The French citizens reject both of the proposals of the Germans and a majority of them take up arms against their German occupiers.
Adolf Wilhelm of the House of Nassau-Weilburg, is crowned Prince Apostol I of Bulgaria, the monarch of the new autonomous Principality of Bulgaria. His coronation ends with him getting into a carriage which drives by cheering crowds. He makes a speech in front of the Vrana Palace, the new royal palace, that talks about the struggles of the Bulgarian nation and how long it has taken for the Bulgarian people to reach this point, where they are now autonomous, self governing. Finishing his speech, Prince Apostle makes a prayer to God asking for a peaceful and prosperous future for Bulgaria, and eventually, independence.
With the treaty of Madrid on permanent standby, and Chile bankrupt, Argentina forces its hand on the Chileans and annexes the rest of Patagonia and Chile's colonies there.
The Portuguese begin to settle more of Angola and Zimbabwe reaching the southern shore of the Zambezi.
The revolts burn hotter in Cuba.
The Zagreb Earthquake destroys many buildings including the cathedral.
Brazil assumes its dominance and settles the disputed region by French Guiana.
- Albanian Republic (Italian Protectorate): Albania has been facing new elections which have been interrupted by the tremendous earthquake in Croatia, the government has sent its condolences to the victims and some humanitarian convoys to feed those whom have lost their homes. The elections have ended with a coalition of conservatives and reactionaries winning at the first turn. The new president is Besar Dragovoja, which aims to be closer with the Italian monarchy. The capital city has been moved, as decided by Italy, to the port town of Vlore. A renewal of the communication system has started, a new bicycle factory has been opened in Tirana. The government accepts to cede Albania's southern region to the newly formed Epirus protectorate as requested by the Kingdom of Italy. No further updates are available.
- Austria-Hungary: “A new decade a new empire” the Emperor says in his New Years speech. A Hungarian political party begins to get traction, it is a democratic socialist party that is also pro-tribalism and unionism, but despite this most citizens of Hungary support it for its stances of labor and its criticism of Hungarian politics and its role in the empire. The party is known as the Hungarian Labor Party and it denounces Hungary’s treatment of ethnic minorities and vows to end it and supports the further federalization of the empire. The HLP manages to gain three seats in parliament, a good start for a recently emerging party. With the war at an end, we begin reconstruction of our newly gained Bosnian territories. Cities such as Banja Luka and Bijelijna begin massive reconstruction efforts, especially in Banja Luka which was left in ruins following the massive Austrian bombardment of the city during the Third Battle of Banja Luka and the fact it saw three battles which were the bloodiest of the entire Bosnian campaign. A memorial is erected in Banja Luka for the Austrian soldiers who fought in the Banja Luka battles. The Croatians are rewarded for their bravery and participation in the War of the Grand Coalition and are given more autonomy and influence in the empire as a result, which worries the current Hungarian administration. Veterans of the War, now called the Bosnian War or the Bosnian Campaign are given a big welcome home and are celebrated as heroes of the empire and soldiers of all ethnicities are treated as one and the same, victorious soldiers of the empire and are regarded with respect anywhere they go. The end of the Balkan Front of the War of the Grand Alliance, which is seen as when the Treaty of Pirot was besieged, becomes a national holiday in Austria and becomes a unifying day of celebration for all ethnicities of Austria-Hungary. Trialism becomes more and more prevalent in many political circles and many Austro-Hungarian politicians begin to promote it and the overall idea of a federalized empire. With the end of the war, we extend out an olive branch to the Ottoman Turks, recognizing their control of Bulgaria and wishing to reestablish diplomatic ties, and also offer to help rebuild Bulgaria and other parts of the empire affected by the war. (OTTOMAN RESPONSE NEEDED) With the devastation of the Zagreb earthquake being fully realized, we immediately send humanitarian aid and have local troops help search and rescue lost civilians and rebuild the city, free counciling is opened for those traumatically affected by the earthquake, efforts are also made to rebuild the cathedral. The newly conquered lands in Bosnia are turned over to a temporary military government and the land goes under the administration of the Territory of Bosnia and is overseen by a military governor until the territory has been rebuilt and integrated into the empire. Stjepan Jovanović, a Croat and commander of the Austro-Hungarian forces in the Bosnian Campaign, is declared the first Military-Governor of Bosnia. We send diplomats to the British requesting furthering of political and diplomatic ties and requesting aid in building up the Austro-Hungarian Navy. We offer to better Diplomatic ties with Italy and to forget old conflicts as part of an ancient past. (ITALIAN RESPONSE NEEDED). We recognize the independence of the Kingdom of Serbia and offer to send aid and help them rebuild after the war.(SERBIAN RESPONSE NEEDED!) Ottoman troops in Bosnia are rounded up and sent home. Colonization of the South Tyrol region continues with a homestead act being enacted for the region. The population exchange between Serbia and Austria commences Serbs on the Austrian side of Bosnia are sent to Serbia, we do this humanely and we provide transportation for the Serbs, and if they have to walk, lots of food and water is provided to them along with many breaks. We also prepare for the influx of Bosniaks. For the Bosniaks already inside the country, we assure them that we aren’t here to convert them and, in fact, recognize Islam as a religion and also has Stjepan Jovanović, Military-Governor of the Territory of Bosnia, send troops to protect mosques and Muslim preachers if requested. Bosniaks and Muslims as a whole are said to be included in the Equal Rights bill which was enacted a couple of years before and has been enforced throughout the entire empire and any hate crime against a Bosnian or a Muslim will be treated like all other hate crimes and the perpetrator will be executed.
- The United Kingdom: Unfortunately, the United Kingdom is overextended in its efforts to build its own navy and those of its allies.
- United States: Wabash, Indiana becomes the worlds first electrically lit city and Thomas Edison tests out an electric railway. The US 1880 census is around 51,240,700 in population. The army continues to be stocked with M1879 Remington's and the army will finally be fully stocked by January of 1881. The USS Chicago is completed and ten other cruisers are planned. Secretly spies are sent into Cuba and Puerto Rico. Increased working on West Coast shipyards leads to and increased push westward. It is speculated that by 1885, Washington and several midwest states would be admitted into the Union. Washington itself in population has grown as plans for a west coast naval yard in Seattle. Another Virginia-class is completed bringing the number on the east coast to three full-fledged modern battleships. More battleships are ordered to have a total of seven on each coast. By 1881 it is expected of two battleships on the west coast and five on the east. By November the election of 1880 comes around and President Hayes runs for reelection but is swiftly beaten by Democrat George Armstrong Custer. Custer is the youngest president in US history at the age of 39 by the day of the election. His ability to appeal to younger voters helped greatly being an outdoorsman and adventurer.
- The United Kingdom: The Zulu threat in South Africa is considered highly concerning. The defeats and close victories highlight the need for decisive action in this year. 35,000 Indian troops and 10,000 British troops are mobilized in the cape and begin preparations for a full-scale invasion of the Zulu. Knowing the Zulu to be masters of the terrain and weary of becoming surrounded and over-extended, General Chelmsford devises to build a large system of fortified outposts each with a garrison of 1,500 men, four Gatling Guns, and four cannons. The Army is split into three columns and begins the invasion in January. Meeting the Zulu in the battles of Kambula, Gingindlovu, and Ulundi the campaign is fraught with shortcomings for the British. The Martini-Henry rifles employed by British troops struggle to keep up with the vast waves of Zulu soldiers. One of the private companies raised to repel the Zulus employs Winchester Model 1873s and their high volume of fire proves decisive at the minor battle of Hlobane where some 675 British and Indian troops faced down over 16,000 Zulus. Although a defeat, the members of the 6th Natal Volunteer Regiment, armed with their Winchesters are credited with preventing the total destruction of the 9th Royal Indian Army Regiment. The Battle of Ulundi proves to be the fiercest fighting of the campaign. 2,000 British troops and 4,000 Indian troops attack the Zulu positions. During the fighting, B Company of the 80th Regiment of Foot is surrounded by Zulu forces and faces near obliteration. However, the 5th Infantry, Hyderabad Contingent, a regiment of the British Indian Army, rushes into action. The 5th punches a hole in the Zulu lines through hand-to-hand combat. In the process nearly 60 percent of Company C of the regiment is killed in brutal hand to hand combat, but the Zulu retreat having suffered at the hands of the brave Indian forces. General Chelmsford, observing the battle from a nearby hill personally receives the Indian Company praising their bravery. A war-correspondent on the scene takes down personal stories from several of the soldiers in the Indian unit which are published in newspapers around the empire. A particularly notable Sergeant in Company C, Rashid Ali, was wounded seven times, including two gunshot wounds and three spear wounds and still managed to drag his crippled comrade from the field of battle. Despite being of Indian descent he is personally invited to meet with the queen where he is granted a Victoria Cross for his exemplary service. The press surrounds the heroic deeds of the Indians with praises for several weeks after the fighting. Throughout the nation this has the effect of promoting India and its people in the eyes of the average British person. In Africa, the force from Benin arrives in Dahomey to demand a treaty similar to the one enforced in Benin. (Mod Response) Further west, the colony on Tombo Island is reinforced and the local tribes around it given the option to submit peacefully. Thus, between Tombo Island and Freetown, several dozen tribal leaders and elders are forced to accept British colonization. These efforts are also directed northward from Tombo Island toward Portuguese Guinea. (Colonization/Map Update) Far to the east, Arthur George Keith-Falconer, 10th Earl of Kintore leads an expedition from Aden to the Afar Sultans offering a treaty which would bring them under British protection and allow the British to establish a fort and trading post at both Obock and a site known as Djibouti. (Mod Response) In the pacific work continues to expand the colony around Port Moresby with the remainder of Papua New Guinea claimed by the crown, if not truly owned. (Colonization/Map Update) In Malaysia, the major sultans of the Maylay States are offered advisors from the United Kingdom. These include the important Sultanates of Brunei and Sulu in Borneo. (Both agreed to concessions in 1877-78 in OTL) (Mod Response) (Sorry for bolding everything) These advisors will help them modernize and also protect British commercial rights in the countries. With British influence over the Maylay States secured growing trade can flow smoothly and safely through the region. Canada is granted any remaining territories in North America outside Bermuda and the Caribbean. (Canada, have fun)
- Mexico: The people grow more radical every day with some even wanting a monarch during the election a coalition is formed by Monarchists and the left-side who are laying foundations to a second Mexican Empire. The newly elected President Custer is invited to be the first to talk in the new Parliament. [USA response needed]
- US: Both Custer and his Vice President Allen Thurman both respectfully decline to make a speech to the Mexican Parliament.
- Persian Empire: With the war against the Ottomans being a victory for Persia, a great victory parade is held in our half of Baghdad. Meanwhile, the Autonomous Province of Kurdistan (Iraqi Kurdistan) is established - a subkingdom headed by King Mahmud Barzanji who reports to the shah. The shah renames the country to the Persian Empire now with our glory partly restored. Meanwhile, we offer the Ottomans rebuilding and an alliance. (OTTOMAN RESPONSE NEEDED) The King invites the king of Great Britain to discuss our relations and a possible trade deal. (BRITISH RESPONSE NEEDED) Work on rebuilding Persepolis is going greatly and is expected to be finished in 1890.
- United Kingdom: Although Queen Victoria is unable to make the journey personally, she sends her son Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught and Strathearn along with a team of diplomats and negotiators to draft a trade deal.
- Zuid Afrikaansche Republiek: As we officially become a British-German condominium massive investments to develop the region as well as immigrants flood our nation from both respective nations, opening our borders completely to them, accepting British with no suspicions or distrust as to their loyalties. Massive investments in industry, mining, agriculture and banking continue pour in from various foreign and local investors as our ideal pro-business environment attracts them by the hundreds. Interest for prime real estate on big cities suddenly grows as our nation develops. As a result growth has vastly accelerated into unprecedented levels. Our best estimates place it somewhere near 38 percent per year for this year - all thanks to very low taxation in general and our state's business friendly environment with little to no bureaucracy our nation is steadily turning into a tax heaven. Pretoria's university courses are expanded to scientific fields as well as mathematics and literature. Hundreds of new students sign up for these courses. Colonization of South West Africa region continue unhindered. The newly subdued and recently depopulated annexed Kingdom of Ndebele renamed to Nieuw Netherlands continues to be intensively colonized by immigrants. We start colonizing the Cape Colony borders near the Kalahari Desert from Angola all the way to the Orange Free State, effectively cutting off the Cape Colony from the interior of the Kalahari Desert, that we claim but leave unsettled for now. We also continue aggressively colonizing into the Portuguese claimed region in Zimbabwe, Greater Zambia and Nyasyland and the uncolonized interior bordering Portuguese Angola. However, native displacement due to the enormous flow of immigrants continues to cause some issues, luckily the region was very underpopulated to begin with, which roughly translates to easily dealing with the issue with the help of some additional kommando reinforcements. The fleeing natives continue to wreak havoc on the nearby tribes, pushing them even further. Another entire kommando (= battalion) is sent to secure the Dorsland Trekkers route and reinforce the borderline outposts, focusing further on fortification works at them. These brave male and female kommandos are granted the commercial rights of their borderline kommando outposts. Further kommandos are sent along the route to escort Trekkers when requested. Their job is to sell water, food and any other supplies to travelers, patrol their surroundings and enforce the law in these brave new lands. In the way essentially they create small communities as their surroundings are developed by non-kommando personnel settlers, investing in the safety that the borderline outposts provide. Civilization is spreading along that route. An intensive settling of the region from the Okavango swamps all the way to the sea bordering the Portuguese continues with all of the Dorsland Trekkers choosing to remain and settle in the area, embracing the prospect to exploit the privileges we provide them, while also being able to conduct trade with the Portuguese. Several new cities and towns continue to pop up along in the area from Okavango swamps all the way to the coasts of South West Africa as the area came to be called. Even though the landscape is rough with a mountain range separating the interior from the coastline even more passages crossing the mountain range are discovered and recorded by the authorities after more extensive exploration in the area. Meanwhile, new settlers continue to pour into the newly established cities of Lüderitz, Nieuw Rotterdam, Nieuw Valkenburg and Nieuw Bergen op Soom as they develop into prosperous port cities. All the cities in the South West Africa region experience vast growth with Grootfontein, Lüderitz, Nieuw Rotterdam, Nieuw Valkenburg, Nieuw Bergen op Soom, Krugersberg and Fransfontein leading the development. Many settlers continue to move into these cities. Taxation in the South West African colony is temporarily abolished for a ten-year period to give further incentives for more settlers to move in. Several immigrants create new non-Calvinist congregations for themselves linking them with the Catholic Church and the Moscow Patriarchate. The increasingly diminished role of Calvinism into the affairs of our state alarms the clergy, who turns more reactionary by the day. German military advisors help Comdt-General Kruger in his work of restructuring the kommando system even further, instilling discipline into the kommandos and training them to use the new Mauser 1871 Infantry Rifles, Saxon M1873 Army revolvers, bayonets and the mobile C64 four-pounder and the heavier C67 six-pounder Krupp guns. The Homestead Act continues, achieving further success offering any white person, both miners residing in the land and newcomers, alike, the opportunity to get their own homestead, a farmstead that they can build their homes on. However, given that South African soil is difficult to cultivate, Boers farmers are given enormous tax breaks shall they assist newcomers and teach them the secrets of their soil, enable them to successfully cultivate their new farmsteads. The state also assists with relocation, providing shelter to reside while the settlers are building their new homes, as well as blankets, food, medical assistance should they require it. The French are warmly welcomed with open arms. They also learn about the bonds that connect our two nations, their French Huguenots ancestors that played a vital part in the history of our nation, as Huguenot descendants went on to establish themselves in positions of leadership in Afrikaner society. A lot of them enjoy their stay here and appreciate our appreciation of them, forming bonds with the local population and generally being open to integration and intermixing, some even going as far as doing some of the first mixed marriages with Boers. Citizenship grant is expedited to be provided along with the homestead grant. More than 175,000 new settlers of all kinds of nationalities such as Germans, British French, Italians, Russians and Spanish make ZAR their home. Our citizens have increased to 925,000 people according to estimates as no census has taken place yet. An investigation is conducted as to who was behind these inconceivable actions of brutally suppressing these poor people and a few arrests are made. Work on the interconnected railroad network project continues. The Pretoria-Krugersberg line is expected to be completed by the end of 1886 and the Lüderitz-Nieuw Rotterdam line is expected to be completed by the end of 1889. The Southeast Line linking our nation with Durban being worked over more intensively but still more loosely than the other two, is expected to finish and be inaugurated by the end of 1885. The relations continue to improve with the Orange Free State, while trade between us skyrockets since we've opened our common railroad network to the public. Now that the British have finally agreed to allow the unification of our brethren in the Orange Free State via a referendum on the issue of unification and given our vastly growing economic ties with the Orange Free State we ask them to conduct one such referendum across our domains to finally settle this question once and for all. [Mod Response]
- Mod Response: The referendum is conducted and the domains overwhelmingly favor unification of the two states. (Done on discord by Dev) ~Bear
- Zuid Afrikaansche Republiek Response: We rejoice at this historical moment with celebrations in every city, town and village across our domains and happily proceed with the unification of our people in this new era.
- Kingdom of Spain: Spain is willing to accept most of Germany's terms about Morocco and basing rights, but not the reparations bit [German Response]. Elections are postponed this year due to the ongoing Moroccan Crisis and the German blockade. This year also sees the continuing of Spain's naval armament program, with construction continuing on three of eight ironclads, five protected cruisers out of 15, and ten corvettes out of 30. This first batch is expected to be complete by 1882. In Cuba, the strict occupation policy continues. Construction is also nearing completion on the Havana-Jagua railway line and the trans-island telegraph line. In the Philippines, trade increases with Japan which helps economic growth. The Spanish Pacific Squadron's strength will be increased once the new ships are completed. King Alfonso sees the Asia holdings as being very important for the Empire and will invest more in the Philippines. Factories in Spain are nearly complete and are opening next year. The land reform is judged to have been successful so far with more peasants buying land, and more schools are being opened, especially in rural areas.
- Dominion of Canada: With the start of a new decade, Canada would get more immigrant due to the great coal war. Many people would move to Canada raising the Canadian economy. Canada would also raised it military building more ships. The country also would encourage its citizen to join the army or navy in case of war. Canada would also hire diplomatic and send on them on the boat to Mexico in order to agree with trade. When the diplomat arrives we would meet up Mexico president to talk for a trade alliance with Mexico. (Mexico response needed) Canada also requests to buy all of Hudson Bay from our boss, Britain. (Britain response needed)
- Mexican Response: We accept.
