al-Mu'tamid ibn Abbad, whom would abandon his title of "Caliph" as a sign of good will between both residing realms.

Mehmed Sukhan would perish this year in the Second Battle of Bursa, his successor being named in his son Sulaiman, though he would be assassinated in Keysari moments before his coronation. This would leave the sultanate to adopt further Persianate culture with the arrival of Seljuk Prince, Kutalmışoğlu Mānsūr, in Anatolia. Mānsūr would appoint himself "Qaysar-i Rum" (Caesar of the Romans), gathering support among the many warlords that now exist in power throughout the region.

Shen Kuo begins a campaign against the Tangut dynasty of Western Xia on behalf of the Song Dynasty

A famine begins across Peru and its neighboring regions. Yikes sis.

  • Leauge of Mayapan: Huanac with his foot soldiers and Bowmen would engage with the Kiche people of the highlands. Rather than directly attacking,he orders the soldiers to hold in defensive positions while the Bowsmen stay at the back and pick off the enemy. (Algo Needed) Meanwhile back home, Tomac, undeterred by the recent storm sets out on a large expedition to the south. He would eventually make it as far as OTL Miskito coast before heading back to Mayapan. In cuba, brave souls continue to trade with the primitive peoples of the island. One of them would land, and introduce the Mesoamerican ball game to the locals, before leaving. Back home, we continue the refurbishing of cities. The Roads speed up trade and some once abandoned sites are now home to thousands. The Lords of the cities wish to commence a Defensive pact with Tulxtla, in the event that a Texcocoan would wish to reform the Toltecs. In fact, Tomac, now home would try to discuss with the Huehemac of Tulxtla to open an embassy in their capital city. (Mod Responseeeeee). Otherwise, the Cenotes continue to be full, and harvests are plenty. Maybe the Maya can enter a second golden age?
    • Tuxtla accepts.
  • Francia: With Gâtinais now as part of the royal desmene, King Philip I orders the construction of a fortress at Château-Landon, the main town of this region, to secure his new territory. Also seeking to expand and protect the crown lands, the king start to fortify the region called as French Vexin (Vexin français), a region bounded by the rivers Epte, Oise and Seine, which was separated from the Norman Vexin in accordance with the Treaty of Saint-Clair-sur-Epte of 911. This year, King Philip I and his wife Bertha of Holland have another daughter, who is named as Anne in honor to her paternal grandmother, Anne of Kiev. With the king's support the construction of the Benedictine Abbey at Sens continues. The synod held in Brixen by Henry IV and the election of Guibert of Ravenna as Clement III is met with apprehension by King Philip. The king isn't a great supporter of the reformers made by Gregory VII and is very inclined to support Clement III. However, after discussing this matter with the Benedictine Raymond of Bourges, who Philip I has great admiration to the point of making him the king's confessor, the king is convinced to support Gregory VII. While preaching with support of the king, Raymond of Bourges denounces the so-called Synod of Brixen as a fraud and the clerics that participated in it as blasphemers. To Raymond, Guibert of Ravenna is a viper and a liar, who is using the dispute between the pope and Henry IV to gain power. Seeking to show his support to Pope Gregory VII, Philip I sends Archbishop Godfrey and Raymond of Bourges to visit the pontiff and ask papal blessings for the new Abbey at Sens and a relic of Saint Benedict of Nursia to be placed there [Papal response needed, please].
  • House Barcelona: With alliances secured, Rei Pere-Ramon focuses his efforts on his internal reforms. He oversees the implementation of the Sagramental system, continuing to cement it into Catalan society. His efforts there result in a large, modestly equipped force of farmer-soldiers ready to be called to war at a moment’s notice. Pere-Ramon then holds a contest among his newfound shipbuilding experts, pitting his native Catalan builders against teams composed of Venetians, Romans, and Normans. The result is a unique, interesting design. Inspired by the speed, agility, and flexibility of their Norman counterparts a team of Catalonian and Venetian shipwrights construct a galley in the clinker style. They are forced to adopt a much stronger internal framework to keep the larger galley-like ship from collapsing into splinters. The result is a larger, more durable hybrid between longship and galley that takes many additional features from northern Cogs. These ships prove to be quick, tough vessels that sacrifice some of the galley’s rowing speed for better sailing and greater freeboard. This higher freeboard and the present of a small aft-castle makes these ships powerful naval combatants. Rei Pere-Ramon orders several of these ships built to serve as the core of a new navy for the kingdom. With the building of such a fleet now underway, Pere-Ramon can return to his school. He aids in the oversight of the construction, and even personally designs an amphitheatre for lectures and the school’s administrative building. Later in the year, the Rei is approached by a well dressed, if clearly ill and exhausted man who claims to be an advisor and general for Alfonso of Castile & Leon. Upon verifying his identity,Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar’s offer is accepted by Pere-Ramon who sees the talented man as a potential asset against both his Christian and Muslim rivals. He is granted a the newly completed castle at Alcañiz and a place at court in the service of Rei Pere-Ramon commanding a portion of the king’s own retinue. The invasion of the Baeleric Islands by the Taifa of Toledo stirs fears of piracy amongst the merchants of Catalonia. To counter this move, a task force of ships and 5,000 men is assembled to seize the northern-most island, Menorca. (Algo if Needed)
  • The Kingdom of Arles: The County of Arles would recover from its massive debt and weakness to mobilise their troops and prepare to mobilize for Europe, as William III Attempts to find a situation to the mess, however, it is still unsure what Arles will do next.
  • Kievan Rus (Monomakh): Prince Vladimir, and his new bride Katerina have their first child, a boy by the name of Rogvolod Monomakh following their honeymoon period in Smolensk while Monomakh was busy with fortifying his position and fully establishing control over his recent captures. In the meantime the men under Monomakh's command got a chance to rest a little. In the early spring the prince sends out the orders for his forces to get ready to march. At the head of an army 8,500 strong Monomakh moves to Break the alliance between Vseslav of Polotsk, and Gleb of Novgorod. An envoy is dispatched to Vseslav offering him peace on the grounds that Vseslav renounce his claims on Kiev, recognizing Vsevolod as the Grand Prince of Kiev, and the King of the Rus. Momomakh makes it clear that in exchange for vseslav's nominal acceptance of his father as the ruler of the Rus Polotsk would be left to its own devices and exempt from taxes, and levies.In a gesture of good faith Monomakh offers to return to Vseslav his wife and son who have been the guests of Vsevolod since Monomakh took Kiev (Mod Response). More to be added later
    • Both of the princes are willing to relinquish their claim to Kiev and acknowledge Vladimir as long as their domains remain independent
    • Monomakh says he and his father would be willing to recognize the Principalities of Novgorod, and Polotsk as hereditary fiefdoms of Gleb, and Vseslav and their descendents as long as they recognize Kiev as the supreme authority of the Rus, and they contribute agree to back a series of reforms that would end the constant Fratricide that plagues the Kievan Rus. He invites Gleb, Vseslav, and the lords of Rostov to a council in Smolensk to broker a lasting peace amongst the Princes so that Proesperity might return to the lands of the Rus (Mod Response).
    • The princes agree to negotiate on a treaty
  • The Isles: The Isles see a good harvest this year, giving the king confidence enough in the wealth of his realm and the health and strength of his people to press his ambitions. It is to be noted that the kings of the Isles were usually kings of Dublin as well, and Godred Crovan is not one to break tradition. He arrives at Dublin with an army of 1,000 [or however many can reasonably be raised for this campaign], determined to be crowned king by peace or force (Algo). As to the issue of papal investiture, Godred has no strong opinion on the matter. He will wait to see which pope will emerge victorious in Europe before making any statement of support, but even then, he expects such distant affairs will have negligible effects on his own realm. He does, however, support Bishop William in Hebridean affairs, and grants him the necessary funds to build a tower on St. Patrick's Isle.
  • Papal States: Pope Gregory was walking in the Vatican Gardens again when he came across a statue he did not recognize: a glass statue perfectly in the appearance of a beautiful young woman, lightly clad in a radiant white dress. Gregory was cautiously hesitant at first, considering this could be another vision from the angel Ariel. Instead, as he approached the statue he felt her embrace again, with a voice that whispered "Do not be deceived, for an image is only as strong as the power people give it, just as there is a false image of the Chair of Peter". Having received this vision, Gregory knew what he must accomplish as his next moves. Much work has been achieved in the advancement of the Gregorian reforms and the strength of the Church, but far more work is left to be done, for the secular powers are still strong in the world. Gregory announces that Guilbert of Ravenna is excommunicated for falsely claiming the title of Pope, having been elected in a synod of secular bishops and priests in violation of the decrees of Pope Nicholas II, while Gregory was elected without the Emperor's appointment, as scripture bears witness this is not required. As such, all the priests and Bishops formarly under Guilbert's authority are no longer bound to serve him. Gregory writes to France to send a Papal legate named John of Nursia to bless the Abbey de Sens, and bring with him a relic of Saint Benedict with him, who thanks the King of France for his continued support of the legitimate Pope. He also writes to Castile and offers them political support in their position over Spain, and offers to send them Bishops if they work at the effort to spread Christianity into Andalusia (Mod response). He is tactful to not alienate the House of Barcelona, where he does not confirm Alfonso as Emperor but implies that he could bestow this title in the future. He also writes out to Primate Bishops established in further territories which have been long-standing allies of Gregory to this point, as giving the proper leverage of his sustained recognition in other kingdoms, namely Stanislaus of Kiev and Lanfrac of Canterbury (England and Rus response). On the subject of the ongoing and escalating civil war in Germany, the Pope decides that Henry is starting to fall on the defensive at this point, which the Saxons should capitalize on to fully depose the Emperor from power, they only require raising a larger army to score a decisive victory. The Pope organizes a mass recruitment movement, where holy men of monastic orders are sent to various parts of Europe to speak before both Princes, Lords and peasants, urging them in defense of Christendom and the Holy Father to rise up in support of Emperor Rudolf. The organization of these efforts place the following monks and priests in control of the effort in various regions: Raymond of Bourges in France, Geza of Matyas in Hungary, Peter de Honestis in Italy, and Bruno of Cologne in Germania. Raymond is especially invited to visit the Pope while he is stying in Tuscany, and recieves his blessing as a rock of the Church among the Franks (France response). Geza, having studied theology in Rome for quite some time, is now sent as an itinerate Priest to call Hungarian nobles to support the Pope (Hungary response). The exess mercenaries of the Papal military, including the Slavic guard loaned from the Rus, are sent to Bavaria to further bolster the armies of Rudolf. Although this leaves a skeleton force to defend the city of Rome itself, the Pope feels this is a calculated risk, in the hopes of bringing a decisive end to the civil war before Henry is able to invade Italy. These efforts bring the extent religious orders of the Benedictines, Carmelites and Carthusians to full potential.
    • French diplomacy: King Philip I welcomes the Papal Legate, John of Nursia, at his court in Paris. Raymond of Bourges happily accepts the invitation of Pope Gregory VII and travels to meet the pontiff in Tuscany.
    • Alfonso VI of Leon-Castile accepts this arrangement.
  • Hungary: The King raises 15.000 to defend Wallachia against the Cumanians. We continue the invasion of Bosnia (Algo needed) and offer them surrender now and escape having a Hungarian Governor and rather having their own parliament, Ban and a representative in all of the Royal Committee as well as the preservation of Bosnia Cyrillic (Mod Response).
  • Kingdom of Sweden:Victory!The brave swedish forces amrches to another glroius victory.In the battle of Ödestuga a decisive and devaststaing blow was dealt to the rebelions cause,with their leaders killed,they decided to lay down their arms. After this victory,the army and king marches victoriusly in a huge parade in the royal capital.After this,the king returns home to the royal castle where he holds court most of the days.Reconstruction of the village of ödestuge takes place,while the rebeliions leaders are all executed to serve as an example.]
  • Kingdom of England: Now is the 14th year of the reign of King Harold II of House Godwin. He is married to Ealdgyth (Edith) of Mercia, which has tied House Godwin of England and House Hwicce of Northumbria and Mercia together in alliance. He has many siblings: the errant Tostig Godwinson, whose whereabouts are unknown; Gyrth Godwinson, duke of East Anglia, who is married to Judith of Flanders; and Gunhild Godwinsdatter, a nun. Harold II has sired several children through Edith the Fair, his previous wife whom he married in Danish tradition. They are Godwine, Earl of Kent, who is married to Princess Sigrid Svendsdatter of Denmark; Edmund, who is married to Margaret of Wessex and is unlanded; Magnus, Marklord of Wales, who is married to Gwenlian ferch Bleddyn thus forming an alliance with Gwynedd; Gytha, who is married to Alan mab Konan de Rennes; Gunhild, who is unwed. He also has sired Harold (1066) and Ulf (1067), both of whom are too young to marry or hold lands. The population of England is roughly 2 million, with most of the population being centered around Winchester and London. Though the majority of the people in England are of Anglo-Saxon descent, there is a sizable Scandinavian population, especially in regions once under the control of the Danelaw. There are also a number of Britons, especially along the Welsh and Scottish borders as well as in Cornwall. Though the monarchy of England is more-or-less absolute, the Witenagemot is a folkmoot of secular and clergymen who advise the king, discuss legislation, and hold judicial hearings should the need arise. If the reigning monarch were to die, the new one will be chosen among the eligible Æthelings in England, though they typically choose members of the deceased monarch’s family. Harold II is widely popular throughout England, especially among the thanes. Though he maintains alliances with those in his family as well as with the sons of Ælfgar of Mercia, tensions are known to run between earls from the north and south of England. Fighting in the southern uplands continues into the year. England must fight for each hill, each mountain and crag. Slowly, the wyvern banner unfurls over more and more hillforts as they burn. Smoke billows through the hills, rolling down into the lowlands of Scotland. This campaign is costly, though the English gain a second wind when about a thousand Irish mercenaries arrive from the west to reinforce their position at Galloway. At the same time, a naval offensive led by English ships from Mercia led by Edwin of Mercia himself arrives on the coast of Strathclyde. After a winter of deadlock, the English army advances. By now, Lothain has been taken by English forces, which is where the bulk of Harold II's forces are. They move west to the river Clyde as their forces in the west savage the Moors in Strathclyde before sacking Ayr. With the Scottish forces racing south, Harold II hopes to catch them in the lowlands. The English and Scottish forces clash in a mighty battle at Cathures (the Cumbric name for Glasgow). Here, the English are able to make ample use of the cavalry they brought, along with the Longbowmen. Truly, if the English had brought chiefly infantry as they have in past battles with Scotland, their army would have been destroyed. It is a battle of exhausted armies and it becomes clear that if one presses an attack, they will lose. A defensive position is maintained south of Cathures as hostilities peter out… for now. A truce is proposed and while the English did not regain the Antonine Wall, the border is farther north than it has been in centuries. The Earldom of Lothain is restored and granted to Waltheof Siwardson, son of the famed Siward Diger who fought against the Scottish King Macbeth. Cumberland is made into a shite and placed under the jurisdiction of Northumbria. (More)
  • Saxony: With the recent mass recruitment program instigated by the Pope, Rudolf, feeling confident, marches against Henry near Hohenmölsen on the White Elster river, with his army of 36,500. He hopes this time to score a decisive victory, and to topple Henry, altogether, once and for all (Algo needed).
  • Kingdom of Alba: With the English continuing to advance deep into the Alban highlands and the Morayan armies mostly crushed into dissaray, Laomann quickly begins rushing South, leaving a force of roughly 1,500 men behind as he frantically rushes South. With all his forces at his disposal, Laomann meets Harold's armies outside Glasgow, rallying the defenders of the city to defend their homes and their fatherland against the enroaching invaders attempting to destroy all they have built. Laomann knows that the outcome of this battle will determine the fate of the nation and the British Isles for centuries to come, and, for the first time in many years, sincerely prays, begging for success. (more to come).
  • Taifa of Toledo: As the King of Toledo continues alone in his path of acquiring dominance over Al-Andalus, a letter is sent to Alpuente. Over the past Years, Alpuente had suffered incursions from the Christians in the north with the fall of the wall that was Saragossa. Essentially breaking the barrier between Al-Andalus and Christian Iberia. Now with Toledo being the only defender of Alpuente, a letter is sent to the Emir, in order to secure the city long term to be in the hands of Islam, as done with Valencia, they are asked to join us under the banner of Toledo (Mod Response). Soon after this, war would be declared on the Taifa of Dénia with the Balearic Islands being surrounded. This would be done as a pre-emptive measure against potential future meddling by Seville as well as helping unite more of the region. Some 1,000 men would be landing at Medina Mayurqa (Present day Palma) engage with the garrison on the island and capture the city. A remaining force of 7,500 would march on Dénia as the port would be blocked by Mozarab Privateers. This force would be led by the King himself, Yahya Al-Ma'mun. Ahmad El-Rudrighiz would lead the Alramahs to form a pincer formation that would leave the Dénian Army encircled with the southwest and center flanks being secured. After catapults would pummel any notable defensive points, the Cavalry in the form of the Riahs would rapidly close in on the northwest perimeter. As the army would close in, Al-Ma'mun would have the Riahs flank the sides of the encircled army to quickly lead to a collapse of the enemy formation. The job of the Alramahs at this point would be to cut down as many men as possible while leaving no means out for the enemy army. The end in mind would be a decisive battle that would lead to the surrender of the city (Algo Needed). Meanwhile Omar al-Rasheed would leave to Fez to study after years in Valencia. The young man would soon inherit the Taifa and would have to continue where his father would leave off. The Noble Family of the House of Fadel would begin to have a feud after Riyaal had visited his brother Abdul in the summer of 1080. Riyaal had refused to relinquish his property titles to Abdul after taking residence in Toledo. Therefore still remaining the title holder of Cuenca and his estates in Elvas. This would only leave the estates in Bacarotta and Olivenza in Abdul's name based on their father's will left behind. This would heavily anger Abdul to the point of pure rage and absolute resentment of his brother for feeling betrayed of what he should be entitled as the leader of the House of Fadel in Badajoz. Riyaal ibn Fadel meanwhile would receive a promotion following the retirement of Uwrlandu early in the winter as well as an arranged marriage between Sasha bint Fadel and Prince  Omar al-Rasheed. The infrastructure improvements after 15 years leads to an efficient network of roads for trade and movement across the Taifa. Fortifications around the entirety of the city of Toledo begins.
    • Alpuente accepts.
  • Kingdom of Cholollan: As a fire would rage across the heart of Mesoamerica, refugees from the beautiful and once-thought-to-be eternal city of Tollan would walk fourty days and fourty nights before arriving in the Court of the deceased divine-king Huehmac's uncles, Tecpacyāōtlpin and Xōchtlimic. They ruled in dual-fashion, for their father, the grand-father of Huehmac and Toltec Emperor, Matlaccoatzin, designated their rule as such upon the great pyramid, Tlachihualtepetl. The rulers were brothers, elder in their age but influential as after the abandonment of Tollan, the regional capital of the Valley would remain in fluctuation for decades following. According to the one few surviving sources of Mesoamerican history recording, the Teotlatectlahtollotl, the "rule of two", known as a duumvirate, would work throughout the reign of Tecpacyāōtlpin and Xōchtlimic respectively, and it would be respected through this pact that the first to die would see his eldest son son ascending the throne, and thus the remaining elder ruler would guide his nephew and likewise though power would remain in similar capacity. This of course was a broken system, to be exploited and later abused surely, but for the time being under Tecpacyāōtlpin and Xōchtlimic, Cholollan was seen as the rightful successor state to the Toltecs, and as such a number of policies enacted by the late Toltec Emperor under Huehmac would be re-vitalized in Cholollan, with the city adopting the term of "Tollan" as a secondary name while it's military prowess would maintain similar capabilities as well.
  • Hakia: By this time, Hakia has grown into a bustling town, with nearly a thousand residents. Yooania is wed to Husanakame - Teekatamakari's mentee, and heir apparent. She gives birth to a son later this year, named Kopalai. O'oubwia, the elder brother of Teekatamakari and Yooania, and consequentially, Kopalai's uncle, visits Hakia. O'oubwia is joined by his jezebelian wife, Naposa. When she first laid her eyes on Kopalai, she felt something that she had never felt before; perhaps, it was the desire for motherhood? No. Perhaps it was the desire of a successor. A successor that would befit a man like O'oubwia. In Kopalai's eyes, she saw the strength and courage of a warrior; the faith of a priest; the wits of a leader. Being the snake-like seductress she is, the Sky Father cursed her with barrenness, earning her both ridicule and contempt among the villagers. However, the villagers' laughter is not limitless. Naposa is thick-skinned, but when the laughter becomes unbearable, all she has to do is seduce her husband - the village chief - to do her bidding. One time, Naposa heard that the daughter of a woman who bullied her during her youth was due to give birth. Though the woman had made restitution years ago, gifting her a fine cotton scarf, and washing Naposa's feet, the mercy Naposa had shown then was feigned. The night before the woman's daughter's planned labor, Naposa accused her of poisoning the village turkeys and ordered three men to jump on her stomach - which the readily-influenced O'oubwia permitted. The night after, despite the woman's daughter's incessant prayers, the baby came out stillborn. Indeed, Naposa was a despicable woman; but she is a smart one. Naposa relayed her plan to abduct Kopalai to her husband. "The gods did not curse me with barrenness. They blessed me. They blessed us. For, I do not have to suffer the protracted pangs of labor, and you do not have to suffer the pain of either the child or me dying in the act!" She continued, "the gods have given us a child; though not from my womb, but the womb of your sister - Yooania." O'oubwia was hesitant, and understandably so. Yooania was his sister, and he loved her as she loved him. Naposa was enraged, "so you love your sister more than you love your wife? A man without love for his wife is no better than a captive eunuch!" With those words, O'oubwia lifted his hands - though he is stopped from striking his wife by his very own brother, Teekatamakari. Teekatamakari was flabbergasted. "Does my eyes deceive me? What has driven you to commit such an act?" Teekatamakari's soothing words were countered by O'oubwia's bellowing; even Teekatamakari was taken aback, how did his brother, his beloved brother, turn into this beast of violence and hatred? Teekatamakari left his brother and sister-in-law alone. Naposa seized the opportunity to chastise him into doing her agenda. "You have lost so much respect, my most holiest; even your brother, who is supposed to revere you and fear you, have taken the liberty of opposing you." "Nonsense!" O'oubwia retorted. Deep down, however, he had reached the same conclusion, though he still had qualms about putting his brother in his "place". However, uncertainty would soon turn to certainty. During noon, the Sun reached its peak. Its rays penetrated the land; no gap or crevice will be left unlit - for the Sun is the ultimate judge. It was during this time of the day that O'oubwia saw a woman enter a kiva. For other communities, a woman was polluted by her menses and hence was prohibited for the kiva. However, Maala Yooriwa said that the Sky Father believes differently, that mothers are superior to fathers, that women are helpers of men, are gifts to men; and Teekatamakari believed her. O'oubwia hit the poor woman, and dragged her by her hair to Teekatamakari's pueblo - demanding an explanation to the perceived sacrilege. Teekatamakari was gravely enraged by this injustice: his kind eyes were filled with the anger of righteousness, while his hands tightened into fists - ready to strike. Teekatamakari stood up from his chair, and the room fell silent. That was when O'oubwia noticed that his little brother was a much greater man than him. Not only in stature, not only in build but in person. O'oubwia couldn't help but cower. He loosened his grip on the woman's hair, and his mouth fell agape, looking for a justification that was not there. If his village had witnessed what had just occurred, perhaps Teekatamakari would no become chief of one village - but two. After an awkward silence, O'oubwia released the crying woman from his grip and looked down in guilt; his downward gaze was low as Teekatamakari's chin was held high. O'oubwia later that evening bid farewell to his brother, as did his wife and his retinue. It was that night the unimaginable happened. The quiet of the night was replaced by Yooania's wails, as her and Husanakame would soon find that their beloved son had been abducted.


The Norman Duchy of Apulia allies with the Republic of Ragusa to attack the Byzantines in Dalmatia, succeeding to occupy a region they now call Albania.

Upon the death of his father, Constantine Bodin becomes King of Duklja. He sides with the Normans in Albania, but opposes the Hungarians in Bosnia. He also vassalizes the Principality of Hum (Zachlunia/Pagania).

Boleslaw II, the exiled king of Poland, travels to Rome to beg forgiveness from Pope Gregory.

Chaka Bey establishes a base of power in Smyrna, where he starts building a fleet with the help of Christian shipwrights.

Sultan Malik-Shah would complete his conquest of Egypt following the Siege of Cairo, which ultimately saw the deposition and later extinction of the Fatimid dynasty at the hand of the Seljuk Empire. This would mark the peak status historically achieved by the medieval Oghuz Turks.

Unable to contain rebellion, the Byzantine Emperor, Nikephoros III Botaneiates, would be assassinated this year. While the Byzantine general Andronikos Doukas would fashion himself as imperial successor, this would be challenged by Alexios I Komnenos, another Byzantine general whom likely ordered the assassination of Nikephoros III, leading to a number of internal battles over the title of Emperor.

