13 Republics is a timeline partially inspired by a Harry Turtledove novel and the premise is that the United States sticks with the articles of confederation. At the constitutional convention, Alexander Hamilton comes out in favor of a lifetime presidency and Thomas Jefferson and some northerners fight to include a clause abolishing slavery. This alienates the southern states who walk out of the convention. The United States becomes more and more decentralized while the Federalist Party adopts a harder, more centralist line.
The War of Debt erupts in Massachusetts between the army and a group of veterans led by Daniel Shays. Shays was aided by significant portions of the army who would betray their commander, Benjamin Lincoln in 1787. Washington's federal army would intervene. However, the militias of the various states would refuse. The federal army was very small and was repulsed by Shays, who would be declared President of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Because of this conflict, the leaders of Vermont would lose faith in the Republic and Ethan Allen, who would be elected governor 1780, would rejoin the British Empire as a protectorate. The federalist states would launch an attack against Vermont with the help of local rebels and Native Americans. This would be the Vermont War. The British would win this war and ensure the creation of the Federation of Indiana, a Native American Barrier state between Britain and the United States, as well as lose control over Vermont. In 1787, New Hampshire under John Langdon would leave after John Langdon split with James Madison, and would later join the New England Federation along with Vermont. In the 1796 election of the United States, the congress would be split between Jefferson's Democratic-Republicans and John Adams' Federalists. Adams would become President and Jefferson would become Vice-President. Jefferson called for a more decentralized union and support of the French Revolution while Adams and Hamilton favored centralization and friendly relations with the British. After a constantly deadlocked congress, George Washington would intervene to support the federalists and to oust Jefferson as Vice-President. Alexander Hamilton would be appointed president and Washington vice president of the new Federal States of America which opposed the American Confederation led by Thomas Jefferson and supported by the French. This would be the War of the States. In 1799, the Muscogee Indians would invade the lightly garrisoned Spanish Florida and would take over the north. The war would be inconclusive and would eventually reignite in the War of 1812, considered the American Front of the Napoleonic Wars. Britain would help the Seminole gain independence from Spain and ended the colony of Spanish Florida while Napoleon would gain control of Louisiana through the treaty of San Ildefonso. Louisiana would remain untouched as most of the fighting was focused on Europe. When the Kingdom was finally restored, Louisiana is kept as an autonomous French colony. In 1830, the Bourbon monarchy would flee to Louisiana and crown Charles X as Charles I of Louisiana. In the aftermath of the war of 1812 and the breakup of the American Republic into Georgia, Virginia, and Carolina, there would be peace on the Atlantic seaboard.