- United Kingdom: We agree, and offer all other North American territories outside of Bermuda and the Caribbean to Canada. No payment necessary.
- Canada: we agree with Britain and also decide to help them in South Africa and send soldiers there.
- Nippon: The debate over the constitution continues as a more liberal wing of the constitutionalists break off in protest to Okubo's increasing centralization of power, and because of delays to implementing a constitution. This group under the leadership of Itagaki Taisuke form the Free and People's Rights movement or Freedom Party, advocating for increased civil liberties, for the full implementation of representative democracy, for an end to the unequal treaties which Japan is still subject to, and over the role of the military and to who it serves. Okubo and his supporters without the more liberal faction involved finally implement their plans making the institution of Kampaku a ten-year term after the Term of Okubo who is granted a 15-year term to oversee the Transitional government. The Council of Elders is created to oversee the full implementation of the creation of a legislative body. Meanwhile, the state bureaucracy in expanded to help run things and continue the implementation of reforms, This conservative approach is justified by the need to retain Kokutai (state structure), and to retain Japan's identity as it modernizes. The Slogan "Enrich the nation, Strengthen the Military" becomes ever more prominent, and becomes the centre piece government. Prefectural elections are held. however, to begin organizing local assemblies. Despite the efforts of the Army officers to push for further expansion the government decides to begin refocusing funds toward the navy as growing Japanese intrigues abroad bring up the demand for a proper naval force. Modernization and professionalization of the Army continues with a standing army of 300,000 and another 200,000 reserves from those who previously served. Thwe Winchester 73 is the main gun of the army, and efforts to develop a local lever action rifle of the same design begins, though some interest in taking in bolt action mechanism. Designing blueprints for Artillery pieces based on the krupp breech load also begins. Training of a marine force based on the British model begins with a starting force of 20,000 picked from the most disciplined and strongest. With the help of British junior engineers and shipwrights work on creating four 4,500 ton protected cruisers and one battleship begin, copying British designs. Efforts to develop a cruiser that fires torpedoes begin in an effort to make up for the lack of firepower of the Japanese Navy at present. 25,000 troops are moved to the Ryukyus, and drilling begins to train them for amphibious assaults. Construction of coastal defences also begin. Industrialization continues as the textile, and steel industry grow. Development of the4 Chemical industry also begins as efforts to develop dyes and medicines locally begin. Construction of railways and expansion of electrical systems continue, the Railway between Osaka, and Tokyo is completed, and Nagasaki is connected to Kagoshima. More arsenals are built and diversification of their activities begin, as large scale production becomes viable. Japanese society continues to change drastically as Urban centres grow and thousands leave the country side. Osaka, Tokyo, Nagasaki, and other cities continue to grow in size and importance. Western Art starts to influence local artistic movements and many begin dressing more in western style clothing. Many, however, decide to retain their traditional garments particularly those of the former samurai class, and many visibly retain their katanas, and hair buns, though talks about reopening the sword ban start to spread. Western educated Japanese become a more common thing as well, and many of these people gain employment either in the growing public education system, in the government, or with the growing private sector. Japanese economic growth continues as domestic and foreign markets grow. The need for more resources to continue this growth leads to massive imports of raw materials. With the growing needs for materials the Meiji government start taking an interest in extending Japanese influence outside of the islands. With their new found ties in Philippines, some arms are smuggled to local interest groups, and efforts to begin connecting with other Asian countries begin, to improve economic and military ties in asia. Secret Diplo to the USA, Okubo requests a meeting with the American ambassador to possibly discuss possible cooperation and coordination in the near future, taking note of the Custer's platform to expand, bringing the relative weakening of the Spanish after their war with Germany.
- President-Elect Custer agrees to work with the Japanese once he has taken office.
- Russian Empire: Victory over the Caliph and his Empire. Romania Free, Romania Strong, Romania a Nation. Once more do the Dacians have a coast the River Delta. The Delta owned by Dacians and Russians, its flow controlled by Dacians and Russians. Fish from the Danube will all pass the Romanian and Russian lands. Boats will all pass through Romanian waters. The Russian government will even accept if the Romanians will start asking a minor fee for ships, So long as there is an exception for Russian ships. While in Armenia, the Turks have the ability and chance to move out of Kars, while smaller numbers of Greeks and Armenians are allowed to move to the city. This is the same for cities like Hopa, where people have one year to move from Russian held lands and Greeks in border areas being called up to come to Russian held Armenia and specifically the city of Kars and Hopi. With small subsidies for those that do move into Russian Armenia. With the end of the war comes the promise of a parliament, within this year the exact criteria and seats being led out. For the upper House there will be 195 seats with seats meant to represent three classes: Nobility, Clergy and Specialists. With the specialist class being the broadest and least specific class, they consist of Lawyers, economists, Engineers and more. With the nobility roles in the upper house being inherited for Nobles, position appointed by the Orthodox church in Russia. The Specialists who are there mostly for the economy and matters to do with streamlining the economy and markets,for them there will be a list of Specialists needed in government. Where after all specialist are once again appointed by the Tsar. From all of these classes Ministers are voted by who will advise the tsar in matters of the state. This upper house will have the power of directing taxation, tariffs and subsidies. These members will of Parliament will also be able to direct the religious institutions, Force standardisation, and advise the tsar. This Higher parliament will have one year of preparation where after it will officially open. It has also been decided that for the ease of foreign lawmakers and professionals that all documents will be translated into the french and Dutch language within a week of official Document being released. For the Lower house it has been expected to come into working in max four years, with the biggest issue for this lower house being able to decide who can vote, and on what the lower house could vote on.
- The German Empire: With the war with the Spanish reaching a conclusion by The Treaty of Tangier, the German Nation moves back into a period of peace as its focus continues to be the scramble for Africa. An offer is made to the Portuguese for the selling of their territory in Angola by the Kongo for 6.1 million Reichsmarks (MOD RESPONSE). we decide to assist in secret of the carlist coup with the German government doing all the measures needed to sustain secrecy (MOD RESPONSE). The German African Company continue to push funding into New Holstein and Kamerun by expanding the territory. Incentivisation of German Moroccans to move south into German West Sahara and Mauritania arise. An irrigation network is developed to assist in the creation of arable land in the region. The Neemand and Henryland Colonies in Madagascar is established on the Northern Tip and Southern shoreline as well with settlers clearing land for the first homes and roads. New Holstein's Economic District continues to thrive with Market places and merchant businesses becoming wildly successful, especially in the produce market as more land clearing inland from the absence of natives since their wars that had decimated the population results in a growth of German Farmers and with the success as a result leading to the drive and increase of German settlers. Lohmand (OTL Yaounde) is established as the capital of the Kamerun Colony. Talks of uniting the New Holstein, Kamerun, and Kongo colonies begin especially with the camps along Lake Chad growing into a zone of settlement especially with Native Cooperation made. The trekkers and Expeditioners inland have led to the charting of a mostly reliable map stretching from the River Kongo to Lake Chad with clearly charted paths made with workers hired from the African Company to clear lands around the area and mark routes. The German African Company also funds the establishment of a new colony on the Ivory Coast with preliminary clearings made with docks and ports to be used by merchants. Forceful deportations of the resistance and arrests of leaders and organizers begin after the German Army and local law enforcement stationed in Greater Alsace-Lorraine and Dijon swiftly crush the rebellion. The German law enforcement agencies within the region begin working on an investigation to uncover any evidence of secret underground financing and also prevent further growth. German Loyalists are offered property recently put up for sale from the deported individuals. Rewards are also offered for anyone that could lead to direct arrests of suspects. German speakers in the region grow and mixed race marriages also rises. Germans continues to move into the territory at high rates with Dijon looking to have a solid German Majority pushing to the end of the 21st century. Defenses along the Demilitarized Region continues to grow with heavy entrenchments while concepts for other defense projects are also in the works for other neighboring states. An offer is made for the purchase of Greenland from Denmark costing 33.18 million Reichsmarks and also offering them a guarantee and a free trade agreement. Additionally, the offer of a guarantee of no invasion and our surplus of weapons manufactured totalling of a mixture from our weapons stockpile is also offered. The Industries of Germany boom as resources and outputs reach surplus amounts causing a larger amount of exports of textiles and finished goods with more factories being made to use up more of the resources used for clothing and manufactured production. It is decided that the Conference in Brussels will be hosted in 1883.
- Kingdom of Serbia: The newly independent Kingdom of Serbia begins to focus on recovery. We reject the population exchange with Austria- Hungary due to the difficulty of housing the large influx of people. We absorb our new borders to the south and to the west. Railway construction is increased through private finance initiative funded by taxes. While coal mining and industry are given tax breaks.
A Native Rebellion occurs in Boer Southwest Africa.
An Armenia revolt occurs in Ottoman Armenia.
Spain now has a great general, an Admiral named Carlos Santiago.
Cuba continues to burn with revolts and riots everywhere in the country. Massive riots break out in Havana in which people storm the Captain General’s office and kill the Captain-General.
- Romania: We establish the National Bank of Romania also due to the creation of several railroad in the country our first state own railroad company CFR is founded. Also, Carol I becomes our first king with his wife Elizabeth becoming Queen and now Romania is a kingdom. We should now be referred as the Kingdom of Romania. we also like to offer better political ties to Germany [German Response Needed].
- German Response: We accept the offer with gratitude.
- Zuid Afrikaansche Vrijstaat Dip: We ask the Kingdom of Romania for closer economic relations, to establish an embassy at their capital of Bucharest and offer them the possibility to establish their embassy in our capital, Pretoria. We can provide the Kingdom of Romania with a plethora of minerals (gold, diamonds, coal, chrome, platinum, palladium, copper, iron) and agricultural products (grapefruit, cereals, maze, green maze). We offer Romanian people the opportunity to settle in ZAV and be given their own homestead, in line with the homestead act. We offer Romanian investors the opportunity to invest in lucrative new mining ventures, booming industrial ventures and/or our planned grand railroad network.
- Kingdom of Italy: The victorious Coalition War has further extended the Italian sphere of influence, with the establishment of the North Epirus Republic and the Albanian Republic, both just north of Greece. Intentionally only one large Republic of Albania with the capital in Tirana was planned, but the potential danger of the Greek minority in the south of the region. The Albanian capital city is in the city of Vlore now, the capital of the North Epirus is in Korytsá. The region is taken for its strategic value as much as for the rich coal reserves. The economy, especially the steel and gun production is declining slightly after the war, but the manufacturers of civil goods are flourishing like textiles, food production and the refinement of petroleum. The Jolof colony is exploited for its rich gold deposits, Italian miners and companies flock to the region to get this precious metal. SECRET A force of 900 desert troops is sent in the now unclaimed Fezzan region south of french Tripolitania along with some translators and diplomats. They arrive in the city of Houn, where they try to convince the local leaders of becoming an Italian protectorate, as the French pose an imminent threat to them (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED) Another force of Tuareg soldiers proclaim an Algerian-Tuareg protectorate under Italian rule in the oasis town of Ubari, with anything in between that and the Algerian border as part of the colony Secret End The colonial ambitions go further than just north Africa, as parts of Indonesia which aren't claimed yet, they are a target of Italian corporations. The first one to do so is the shipowner Gioacchino Lauro, who seeks to set up a port in the independent state of Aceh, along with buying up land on the small island of Simeulue. A meeting between him, a representative for Italy (who has learned a few islamic customs from Algeria) and the Sultan of Aceh is tried to be arranged (MOD RESPONSE ON THE OUTCOME), as Lauro wants to invest in the local industry and trade for spices. The fortifications between Nizza and the Swiss border are almost finished, with only artillery pieces missing at a few spots now. The social-democratic Unione Repubblicana Socialista gains popularity with increasing union memberships, both in the industrial and agricultural sector. The Christian Union, the Federation of Christian Laborers and Farmers gains a stronghold on the island of Sicily and in Calabria and Puglia. The Italian Worker Association (AOI) has the majority of the workers of Venice, Milan, Rome, Turin and Bologna organized at this point, posing more and more pressure for social reforms. The Liberali have their majority among middle-class employees of the non industrial sector as well as intellectuals, while the liberal-conservatives have a vast majority among the upper class and the nobility. The URS, supported by the unionists gain 15 seats in the lower house of the Italian parliament, with the majority being Liberal-conservative. In Corsica, the situation is completely different, where no clear majority exists, yet the Corse National Front (Frontu Nazionale de Corsu), a republican-democratic party, aligns with the Agrarian Party (Party of Corsican Farmers), a moderate left-liberal party to form the majority of the parliament. In the small town of Forli, the first unionist to become is elected: Alessandro fortis, who is also the first Jew to become a mayor in Italy. Though being moderate inside the URS, he is affiliated with a variety of republican anti-monarchist groups and the unions. An end of the rivalry with Austria is welcomed.
- They Libyan tribes agree under the condition of more autonomy, the Sultan of Aceh agrees. (Done by Colgan on Discord)
- France OCC: Quick note: I already invaded Fezzan before the mod response so it's too late
- Empire of Mexico: The Referendum passed with the newly elected Emperor being crowned on the 13th of February. The President of France, Queen Victoria and the President of United States. [Response Needed]. He starts employment bills and asks Britain to buys Belize [Response Needed]. He commissions the Henry warship in the Yucatan.
- Zuid Afrikaansche Vrijstaat Dip: We ask the Empire of Mexico for closer economic relations, to establish an embassy at their capital of Mexico City and offer them the possibility to establish their embassy in our capital, Pretoria. We can provide the Empire of Mexico with a plethora of minerals (gold, diamonds, coal, chrome, platinum, palladium, copper, iron) and agricultural products (grapefruit, cereals, maze, green maze). We offer Mexican people the opportunity to settle in ZAV and be given their own homestead, in line with the homestead act. We offer Mexican investors the opportunity to invest in lucrative new mining ventures, booming industrial ventures and/or planned grand railroad network.
- Mexican Dip: We accept.
- French Diplomacy: France refuses to acknowledge this Third Mexican Empire as the legitimate government of Mexico due to its ties to Prussia and its past war against the former French Puppet of the Second Mexican Empire as the French Republic recognizes Agustín de Iturbide the adopted son of former Mexican Emperor Maximilian I as the true Mexican Monarch
- Kingdom of Spain: Alfonso XII is determined to not allow the Moroccan Crisis set back his plans or damage the image of Spain, and is working with newly appointed Minister of the Navy, Admiral Carlos Santiago, to continue to rebuild the Spanish military might. After recent events, the Ministry of Overseas works to strengthen defenses of Spanish colonies. The total garrison in Cuba is raised to
150,000troops while the total garrison in the Philippines is raised to100,000troops. The newly-completed factories in Spain are increasing rifle and artillery production, equipping the Spanish Army with the latest weapons. Fortifications are constructed at strategically important locations in Cuba, the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and some of the Spanish Pacific Islands. The expansion of the Spanish Armada continues, with additionally the Navy Ministry ordering the conversion of the 15 ordered protected cruisers into armored cruisers after modifications to the hull, including the ones being already constructed right now.Construction is ongoing on three of the eight Pelayo-class battleships(expected to be completed next year), equipped with the recently developed Gonzalez Hontoria 16 cm naval guns, 28 cm guns, and an armored belt. The Emperador Carlos V-class and Infanta Maria Teresa-class armored cruisers, of whichfive out of 15are under construction, are also equipped with the 16 cm guns and will be given a thick armored belt of iron, exchanging the faster speed and lighter armor of a protected cruiser for better protection of an armored cruiser. Theten steam corvettes are commissioned this year, having started construction in 1879. Another ten are laid down in their place and will be the last as the remaining ten are cancelled. This is because the Navy is nearing completion in developing a "torpedo boat destroyer" called Destructor-class destroyer, equipped with a variety of guns and torpedoes. It is planned that ten destroyers will be ordered starting from 1882, when experiments are expected to be completed and the last corvettes are commissioned. The naval yards at Cadiz, Bilbao, and Barcelona continue working to fulfill the orders on schedule, and the work force is expanded. The Spanish Navy's organisation is modified as the new ships approach completion, with a Home Squadron based at Cartagena, the Cuba Naval Station/Squadron in Havana and Santiago de Cuba, and the Pacific Naval Station/Squadron at Manila and Mindanao.Outside of that, the railways and telegraph line in Cuba are completed.A railway between Madrid and several major cities in Spain is planned to improve transportation, and telegraph lines are beginning to be laid down connected all major cities and towns over the next several years. The education program and land reform also continue. Elections take place, the 1881 general election sees the Partido Moderado maintain control over the majority of the seats in the Restoration Cortes. However, as part of the power-sharing agreement signed after the Third Carlist War, King Alfonso appoints Union Liberal leader Praxedes Mateo Sagasta as Prime Minister. The recent colonial adventure in Morocco may have been seen as a setback, but the domestic economic and education programs are seen as beneficial by many Spanish voters and the military buildup is also considered good for restoring Spanish pride. The King of Spain's colonial ambitions extend beyond Morocco, however, and the Spanish authorities in the Philippines are given more funding. Additionally, Spain reaches out to the King of Cambodia, asking to establish trade between his country and Spain, and assistance in developing their country and military, in exchange for Spain being granted a treaty port in their country. [Mod Response] The Spanish occupation policy in Cuba continues, all rioters and rebels are executed on the spot by the troops.- Okay those numbers are way to high, especially for a colonial force made up of primarily mainlander Spanish. Cut it down to like 20,000. Also with all the riots and revolts going on how were these projects in Cuba not destroyed or disrupted? Fix it. - mod
- in response to the crackdown on the rioters and rebels, many more people revolt or join in the riots, actively resisting or even fighting the Spanish soldiers. In many areas the Spanish soldiers are overpowered and overwhelmed by the locals and are themselves attacked by the locals. The Spanish soldiers are brutally murdered with many cutting off their heads in public executions. The riots in Havana just get worse and worse with the entire city up in flames (figuratively speaking) due to the fact the police force there, primarily made up of natives, have either gone on strike or joined the rioters. The Spanish troops in Havana are overpowered and many of their barracks are stormed and the soldiers brutally murdered. Rebels enter the city and the rioters join forces with them and storm the local municipal building and write up a Declaration of Independence from Spain and the formation of the Republic of Cuba. The news of the Declaration spreads throughout the island. - mod
- This is ridiculous, during the Cuban Independence War in OTL Spain had about 200,000 troops in Cuba, and in the first Ten Years' War in Cuba (1868-1878) Spain had 166,000 troops, so my numbers are significantly lower than OTL. Only 20,000? Moreover, the Cubans did not succeed in OTL during the Ten Years' War and struggled until the 1890s. What you just decribed is not very plausible to happen, especially since the brutal occupation policy that I also employed, as Spain in OTL, was effective in keeping control of Cuba until the Americans intervened in 1898. It is also true in OTL that Spain build a railway and telegraph line during this time in Cuba. Overall I don't think this scenario you wrote is plausible -- now, I don't have a problem with differences from OTL per se, but this does not sound reasonable given the circumstances and the way I responded to the rebellion.