  • Kievan Rus: A great feast is held in Smolensk following this, Vladimir Monomakh meets with Glebs of Novgorod, Vseslav of Polotsk, and with the boyars of Rostov in the fotress of Smolensk with Patriarch Andrew representing the church as a mediator between the Princes. Vladimir lays out his proposal to his former adversaries. He offers a full pardon from Kiev and recognition of the respective domains of the princes and of the Nobility, in exchange for a pledge of fealty to his father Vsevolod as Grand Prince of Kiev and King of the Rus, and to him Vladimir Monomakh as the heir to his father. The Principalities of Pereyaslavl, Kiev, Chernigov, and Smolensk will be reorganization into the crown lands. Inheritance shall be based on Primogeniture principals applied as a revision of the Russkaya Pravda (Rus Justice).The Princes of Novgorod, Rostov, and Polotsk will be recognized as the highest authorities within their domains as vassals of the King of the Rus, and will be entitled to collect taxes, from which 20% will be giving to the Crown, and may retain the rest. They may levy and maintain armies of their own however they are oblidged to act in rthe better interest of the Rus during times of war and to provide men to fight in the army of the Rus. Each Principality will also have a Veche modeled after the Kiev Veche (City Council) who will be the voice for the merchants of the cities, and for the Boyars. The Princes will be obliged to act in the interest of their men and the subjects of the Crown that reside in their domains. Furthermore The Crown will have a monopoly on taxing the Varangian trade routes and foreign goods that enter the realm Should the Princes have disputes amongst themselves they are to seek the Mediation of the Crown who will act as a judge (Mod Response). Further more Monomoakh proclaims that the new Rus Kingdom shall be a christian kingdom he says that non-christians will not be persecuted however they will be obliged to pay a tax to the state as protection, while Christians will be obliged to pay tithes to the church. Monomakh, and new bride Katerina grow closer as the cumanian princess becomes a close confident to the prince, advising him of the customs of the Steppe peoples, and helping him improve his knowledge of the language and of their ways of war. The Princess Katerina furthermore begins learning how to read and write in Old Slavonic aided by her husband, in the process she comes to truely embrace her new faith. Towards the end of the summer the Princess becomes pregnant with Monomakh's second child. The new fortifications at the port city of Timurtarakan is completed and efforts to begin expanding the port there begins while 4 new long boats are commissioned by the forces of the Prince now in control of the city.
    • While some Princes express reluctance, they ultimately accept.
  • Francia: The construction of the fortress at Château-Landon continues, the building starts to be called as Château du roi. Besides the construction of the fortress at Château-Landon, King Philip I orders the construction of another in the French Vexin. Last year Roger II, Bishop of Beauvais and Grand Chancelier de France (Grand Chancellor of France) died, due to that King Philip I appoints Geoffroy de Boulogne, Bishop of Paris, to replace the deceased Roger II as the new Grand Chancelier. To supplement or assist the new Chancelier, Émeric of Orleáns is appointed by the king as the Garde des sceaux de France (Keeper of the Seals of France). The Papal Legate, John of Nursia, is welcomed by King Philip I and his court in Paris, with a feast being made in his honor. In the day after that, the John of Nursia, Philip I and a royal entourage visit the Abbey of Sens. There the Papal Legate bless the Abbey and after a solemn mass, the relic of Saint Benedict is deposited in a golden reliquary in the Abbey's chappel. King Philip I and his wife, Bertha of Holland, have a son, who is named as Louis.
  • House Barcelona: As the new Galeras Normandals enter the service of Rei Pere-Ramon’s ambitions of a naval empire grow more real. As a result of the arrival of the master shipwrights from abroad and the construction of so many galeras in such a short time there is a clear need for planning and organization behind the construction of more galeras. To accommodate this, Pere-Ramon sets aside funds for the construction of a shipyard and school adjacent to the campus of the General School of Barcelona. The idea being that this shipyard will serve as the core of the kingdom’s shipbuilding capabilities in the capital, while also enabling the development of a skilled force of shipbuilders trained in the fast evolving Catalan style of shipbuilding. Though not the first shipyard in history, this shipyard will come to be a pillar of House Barcelona’s power. With the concentration of skill, resources, and facilities in such a single, dense facility future kings will find themselves in the possession of a powerful center of production, innovation, and growth. Alongside this shipyard, Rei Pere-Ramon sees the need to organize the dockyards of the city and begins personally outlining plans for their expansion and redevelopment. With these structural works underway and work continuing on the General School, the wealth and splendor of Barcelona grows increasingly clear. Having secured the mouth of the Ebro and most of the Ebro valley, taxes on the grain and other crops produced by this region provide a significant supply of income to the crown which is used to fund the various construction projects across the kingdom. The Sagramentals, those families settled across the newly acquired territories of Zaragoza, Lleida, and Tortosa in exchange for military service, have grown into a formidable and established socio-economic force. Their pseudo-middle class income, numbers, and property ownership collectively make them a powerful group within the kingdom. Thanks to their collective buying power demand for many luxuries, high quality goods, and high quality armament has increased drastically over the last few years prompting the development of larger, more efficient bloomeries, greater imports of find eastern goods, and higher prices for locally made cloth of high to middle quality. Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar is dispatched with seven of the Galeras Normandals to Menorca to aid in securing the island and building a stronghold on the Mola Peninsula to augment the minor defenses that occupy that area currently. Having organized the a loyal administration and set about securing resources and labor for the project, Rodrigo rallies the force sent by Pere-Ramon and hires soldiers from among the Menorcan population to lead 6,000 men in an assault on Mallorca. (Algo Needed)
  • The Isles: Godred Crovan takes the throne of Dublin after a successful military landing that deposed the previous claimant. This is the feather in his cap, bringing his dynasty the kind of prestige held by its predecessors as rulers of both Dublin and the Isles. The newly-crowned king tries to rule justly and reasonably, without demanding too much of the burghers in their feudal obligations. His lenient tax policy would have the effect of encouraging economic growth in that city, one of the principal ports of Ireland. In order to pay for war costs and grow Mann's coffers in the short term, a series of raids would be conducted around the sea where the Isles hold sway, including coastal areas of Britain and Ireland. While the standard practice of raiding was reduced somewhat after the Treaty of the Rhinns, Viking raiders now once more encroach on the Cumbrian coast, taking advantage of the recent war to plunder the region of Strathclyde. On a more diplomatic note, Godred sends representatives to the four principalities of Wales, hoping to improve relations. (Mod Response)
    • All four principalities in Wales wants to improve relations with Mann
  • Tonga: Joshua VIleton, begins expanding in Oceania.
    • You need to have a more believable name
    • Leauge of Mayapan: Huanac would retreat back into league territory to regroup, setting up a sizable fort with large defenses. He would share the spoils of the recent skirmish among his men, bolstering unity. In the later half of the year, Huanac, with his jaguar warriors, Bowmen and spearmen to strike at the weakened Kich’e army. He would surround the army, ordering the bowmen to pick off the enemy and the Jaguar warriors and spearmen to directly engage in battle. (Algooooooooo). Meanwhile, back in the east, as maritime trade becomes more common among the Maya and other Mexican groups of the caribbean and the gulf of Mexico, boats would become bigger and better at long distance traveling. An avid trader, Ma Cab Ki, would observe his child playing with a toy boat next to some paper. Later, after months of construction, Ma would invent a ‘Sailboat. `` The sail `` would be made mostly out of Reed and cloth. Ma would try out this new design on the sea. He would depart from Tulum. Weeks later, he would be found in the Tuxtla port city of Na-Coatzacoalcos(located  at Coatzacoalcos OTL), in dire shape. He was starving, dehydrated and smelled of salt. Worse still, the “Sail” was completely destroyed. Because of this, traders would continue to use paddle powered canoes, and knowledge of the sail would eventually be only mentioned in folklore. Otherwise, the (realativley new) King of Mayapan would do something novel: He would teach the (upperclass) masses to write. This way, our history shall be immortalized forever, and it won't be lost with death.
  • Kingdom of Sweden:This is a great year for Sweden,as it sees the danish province of Halland being ceded to Sweden in the treaty of Gothenburg(agreed between me and danish player in discord) In exchange for this,king Gustavus Is sister Maria will be wed to the Danish king and a official allaince will be signed between our two countries. Meanwhile Gustavus I marias maria Von Oxenstierna,a noblewoman from the coastal city of Gothenburg,Later this year they welcome their daugther who they name Ingrid and is the heir apaprant. Meanwhile the king goes on a royal tour this year.
  • Taifa of Toledo: with the fall of Dénia and Mayurqa, the King celebrated with a banquet. His son though would not be present as he would still be studying in the Almoravid Caliphate hoping when he returns, to be a well fit ruler for the people he is destined to lead. Dénia's defenses begin to be reconstructed with the city's castle being renovated in order to strengthen defenses if ever needed again in the near future.  With the fall of Menorca to Barcelona, this indeed rattles concerns by the courts. Another part of Al-Andalus had been stripped and these incursions on the lands of the Islamic People of the peninsula had been leaving the Court unsettled. The people of Toledo are blessed to have camaraderie with the King of Castile and Leon but no very well this delicate balance could not last forever. In light of this, it would be asked in a letter laying out these concerns to the Caliph to the south if they may liberate the island. If not, this could open the door wide for further Naval expansion by Barcelona and may see the extinguishing of Islam on the island (Mod Response). With Alpuente also now apart of the Taifa, Toledo would like to work on its northern defenses. Alpuente was sorry to be protected and as a result, the castle and walls defending the city of Alpuente would begin to see expansion in order to ensure that in case an invasion were to occur, the enemy would have to fight tooth and nail. The emir of Murcia would be offered a similar proposal to that of Alpuente. Seeing that Murcia would be at the mercy of their much more powerful neighbors, it would be asked for them to join under the banner of Toledo promising the Emir and his family a position within the court, protection of their estates, as well as security of their land and wealth. For peace and for Al-Andalus (Mod Response). The Fadel family feud over inheritance remains unresolved. This would worry King Al-Ma'mun as he would fear this may in fact spill into a conflict between the 2 cadets. wip
    • While the Almoravids share Toledo's concerns, they are hesitant to go to war over the loss of a single island. The sultan encourages Toledo to recover Menorca themselves. Should Mallorca fall, however, he promises to take swift action.
    • Murcia refuses.
  • Kingdom of Denmark: Canute IV cedes halland for a marriage alliance with sweden and marries princess maria of sweden. some nobles are angry that the king traded away an important danish province like that.
  • Kingdom of England: Now is the 15th year of the reign of King Harold II of House Godwin. He is married to Ealdgyth (Edith) of Mercia, which has tied House Godwin of England and House Hwicce of Northumbria and Mercia together in alliance. He has many siblings: the errant Tostig Godwinson, whose whereabouts are unknown; Gyrth Godwinson, duke of East Anglia, who is married to Judith of Flanders; and Gunhild Godwinsdatter, a nun. Harold II has sired several children through Edith the Fair, his previous wife whom he married in Danish tradition. They are Godwine, Earl of Kent, who is married to Princess Sigrid Svendsdatter of Denmark; Edmund, who is married to Margaret of Wessex and is unlanded; Magnus, Marklord of Wales, who is married to Gwenlian ferch Bleddyn thus forming an alliance with Gwynedd; Gytha, who is married to Alan mab Konan de Rennes; Gunhild, who is unwed. He also has sired Harold (1066) and Ulf (1067), both of whom are too young to marry or hold lands. The population of England is roughly 2 million, with most of the population being centered around Winchester and London. Though the majority of the people in England are of Anglo-Saxon descent, there is a sizable Scandinavian population, especially in regions once under the control of the Danelaw. There are also a number of Britons, especially along the Welsh and Scottish borders as well as in Cornwall. Though the monarchy of England is more-or-less absolute, the Witenagemot is a folkmoot of secular and clergymen who advise the king, discuss legislation, and hold judicial hearings should the need arise. If the reigning monarch were to die, the new one will be chosen among the eligible Æthelings in England, though they typically choose members of the deceased monarch’s family. Harold II is widely popular throughout England, especially among the thanes. Though he maintains alliances with those in his family as well as with the sons of Ælfgar of Mercia, tensions are known to run between earls from the north and south of England. England sees a particularly prosperous year as the men who had been in the army invading Alba are now able to return to their fields and cities. Harold II names some 300 thanes, including 10 Scottish men of valor and prowess in battle who aided the English side. These men return to their lands heroes while others are gifted plots of land in Scotland. As was the case in Wales, the land is divided into semi-autonomous Marklords (marcher lords). These Marklords are largely responsible for the defense of Cumbria. The raiders from the Isles rob the Isles of workforce necessary to construct new castles. A punitive force of 300 men pursues these brigands into Islander territory in Strathclyde. They do not show much restraint and are largely employed by the Marklords. Normally, Northumbria would spearhead some sort of larger response, but a curious thing takes place: Morcar of Northumbria dies. His only offspring are daughters. At the witan, Edwin of Mercia appeals for the earldom of Northumbria, but Harold II instead gives the title to his son youngest son Harold, citing that it was held by Tostig Godwinson prior to Morcar and that it is returning to the Godwine family "now that a competent candidate has been found." Owing to both his oath of fealty and alliance to King Harold II, there is absolutely nothing Edwin of Mercia can do. Still, many thanes and local lords rise in revolt across Northumbria, forcing Harold's hand in the matter. These rebels are fought across Northumbria in brutal fashion. Nonetheless, these sporadic revolts keep the royal housecarls busy until winter. Harold Haroldson marries Anna of Durham, daughter of Morcar, furthering the royal ties between Godwin and Ælfgarson
  • Hungary: The king will remain steadfast in Wallachia and will raise an extra 5.000 to defend (Algo needed). Whilst his campaign in BOSNIA will be focused now more on executing 10% of the population of each town (Algo Needed) and we still have our offer to preserve the Bosnian language and have a Bosnian governor (Mod Response Needed)


Alexios I Komnenos is crowned emperor of Byzantium, ending the brief civil war. His first act is to confiscate church treasures to pay for defense against the Norman invasion, an unprecedented move. His second act is to establish a trade and defense pact with Venice, granting them extensive trading rights in exchange for military support against the Normans. These actions come too late to stop the armies of Robert Guiscard and his son Bohemond, who defeat imperial forces at Arta and Ioannina, and then lay siege to Larissa.

The Anatolian beys expand their domains, while new beyliks are established at Bitlis and Harput by Seljuk veterans.

The Hejaz has become functionally independent since the fall of Cairo, although its ruler, Abu Hashim of Mecca, nominally recognizes Seljuk suzerainty. Various Saharan tribes have similarly drifted away from the central authority of Egypt, reducing foreign influence in the desert.

Henry the Long of the Nordmark wants to marry Vsevolod of Kiev's daughter, Eupraxia.

Thanks to successful trade agreements with the Cumans, Kievan merchants now control most of the Don River and the eastern shore of the Sea of Azov.

An alliance of Cumans, Uzes and Pechenegs reoccupy Wallachia after having defeated Hungarian forces on the field.

Bosnia accepts the status of a Hungarian banate after Constantine Bodin withdraws his claim.

Adelbero is deposed by his brother, Ottokar II, as margrave of Styria. Ottokar then promptly joins the Gregorian faction.

The Investiture War in Germany appears to still remain a stalemate, as well as the ongoing Schism between the Papal seats in Ravenna and Rome.

People in Halland refuse to pay taxes to the Swedish king while lords in Denmark grow upset over their king's apparent wont to trade their lands for simple political marriages. The local lord flees to Norway and Harald Hen, brother to Canute IV, seeks papal blessing to press his claim on Denmark. He gathers 2,000 from unruly nobility in Denmark and arrives at the head of an army in Jutland.

  • Saxony: The Emperor is pleased to see more noblemen, such as the Margrave of Styria, joining the fight against Satan (i.e. the ursuper Henry). With the help of the Pope's mass recruitment scheme, and support from other nations, the Emperor Rudolf is feeling increasingly positive about victory at last in the Investiture War. Rudolf decides to intercept and attack Henry's army as it passes by the Elster river, isolating it from its allies. They attack with 37,500 troops (algo needed). During the battle, Rudolf gives orders to some of the soldiers in his army to specifically seek out Henry and assassinate him (Mod response to see how this goes).
    • Envoys are dispatched by Monomakh to Duke Rudolf of Saxony informing him of Monomakh's intentions to bolster aid him with 2,500 cavalry (druzhina heavy cavalry, and Steppe horse archers). He requests that Rudolf accept him as a comrade in arms and a brethen of the faith.
    • Saxon diplomacy: Emotionally, in front of a large crowd of people, Rudolf embraces the envoys and horse archers and informs them that he acknowledges Monomakh as a true brother-in-arms.
  • Papal States: The work of the Benedictines and Carmelites in gathering international support has been a success, and Pope Gregory is confident that the whole of Europe has given their support for his supremacy over the Church over the illegitimate election of Guilbert. Even in his advanced years, the Pope will yet live to see the remaining supporters of Henry gradually dwindle to the region surrounding Franconia and their allies. News of the First Battle of Elster finds the Pope more somber than it does for Emperor Rudolf, as Gregory was hoping for a decisive victory. The Pope calls for the German clergy to conduct 30 days of mourning for each man killed by the Anti-King Henry, in remembrance of the fallen in this war (Saxony Response). The Pope is hopeful that Henry cannot sustain these ongoing stalemates, as their manpower is far more limited than the greater outside support of Rudolf, whose popular levies continue to swell. Even so, Rudolf may require an international intervention to bring the war to a decisive conclusion sooner. The Pope reaches out to Mathilda of Tuscany, as well as the rulers of Pisa and Genoa, expressing his belief that Henry will eventually be compelled to invade Italy itself. Out of fear of this, he asks them to gather an Italian army to invade Franconia in support of Rudolf's faction (Mod response). Archbishop Godfrey of Bourges acts as Gregory's liaison to the King of France, and continues to gather support for the Gregorian Reforms among the French clergy. King Boleslaw of Poland is granted forgiveness by Gregory, and an accord is reached to verbally support his claim for the throne of Poland in exchange for enforcing the Gregorian reforms, bringing the Kingdom of Poland under the direct influence of the Catholic Church. A concentrated effort is sent for planting churches and converting communities within Spain, as the realm of Christendom grows there.
    • Monomakh sends word to rome informing Pope Gregory that he will be leading a contingent of 2,500 men to aid the Gregorians in the Investiture War as advised through the holy words of Hegumen Nikon the Dry, who saw a vision while praying before the remains of his now deceased mentor Feodosy. Monomakh requests that the Pope give his blessing to this venture and he send word to Poland, and his allies in the lands of the Germans to help ensure safe passage.
    • Matilda of Tuscany offers her full military support to the Pope. However, she considers an invasion too risky at this time, and keeps her army in Italy, guarding the fortified Apennine passes.
    • Boleslaw II accepts the papal accord and makes the return journey to Hungary, visiting religious sites along the way. News of the meeting with Pope Gregory precedes the king's arrival and leaves Poland in an uproar. Boleslaw spends the rest of the year gathering supporters to help take back his throne, while his brother and the Polish barons prepare for the worst.
    • Saxon diplomacy: The clergy agree, and Rudolf thanks the Pope for his generous concern.
  • Kingdom of Denmark: Canute tries to gather what lords he still has command over against his halfbrothers invasion. He also orders that rumors be spread against Harald's character one rumor says he killed his father king Sweyn to try to take the throne. Canute also asks mercenaries to help him in return for whatever payment they have. Canute also asks blessing from the pope against this pretender and offers Sweden access to a port in Bornholm in exchange for help. In the middle of this Queen Maria becomes pregnant.
    • The Pope sends a legate to negotiate with Canute. He offers to support his claim to Denmark in exchange for placing the investiture of the Danish churches under Rome
    • Canute agrees
  • Kievan Rus: With the end of the Rus war of succession and a steadily resurgence in trade along the Dnieper and now the Don river, efforts to rebuild and reform the Rus realm begins. In a grand ceremony Vsevolod is proclaimed King Vsevolod I of the Rus while his son the architect of this achievement is proclaimed his heir, This is recognized by the Veche of Kiev, Patriarch Andrew, and by the various Boyars, and the Princes of Novgorod, Polotsk, and Rostov. Following the festivities, Prince Monomakh makes good on his promise and once more returns to the Cave Monastary of Kiev and in an act of humility personally attends to the resting place of Hegumen Feodosy, and partaking in prayers with the monks there. He also personally donates a large sum to the Monastery to help pay for the renovations and expansions being carried out by German masons. It is here that Monomakh decides to aid the Gregorian faction in the investiture war raging on in Central Europe. Vsevolod I approves of the marriage between his daughter Eupraxia to Henry of Nordmark. In an act carried out by Patriarch Andrew most of the men serving directly the Crown of Kiev are baptized in mass in the Dnieper river echoing the actions of Vladimir the Great. The leader of the Steppe horsemen now in the service of the Kievan Crown Khan Kanzik is among those who convert to the Eastern rite willingly upon the urging of the wives of both Queen Anne, and by Princess Katerina who are from the lands of the Cuman themselves. In recognition of his service and his new found faith Kanzik is baptized as Oleg Polovetskaya and is granted lands and title becoming one of the boyars of Kiev. He and his men are granted lands in good pasture lands in the frontier region. As trade with the Cumans grows Rus merchants and ships are once more travelling in large numbers up and down the vast river systems of that make up the old Varangian trade routes connecting the Baltic to the Black Sea. The Port of Timurtarakan begins to grow as Rus merchants begin setting up shop there to better engage in trade in the Black Sea. Trading missions are sent to Constantinople, Georgia, and even to the Seljuk Turks and the Beyliks of Anatolia with the intent of renewing old trade agreements once held by the Rus with these lands (Mod Response). Taking advantage of the large deposits of Salt within the lands of the Rus, and the abundance of pelts Monomakh advises his father to begin establishing a crown tax on the sales of these goods to foreign merchants to help improve the revenue of the crown. Monomakh continues to oversee the construction of new outposts and forts along the Southern and Eastern Frontier to protect against possible incursions or raids from the various peoples of the Steppes while also serving as places of trade between the Rus and the Steppe nomads. Monomakh also continues the policy settling new arrivals from Scandinavia along the Don and Dnieper river expanding this policy to Free peasants and to Christians from the rest of Europe, offering them lands to live off of in exchange for service to the crown. This is done in an effort to strengthen the new crown of Kiev and to ensure that enough men are able and ready to help protect the domains of Kiev. Before departing to campaign in the land of the Germans, Monomakh is blessed with the third pregnancy of his beloved Princess Katerina. Mustering 2,500 of his personal retainers from Chernigov, and his Steppe warriors under the command of Khan Oleg (formerly Kanzik of the Pechenegs), Monomakh personally leads the men accompanied by Princess Eupraxia, he requests permission to pass through Poland, and asks that the Poles join him in aiding the Gregorians. He also extends to the Poles a gesture of friendship offering them fine good from Constantinople, and from the silk road (Mod Response). Once he arrives in Saxon lands Monomakh and his veteran forces (Druzhina cavalry, and Steppe Horse archers) will move to reinforce the men of the Duke of Saxony, and his soon to be Brother in law Henry the Long. He and his forces will focus on flanking the forces of the king of the Germans. The Steppe archers under Oleg will harass from afar the opposing forces and should the opportunity present itself they will feign a retreat trying to draw the anti-Gregorian forces into an ambush set up by the Gregorians in a suitable location (to be determined, and to be added to any algos that involve Saxony in this war).
    • Constantinople and Georgia are eager to trade with the Rus. The Seljuk Sultanate of Rum would also consider the merits of the Black Sea trade and entertain the northern merchants.
    • Duke Wladyslaw is persuaded to allow Monomakh and his men passage through Poland, but he will not assist them further.
    • Monomakh is approached by a messenger of the exiled Polish king Boleslaw the Bold, who informs him that he has just received the pope's blessing and recognition as the legitimate king of Poland. If the Kievans help Boleslaw oust his brother and retake the kingdom, he promises to do everything in his power to aid them and the Gregorians.
    • Monomakh takes Boleslaw's offer into consideration and ultimately decides that the exiled Boleslaw could prove a useful ally. Monomakh agrees. Monomakh marches back into Poland with his cavalry to meet up with the forces of Boleslaw the Bold i. The combined Russo-Polish forces march on Wladyslaw and the Polish Barons that expelled Boleslaw. The Steppe horsemen led by Oleg Polovestakaya raid the estates of the Polish barons to draw them out and make chase against the Pechenegs who will lure the men loyal to Wladislaw into an ambush in the Carpathian foot hills between Silesia and Krakow where Monomakh, and Boleslaw's men will attempt to encircle them meanewhile the Steppe warriors will regroup following the feigned retreat and shower the Poles with their arrows (Algo Needed)
  • Francia: The construction of Château du roi in Château Landon continues. Seeking to also give the city of Paris, location of the royal court, more protection, King Philip I orders the construction of fortified walls around the city. Abbot Raymond of Bourges, back from his meeting with Pope Gregory VII in Tuscany, continues to preach in favor of the Gregorian reformation and of the authenticity of Gregory as the true successor of Saint Peter. Together with Archbishop and Grand Chancelier de France, Godfrey (also known as Geoffroy), they make attempts to convince King Philip I to intervene in favor of the pontiff in the war between Imperial and Papal factions, but Philip I have no desire to meddle in this conflict between the German princes while he needs to establish his control over his own domains. However, not desiring to leave the pope unprotected, King Philip I writes to Mathilda of Tuscany and Pope Gregory VII offering to send 3,000 men under the comand of Thibaut, Seigneur de Montmorency, to help protect the Apennine passage in case of a possible Imperial invasion of the Italian Peninsula [MOD and Papal response needed, please]. Under abbot Raymond of Bourges the Abbey of Sens establishes a scriptorium, a monastic writing room where books will be organized and copied. The marriage of King Philip I and Bertha of Holand starts to give signs of breaking apart, with the king constantly complaining about his wife being obese.
    • Matilda of Tuscany accepts the offer.
  • Hungary: With a victory in Bosnia we laid the troops down but 5.000 on which we sent to Wallachia (Algo Needed). We ask Polotsk to send as many men as they can to fight in Wallachia (Response Needed). During the battle of Wallachia many men report seeing the late Stephen Göran fighting alongside them with the Spear of Saint Stephen, when the battle was over the Ghost ascended to the Heavens. The king sends a letter to Sokal of Cumania “We need not remind you of the loss of last year have the Cumanians in the thousands were sent to the after life by the Majestic Ghost of Göran and so we offer you the guarantee that Hungary shall not advance past the Wallachian territory as long as the Cumans draw breath in exchange for the Cumans release their claim on Wallachia.”(Mod Response needed). We assure Bosnian Ban that no Bosnian lives will be lost in the Hungarian Defense of Wallachia.
    • Id say the mods should be the ones who should answer that I am no longer in direct contorl of Polotsk they are a vassal (and a relunctant at that to kiev at present) so their actions would be outside of the control of Kiev. Nkbeeching
    • Polotsk sends 800 men to help Hungary
    • Sokal rejects the Hungarian offer, calling it "mere words, without substance".
  • Mayapan!: After the rather uneventful last year, he would once again regroup his forces for a head- on battle with the Kiche, using the tactics from 1080 (Algo Needed, please). Meanwhile up north, the drought that ended classical Maya civilization is starting to end. Rains begin to be more common and the soil rich. Writing also spreads to the commoners, with recording information being a priority. Scribes are now in demand in cities like Itza and Uxamal. Indeed too, in the cities, a new law has been passed. Some parts of the harvest shall be set aside in public granaries, for all to eat. Maya farmers also begin rotational cropping, planting chillies and Squash during the Maize harvest. Turkeys and their eggs are beginning to be an integral part of the Maya cuisine, due to the valuable source of protein. A dish called Ba'alo'ob would be one of the main meals of the Aristocraty and some of the lower class. The meal comprises of fried dog, served with turkey egg and roasted Maize. Art, too, sees a resurgence. Many statues, masks and other pieces would be made during this period. Finally, some Maya explorers set up a small trading post in the northern Nicaraguan coast to trade with the locals. This post would be seasonally inhabited. During the hurricane season, it would be abandoned, and after, traders would come back to the area.
  • Kingdom of Sweden:Due to the rebellion in Denmark and our alliance with denmark,The king decides to raise he grand army of 10,000 and march to he border with Denmark.Moresover he establishes the Halland Army under command of Erik Sparre to keep the region of Halland calm and peaefull.He is ordered to treat the danes gently as the king does not want another revolt.The queen gives birth to a son who they name Gustavus Adolphus and is destinied to become the next king when king Gustavus Adolphus dies.The king decides to recognice the claim og Pope gregory as the rightfull one.
  • House Barcelona: Gerberga bears Pere-Ramon another daughter this year; however, she falls ill soon after her birth and perishes before she can be christened. With the establishment of a royal shipyard the rate of production of Galeras Normandals accelerates dramatically. Wood is systematically sourced from the pyrenees as needed. The rise of this new fleet of ships enables growth in the king's personal trade, which makes Rei Pere-Ramon quite wealthy, but also helps suppress piracy and otherwise support trade conditions. The expedition of Mallorca returns having engaged in a series of skirmishes against pirates and minor muslim nobles on the northern coast of the island. These raids will become emblematic of the future of naval warfare in the region. With the growing naval power of House Barcelona allowing it greater international focus, Rei Pere-Ramon sends Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar to Murcia to negotiate protection and a pariah against the expansionism of the Taifa of Toledo. (Mod Response) Rei Pere-Ramon grants Rodrigo domain over the newly conquered Menorca and provides him with a small fleet of ships, instructing him to prosecute a ruthless campaign against piracy in the region. Back in Catalonia the yearly Consell Comtal proves eventful as Rei Pere-Ramon suggests that all of the counts adopt a unified currency to facilitate commerce. (Mod Response) The consell goes on for several weeks as the counts find many topics to deliberate and address. These range from minor border disputes to debates on the transport and sale of various trade goods. Rei Pere-Ramon is central to these negotiations and uses them to great effect, awarding properties to his allies and vassals and undermining those less loyal to him. The result of this is generally a greater degree of loyalty among the Catalan nobility and the centralization of influence around House Barcelona. Rei Pere-Ramon then convenes the League of Cardona and requests that his Sister’s Father-in-law, Sancho Ramirez of Aragon be invited to join the league. (Mod Response for the Catalan Counties and Aragon) In doing so, Pere-Ramon seeks to build a defensive alliance spanning the Pyrenees to oppose both the Moors and the ambitions of Alfonso IV. Furthermore, he suspects that in matters of the league the other counties in Catalonia will support him over Sancho Ramirez in most cases.
    • Feeling threatened by Toledo, the Taifa of Murcia accepts Barcelona's protection in return for tribute.
  • Lithuanians: Aras, concerned about possible viking and rival tribes raids, sends emissaries to negotiate an "alliance" with the Chiefdom of Latgalia for mutual protection. Also, Naujokaitis, son of Aras wants to "marry" with one daughter of Selonian chief. (Mod response for both tribes). Finally, we will train 500 druzhina spearmen and 330 pecheneg archers.
    • Kievan Diplomacy:From Krakow Envoys from Kiev are dispatched to Chief Aras of Lithuania requesting that Rus merchants be allowed to engage in trade in his lands.
    • Lithuanian Diplomacy: Aras accepts the Rus merchants.
    • Selonia is eager to extend a marriage with Lithuania. The Latgalians however are wary of an alliance
  • Yucu Dzaa Iya Nacuaa Teyusi Ñaña great lord of Yucu Dzaa decides to recruit more men for the army of the city.