- You’re right about troop numbers, they may stay the same. We are still discussing the plausibility of the revolt though.
- Bjorn, while the rest of your turn is some what plausible, the extremely rapid naval buildup is impossible given that Spain emerged from a civil war not even a decade ago and doesn't have the naval yards to build most of the ships you are saying are being built. Furthermore, constructing five cruisers simultaneously, while also building other ships is extremely expensive given that Spain does not have a large industrial base (its rather small at this point), does not have large coal reserves necessary for the refinement of iron ore, and does not have any history of producing the cannons you are mentioning. Unless you are purchasing these ships they simply can't be completed. This has been an issue for a few turns. - Steph (talk)
- I am using Wikipedia's information on Spanish ships from this time period - albeit, a few years ahead of time but most of the ships I mentioned were built around late 1880s-early 1890s. Since everyone else is developing naval technology at an earlier pace than in OTL it seems reasonable. You have Japan developing a significant navy right now even though in the 1880s OTL they only had a coastal defence force. I have been reforming since the civil war and undertaking economic reforms more extensively from OTL.
- It's 1881, so no you can't build ships a decade more advanced especially this decade when you go from what are basically civil war era ironclads to actual steel ships. Additionally, Spain didn't build most of its ships and purchased most of its cruisers in the Spanish-American War from Italy which hasn't happened. Also it takes years to build shipyards big enough to build the ships you are talking about, and then it takes years to build the ships, that doesn't happen in the few turns its been since the civil war and since you started the build-up. Spain is doing better economically, yes I agree on that front, but not enough better to build the ships you are building, especially simultaneously. - Steph (talk)
- In my defence all the ships I have right now are purchased from the Americans and Brits. I havent started building my own fleet yet. Also, I have had a lot and I mean a lot of British and American subsidies tyou can check my turns over the last ten turns. With Blood and Iron (talk) 00:16, July 3, 2019 (UTC)
- also there is a reason I made a surprise attack on you. Also, in the 1870s, I have had a border skirmish with the Russians already, and I've been threatened by the chinese so I used the external threats as a reason to fuel military growth since the 1870s. not to mention the satsuma rebellion proved the trajectory was right). With Blood and Iron (talk) 00:30, July 3, 2019 (UTC)
- Bjorn, while the rest of your turn is some what plausible, the extremely rapid naval buildup is impossible given that Spain emerged from a civil war not even a decade ago and doesn't have the naval yards to build most of the ships you are saying are being built. Furthermore, constructing five cruisers simultaneously, while also building other ships is extremely expensive given that Spain does not have a large industrial base (its rather small at this point), does not have large coal reserves necessary for the refinement of iron ore, and does not have any history of producing the cannons you are mentioning. Unless you are purchasing these ships they simply can't be completed. This has been an issue for a few turns. - Steph (talk)
- French Diplomacy: The French Republic having a common enemy with the Spanish accept the Alliance proposal sent two years before.
- Italian Dip: The Italian nation proposes to establish a friendship between Spain and Italy by giving lower taxes on importing Spanish goods.
- Spanish Diplomacy: The Spanish government is glad that a military alliance with the French has been established in response to aggression from the German Empire. The Kingdom of Spain hopes to expand its relations with the French Republic in the coming years. Spain also agrees to the Italian proposal and will increase economic ties with the Kingdom of Italy.
- You’re right about troop numbers, they may stay the same. We are still discussing the plausibility of the revolt though.
- Zuid Afrikaansche Republiek: We rejoice at this historical unification with our Oranje Vrijstaat brethren with celebrations in every city, town and village across our domains and happily proceed with the unification of our people in this new era. The unified state is renamed Zuid Afrikaanche Vrijstaat formally. President Pretorious adresses the nation with a speech "For the first since we've started this great journey that the Great Trek has been we stand united before the world, my brothers this is great reason to celebrate". However, the most common usage is just Vrijstaat. Massive investments in industry, mining, agriculture and banking continue pour in from various foreign and local investors as our ideal pro-business environment attracts them by the hundreds. Interest for prime real estate on big cities suddenly grows as our nation develops. As a result growth has vastly accelerated into unprecedented levels. Our best estimates place it somewhere near 45 percent per year for this year - all thanks to very low taxation in general and our state's business friendly environment with little to no bureaucracy our nation is steadily turning into a tax heaven. A Greek refugee from the Balkans, formerly a pirate that plundered and looted the Aegean with his fleet before his entire crew was executed by the Ottomans, then a local magnate using his large fortune to purchase or create several ventures such as a plantation, a tannery, a shipyard and some commercial ships in the island of Chios, got his land ravaged by the Ottomans for his support for the Greek independence cause, managing to flee with nothing to his name than his fearsome reputation and his amazing shipbuilding skills, having built or modified almost every ship he owned himself. He leads a consortium of investors into establishing our nation's first shipyard in Nieuw Bergen op Soom. Colonization of South West Africa region continue unhindered. Nieuw Netherlands continues to be intensively colonized by immigrants. We continue colonizing the Cape Colony borders near the Kalahari Desert from South West Africa all the way to the Orange Free State, effectively cutting off the Cape Colony from the interior of the Kalahari Desert, that we claim but leave unsettled for now. We also continue agressively colonizing into the Portuguese claimed region in Zimbabwe, Greater Zambia and Nyasyland and the uncolonized interior bordering Portuguese Angola. However, native displacement due to the enormous flow of immigrants continues to cause some issues, luckily the region was very underpopulated to begin with, which roughly translates to easily dealing with the issue with the help of some additional kommando reinforcements. The fleeing natives continue to wreak havoc on the nearby tribes, pushing them even further. New settlers continue to pour into the newly established South West African cities of Lüderitz, Nieuw Rotterdam, Nieuw Valkenburg and Nieuw Bergen op Soom as they develop into prosperous port cities. All the cities in the South West Africa region experience vast growth with Grootfontein, Lüderitz, Nieuw Rotterdam, Nieuw Valkenburg, Nieuw Bergen op Soom, Krugersberg and Fransfontein leading the development. Many settlers continue to move into these cities. Taxation in the South West African colony is temporarily abolished for a ten-year period to give further incentives for more settlers to move in. Several immigrants create new non-Calvinist congregations for themselves linking them with the Catholic Church and the Moscow Patriarchate. The increasingly diminished role of Calvinism into the affairs of our state alarms the clergy, who turns more reactionary by the day. German military advisors help Comdt-General Kruger in his work of restructuring the kommando system even further, instilling discipline into the kommandos and training them to use the new Mauser 1871 Infantry Rifles, Saxon M1873 Army revolvers, bayonets and the mobile C64 four-pounder and the heavier C67 six-pounder Krupp guns. We bloodily surpress the native rebellion in South West Africa with three kommandos led by Comdt-General Kruger. The army proceeds to punish them harshly for their rebellion either executing those tribes associated with the rebellion or forcing them to flee to avoid their certain deaths. The Homestead Act continues, achieving further success offering any white person, both miners residing in the land and newcomers, alike, the opportunity to get their own homestead, a farmstead that they can build their homes on. However, given that South African soil is difficult to cultivate, Boers farmers are given enormous tax breaks shall they assist newcomers and teach them the secrets of their soil, enable them to successfully cultivate their new farmsteads. The state also assists with relocation, providing shelter to reside while the settlers are building their new homes, as well as blankets, food, medical assistance should they require it. The French continue to integrate. Citizenship grant is expedited to be provided along with the homestead grant. More than 200,000 new settlers of all kinds of nationalities such as Germans, British French, Italians, Russians and Spanish make ZAR their home. Our citizens, also accounting the Orange Free State's 125,000 Boers and 50,000 mostly British white citizens, that we also grant them citizenship that the Orange Free State had previously denied them, have increased to 1.3 million people according to estimates as no census has taken place yet. Work on the interconnected railroad network project continues. The Pretoria-Krugersberg line is expected to be completed by the end of 1886 and the Lüderitz-Nieuw Rotterdam line is expected to be completed by the end of 1889. The Southeast Line linking our nation with Durban being worked over more intensively but still more loosely than the other two, is expected to finish and be inaugurated by the end of 1885. We start to improve relations with Argentina, while trans-Atlantic trade between us is encouraged and starts to increase. With our sheer economic and military and given that we are closely related people might we demand that the state of Griqualand West agrees to its annexation, sending envoys to the Waterboer dynasty offering their the Griqua people equal rights with white people and offering to recognize Kaptijn Nicholaas Waterboer's proprietorship over the West Grinquan diamond fields as well as create a special administration unit named Kaptijnate centered around Griquatown where only Grinqua people would be allowed to live, allowing him to hold on to authority over a significant part of the area which he now rules, given his recent troubles with the white miners trying to take political control of his state, that has weakened his fading hold on to power. The white miners would be allowed to live only in one city that will be founded in a new location in the West Grinqua state thats not settled by Grinquas and the Waterboer dynasty and any other Grinqua having rights to the land would be properly compensated. [Mod Response]
- Mod Response: Griqualand West agrees. (Done on discord by Ycastro) ~Bear
- Third French Republic: With negotiations underway with the Germans and another Crisis having been averted 30,000 men are withdrawn from New Brittany in order to ease the tensions with Lieutenant Colonel Boulanger also sent to France after major disagreements with the Governor of New Brittany only to be promoted to Brigadier General with the support of his superior, Inspector-General of the Army Henri d'Orléans, duc d'Aumale. Meanwhile, efforts for the Monarchist Referendum collapse as the nation seems preoccupied with its rivalry with Germany and Italy. With a newly strengthened French Army of a total of approximately 500,000 men, France's President MacMahon decides to halt the conscription and end future efforts to expand the Army not wishing to provoke Germany. Meanwhile, MacMahon also announces New Elections with him running for a second term as President of France as he also announces a new Constitutional Law limiting every Presidential Term to seven years. With the announcement of the elections many other Politicians announce their intentions to run for President such as Jules Grévy of the Opportunist Republicans, French General Paul de Ladmirault, Orelanist Henri d'Orléans, Duke of Aumale, the second last son of the Last King of France Louis Phillipe and another French General known for his involvement in the suppression of the French Commune Gaston, Marquis de Galliffet. The Elections are expected to take place in 1882 as many see this as a deciding factor in French politics as the Elections will determine the future of France. Meanwhile, the French Navy nears the end of its First Naval Expansion Plan with four out of seven Armored cruisers, five out of five ironclads, ten out of ten protected cruisers and seven out 17 Italia-class type ironclad battleships complete with the First Naval Expansion Plan expected to be completed by 1883. In foreign matters, President MacMahon accepts the Spanish offer for a military Aaliance against Germany proposed in 1879 while also beginning making new plans for a new French Colonial Empire. With the area in Central Africa contested between France and Germany, MacMahon looks elsewhere for new colonies shifting his focus in Eastern Africa in order to expand around the Germans in Central Africa and unite the French Colonies in North Africa, Central Africa and East Africa. This ambitious project begins with 15,000 Foreign Legion Troops along with a small fleet of two ironclads, one protected cruiser, one armored cruiser and one ironclad battleship arriving at the Swahili Coast with the Foreign Troops landing at Mombasa in order to secure the area supported by the French Fleet. With the easy capture of Mombasa, the Foreign Troops proceed to push southward toward the city of Bagamoyo with the French Fleet surrounding Zanzibar Island to force the Sultan to surrender to France and accept French Sovereignty over the entirety of Zanzibar (Mod Response Needed). As Zanzibar is in the process of Colonization, France offers the Sultanate of Hobyo and the Majeerteen Sultanate to become French Protectorates separately offering both states protection and support for their expansionist Goals (Mod Response Needed). In addition to this, 5,000 Foreign Legion Troops along with 500 Recruited Local Troops and a few guides and translators move into the region of Fezzan to conquer the region and occupy the area as part of MacMahon’s Colonial Plan as the troops move toward the towns of Brak and Houn. Meanwhile, plans are made to land in Siam or Burma to replace the loss of Cochinchina in South East Asia to the Germans. With these developments the Bonapartist Efforts to have Napoleon IV return to France are successful as he arrives in France where he is greeted by his followers as the Bonapartes begins their plan for recovery. Meanwhile, many of Napoleon IV’s followers and even the former French Empress currently living in England begin proposing the marriage between Napoleon IV and Queen Victoria’s youngest daughter Princess Beatrice who is still unmarried and is suitable for the Young Imperial Prince (British Response Needed). (Secret) With Germany securing Morocco as a Protectorate and with the CEF gaining minor support from local tribes, a Force of 3,500 men consisting of Mercenaries and Local Tribesmen secretly funded by the CEF and the League des Revanchists land in Morocco and begin a march toward Rabat recruiting more locals along the way expanding their force to 5,000 men as they invade East Morocco. Meanwhile, La Ligue des Revanchists and the Ligue des Patriotes - two French Paramilitary groups with over 100,000 members - begin aiding the French Rebels in German Territories and helps the French Rebels begin a Guerrilla Campaign against the Germans and organize one unified Group in which would soon been known as Le Front de Liberation Francais with over 100,000 People joining them. With this, Phase One of the operation is put in motion with Monsieur G.E.B continuing to plan his takeover of France in order to lead the nation in its War of Revanche against Germany and Italy. (End of Secret)
- Zuid Afrikaansche Vrijstaat Dip: We ask the Third French Republic for closer economic relations, to establish an embassy at their capital of Paris and offer them the possibility to establish their embassy in our capital, Pretoria. We can provide the Third French Republic with a plethora of minerals (gold, diamonds, coal, chrome, platinum, palladium, copper, iron) and agricultural products (grapefruit, cereals, maze, green maze). We offer French people the opportunity to settle in ZAV and be given their own homestead, in line with the homestead act. We offer French investors the opportunity to invest in lucrative new mining ventures, booming industrial ventures and/or planned grand railroad network.
- French Response: We accept.
- Sultanate of Hobyo and the Majeerteen Sultanate both agree to become French Protectorates at the condition that France gives them 5,000 Modern Rifles while Queen Victoria accepts the proposal of marriage between Prince Napoleon IV and Princess Beatrice as the marriage is arranged to take place next year (Done by Steph on Discord)
- United States: Shout the battle cry of freedom boys, President Custer has taken office. With that the American military starts to expand from a grand total of 300,000 men to Custer's grand hope of 800,000 active soldiers and marines. The navy also see's two new battleships on the East Coast going for a grand total of five modern battleships and now three modern cruisers. On the west coast there is four modern battleships and two modern cruisers. West Coast and East Coast dockyards are expanded and so are the ship orders to 25 cruisers and ten battleships for each coast. Migrants seeking work are brought to areas such as San Francisco, Seattle, Los Angeles, and San Diego. The army and marines, meanwhile, are fully equipped with the M1879 Remington bolt action. President Custer sends an envoy to the holy state of Japan asking for an alliance between the Empire of Liberty and the Empire of the Rising Sun. With the increased work on the navy the ship building process for at least the Chicago-class cruiser should be sped up with seven set to be complete by late next year with a total of seven shipyards (two West Coast, five East Coast) working on the ship. "Gentlemen of the house, of the senate, I stand before you today to ask that these United States do something about tyranny which has spread just off the shores of our continent. There is an island which has forever held our interests and to promote our enforcement of the Monroe doctrine. Which is why, to liberate these peoples I ask for a declaration of war on Spain." And with that speech, congress makes a unanimous declaration of war on Spain. 300,000 soldiers are mobilized for the campaign in Cuba and Puerto Rico. The modern fleet of battleships, three cruisers, six sea-going ironclads, four Grant-class ironclads, and 17 iron hulled ship of lines are detached to surround Cuba and soften up beach landings for an invading force. 30,000 men in Operation: Tropico are sent off to storm the beaches of Guantanamo Bay with an extra 100,000 men being transferred from Florida split into two 50,000 men - one to land 15 miles east of Santa Fe near Havana, and the other to be landed at Cienfuegos. Our spies in Cuba report back intelligence on the Spanish Army and their Cuban conscripts. We ask for the Cubans to join the US Army in the liberation of Cuba form the Spanish and we also ask the Cuban conscripts to join us and not fight for their Spanish oppressors, for God and Glory comrades (Mod Response). With the Cuban people seizing Havana this makes the forces landing near Santa Fe some relief. Custer recognizes the new Republic of Cuba, but asks if they would like to become a commonwealth/protectorate of the United States (More Mod Rep and this stuff was done by Colgan in discord). Elements of the Pacific squadron including two modern battleships, two modern cruisers and two ocean-going ironclads and 10,000 marines to capture Spanish Guam. Guam is successfully captured. 2,000 marines are left on the island along with a two ironclads to provide naval support. The rest along with the modern Navy departs for the Philippines. These forces will serve under US commanders but will work in tandem with our Japanese allies in securing the colony for the Allied forces. News of the Guam victory, however, take a while to reach the US. Meanwhile, in Cuba, US forces destroyed the Spanish defenders with both sheer numbers and artillery fire. Three beachheads are established on each end of Cuba, and in the center. A young soldier begins to rise to prominence in the ranks. Being a cowboy from Dakota at the time, now sergeant Theodore Roosevelt will show his courage and valor in the obstacles of the Cuban campaign to continue. US troops march into Havana victoriously and are celebrated by the local populace. General Winfield Scott Hancock decree's by translator from the governors office, the Emancipation of Cuba, announcing the US will help in the freeing of Cuban slaves. Leader of the provisional Cuban government Jose Marti are is brought to America via the USS Virginia battleship as a show of honor to the newly proclaimed Republic of Cuba and is scheduled to meet with President Custer.
- French Dip: Despite the French Republic currently in a Military Alliance with Spain, France declares full neutrality in the American-Spanish War.
- Spanish Diplomacy: The 150,000 Spanish Army troops prepare to defend Cuba and Puerto Rico. Havana, Santiago de Cuba, and a few other key cities are fortified. The landings of the American troops are reported to the main headquarters. The Cuba Squadron of 15 ironclad warships remains in port at Havana, but is ready to fight with the help of coastal artillery if the American ships approach.
- Nip Dip: The Meiji government agrees to the alliance proposition
- Nippon: Industrial expansion continues as growing domestic and foreign demand grows, and as more factories and companies start to expand in number thanks to the growing availability of both private and public capital. With the help of the British and newly returned Japanese engineers who studied abroad a new design for a 4,700 ton cruiser equipped 320 mm guns as its main gun, and with 12 4" mk ii guns along with some smaller guns. All reinforced with 100 mm gun shield while the gun turrets have 300 mm defence, the Matsushima-class is designed with the gun behind the super structure, instead of on the bow, its vital components are protected with hardened steel, as are the main guns. Several smaller armored cruisers are also designed using similar design structures but with 250 mm guns instead. With the current navy standing at 15 ironclads of 1,500 to 3,500 tons, and four armored cruisers of 3,000 tons, protected by smaller steam powered frigates, cruisers. plans to begin building larger ships begin. designing of the torpedo cruiser continues as do efforts to begin creating a sub boat based on British and German blueprints. The Japanese Navy is sent from the Ryukyus to Manila and on Imperial orders initiates a surprise attack on Manila Harbour attacking the Spanish fleet stationed there and attempted to blockade the north of the Philippines. Mines are also planted outside Spanish waters to impede a proper Spanish response. Furthermore large cargo ships purchased or borrowed from the Brits along with Japanese merchant fleets are sortied to land 30,000 Japanese troops from Okinawa make a landing in the Llocos Norte region of Luzon at Pagudpud supported by naval artillery from one of the cruisers and three of the ironclads. Japanese agents who have been operating in the Philippines ask the Natives they have been in contact with to begin their uprising to improve the chances of success of the Japanese assault on the Spanish and help them achieve their independence promising full Japanese support for the revolutionaries. (mod response needed for success of surprise attack, and to spark the native uprising )
- Spanish Diplomacy: The Spanish fleet sends six of its existing 7,000-ton ironclads, four of 3,000-ton protected cruisers, and ten of the new steam corvettes from the mainland to assist the Pacific Squadron. Together this force should have greater firepower than anything the Japanese can put up. Meanwhile, the 100,000 troops in the Philippines set up defensive lines on Luzon based on the existing fortifications, including in the Manila area.
- so your facing off against both Japan and the USA, I don't believe you have that kind of naval power as of right now a lot of your navy wouldve been damaged while facing the Germans. and it takes a while for a newly industrialized power to build up ships. I've spent years just getting ready to start building large ships. how do you have all that this quickly and coming off a major defeat. With Blood and Iron (talk) 23:59, July 2, 2019 (UTC)
- Nip War Effort: following the successful landing in Pagudpud (mod approved) the Japanese Navy begins ferrying more troops over while the 30,000 entrentch in Illocos until. Overall command is given to Nogi Maresuke. Artillery and more firearms are brought over as well while the Japanese forces are expected to reach 120,000 by next year, with the 30,000 being reinforced by another 50,000 bringing their numbers up to 80,000.
- There were no naval battles with Germany. It wasn't really a major defeat, not an accurate characterisation of some battles in Morocco. Japan's navy in the 1880s was mostly a coastal defence force that doesn't really compare to the Spanish fleet. Spain has had the technology to build ironclads for some time now.
- I've been developing differently then OTL and I know the differences. I have been heavily employing British support, and while your navy better OTL, your numbers are still way off. your main focus would be the Americans. and it takes time to move ships across the world With Blood and Iron (talk) 00:20, July 3, 2019 (UTC)
- Persian Empire: To rearm our army after the successful war with the Ottomans, we order 300,000 rifles from the UK (BRITISH RESPONSE NEEDED). Meanwhile, troops return to their normal borders with ten divisions being at the Russian border. The shah holds a speech in the capital about this years national day parade.
- Emirate of Jabal Sahammar: Muhammad bin Abdullah leads the Emirate and he counties his expansion by marching into Al Qassem with 10,000 tribesmen. (I think Al Qassem is the tiny grey state between the Saudis and me.)
- The United Kingdom: With the Zulu kingdom pacified the region is heavily garrisoned to keep the natives down. Meanwhile, with Dahomey pacified (in discord by Colgan), the small tribes between it and the Gold Coast and Ghana are put down and the region colonized. With the Guinea region’s coast under British control more expeditions are sent to subdue region up until the Portuguese colony to the north and Liberia to the south. In Djibouti, the Afar Sultans accept the deal (Colgan in Discord), and a small protectorate is established in the region around the two ports. In asia the Maylay Sultans, Brunei and Sulu all agree to the protectorate status (Colgan once again). The experiences from the war with the Zulus prompt the Royal Armed Services to adopt a new, more modern weapon. With several of the Remington 1879s from the United States, the Commission for the Procurement of a New Infantry Rifle, determines on a straight-pull bolt-action rifle with a Lee type magazine system similar to the one found on the Remington. The gun, proposed by the Enfield factory, has a six round Lee detachable magazine, a straight pull bolt, and fires a .356 Winchester casing. (9.1 mm x 51.2 mm) (OTL Mannlicher 1886 with a Lee Box Magazine and a modified sight). The new rifle initially fails to impress the Commission for the Procurement of a New Infantry Rifle but after demonstrating a very high sustained rate of fire, able to provide nearly unprecedented rates of fire. The straight-pull action also allowed for continuous line of sight on targets. Trials on a cavalry carbine reveal that twisting the bolt downward rather than at a right angle improves ergonomics and rate of fire so it is decided that all rifles should feature this curved bolt handle. The Explosives Research Board is presented an improved formulation of nitrated cotton gelatinised by ether-alcohol with nitrates of potassium and barium. The smokeless powder proves impractical for rifled weapons, but is a step in the right direction. An envoy is sent to Denmark requesting that they refuse the German offer and offering to provide loans or funding to satisfy any needs that Denmark may have without the funds from Germany. (Mod Response) A second envoy, backed by a detachment of the Royal Navy arrives in Zanzibar, and sailing through the French fleet blockade, offers the Sultan the opportunity to become a British Protectorate instead of one to the clearly violent French.(Mod Response)
- Zuid Afrikaansche Vrijstaat Dip: We petition for British investments in our railroad network as well as extending it to the north, in line with the Cape to Cairo vision. We also request investments in our mining sector and industrial sector.
- Mod Response: The Sultan agrees to the British offer. Denmark accepts the British offer.
- British Raj: The expansion of the industries around the Gulf of Khambat continues.
- Russian Empire: The First house of Parliament is officialy introduced as the Upper house of the Duma. With 137 seats being filled with 18 seats being empty at this moment due to not yet finding enough specialists and some members just not arriving in time to attend the first meeting of the Upper house of the Duma. With this first meeting of the Duma, Some call to go through with the plans that were made for the Slavic congress in Kiev - a congress which should in their mind formalise its duties to all Slavs. With some calling for the congress to allow if needed refuge in other Slavic nations for oppression, while others also want it to fund renovations and new building works with Slavic style of architecture. While others want to fund literature, arts and music. While many disagree what exactly should be done, all members of the Duma in favour of the congress want one thing for sure. The members want to make the amount of bloodshed between all Slavs zero. While this is happening the Russian empire sends diplomats to: The United kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain and the United States. As the tsar wishes for their aid in establishing the lower house of the Duma by the means of sending mostly lawyers and jurists. (Player response)As one of the biggest issues of the lower house of the Duma is deciding who will be able to vote and who not and it has to be done in an organised and supervised manner. With the current situation the Russian Navy and Army once more work together to send a small force of 1,000 soldiers land near the city of Qandala, where after the Russian officers offer protection to those in the area, even when the Russians do have in interests in lands from Bosaso to Bereeda and even claim it for the Russian empire. as they see this territory as essential for the spread of the faith and the protection of trade for the Russian empire. While in the Pacific Ocean there was an issue with a ship going from new Caledonia to Mayotte. As the one ship went off course by accident where after the crew of 450 landed on a lightly inhabited island near a river the locals called Porlo. These lands were allready know but after this crew saw the potential of the natural habour and the possibility of it as a stop between the Russian-held lands the crew decided to First fly the flag of the Russian navy and afterward that of the Tsar. While due to the Ottoman situation in Armenia the Russian Army is readied in smaller numbers on the borders, while at the same time calling on the Ottomans for a resolution on the Armenian question to make so that the situation calms down, in manner where Armenians are treated fairly and will not be opressed by the Ottomans.
- The German Empire: Νow with the rise of resistance forces in Morocco, the German Army stationed in Morocco clashes with the rebellious forces and purge the whole group. With stability being restored in Greater Alsace-Lorraine by the new policies undertaken, the German loyalist French become highly respected individuals amongst the German Population. With the nation more unified than ever, much of the French guerrilla campaigns are crushed with leaks investigations into the organizations and people responsible for the acts that had begun the year prior. The flood of Germans into Eastern Greater Alsace-Lorraine also leads to a heightened level of German culture but more so interestingly, a blend of the two cultures of the french burgundians and other unique groups blending with the newly arising German Born Generation creating something known as Alsacian or Lorrainian German. With the Germans in control of Greenland, merchants find their way to more whaling routes but restrictions are put in place to prevent a declining whale population that had been recorded by the Danish whaling companies on the island. The idea of establishing a naval base on the island is brought to the attention of the Admiralty. Focuses on continuing growth of the fleet arise in which eight more fast battleships and six more standard ironclad cruisers and torpedo boats are put up for construction as the fleet continues to grow. The rise up of some small groups of French Settlers that had pioneered inland portions of the German share of Africa are quickly disposed of with speedy trials, arrests and deportations. Military and Naval Presence grows in the territory with New Holstein and Kamerun having its own plans of having a West African Fleet. Madagascar interactions arise as the settlements on the island prove to be fruitful but things arise to fall short with multiple raids prompting German actions against the kingdom on the island seeing the perfect opportunity to seize more African Territory. The establishment of German Malagasy is made by the Colonial Government with the Malagasy Chancellor Viktor Braun being placed into power as a result with the accompanying of six battleships, five cruisers and four gunboats are made to seize naval access from the island as an army of 35,000 land on the island accompanied by horses and cannons with the latest weaponry made by the German Imperial Armory to seize the island completely. Meanwhile, territories such as Western Sahara and German Mauritania see their shoreline completely placed under control with a network of roads and ports established by settlers and cooperative natives alike within the region. The Ivory Coast Colony sees greater expansion and so do the other colonies of the Kongo, Kamerun, The Lake Chad Colony and New Holstein. The Council of Governors and citizens will vote on a referendum to unite the colonies under the growing movement to Establish German Middle Africa as a Colonial State. The colonial military begins to have barracks established in New Holstein and Kamerun while the Kongo only sees military presence as to help assist expansion especially along the river. The German Economy continues to boom.
- Dominion of Canada: Canada would began to build a railroad to connect British Columbia to the rest of Canada and the Pacific. We would hire people from other parts of the world and they would also be allow to immigrant here. Canada would send more funds for building the Pacific railroad. Canada also began to bring more people here as jobs are now easier here thanks to the railroad. Also in the news a group of rebels in Manitoba increased as Métis were becoming angry with the government. Canada would increase military presence near Manitoba. Canada would also increase its navy and send them to South Africa due to the south African war.
In its attempts to fight the American and Japanese navies, it becomes quickly apparent that the Spanish High Admiralty was unable to carry out their aggressive promises to the government. Most of the newly built ships are not armed or armored to specification, lacking several inches of armor along their belts. Furthermore, the armor that has been used is of poor quality and contains hugely problematic impurities. Several ships lack weapons except for obsolete breechloaders scrounged from coastal defensives, and are otherwise obsolete. This proves fatal when three of the Spanish Emperador Carlos V-class ships experience magazine detonations when facing off against an American fleet.
Spurred on by the war and a feeling of un-inclusion in the kingdom, protests hit major Czech and Slovakian cities demanding equal political rights in the kingdom.
The daring Japanese raid on Manilla proves indecisive but a tactical Japanese victory. Although the port remains firmly in Spanish hands thanks to the fortifications on its shores, the Japanese fleet manages to sink three ironclad battleships, two cruisers, and four of the corvettes at anchor or in various states of readiness. However, Spanish shore batteries sink a Japanese cruiser and severely damage one of the large Japanese ironclad battleships.
Jose Martí is declared President of the Republic of Cuba and immediately declares war on Spain, announcing the abolition of slavery. He announces the formation of the Ejército de Liberación (Army of Liberation) which takes lands and settlements near and around Havana.
Spanish troops manage to put down most of the revolts and riots in Cuba, but those that haven’t been put down yet declare loyalty to the government in Cuba and reorganize into using guerilla tactics against the Spanish.
Sheer amounts of jungle and disease halts present expansion by both Portugal and Transvaal into Zambia/Rhodesia.
- Austria-Hungary: We begin to modernize the Austrian Army, seeing as it was very much unprepared for the coalition war which proved almost disasterly. We begin to promote and switch over to the lever-action rifle which is way more efficient in modern warfare. Funding for the army is increased to help give better equipment and uniforms and better training. Veterans are brought in from the Bosnian war to help train new recruits. We continue to send aid to Serbia and to help them rebuild from the war. Three Steel-class ships are built. In response to the protests in Bohemia and Hungarian Slovakia, we agree to their demands and expand the equal rights act we passed a couple of years ago reaffirming that every minority within the empire has a right to participate in politics and can't be barred from it, we also pass laws giving more autonomy to Czechs and Slovaks in local and their respective kingdom’s politics. The Hungarian Labor Party grows in size and influence and is elected to numerous local offices within Hungary. We send diplomats to Germany and Serbia offering to create a Berlin-Vienna-Belgrade railway. (SERBIA AND GERMANY RESPONSE NEEDED). Reconstruction continues in Bosnia with most of the cities of Banja Luka and the other city I mentioned last turn being rebuilt. Colonization of Italian-speaking areas continues with the homestead act bringing in tens of thousands of Austrians each year.
- Emirate of Jabal Sahammar: Following the conquest of Al Qassem. Muhammad bin Abdullah sends an envoy to the Ottoman Empire asking for a railroad system from Al Jawf to Damascus (OTTOMAN RESPONSE). Muhammad bin Abdullah begins to study forms of warfare conducted by nomadic Arabs. We send an envoy to Persia asking to purchases 200 modern rifles (PERSIAN RESPONSE).
- Zuid Afrikaansche Vrijstaat Dip: We ask the Emirate of Jabal Sahammar for closer economic relations, to establish an embassy at their capital of Ha'il and offer them the possibility to establish their embassy in our capital, Pretoria. We can provide the Emirate of Jabal Sahammar with a plethora of minerals (gold, diamonds, coal, chrome, platinum, palladium, copper, iron) and agricultural products (grapefruit, cereals, maze, green maze). We also offer to sell to the Emirate of Jabal Sahammar our older stockpilled weaponry but still way better than most weapons used in the middle east, before our complete adoption of the modern German weaponry by our army. We also offer to send our military advisors to train the Emirate Army with modern but flexible tactics and doctrines, since we share quite a few similarities such as our terrains, who unlike the European powers' mass assault or entrenchment doctrines don't actually fit quite well to desert terrain.
- Emirate Dip: we accept this and open thee embassy in a simple house in Al Jawf. We accept the Afrikaner arms and advisers who are sent to train nomadic troops. The new food and supplies are accepted.
- Kingdom of Romania: This year the Bucharest Stock Exchange opened improving the nations economy. Also in an effort to raise the nations prestige, King Carol I opened the newly finished Peles Castle. We will offer a trade alliance with the Russian Empire [Russian Responds Needed]
- United States: The navy celebrates itself on the Battle of Great Inagua Island. The Spanish fleet successfully defeated by modern American firepower with only an iron armored ship of line sunk. The Spanish fleet's defeat is also used as propaganda against Spanish soldiers. The navy's growing modern ship fleet is met with more ships coming from Philadelphia, Boston, and New York, southern ship builders are also contracted by the navy. Newport News for instance starts constructing the first American destroyers, after witnessing the effectiveness of these little ships against American ship of line's. The Rodgers-class destroyer (a smaller ship based on the Furor-class of Spanish destroyers hull shape combined with elements of OTL Atlanta-class cruiser's superstructure, and Bainbridge-class hull width). 20 of these small ships are ordered by the USN from Newport News and the first will be completed by January of 1883. With beachheads secured all of the main landing groups are able to ship their heavy artillery and Gatling guns onto land. With this, the First Army and second Armies march on Colon while the third supported buy the navy marches on Santiago. Both cities are easily taken and the Spanish Army is reduced to 100,000 in the center of Cuba. The newly organized First Army has 100,000 men under Hancock's command. The Second Army of 50,000 men will strike from the south as both plan to meet up in Camaguey in central Florida. Seeing the shocking defeats the Spanish retreat to this city as they are tailed buy the blue coats of the US Army.
- Liberia: Attempts are made to manage the debt. To wean off Amero Liberian dominance laws are created making assimilation possible. Intermarriage is also encouraged. In exchange for assimilation, locals may get a better pay, job, or residency. A port is being built in Monrovia to increase trade activity. An opposition figure, D’wayne Knight Johnson proposes land reform as the method to save the nation. Modern agricultural techniques are taught and mechanization is encouraged. To prevent economic suffering, D’wayne Knight Johnson proposes only redistributing unused unrealized land. Meanwhile, factories are planned as industry is needed. However, this will take much time. Small scale production begins, notably of bamboo packaging.
- Zuid Afrikaansche Vrijstaat Dip: We ask Liberia for closer economic relations, to establish an embassy at their capital of Monrovia and offer them the possibility to establish their embassy in our capital, Pretoria. We can provide Liberia with a plethora of minerals (gold, diamonds, coal, chrome, platinum, palladium, copper, iron) and agricultural products (grapefruit, cereals, maze, green maze). We offer the opportunity that Boer investors to invest in a railroad network in Liberia, using the experience we aquired from developing our own railroad network. We also offer to sell to Liberia our older stockpilled weaponry but still way better than most weapons used in the Middle East, before our complete adoption of the modern German weaponry by our army. We also offer to give the credit. We also offer to send our military advisors to train the Liberian army with modern but flexible tactics and doctrines, since we share quite a few similarities such as our terrains, who unlike the European power's mass assault or entrenchment doctrines don't actually fit quite well to African terrain. Finally we offer them the possibility to become our protectorate to shield them from the upcoming partition of Africa.