A messenger is sent to the lord of the city of ñuu tnoo requesting an alliance to be able to subdue the neighboring citiesMod responce

We will begin the invasion of the cities of Tezolt and Tlaltennago(In case of mistaking the name of the city, the purple and violet points would be my right side). Algo need

  • Hakia: It has been two years since Kopalai had been abducted, yet Yooania's piercing wails continue to be heard at night. One special night, on a hunting expedition, Teekatamakari had another vision of Maala Yooriwa; this time, she was weaving a robe from spider silk. Maala Yooriwa gave him a wooden statue of a little boy. The following morning, the statuette moved on its own and a voice emanated from it, saying "in this sign, you shall conquer". The sign was that of a small sun. Teekatamakari thus ordered his warriors to carve a small sun into their weapons and shields, and began plotting his vengeance against his brother. Having heard Maala Yooriwa's words strengthened Teekatamakari's resolve. He intensively practiced his skills in archery and warfare, in preparation for the upcoming confrontation. Every week or so, he would also lead a hunting party where each person would only be given three arrows; if they were not able to bring a kill by the end of the weekend, or used more than the three allowed arrows, they would be reprimanded. He also implemented some crucial reforms. He created a "court" consisting of his stewards, attendants, and advisors, who managed the village while he was gone and served as his eyes and ears. Instead of extracting tribute from his subjects, he taxes 1/30th of all produce. Meanwhile, after two years, Kopalai had grown into a vibrant little boy. While he was not of her womb, he addresses Naposa as "mother". The same night Teekatamakari was visited, O'oubwia was also visited, but not from Maala Yooriwa but from one who calls himself the Trickster. The Trickster took off his mask, revealing a beautiful man. He had soft, unblemished skin yet calloushed ashy hands; his long silky hair reached until his shoulders, but his facial features - while beautiful - were sharp and wolflike. He was tall too, with broad shoulders that tapered to a narrow waist. He seemed to be a powerful man. "Your wretched brother will come to destroy you!" he says, he then continued "I have come to bolster your pride; I am your servant, and your paraclete." He said this with a snakelike smile. Perhaps under his beautiful exterior laid something sinister. O'oubwia listened in, intrigued by his words. "You are a Great Man, O'oubwia. Do not let your cursèd brother poison the land with his heresy! The land will be scorched, the prideful will be humbled, and the people will be subject to Teekatamakari's mercy!" The Trickster then burst into flames, and was hit by a ray of light from the moon; leaving a disturbed O'oubwia by himself. He relayed what happened to Naposa, who took the words with delight, who interpreted it as a sign of divine favor (an interpretation that would prove ironic). After 40 days and nights of intense training, Teekatamakari began his trek north with a warring party of 500 warriors. And after another 40 days and nights, he arrived at his hometown. However, O'oubwia was also ready. Teekatamakari arranged his warriors into a long line to exaggerate their numbers, but O'oubwia was smart and did not fall for this farce. Unknowingly to Teekatamakari, O'oubwia had dispatched a small squad of his warriors moments before to abduct Yooania, who was displayed in front of Teekatamakari with a sack covering her head. This galvanized one of the younger warriors, a youth whose wounds Yooania had tended to before - prompting him to run to face O'oubwia despite Teekatamakari's objections. O'oubwia clubbed the boy to death. He then took out a dagger and beheaded his corpse, flaunting the boy's severed head. Teekatamakari became filled with anger, and charged forward with his elite warriors, clashing with his brother's own warriors. Meanwhile, Husanakame and some other warriors successfully retrieved Yooania from the enemy camp. It was then that an intense ray of light hit the ground from the sun, opening a large rift in that earth that sucked in some of the warriors. By this point, it was clear that Teekatamakari's side would win - simply by the virtue of their numerical superiority. O'oubwia became frustrated by this outcome, and fought Teekatamakari in hand to hand combat. This ended with Teekatamakari having him in a tight headlock, though O'oubwia still had the strength to resist his little brother. However, an enraged Yooania came from behind and with the edge of an unusually sharp stone, beheaded their brother. "Cowards!" He repeated this until he choked in his own blood. Another ray of light manifested, though this time, it set fire to O'oubwia's severed head. Teekatamakari had won. He banished Naposa and her family to lands unknown, and after two years of sorrow, Yooania and Husanakame were reunited with their child. Teekatamakari scorched the land of his tometown and salted it so nothing will grow. However, he extended his grace to his former townspeople. Taking pity on a widow, whose husband needlessly died, Teekatamakari assures her that, "just as darkness consumes the earth, only to be defeated by light at dawn, this time of tribulation will end." Most of the destroyed town's former inhabitants chose to accompany Teekatamakari south. The relocatees, who are mostly Tanoan-speaking like the "core" Hakians (the original settlers), quickly assimilate into the population. The new arrivals enlarge the population of Hakia and the surrounding settlements, with both Hakia's success in commerce and in its recent "war" earning it recognition across the land - including the Cave-Worshippers, who detest the Hakian's monolatry.
  • Duumvirate of Cholōllān: In the period since the collapse of the Toltec empire, numerous attempts at re-building the eternal throne over the Great Lakes were made by many different warriors of different backgrounds and legends. Many would try and fail, their stories for the most part forgotten but what remained through tradition would describe a time where the region not only appeared to be on the verge of total devastation, but would consist of beauty and romance in that devastation. Different cults would arise out of the confusion over Huehmac's divine ruling ultimately leading to his downfall, but while many turned away from the feathered serpent, Cholōllān would continue to express traditional views backed by stories of fortune and genocide, betrayal and romance. Slaves from the neighboring states of Tlaxcala and the Mazatec states would breed new records of sacrifice, their souls feeding those that chase the evil across the sky that wish to eradicate the land over which we live and farm, but this is getting off topic. One of those stories, of warriors and heroes attempting to re-form the throne that ruled the Valley, would remain in tradition, likely as a result only becoming further romanticized as time went on, but as time went on, would become a staple in the history of Cholōllān that many of it's successors would try to draw succession to. The story begins with an attack on a settlement of Nahua nomads in mid-day by Zatlxōctolli of Cholōllān in the year 1065. While the settlement's location are unknown, it's depicted that these nomads were tribal in comparison to the bureaucracy of the Toltec empire. In this attack, Zatlxōctolli and his band of yellow-colored warriors would kidnap a number of people from this settlement, namely a women named Necalloc. Captured out of the base need, Necalloc would be forced into slavery for the following year, but along the way, would give birth to her son, Tatamac. In the end, Necalloc would make way for Tatamac's escape from the reaches of Zatlxōctolli and the greater Cholōllān realm, but would be sacrificed for her endeavor and the child hunted. Throughout the period of the Toltec civil war, Tatamac would grow many lives, once as a slave, then an artisan, then when the call to arms to usurp the House of Followers, he would stand alongside the traitorous Xāhuachitl in his war against the divine-ruler Huehmac, but while him and his son would be slaughtered and their great city abandoned, Tatamac's hatred for anything Toltecah would remain unparalleled, and ultimately, he felt their removal from the Valley would lead him to the Lake over which the throne sat. So, now that we are up to date, Tatamac would lead a legion from the Mazatec confederacy to Cholōllān in hopes of seeking revenge for his mother's life and most of all, to eradicate the remnants of now-dissolved Toltec empire. Opposite to Tatamac's endeavors, the sons of the duumvirate rule, Huamoctlatl and Xātamitlicoē, would be raised atop the Tlachihualtepetl. Taught in the ways of Huītzilōpōchtli and the teachings of Quetzalcoatl, they would become warlords of the new Toltec state, their undying loyalty emerging through a means of heightened sacrifice periods in addition to a record-breaking 744 sacrifices made. Some scholars may floated the idea that Cholōllān was not a "Toltec rump state", and instead acted more as an advancement upon the original Toltec state, for their military might was far powerful and even comparable to that of legendary-era Xihulta and the Tuxtla Empire. Then, as Huamoctlatl and Xātamitlicoē would be receiving a proper coronation to signify their advancement to jaguar, an attack would be made upon their lands, said to have been invaders from the south in Tuxtla. Tlatoani Tecpacyāōtlpin would allow the deployment of Huamoctlatl and Xātamitlicoē to the southern villages to stop a proper attack on Cholōllān. In the Battle of Tecalco, macuahuitls would bash their way through the heads of unfortunate civilians before the arrival of Huamoctlatl and Xātamitlicoē, whom lead a regiment numbering 3000 warriors while the forces of Tatamac, numbering 4000, would meet the Cholōllān army along the river-side [Algo Needed].


Apologies for the turns being more sporadic, there was an extended break for the holiday season.

The Almroavid Sultanate captures the city of Ceuta and its autonomous Taifa, slowly making headway towards Spain.

King Alfonso VI of Castile sends an army to the city of Talavera de la Reina in the Taifa of Toledo. In his proclaimed title as Emperor of all Spain, he demands that the Taifas should be paying him tribute, and cede territory in the north of the Taifa historically claimed from the Visigothic kingdom.

The constant state of war between Chola and Chalukya has led to the weakening of both empires, with autonomous states cropping up along the frontiers.

Chaka Bey makes further encroachment into Byzantium by invading the island of Chios.

Otto von Nordheim dies of illness.

Boleslaw the Bold accepts the surrender of the remaining Polish barons, imprisons his brother, Wladyslaw, and reclaims the throne of Poland. He then heads into Germany with 4,000 troops to bolster the Saxon armies, honoring his agreements with Pope Gregory and Prince Monomakh.

The prosperous port city of Aden becomes the capital of an independent state in southern Yemen, the Sultanate of Aden.

Harold successfully lands in Denmark and gathers his armies in Zeeland before marching south.

Using superior tactics, trickery, and plenty of Turkic mercenaries, the Greeks defeat the Normans at Larissa, breaking their siege. Robert Guiscard still holds western Macedonia from the fortress at Kastoria, while Venetian fleets threaten his control of the coast.

  • Kievan Rus: Having successfully restored Boleslaw to the Polish throne Monomakh and Boleslaw march into Germany at the head of an army 6,500 strong through Silesia. Monomakh sends word back to Kiev to send another 500 men. Monomakh and Boleslaw agree to hold up in Wroclaw where they send a small contingent of riders to deliver Eupraxia of Kiev to Nordmark Henry the Long and to propose a two pronged invasion of Bohemia to knock them out of the war and open up the way into Bavaria and Swabia (Saxon Response required). During a war council Monomakh, Boleslaw, and Oleg decide to try and secure the passage into Morovia along the Oder River where the Bohemian Mastiff declines to prevent a potential Bohemian incursion. Monomakh sends out scouts to determine the strength of the Bohemian forces in Morovia while a fortified camp is set up between the Bohemian Massif and the Oder river. Princess Katerina givews birth to a baby boy who is named Mstislav. Trade continues to grow as Rus merchants can be seen from the Black sea to the Baltics bringing exotic goods from the silk road, salt,fur, and other goods to both areas. As Rus merchants steadily begin to trickle into Lithuania so to do some missionaries lead by an enthusiastic priest named Nikita Mikhailovich a disciple of Nikon the Dry the Hegumen of the Kievan cave Monastery. They request permission to spread the word of the lord in the lands of the Lithuanians and their allies, Nikita give an impassioned speech to the court of Chief Aras of Lithuania speaking of the miracles of the lord and his many blessings, mentioning how through the lord's will Prince Monomakh and King Vsevolod I of Kiev were able to being about the restoration of peace in the lands of the Rus, and of the many great feats of those who have embraced the love of the one true god (Lithuanian response). Having reached an agreed upon plan of action Prince Monomakh, and King Boleslaw make through the Oder Pass with the Pecheneg Horse Archers under the command of Oleg Polovetskaya act as the vanguard screening the advance of the Polish levies armed with spears and bows mainly marching in the middle and the Rus Druzhina on the flanks protecting flanks. Taking advantage of the Oder river to their south and the Bohemian Massif. The Pecheneg Horse Archers will skirmish againast the Bohemians early on to allow for the Rus and Poles to make it through the Pass and once the Bohemians start to form up the Steppe raiders will pull back along the river showering their Bohemian pursuers as the attempt tocatch up falling behind the Druzhina who will be advancing a little bit behind the main continegent who charge into any possible bohemian cavalry that might take the bait from where the Pecheneg horse archers will regroup and continue to shower the enemy forces (Algo Needed). Rus settlement alnog the Don river continues as Varangians, and free peasants move into the region following the merchants and contruction of outposts. Worried by the escalation of the war between Sokal and the Hungarians and how this might impact growing trade and peaceful relations with the Cumans, Vsevolod I upon the advice of his beloved Anna Polovetskaya, and his daughter in law Katerina Polovetskaya both Kipchaks in origins orders that Vseslav of Polotsk cease all support for the Hungarian war effort or risk facing the consequences for his actions. Furthermore Vsevolod following corresdpondence with his son and the council of his wife, and court Sends official envoys to Sokal and the Hungarians offering to try and broker a peace between them (Mod and Hungarian response required).
    • Lithuanian diplomacy: after some hours of pondering the priest's speech and his request, the Chief accepts, thinking it as the only way to save the lithuanian people.
    • Saxon diplomacy: The Saxons agree with Monomskh's and Boleslaw's plan.
  • Denmark: Canute gathers the lords still loyal to him and heads north from Roskilde with an army of 4000 men to face and engage his halfbrother Harald. Canute also orders that the heirs of several neutral lords be held hostage in Roskilde, to ensure their loyalty to him under the threat of execution. Queen Maria gives birth to a daughter named Sigrid.
  • House Barcelona: Facing a major war to the south and seeing the Almavorid advance into Iberia as concerning, Rei Pere-Ramon redoubles his fortification and naval expansion efforts. His shipyard produces thirteen ships over the course of the year, creating a substantial royal fleet. These ships primarily act as the kings’ merchantmen, earning him revenue during times of peace. However, they also offer substantial military power during times of war and anti-piracy power while travelling on the trade routes. In spring, Pere-Ramon is blessed with another daughter by Gerberga. Fortunately, she survives the year and is christen Ximena. Politically, the Consel Comtal of 1083 is chaotic and eventful. Having been unable to secure a unified currency last year, Rei Pere-Ramon once again requests that the Consel agree to this measure, citing the need for unity in the face of growing chaos to the south. (Mod Response) His efforts this time include outright bribery and executing backdoor deals. He then writes again to Aragon, seeking to add his father-in-law to the League of Cardona in opposition to the Moors. (Mod Response) Additionally, Rei Pere-Ramon sends a messenger to Pope Gregory, seeking his blessing for the league as an instrument of God against the infidels. (Papal Response)
    • The Consel agrees and Aragon joins the League of Cardona.
  • Francia: This year the construction of the Château du roi ends and King Philip I travels to Château-Landon to visit the now concluded fortress. During this visit, the king meets briefly with Simon I de Montfort and his family. During this meeting, the King also meets Simon's daughter, Bertrade de Montfort. Philip starts to feel attracted to Bertrade and the two become lovers. This causes him to ignore even more his wife, Bertha of Holland. After his return to Paris, the King soon becomes sad for not having Bertrade near him. Seeking to bring Bertrate to the court, Philip I manipulate his wife Bertha to write to Simon I of Montfort asking him to allow Bertrade to come to Paris to be one of her maids-in-waiting, since she feels solitary at the court [MOD response needed, please]. The construction of the walls around Paris starts this year. Under the Archbishop of Paris, Godfrey (Geoffroy) de Boulogne, and Abbot Raymond of Bourges the Gregorian reforms are carried and promoted in the French territories. Under Raymond leadership, the Abbey of Sens establishes a monastic school. The abbot writes to the canonist Ivo of Chartres, inviting him to come to the Abbey of Sens to give lectures about canon law at the monastic school [MOD response needed, please]. The Scriptorium at the Abbey of Sens start working this year. There the monks divide the labor between those who will prepare the parchment for copying by smoothing and chalking the surface, those who will rule the parchment and copy the text, and those who will illuminate the text. Meanwhile at Tuscany, the 3,000 soldiers under the comand of Thibaut, Seigneur de Montmorency, continue to help the army of Mathilda of Tuscany in protecting Pope Gregory VII and Italy against a possible imperial invasion.
    • Montfort agrees to the wishes of the King
  • Alania: Two expeditions are send by King Giorgi, one to the north and one to the east. With these expeditions our nation expands our boarder since nobody claims the lands. Our nation sends an ambassador to the nation south of us Georgia so we can become allies with them. In the capital city of Maghas new infrastructures like schools, churches, and stores are being built. On the outskirts of the city more houses and farms are being built making the area more suburban then it was before. From the outskirts of the city itself you can see the defense walls that draw a boarder of the city itself. The military starts to expand its barricks and recruit some more troops. The King has this royal castle expanded on making it much larger than it was before.
    • Rus Diplomacy: Hearing word of Alanian envoys in Georgia a group of Rus merchants from Timurtarakan carry out a trade mission to meet these envoys and possibly allow for Rus merchants to travel into the lands of the Alan and trade with them and the lands beyond along the silk road.
    • Alania Dip: We allow the Rus to travel in our lands to use the trade routes and get to the silk roads.
  • Mayapan: The war has ended in a resounding victory. The remaining Kich’e authority agree to: Deliver tribute (I.E: dogs, turkeys, corn, beans and sacrificees) to the cities of the Leauge of Mayapan, Disarm much of their military, Give much of their gold to the Mayans, and Agree to be loyal. Of course, the local population as well as the local military leaders are enraged by this, which is why we dispatch a large amount of troops to the area, in order to quell any rebellion. In several Kiche cities, the leaders and (some of) the troops captured in war are ritualistically sacrificed to the gods. Huanac would split the spoils among his men evenly. He also scattered the captured Kiche troops among his soldiers, so that they could not plot against him and start a revolt. Meanwhile, back home, the kings are ecstatic about the results of the battle, and plans are drawn up to conquer the minor kingdoms of southern Guatemala and make them tributes.
  • Petty Kingdom of Corcaigh: Petty King Ìomhar Mac Oitir of Corcaigh [Cork], after succeding his late father, seriously considers bolstering the defenses of his city, located in an ideal defensive spot on top of the island at the confluence of River Lee, it's only vulnerability exists in the material that Cork's walls are made of, wood, something that renders them vulnerable, much like the rest of the city, to the element of fire, which could have a devastating impact on the city's defenses in a future siege. For that reason alone, Petty King Ìomhar Mac Oitir of Corcaigh [Cork], inheriting a full treasury from his father, initiates this work scheme and hires a young but aspiring Norman architect from Caen to oversee the construction of Cork's new sturdy stone walls, with broad ramparts, along with the addition of solid bastions, to provide an additional layer of defense, modeled after the architectural design commonly seen in the mainland, in place of the city's aging wooden walls. The replacement of Cork's old wooden walls takes place section by section, unwilling to leave our city exposed, with a sizable guard posted at all times to ensure that no enemy force would be able to take advantage of this temporary gap to surprise us.
  • Kingdom of Alba: With the end of the war with England in a English favouring stalemate, Laomman if finally free to turn his full attention towards Moray. Although most of their armies had been scattered and crushed in the fighting previously before Laomann was forced to rush south to face English forces, no peace has been concluded with them. Determined to reap at least some gains from this crisis (to make up for the massive amount of land lost to English advances), he turns his armies back to Moray, pushing forward into Moray with some 3,000 men (allowing most of his men to return home), planning to firmly crush the 400 or so remaining men of the Morayan army (algorithm needed). In the meantime, many thousands of refugees flee the English seziure of much of Strathclyde. Many of these are members of the newly landed class of Norwegian "Mercenaries" who form much of Laomann's support base, many of whom had been granted land in Starthclyde and brought in Nordic settlers. Although the "Mercenary" Aristocracy are generally able to make out of it pretty well, many of those Nordic settlers who had not been related to the initial mercenaries who hadn't stayed in Starthclyde and fled the advance of the English are not able to make well of it. Now at serious risk of sinking out of their privaleged stautus, and with many now very poor, a number of them take back their warrior roots and begin arming themselves and seeking work as mercenaries, in order to make a living and ensure they are able to maintain the qualities that allowed them to become so useful to Laomann and his supporters in the first place. They are also joined by a large number of Gaelic Albans who seek to make a fortune or to escape from peasantry themselves and have acess to weapons, many of whom where also settlers sent into the areas of Starthclyde that have now been sezied. These men begin seeking work as mercenaries, selling their services as warriors and bodyguards, as they have little else with which they can do so. Although most hope to enter the retinue and employment of a clan head or lord, many more instead seek employment in areas of conflict, with many going across the Irish channel or Irish Sea to seek employment in Wales or Ireland in the numerous conflicts between the peoples there. Many of these seek employment in the various Norse Gaelic ports in Ireland, from where they move on to the employment of various Irish petty kings, seeking to make their fortunes in the conflicts between the various Petty kings of Ireland. These are the first of what will come to be known as the An Fánaíal, the brotherhood of mercenaries, warriors, and raiders that would form a famous feature of the Alban Gaelo-Norse period and become famous and renowned warriors. For now though, they are mostly just groups of Nordic-Gaelic mercenaries seeking employment and fortune as a way of avoiding a fall into the peasantry, and they do not resemble anything close to what they would latter become. Laomann also seeks to begin various reforms of the way things are run in Alba, in order to ensure it can stand up to another English invasion in the future, and begins looking South of his border for insipiration, drawing up plans to begin introducing institutions similar to those in England for the organization of Alban military forces, in the hopes of creating a more robust system in Alba, although this is in its early stages and nothing is yet implemented. He also begins sending men to study the castle building techniques of various others in Europe, out of a desire to build more robust and permanent fortifications along the Anglo-Alban border than the hillforts that had so abysmally failed in the war that just ended.
    • The remaining men of Moray surrender to Laomann's forces after a final engagement, during which Mael Snechtai himself is killed.
  • Saxony: Following deliberations with Monomakh and the Rus, Rudolf and the Saxons decide to participate in a pronged invasion of Bohemia. They decide to invade the south with 12,000 men. They request Bohemian help in this invasion (Mod Response).
    • Bohemia declares support for Emperor Henry IV
    • Saxon dip: As the Bohemian delegates leave his court, Rudolf sadly wonders if he is going senile. He now corrects his mistake and asks for Bavarian help instead. (Mod Response). Once he receives his reply, Rudolf marches with his men to attack southern Bohemia with his 12000-strong army, made up of peasants, foot soldiers and a few knights. He splits his large army into three groups, centre, right and left wing (resulting in his knights congratulating him on his tactical genius). He intends to take advantage of his superior numbers and encircle the Bohemians (Algo please).
    • The Bavarians under Duke Welf rally to the Saxon cause
  • Lithuanians: Aras is still concerned about possible raids, and for that reason, starts the fortifications of key settlements as Vilniaus, Švenčionys and Utena, also some units of the army are overseeing the works for suprise attacks. Meanwhile, the Chief sends another diplomatic mission to formalize an alliance with the Selonians (Mod response). The wife of Naujokaitis bears a son in autumn who they name Užugiris.
    • They cautiously accept alliance
  • Kingdom of England: Now is the 17th year of the reign of King Harold II of House Godwin. He is married to Ealdgyth (Edith) of Mercia, which has tied House Godwin of England and House Hwicce of Northumbria and Mercia together in alliance. He has many siblings: the errant Tostig Godwinson, whose whereabouts are unknown; Gyrth Godwinson, duke of East Anglia, who is married to Judith of Flanders; and Gunhild Godwinsdatter, a nun. Harold II has sired several children through Edith the Fair, his previous wife whom he married in Danish tradition. They are Godwine, Earl of Kent, who is married to Princess Sigrid Svendsdatter of Denmark; Edmund, who is married to Margaret of Wessex and is unlanded; Magnus, Marklord of Wales, who is married to Gwenlian ferch Bleddyn thus forming an alliance with Gwynedd; Gytha, who is married to Alan mab Konan de Rennes; Gunhild, who is unwed. He also has sired Harold (1066 and married to Anna of Durham) and Ulf, who is unwed (1067). The population of England is roughly 2 million, with most of the population being centered around Winchester and London. Though the majority of the people in England are of Anglo-Saxon descent, there is a sizable Scandinavian population, especially in regions once under the control of the Danelaw. There are also a number of Britons, especially along the Welsh and Scottish borders as well as in Cornwall. Though the monarchy of England is more-or-less absolute, the Witenagemot is a folkmoot of secular and clergymen who advise the king, discuss legislation, and hold judicial hearings should the need arise. If the reigning monarch were to die, the new one will be chosen among the eligible Æthelings in England, though they typically choose members of the deceased monarch’s family. Harold II is widely popular throughout England, especially among the thanes. Though he maintains alliances with those in his family as well as with the sons of Ælfgar of Mercia, tensions are known to run between earls from the north and south of England. The construction of several castles throughout Lothian, most notably Dunbar Castle, takes place across the territory acquired from Scotland. Several new thanes are created this year in Dunbar due to their involvement with the punishments of both Scotland and the Isles in previous years. These wealthy men form the Housecarls of the Wall, a group of Northumbrians in the employ of various northern thanes vying for control of the north. With the investiture controversy to the south, a number of clergy members are being sued for ties to one pope or another. This backlog of court cases has spawned several meetings of the Witan, each growing more confusing and infuriating than the last. Reeves (sheriffs) are sent throughout the kingdom by Lanfranc-aligned clergy. The Gregorian reforms have been controversial throughout England, with some members of the clergy supporting the anti-pope. Archbishop Lanfranc of Canterbury deems that it is unacceptable for any Catholic to support the anti-pope. Many priests who have supported the anti-pope are sacked, including several bishops. However, with the support of the archbishop of York, this move goes by fairly smoothly. King Harold II asserts long-standing Anglo-Saxon traditions by affirming and, in some cases, all but nominating some new candidates. In the meantime, roads between the north and south of England continue to be updated. This includes a series of fortifications along Fosse Way and Ermine Street - both old Roman Roads - though these roads are updated. The shift in importance between Winchester and London continues, with Harold II spending a considerable amount of his reign in London. This means business - such as it is in the late 11th century - begins to shift towards the ancient capital of Britannia. The city begins undergoing a drastic change around this time, as a sprawl begins to expand into the countryside. Something resembling guilds begins to appear in various English cities, though London is seen as the birthplace of guild activity in England.
  • The Isles: Seeing the relative sleepiness of his neighbors, Godred Crovan seeks to expand his influence in Ireland this year by securing the allegiance of the Norse ports. To Wexford and Cork, he offers alliances (Mod & Player Response). No agreement can be reached with Waterford, however, which fell into Irish hands some years ago. So Godred attacks Waterford with 1,000 men, to reestablish a Norse-Gaelic kingdom there (Algo). Meanwhile in the home country, Bishop Hamond of Mann declares his support for Pope Gregory VII. An alliance is also requested with Deheubarth by way of marriage to Godred Crovan's daughter. (Mod Response)
    • Wexford and Deheubarth both respectively accept.
    • Petty Kingdom of Corcaigh Dip: Petty King Ìomhar Mac Oitir of Corcaigh [Cork] gladly accepts the alliance to the Kingdom of the Isles, in light of their shared goals and common enemies, bolstering King Godred Crovan's invasion force with 200 men that he personally leads, sailing from Corcaigh [Cork] to the encampment of King Godred Crovan's force to meet up with them and combined their forces, granting King Godred Crovan of the Isles the overall command, which is only right given the apparent numerical superiority of the force he is contributing to this war (Algo). Petty King Ìomhar Mac Oitir of Corcaigh [Cork] motive is clear, to exact vengeance upon the murder of his kinsmen, from the foreign tyrant who brutally enforces his rule upon his kindred, the Irish usurper of Waterford, Ragnall Mac Gilla Muire himself. [Secret] In addition, Petty King Ìomhar Mac Oitir of Corcaigh [Cork] believes that the key to ending this war fast and desicively lies in our ability to utilize an espionage network capable of not only encouraging defections from the Norse majority residents of Waterford, but also induce them into direct action, to take up arms to assert their freedom from their ruthless tyrant, installed by the machinations of foreigners, the Uí Briain and the Uí Cheinnselaig respectively, to be able to stand free and decide their own destiny. These men shall be not left entirely on their own devices, as the planned rising inside Waterford's walls is going to coincide the combined grand assault of the allied host against the vile usurper's regime, this flanking manoeuvre is sure to break his forces and deliver us this much needed victory. Furthermore, they shall be richly rewarded with wealth as well as positions of stature in the new regime, that shall undoutably prevail regardless, but this plan of action shall enable the biggest possible conservation of our forces, which would be undoubatbly much needed in what is to come in the aftermath, defending this newly regain territory from any attacks. As Petty King Ìomhar Mac Oitir of Corcaigh [Cork] resources are pretty limited, we would welcome the direly needed support for this sound plan from King Godred Crovan of the Isles, that is surely going to spare us a lot of time and effort that can better be devoted towards the defense of the city, Waterford, in the aftermath of our victory. (Player Response & Subsequently Mod Response) [Secret End]
    • [Secret] Godred Crovan is impressed by Iomhar's well-thought-out plan, and will put forward all available resources to implement it. [End Secret]
  • Hungary: We raise 15.000 to go and support our men and try to retake Wallachia. (Secret) The King sends an assassin to try and kill Sokal and bring destabilization to Cumania (Secret Over)
    • The assassination is not successful, he managed to escape but they could tell it was from Hungary (21/100)
  • Taifa of Toledo: from the death of his father returns the Prince of Toledo from Morocco. Al-Ma'mun is ceremonial put to rest in the city from which he ruled. He leaves behind a son and his fortune from his legacy. Emir Omar "Mahra" al-Rasheed now at the head of his Dynasty would want to carry on what his father had left behind. The war of the taifas had left Toledo in a better footing than where it had been in years past and yet, the Catholic Kings remained waiting. Watching for an opportunity to rain hell on them. On a summer evening a sole messenger on horseback would send a letter to the King. Records would later show in a journal the Omar had that he was nothing but calm writing: "ملك قشتالة قد بصق في وجهنا لكننا لا نغضب. الله في صفنا وجهلهم سيكون علامة على سقوطهم. الليلة نستريح ، وغدا نرسم السيوف". A version later translated in English would read "The king of Castile spat in our face, but we are not angry. Allah is on our side and their ignorance will be a sign of their downfall. Tonight we rest, and tomorrow we draw swords". The next morning, an envoy is dispatched to the Almoravid Caliphate. With King Alfonso wanting to make Toledo the first domino to fall in his conquest to be the Emperor of All Spain, Omar would immediately request support (Mod Response Needed). As his father gave his allegiance to the Caliph, so would he as he prayed before setting out for battle. At Talavera de La Reina, Omar would command The Riahs filling in the place that his father had left behind. El-Huadiz would command the Mozarab Bowmen and El-Rudrighiz would command the Mozarab Pike and Sword Unit. The men would total to roughly 9,500. At the city defenses, catapults would be set aside by the garrison already placed. They would be manned with the task of assaulting the enemy's camp to damage supply. With the Tagus River there, Omar would formulate a cunning strategy to impose a flanking maneuver on the enemy. While assaulting the city, some of the Mozarab Alramahs from the Sword and Pike Units supported by the Riahs would engage with the men at the gates. From the east side, Omar al-Rasheed commanding the remaining Riahs would flank the men pushing them around the perimeter of the defenses. As this goes on, the push would leave them pushed into the river. From La Isla Grande, Archers commanded by el-Huadiz of the Alramah Bowmen unit would rain hell picking off one enemy after another as their bodies would drop into the Tagus (Algo Request).
    • The Almoravid sultan is captivated by Prince Omar, but if support is to be given, he asks that Omar pay tribute to his throne. Still, he sends 500 of his "most elite" as a friendly gesture.
    • Toledo's Response: Omar, the Emir of Toledo would humbly respond in a letter giving his thanks to the Sultan and agreeing to the tribute. The envoy sent to give the letter would also gift the sultan a special blade forged from Toledo's finest blacksmiths out of Toledo Steel. The 500 men received would be greatly appreciated as proof of good will.