- Liberia Dip: We accept protectorate status and the other offers.
- Persian Empire: The first major dockyard is being prepared to be built so that persia will finally be able to build ship on her won. Meanwhile, a munitions factory is built in the saladin region of iraq bringing jobs and money to that region. With the newly arrived guns from the uk we begin modernizing the army with brand new rifles and artillery. We send an emissary to the jabal sahmaar accepting their offer of buying 200 rifles from us. As a token of good faith the shah asks for permission to visit the small state. (JABAL SAHMAAR RESPONSE NEEDED)
- Write your mod response requests in bold, please.
- Vietnam: Emperor Tu Duc, though in his later years, continues to make reforms to modernize Vietnam. Education reforms are the main reforms made this year. Both of the main military academies planned are opened this year, with much celebration. Public education is also installed, with many schools being built in both cities and rural areas. In the Sip Song Chau Tai autonomous region, the University of Lai Chau begins construction, hopefully increasing literacy in the Tai autonomous region. The most talented young minds studying in Vietnam receive scholarships to study in Japan, another modernizing country of Asia. Universities are opened to the public, and education is made compulsory for children. The national economy also grows. Textile production is increased, along with other industries. More iron and coal mines are created, and mineral mining is developed. The national railroad running through many major cities is completed, and cargo begins to be transported between major cities by train. Quy Nhon becomes a major trade hub between Vietnam and other nations, including Siam and the western powers. In Quy Nhon, a naval arsenal is built. In Bắc Bình, a fortress is built to defend from a potential invasion of Annam. Emperor Tu Duc sends envoys to Japan and Russia, encouraging both nations to invest in Vietnam's economy. (JAPANESE AND RUSSIAN RESPONSE, PLEASE) He also requests to purchase ironclads from Britain. (BRITISH RESPONSE, PLEASE)
- The United Kingdom: We agree to sell two older ironclad ships.
- Nippon: Having successfully established a bridge head in the Philippines, Japanese forces swell to 120,000 and begin entrenching themselves heavily while artillery and supplies are brought over. With the Raid on Manila hurting the Spanish fleet the government ghains massive propaganda coup. However, the reality shows that without the element of surprise the Japanese Navy would've likely suffered a major defeat. The navy is tasked with protecting the supply lines from Japan to Luzon using Okinawa and other islands as way points to ensure that the bigger Spanish ships can't catch Japanese ships out of position torpedo boats are also heavily ermployed along with mines. A request is also made to the Americans to help out the Japanese to secure Naval supremacy (American response). Having secured the lines Nogi leads 70,000 men through the interior, while the remaining 50,000 steadily advance just behind and slightly to the east to prevent an enveloping meneuver by the Spanish and to allow for reserves to be in place to help out once the fighting starts. The army's target is Lingayen. As they Advance, Artillery shells Spanish Positions ahead of them, and Japanese troops ready to assault the Spanish lines. Another 80,000 into the island begin with the merchant fleet bringing new troops and supplies. Strict orders are given to not piollage or assault the natives and only target Spanish troops or positions so as to the Filipinos that the Japanese Army is not here as conquerors. Once more the Filipinos are called upon to revolt and assist the Japanese as they said they would to help gain their own country. (mod response)
- Zuid Afrikaansche Vrijstaat: After our unification with Oranje Vrijstaat and Grinqualand West, we understand the need to reorganize the administration of our territory more effectively. As such, six provinces are established. Those are the Transvaal province, Oranje province, the South West Africa province, the Nieuw Netherlands province and the Grinqualand West province. The only one white settlement rule is enforced in Grinqualand West as promised, to the satisfaction of the Grinqua people. They are also compensated for the land that the white settlement was established as agreed. Massive investments in industry, mining, agriculture and banking continue pour in from various foreign and local investors as our ideal pro-business environment attracts them by the hundreds. Interest for prime real estate on big cities suddenly grows as our nation develops. As a result growth has vastly accelerated into unprecedented levels. Our best estimates place it somewhere near 38 percent per year for this year - all thanks to very low taxation in general and our state's business friendly environment with little or no bureaucracy, our nation is steadily turning into a tax heaven. Our nation's first shipyard in Nieuw Bergen op Soom secures a lot of contracts for ten coastal patrol boats and two small coastal patrol ships allowing it to grow in size, revenue and make a lot of profits. Settling of South West Africa province continue unhindered. Nieuw Netherlands province continues to be intensively settled by immigrants. We continue colonizing the Cape Colony borders near the Kalahari Desert from South West Africa all the way to the Orange Free State, effectively cutting off the Cape Colony from the interior of the Kalahari Desert, that we claim but leave unsettled for now. We halt our efforts to agressively expand into the Portuguese claimed region in Zimbabwe, Greater Zambia and Nyasyland and the uncolonized interior bordering Portuguese Angola, given the problems we've encountered. We expand/colonize the region to our north OTL western Zambia and east Angola pushing the border further to the north. New settlers continue to pour into the newly established South West African cities of Lüderitz, Nieuw Rotterdam, Nieuw Valkenburg and Nieuw Bergen op Soom as they develop into prosperous port cities. All the cities in the South West Africa region experience vast growth with Grootfontein, Lüderitz, Nieuw Rotterdam, Nieuw Valkenburg, Nieuw Bergen op Soom, Krugersberg and Fransfontein leading the development. Many settlers continue to move into these cities. Taxation in the South West African province is temporarily abolished until 1887 period to give further incentives for more settlers to move in. Taxation in the Nieuw Netherlands province is temporarily abolished for a ten year period until 1892 to give further incentives for more settlers to move in. Several immigrants create new non-Calvinist congregations for themselves linking them with the Catholic Church and the Moscow Patriarchate. The increasingly diminished role of Calvinism into the affairs of our state alarms the clergy, who turns more reactionary by the day. Several nationalist elements supported by reactionary Calvinist clerical cicles and urban real estate magnates pressure the government into stopping African immigration into the Vrijstaat. It finally pays off as some border patrols are established, manned by kommandos, attempting to keep African immigration in check. Under the supervision of the German military advisors, Comdt-General Kruger restructures the kommando system even further into a more professional one, instilling discipline into the kommandos and training them to use the new Mauser 1871 Infantry Rifles, Saxon M1873 Army revolvers, bayonets and the mobile C64 four-pounder and the heavier C67 six-pounder Krupp guns. The Homestead Act continues, achieving further success offering any white person, both miners residing in the land and newcomers, alike, the opportunity to get their own homestead, a farmstead that they can build their homes on. However, given that South African soil is difficult to cultivate, Boers farmers are given enormous tax breaks shall they assist newcomers and teach them the secrets of their soil, enable them to successfully cultivate their new farmsteads. The state also assists with relocation, providing shelter to reside while the settlers are building their new homes, as well as blankets, food, medical assistance should they require it. The German and French immigrants continue to integrate. Citizenship grant is expedited to be provided along with the homestead grant. Around 215,000 new white settlers of all kinds of nationalities such as Germans, British, French, Italians, Russians and Spanish make ZAV their home. We also accept roughly around 5,000 Spaniards fleeing from Spanish war-torn colonial possessions. Our citizens have increased to 1.52 million white people and 2,400 Griquas according to estimates as our first census is successfully conducted. Work on the interconnected railroad network project continues. The Pretoria-Krugersberg line is expected to be completed by the end of 1886 and the Lüderitz-Nieuw Rotterdam line is expected to be completed by the end of 1889. The Southeast Line linking our nation with Durban being worked over more intensively but still more loosely than the other two, is expected to finish and be inaugurated by the end of 1885. We continue to improve relations with Argentina, while trans-Atlantic trade between us is encouraged and continues to increase. We offer the 1,100 Griqua people on the newly annexed by the British, Griqualand East the opportunity to join their brethren in Griqualand West province and enjoy the equal rights with white people their brethren already enjoys, providing them with citizenship shall they agree to immigrate to our land. [Mod Response] We petition for investments to expand our railroad system to the north, given its use for both the British Empire in their Cape to Cairo railroad vision and the German Empire in their ownAfrican railroad ventures. We also request both Empires for any used but still operational ironclads. [BRITISH AND GERMAN RESPONSE]
- Mod Response: The 1,100 Griqua people in British Griqualand East agree to immigrate in the Griqualand West province. (Done on discord by Coglan) ~Bear
- Third French Republic: With the Presidential Elections under way, France continues to face increased opposition to its attempts to establish a Colonial Empire with the unconquered Territories in Southern Zanzibar became a British Protectorate and with French Troops encountering Italians in the Fezzan region currently in the process of Colonization in the city of Houn revealing Italian attempts to halt French Colonial Expansion. This further infuriates the nation and as a result Presidential Candidates MacMahon, Gaston, Marquis de Galliffet and Paul de Ladmirault join forces and the last two candidates suddenly withdraw their candidatures in favor of MacMahon who has grown increasingly Revanchist due to German and Italian Attempts to halt French Colonialism and despite Britain also having a part in this the Revanchist sentiment is still directed toward Italy and Germany. As a result of the withdrawal of the two Military Candidates, only three Candidates remain Jules Grévy of the Opportunist Republicans, Henri d'Orléans, Duke of Aumale of the Orleanists and Patrice de MacMahon. As the Presidential Campaign begins, MacMahon reveals his Revanchist Agenda announcing openly his plans for Remilitarization and Revenge against Germany and Italy while Jules Grévy and Henri d’Orleans prefer to normalize relations with Italy and Germany and abandon any future colonial plans as they prefer to stick with the Horn of Africa, Trioplitania and Fezzan and the French Occupied Territories in Zanzibar. However, in the end of the elections, Henri d’Orleans surprisingly comes on top with an overwhelming 48 percent of the vote with MacMahon gaining 38 percent and Grévy with only 14 percent and with these results Henri d’Orleans surprisingly becomes the 3rd President of the Third French Republic. As Henri becomes the President of France, the 5,500 Troops in Fezzan continue pushing south toward the city of Murzuk in order to finalize their campaign in Fezzan and force the Tribes present to submit to French Rule. Meanwhile, with Zanzibar becoming a British Protectorate, French Troops are ordered to halt their advance at Bagamoyo and begins the process of establishing a New Colony while 3,000 Foreign Legion Troops land in Eritrea to secure the region and establish a New Colony as France secure the entire Horn of Africa. Meanwhile, the First Naval Expansion Plan continues as all ironclads and protected cruisers are completed with six out of seven Armored cruisers and 12 out 17 Italia-class type ironclad battleships complete with the First Naval Expansion Plan expected to end in 1884 as President Henri begins making plans for a Second Naval Expansion Plan. Efforts to reduce Revanchism sentiment toward Germany and Italy begins as President Henri begins reversing past Militarization efforts by reducing the size of the Army and increasing the size of the Garde Mobile reducing the Army to 225,000 men while increasing the Garde Mobile to 190,000 men as the National Guard is also increased to 70,000 men. Meanwhile, plans to modernize the French Army are made as we switch to Early Bolt-Action Weapon and Rifled Muzzle Loader Artillery in order to improve the French Army. Meanwhile, President Henri d’Orleans declares that a new referendum will take place in 1883 on the topic of restoring the French Monarchy with him as Monarch. In addition to these talks of the restoration of the Monarchy the marriage of Napoleon IV and Princess Beatrice takes place this year as the Bonapartes expect this to continue the lineage of Napoleon III and soon allow the return of the Bonapartes in power while also increasing the possibility of good relations between the Bonapartes and the British Monarchy. (Secret) With the failure of the CEF expedition in Morocco, the CEF shifts its focus in provoking rebellion in German Central Africa by recruiting French settlers that have been deported by the Germans and many Warriors from the African Tribes while also recruiting support from the African Tribes in order to instigate a massive revolt against German Colonialists and restore France’s former colonies in the area. Meanwhile, La Ligue des Revanchistes and La Ligue des Patriotes send more Agents into Alsace-Lorraine in order to spread more anti-German propaganda as both Paramilitary Groups join forces to form La Ligue des Revanchistes Patriotiques (LRP) led by Paul Déroulède who states that the LRP will not stop supporting the resistance against Germany until Aslace-Lorraine is liberated along with other French Territories illegally occupied by Germany as the LRP begins absorbing the remnants of the French Resistance in German occupied territories soon prepared for a large-scale uprising at the order of Monsieur G.E.B (End Secret). Meanwhile, War Minister Jean-Baptiste Billot appoints Brigadier General Boulanger director of infantry at the war office allowing Boulanger to begin minor Military reforms to morale and efficiency in the French Army.
- Korea: The Chaoxian Celue ("Strategy for Korea") document is presented to King Gojong and his court by Kim Hong-jip, who in turn, received it from Chinese diplomat Huang Zunxian. While King Gojong was impressed by the document and its contents and ordered the production and distribution of copies to officials, many conservatives were outraged by the prospect of establishing an alliance with Western powers or fostering more cordial relations with Japan – Korea's traditional adversary. As a result, some began to orchestrate a coup to install the more reactionary members of the imperial family onto the throne – forcing the King to respond by executing one prominent official and banishing the remaining conspirators. In spite of some opposition, the document eventually becomes the basis of the Korean foreign policy, upholding (at least nominally) Korea's status as a tributary state of the Qing, while also being open to other foreign powers, especially in the realm of trading relations. The construction of a Gothic-style Catholic cathedral is approved in the central Myeongdong neighboorhood of Seoul. This is in spite of initial disdain from the King, who sought to avoid spiting conservatives within the court. However, he – with convincing from Queen Min and several foreign advisors – later realizes the potential value of a greater Christian presence within Korea, as it could foster more cordial relations with Western powers and therefore attract financial investment. Despite this, distrust of foreigners – especially Catholic missionaries - persists. Additionally, there are complaints of unpaid wages within the soldiery – particularly within regular army members (who are distinct from the ~25,000-man elite corps), the majority of whom are rural conscripts. All of these recent events, alongside the circulating but ultimately false rumor of the future incorporation of Russian officers into the Korean army structure, culminates in a violent five-day uprising now-referred to as the "Imu Mutiny". Prominent foreign dignitaries, especially those of Japanese and Russian descent, are protected within the confines of the Imperial Palace, although protesters attempt to break into the latter. The incident is quickly pacified due to the superior firearms of the royalists. General Choi Ik-hyeon is relieved of his duties after being discovered to be involved in circulating the rumors (and therefore, inciting the event), though he and his colleagues (which consist of those who have also studied under the tutelage of Yi Hang-no) exploit temporary disorder within the capital to initiate anti-Russian movements across the countryside, with the main goal of ousting any foreign ideas from the country and reinstating traditional neo-Confucian values. In particular, they oppose the legalization of Christianity, which they attribute to an inept "effeminate" King. They are also generally wary of Queen Min, and her vast influence within national affairs despite her status as a consort. The fortification of Busan and Ganghwa Island continues – sea-facing walls are erected, while coastal batteries and light houses are also built. Textiles such as cotton, silks, and linen are exported (though the raw textile fibers are imported). Industrial machinery is imported to maintain global competitiveness. The railway boom stimulates mining (coal and iron ore) and ferrous metallurgy (processed iron and steel), as well as the manufacturing of locomotives. Telegraph lines are constructed.
- Russian Empire: The first laws have been passed by the upper house of the Fuma, is a law regarding Russian rail width that this law requires new railroads to use Standard European Gauge (1,435 mm). They also look into what the best manner is to change from the Russian Broad gauge (1,524 mm) to the Standard European Gauge (1,435 mm). While at the same time, these specialists begin looking into the ways the Russian railroad system should improve and subsidised by the by government. With one of the most ambitious plans being a train road from Moscow to Vladivostok. While at the same time this is happening, it has been decided that the age for voting would become 23 as of the moment, with the one exception that soldiers can vote from the moment they turn 21. With the Situation in Romania we offer the Romanian government and King a former Military defensive and offensive alliance where both side will aid each other in offensive wars and join the other in defensive wars (Note if not requested there can be an opt out). This alliance will be open for others to join if they do desire. Africa the explorers of 1,000 are get new blood with another 4,000 soldiers coming to the aid of the first arrivals. They set out to the neighbouging tribes offering them protection under the Russian crown(Mod Response). While the island that soldiers by accident landed on and on purpose claimed by those after finding out that one one else did, Rename the Island after the first european to visit the Islands Willem Cornelisz. With the new name of the island being Cornelis Island. Armenians in the Ottoman empire are still suffering and the tsar and his army call on the Ottoman Caliph to recognise the independence of a Christian Armenia (Player response). As the acts of Ottomans are seen as anti-Christian, and Islamic oppression by many Russian Orthodox, Armenians and even the small community of Greeks in Armenia.
Since the Spanish haven’t made an algo, the Cuban forces make significant gains against the Spanish
In the Philippines, a revolutionary secret society known as the Katipunan leads an uprising against the local Spanish government in what they call a revolution. Philippine revolutionary fighters team up with the advancing Japanese forces in fighting the Spanish Army.
The Armenia Revolt continues and gets worse due to no player response to it. Armenian rebels begin making assassination attempts on high ranking members of the Turkish military and political elite. The Armenian rebels request Russian aid.
- Mexican Empire: During a protest in the town of Durango and small skirmish occurs between the Anarchist and Centrist claiming six lives including Agustín Arango's. Not able to provide for their kids Maria M. Arambula sends them off to an orphanage. The Emperor offers Britain four million pesos, lower export price and a trade alliance in exchange for Belize. [British Response Needed]. The Emperor also invites the French President offer to repair relations. [French Response Needed].
- French Response: France agrees to repair relations with the Mexicans as President Henri d'Orleans recognizes Henri I of Mexico as the legitimate Mexican Emperor.
- United Kingdom: We will agree to sell Belize to the Mexican government should they allow extensive British investment in Mexico, as well as greatly reduced export taxation and prices. Furthermore, the exchange will have to be carried out over a five year period ending in 1890 and shall guarantee the British nationals living in Belize are granted the full protection of the law.
- Mexican Empire: We accept and invite Henry's Grandmother Victoria to the ceremony [Response Needed].