Happy 2021, guys

Alania's expansion to the north and east brings them into conflict with the Khazars, a remnant of the fallen empire of Khazaria.

The Carthusian Order is founded by Bruno of Cologne.

The Seljuks conquer Antioch from Duke Philaretos.

Chinese chancellor and historian, completes with a group of scholars the Zizhi Tongjian, an chronicle of the universal history of China.

King Kyansittha begins his reign as ruler of the Pagan Kingdom in Burma. He is historically believed to be one of the greatest Burmese monarchs.

Orchestrated by Bishop Wulfstan, construction starts on Worcester Cathedral.

The Saxons and Bavarians occupy southern Bohemia. Seeing this, Austria formally defects to the Gregorian side. In response, Henry IV moves to invade Bavaria & Austria and relieve Bohemia. He also calls upon his Italian supporters to come to his aid. Surprisingly, a large number answer the call, and do battle with Matilda of Tuscany; however, they face difficulties overcoming the 3,000 Franks in her guard.

Robert Guiscard recovers from his defeat at Larissa with a renewed offensive in Greece, outmaneuvering the Romans to capture more of Macedonia and Thessaly. Emperor Alexios is just as fleet-footed on the diplomatic field, however: He successfuly encourages Count Henry of Monte Sant'Angelo to revolt in Foggia, while enlisting Pecheneg mercenaries to raid the Norman camps

In retaliation for the attempt on his life, Sokal of Cumania launches a raid into Hungary over the Carpathian Mountains, while the Uzes (western Oghuz) and Pechenegs take the brunt of the Hungarian assault into Wallachia.

  • The Isles: King Godred continues his campaign in Waterford with the help of King Iomhar of Corcaigh. After the events of last year, the city-state is in chaos, as the Norsemen rise up while the local ruler hides in his castle. The capture of the peripheral hillforts would put Godred in an advantageous position to press the siege on the city proper, with the aim of storming the walls, assisting the rebels, taking hostages, and ultimately deposing the king. Wexford, a new ally, is asked to contribute soldiers to this effort [Algo & Mod Response].
    • Wexford helps
  • Kievan Rus: The Rus and Poles join up with the Saxon following the fall of Bohemia. Prince Monomakh pleased with the success of Oleg and his Steppe horsemen begins looking to expand the role of the Horse archers within army and continues to observe how these men interact and cooperate with his own Retainers. In private discussions with Oleg, Monomakh promises the Christian Khan more grazing lands for his people and expresses his desire to expand the employment of Steppe warriors under the Banner of Kiev providing them with protection from their rivals, Oleg makes note that it would help Monomakh's cause to deepen his understanding of the customs and needs of the pastoral nomads he seeks to employ. With this thought in mind Monomakh sends messengers to his father suggesting that the crown should work towards building trust, and coexistence along the frontiers of the Rus, where possible, and to strengthen the cultural and economic ties between Kiev these lands. To this end Vsevolod I, with the help of his wife Anna, and his daughter-in-law Katerina begins seeking out Rus merchants, scholars and Priests who can speak Cuman and other Turkic languages and commissions for them to begin compiling their accounts of interactions with the Turkic peoples and their languages and customs. Envoys are sent from Kiev to Sokal and the other Cuman chiefs requesting permission to build a new town to act as a central trading hub and major Rus settlement in the region suggesting that he would likely seek to restore the old greek settlement of Tanais (Mod Response required). In Lithuania the missionaries of the Eastern Rite lead by father Nikita employ several recent converts to assist in the construction of a church in Vilnius to this end Nikita requests permission to do so from Chief Aras (Lithuanian response). Trade in the Baltic Region and in the Black sea continues grow as Rus merchants as the demand for goods like Salt, and Fur pelts steadily rises. Having secured the rights to rebuild the city of Tanais a group of merchants, Boyars, and recent Varangian arrivals begin restoring the old Greek settlement. Vsevolod arranges for several priests to go as well to found a church there to keep watch over the souls of his kinsmen, and to spread the word of god to traders from the region and beyond who visit the town and other rus settlements in the region. In response to Henry's invasion of Bavaria and Austria Prince Monomakh and Oleg suggest that the Combined Saxon, Polish, and Russian army numbering some 19,000 strong carry out a daring maneuver to cut off Henry's men using the combined strength of the cavalry to fully encircle Henry and potentially bring about a decisive end to the war (Response needed from Saxon Player.) To this end should Rudolf and the Saxons agree to his plan Monomkah orders his veteran Druzhina and Chorni Klobuky (Black Hats) as his steppe horsemen have come to be known as by him and his men. to lead the leads the vanguard that will encircle and assault the flanks and rear of Henry IV's army while the Saxon-Polish Infantry will move to assist the beleaguered Bavarian-Austrian forces that are besieged by Henry the false King (Algo needed if plan is agreed upon by the Saxon player.)
    • The Kipchaks permit the Rus merchants to settle in the place known to them as Azaq.
    • Lithuania Dip: Aras accepts the priest's request.
    • Saxon Dip: Rudolf agrees.
  • Kingdom of Sweden:King Gustavus Adolphus decides to visit all of his vassal states while also meeting with the local populace.The queen gives birth to a daugther who they name Adda,This daugther is sadly born with only one eye and therefore nicknamed "Adda the one eyed"The king continues to fund and upgrade the navy and the army while also building schools and roads over the kingdom.
  • Alania: Thanks to the Khazars our expeditions are brought to a halt. The military sends out 6k troops to wipe out the remains of the Khazaria empire. We also buy 1.5k mercinaries off of Rus and use the help we can get from Gorgia to help us out. (Algo needed) General Simon leads the army into the unexplored territory to defeat the enemy. Contruction of new roads starts this year so we can connect our trade routs to the Rus and the silk roads. A group of ambassadors to the Rus so we can become allies with them and set up trade routs so we can become trading partners. (Rus response) We also send some goods to the Rus as a token of our kindness to them. Our economy increases a few percentages with trade from our allies in Goergia and the silk roads. In our capital city the continuation of buildings being built. The population increases with people having more children. More jobs are created making unemployment drop a few percentages. Jobs within the construction, farming, military and exploration sectors being in higher demand then others.
    • Kievan Dip: Vsevolod welcomes the Alanian envoys and agrees to expand trade and diplomatic relations with the Alan. Vsevolod further agrees to provide 1,500 Rus mercenaries to assist the Alan in their campaign against the remnants of the Khazar a old enemy of the Rus.
  • Papal States: Many historians consider that Pope Gregory ultimately found himself entangled in a situation that he never truly intended. He knew from the start that the Dicatate Papum would be controversial, but ultimately through divine revelation he knew it was the best course of action for the church. For the most part, Gregory had succeeded in establishing that Papal supremacy in many parts of Europe during his lifetime. In Hungary, Poland, Denmark, Sweden, Italy, and Spain to one degree or another have already organized the local synods that are directly under the Pope's control, fully centralizing Catholocism back to Rome. Overall however, the pivotal question of the Emperor still marks the turning point between Papal or Secular investiture. With Henry and the Salian dynasty firmly at odds against the Papacy, Gregory had thrown his full support for Rudolf of Swabia and the Saxon Nobles to lead the empire instead. The Russian hordes that have crashed through Poland and Bohemia have now become Gregory's ultimate trump card in the investiture war, forcing Henry to become desparate with his attacks. Within the space of time during this prolonged conflict, Gregory has dedicated his time to two general tasks: first, he continued to work with monastaries and clerics across Europe to establish a strong bond with the common people, giving standardized homilies and acts of charity, as well as public displays of Saint's holy relics, for free indulgences. Bruno of Cologne and his new order of Monks is assigned to the services of Bishop Hugh of Grenoble. Secondly, Gregory works with Mathilda of Tuscany, Thibaut of France, and various Italian nobles to establish a temporary coalition of Italian military. Henry has now overplayed his hand by attacking Italy directly, which has now become a threat against Rome itself. The Archbishop of Milan coordinates the strategy to raise 2,000 troops to add to Thibaut's 3,000, which will strike against Henry's invading forces near Parma. Following victory at this battle, the forces should regroup with as much reinforcements as they can to march against Ravenna, the seat of the Anti-Pope Guilbert (algo requests). This Italian coalition, at the pleasure of Countess Mathilda, exists solely as long as Henry continues to pose a threat against Italy, so that the successor of Peter shall never leave Rome. Domestically, new Cardinals need to be appointed to replace the previous ones. Gregory appoints Bishops as Cardinals from Castile, France, Naples, and Bavaria to replace the ones that have died. In addition, the Patriarch of Kiev is named a Cardinal as well, to secur Russia's loyalty during the Investiture war. Barcelona is granted blessing from the Pope for their endenvors. Archbishop Lanfrac is praised for his handling of the clergy in England, and commemorated by the Pope in a personal letter.
  • Petty Kingdom of Corcaigh: King Iomhar of Corcaigh (Cork) continues to campaign in Waterford in support of King Godred, although this conflict involves some personal aspects, his effort to avenge the slaughter of his kin against the Irish usurper of Waterford. King Iomhar's efforts to stir an uprising against the rather unpopular tyrant of Waterford seem to have yielded great results, as the Norsemen rise up while the usurper remains hiden inside the citadel of Waterford, throwing the city-state in chaos. The successful capture of the surrounding hillforts places the allied host in an prime position to press the siege on the city proper, coordinating the upcoming assault of the walls to assist the rebels inside the walls in the process, all this effort and blood spilled so that the usurper can be deposed. [Algo needed] King Iomhar reserves the honor to kill him for himself, avenging his fallen father and kin in the process. The works to bolster the defenses of Corcaigh [Cork] are finally concluded, with a sturdy stone wall of Norman architecture, with broad ramparts as well as several solid bastions replacing the aging wooden walls of the city. An alliance is extended to the city of Wexford, to be sealed by marriage of King Iomhar's sister to a suitable match. [Mod Response]
    • They agree to this
  • Denmark: With the death of Harald Hen on the battlefield near Roskilde, people think Denmark will be at peace. However the anger of the lords did not die with Harald, some still plot to overthrow Canute and install a new king, not elected from Sweyn II's lineage. Many plans are derailed when Canute dies in a celebratory boar hunt, leaving his wife and infant daughter. The lords go to Isøre Ting to elect a new king. Some of Canute's allies support Svend Thrugotsen, but Canute's remaining brothers also stand for the election. The Anti-Canute/Pro-Harald lords support Skjalm Hvide, who fought with Harald Hen but was spared by Canute after being defeated. Skjalm is acclaimed at the Ting but one quarter of the lords leave before the process is finished and refuse to recognise him as king, even though the process is elective it was expected someone of Sweyn Estridsen's blood would become king. The departure of the lords also makes Skjalm's kingship look illegitimate as it looks like not everyone is in final agreement. King Skjalm invites the lords to come to Jørlunde, the new seat of power in Denmark, and tells them that a Denmark stretching from the eastern shores of the Baltic to even perhaps England, a kingdom where they may have even greater land and glory, is possible only if they pledge themselves to him, rather than stire up strife. It is time for Denmark to look outward and fight.
  • Francia: Bertrade de Montfort is welcomed at the royal court by King Philip I and Queen Bertha of Holland and soon she starts to work as one of the ladies-in-waiting of the Queen. However, this only an excuse for Bertrade to stay close with the King, her love. As soon as she arrived in the court, Philip I and her started to meet secretly. For now the affair isn't know by the members of the court, but Queen Bertha can sense that something is wrong, because her husband is being cold and ignoring her. The monastic school is finally established at the Abbey of Sens by Abbot Raymond of Bourges. With the Abbey of Sens already well established and the Scriptorium organized, with the first manuscripts being copied and iluminated by the monastic scribes, Raymond of Bourges returns to the royal court as the King's confessor. Abbot Raymond and Bishop Godfrey (Geoffroy) of Paris continue spreading the Gregorian Reformations in French territories with support of King Philip I. Upon his return to Paris, Raymond of Bourges starts to preach against Henry IV, who he compares with the Antichrist. The abbot says that Henry, the Antichrist, is trying to put his false prophet Wibert of Ravenna, the so called Clement III, in the Throne of Saint Peter as an attempt to corrupt the Holy Church. The construction of the walls around the city of Paris continues, with the fortifications being first built in the Right Bank of the River Seine. Gilbert de Loiselève, a monk from the Abbey of Sens and disciple of Raymond, becomes tutor of Prince Henry, the royal heir. Menwhile, Thibaut, Seigneur de Montmorency, continue to cooperate with Pope Gregory VII and Matilda of Tuscany in the defense of the Italian Peninsula. Under his comand the soldiers make preparations for the battle that will happen against Henry's forces near Parma. With these developments in Italian lands and the influence of Raymond of Bourges, King Philip I agrees to send more 1,000 as reinforcements to Thibaut's troops [Reinforcements to the Gregorian supporters in the algo of the Battle of Parma].
  • Kingdom of Alba: Laomann continues his search for better building techniques, eventually settling on a singular idea, realizing that meerly studying foriegn designs would not be enough to strengthen Alban defenses sufficiently against future English agression, which he fully expects, especially after seeing how heavily the English have begun fortifying the new border. Realizing he needs help, he sends a number of emmisaries throughout Europe, hoping to find and grant patronage to foriegn architects and castle builders to advise him on building a new seires of defenses throughout his nation, which he knows he needs to do in order to survive the threat to the south (Mod Response needed to see if I get any success, or a player if interested). However, he is still not yet building anything, as he is still planning things out, although he does have a number of lands along the border surveyed during this time to seek out good locations to build these forts and castles once construction does begin. With the ongoing war in Ireland with Mann and Corcaigh against Waterford, a number of An Fánaíal seek the opprotunity to serve with both sides, but favor Corcaigh and the Isles, due to both being ruled by fellow Norse Gaels similar in culture to the An Fánaíal themselves, who are made up of both Gaelic and Nordic people united by the Norse Gaelic members who form their core.They see heavy action, often put into the worst of the fighting by those they serve with, and thus form strong bonds between eachother, with many of them swearing oaths of brotherhood between eachother, which will form the basis for the latter warrior brotherhood the An Fánaíal would evolve into. However, most continue to be mostly mercenaries and traders seeking to make their fortunes for themselves and their families, and not much more than that. Some of them also begin heading more northwards, where Clan Bogh leads the way in establishing intensive trade ties in the North Sea, with Alban ships, using imported Nordic designs, going farther and farther into the sea to seek trade, especially with Iceland. In other news, with the conquest of Moray now accomplished, it is annexed into the Alban kingdom, with Laomann firmly declaring that it "will never again be a threat to the Alban people". Integration now begins, with the seized land being re distributed to soldiers who served and prominent families who participated, with several Highland clans heavily expanding their holdings into the region. However, the still heavily Gaelic nature of the region leaves them much more cultural similarity to the Albans then in Starthclyde with the Britons there, so far more of the native elite survives and begins being integrated into the Alban (more to come)
    • Some Norman architects would like to construct Gothic style Churches in Scotland
    • Some Frank architects offer their services to King Laomann. A member of this group is Évrard, one of the architects that worked in the construction of the Château du roi in Gâtinais.
    • Laomann gratefuly accepts these offers.
  • House Barcelona: Queen-Consort Gerberga bears a third daughter to Rei Pere-Ramon. She is to be named Elisabet. With the failure of Castile to defeat Toledo, a measure of relief comes to the royal house. More Galeras are built in the name of Pere-Ramon. These ships are deployed to combat raiders and also ferry valuable trade goods throughout the Mediterranean. The annual Consel Comtal sees debate regarding the threat from the south as well as Castile to the west. Rei Pere-Ramon uses this pressure to further leverage his authority within the Consel, seeking to formally bind the counts into the “Kingdom of Catalonia.” This aim he keeps secret for the time being. Comte Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar of Menorca suggests that the counts and Rei Pere-Ramon launch an invasion of Mallorca and Ibiza and seize them from the remnants of the Taifa of Denia while Toledo’s attention is focused westward. Rei Pere-Ramon lends support to this endeavor and sends 3,000 men and 25 ships to support his vassal in the invasion. Taking into consideration the forces of the other counts and Comte Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar the total swells to 8,000 men and 65 ships in the campaign to take Mallorca and Ibiza. (Algorithm Please: see description below) These men are to scatter themselves across the coast of the island and execute dozens of minor raids against the small outlying manors and towns. These raids will force the enemy to spread their forces and sow confusion before the host will land in two places to force the Muslims to choose the defense of Palma or the castle at Capdepera, one of the largest castles on the island. Comte Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar personally leads the forces attacking Palma
  • Mayapan: We start the construction of roads to keep connected in the south. We too, build a large amount of Fortresses in the south. Back home, in Mayapan, Huanac gets into a relationship with a Maya priestess and has a son, named Ti Xa Huanac Ca. Writing continues to spread throughout the middle class and some of the commoners. Plans are made to eventually tributize the non-Maya peoples of OTL Honduras, and several explorers are sent to map the area. This is made apparent by the resettling of Copan and the construction of a large fort near the Rio Motagua. We also start talks with the king of Xicalango for an economic alliance. (Mod Response)
    • They accept


Abdullah bin Ali Al Uyuni seizes Bahrain from the Qarmatians with military support from the Seljuks, and founds the Uyunid emirate.

The eastern Oghuz, who straddle the Don and Volga rivers, ask the Rus to pay tribute to continue using the southern bend of the Don, which flows through their tribal lands.

Sultan Yusuf ibn Tashfin of Morocco brings an army of 7,500 to Iberia, deciding the time is right to assist Toledo against their Christian enemies.

The Hungarian counterattack in Wallachia is successful, once more establishing control over the region. The Uzes at this point are scattered across the Balkans, with many of them offering up their services as mercenaries. The displaced Pechenegs rejoin their brethren in Moesia, leading to further encroachment on the Byzantine border.

Robert Guiscard dies of a fever while on campaign. His domains are split between his heirs: Bohemond gets the Greek conquests, while Roger Borsa receives the main title in Italy.

The Investiture Controversy is on track to an early end after the death of Henry IV in battle last year. That event has also left the empire in interregnum, as there is little confidence in Henry's 11-year-old heir, Conrad. The "anti-king", Rudolf of Swabia, is now increasingly upheld as the true king, with the main sources of resistance being the peasants of Franconia and the rival duke in Swabia, Frederick Hohenstaufen.

  • House Barcelona: With the capture of Capdepera most of Mallorca falls to the forces of Comte Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar. With Palma besieged by 4,000 men, the remaining 3766 are dispatched to secure the remaining holdouts on the island. As the year wears on these men return to the siege for a final push in breaking Muslim rule of the island once and for all. Siege weapons ranging from traction trebuchets and mangonels to large crossbows are employed to great effect against the garrison. (Algorithm Please) On the mainland, efforts to increase defensive readiness are ongoing. Walls are reinforced, bolts stockpiled, and the Sagramentals marshalled for a more intense training. The Sagramentals, which Rei Pere-Ramon had created several years previously, prove competent soldiers. Largely equipped as crossbowmen or light cavalry, these units tend to have high morale, discipline, and training, if less than excellent equipment. After the extended training they are once again dismissed to their homes. With some success in the war against the Taifa of Mallorca, an emissary is sent to Omar I al-Rasheed of the Taifa of Toledo, offering what Rei Pere-Ramon hopes will serve as a foundation for equitable peace. He proposes that Toledo accept that House Barcelona annex the islands of Mallorca and Ibiza, but allow the Muslim population freedom to practice their religion. Additionally, he seeks to ensure an end to piracy against both Christian and Muslim vessels and perhaps to offer the service of Comte Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar as an advisor against King Alfonso in Castile & Leon. (Toleodan Response) Diplomatically, the Consel Comtal goes smoothly this year despite the conflicts. Tribute is gathered from the other counts and payments for services distributed in a process that has become increasingly formalized and uniform. These payments enable Rei Pere-Ramon greater leverage over his allies and the other counts. During the Consel he seeks to secure a royal marriage between his daughter Agnes (b. 1076) and Ermengol IV’s son Ermengol (b. 1078). In doing so Rei Pere-Ramon hopes to secure an alliance between the two houses. (Mod Response) This pact will align the two most significant Catalan states, Urgel and Barcelona, and with luck facilitate the unification of Catalonia into a formal kingdom with House Barcelona the apparent head.
    • House Barcelona Continued: The news of victory from Palma is shattered by the news of Rodrigo Diaz "El Mestre." Messengers arrive in Barcelona with news that he had been grievously wounded in battle and subsequently died. Upon hearing the news, Pere-Ramon is stricken with grief at this loss. He is known to have said "I have lost my Parmenion." In reference to Alexander the Great's right hand man. With this tragedy the campaign in the islands momentarily stalls before Francesc de Cardona is chosen to assume command of the forces.
    • Ermengol accepts
  • Papal States: Gregory VII, now old and advanced in years, sees the tasks laid before him from heaven have been going according to the will of God, but much work is still left to be done. In a consistotory of the Cardinal-Bishops, Gregory iterates his intention to further support Mathilda's coalition, to fully capture Ravenna and take the insolent priest Guilbert alive. One Cardinal, a French man named Odo of Chatillon, spoke up and said that the body of Christ is grateful for Gregory's leadership these years, but the organization in Rome has been strained as the Holy Father has done everything by his own will, and not delegated to others, as Moses had done in the Wilderness. Understanding his criticism, Gregory permitted Cardinal Odo to take up the administration of the Investiture Controversy, and establish God's will over all the earth. Cardinal Odo works with Tuscany and France to further siege Ravenna and capture Cardinal Guilbert (algo response). After this battle concludes in the Spring, Cardinal Odo feels it is necessary to force an end to the Invstiture Controversy as soon as possible, one way or another. To that end, he begins to organize a grand council of all the interested parties of the current conflict, to convene at the city of Piacenza to negotiate. Cardinal Odo reaches out to the current Duke Conrad of Franconia, asking if he would be willing to convene with the Saxons and Rus in a council to end the war, mutually condemn Simony, and restore Conrad to his father's ancestral estates (mod response). As soon Odo issued this request, he returned to Rome to discover that the great Pope Gregory has now died. Odo was stricken with grief to see the Holy Father's body, but he was puzzled by what he saw standing over it: a beautiful young woman, entirely dressed in white with auburn hair, quietly humming as if putting a child to sleep. The woman turned to Odo, with a faint smile on her face saying "God has seen how hard he had worked, and decided to give him rest", and putting a hand to his chest, she continued "now, he has given that task to you". Odo was quite shocked at this vision, but holding to the sacred vows of his office he is hesitant to accept it as truly divine. A Conclave is now held with the living Bishops to elect the new Pope (England, France, Hungary, Kiev, Saxony, and Mod response).
    • Conrad agrees, and travels to Piacenza with his mother, Bertha of Savoy. King Rudolf heads south as well, both to participate in the council and to be crowned emperor by the next pope.
    • Several cardinal-priests demand electoral rights at the conclave, citing a version of In nomine Domini produced by Deusdedit di San Pietro.
    • Ivan of Kiev votes for Odo of Chatillion, while not unmoved by their arguments Patriarch Ivan believes the arguments to be backed by a forgery and leaves the matter to the next pope falling in line with cardinal Odo.
  • Denmark: With the election of Skjalm Hvide as king, and the Estridsens no longer in power, the marriage alliance with Sweden is voided, former Queen Maria and Princess Sigrid are exiled back to Sweden. The lords have wanted Halland back as a Danish posession since Canute IV sold it for his marriage alliance, and this spring King Skjalm lands in southern Halland, near Tylösand, with 4,300 men, while a smaller contigent of ships attacks harbours and towns around the rest of Sweden's western coast, even sailing into Göta älv to raid and disrupt.
  • Francia: The affair between King Philip I and Bertrade of Montfort continues, with Queen Bertha of Holland being oblivious to that. However, even with both the King and his mistress being careful in their encounters, Abbot Raymond of Bourges suspects that the King has an extramarital affair, but not know who the woman is. Prince Henry continues to grow under the tutelage of Gilbert de Loiselève. Seeking to solidify alliances with his allies, King Philip I starts to seek marriage for his children. The king writes to William IV, Count of Toulouse (born c. 1040), proposing the marriage of William's daughter and heir, Philippa (born c. 1073) with the royal heir, Prince Henry (b. 1079). If accepted, the marriage will happen as soon as the couple reach a marriageable age [MOD response needed, please]. News that the Sultan Yusuf ibn Tashfin of Morocco started a military campaign in Iberia are received with apprehension by King Philip I and his court, who fear that a possible fall of the Christian Kingdoms of Iberia can open Francia to Muslim attacks. Due to that, the King writes to Barcelona, offering help in the case of a possible Muslim invasion of their lands. Philip I also proposes the marriage of his daughter Constance (b. 1078), with King Pere-Ramon's son Ramon Berenguer (b. 1079), as soon they reach a marriageable age [Barcelona response needed, please]. Meanwhile in the Italian Peninsula, Thibault, Seigneur de Montmorency, continue to led the Frank troops against the supporters of Henry IV and antipope Clement III. Together with Papal troops and the army of Matilda of Tuscany, they were able to defeat the Italian supporters of Henry at Parma and of the antipope in Ravenna. Now Thibault works with Matilda and Cardinal Odo of Chatillion in doing preparations to the attack in Ravenna. News of Henry's death are received with great celebration by Thibault and his troops, but the death of Pope Gregory VII saddens them. In Francia, a mass is celebrated in Paris by Bishop Geoffroy de Boulogne in memory of the deceased pontiff. Inspired by Gregory's death, Abbot Raymond of Bourges starts to write a book about the life of the deceased pontiff. Encouraged by Raymond of Bourges, King Philip I decides to visit the new Pope after the Conclave ends. He will also meet with Thibault and the Frank troops that helped Pope Gregory VII.
    • The marriage is accepted
    • Rei Pere-Ramon graciously accepts the proposal.
  • Alania: In the new parts of our nation we start to build forts to protect our lands. By thhe forts small villiges pop up with people moving from the capital of Maghas to the smaller villages. Our skilled workers continue to build more roads to connect us to other nations and trade routs. Within our capital we still are expanding the city by continue to build infrastructure that expands the metro city. Many of our merchants trade goods that are obtained from the middle east and trade them to the Rus for their items of trade. Nomadic pastoral grazers, graze the new territory we own with their domesticated animals to explore the new lands that were won in war. The king's son David starts to take an interest in hunting/fighting. Along the coast of the Caspian sea we set up port towns. Our skilled labourers start making ships. A few ships sail to the other side of the Caspian sea to expand our nation.
  • Kievan Rus: With the death of Henry IV and most of the Germans swearing allegiance to Rudolf, Prince Monomakh xdecides to head south to Italy to support the efforts of Matilda and the Papacy against the anti-pope in Ravenna bringing about 1,000 men to for this en devour while the rest of his men under Oleg head back to Kiev and their homes. Oleg takes a detour through the lands of Hungary under the Rus banner seeking safe passage through their domains (Hungaria Response). On his way he makes an effort to recruit many of the Uze and Pechenegs that have now Dispersed from the great Cuman horde that fought against the Hungarians in Wallachia. He offers them good pay and treatment for service under him and Monomakh whose growing reputation he hopes to use to attract these warriors (Mod Response needed). In Kiev Vsevolod I following consultations with the Boyars, Veche, and upon the advice of his beloved wife Anna agrees to pay tribute to the Eastern Oghuz for the continued use and settlement of the Rus along the Don, However in exchange for this Vsevolod requests that a formal arrangement be made for the Oghuz to protect Rus traders and settlements and to open up trade between the Oghuz and the Rus in an arrangement similar to that that Kiev has with the Cumans (Mod Response). Upon crossing the Alps Monomakh hears of the end of the siege of Ravenna and the death of the Pope. He disperses most of his army keeping only 100 of his personal guard made up of a mix of Rus, Varangians, and Chorni Klobuky (Black Hats). He makes his way through Italy on his way to Rome to pay homage to the deceased pope Gregory VII and to witness the lection of the new pope. While in Rome he takes the time to learn more about Italy, Latin, and of the greater christian world (Papal Response). Upon Oleg's return to Kiev now accompanied by 8,000 turkic followers Vsevolod I and his wife Anna to ensure the loyalty of the chrsitian khan grants him more lands along the southwestern frontier of Kiev. He is also bestowed the hand of Vsevolod's daughter Ianka from his first marriage providing a familial tie to Kiev. Under the supervision of his mother Katerina, the young Rogvolod Monomakh begins his martial and formal education with the young prince being trained early on in horse riding and archery upon the insistence of his Kipchak mother as well as sword play. Meanwhile he learns Old Slavonic, Greek and Kipchak by tutors. He is taught by his grand father and Rus clerics about god and the art of state craft.
    • Oleg hires 3,000 Uzes and 3,000 Pechenegs.
    • The Oghuz accept what they see as simply more tribute. Doru Khan personally guarantees the security of Rus merchants on the Don, so long as the flow of income remains steady.
  • The Isles: After the conquest of Waterford, the kingdom is at peace once more, with Norse hegemony reestablished in the Irish Sea. Waterford is set up as an autonomous kingdom, under the protection of both Mann and Corcaigh.
  • Petty Kingdom of Corcaigh: After the successful assault of the city of Waterford, with his forces utterly crushed, the Irish usurper of Waterford is no more, executed by King Iomhar of Corcaigh (Cork) for the unprovoked murder of his father and kin, avenging them with that action. As Norse hegemony has been reestablished in the Irish Sea, peace sets in, Waterford lays liberated from the machinations of the Uí Briain and the Uí Cheinnselaig and their puppet rulers, a Norseman now rules over it as an autonomous kingdom, under the protection of both Mann and Corcaigh. An alliance is extended to the newly liberated city of Waterford, to be sealed by marriage of King Iomhar's other sister to a suitable match. [Mod Response]
    • This is accepted
  • Saxony: With Rudolf heading south to the council, Magnus asks him to make a request for a marriage alliance on his behalf. He offers one of his daughters, Wulfhilde, or Eilika, to be the young Conrad's newly wedded wife, to heal the rift between the Saxon Billungs and the Salians. (Mod Response).
    • Conrad will marry Wulfhilde when he comes of age.
  • Britanny: Britanny will now emerge in Europe. A levy will be imposed to raise a force of some 1,200 soldiers, to be trained and equipped within a year. Trade routes will be made to all countries interested in trading with us.
    • Petty Kingdom of Corcaigh Dip: The Kingdom of Corcaigh is especially interested to trade with Brittany.
    • The Isles would also like to trade with Brittany.
    • Francia diplomacy: Philip I, King of the Franks, asks the rulers of Brittany to reafirm their position as his vassals. The king is also interested in direct trade between Brittany and the lands of the royal desmene.
  • Kingdom of Sweden:The news about the declaration of war by Denmark reaches the royal court fast.The king raises the royal army with 9000 men and travels to intercept the danish army at tylösand(ALGO REQUEST),where the inhabitants have been warned to resist the danes at all cost.Danish citizens currently in sweden are interred for the meantime so to not be spying.The king himself leads the army which morale is significantly boosted by the protection of their homeland.Meanwhile the navy is ordered o lie low and harass the danish merchantile fleet.
  • State of Azcapotzalco: Cāmixzin would raise his hands to the sky, clutching the fabric of the stars while the ground below him shook with the stomping of a thousand peoples; the loud chants of rejoice mitigating the terror felt by these heathens as they walked into view, their hands and legs tied to give them limited moving capabilities. As the ground would continue shake and the chants would roar like a wildfire, said to have been heard as far as Tenochtitlan, the bounty would be revealed in colors yellow, their eyes gouged with the hands of the Watcher, Cuetzpallea, for it represented the darkness that lurked beyond the great sea. As they stumbled up the stairs, for their legs were twisted and their shapes grotesque, their distorted and malformed faces, characterized by scholars at the time to be horrific, were to now be judged by the highest being in the land. The great Patron, Guatemoc ("Falling Eagle"), would slice his hand, raising it to allow the accepting of new sacrifices: every drop would represent those that were to be judged according to the rule of the Tlatoani and the rule of the wind, and as the blood would drain into the cracks along the stone, a smile of broken teeth now firmly guiding the false believers to Mictlan, their souls relieved from their bodies to aid the great Huitzilopochtli. With the stone dagger, Matlalicoātl ("Blue-Green Snake") would drive it deep into the chest of the faithless, for their cries would go unanswered in the sanctuary of Texcoco. Their hearts would be raised in an individual celebration of piety, and thus the cycle would begin again. The pyramid would be painted red as sacrifices would carry on, for the splattering of blood in addition to the organs and intestines that would be ripped apart as they were pulled from the base and thrown with shame to the side. This is the way. Among those present at the sacrificial offering would include both of his princely sons, Hui'tlalcu and Chēyotlpapil of Azcapotzalco; Xichizatli, patron of the Flayed One; Achtlicoatl, regent of Teōtīhuacān; Xi'xōc, regent of Tlacopan, and his daughter, Tlahua; and Moxmitecpaci, the regent of Tenochtitlan and the Otontin, an elite Otomic warrior class. Tradition made prior to the collapse of the ancient Tepanec would be romanticized in modern incarnations, intertwined with the histories of Otomi and the great story of the rise of Tollan. Arts depicting the great Nechitlxacuā of the first Xalisco empire were removed or scrubbed while patronage to the former Toltecah would be made. This choice by the ruling class to idealize itself more as the Toltec empire than an independent polity would lead to some recognizing Cāmixzin as a bit of a tyrant, and many challenges to his rule would become near-lethal to his reign. Cāmixzin is said to have had two older brethren, being the twins Hue'tec and Tec'tlach whom ruled Texcoco and Itzapollocan respectively. Hue'tec had three daughters, being Huitcoxoch, Mixō, and Nehuā. Hui'tlalcu was to marry Mixō upon his ascension to the throne while Tec'tlach's only child, Tōncuauh, were to marry Nehuā. In a turn of events, Moxmitecpaci would become infatuated with Huitcoxoch, going so far as killing any other royal figures in the Tepanec realm whom dare claim her love. While his second wife, after the empress of Tenochtitlan, Iccauhcayotl, Huitcoxoch would become popular among the commoners for her beauty, which was said to be the most desirable in all of Mexihco. With Iccauhcayotl however, Moxmitecpaci was said to have seven sons: Te'huamoc, Mictma'huā, Motēuczōmah, Cuīx'ahuit, Huitlcoyatl, Tlāch'lelhuatl, and Itzhualcoātl.
  • Kingdom of England: Now is the 19th year of the reign of King Harold II of House Godwin. He is married to Ealdgyth (Edith) of Mercia, which has tied House Godwin of England and House Hwicce of Northumbria and Mercia together in alliance. He has many siblings: the errant Tostig Godwinson, whose whereabouts are unknown; Gyrth Godwinson, duke of East Anglia, who is married to Judith of Flanders; and Gunhild Godwinsdatter, a nun. Harold II has sired several children through Edith the Fair, his previous wife whom he married in Danish tradition. They are Godwine, Earl of Kent, who is married to Princess Sigrid Svendsdatter of Denmark; Edmund, who is married to Margaret of Wessex and is unlanded; Magnus, Marklord of Wales, who is married to Gwenlian ferch Bleddyn thus forming an alliance with Gwynedd; Gytha, who is married to Alan mab Konan de Rennes; Gunhild, who is unwed. He also has sired Harold (1066 and married to Anna of Durham) and Ulf, who is unwed (1067). The Kingdom of England, seeking to maintain good relations with the Norse still in the British Isles, proposes the marriage of his daughter Gunhild to Lǫgmaðr Guðrøðarson. The population of England is roughly 2 million, with most of the population being centered around Winchester and London. Though the majority of the people in England are of Anglo-Saxon descent, there is a sizable Scandinavian population, especially in regions once under the control of the Danelaw. There are also a number of Britons, especially along the Welsh and Scottish borders as well as in Cornwall. Though the monarchy of England is more-or-less absolute, the Witenagemot is a folkmoot of secular and clergymen who advise the king, discuss legislation, and hold judicial hearings should the need arise. If the reigning monarch were to die, the new one will be chosen among the eligible Æthelings in England, though they typically choose members of the deceased monarch’s family. Harold II is widely popular throughout England, especially among the thanes. Though he maintains alliances with those in his family as well as with the sons of Ælfgar of Mercia, tensions are known to run between earls from the north and south of England. ‘’’With the ousting of the Estridsen family and subsequent Danish war with Sweden and the wars in Ireland, the North Sea realm has been thrown into peril.’’’ For too long, a general state of war has existed in the British Isles and Scandinavia. Harold II intends to put an end to that. ‘’’Cardinal Thomas of Bayeaux casts his vote for Odo de Chatillon in the Papal Conclave this year.’’’ In the meantime, Harold II invites Tostig back to London, aiming to reconcile with his long-exiled brother. It has been two decades since Harold has seen Tostig and, politics aside, he misses his brother. Tostig, perhaps believing that he will be given some other land, accepts. He travels to see Harold II by ship. He spends most of the voyage drunk or hungover, as is typical. As the ship docks, Tostig steps off the ship a little too early. He slips between the ship and the dock and is crushed. When Harold II hears about it, he laughs a little bit before realizing his brother is dead. Tostig is interred at Winchester Abbey.
    • The Isles accept this marriage proposal.
  • Taifa of Toledo: Another year passes by without assault by the enemy forces to al-Rasheed's domain. Agreeing to the deal humbly handed by the Barcelona, the man regarded as "El Cid" joins the battle against the Castilian Enemy. El-Huadiz and Omar openly welcome the man that had come to their aid in this decisive moment. Meanwhile a report from Almansa would reach the king telling him of the approaching allied forces from Morocco. Delighted to learn of this development, Omar al-Rasheed would request all the forces to meet at El Tiemblo. Records later from the large town would show these forces did arrive as asked to this location. From the writing found within Omar's journal, he would describe the event as a momentous occasion and how a  feast was held in the town that evening. The next day, General El-Huadiz suggests for the commanders to work together on a plan to take this war back to Castile and flip the table on its head. The decision would be made to march on Ávila. A force numbering 16,000 combined would ready to leave town the following morning and arriving to rest at Riofrío where they are met with some resistance before the small town would be overrunning with enemies of Castile. Later that afternoon they would finish their march and that early evening, arrive in the outskirts of Ávila. Omar Al-Rasheed would remember seeing the beautiful Río Adaja. The small city wasn't anything all too significant but something that was noticed to him was the lack of walls in the city. The Bridges and interior were all exposed just like El Cid had recalled. The defenses were localized to minor forts and the surprise assault as long as the enemy wasn't aware, should amount to a fight to take out the garrison. As the rested in some of the woods, the following morning, the forces that would arrive at Ávila and would begin flooding the city. King Omar would lead the Riahs as the Alramah and allied forces would follow. The leadership of the Alramahs being divided between El Cid and El-Huadiz. They would be tasked with manning the main battles against the enemies while the Moroccan Army and the Riahs would work to secure the surrounding city. The garrison forces that morning would be caught off-gaurd as a result of this move. Some large catapults dragged along from the last battle at Talavera de La Reyna would be used from afar tasked by some of the Moroccans in order to create a breach in the holdouts for the enemy army. In the end, the goal would be to make this battle swift (Algo Needed). Following the battle, it would be noted that El Cid would unfortunately pass away leaving behind his comrades and his useful information. El-Rudrighiz would be called to fill his place.


Habemus papam! Odo of Chatillon is elected pope, taking the name Urban II.

Emperor Alexios hires 4,000 Uzes and 3,000 Pechenegs and deploys them against the Normans in Greece. Bohemond is able to counter this by using the hilly terrain to break up the Turkish cavalry. In the course of two battles, the Byzantine army is cut down by half, now equal to that of the Normans. Bohemond wastes no time in restarting the Siege of Larissa. Alexios sends ambassadors to the Council of Piacenza, who plead for papal intercession to stop the Normans, as well as future assistance in reclaiming Asia Minor from the Seljuks.

Roger Bosso's forces take Syracuse, completing the conquest of Sicily. Ostensibly in response to this, the Zirids of Mahdia conduct piracy off the coast of Italy.

Yusuf ibn Tashfin secures the allegiance of every Muslim taifa, and encourages them to stop paying tribute to the Christians.

The Kipchaks launch a series of raids on Alania.

Death of Emperor Huizong of the Western Xia, succeeded by the three-year-old Li Qianshun, who will be known as Emperor Chongzong.

William IX "the Troubadour" inherits the Duchy of Aquitaine. He is the first troubadour on the historical record.

A "great fever-pestilence" sweeps England, according to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle.

Toirdelbach Ua Briain, the grandson of Brian Boru and effective High King of Ireland, dies. After a brief fraternal war, Muirchertach Ua Briain succeeds his father as King of Munster. He seeks to move against the influx of Nordic influence in Waterford, and forms a coalition of petty kings in the southern half of Ireland.