- Argentina: President Domingo Faustino Sarminento consolidates his territories and gives limited autonomy to eastern territories. Meanwhile, plans are made to improve relations with America and Brazil. Industrial development continue, with the Fine Soil being utilized to its full extent. Attempts are made to encourage European immigrants, with free unused land provided.
- Zuid Afrikaansche Vrijstaat Dip: Given the good relations between our nations for an entire decade and the bonds we've shared with the Argentine people, we offer them an alliance.
- Argentina Dip: The alliance is accepted.
- Kingdom of Romania: King Carol I at a held a speech this year talking about how he wants Romania to become the industrial powerhouse of the Balkans. Right after this speech Romania starts developing industries all over the nation especially in the Danube Delta region which is predicted to improve the economy. To improve education we will develop schools in the country. This recent action has recently led to the creation of a new university called Traian National College.We also accept The Russian Empire offer of an Military Defense and Offensive Alliance.
- United States: More battleships and cruisers are launched, along with three of the first new destroyers. The total number of battleships is 12: five on the west coast and seven on the east coast. Cruisers number 13 - with five on the west coast and eight on the east coast. An extra 70,000 men are sent to Cuba. With the surrounding of the remnants of the Spanish Army in Cuba, President Custer offers Spain peace with the United States and Japan in return by seceding Cuba, Guam, and Puerto Rico to the United States, and the Philippines and the Spanish Marianas to Japan and recognize the Republic of Cuba (Spain Response). The usage of Modern artillery against the Spanish have also shown the future of US ordinance expulsion will be used in simply annihilating enemy positions with a preliminary bombardment from heavy guns of all calibers. European affairs concern President Custer, greatly, who seeks to enforce the Monroe Doctrine. He sends three battleships of the North Atlantic fleet along with four cruisers and two of the new destroyers along with a small assortment of ironclads up north to Maine and sail all the way up to Scotland, one to flex US power in the North Atlantic, and two to ward off German ambition for Greenland and the Great White North. A vote in the supreme court barely fails to find parts of the Civil Rights of 1875 to be unconstitutional. The distance between navally supporting our Japanese allies in the Philippines and from California is putting a strain on the USN, while they can still operate at such distances, this strikes up the need in the war department for a mid Pacific naval base to maintain naval contact with Asia. With Liberia now a US protectorate, and no Spanish naval threat to stop the USN, 5,000 Marines depart Georgia and arrive in Monrovia to form a garrison. In minor news, Alabama becomes the first to create and antitrust law and the Brooklyn bridge is finally opened.
- Zuid Afrikaansche Vrijstaat Dip: We offer to give Liberia to the United States as protectorate if they'd give us free access (We'll still pay the dues) to Liberian ports for a century.
- President Custer, eager to see the expanding union, agrees to the status of Liberia as an American protectorate, even though officially the US still does not recognize Liberia.
- Kingdom of Italy: The administration in Cyrenaica is highly alerted when they hear of the French intervention in Fezzan, immediately 400 men are sent to the Libyan tribes, telling them there are bounties for French men captured alive, or their uniforms when returned to Italian officials. The soldiers themselves are colonial troops with special uniforms and training, the officers have a basic education in Arabic and Berber to communicate with them. The tribes are told that the Italians simply need their land to connect Algeria with Cyrenaica by connecting the various oasis towns with more or less safe roads, while the French want to enslave them. SECRET The tribes are handed out leftover but reliable guns from previous wars, to overwhelm the French forces. The bounties are negotiated with the various tribal leaders, to form forces of their own and spread anti-french uprisings in the rest of Libya. MOD RESPONSE PLEASE SECRET END The Italian navy patrols permanently between Sicily and the north African possessions by Italy, permanently at high alert. (more to be added)
- Mod Response: The tribes agree with the Italians.
- French Response: With bounties being placed against the French Army positioned in Fezzan, a second force of 2,500 Foreign Legion Troops along with 1,000 Spahis and are sent to Tripolitania in order to crush the resistance in Fezzan and prevent any potential uprising in the Fezzan Area.
- Zuid Afrikaansche Vrijstaat: President Pretorius finally retires from politics after a long and successful reign as his dream of unifying the Voortrekker states has been realized. Comdt-General Paul Kruger wins the election virtually unopposed as he is regarded as a war hero and a valiant general who made the unified Voortrekker dream come into fruition. An all time high nationalistic atmosphere prevails as well as anthems and songs about regaining the Cape at some point. Several investors begin to take great interest in the adoption of the electricity and experiment with it, seeing its success in the US. They create a joint venture and hire several scientists to imitate the invention, while they are also send to the US and Britain to witness it first-hand. Finally they decide to create a hydroelectric dam in the Orange River called the Oranje River Project (ORP). Before its construction begins they decide start a second similar project in the Vaal River called the Vaal River Project (VRP). Their construction is expected to be over by the end of 1888, as the investors decided to rush the projects. Electrical cables are installed in the Orange Vrijstaat and the Transvaal provinces and coal is used to produce energy due to its cheap nature. Lighting used starts to be adopted by households and commercial businesses as well as the industry. In general electricity starts to be adopted by more consumers every day. Massive investments in industry, mining, agriculture and banking continue pour in from various foreign and local investors as our ideal pro-business environment attracts them by the hundreds. Interest for prime real estate on big cities suddenly grows as our nation develops. As a result growth has vastly accelerated into unprecedented levels. Our best estimates place it somewhere near 32 percent per year for this year - all thanks to very low taxation in general and our state's business friendly environment with little to no bureaucracy our nation is steadily turning into a tax heaven. Our nation's first shipyard in Nieuw Bergen op Soom continues to secure a lot of contracts for 12 coastal patrol boats and four small coastal patrol ships allowing it to grow in size, revenue and make a lot of profits. Settling of South West Africa province continue unhindered. Nieuw Netherlands province continues to be intensively settled by immigrants. We continue colonizing the Cape Colony borders near the Kalahari Desert from South West Africa all the way to the Orange Free State, effectively cutting off the Cape Colony from the interior of the Kalahari Desert, that we claim but leave unsettled for now. We halt our efforts to agressively expand into the Portuguese claimed region in Zimbabwe, Greater Zambia and Nyasyland and the uncolonized interior bordering Portuguese Angola, given the problems we've encountered. We expand/colonize the region to our north OTL western Zambia and east Angola pushing the border further to the north. New settlers continue to pour into the newly established South West African cities of Lüderitz, Nieuw Rotterdam, Nieuw Valkenburg and Nieuw Bergen op Soom as they develop into prosperous port cities. All the cities in the South West Africa region experience vast growth with Grootfontein, Lüderitz, Nieuw Rotterdam, Nieuw Valkenburg, Nieuw Bergen op Soom, Krugersberg and Fransfontein leading the development. Many settlers continue to move into these cities. Taxation in the South West African province is temporarily abolished until 1887 period to give further incentives for more settlers to move in. Taxation in the Nieuw Netherlands province is temporarily abolished for a ten year period until 1892 to give further incentives for more settlers to move in. Several immigrants create new non-Calvinist congregations for themselves linking them with the Catholic Church and the Moscow Patriarchate. The increasingly diminished role of Calvinism into the affairs of our state alarms the clergy, who turns more reactionary by the day. Nationalist elements supported by reactionary Calvinist clerical cicles and urban real estate magnates continue to put pressure on the government into stopping African immigration into the Vrijstaat. It finally pays off as more border patrols are established, manned by kommandos, attempting to keep African immigration in check. The same circles also ponder regarding the idea to introduce condoms to the black people in order to reduce their fertility rates and portray the use of condoms as a habit of the black people exclusively, appealing on racism to keep this foreign trend from spreading here. They go forth with their idea and meet limited success especially among British and liberals. However, the urban black communities largely adopt its use, because of the financial burden childrens are, unlike the rural black communities who need the extra hands their kids would provide them. As British and liberals are largely based in the urban places and with excessive propaganda targeting their cities as well as witnessing the spread of condoms among their black neighbours they start doubting their stance regarding contraception more each day passing. With the vacation of the Comdt-General office by Paul Kruger to seek the presidency, once he won a new Comdt-General is appointed the talented officer Christiaan Rudolf de Wet. Under the supervision of the German military advisors, Comdt-General Kruger restructures the kommando system even further into a more professional one, instilling discipline into the kommandos and training them to use the new Mauser 1871 Infantry Rifles, Saxon M1873 Army revolvers, bayonets and the mobile C64 four-pounder and the heavier C67 six-pounder Krupp guns. The Homestead Act continues, achieving further success offering any white person, both miners residing in the land and newcomers, alike, the opportunity to get their own homestead, a farmstead that they can build their homes on. However, given that South African soil is difficult to cultivate, Boers farmers are given enormous tax breaks shall they assist newcomers and teach them the secrets of their soil, enable them to successfully cultivate their new farmsteads. The state also assists with relocation, providing shelter to reside while the settlers are building their new homes, as well as blankets, food, medical assistance should they require it. The German and French immigrants continue to integrate. Citizenship grant is expedited to be provided along with the homestead grant. Around 240,000 new white settlers of all kinds of nationalities such as Germans, British, French, Italians, Russians and Spanish make ZAV their home. We also accept roughly around 10,000 Spaniards fleeing from Spanish war-torn colonial possessions. Our citizens have increased to 1.77 million white people and 3,500 Griquas according to estimates. Work on the interconnected railroad network project continues. The Pretoria-Krugersberg line is expected to be completed by the end of 1886 and the Lüderitz-Nieuw Rotterdam line is expected to be completed by the end of 1889. The Southeast Line linking our nation with Durban being worked over more intensively but still more loosely than the other two, is expected to finish and be inaugurated by the end of 1885. We continue to improve relations with Argentina, while trans-Atlantic trade between us is encouraged and continues to increase. We petition for investments to expand our railroad system to the north, given its use for both the British Empire in their Cape to Cairo railroad vision and the German Empire in their own African railroad ventures. We also request both Empires for any used but still operational ironclads. [BRITISH AND GERMAN RESPONSE]
- United Kingdom: We agree to invest heavily in the ZAR rail system. Government financing is directly used to begin work on a rail line to bridge from Capetown to Dar es Salaam. Further spur lines will be built to connect major cities in and across the ZAR to the Cape Colony.
- Nippon: Upon clearing the Mountainous terrain of the Illocos region the Imperial Army find the Spanish line at Lingayen. The 120,000 Japanese troops get into position as they steadily bring in th artillery and supplies whether by ship or along the mountainous terrain. The Filipino Revolutionaries are organuized into auxiliary units making up some 20,000 extra troops, they are armed with Winchesters. Many of the Japanese troops carry some form of blade for close combat. Following the example set during the Satsuma rebellion heavy usage of Artillery is employed with heavy artillery barrages targeting Spanish digouts before IJA forces advance on their positions. After brutal fighting the Japanese manage to break the Spaniash line albeit receiving some concerning casualties, and with the Revolutionary and American support begin pushing inland. The Japanese Navy works in conjunction with te American fleet to keep sea lanes open. Realizing the weakness of the IJN plans to hasten the expansion of the Japanese Navy begin in earnest with construction of the dry docks in Osaka, Nagasaki, andf Tokyo nearing completion (been working on this for a while). Meanwhile, mining activities in northern Honshu expand and now in Hokkiado and Karafuto begin. Expansion of the steel mills also begin. Saigo Takamori is released from prison after serving a six-year sentence. upon his release he in a suprising turn of events joins the Freedom Party (freedom and people's movement) and publishes a book where he speaks of the foolishness of his previous actions in military insurrection. However, he reinforces his beliefs that while Japan must modernize, it must also keep true to its cultural roots along with preservation of Japan's Identity through the Yamato Dynasty, furthermore and more surprisingly in a change of heart he embraces democratic rule and comments that only through honoring the dignity of the people and by exporting the ideals of the new Japan to the rest of asia will Japan prosper. His book is titled "Atarashi Kazi" (The new Wind). With the war in the Philippines ongong Saigo and the Freedom movement support the war to protect Japanese interests but stress that the government should not attempt to follow in the Path of the Europeans and establish colonies, with the movement advocatibng for helping the Filipinos establish their own nation state. Saigo Also criticizes the other leaders of the meiji restoration for sidelining the emperor. Japanese investors show an interest in further investments in Vietnam. However, this must await till after the end of the war. Japan once more offers peace terms to the Spanish in conjunction with their American allies. The Philippines will be reorganized into an indepndent state under Japanese supervision, and Palau, Las Marainas, and Las Carolinas will be ceded to Japan. (mod response)
- Emirate of Jabal Sahammar: Following the conquest of Al Qassem. Muhammad bin Abdullah sends an envoy to the Ottoman Empire asking for a railroad system from Al Jawf to Damascus (OTTOMAN RESPONSE). Muhammad bin Abdullah begins to study forms of warfare conducted by nomadic Arabs, mostly working on forms of raiding and assassinating commanders. Afrikaner weapons and advisers are put to train loyal tribes. We accept the Persian rifles and allows a Persian envoy into the country.
- The United Kingdom: The global capital of finance, London banks return record profits. Investment in Japan, ZAR, Egypt, Persia, and Denmark, as well as the various colonies of the Empire shows its returns. With Imperial coffers flush with cash the government diverts funding to the development of heavy industry in the United Kingdom proper and the development of an all-steel modern navy of battleships, cruisers, and destroyers. The Naval Act of 1882 is passed which calls for the construction of 12 new all-steel battleships armed with BL 12" Mk I Naval Guns, these ships are the first Royal Navy battleships to feature a new line of advanced breech loading rifled naval artillery. The first class of the planned ships is the Admiral-class which feature an in-line turret arrangement with two twin-gun turrets. They also feature a smattering of one-pound, three-pound, and six-pound rapid-fire guns for use against destroyers and cruisers at close range. Several cruiser hulls are laid down, including three Orlando-class Armored cruisers with plans for a total of nine and three Calypso-class with plans for 12. In addition to the larger ships a flotilla of destroyers is planned and enters construction with two completed this year. These Type 1 destroyers are relatively advanced compared to earlier torpedo boats. Sir Charles Parsons develops the first commercially viable steam-turbine and establishes a company to begin production and marketing of the new electricity generators. The navy immediately takes interest in the generators and begins testing them for use in ships to drive the propeller shaft. In Africa, 15,000 troops are assembled in the Gold Coast. Armed with the new Lee-Enfield Model 1882 the troops march north into the Ashanti Empire to extend the scope of British control in the region. (Algo Coming) Meanwhile, another 2,000 men are deployed to Guinea to assert the empire on the natives inland from the colony there. Finally, Egyptian troops are encouraged to sortie out into the desert and establish a claim on the lands up to a line of longitude due south from the southernmost border of Egypt and Italian Cyrene. (Colonization/Claims)
- Third French Republic/Kingdom of France: Despite the rise of a less Revanchist Regime, France still faces opposition from both Germany and Italy this time in Fezzan in which Italian Troops have placed a bounty on French Troops and in response, President Henri has increased the size of the French Force in Fezzan from 5,500 men to 8,500 men in order to counter Italian Efforts. With the Local Tribes being armed with modern weapons with many tribes rebelling against French Rule Governor Louis Tirman of French Tripolitania has sent a request for more troops while the restored Army of Africa is placed under the command of Joseph Simon Gallieni in order to crush the Fezzan revolt. Meanwhile, President Henri sends diplomats to negotiate with the Tribes in order to find a peaceful solution while also sending delegates to Italy to request that they end supplying the Tribes (Mod and Italian Response Needed). Meanwhile, the expansion in the Horn of Africa proceeds very well with All of Somalia and Eritrea secured under French rule as the Colony of French East Africa is formed composed of France’s recent acquisitions in East Africa such as Northern Zanzibar, Somalia and Eritrea with plans made to invade Yemen to secure control of the Gulf of Yemen. As the Colonial Expansion continues, President Henri d’Orleans announces the 1883 Referendum on the return of the Monarchy in which voters are asked whether they approve the restoration of the Monarchy with Henri d’Orleans as King of France as Henri VI of France. The Referendum was approved by 82.6 percent of voters with a turnout of 85.3 percent. As a result of the Referendum President Henry d’Orleans is proclaimed King of France as Henri VI by his Orelanist supporters and by the National Assembly resulting in the dissolution of the Third French Republic and the formation of the Kingdom of France. Immediately, King Henri VI calls for Parliamentary Elections to establish a new Government in which results with the Armand de Mackau of the Monarchist/Conservative Union of the Rights being elected as Prime Minister of France with the Monarchist Majority reaching a gaining 307 Seats compared to the Republican Opposition with 148 Seats. With the National Assembly dominated by Monarchists supporting him Henri VI faces little opposition as his solidifies his position as King of France. With the First Naval Plan nearing completion with the last set of ironclad battleships set to be complete by next year with nine Bourbon-class and six Bonaparte-class ironclad battleships already complete with both ships having a tonnage of 9,000 tons with another two Bonaparte-class battleships set to be completed next year. King Henri VI orders a Second Naval Expansion Plan to begin next year in which is expected to be completed by 1890 though the number of Ships ordered is yet to be determined. (Secret) Meanwhile, the CEF under orders from G.E.B begin sending agents to Liberia, German Middle Africa and to the South African Free State to recruit African Mercenaries in order to create a Colonial anti-German Army to oust the Germans from Middle Africa and establish an independent Pro-French Nation in the Area while LRP continues spreading anti-German propaganda in order to inspire the French People enslaved in the German acquired territories in Northeastern France while also finishing up the absorption of the remaining Rebel cells in the area in order to continue their growth in numbers as the LRP reaches a total of 300,000 members throughout all of France and parts of Germany and Italy. With Italy spreading anti-French propaganda in French North Africa, the CEF decides to counter this by spreading anti-Italian propaganda in Italian Algeria by sending agents to convince the many tribes in Algeria to rise up against the Italians as CEF agents approach Mohamed El-Mokrani member of the Ait Abbas Dynasty and offer him support in a revolt against Italy promising to send him weapons and equipment (Mod Response Needed) (End Secret).