  • Britanny: Britanny shall impose another levy, raising our forces to 2,600. We shall also declare full independence from the Kingdom of Francia, and shall send some of our best cavalry to defensive positions along the border, as well as making a line of wooden stakes and earthenworks along our border. Never again shall Britanny show fealty to Francia. Britanny shall also march with 1,500 troops into Normandy, in an attempt to gain land. (Algo request)
  • denmark: Since armies can apprently now be as big as you want skjalm lands again in halland with 9000 men and attacks the swedish army skjalm is there as a leader just like he was last time
  • Papal States: After twenty years of Italians independently seated on the throne of Saint Peter, the Frenchman Odo de Chatillon accepts the Papal office, taking the name Urban. Due to the miraculous defense of Italy masterminded by Pope Gregory and his allies, God's great city of Rome has remained protected from the schemes of mortal man, namely the false Emperor Henry Salian and the Normans. As a result, from the outside the election and consecration of Urban goes remarkably smooth, and taken by the Roman people as a double celebration to mark the final end of the prolonged Investiture War. From within the Vatican Hill, however, there continued protestations of the Cardinal-Priests for their enfranchisement in the Papal elections. For Urban, whether or not In nomine domini had been forged was not the issue, but rather it was a matter of political strategy. After the death of Gregory VII, who was universally beloved, Urban is faced with the task to keep up the momentum of the previous administration, and not lose the international influence Gregory had gained. The Cardinal-Priests, headed by Desiderius di Montecassino, hold the highest office of the moderate faction that still had not fully embraced the Gregorian reforms. During lent, Urban negotiates with the Cardinal-Priests in a council in Benevento, securing their support for the Gregorian Reforms in exchange for answering their request. Pope Urban decrees that Cardinal-Priests may vote in future elections, but cannot make nominations. He furthermore makes a large donation towards the expansion of the Monastery of Monte Cassino, further securing loyalty from Cardinal Desiderius. In order to fill his empty seat in the Cardinal cabinet, Urban elevates Bishop Hugh of Die as Cardinal-Elector (France). He makes further efforts abroad to maintain support from the Papacy's traditional allies: Urban allows Roger Bosso the honor to deliver Church taxes from Sicily, and asks to confirm the Norman's continued alliance created by Pope Gregory (mod response). With all these moving parts set in motion, the time had come for Pope Urban to complete the work he had started in the last year of Gregory's life. Pope Urban II sends out the invitations for the grand Council in Piacenza, which had been delayed due to the Papal Conclave. The agenda of this council will be to bring an end to the Investiture Controversy, negotiate a settlement for the Great Saxon Revolt, condemn simony, and establish future precedent for international relations. The invited attendants of this Council include 200 Bishops, 4,000 Clerics, and 30,0000 laymen, including the monarchs King Philip the Amorous of France, Duke Conrad of Franconia, Emperor Rudolf the Swabian, Duke Magnus Bilung of Saxony, Prince Monomakh of Kiev, and Emperor Alexios Komnae of Byzantium (France, Saxony, Kiev, and mod response)
    • Prince Monomakh agrees to attend the council of Piacenza. He however seeks a private meeting with Urban II either before or after the council of Piacenza to discuss the strengthening of ties between Kiev and Rome, and seek papal guidance in the task of evangelizing the many pagan peoples that live long the frontiers of the Rus.
    • Unfortunatelly, King Philip I will not be able to go to the Council due to the conflict with Brittany. However, he sends in as his representants the Abbot Raymond of Bourges and his brother, Hugh, Count of Vermandois.
    • Duke Magnus Billung of Saxony journeys to the Council of Piacenza with the Emperor.
    • Conrad and Rudolf attend in person, while Alexios is represented by ambassadors.
    • The Normans agree.
  • Kingdom of Sweden:Following the armys landslide victory at Tylösand,The swedish army makes camp there and reinforces their army with some prisoners of war and mercanaries that he king hired.Now at nearly fulll stregth around,the kings army swings round and begins marching towards Scania.The king is also certain that the loss of the danish army will cause great strife in the danish nation and so sends a diplomatic envoy to the kingdom of England.The king offers to recognice Godwin Haroldsens claims on denmark in exchange for england joining the war on swedens side.(english response needed) Following the loss at the battle of Halland,the king and the danish king meets to negotiate a peace treaty (agreed via dc with danish player) Halland is to be handed over to Denmark but no other territory will be ceded.After this the king returns home to Stockholm where a council is founded to find out how the army can be improved.
  • Francia: The election of Cardinal Odo de Chatillon as Pope Urban II is celebrated with a mass in Paris. King Philip I makes plans to travel to Rome to participate in the Council of Piacenza, but news of the sudden renouncement by Brittany of its position as a vassal of Francia ends aborting the king’s plan. In his place, Philip I sent his brother Hugh, Count of Vermandois and Abbot Raymond of Bourges. Since the Imperial menace ended in Italy, the king recalls Thibaut, Seigneur of Montmorency, and the Frank troops from Italy to Francia. With Thibaut back in the Royal court, King Philip I declares him the new Grand Connétable de France (Grand Constable of France), due to Adam le Isle having died last year. Now the King, together with the new Grand Connétable start to make plans for a retaliation against Brittany for it’s insolence. Under the command of Thibaut, is organized an army of 9,000 men, with veterans of the Battles of Pavia and Ravenna being part of this group. Orders are given for this army to invade and if possible occupy Brittany, crushing any Breton resistance in their path. King Philip I writes to his vassals that have borders with Brittany (Maine, Anjou, Poitou and Normandy) asking their support in this invasion, offering to divide Breton lands with them if the invasion is successful. Under Thibaut, Frank troops cross the Breton borders [Algo needed for the invasion of Brittany and MOD response for vassal support]
    • Duke Robert II of Normandy and Count Hugh V of Maine are glad to participate. Duke William IX of Aquitaine (also ruling Poitou as William VII) sends some small support. Count Fulk IV of Anjou does not participate.
  • Alania: In the new parts of our nation we continue to build forts to protect our lands. By the forts small villiges increase in population with people moving from the capital of Maghas to the smaller villages. Our skilled workers continue to build more roads to connect us to other nations and trade routs. Within our capital we still are expanding the city by continue to build infrastructure that expands the metro city. Many of our merchants trade goods that are obtained from the middle east and trade them to the Rus for their items of trade. Nomadic pastoral grazers, graze the new territory we own with their domesticated animals to explore the new lands that were won in war. Along the coast of the Caspian sea we continue to increase the size of our port towns. Our skilled labourers continue making ships. A few more ships sail to the other side of the Caspian sea to expand our boarders eastward. On the east coast of the Caspain sea small port villages are set up so we can have docks for our ships that are sailing east. (Mod response on expanding into unowned territory) We try and gain as much control of the Caspian sea as we can get so we can increase our economy and trade. With the raids going on in the north from the Kipchaks, we set up a defense line of spears and pikers on the outer walls of our villages to stop the raiders from coming in. (Idk if I need an algo for this) We send an abassador to the leader of the Kipchaks with a gift of some slaves and goods from our nation as a token for peace and no war. (Mod Response)
    • The village of Atli-Bagavan offers to be vassal of Alania
      • Alania Dip: We accept this village as a vassal
    • The Kipchaks will accept this tribute to not raid Alania, for now
    • Attempts to settle the arid eastern shore of the Caspian turn out fruitless
  • Petty Kingdom of Corcaigh: The establishment of a coalition under Muirchertach Ua Briain, King of Munster, is seen by King Iomhar of Corcaigh (Cork) as an aggressive action aiming at enslaving the city of Waterford once again to the whims of an installed foreign ruler, obedient to the will of the Ua Briains, is entirely unacceptable, given the blood that has been shed in the liberation of the city. King Iomhar of Corcaigh (Cork) responds to the formation of a hostile coalition seeking to subdue the city of Waterford once again, by calling for the formation of a similar, defensive in nature, coalition between the allied Petty Kingdoms of Waterford and Wexford, as well as the Kingdom of the Isles/Mann, which not only guarantees the independence of the Petty Kingdom of Waterford, along with us, but also is our dear ally, whom we shed blood side by side in liberating Waterford from the foreigners. [Mod & Player Response] Regardless, King Iomhar of Corcaigh (Cork) has studied intensely the rise and the demise of his ancestors, from the Battle of Sulcoit, the Burning of Luimnech, the Battle of Cathair Cuan, the Battle of Tara, the Battle of Glenmama and finally the Battle of Clontarf, the battle that decisively broke Norse power in Ireland for the past half century plus. Overconfidence has been a significant factor in their demise, as was false pride, for the challenges that lay ahead leave no place for either, as the very survival of his people is at stake here. Fully aware of the precarious position he and his people are in and astute enough to not repeat the same mistakes his ancestors did, fully aware that the Viking era is long past, he tirelessly seeks to scramble every bit of help he can secure, first and foremost from the An Fánaíal, the reknown Gaelo-Norse brotherhood of mercenaries, warriors, and raiders, some of the finest warriors he had the pleasure to serve in the past war, they would prove quite useful in this regard. To the An Fánaíal Brotherhood he promises to hand out freely lands and the war spoils seized from the enemy, in his bid to enlist their assistance. [Mod Response] Finally, King Iomhar of Corcaigh (Cork) extends an alliance to the Kingdom of Deheubarth across the Irish Sea and the distant but close Kingdom of Alba, which holds fealty over the Irish Kingdom of Ulaid as its vassal state, to be sealed by marriage of King Iomhar's two remaining sisters to suitable matches. [Mod & Player Response]
    • Isles Dip: Godred Crovan says the Isles will join the coalition, and make ready for war.
    • The Brotherhood accepts.
  • Mayapan: Much of the roads to the south are completed, stimulating a large and complex system of trade between the lowlands and the highlands that haven’t been seen since the collapse. We give the kingdom of Tazumal an ultimatum. Join us as a tributary, or war (Mod Response)  In the event they don’t submit, a force of 3000, which includes veterans from the Kich’e war are sent. The Jade received from the Rio Motagua area would make the league a lot of “money” in trade. One more thing to note is that traders who go to the far south mention rumours of a large and organized state (OOC: there is some evidence to show that pacific Peruvin traders had contact with the Mesoamericans, if its too implausible ill remove it). Otherwise, traders speak of an emerging Nahua state in the western valley called “Azcapotzalco”, and they wish to recreate the Toltecs. An aura of suspicion is held, but nothing comes of those for now..
    • Tazumal agrees to pay tribute of maize and slaves to Mayapan
  • House Barcelona: Under their new leader Francesc de Cardona, a final push is made to secure Ibiza. The surviving men arrive on the island to face the few remaining Denian forces in battle. 7525 men are set to besiege the city of Ibiza, landing at the small harbor at San Antonio Abad the men march south and east to the main stronghold on the island, Castell d'Eivissa. :Under the command of Francesc they bring siege weapons to bear against the small fortress, surrounding it from sea and land. (Algorithm Please) With the last of the Balearic Campaign underway, the fleet continues to expand as more ships are built and older vessels maintained in the King’s Shipyard. Hearing of the Breton’s revolt to the north, Rei Pere-Ramon dispatches some 150 men of his retinue to serve as an adjunct guard to King Philip so as to help prevent the schemes of other French nobility. Internally, the Consel Comtal is productive as the other counts agree to a trade pact regarding the use of Holm Oak for shipbuilding. Specific stands of these valuable trees are set aside for future cultivation and use, while larger areas of forest are maintained to the benefit of these trees. The recent mission of El Cid to Toledo has the benefit of opening stronger bridges of communication between the two rival states. As a result of invitation, a number of scholars make their way to the Grand School of Barcelona. Though the scholars stay only for a number of months at the behest of Rei Pere-Ramon, their expertise and knowledge remains. Christian thinking as well travels back with them in a fruitful exchange of ideas that serves to enrich both Christian and Muslim scholardom.  A number of works on agronomics are obtained by Christian researchers including Dīwān al-filāha (The Court of Agriculture) by Ibn Bassal of Toledo,  Ibn Wahshiyya's al-Filahat al-nabatiyya (Nabatean Agriculture), and Mukhtasar kitab al-filaha (Abridged Book of Agriculture) by Al-Zahrawi (Abulcasis) from Cordoba. After translation to Catalan, these books are copied. One copy of Dīwān al-filāha is presented to Rei Pere-Ramon as a gift by several members of the faculty. Though not personally interested in the subject of Agronomics, Rei Pere-Ramon does happily skim the book and pass it along to members of the nobility who will in coming years take more full advantage of the suggestions offered in the text.
    • King Philip I happily accepts the help and welcomes the 150 soldiers sent by King Pere-Ramon in the Royal court in Paris.
  • Lower Lorraine: Lower Lorraine will impose a levy to raise a force of 4,000 soldiers. We will send an ambassador to the Duchy of Britanny to request an alliance between us and them. We will send a force of 1,000 of our units to support Britanny in their war of independence.
    • Britanny: Britanny shall be delighted to ally with Lower Lorraine. We also thank Lower Lorraine for their aid in our war.
    • This action is highly suspect of sockpuppetting or meatpuppeting to gain advantage in a war. Contact a mod if you feel this is in error.
    • Britanny: I mean, I get why you suspect it, but this is not sockpuppetting or meatpuppeting.. Someone just signed up and decided to ally with me, you can't blame me for accepting their request.
  • Kievan Rus: Monomakh attends the council of Piacenza, taking the opportunity to increase the diplomatic reach of Kiev and to secure it's place with in the Catholic world as a prominent member. Oleg and his Chorni Klobuky purchase horses, cattle, and sheep from The Kipchaks and from Hungary while Oleg decides to build a fort inthe Southern Buh basin. Trade continues to grow in the black sea region and with the Steppe peoples that inhabit it. Merchants, and missionaries operate in large numbers up and down the Don River while Tanais's port and living quarters are partially restored while a new church is built there. The walls of the old Settlement are steadily restored as well. The education and martial training of Prince Rogvolod and his siblings continues with Rogvolod proving to have his mother and father's tallent for horse riding, while the young prince is thrilled by the stories his Grand parents tell him about the The old Rus and Steppe stories with Vsevolod embellishing the deeds of Monomakh to such an extent that Vsevolod I makes his son out to be a great Bogatyr (folk hero in slavic lore). As Vsevolod I enters his twilight years he becomes more and more focused on his legacy, in an odd twist of fate god has seen fit to have him live in the shadow of his more able and charismatic son, while it is well known by his court and dignitaries from far and wide that when he opens his mouth it is his wife Anna who is well respected by his subjects and nobles. Accompanied by his Daughter-in-law Princess Katerina and beloved grandson Prince Rogvolod, Vsevolod I ventures out to Kiev Monastery to seek out the guidance of Hegumen Nikon the Dry. It is here that his self-doubts evaporate, Nikon following a session of prayers with the royals assures Vsevolod I that he was chosen by god, and by his people to lead them. Furthermore Nikon exclaims that Vsevolod while he may not be Strong, or cunning, he is well spoken, pious, and just, all of which make him beloved by both his family and his people who look up his steady hand. "A wise ruler, and knows his own limitations and does not seek to rule on his own, but rather humbly accepts the aid of those more capable then he."
  • Kingdom of Alba: With the help of the Frankish and Norman Architects hired from Francia, construction begins on much improved castle fortifications on the English-Alban border, to deter future aggression. With a great fever ravaging England and many troops brought to the border to stave off intervention, we are hopeful we can complete it quickly and efficientlly. The offer from the Petty King of Corcaigh is also accepted. (More to be added).
  • Georgia: Fourteen years after the start of his reign, Giorgi II declares war against Tbilisi Emirate for "saving our brethren"; and he raises 3.600 khevsur from levies, 2.900 Tadzreuli cavalrymen and 1.600 Svanian archers to support the campaign [Algo needed]. For the king, knowledge and culture are vitally important as military expansion and defense; this is why new schools focussed on classical sciences, translation and arts are being built. Giorgi sends envoys to Byzantium and western nations searching archictects for the construction of a line of fortresses in the tense frontier with the Seljuk's domains. Envoys were send to Constantinople for the restoration of diplomatic relationships. Finally, the alliance with Alania has been confirmed.
    • Alexios sends some architects
  • Kingdom of England: Now is the 19th year of the reign of King Harold II of House Godwin. He is married to Ealdgyth (Edith) of Mercia, which has tied House Godwin of England and House Hwicce of Northumbria and Mercia together in alliance. He has many siblings: Gyrth Godwinson, duke of East Anglia, who is married to Judith of Flanders; and Gunhild Godwinsdatter, a nun. Harold II has sired several children through Edith the Fair, his previous wife whom he married in Danish tradition. They are Godwine, Earl of Kent, who is married to Princess Sigrid Svendsdatter of Denmark; Edmund, who is married to Margaret of Wessex and is unlanded; Magnus, Marklord of Wales, who is married to Gwenlian ferch Bleddyn thus forming an alliance with Gwynedd; Gytha, who is married to Alan mab Konan de Rennes; Gunhild, who is married to Lǫgmaðr Guðrøðarson. He also has sired Harold (1066 and married to Anna of Durham) and Ulf, who is unwed (1067). Harold sires a son early in the year named Canute. The population of England is roughly 2 million, with most of the population being centered around Winchester and London. Though the majority of the people in England are of Anglo-Saxon descent, there is a sizable Scandinavian population, especially in regions once under the control of the Danelaw. There are also a number of Britons, especially along the Welsh and Scottish borders as well as in Cornwall. Though the monarchy of England is more-or-less absolute, the Witenagemot is a folkmoot of secular and clergymen who advise the king, discuss legislation, and hold judicial hearings should the need arise. If the reigning monarch were to die, the new one will be chosen among the eligible Æthelings in England, though they typically choose members of the deceased monarch’s family. Harold II is widely popular throughout England, especially among the thanes. Though he maintains alliances with those in his family as well as with the sons of Ælfgar of Mercia, tensions are known to run between earls from the north and south of England. With the ousting of the Estridsen family and subsequent Danish war with Sweden and the wars in Ireland, the North Sea realm has been thrown into peril. For too long, a general state of war has existed in the British Isles and Scandinavia. Harold II intends to put an end to that. The construction of ships continues into the year. Again at the Witan, Harold II petitions for war to install his son as King of Denmark, though word of Scottish fortifications along the border and a plague sweeping through England deters the thanes and earls of the north from going with Harold II’s plan for the time being. This fever-plague has hit the north especially hard; with the manning of new English fortifications, a wave of this fever-plague follows the English soldiers moving north. A meeting of the thanes and housecarls in the North, along with the Marklords in Scotland, reveals their coalition can reliably produce 4,000 soldiers on their own, even with the fever-plague ravaging the north. As the year closes, the fever-plague is poised to spread to the Scottish population along the border. The English vassals in the south, mostly composed of Harold II’s sons, hear Sweden’s recognition of Godwine Haroldson’s claim to the Danish throne by marriage. They form a faction at the witan to back Harold II’s calls for war. At the first Witan, held in January, the earls and thanes were more hesitant to go to war. When another Witan is called in August, the Haroldson faction gains the upper hand. Citing Swedish declaration of English claims, the allies and minor members of the Estridsens are invited to join the banner of Godwine Haroldson. (Mod response needed before I can post more)
    • Sweyn the Strong, younger brother of the late Canute IV, accepts England's support in the coming conflict in Denmark
  • Lithuanians: Along these years, trade with Rus grew up. The principal settlements of the country as Vilniaus or Utena were expanding and some new churches were built. Unfortunately at the beggining of the year, Chief Aras fell ill. All the family hope he will recover promptly! Meantime, the speech of Nikita seems to please Naujokatis and his wife who take the decision of put their son under tutelage of the priest. War is declared for the conquest of Samogitia. 4,000 of our available units were sent there. We seek the support of the Kievan army [Rus player response]. Austeja of Selonians bears another boy who the familly called Algimantas, We trust the succession is saved.
    • Kievan Dip: Vsevolod I agrees to send 1,000 men to assist Chief Arras in his campaign.
  • The Isles: Hearing of the stance taken by the King of Munster against the Norse colonies, Godred Crovan prepares for war. He spends weeks touring the Isles, making sure all the levies are trained and all defenses are in good order. At Waterford, he orders that the fortifications be built up, expecting the Irish will attempt to retake the city. [Secret] To Iomhar of Cork, he suggests striking at the Irish before they have a chance to gather adequate strength and support. [End Secret]


In the aftermath of the Investiture War, several thousand Rus flood into Bohemia following their stunning recent victory. Duke Vretislau initially refuses to compensate the Rus even after his defeat. In retaliation, a military band is formed by the leftover Rus with local Sorbian mercenaries, who proceed to sack the city of Prague and capture Vretislau for ransom, under the leadership of one named Yuri Rankovich.

The German Gothic masons in the Kievan Rus have settled permanently in the vicinity of Tver, known colloquially as the Free Teutonic Masonic Guild. They have begun to make a transformation to the landscape of Tver to resemble Western architecture.

Henry the Long dies, leaving Eupraxia of Kiev widowed.

The Pechenegs, having been continually pushed south by other groups, assemble a massive horde and conquer the Theme of Paristrion. Alexios meets them in the Balkan Mountains and prevents them from advancing into Thrace for the time being, but, with his army weakened by the engagement, he is unable to come to the aid of Larissa, which falls to the Normans later this year.

The lands of Bjarmia and Chud fall out of Rostov's direct influence, while Kievan merchants revitalize Oleshye on the Dnieper. Nearby in Moldavia, a group of Cuman subjects, the Tivertsi, declare independence and ask for support from Oleg and Vsevolod.

The Seljuks continue to lose power in Egypt due to a number of factors, including mismanagement and neglect by the governor in Fustat, infighting among the Seljuk officers, sporadic revolts in Cairo, and the relative strength of the tribes and emirs. As a result, the western oases become independent, while Upper Egypt is taken over by Emir Abdul-Madjid Khaleel. Sultan Malik-Shah is on campaign against the Qarakhanids and thus unable to help the situation.

The south dome of the Jameh Mosque of Isfahan is completed. Commissioned by Seljuk vizier Nizam al-Mulk, it is the largest dome in the world.

Much of London, including St. Paul's Cathedral, is consumed by a fire. The rest of England suffers a sharp famine. Many people connect these events to divine disfavor, stirring a general feeling of unrest. Fever-plague crosses the border and ravages the lowlands of Alba. Another outbreak occurs among the Frankish armies fighting in Brittany, and spreads throughout France.

In response to Zirid piracy in the Mediterranean, Pisa and Genoa consider taking decisive action. They reach out to several Italian states, including Rome, to support them on a punitive expedition to Mahdia, the pirates' main base of operations. Matilda of Canossa endorses the plan, and Pantaleone of Amalfi pledges troops. The campaign results in the burning of the Zirid fleet at port and the looting of Mahdia. On the return trip, the Italian mercenaries also steal the relics of Saint Nicholas from the island of Myra, and bring them to the city of Bari.

Bitter by the involvement of France in deposing his father's crown, Duke Conrad II of Lorraine/Franconia loans 1,000 troops to Brittany in their war against France.

Following the Siege of Ávila‎, Galicia and Aragon join forces with León-Castile.

  • Britanny: A new attack will be launched. Using the entire 2nd Breton Army, numbering some 1,500, we will march into Normandy. (Algo request) The remaining 2,000 or so will take up defensive positions, and build fortifications along the border in preparation for any counter-attack. The Army of Lower Lorraine in Britanny shall also participate in the defences.
  • Kingdom of Sweden:Following the end of the war,the king issues the royal edict nr 125 who will give out large parts of land that the crown conrols to he swedish peasants in exchange for them training and fielding levies for the army in times of war.This is done in an effort the improve the quality of the poorer parts of the levy.On the 20 january king Gustavus I passes away at the age of 51.With him dead he throne passes to his son 21 year old son Gustavus who takes the royal name of Gustavus II. In his coronation ceromony all the vassals swears the oath of allegience to him. Following this the king goes on a royal tour including the first visit to the island of Goland in 100 years.The king orders an attack wih 6000 troops up into the northern border. (algo requested) The troops are equiped with fur jackets to make sure that not many die due to coldness. Some of these troops are also equipped with skis. The new king decides to stay at home during the war and leaves the army in charge of a native to the area,Johannis Johnasson.
  • Lower Lorraine: Helping out our good allies of the Bretons, 2,000 of our soldiers shall march into Bar (algo request). Note: I am not sockpuppeting nor meatpuppeting, I'm simply playing the game by allying and invading and whatnot.
  • Papal States: Pope Urban II in March this year shall conclude the Council of Piacenza. The counties in Bohemia are ceded to the respective Saxon and Bavarian nobles, and Rudolf Rhenfield takes up his residence as sovereign emperor in the Imperial City of Frankfurt. As a last minute decision, Pope Urban retracts the statement of making Conrad Co-King, and sustains the crown solely to the Swabian control. Nonetheless, the marriage agreements in order to legitamize the Swabian monarch to the Salian Dynasty proceeds as planned. The Pope writes to Bohemia that he wills that none of the Rus should molest a fellow brethren in Christ, but at the same time the Premyslid dynasty has wrought this judgement on themselves for defying God. As soon as Urban returns to Rome, he found the beautiful Angel Ariel standing alone in his chamber. Cautiously but boldly, the Holy Father began reciting the First Epistle of John, as a sign of his faith towards this vision. Ariel smiled and said he need not be afraid, and laying a hand on his chest she whispered a proof that she is the same angel who guided the previous Pope Gregory. At this Urban let his guard down, and relented that he will accept this new vision from God. The first priority on the Pope's agenda is the ongoing conflict in Spain, which he hopes to take as the opportunity for driving the Moors further back from Christendom as much as possible. Pope Urban reaches out to diplomacy with the House of Barcelona and the House of Jimenez, and the allied nobles under their respective Kingdoms, and asks to help them organize a more cohesive political structure over the Christian realms in Spain, in preparation for future international support for the Reconquista. In particular, the Pope is interested in legitimizing an elective title for "Emperor of Spain" or "King of Spain", to mirror the organization in the Holy Roman Empire (Barcelona and Mod response). Subsequent to the Council of Piacenza, tragedy falls in the Monestary of Montecassino that the noble and holy Abbot Desidrius has now died. He had dedicated his life to the church for many years and worked tiredlessly for the Abbey, which he cared for as his own children. In Salerno, the Cathedral of the city is completed specifically for the honor of he burial of Pope Gregory VII. This tomb has already started to become a pilgrimage for Christians all across Italy, with rumored signs of good fortune, and so Popr Urban recognizes the new cult this year. In the aftermath of the Investiture War, the Papacy gives patronage for architects to rebuild or expand Churches in various cities of Lombardy, adopting the Gothic style of architecture from France and Germany. Following up from the success of the Council in Piacenza, Pope Urban considers how he could further God's will to the rest of Europe, especially his own home country of France. While he contemplated this, the recent Cardinal Hugh of Die arrives in Rome to pay homage to the Holy Father, and participate in the Cardinals Consistatory. While in this council, the Cardinal relates information he has recieved from the court of France, that Queen Bertha of Holland has been spurrned from the King's pressence. In other news, the Pope is very leary of the promises given out by Pope Gregory to various princes, particularly the Kievan Rus, whose liturgy has now been recognized outside of the Latin Rite. Pope Urban sends an envoy lead by the Legate Anslem of Reggio to visit Kiev, and to make careful analysis of all the practices of the Rus people, and how similarly or different it alligns with the Church in Rome. This mission will also confirm any new Bishops in the Kievan Rus within the Roman Catholic heirarchy (Kiev Response).
    • House Barcelona is un-willing to entertain the idea of an imperial title for Hispania, but is interested in confirming the various kingdoms, to be recognized as follows: The Kingdom of Galicia, Kingdom of Castile, Kingdom of Leon, Kingdom of Aragon, Kingdom of Catalonia, Kingdom of Mallorca, and Kingdom of Zaragoza with additional kingdoms to be added from amongst lands that may one day be recovered from the Moors. However, Rei Pere-Ramon is certain to dispute Alfonso VI's claim to the title of Emperor of Hispania seeing as his rule only extends to two of the less wealthy kingdoms from among those of Hispania.
    • Alfonso VI is appalled at Pere-Ramon's comments; clearly the Prince of Barcelona considers wealth a higher marker of worth than faith or virtue. While Alfonso and his brethren have fought valiantly against the Moorish menace, Pere-Ramon has in fact assisted the Moors! It is well-known that he sent the mercenary Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar to advise the Emir of Toledo on siegecraft, where El Cid's intimate knowledge of Avila's defenses led to its capture. Because of Pere-Ramon, a Christian city lies in Saracen hands, and Toledo's Berber lord Yusuf walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Even now, Alfonso VI laments, the money-worshipping Barcelonians are making secret arrangements with the Moors to divvy up the lands of Hispania between them. Now, Alfonso offers his full support to Pope Urban II and his divinely-inspired plan for the future of Spain, but he urges the holy father to remain diligent and resist the traps set by the enemies of Christendom.
      • Rei Pere-Ramon would remind Alfonso and Pope Urban II that House Barcelona has liberated TWO entire Iberian Kingdoms from the Moors, Zaragoza and Mallorca. If the crown should go to any house for its efforts against the Moors then it ought to be that which has actually undertaken successful campaigns against them, rather than face defeat after defeat. Blaming such defeat on the dead El Campeador rather than Alfonso's own incompetence is folly. Furthermore, the poverty of Castile's lands are no mark against them, but their ability to retake Iberia from the Saracens is directly related to that wealth. Finally, Pere-Ramon considers the manner by which Alfonso came into the possession of his brother's throne, noting that he and his father had not been so callous as to wage war against fellow Christians and had been so generous as to divide their spoils amongst the other Christian monarchs in Iberia.
      • Pope Urban considers the quarrel between Christian kingdoms in Spain is detrimental to the cause of the Reconquista. So he asks both parties to send embassies to a council in Alessandria to settle the future of Spain (Barcelona and Mod resonse)
        • Alfonso VI will send an embassy. He also makes a donation to the church this year.
        • Pere-Ramon also will send an embassy. He commissions a ornately decorated Galea Normandal be built for the Pope's personal use. He expresses his agreement that conflict between Christian forces will only slow their advance against the Moors. Thus he proposes that Alfonso and House Barcelona divide the southern kingdoms of Iberia between with an agreed upon border. He then suggests that an elective monarchy be established for the title of "Emperor of Hispania"
    • The nobility are interested as well, partly because they think it will give them more control over who gets to be king, and partly because they feel threatened by the Moors.
  • Alania: In the new parts of our nation we continue to build forts to protect our lands. By the forts small villiges increase in population with people moving from the capital of Maghas to the smaller villages. Our skilled workers continue to build more roads to connect us to other nations and trade routs. Within our capital we still are expanding the city by continue to build infrastructure that expands the metro city. Many of our merchants trade goods that are obtained from the middle east and trade them to the Rus for their items of trade. Nomadic pastoral grazers, graze the new territory we own with their domesticated animals to explore the new lands that were won in war. The Kipchaks decied to not raid our lands after we send a gift of peace as a token to not raid our lands. Attempts to settle the arid eastern shore of the Caspian turn out fruitless. Explorers and nomadic settlers move west into unocupied territory and claim it for our nation as part of us. (Mod Response) The village of Atli-Bagavan offers to be vassal of Alania, with this offer we accept it and with the results we vassal them. We built up our ports along the Caspian sea. Skilled ship builders start rapitly building boats to sail the sea for trade and war.
    • The western fields are now occupied by the Alans.
  • Norway: We shall agree to recognize Godwinde Haraldson’s claim over Denmark but only if they give us much gold. (England Player Response) We also sign an official border treaty with the Kingdom of Sweden (Sweden Response, also, I’m pretty sure the Sweden player dmed you the new map Mr. map maker) Now, the king focuses on modernizing the nation by placing emphasis on the church’s organization in the country. He also continues the construction of Christ Church.  Otherwise, Norway is in a period of peace, and who knows what the future shall bring..
    • English Dip: You will indeed be given much gold, fabulous gifts and prizes.
  • Denmark: Spies in England and Norway bring word of the imminent invasion of the aspiring usurper Godwin Haroldson. The vast majority of Danish lords and prominent landowners, following Skjalm's heroic recapture of Halland, have no wish to turn their backs on their rightfully elected King and deride the English prince for bypassing all laws and processes of becoming a king. They view he has no claim, only an army that will be vanquished as soon as they land on Danish shores. The spies also inform of the treason of Sweyn the Strong and the few allies the Estridsens still have, they will be dealt with once the English are decimated. Lords prepare to ready thier levies and woodn stakes and fortifcations are built on key locations on the west coast of Jutland, and around Vendsyssel-Thy, ships are also made ready to harry the invasion fleet when it comes. Skjalm knowing Denmark has been worn down after a few years of war prays for divine intervention at Jørlunde church who he himself ordered built a testament to the character and good deeds of the King
  • Francia: The war against Brittany continues. With Brittany doing a new attack to Normandy, King Philip I orders that decides to send 1,500 men from the main Frank army to aid Duke Robert II of Normandy in defending his territory. King Philip I and Thibaut, Seigneur of Montmorency, agree in promoting several raids against the Breton defenses. These raids will burn any Breton defensive construction, kill the maximum of Breton defenders that they can before retreating when overwhelming numbers of defenders arrive and destroy anything that Brittany can use in its favor. These raids are to cause the maximum of damage possible, seeking to undermine Brittany's defenses. This way oppening the path for the arrival of the main Frank army of 8,000 men, being led by Thibaut of Montmorency [Algo needed, please]. With news that Conrad II of Lorraine is supporting Brittany, King Philip I writes to Emperor Rudolf, asking him to intervene by convincing Lorraine and Conrad II to stop giving support to the rebellious and treacherous Bretons. The King of Francia says to the Emperor that he have no desire to drag any nation of the Holy Roman Empire in a war with Francia caused by his rebellious subjects. Far from it, King Philip I only desire friendship with the Emperor and proposes an alliance with Rudolf, even offering his daughter Anne (b. 1080) in marriage to a relative of the Emperor. If accepted, the marriage will happen as soon as she reach the age [MOD response needed, please]. With the Council of Piacenza finished, Abbot Raymond of Bourges returns to Francia and continues to spread the Gregorian Reforms in the churches of the Kingdom. Prince Henry continues to grow under the tutelage of Gilbert de Loiselève, with the young prince developing a great sense of piety.
    • Emperor Rudolf accepts the alliance and will find a suitible spouse for Anne.
  • Petty Kingdom of Corcaigh: The establishment of a coalition under Muirchertach Ua Briain, King of Munster, is seen by King Iomhar of Corcaigh (Cork) as an aggressive action aiming at enslaving the city of Waterford once again to the whims of an installed foreign ruler, obedient to the will of the Ua Briains, is entirely unacceptable, given the blood that has been shed in the liberation of the city. [Secret] Responding to King Godred Crovan of the Isles/Mann's proposal, King Ìomhar Mac Oitir of Corcaigh (Cork) agrees with his notion of striking against the Irish before they have a chance to gather adequate strength and support and shall follow his lead, allowing him the honor of leading the entire allied host by attaching the 1.500 men under his command to King Gorded's overall command, their forces are to meet up and combine as soon as King Godred's forces land in Ireland. [End Secret] As King Ìomhar Mac Oitir of Corcaigh also prepares for war, training levies and inspecting the defenses of his domain, the construction of defensive fortifications in the surroundings of the city of Corcaigh (Cork) takes place, as aggressive actions by the Ua Briain led coalition are to be expected. King Ìomhar Mac Oitir of Corcaigh (Cork) calls the allied Petty Kingdoms of Waterford and Wexford to arms, on behalf of both the Petty Kingdom of Corcaigh and the Kingdom of the Isles/Mann, their allies, requesting them to contribute men in anticipation of the upcoming campaign against the growing forces of the Ua Briain led hostile coalition, that is actively seeking once again subdue the city of Waterford under foreigner rule. [Mod Response] The reassertion of Norse influence over the southeast coast of Ireland has led to the reemergance of small scale raiding against the Irish clans in the area by the emboldened Norsemen. Greatly pleased with the enthusiastic response from the An Fánaíal Brotherhood, the reknown Norse-Gaelic brotherhood of mercenaries, warriors and raiders, King Ìomhar Mac Oitir of Corcaigh (Cork) calls on them to arrive in Ireland and join the combined allied Norse force of the Corcaigh (Cork) and the Isles/Mann, in preperation for the upcoming campaign against the Ua Briain led coalition, serving under the overall leadership of King Godred Crovan and given the opportunity to claim the spoils of war, wealth, lands and titles as promised, but also achieve lasting fame and glory, their names shall be mentioned in balads, exalting their courageous accomplishments even centuries later. [Mod Response (for numbers of mercenaries recruited)]
    • The Isles: The King of the Isles makes a dramatic landing on the Irish coast near Dublin. Once the army is assembled, with every man accounted for, Godred leads the Norse-Gaels on a roundabout march through the midlands until they reach the River Shannon. He then follows the Shannon down, around the shores of Lough Derg, to where the river flows through Limerick, approaching the city via its inland flank. For the first time in decades, the people of Limerick would hear war horns blowing as Godred's Vikings descend upon the city. But as with the last war, their aim is not to destroy, but to capture the city of Limerick, with its Norse-Gaelic inhabitants, and restore it as a Norse stronghold in Ireland, at the same time decapitating the Kingdom of Munster. Again, the majority Norse population of the city are incited to revolt against their Munsterian overlords while they are distracted with combat. This operation is sustained by a supply train of barges stretching across the waterways of the island, with soldiers making raids into the rural Irish countryside as needed. (Algo)
    • A total of 500 mercenaries are added to your troops
  • House Barcelona: Seeing Papal support for the formalization of titles within Spain, an emissary is sent to discuss the possibility of Pope Urban II’s support for a de Jure Kingdom of Catalonia Gotica with its king being Pere-Ramon and continuing among his heirs. (Papal Response) Should papal support materialize, Pere-Ramon makes preparations to declare himself King of Catalonia. Francesc de Cardona, now acting as general for Pere-Ramon is tasked with improving the readiness of the Sagramentals and devising new tactics to combat the Moors based on information brought back by Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar. While he may have served to undermine the Castilian war effort in his final months, Rodrigo's true contribution was to explore Moorish tactics and gain insight into their leadership. This insight he had transfered to his young aid, Francesc, who now leads the effort to implement those ideas.
  • Kievan Rus: Following a meeting of the Veche Vsevolod I declines to provide assistance to the Tiversti to avoid a war that could prove a disaster for Kiev with the memory of Iasi still fresh in the minds of many of the nobles. Oleg also declines to support them due to the birth of his first son who he names Vasily, though he does agree to take in any who desire to flee from the fighting to come. Following the council of Picenza Monomakh spends a few more months travelling throughout Rome, Florence and Milan where he attempts to recruit Italian artisans, blacksmiths, masons, and carpenters to take to Kiev (Mod response). With his retainers the Rus Prince eventually makes his way back home through Hungary until he meets with his where he is given a Hero's welcome. Monomakh is overjoyed to see his son has started to grow into a strong, and happy child. Following some rest he makes pilgrimage once more to the Kievan Monastery of the caves where he personally cleans and looks to the upkeep of the Refractory Chamber where Feodosy of Kiev and Andrew of Kiev are now resting. From here he resumes his duties of state aiding his father in the management of Rus affairs. With the revival of Oleshye, a garrison of 500 men are sent along with Rus sappers (military engineers), and some German masons from the Free Teutonic Masons Guild who are commissioned with restoring the city's fortifications. The city of Tanais continues to undergo a reconstruction as well with most of the city's walls being restored and expanded, and the Port nearing full restoration. New Long boats are commissioned to help protect Rus Trade in the Black Sea. New outposts along the Don and Dnieper are also built to reinforce the growing settlements in the region With a major fort at the bend of the Don River being constructed near the oldRus settlement of Belaya Vezha to act as a deterrence against potential steppe raiders, and to act as a trading post along the Don with the Eastern Oghuz. As trade with Georgia, and Alania continue to grow so to does Kiev's hold over the rich trade routes to the lands of the Seljuk turks. Silk, gems, and other fine goods from Georgia, Persia, and Beyond, along with Salt from the Black Sea continue to fill the coffers of Kiev and its merchants with wealth due to the high demand for these goods in the rest of Europe, and the continued hardships being faced by the Greeks in Constantinople. With Monomakh back in Kiev he sets about continuing his reforms of the Kievan forces. Using his experience during the Rus Civil war and his recent intervention in the Investiture War focusing increasingly on horse archers and light cavalry whose mobility and range will allow for the encirclment and weakening of enemy forces, using the more heavily armored Druzhina as his reserve forces or to close the distance. He continues to promote the settlement of the Kievan grasslands promoting pastoral communities. The compilation of Turkic words and their translation into Old slavonic continues. As a gesture of friendship to Constantinople 500 men are offered to bolster the Varangian Guard of Emperor Alexios, and should he need to he may recruit more men from the lands of the Rus in honour of the old agreement between Basil II and Vladimir I (Mod Response).
    • A small number of Italian masons goes back to the Rus, but much fewer than the Germans
    • Alexios I says thanks
  • Taifa of Toledo: as the war against the kingdoms of the non-believers rage, the entry of Aragon and Galicia come off as an expected event for the cunning king. King Omar al-Rasheed sends a letter to his allies of Granada, Badajoz, and most importantly, his Caliph Yusuf of the Almoravid Dynasty along with the other princes of Al-Andalus if they are willing to lend a hand in this decisive war. It would later be found in the library of Toledo where all royal documents had been copied and made secured. It read: "Dear brothers of Al-Andalus and to our humble great Caliph Yusuf, this year marks a decisive point for the tide of Islam and the future of our people. In the past we had waged war but built brotherhood alongside one another. In the past, all our dynasties swore allegiance to one true caliph and fought alongside one another just as I humbly ask again. The Almoravid Dynasty and your majesty Yusuf has done us well by assisting the Dhunnunid family of Toledo with men to fight against the infidels of Castile. We have withstood one battle after the next and even liberated one of their cities; an important moment in history as a move to stand against the kings of the north. But now I unfortunately inform you they too have brought upon more allies to their cause. Al-Andalus may lay at the risk of a new counter-offensive as the kings of the north threaten to reverse our gains. At this moment we stand at the beginning of a jihad to defend our land, culture, faith, and identity. I ask of you brothers if we may set aside our self-interests and work together towards preservation as well as our future. At this time, we ask you all for support". As this letter is dispatched to all the princes of Al-Andalus and abroad, the court of Toledo awaits a response (Mod Response for Al-Andalus and Almoravids Needed). Any support mustered up would join in the great city of Toledo and converge with the army at Zamora where the city would be laid to siege. The standing forces with new reinforcements alone would number at 18,000 men already including the dispatched Almoravid support units. At the head of the army would be Senior General el-Huadiz. The king entrusting that he may pull through with another great triumph alongside "El Cid". Even though he may have passed on, Rawad had learned from El Cid's tactics of how the Catholic Kings of the north maneuver their armies as well as lay siege and the sorts of defensive they have. This would be all critical information into winning this campaign. Four days prior to the day prior to the battle, el-Huadiz would honor his fallen comrade El Cid in the graveyard of Ávila and later that night. They may not had been long friends but it was truly an honor and he could have not been more grateful for the wealth of knowledge he had gained. The armies after converging would move onto Zamora bringing with them siege equipment as well as the wrath of the vengeful Moorish Armies who wish to liberate the lands they lost after they had been threatened to lose more in the name of dominance. Knowing the city like the back of his hand from El Cid's knowledge from his own siege, they would strike at night, well supplied from the south. Given the multitude of bridges present crossing the Duoro River, the armies would split into 3 groups. 9,000 men would be used to take the west bridge bringing with them their siege equipment. This group would be comprised of Alramah Divisions for Bow and Pikemen. The 4,500 bowmen with flaming arrows would begin to rain fire on the Castello de Zamora as 1,000 soldiers would focus on the manning of siegecraft beginning to rain catapult fire. The remainder of el-Huadiz's group would focus on securing the perimeter. Meanwhile the remaining forces consisting of Riahs and other Moors would flood the remainder of the city as they would cross the central and eastern bridges. There main objective would be securing weaker manned defenses given the surprise assault, mainly being the mission of the third group taking the Eastern bridge consisting of primarily Alramahs numbering 4,000 as they would be equipped with pike and sword fit for the occasion. Group 2 would be the Riah Units; this time surprisingly commanded by Omar al-Rasheed himself who caught word of the final plan and as the most experienced with cavalry as well as a great morale boost, he would be tasked with supporting either army groups when needed. After securing La Plaza Mayor at the heart of the city, a small group of 250 Riah Horsemen would be tasked with scouting and message delivery across the city as the battle would ensue. In the end, this battle plan would lead to the enveloping of the city and the grand focus being the siege on the castle as too few men are left to defend elsewhere and too little can be done but to hold from the castle (Algo Needed).
    • Two thousand zealous Moors join the campaign.
  • Kingdom of England: Now is the 19th year of the reign of King Harold II of House Godwin. He is married to Ealdgyth (Edith) of Mercia, which has tied House Godwin of England and House Hwicce of Northumbria and Mercia together in alliance. He has many siblings: Gyrth Godwinson, duke of East Anglia, who is married to Judith of Flanders; and Gunhild Godwinsdatter, a nun. Harold II has sired several children through Edith the Fair, his previous wife whom he married in Danish tradition. They are Godwine, Earl of Kent, who is married to Princess Sigrid Svendsdatter of Denmark; Edmund, who is married to Margaret of Wessex and is unlanded; Magnus, Marklord of Wales, who is married to Gwenlian ferch Bleddyn thus forming an alliance with Gwynedd; Gytha, who is married to Alan mab Konan de Rennes; Gunhild, who is married to Lǫgmaðr Guðrøðarson. He also has sired Harold (1066 and married to Anna of Durham) and Ulf, who is unwed (1067). The population of England is roughly 2 million, with most of the population being centered around Winchester and London. Though the majority of the people in England are of Anglo-Saxon descent, there is a sizable Scandinavian population, especially in regions once under the control of the Danelaw. There are also a number of Britons, especially along the Welsh and Scottish borders as well as in Cornwall. Though the monarchy of England is more-or-less absolute, the Witenagemot is a folkmoot of secular and clergymen who advise the king, discuss legislation, and hold judicial hearings should the need arise. If the reigning monarch were to die, the new one will be chosen among the eligible Æthelings in England, though they typically choose members of the deceased monarch’s family. Harold II is widely popular throughout England, especially among the thanes. Though he maintains alliances with those in his family as well as with the sons of Ælfgar of Mercia, tensions are known to run between earls from the north and south of England. With news of the Norwegian proclamation of Godwin Haroldson as the rightful king of Denmark, Harold Godwinson sends out a call for warriors across England, Scotland, and Scandinavia. The plague from last year seems to have subsided during the winter months, though with many able-bodied men away from the fields and the plague affecting other farmers, a famine strikes England. These are things that happen from time to time in medieval England, though a fire that strikes London seems to have led many to believe that God is angry with England. Harold II meets with Lanfranc and Thomas of Bayeaux, asking for their advice. Thomas of Bayeaux especially believes that the invasion is not only necessary, but absolutely imperative to restore peace to England and Scandinavia. The navy Harold has built will otherwise rot in their docks otherwise and will be a terrible waste of lumber. In March, roughly 7,000 men, primarily housecarls and hired men, are sent to Sweden to link up with Swedish and Norwegian allies. They are led by Godwine Haroldson while Harold Godwinson remains in London to retain order. A call is sent to Norway and Sweden to send what warriors they can spare in this effort as the English forces march south to take advantage of the ravaged state of Halland. Furthermore, Sweyn the Strong's bannermen are invited to join the battle if at all possible. The final army should total no less than 10,000 men, but will probably include more (Mod response and player response needed for additional forces, algo needed for battle). Should the battle be an English victory, the forces will occupy Scania, establishing defenses at Helsingborg and Malmö.
    • Norway Dip: Norway has no interest in joining the war itself, but some 1500 Mercenaries decide to link up with English troops.


With their stunning victory in the Battle of Rouges, Brittany has effectively become an independent state from France. Duke Robert II of Normandy assembles a larger army of separate French nobles to fight back against the Bretons, as William the Bastard did many years earlier.

Emperor Rudolf appoints Matilda of Tuscany as Imperial Vicar and Vicereine of Italy, grateful for her constant support.

Yuri Rankovich is crowned as Duke Yuri of Moravia, and pledges loyalty to Emperor Rudolf as independent from the Bohemian crown, essentially splitting the nation in half.

Reinforcements arrive from Morocco led by one of Yusuf's generals, Mazdali ibn Tilankan, who is entrusted with the recovery of Mallorca. Mazdali crosses from Valencia to Ibiza with an army composed of 10,000 Andalusians, Berbers, and men of the Sudan, along with a sizable fleet.

The Kiche people revolt against their Mayan overlords.

War erupts between the Kipchak and Oghuz over rights to the Volga River.

The Samogitians offer to become Lithuanian vassals.

Famed healer Constance de Vierzon tours the courts of Europe, offering her services to the highest bidder. It is said that her herbal mixtures can lengthen one's life, even to the point of immortality.

Nasir ibn Alnas, ruler of the Hammadids, dies and is succeeded his son, Al-Mansur ibn al-Nasir. At the advice of his advisors, the Hammadids would migrate from Al Qal'a and settle in Béjaïa, primarily due to raids and pillaging by the Banu Hilal.

A mighty earthquake occurs in the Javakheti Plateau of Georgia on Easter Sunday, causing severe damage and loss of life. The castle of Tmogvi collapses on top of its lord and lady.

Shen Kuo finishes the Dream Pool Essays, describing strange phenomena and inventions, including a description of movable type printing and the magnetic compass. Su Song builds a prototype astronomical clock tower in Kaifeng.

The University of Bologna is established, as the first university in western Europe.

  • denmark: the vast majority of lords seeing no reason to turn their back on their king and join an english invader, join the war on behalf of Skjalm, an extremely popular king following the retaking of halland, denmark has been in several wars over the past few years so they have a shortage of levies, but given this invasion threatenms the existence of not onlty the lords continued lordship but also the existence of the kingdom, every man and sometimes woman who is able to fight will fight. The final army numbers are 9,500 (i askaed if thsi would be plasuaible but no response) many of them survived as levies in previous wars (not all of them since most are first time soldiers) so they fight better than the english since the english havent been in a war in 20 years. The army also has motivation to fight unlike the english fighting a war of conquest, unlike many wars where they couldnt care what happens this is a defensive war for the existence of the kingdom, the army doesnt know what the english could do to denmark or their farms or livelihoods. The numbers nearly depopulate several villages and towns and puts a strain on the economy but this is necessary. The army includes 500 cavalry and 500 bowmen and advances on English postiitions in scania. The army sets up a strategic defensive position at the top of a hill on the most trafficed road in Scania to forve the english into confrontation
  • Kingdom of Sweden: The king is informed about the english landings in Denmark and decides to take advantage of swedens position as one of the strongest kingdoms in scandinavia. The king sends an envoy to Norway asking for a ten year non agression pact and a trade agreement(Norway response). Some nobles say that he shoul join the war against denmark,but the king and the royal council is worried that norway migh invade sweden in that case,and currently no plans on fighting a two front war exists. The king marries Gunilla Natt och Dag,a local noblewoman from Västergötaland. Late in the year the queen gives birth to a son who they name Gustavus Adolphus. The swedish invasion of the northern area continues with the same numbers and tactics as before. However the king decides to invade Denmark now when denmark is fighting the english as well,the king assembles the royal army of 9k(usual tactic)The armys main thrust is to advance into the danish region of Blekinge,where they will siege down the city of karlskrona,following that they will link up with the english forces.
    • Norway dip: We agree to sign a non agression pact and trade agreement (i forgot to put this in) with Sweden.
  • Britanny: The 2nd Breton Army shall be replenished with around 900 new volunteers. The Royal Court of Britanny unanimously agrees for a final push. The Breton Army, with over 2,000 soldiers, shall march back into Normandy (Algo request). Defences shall be constructed on natural borders and flat plains. At the same time, an ambassador shall be sent to France, to negotiate a peace treaty guaranteeing Breton independence. (French response)
    • French response: King Philip will grant protection to Brittany in exchange for a modest annual tribute
    • Britanny: The court of Britanny agrees. A sum of gold, food and resources shall be paid to France in return for independence. The Breton Army withdraws.
  • Kievan Rus: Prince Monomakh and princess Katerina have their fourth child a daughter who is named Natasha. The martial and formal education of his eldest and second son continue. The younger Mistislav proves to be a sickly child unable to ride a horse or lift a sword, however he proves rather adept at reading spending most of his time with his grandfather, Vsevolod I who now spends his days among the royal scribes and clergy who are busy dealing with the day to days compiling manuscripts of the turkic peoples, and of the workings of the church. Vsevolod I calls a special meeting of the Veche, where all the boyars and city representatives of Kiev, Smolensk, Chernigov, and Pereyaslavl. During this meeting of the estates Patriarch Ivan is present. The Elderly Vsevolod I explains his desires to retire from the day to day management of state and leave that entirely in the hands of his son while Vsevolod I retires a life of god. Prince Monomakh carries on saying that he will not assume the position of Grand Prince of Kiev without the approval of the Great Duma (State Council), and the Patriarch of Kiev. This act of humility sways most of the boyars who vote almost unanimously, and Patriarch Ivan of Kiev blesses the Duma's election of Vladimir II Monomakh as Grand Prince. It is decided that the title of King of the Rus will be retained by Vsevolod I until his death as this is a title given by god to be carried till the death of the present king. Envoys with armored guard are dispatched to Polotsk, Novgorod, and Rostov to reaffirm their loyalties to Kiev and to Monomakh personally. The rostov envoy brings a proposal from Monomakh to carry out a joint Kievan-Rostov raid against the Volga Bulgarians to strengthen Rostov's hold over the Volga river and revive their declining power next year (Mod Response). Monomakh Decides to make a visit to Lithuania curious about the progress of the Rus missionaries and merchants there. He is accompanied by 100 of his personal retainers though envoys are sent ahead to Aras asking him to host Monomakh and his men (Lithuanian Response). Oleg of the Chorni Klobuky continues to drill his men and to procure cattle, horses, and sheep for his men and providing land to them to use as their own in exchange for their service to him. He also follows the model of Kiev setting up a council of his men to discuss matters that concern them and to strengthen the ties between him and his men. He also commissions for himself his most elite warriors for armor made up Rus style plating but lighter chosen to use hardened leather and chain links in certain areas to make it lighter and more flexible then the typical Druzhina armor. Rotationary garrisons are maintained along the Rus-Cuman frontier due to the recent spike in violence on the Steppes More to be added later......
    • All the vassals accept Vladimir Monomakh as Grand Prince. Rostov agrees to the planned raid and begins preparing for war.
    • Lithuanians dip: Naujokaitis will host Monomakh at Vilniaus.
    • Prince Monomakh thanks Chief Najokaitis and also decides to pay his respects to the deceased Aras by attending his funeral having heard of his valor.
  • Papal States: While frequently meeting with the Consistatory of the College of Cardinals, Pope Urban II begins to intimate his long-term plans for the expansion of Christendom, with particular attention towards the former Roman territories in Spain, North Africa, and the Middle East. Pope Urban's vision of the Spanish Empire over the Iberian peninsula will solidify the region's place within the organization of Christendom, and as far as the Pope is concerned those wars have been successful overall. The Pope calls representatives from the Kingdoms of Barcelona, Aragon, Castile, Navarre and Galicia to sign the Treaty of Alessandro for the creation of the Empire of Spain (Mod and Barcelona response) The alliances in the far east, between the Byzantine Empire and the Kievan Rus, will prove to be important assets when fighting against the Turks. Still, more preparations and planning are needed for the years ahead, before the Pope is willing to publish anything official. While still considering these future plans, Pope Urban retired back to his chamber, expecting to once again be greeted by the beautiful vision of Ariel. Instead, as soon as he entered the room he saw Ariel holding a sword in her left hand, and in her right hand was a Holy Book that she threw down at Urban's feet, having a scoweling look on her face. In dread, Urban glanced down at the book, and saw it was opened to a passage of Joshua about the Sin of Aachen, and subsequent defeat at Ai. Ariel declared, "the Lord will not grant you victory in this battle, until you have purged His house of sin". Urban was at first terrified by this vision, but then immediately recalled the words from Cardinal Hugh and realized what he must do next. Pope Urban declares that King Philip of France is excommunicated for committing adultery against his wife. Unless the King of France comes in person to seek the Pope's forgiveness, he may suffer a similar loss of title as what happened to the late Emperor Henry. With the ongoing conflict already existing between King Philip and his nobles, the Pope anticipates the King's cooperation to receive forgiveness. So the Pope creates a document called the Titius Regius, which affirms the authority of the French monarch as subject to Papal decrees. He asks the King of France to sign this document to recieve forgiveness (mod response). The Romanesque architecture continues to be sponsored for new Churches built within Italy. The Pope is greatly pleased by the growth of knowledge at the University of Bologna, and sends many young clerics from Rome to help ensure the leaders of the Church are well-educated in history and theology. Pope Urban is rather skeptical of the claims by Constance de Veirzon, as he knows no such herbology in Canon Law, and the claim of immortality seems to violate Catholic Dogma. He sends the Cardinal-Priest Deusdedit de San Pietro to investigate these claims (Mod response)
    • The cardinal finds no direct evidence of heresy in his investigation. Surprisingly, he finds Constance to be a well-educated and respectable Catholic woman, born of a minor yet wealthy French house, who has spent her life thus far practicing medicine and devising practical treatments for various conditions. The claims surrounding her seem to be the product of hearsay or the accusations of rival physicians.
    • Philip refuses.
      • Pope Urban agrees he won't press for the Crown of France, and instead ask for him to relinquish clerical Investiture, in order to be forgiven
      • Philip promises to honor the Gregorian reforms and cease his sinful relationship.
  • Norway: Now that a NAP is signed with Sweden,the king sends envoys suggesting an alliance between the two nations (Sweden Player Response).  Some Nobles say that the king should join the war against Denmark, but he is reluctant. After all, there are more deliberating things to get to, like in Ireland. (Secret) Olaf wishes to discuss sending troops to aid our Norse kin with Godred and Corcaigh. He is willing to send up to 1000 troops, each to aid them. ( Isles and Cork response, also Secret over). Meanwhile, we look east, to Kiev. We wish to negotiate with the Rus to allow our fleets, troops, and people to traverse the Don and other rivers for war, trade, or otherwise (KIEV RESPONSE, PLEASE. WHY IS THIS IN CAPS? IDK). Meanwhile, back home, the king would promote urbanization and coerce the citizens in the countryside to move into the big cities. Meanwhile, he orders the construction of more churches throughout the cities. Finally, some missionaries would be sent to Iceland, to really make sure that the population is following the Christian faith.
    • Godred Crovan is more than happy to accept the reinforcements.
  • Saxony: The Duke of Saxony heartily congratulates his ally the Pope on his achievements in Spain. He expresses concern about recent developments in the French-Breton War, and hopes the young Conrad II is not overreaching himself. Meanwhile, the Duke's eldest daughter, Wulfhilde, gives birth to a small child named Henry, and later on in the year another child, a boy named Wulfric. While hunting, the Duke is almost gored to death by what appeared to be a huge beast. Various members of the hunting party describe the beast invariably as a gigantic wild boar with horns, a monstrous bear, or a giant chicken. A search for the beast is immediately put into action, and the Duke calls for all adventurers, huntsmen, and people hoping to get away for a few days to the Duchy of Saxony, to the moors, to hunt this beast. Meanwhile, the Duke of Saxony is crowned Count of Plzeň, and also has taken over large parts of Thuringia and Bohemia, as well as laying claim to Lusatia following the agreements made in the Council of Piacenza.
  • Duchy of Apulia and Calabria: Roger Borsa became the Duke of Apulia and Calabria after the death of his father Robert Guiscard in 1085. Since he became duke, Roger is working hard to solidify his control over his domains. He is also seek to establish good relations with neighboring nations. For that, Roger sends a letter to Pope Urban II through the monk Serviliano of Reggio. Through this act, Roger seeks to developgood relations with the papacy, this way ending the tension between the pope and the Normans. In the letter, Roger asks the pontiff to receive his recognization as the new Duke of Apulia and Calabria. Roger also says in the letter to the pontiff that he will enforce the Gregorian Reforms across his Duchy (Papal response needed, please). Roger also sends a letter to King Pere-Ramon of Barcelona, seeking to establish trade relations with him. The duke also asks if King Pere-Ramon have any relative or knows a noblewoman that could marry with him [Barcelona response needed, please]. In regards of the administration of the Duchy, Roger start to make plans to urbanise the Mezzogiorno by granting charters to various towns and encouraging urban planning.
    • Pope Urban II accepts this gracious offer and supports our continued alliance
    • Pere-Ramon agrees and begins looking for a suitable wife for Roger.
  • House Barcelona: The Almoravid invasion of Ibiza is deeply concerning. This unprovoked attack, given the agreement reached with the Taifa of Toledo, is seen as further sign of the unjustness of Islam in Iberia. Envoys are sent to the Catalan Counties, Philip I of France, and Queen Gerberga’s Brother Bertrand II of Provence seeking supporters for a holy struggle against the Almoravid invaders. (Mod Responses, note: House Barcelona has an alliance with Philip I of France and a royal marriage to the Crown Prince of Barcelona.) The Sagramentals are rapidly raised and a large army of Cavallers Vilàs, Sagramentals, and Cavallers Nobles is mustered near Tarragona. Pere-Ramon’s fleet is organized to meet them, and a force of 8,000 men is dispatched under Francesc de Cardona to relieve the local forces defending Ibiza. This force takes to heart the tactics observed and recorded by El Cid during his service to the Taifa of Toledo. Units of crossbow-wielding Sacramentals are deployed to intercept the Almoravid army as they advance across the island towards the capital Eivissa from their landing site at Sant Antoni de Portmany. The rough terrain of the islands hilly southwest enables these crossbowmen to engage the Almoravid forces from a place of advantage, raining down bolts upon the enemy cavalry formations from well beyond their small bow’s effective ranges. These crossbowmen are protected by the Christian cavalry who are to feign against the enemy repeatedly drawing them into the crossbowmen’s range repeatedly through false charge and retreat. (Algo Please) After depositing this force the fleet is to engage the enemy fleet in a series of skirmishing actions designed to block the transport of supplies or reinforcements to the islands. To augment this fleet a pair of messengers is sent to Genoa and Pisa to seek their support in the form of ships. A third messenger is sent to the Papacy seeking Papal pressure on Pisa, Genoa, and France to support this effort. They ask that perhaps s Philip I’s Excommunication be lifted should he join fervently the efforts against the Moors. (Papal and Mod Responses) At home the remaining forces of the Army of House Barcelona prepare to repel an assault on land. Bolts and arrows are stockpiled by the tens of thousands, and the grain stores of House Barcelona distributed as needed to prevent hardship amongst the families of the fighting Sagramentals. In terms of shipbuilding, production spikes as the King demands a large number of warships be built quickly to execute a naval campaign against the Almoravids and force their withdrawal on the seas. The other naval Catalan Counties are asked to contribute ships to this effort, and the inland ones asked to contribute lumber and men to help build more. (Mod Responses)
    • At present, only the Catalan counties come to Barcelona's aid; they raise about 1,000 troops and a dozen merchant ships, and they also divert manpower and resources to the shipbuilding effort. France, meanwhile, is recovering from the Breton war, and Bertrand II says he will have an army ready by next year.
      • Those counts that have contributed are thanked for their support.
    • Genoa will contribute a fleet including five galleys in exchange for payment.
      • Genoa's offer is acceptable and payment will be arranged.
  • Alania: In the new parts of our nation we continue to build forts to protect our lands. By the forts small villiges increase in population with people moving from the capital of Maghas to the smaller villages. Our skilled workers continue to build more roads to connect us to other nations and trade routs. Within our capital we still are expanding the city by continue to build infrastructure that expands the metro city. Many of our merchants trade goods that are obtained from the middle east and trade them to the Rus for their items of trade. Nomadic pastoral grazers, graze the new territory we own with their domesticated animals to explore the new lands that were gained from expansion. Lots of outposts start to beging constructrion along our boarders. The military starts to build up with troops training a whole bunch in the training grounds.
  • Lithuanians: The offer from Samogitians is accepted. More roads were built to connect Vilniaus, Švenčionys, Utena, Trakai and Kaunas for speeding up the trade with the Rus' and the western kingdoms, meanwhile Užugiris is still under Nikita tutelage. Unfortunately on the fall, Chief Aras perished. Naujokaitis succeeded him on the throne and promised to continue the legacy of his father. In this year there will not be more conquests, the army have to recover!
  • Kingdom of England: Now is the 19th year of the reign of King Harold II of House Godwin. He is married to Ealdgyth (Edith) of Mercia, which has tied House Godwin of England and the House of Mercia together in alliance. He has many siblings: Gyrth Godwinson, duke of East Anglia, who is married to Judith of Flanders; and Gunhild Godwinsdatter, a nun. Harold II has sired several children through Edith the Fair, his previous wife whom he married in Danish tradition. They are Godwine, Earl of Kent, who is married to Princess Sigrid Svendsdatter of Denmark; Edmund, who is married to Margaret of Wessex and is unlanded; Magnus, Marklord of Wales, who is married to Gwenlian ferch Bleddyn thus forming an alliance with Gwynedd; Gytha, who is married to Alan mab Konan de Rennes; Gunhild, who is married to Lǫgmaðr Guðrøðarson. He also has sired Harold (1066 and married to Anna of Durham) and Ulf, who is unwed (1067). The population of England is roughly 2 million, with most of the population being centered around Winchester and London. Though the majority of the people in England are of Anglo-Saxon descent, there is a sizable Scandinavian population, especially in regions once under the control of the Danelaw. There are also a number of Britons, especially along the Welsh and Scottish borders as well as in Cornwall. Though the monarchy of England is more-or-less absolute, the Witenagemot is a folkmoot of secular and clergymen who advise the king, discuss legislation, and hold judicial hearings should the need arise. If the reigning monarch were to die, the new one will be chosen among the eligible Æthelings in England, though they typically choose members of the deceased monarch’s family. Harold II is widely popular throughout England, especially among the thanes. Though he maintains alliances with those in his family as well as with the sons of Ælfgar of Mercia, tensions are known to run between earls from the north and south of England. For now, the north are incredibly pleased with Harold II's actions and are supportive of his war to secure the Danish throne for Godwine Haroldson, though the Earl of Lothian is a little skeptical. The Godwin family controls much of England; realistically, a non-Godwin coming to the throne next will not happen. The most powerful non-Godwin landowner is Edwin of Mercia, whose son Eric is poised to inherit should he pass away. Harold II suffers from an illness beginning in the early parts of the year that seems to drag on. In case of his death, a witan is held, in which Harold II names his eldest son Godwine Haroldson the next King of England. This stirs Harold Haroldson of Northumbria, who believed that he was the rightful heir apparent, though beyond a few passionate arguments with his father, he takes the blow to his ego standing up. The sharp pestilence and famine that had affected English lands seems to have subsided by this point, though folks near the Fens are still seeing a shortage of food into the winter months. Last year, Godwine Haroldson managed to secure Scania after routing the Danish armies. Now, Sweden has fully joined the war against Denmark. The English armies hold fast and wait for Sweden to finish their battle in Blekinge. If, and only if, the Swedish armies win, the English armies will link up with them (the combined army will be 22,500) and march south in an attempt to dislodge the Danish army from their position on this hill. (Algo needed, void action if Sweden loses) Archers will be used to thin out the Danish armies as infantry moves in from the north and south. Cavalry will be ready to catch any men attempting to flee. Otherwise, they will be used to disrupt enemy lines as the infantry advance in a shield wall. Assuming the battle is a victory, the English will then cross at Helsingborg to lay siege to Copenhagen in September.
  • The Isles: The invasion of Munster keeps up its pace this year with attacks and raids into the heartlands of the country. With control of the waterways, the Vikings are able to carry out these operations with speed and efficiency not seen in a hundred years. The prize of Limerick is once again targeted, but not exclusively. The raiders fan out over the whole country as a collective swarm, limiting the Irishmen's ability to respond to individual attacks -- as soon as they come to the defense of one town, another is pillaged a few miles away, and the raiders slip away. The ultimate aim of such tactics is to destabilize the kingdom and force negotiations to prevent further destruction. Godred's complement is also reinforced with 400 men of Wexford and Waterford and 1,000 men of Norway, who will be allowed to take home any riches they seize. (Algo)
  • Taifa of Toledo: The battle of Zamora was recorded in the journals of King Omar I al-Rasheed as a great struggle as the infidels had dedicated their hearts to a futile cause of hope seeing their ranks be slaughtered as he would write "Our enemy fought with great honor, though their ruler had not been as worthy of a title as Emperor. This had already been well enough aware. Despite their hearts, Allah is with the army of Al-Andalus. We may have not yet taken the castle, but liberation is near". After closing his book for the night in his residency within the city, the King receives a letter brought by horse from the western side of Zamora Castle where the bulk of the 18,000 men had been positioned. It was a report from el-Huadiz and his men on the western flank. The occupied plaza mayor had been a perfect ground of relaying communication between the messengers of the Riah Unit. Being the heart of the city, Omar had chosen this to be his place of operations as a personal trophy before today as he confirms his new plans. The allied catholic army had been defending the castle without any breaks along with Alfonso. With supplies cut off and no known access to water, el-Huadiz knew the time to strike was near. On the eastern flank of the castle, large groups of men numbering about 9,000 in total mostly comprised of the Alramah units would wait near the entrance to the castle which had been blocked. It was at this time that the castle defenses were to be put to demolition as 2,000 of the zealous fighters gathered with large catapults with flaming boulders to begin slamming into entrances. Meanwhile the remaining Alramah Bowmen Unit would pick off anyone remaining along the perimeter such as enemy archers. The Riah units numbering about 6,500 would be readied up for what was to come as they would be tasked with the trickiest maneuver of all; preventing escape. Omar would split his Cavalry unit into 3 sectors, the east flank and the west flank would be equally numbered with about 2,925 horses split up to pick off escaping groups from the Alramahs. The 3rd group would be in charge of special reports with 650 men being led by el-Rudrighiz, a veteran who served under Omar's father, Yahya I Al-Ma'mun. These special reports would be to observe the east and west flanks constantly and to send out signals alerting new enemy movements and change of direction which in turn would provide optimal coverage and cover. Both flanks being ready to merge if one dominates more over the other. In his heart, el-Huadiz would later record in a writing of his own that he awaited the desperation of the enemy from within the defenses as the entrance and wall around it would shatter under the force of the raining boulders and the enemy, left without a choice but to face death with honor and fight to see another day or await their fall from within.