- Some tribes agree to rise up, the rest don’t as they’ve heard horror stories of French treatment of natives as Mohamed El- Mokrani and the Atis Abbes Kingdom agrees (Done by Colgan on Discord)
- Russian Empire:Situation in Spain continues to get worse and worse, the Russian upper house of the Duma recognises the Republic of Cuba. While with Romania the Alliance gains formality as the Black Sea Alliance, with both Promising to defend each other in the face of war. They also promise to begin unifying equipment so equipment can be used by both without any trouble. The process of industrialisation continues with new railroad from Aleksandrovka to the city of Krasnodar and beyond to the Georgian coastall city of Batumi. Although these railroads are not yet done when at the end of the year. While at the same moment, the navy and army expand the colony in the Horn of Africa to the city of Haylan where the Collonel ask if they do desire to be under the Russian crown, Even as some see it as more of a demand due to the fact that the Russians have the technological Advantage. The Russians ask so as they need their resources for the development of the Russian coastal holdings (Mod Response). While the plans for the establishment of a lower house of the Duma have to be suspended for the moment due to the fear of war. As they are needed in plausible administation of ocupied lands. Since War is coming, many soldiers around 100,000 go into Romania to prepare for this war with the soldiers training, building bridges and helping the Romanians with some extra training and explaining the plans for the war to come. New flags are created, uniforms are being cleaned, boots are being shined. The Russian Army of 200,000 strong begin to give weaponry to the Armenians, and to the ponts who do request so. We ask for the Caliph to come to the Negoation table for one last time to prevent what will come (Ottoman Response). The Berdan will once more be tested in war, Not only by the Russ but by the Dacian and Armenian. The Berdan '68 is given to soldiers all across Romania and Armenia, some guns even going to the Ponts in the Pontus although in smaller numbers. With many cossacks are being recruited once more using asking and half demanding Russia to give them the Martini–Henry rifle shotgun for use on their horses and on foot.
- French Response: With Russia interfering in French East Africa we demand Russia withdraws from the Horn of Africa which had been claimed by the French and sends a task force of four ironclad battleships, three protected cruisers, three armored cruisers and seven ironclads and a force of 10,000 Foreign Legion Troops while also having our Protectorates in Somalia mobilize 3,500 men against the Russians.
- The German Empire: with the establishment of German Madagascar following the fall of the kingdom, disease rapidly spreads across the island killing thousands of people and even affecting the soldiers sent to secure our claims. This of course subsides over time but the populations of the Madagascar capital dwindle with a loss of 45 percent of the population as a result of supply shortages, a drought and the rapid spread of disease. The German Settlements and enclaves littered across the shorelines are also affected as well but to a lesser degree due to better hygiene and away from the jungles that have been seen to be the culprit of the outbreak with it being labelled as Jungle Fever. Meanwhile, along Western Sahara and Mauritania, native cooperation and alliances have forged a greater area of control under the Empire for the region. With our alliance with Mexico, we offer them support in infrastructural developments. At the mouth of the Kongo, the settlement within the region is expanded inward to connect the other settlements inland with the Establishment of German Mittelafrika. New Holstein and Cancun are expanded inward as expeditions across the region and land clearings allow for the development of new arable lands for settlement. In the homeland of Germany, things continue to go well economically with the increase of militaristic based expansion and naval based expansion with the construction of eight more battleships to add to the German Fleet in the coming years in addition to the already other constructed ships. Seven more torpedo boats, 14 gunboats and six cruisers are also put up to be constructed with our military already numbering over a million strong. The Kiel Canal is completed which connects the Baltic and North Sea Fleets. The idea of constructing a railroad in the future stretching from Tangier to Timbuktu and down the Adaleen in New Holstein gains traction but unfortunately without proper control over the region just yet, the project only reaches the construction of a railroad stretching from Tangier to Casablanca. The peace within Greater Alsace-Lorraine that we have been waiting so long to achieve is made. Mittelafrika's native population becomes quite accustomed to the friendly German Nature and as a result, the influence that the German culture has spreads to them. The Imperial Mittelafrikan Military begins to be developed outside of the already placed troops their to establish a self-sustaining army that can defend itself under the German Crown. The Tower of Bismark (ATL Eiffel Tower) is proposes and accepted to be constructed with the massive project of turning Pariser Platz into the heart of what The Empire has to offer with grand architecture and general importance. More proposals begin to flood in as a result.
The Japanese economy becomes increasingly dependent on financing from the United Kingdom after a decade to rampant borrowing and spending by the Japanese government.
Spain surrenders to America and Japan and the independence forces of the Philippines and Cuba.
Portugal offers to Germany for a price, the Congo River mouth in return for the money offered and some German military knowledge.
- Mexico: Henry uses the gold from Belize to six top-of-the-line British Naval ship [Response Needed]. He also sends an envoy to the France in hopes to closer the relations[Response Needed]. He adds an honorary seat on the Parliament for the the Boers Republic [Response Needed]. Given all the instability in the region to our south, where the USCA used to be, we wish for a stable and prosperous state down there, instead of multiple weak states plagued by civil strife, a partner we could cooperate on trade and possibly ally with. To that end we seek to reestablish the USCA, we start promoting the idea of a united USCA with our blessing to the Central American states, one where we could act as its guarantor if the Central American states wish us to, or as its trade partner and ally, if the Central American states would like us to steer clear from influencing their domestic affairs. We ask the British to grant Belize immediately if possible to a united USCA Federation when formed, instead of us that we've paid for it. We also ask them to give them the Mosquito coast. We start petitioning the Central American states to join in the United States of Central America, while putting pressure into their governments to go ahead with this plan because we wish for a strong and stable neighbour to trade with and to stop their instability from affecting our southern borders again. (Mod Response/British Response) Henry increases Military and builds two Henry Warships. They approach Brazil with a Trade Alliance [Response Needed]. He starts on Architectural preparation for a Grand Mexican Railroad from Chihuahua to Belize [when we will own it].
- United Kingdom: We would like to remind Mexcio that Belize is still a British colony until 1890 and that the process to tranfer control of the territory will not begin until 1885. Finally, while there is some gold in Belize, it has never been extracted on a commercial scale because it is largely aluvial gold and thus can only be extracted by panning or sluicing which is inefficient and slow. We also agree to sell three older ironclads.
- Mexico: We accept but would like to speed up the process by two years for one million pesos[Response Needed].
- The United Kingdom: We decline to speed up the process.
- Zuid Afrikaansche Vrijstaat Dip: We're deeply honored by this action and send some of our finest statesmen and well regarded figures to attend the Mexican parliament and/or participate when asked to and to serve as ambassadors between our people.
- The United Kingdom: Investment in India is ramped up, specifically to build up the transportation infrastructure in the country. Over the last few years India-Mania has gripped a large portion of the nation, following the heroic service of Indians in the Zulu War. Indian style restaurants spread quickly in the United Kingdom, adding to the public exposure. Meanwhile, a small but growing group of Hindus appears in London, but remains largely a small fringe group. Further, in Australia, government investment is increased, kicking off a building boom as several dozen factories are opened across the country. With Australia’s large Iron Ore reserves, plans are developed to construct several steel-mills and turn north-western Australia into the Steel capital of the Southern Hemisphere. A small organization of supporters of the integration of the Empire into a Federation begin petitioning Parliament to grant a level of home rule to all of the far flung colonies and Ireland and create an Imperial Parliament to rule over the entirety of the Empire. They argue that it would allow for a stronger British state with greater global influence while spreading the burden of collective defense of the Empire more evenly to the colonies. Work continues on the Naval Act of 1882. Meanwhile, the admiralty are approached by Sir Charles Parsons who presents his steam turbine as a potential power plant for Royal Navy Ships. Although the turbines are currently too large, the Admiralty agree to support Parsons’ attempts to miniaturize and simplify his technology and grant him three years and several thousands pounds to bring them results. In Africa 15,000 troops are assembled in Zanzibar and begin a campaign of conquest inland. Territory up until the great series of lakes is claimed in the name of the queen and troops are quick to enforce unequal protectorate treaties on local native tribes across Tanzania. The Goal of this year’s expansion is to reach Lake Victoria so that colonization of the Nile can begin in earnest. (Colonization/Claims) Cecil Rhodes raises and leads a part of some 600 volunteers north through the ZAR to begin work on a rail line through to Dar es Salaam. However, they unwittingly enter Portugese claimed land in their efforts. After discovering their mistake an envoy is sent to Lisbon to negotiate the purchase of Portugese territories in Africa north of the ZAR for which the United Kingdom will guarentee Portugese rule over Lake Malawi and construct a rail spur to join Portugal to the Trans-African rail line. Additionally 250,000 pounds are offered to sweeten the deal. (About $6,000,000 in 2019) Laywers and Jurists are sent to Russia as requested a few years back. (Russia Notice)
- Mod Response for Portugal (Colgan Via Discord): The Portugese Accept the deal and will cede a portion of Mozambique to the United Kingdom in exchange for the money and a guarantee to a claim on the territory east of Lake Malawi.
- Zuid Afrikaansche Vrijstaat Dip: We approach influencial supporters of the Imperial Federation plan and request them not to include our ancestral birthplace and majority Boer populated Western Cape in the Imperial Federation, we make them a counterproposal, if they were to give it to us when the Imperial Federation act were to take place, we could join the commonwealth and put our full support behind the Imperial Federation plan. We let them consider this idea.
- German Empire: Germany accepts the Portuguese offer. WIP.
- Persian Empire: With rising tensions between france and Russia, the shah declares neutrality just as france did with spain,in any conflict between france and Russia. Meanwhile, artillery is put on our defensive line with Russia as a precaution. (im on vacation so posts will be shorter)
- United States: Johnny comes marching home, a military parade is witness by President Custer representing the two branches of the armed forces. With the victory over Spain, US troops move to secure our possessions. Marines are stationed on Guam as military personnel set up in Puerto Rico and further moves in both Liberia and Cuba. James G. Blaine is sent to Cuba to help establish a constitution of the new nation similar to America's. Custer, meanwhile, still has plans for Liberia which is a US protectorate at this point. Around the country ads and posters go up spouting a new Manifest Destiny. An America that's spreading. Advertising a new frontier full of adventure and mystery he first settlers, mainly blacks and some white adventurers from the North and California, head for Liberia, to start the Americanization process. (More to Come)
- Austria-Hungary: The trialist ideology continues to spread amongst political circles, a member of the Hapsburg royal family, Franz Ferdinand, is exposed to the ideas of trialism and of a federalized empire and egalitarian ideas, and quickly begins attending trialist meetings and giving donations to trialist organizations, which greatly improves the popularity of the trialist movement. In Hungary the Hungarian Labor Party, in the most recent snap elections, has gained almost 40 seats in parliament, an incredible feat for such a recent party. The party is made head of the opposition and forces the more conservative and nationalist Hungarian administration to be more cooperative with the Austrians. The emperor, Franz Joseph, orders an expedition into the northern Horn of Africa, around OTL western Eritrea and to establish coastal settlements. We continue to build up infrastructure in less developed areas of the empire, specifically Galicia, where a literacy campaign is also being conducted. We continue to offer tax breaks and gift Galician farmers new modern equipment. We continue our army modernization program with the continued promotion of the lever action rifle and the replacement of all bolt action with the lever action rifle. We continue to promote Austro-Slavism in Slavic territories of the empire to combat the rise and influence of Pan-Slavism.
- French Response: French Troops already present in Eritrea having arrived last year are ordered to capture members of the Austro-Hungarian Expidition and seize all Austro-Hungarian settlements and send the members of the expedition back to Austria-Hungary as King Henri VI states that France will no longer tolerate further interference in its colonial affairs.
- Zuid Afrikaansche Vrijstaat: President Pretorius finally retires from politics after a long and successful reign as his dream of unifying the Voortrekker states has been realized. Comdt-General Paul Kruger wins the election virtually unopposed as he is regarded as a war hero and a valiant general who made the unified Voortrekker dream come into fruition. An all time high nationalistic atmosphere prevails as well as anthems and songs about regaining the Cape at some point. Several investors begin to take great interest in the adoption of the electricity and experiment with it, seeing its success in the US. The hydroelectric dam projects in the Orange River and the Vaal River called the Oranje River Project (ORP) and the Vaal River Project (VRP) are expected to finish construction by the end of 1888, as the investors decided to rush the projects. Electrical cables continue to be installed in the Orange Vrijstaat and the Transvaal provinces and coal is used to produce energy due to its cheap nature. Lighting used starts to be adopted by households and commercial businesses as well as the industry. In general electricity starts to be adopted by more consumers every day. Massive investments in industry, mining, agriculture and banking continue pour in from various foreign and local investors as our ideal pro-business environment attracts them by the hundreds. Interest for prime real estate on big cities suddenly grows as our nation develops. As a result growth has vastly accelerated into unprecedented levels. Our best estimates place it somewhere near 28 percent per year for this year - all thanks to very low taxation in general and our state's business friendly environment with little to no bureaucracy our nation is steadily turning into a tax heaven. Our nation's first shipyard in Nieuw Bergen op Soom continues to secure a lot of contracts for 14 coastal patrol boats and five small coastal patrol ships allowing it to grow in size, revenue and make a lot of profits. Settling of South West Africa province continue unhindered. Nieuw Netherlands province continues to be intensively settled by immigrants. We continue colonizing the Cape Colony borders near the Kalahari Desert from South West Africa all the way to the Orange Free State, effectively cutting off the Cape Colony from the interior of the Kalahari Desert, that we claim but leave unsettled for now. We halt our efforts to agressively expand into the Portuguese claimed region in Zimbabwe, Greater Zambia and Nyasyland and the uncolonized interior bordering Portuguese Angola, given the problems we've encountered. We expand/colonize the region to our north OTL western Zambia and east Angola pushing the border further to the north. New settlers continue to pour into the newly established South West African cities of Lüderitz, Nieuw Rotterdam, Nieuw Valkenburg and Nieuw Bergen op Soom as they develop into prosperous port cities. All the cities in the South West Africa region experience vast growth with Grootfontein, Lüderitz, Nieuw Rotterdam, Nieuw Valkenburg, Nieuw Bergen op Soom, Krugersberg and Fransfontein leading the development. Many settlers continue to move into these cities. Taxation in the South West African province is temporarily abolished until 1887 period to give further incentives for more settlers to move in. Taxation in the Nieuw Netherlands province is temporarily abolished for a ten year period until 1892 to give further incentives for more settlers to move in. Several immigrants create new non-Calvinist congregations for themselves linking them with the Catholic Church and the Moscow Patriarchate. The increasingly diminished role of Calvinism into the affairs of our state alarms the clergy, who turns more reactionary by the day. Nationalist elements supported by reactionary Calvinist clerical cicles and urban real estate magnates continue to put pressure on the government into stopping African immigration into the Vrijstaat. It finally pays off as more border patrols are established, manned by kommandos, attempting to keep African immigration in check. The same circles also ponder regarding the idea to introduce condoms to the black people in order to reduce their fertility rates and portray the use of condoms as a habit of the black people exclusively, appealing on racism to keep this foreign trend from spreading here. They go forth with their idea and meet limited success especially among British and liberals. However, the urban black communities largely adopt its use, because of the financial burden childrens are, unlike the rural black communities who need the extra hands their kids would provide them. As British and liberals are largely based in the urban places and with excessive propaganda targeting their cities as well as witnessing the spread of condoms among their black neighbours they start doubting their stance regarding contraception more each day passing. With the vacation of the Comdt-General office by Paul Kruger to seek the presidency, once he won a new Comdt-General is appointed the talented officer Christiaan Rudolf de Wet. Under the supervision of the German military advisors, Comdt-General Kruger restructures the kommando system even further into a more professional one, instilling discipline into the kommandos and training them to use the new Mauser 1871 Infantry Rifles, Saxon M1873 Army revolvers, bayonets and the mobile C64 four-pounder and the heavier C67 six-pounder Krupp guns. The Homestead Act continues, achieving further success offering any white person, both miners residing in the land and newcomers, alike, the opportunity to get their own homestead, a farmstead that they can build their homes on. However, given that South African soil is difficult to cultivate, Boers farmers are given enormous tax breaks shall they assist newcomers and teach them the secrets of their soil, enable them to successfully cultivate their new farmsteads. The state also assists with relocation, providing shelter to reside while the settlers are building their new homes, as well as blankets, food, medical assistance should they require it. The German and French immigrants continue to integrate. Citizenship grant is expedited to be provided along with the homestead grant. Around 220,000 new white settlers of all kinds of nationalities such as Germans, British, French, Italians, Russians and Spanish make ZAV their home. We gather and record birthrate data for the first time and we conclude that we've had 20,000 new citizens born this year. Our citizens have increased to 2.02 million white people and 3,570 Griquas according to estimates. Work on the interconnected railroad network project continues, but speeds up thanks to heavily British investment. The Pretoria-Krugersberg line is completed, inaugurated and opened to the public, receiving good feedback for its services. The Lüderitz-Nieuw Rotterdam line is expected to be completed by the end of 1886. The Southeast Line linking our nation with Durban is completed, inaugurated and opened to the public, receiving good feedback for its services. We continue to improve relations with Argentina, while trans-Atlantic trade between us is encouraged and continues to increase.