After Skjalm is killed in battle, the Jutland nobles of Denmark quickly shift their support to Sweyn (III) "the Strong" Estridsen as the new King of Denmark. The nobles in Zeeland however support Skjalm's brother Aude, the new Duke of Zeeland, as the king instead. Sweyn attempts to pacify the English invaders by offering to cede them half of Scania in exchange for support of his place on the throne.

The support requested by Barcelona last year finally arrives, comprising 1,000 men of Provence led by Bertrand II and 2,000 French crusaders led by the Viscount of Bearn

Leaving Ibiza in defeat, Mazdali joins forces with Yusuf in Iberia.

Alfonso VI sues for peace with Toledo, offering to cede Salamanca and Zamora.

The Kipchaks push the Oghuz west of the Volga River and start raiding the Kievan settlements on the Don

Many Tivertsi flee into Halych following their reconquest by the Cumans

Malik-Shah captures Samarkand and vassalizes the eastern Karakhanids

Croatian king Demetrius Zvonimir dies. His successor, Stephen II, is old, weak, ineffectual, and without heirs, leading to plots against him by ambitious neighbors

This year in natural disasters affecting England: an earthquake! Stay tuned for more

  • House Barcelona: Having achieved a decisive victory at sea, the forces under the command of Francesc de Cardona are recalled. They rendezvous with the arriving French and Provencal armies under the command of Bertrand II and Centule the Young. Hearing of the catastrophic losses taken by the Castilian forces at Zamora and then their route from the city. Rei Pere-Ramon is confident in his prestige. With his army assembled and with implicit Papal backing. He calls a Consel Comtal during which he declares himself King of Catalonia, coercing the remaining Catalan Counts into bending the knee and becoming de facto vassals. (Mod Response for Urgell (Have Royal Marriage), Cerdanya (Have Royal Marriage), Pallars Jussa, Pallars Sobira, and Rosselo (The last three are all tiny and the two Pallars’ infighting was mediated by House Barcelona in the 1060s)) The new's of Alfonso VI's defeat and suit for peace comes as no shock in the court of House Barcelona. With the war likely winding down, the army is to be released from service pending the agreement of peace between Toledo and Castile. (Maybe more to be added)
    • The Catalan counts accept the sovereignty of Pere-Ramon as King of Catalonia.
  • Britanny: With an independent and politically unstable nation in front of him, Alan IV doesn’t waste time. He acknowledges the precarious position that Brittany is in, but recognises that France, after Rouges, would not threaten Brittany. He therefore orders construction to begin on 30 new ships, capable of carrying 50 to 80 men each. Workers from across the nation are brought in to transform Britanny into a seafaring country. Alan IV also creates the Council of the Estates, consisting of 120 courtiers, nobles and peasants to discuss national matters. Regarding the army, he transfers 1,250 of his 2nd Breton Army men into the main Breton Army, and will personally lead it as its commander. The remaining 500 of the 2nd Army are disbanded since the military upkeep is taking its toll on the treasury. He wisely opens up trade routes, offering to build a road from Britanny into France if permission is granted (Mod response).
    • France is not interested at this time.
  • Denmark: While Sweyn Estridsen, proclaimed Sweyn III by the lords of Jutland tries to negotiate with the king Godwin the Malicious, as he only joined him because he had his own designs on the kingship, several lords who either survived the battle of the hill or who have their lands in Scania order the poisoning of wells south of the English army's known position and roads leading to Helsingborg and other towns and villages at the coast of the Öresund (mod response if it work idk). At the same time the 3 best archers in Denmark are sent on orders of King Aude Hvide, rival of Sweyn and Godwin, to get close to Godwin's position at a moment when he is alone and not surrounded by his men, and kill him with a barrage of arrows dipped in small amounts of snake venom, because a adviser to Aude remembered being taught when he was younger that the Gauls of the antiquity used poisonous arrows against superior enemies. Several snakes are captured and their venom is extracted and put in a bottle. Despite being the best, the archers weren't known before the war, but demonstrated their skills to Aude which convinced the king and the lords that elected him that they would be able to kill the invader king. They are also very skilled at blending in with nature as they have among other things green clothes that camoflague well with nature(mod response if it works). Aude also sends out offers to buy mercenaries from Novgorod (mod response also idk). Now comes the battle to end all battles, a battle that will ultimately decide Denmark's fate. The 6000 soldiers who survived the Battle of the Hill manage to escape to Zealand to join up with King Aude, the 660 Novgorod mercenaries also join the army, Aude also accepts the offer of the Wends and hires them, adding another 6000 to the army. Totally Aude's army numbers 12,600. The assembled army gives battle to the English in Zealand, who are probably surprised and caught off guard by the numbers, not aware that the Wends and Novgorodians mercenaries have joined, In the battle Aude borrows Skjalm's tactic by putting his army at an elevation (Algo request)
    • RNG 1 -- The poisoning of the wells takes a greater toll on the local Danish population.
    • RNG 26 -- The archers' assassination attempt fails, but they manage to escape without being identified.
    • A band of 660 seaborne mercenaries from Novgorod accept Denmark's offer. A group of 6,000 Wends also hear about the offer and ask if Denmark would hire them.
  • Kingdom of Sweden: Following the death of Skjalm,The swedish army in karlskrona begin occupying the city of karlskrona,after this they advance towards the city of kalrshamn were they begin sieging it down.(algo requested) n envoy is sent to england to begin formalizing what sweden shall gain for its help in the war(english response needed)Meanwhile the queen gives birth to a girl who they name Ingrid.Following this the king goes on a tour of the country including Blekinge where he is greated warmy by the people who call him a liberator.
    • The site of modern Karlshamn is a fishing village and Karlskrona is a farming settlement. So the occupation succeeds without contest, as the Swedes already have supremacy in Blekinge.
  • Papal States: Pope Urban II does not consider himself quite as formidable against the King of France as the late Gregory Hildebrand had been against the Emperor Henry, and sees no purpose in further antagonizing the political balance of western Europe. For this reason, the Pope accepts the clerical and lay investiture offered by King Philip, and in return he lifts Philip's excommunication, and promises to grant a dispensation of divorce, should he choose. The greater pressing issue is the situation in Spain, and by extension the greater war of the Christian realm against the Saracens. Having secured the cooporation of the Spanish kingdoms in the Treaty of Alessandro, the Pope organizes the first Imperial Election of Spain to select the first King, calling on the seven stem kingdoms to cast their nominations and vote (Mod and Barcelona response). Gomez, Bishop of Burgos is selected as the Papal representative for these proceedings. These combined actions in France and Spain, following up the Gregorian Reforms in Germany and Italy, finally completes the religious and political organization across Western Europe, the proper successor to the Western Roman Empire. The Eastern Roman Empire in Greece, as well as the barbarian Christian kingdoms across northern and eastern Europe, remain more loosely organized for the time being. With these events having concluded the Investiture Controversy and peacefully subsumed the Western Empire under the Pope's shepherding auhority, Pope Urban finds this as the best opportunity to move forward with the Pax Dei. For many years, a growing movement has gained momentum across the younger generation of clerics and laymen, particularly during the tenure of the Blessed reformer Gregory Hildebrand, for peace to reign on Earth between Christian brethren. As the Lord said that his Greatest Comandment is that His disciples should love one another, this is the same mandate that the rulers of Europe should strive for between one another. Pope Urban II begins to organize a Council next year in France, assembling a few hundred clerics across the Kingdom, for discussing further how to enact and enforce the Pax Dei in Europe. Pope Urban's next policy wants to address the Jewish community in Europe, who have remained an ethnicity scattered from their homeland since the Diaspora of the Roman Empire. In particular, Pope Urban will continue to uphold the policies of toleration espoused by Pope Alexander II, and charges all civil servents to treat the Jews with as much dignity and honor as fellow Christian brethren. At the same time, however, the Pope also encourages the division of Jews from society by the use of urban ghettos, and he works at making the Jewish ghetto of Rome to be a positive example. While expanding the Roman ghettos and encouraging its gentrification, the Pope also supports further study on the theology of Jewish tolerance and their role in Christian society. One converted Jewish writer, Leo de Christiano, expounds that the Jewish community has remained permenantly fixed in the diaspora, and have made the ghettos their home, as mandated by the scriptures of the Tanakh and confirmed by the Babylonian Talmud: since Israel's defiance against the Lord and subsequent Babylonian Capitivity, they will continue to be removed from the Promised Land until the day that they accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. Another prolific Jewish writer, Nathan ben Jehiel, also supports this theology of a premenant diaspora, but without any caveat of acceptance of a messiah. Pope Urban sponsors the publication of these works, and encourages the Princes of Europe to follow his example. Meanwhile, Pope Urban seeks to expand the Romanesque architecture to new Cathedrals built in Italy, on opposite ends of the peninsula. He begins constructing the Church of Saint Germanias in Modena, and requests constructing a second Cathedral in the city of Tiana in Apulia (Apulia response).
    • Alfonso VI arrives at the election and declares that he should be emperor. He votes for himself three times, one for each stem title he holds. Those present at the election question the legality of this, and ask the papal representative to make an official ruling one way or the other.
    • Pere-Ramon arrives and is quick to point out that Alfonso has clearly not attended his math lessons recently, noting that in fact, he only represents two of the seven stem kingdoms: Castile and Leon. Pere-Ramon then declare that he should be emperor, pointing out his successful conquests and victory over the Almoravids at land and sea. He calls on his allies Sancho Ramirez of Aragon and Navarre to cast his two votes as well as his ally García II of Galicia. With their support he hopes to win the title with a comfortable victory.
    • Duke Roger I Borsa agree with the construction of a new Cathedral.
  • Kievan Rus: Hearing of the raids on the settlements an Enraged Vladimir II Monomakh calls for the Veche to assemble. At the meeting Grand Kniaz Vladimir II calls for the mustering of Kiev's forces and war against the Kipchaks for spilling the blood of their kin, which is approved with a responding war cry from the vengeful Boyars. Envoys are dispatched to Rostov asking them to assist in the punitive action against the Kipchaks to prevent them from becoming a greater threat to the Rus Frontier, meanwhile word is sent to the Oghuz that Kiev shall join them in their war against the Kipchaks to drive them east of the Volga once more to this he offers the Oghuz, and he requests that the Oghuz cooperate with Kiev to better fight the Wild Kipchaks (Mod Response). Oleg at the head of his 8,000 strong Chorni Klobuky marches to meet with Monomakh and the Kievan army, he sends word to the Cuman khans who Kiev pays tribute to for protection asks for the them to join in the campaign to show the Kipchaks that they hold domain in these lands. He offers them payment, land and plunder (Cuman Response). Upon the full assembly of Kiev's army 20,000 strong Grand Prince Monomakh on the Don where German Masons and Rus sappers build earth work fortifications to act as the Rus Base of Operations using the river to prevent possibly flanking or encirclement of the Rus Army. The Chorni Klobuky screen the force to deter anything smaller then a full army from harassing the Rus as they dig in and get ready to move against the Kipchaks. Leading the Cumans and Chorni Klobuky, Prince Oleg seeing the disoriented Kipchaks retreat in Panick decides to make chase rallying the Oghuz and the Cumans he leads Allied Steppe warriors in a spirited chase to drive the Kichaks back across the Volga to secure the Don-Volga Basin for the Rus and their Steppe allies. He and his men with years of experience and a fearsome reputation to back it lead the Roaring Warhost all bent on slaughtering as many of their enemies as they can, however should it seem like they are trying to carry out a feigned retreat Oleg will attempt to disperse and regroup as they have done in countless engagements. Following the inconclusive results of the pursuit Monomakh to appease the Cumans and his own men decides to rally the forces to carry out a large scale raid into the Volga Bulgars from the Don next year, and invites the Cumans to partake so that they get their payment and slaves.
    • The Oghuz horde, numbering 20,000, join the Rus as allies. Ten thousand Cumans answer to the promise of gold.
  • Alania: In the new parts of our nation we continue to build forts to protect our lands. By the forts small villiges increase in population with people moving from the capital of Maghas to the smaller villages. Our skilled workers continue to build more roads to connect us to other nations and trade routs. Within our capital we still are expanding the city by continue to build infrastructure that expands the metro city. Many of our merchants trade goods that are obtained from the middle east and trade them to the Rus for their items of trade. Nomadic pastoral grazers, graze the new territory we own with their domesticated animals to explore the new lands that were gained from expansion. Lots of outposts start to continuing constructrion along our boarders. The military sends 7k troops to invade the Kipchaks in the north. With the Kipchak military invading Kievian Rus, we use this opportunity for a sneak attack. The reason for this attack was becuase one they invaded an ally of ours and two becuase they tried to raid us in the past. The troops sack their villiages while capturing their peoples then using them as slaves. When the military gets to their capital city, they burn it down to a crisp. (Algo response) With this invation hopefully we can gain more control of the Volga river so we can increase our economy for trade in the future. Since it then deltas into the Caspian sea helping us secure more of a coast on the caspian sea and more control of trade in the area.
  • Duchy of Apulia and Calabria: Duke Roger I Borsa continues his search for a suitable wife. By suggestion of his mother, Sikelgaita, the Duke sends a letter to Robert I, Count of Flanders, asking the hand of Robert's daughter Adela (b. 1064) in marriage [MOD response needed, please]. With the Muslims moving ships through the Mediterranean to attack Iberia, Duke Roger orders the construction of 30 new galleys, with these galleys also allowing the movement of troops. The knight and landholder, Fulco of Basacers and Duke Roger's young brother Robert (Scalio) of Hauteville become military counsilors of the Duke. In the name of Duke Roger, the monk Serviliano of Reggio travels to Rome seeking to meet with Pope Urban II to ask for papal blessings and permission for the contruction of a Carthusian abbey in the region of Bova [Papal response needed, please]. The Duke also send a letter to Bruno of Cologne, founder of the Carthusian Order, to visit the Duchy and to see the construction of the new abbey [MOD response needed, please].
    • Robert I of Flanders agrees to the marriage.
    • Bruno of Cologne agrees to assist in the construction of the new Abbey.
  • Georgia:Giorgi II sent his most sincere condolences to the families of the lord of Tmogvi and his wife. Reconstruction works in Tomgvi and Tbilisi started, some of the Byzantine architects were moved there. New shipyards are being built in Batumi, Nikopsia and Sukhumi to increase the trade in the Black Sea. The king sends 2.000 of our best troops (Svanian archers and Tazdreuli cavalrymen) to enrolling Alania's army helping them in the campaign against the vile Kipchaks.
  • Kingdom of England: Now is the 23rd year of the reign of King Harold II of House Godwin. He is married to Ealdgyth (Edith) of Mercia, which has tied House Godwin of England and the House of Mercia together in alliance. He has many siblings: Gyrth Godwinson, duke of East Anglia, who is married to Judith of Flanders; and Gunhild Godwinsdatter, a nun. Harold II has sired several children through Edith the Fair, his previous wife whom he married in Danish tradition. They are Godwine, Earl of Kent, who is married to Princess Sigrid Svendsdatter of Denmark; Edmund, who is married to Margaret of Wessex and is unlanded; Magnus, Marklord of Wales, who is married to Gwenlian ferch Bleddyn thus forming an alliance with Gwynedd; Gytha, who is married to Alan mab Konan de Rennes; Gunhild, who is married to Lǫgmaðr Guðrøðarson. He also has sired Harold (1066 and married to Anna of Durham) and Ulf, who is unwed (1067). The population of England is roughly 2 million, with most of the population being centered around Winchester and London. Though the majority of the people in England are of Anglo-Saxon descent, there is a sizable Scandinavian population, especially in regions once under the control of the Danelaw. There are also a number of Britons, especially along the Welsh and Scottish borders as well as in Cornwall. Though the monarchy of England is more-or-less absolute, the Witenagemot is a folkmoot of secular and clergymen who advise the king, discuss legislation, and hold judicial hearings should the need arise. If the reigning monarch were to die, the new one will be chosen among the eligible Æthelings in England, though they typically choose members of the deceased monarch’s family. Harold II is widely popular throughout England, especially among the thanes. Though he maintains alliances with those in his family as well as with the sons of Ælfgar of Mercia, tensions are known to run between earls from the north and south of England. For now, the north are incredibly pleased with Harold II's actions and are supportive of his war to secure the Danish throne for Godwine Haroldson, though the Earl of Lothian is a little skeptical. The Godwin family controls much of England; realistically, a non-Godwin coming to the throne next will not happen. The most powerful non-Godwin landowner is Edwin of Mercia, whose son Eric is poised to inherit should he pass away. Harold II is no longer suffering from his illness, but he is significantly weaker. The toll of age and now illness has begun to show on Harold II and it is clear that he is in the twilight of his long life. However, the king's health does not take any drastic turn for better or worse, and by Christmas time he is his usual, festive self. His thoughts, however, always remain on his son Godwine, who is in Denmark pressing his claim. After the Battle of the Hill, England's control over Scania was complete. With Sweden occupying Blekinge and England occupying the rest, the vassals there have sworn oaths of fealty to Godwine. The Atheling's forces attempt to catch the fleeing Danish forces as they attempt to cross into Zealand, though they are not fast enough. Their forces are able to regroup near Roskilde. As the English forces march, word of Sweyn's betrayal reaches Godwine Haroldson. Having fought alongside a man he had once considered a shieldbrother, Godwine is enraged. He orders his armies to march again on the Danish position, and the battle for Zealand is a success. With Danish armies routed in Zealand, English armies prepare to march on Roskilde. The Swedish army and any Danes from Scania who wish to prove their loyalty in the new regime are invited to join England in the attack on the Danish capital. (Mod, Swedish response needed)