- Kingdom of Italy: SECRET The expected French forces in Fezzan are given false information and fake maps to lead them away from oasis towns and overstretching their supply lines. Bandits are hired to harass the french, when they are successful they are allowed to take what they want, ammunition and guns have to be handed over to the Italian officials in exchange for money (MOD RESPONSE FOR BOTH NEEDED) The tribes are given guns as well. SECRET END The uprising of the Kabyle is met with force by the colonial forces, yet they are quite restrained when it comes to actual attacks, mostly only limited to actually armed groups while every assault to the natives or bystanders is punished harshly. The tribes who already live side by side with the Italians even join them and try to convince the Kabyle people to stop revolting, while anti-french propaganda is spread. Desert troops are sent out to fight the Cabili as they are called in Italian, and are mostly defeated due to a lack of training and supplies, as well as bounties on the heads of known rebels and on Sheikh Mokrani himself, even though he has to be returned alive. Furthermore, rumors about the rebels are spread, portraying them as a horde of french-paid mercenaries who commit crimes like theft, rape and murder of civilians, stripping them from popular support. The dynasty who is rising up is immediately under arrest, as well as everybody who is even remotely connected to them. However, negotiations are held with some leaders from the uprising, trying to bring stability back into Algeria. In Jolof meanwhile, an expedition of 500 men and some diplomats including translators into Mali, where they propose the local leader in Timbuktu, that Italy will help out the region in their current series of droughts and bad harvests, when they accet Italian influence and protection (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED). The colony of Simeulue has been established under the businessmen Gioacchino Lauro three years before, when the first settlement was set up and its growing fast to become a wealthy trading city. A major port is planned to be build on the island. The nay is expanded once more, with a large armored ship. To keep the navy modern and strong, it is requested to buy blueprints of German battleships (GERMAN RESPONSE NEEDED)
- Ottoman Empire: The Caliph sends a simple response to the Russians. "May Allah have mercy on you and the Armenians, for we shall have none." An army of 200,000 strong from all quarters of the Empire is assembled and sent to Armenia. Their mission is simple: Crush the revolt by any means necessary. Kill anyone that prevents this goal. Anyone who stands in your way is an enemy to the Empire. A request for aid from the German General Staff is sent (German Response needed). News of the Russian intervention is sent to the British (British response needed). A plan to immigrate native Ottomans to the Bulgarian areas of the Empire is proposed, and its details are sent to the Serbians, along with an offer to provide funds for any adventures Serbia is interested in, perhaps the beginnings of an alliance. (Serbian Response needed)
- Kingdom of Romania: With the Current situation in Armenia, King Carol decided that the Army of Romania should begin the building of bridges,roads and general defenses all along the Ottoman border. While at the same moment accepting the Russian Army into Romania for this war if it occurs as the King does see it as a way to gain some territory and make Orthodox Armenian independence come. As the Independence of all orthodox lands from Ottoman rule is seen as the only way to prevent the spread of Islamic Caliphates for once and for all. By union of the Orthodox we the Romanians shall stand with Armenia, Pontus, the Serbs and Bulgarians and our protector Russia. Also, in case if war breaks out we increase our troop count from 66,000 to 100,000 troops to deal with the Ottomans. In other news we recognize the Republic of Cuba. We are also going to switch to Standard European Gauge (1,435 mm). The first telephone in our county is installed this year. We are still developing the Danube Delta region.
- Albanian Republic (Italian Protectorate): The Republic is keeping to modernize its army. The national railway is going to be started in one year, it will allow to connect Montenegro with Epirus in less than five hours. Some Albanian settlers decide to move to Lybia to help Italy populating the zone. Albania starts to receive the models of the italian Vetterli Vitali rifle: "We aim to build two convoy escorts to protect Albanian convoys in the Adriatic Sea in cooperation with the Regia Marina (Italian Navy)".
- Kingdom of France: With the Russians contesting French control over Western Somalia and Austria-Hungary sending an expedition to Eritrea, King Henri VI intervenes personally and proposes a compromise with Russia in which they can maintain Somaliland but only Somaliland as France already has sights on Ethiopia while also telling the Austro-Hungarians of the French Presence in Eritrea and asking them to withdraw from the region(Russian and Austro-Hungarian Response Needed). Meanwhile, this angers many in the National Assembly who have grown tired of constant intervention in French Colonial affairs and have sought war to restore French Military Prestige. Meanwhile, in Fezzan, French Troops continues their advance in the region as more the Garrison of 8,500 is increased to 10,000 men with the objective of ending the insurgency. Meanwhile, Henri VI sends out another message to Italy asking them to stop supporting these rebelling tribes for to face a Blockade of the North African Colonies in protest (Italian Response Needed). In order to enforce is threat of Blockading the Italian North African Colonies, the Second Naval Expansion Plan is ordered with a larger number expected to be completed by 1890 with 14 cruisers, ten gunboats, eight torpedo boats with five new Vengeance-class destroyers being ordered with ten battleships also ordered for the French Navy as the French Ministry of the Navy seeks to beat Germany and create a new modern navy capable of surpassing the German Navy. (Secret) Meanwhile, the CEF continues its plan to recruit African Mercenaries to stage a large uprising against the Germans while also devising a plan to use Communist prisoners from French penal Colonies to stage a massive Communist Uprising in Germany to plunge the nation into a Civil War. Meanwhile, the LRP completes its process of absorbing rebel cells in Greater Alsace-Lorraine and funded by the CEF continues spreading anti-German propaganda while also starting small protests against German Authority. (End of Secret). Meanwhile, War Minister Jean-Baptiste Campenon who had ordered to send troops to Somalia and ordered to expel the Austro-Hungarian expedition to Eritrea is sacked and replaced by Boulanger as the King sees him as an Honorable General as Boulanger is known to be a close friend of Henri VI.
- Russian Empire: Armenians: your liberation is here! The Russian Army enters Ottoman Armenia to aid the Armenian Liberation Army. As the Russian empire defeats the Ottoman decively at Samsun (There is an algo to back this up). While at the same time in the west, Romania is called on to help the Russians against the caliphate with promises of gaining Northern Dobruja. The flag of the Black Sea alliance is also chosen to be red, blue and yellow - a variation on the flag of Armenia to honour them and their fight for liberation. While the Combined Russo-Romanian Army invades Dobruja in an attempt to cut of parts of the Ottoman Army. While in Arabia the Russian Army begins to call for Arabs to rebel against their Ottomans overlords in support of an Arab state ruled from the holy lands. Concription is also for the first time in a long time used once more increasing the army size to 500,000 with 250,000 of them in Armenia and 50,000 on the Armenian front. While at the same time the Russian emperor officially sends a request for an alliance to German Emperor Wilhelm I (German Response). While the railroad to Georgia is being built farther. Industry is growing mostly still in the city of Aleksandrovka with it being renamed to Donetsk to Russify the name as the name is indeed easier to remember and more geographic as a name.
- Korea: Former General Choe Ik-Hyeon incites a large-scale armed rebellion in the conservative Gyeongseong province in the south-east. Luckily, he and his ~20,000 sympathizers (mainly conservative landlords and their followers) fail to successfully subdue the royal garrison stationed in Busan. Despite this, due to their violent nature, and more worryingly, their desire to expel the foreigners (especially Christian missionaries) from Korea, King Gojong is forced to address the rebels as soon as possible. He places the entirety of the south (the Gyeongsang and Jeolla provinces) under martial law. Utilizing the newly-completed Seoul–Busan railway network, he increases the garrison stationed in the city of Busan and its periphery to ~25,000. He also sends additional supplies to ensure they maintain the strength to repel the rebels until the arrival of reinforcements. The larger role King Gojong has exercised in recent politics is praised by his supporters and comes as relief among the conservative scholar-gentry – many of whom remain concerned over the large influence of Queen Min (specifically, her pro-gradual Westernization policy). Concurrently, Choe Ik-Hyeon's ideology prompts substantial backlash from the peasant population, who convene in the town of Daegu. These peasant militias, who are sympathetic to the ideals of Christianity brought forth by missionaries – such as gender equality, a classless society, and emphasis on communal welfare – initiates an insurrection against the local aristocracy. The popularity of Christianity is aided by its similarities to animist cults, most prominently the one established by Choe Jeu, who had proclaimed his cult and Christianity are "one and the same - just different in words". Targets of this event include local administrators and magistrates accused of corruption, and also stem from disdain over over-taxation (due to lack of comprehensive tax reform) and maintenance of sumptuary laws. The accused as seized from their homes (which are often sacked), and then tried – those found guilty are horrifically stoned or burned at the stake. A lucky few are instead forced to serve as servants. Upon the arrival of the reinforcements, many are re-diverted into restoring law and order – though since many of the conscripts are provincials, and due to the view that the Gyeonggi elite is laxer and liberal (given more extensive foreign influence) and order is quickly restored. With his preoccupation with the peasants leaving them weakened, Choe Ik-Hyeon is forced to end his abortive rebellion. The aftermath, however, has resulted in a renewed debate over class reforms and the influence of Christian missionaries – while the progressives continue to contest that they are harbingers of knowledge, the recent events have also caused many to consider supervision of them. Queen Min, despite being a devout Buddhist, has emerged as a scapegoat – though her personal achievements are enough to help her maintain her following in the court. Several social reforms are implemented. The end of the nobi (slave) status is reaffirmed, with continued practitioners severely punished. Tenants are prohibited from rendering corvée to their landlords – instead, they will render rent in either grain or cash (the amount is also regulated by the government). Jung-in are no longer recognized as a distinct group. Lastly, the reduction of the yangban is reinforced, with only licentiates (those who have undertaken civil examinations) permitted to retain it. With this, sumptuary laws are struck down but continue to be informally-observed. An official investigation against provincial corruption is commissioned by the government. To hasten economic modernization, a modern bank system and the gold standard are established. The peninsula's abundance in gold ore helps underpin the Korean won – though inflation is somewhat high at 15 percent. The soldiers are now paid in paper currency, dispelling some doubts over conscription. Additionally, all idle land is donated to landless peasants, while the government issues foreign-purchased ammonia-based fertilizers and subsidized machinery to raise productivity and raise awareness over foreign agricultural practices. Tax reform is also implemented, being levied on annual household income. However, there is a universal rate of eight percent. This is widely popular, as it relieves the peasantry of tax burden while redistributing some of the taxes the landed gentry — who are traditionally exempted. In addition, a tax on “vices” such as prostitution, alcohol, and tobacco are also established to discourage these behaviors while simultaneously expanding the tax base. Fortifications in Busan and Ganghwa Island (guarding the Han and Nakdeong basins, respectively) are maintained. Textiles such as cotton cloth, silks, and linen are exported (though the raw textile fibers are imported). Industrial machinery such as mechanized looms and steam engines are imported to maintain productivity, and thus, competitiveness. The railway boom stimulates the production of iron and steel, as well as the mining of coal. Telegraph lines are constructed.
In both France and the German Empire, prominent politicians begin to question the wisdom of spending millions on constructing such vast navies. In Germany there is particular concern from the military elite who are growing worried that a lack of funding will ruin the once-proud Prussia Army.
The Brussels Conference begins.
- Argentina: Attempts to attract immigration by promising vacant land continue. Meanwhile, agricultural mechanization is utilized to its fullest extent. Relations are improved with South Africa, America, and Russia significantly. Meanwhile, the military is strengthened.
- Kingdom of France: With many complications going on at the Brussels Conference and with France’s attempts to re-establish a proper Colonial Empire threatened by foreign Nation. A French Expedition under French explorer De Brazza begins in Northern Zanzibar with the objective of reaching Lake Victoria with De Brazza being accompanied by 1,000 Zouaves and 250 Tirailleurs as they advance in the OTL Region of Kenya. Meanwhile, a Fleet five battleships, eight cruisers, nine ironclads, four torpedo boats, three gunboats and two destroyers arrive off the coast of Somalia as reports come in from the Brussels Conference of a possible British and/or Austro-Hungarian attack against French East Africa as more Tirailleurs are recruited from the Somali Protectorates forming a force of 2,500 Somali Tirailleurs increasing the French Force in French East Africa to 34,000 men as the colony prepares for an attack from the British. Meanwhile, in the Fezzan region, the force of 10,000 men continue their campaign against the locals and while the diversionary attack in Algeria has failed it has allowed the French to recruit a force of 4,000 Tripolitanian and Tunesian Tirailleurs while also using a small force of 5,000 veteran Algerian Tirailleurs who arrived in France after the Franco-Prussian War to avoid Italian service to fight back against the Fezzan Tribes as the number of Foreign Legion troops are slowly reduced in order to allow the Native Troops to take over the situation as they are more used to the climate of the Fezzan Region and know the are more then the Foreign Legion. With Italy not responding to King Henri’s request Henri VI orders a small fleet of two battleships, four cruisers, two torpedo boats, two gunboats and five ironclads to intimidate the Italians and to force them to stop supplying the Fezzan Tribes though not establishing a Blockade against the Italian colonies yet. Meanwhile, with opposition growing against the Naval Expansion Plans, King Henri VI and his cabinet state that with France facing multiple rivals such as Italy and the UK, the nation needs a proper navy to counter Britain, Italy and the Germans and even potentially the Americans. Despite the probability of war, Henri VI sends delegates to London to assure that a war might not occur. As Henri VI tried to prevent war with France’s rivals many in the National Assembly see that a colonial war must occur as many Revanchists see the necessity in a demonstration of force against France’s rivals and that France is not a nation to mess with and that their comrades at Brussels mean business and are serious about their demands. (Secret) The CEF continues to rank up African Mercenaries and send agents to Brazil to purchase Slaves to enlist them in their Mercenary force in preperation of the staging of an Uprising against Germany in Middle Africa. But with Britain becoming a threat the CEF begins gaining the idea of directing the Uprising against the British due to their unfair treatment of the natives they conquer. Meanwhile, LRP continues its riots against German authority spreading anti-German propaganda in Greater Alsace-Lorraine to gain more support in sparking an uprising against the Germans in the area (End Secret).
- Italian Diplomacy: The Kingdom of Italy is willing to stop any anti-French actions in North Africa, if France withdraw from Fezzan and abandon any claims to the region.
- French Response: With France unwilling to suffer more losses, the Kingdom of France agrees to withdraw from Fezzan.
- The United Kingdom: The French occupation of Zanzibar is taken as it is - an act of war. The Royal Navy is swiftly mobilized and a large detachment of eight battleships, six armored cruisers, 12 protected cruisers, 12 modern destroyers and 18 torpedo boats set sail for Zanzibar. A force of 80,000 troops, largely regulars and volunteers is raised in South Africa. Meanwhile, 10,000 troops are marshaled in Gibraltar. The 80,000 are quickly moved by highest-priority train through the ZAR to the formerly Portuguese territories north of Mozambique. From there they transit to British held Southern Zanzibar and prepare to engage the paltry French force in the region. Meanwhile, the 10,000 from Gibraltar are deployed by sea to seize French territories in Gabon and West Africa. An emergency convoy is raised in India and ferries some 15,000 troops to Djibouti.
At this point, a declaration of colonial war is issued to France, citing the violation of Zanzibar’s sovereign territory. (War Was Declared)The Army of South Africa joins the Zanzibar Garrison, a token force of 1,500 men. These troops quickly liberate the country, obliterating the French troops in Zanzibar. With the agreement reached with France the military forces in Africa begin demobilizing. Most of the troops return to South Africa, India, and the United Kingdom itself. Investments continue to pay off across India and Australia with the beginnings of construction of a major steel mill in Australia. The Explosives Research Board is presented with a new and improved smokeless powder, invented by Alfred Nobel, Ballistite. The new explosive is more powerful than blackpowder and allows for concealed firing without smoke or fouling. Another invention is produced by Hiram Maxim, the Maxim gun, a fully automatic machine gun, capable of being transported by a small team of three to six men. Built in .356 Winchester the gun is compatible with all British small arms. The fortuitous development of smokeless powder and a gun requiring of such precision explosives is noted by the Explosives Research Board who begin advocating for a switch from the .356 Winchester to a smaller round that takes advantage of the power of Ballistite. A slightly modified version of the substance, known as “cord powder” is patented by the committee. The only difference is the use of acetone as a solvent to extrude the powder into more manageable cords. Thus “Cordite” is born. The fringe element in London that wishes to see the establishment of the Imperial Federation comes to include several prominent figures in the Conservative Party and several influential newspaper writers and editors. The organization forms a more established group under the banner of the “Imperial Federalists Society.” Under the auspices of the new organization and with backing from several powerful and wealthy businessmen the organization begins producing what amounts to pro-federation propaganda and distributing it across the UK and its colonies. Branches of the society are founded in other cities in the UK, as well as Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Work continues on the Naval Act of 1882. Meanwhile, Charles Parsons continues to develop stronger turbines for use in electrical generation and propulsion of ships. In Africa 15,000 troops in Zanzibar continue to conquer territory inland and establish ruling structures up until the agreed upon border with France. Territory up until the great series of lakes is claimed in the name of the queen and troops are quick to enforce unequal protectorate treaties on local native tribes across Tanzania. The goal of this year’s expansion is to reach Lake Victoria so that colonization of the Nile can begin in earnest. (Colonization/Claims) - French Military Action: A French Fleet of five battleships, eight cruisers, nine ironclads, four torpedo boats, three gunboats and two destroyers already present in Somalia prepare to engage with the Royal Navy as the French East African Army retreats into Somalia as a force of 15,000 Tirailleurs is raised to face the British increasing the French East African Army to 49,000 men.
- French Diplomacy: King Henri VI not willing to suffer an embarrassing defeat at the hands of the British requests a ceasefire and is willing to hand over Southern Zanzibar until the OTL Kenyan border.
- British Diplomacy: Rather than fight a costly war, the United Kingdom agrees and offers to compensate France with a small sum of money.
- Zuid Afrikaansche Vrijstaat Dip: We offer to assist the Imperial Federalists Society in their efforts to produce pro-federation propaganda and distribute it across the eastern part of the Cape Colony and Natal Colony as well as assisting their efforts to establish branches of the society in the eastern part of the Cape Colony and Natal Colony given our proximity there. We also offer them substantial funding and diplomatic support in their efforts worldwide. All this is done in hopes of persuading them of our rightfull claim to the western part of Cape Colony and is the birthplace of our people, while it is populated by a substantial Boer majority and was the birthplace of our people as well as strengthen our bonds with the British Empire as we repeat them our sincere intentions to remain allied with the British Empire by joining a future loose political union and mutual defense bloc that could include (former) British territories that did not consisted the core of the empire. Also this is done in hopes of strengthening our bonds with the ethnically English people living in our state and/or prevent them from petitioning for annexation in the British Federation in the future which could only end in rejection by the people in a referendum as this outcome would not represent the will of the vast majority of our citizens other than the English minority's and it would cause a rift between our people and harm our unity as a nation .
- United States:Despite the end of the Spanish-American War, President Custer keeps up the military momentum. With new battleships, cruisers, and prototype destroyers commissioned. To finally affirm the end of the war, the Treaty of Manila is set up between the belligerents of the conflict. To keep up with European ships, a new kind of fast cruiser is starting to be developed. The Saratoga-class cruiser (OTL New York-class cruiser) is developed and construction begins to have the first ship launched by next year. With war coming between Britain and France, President Custer decided to intervene slightly, and to prevent the superior Royal Navy from seizing Frances colonies, sends US Marines and Sailors to occupy and "Safe Guard" Frances colonies from as far north of Saint Pierre and Miquelon to as far south as French Guiana. These is to put a show of force to the European to show American flexibility from Continent to Continent. A total of 20,000 troops is to be sent to these colonies. With the war in East Africa ending so quickly, President Custer orders his "Little Blue Men" to stand in position in Frances colonies, as he signs an executive order making French colonies officially US territories. He offers to give French convicts in South America back to France (French Response).
- Mexico: The railroad has started construction.(Secret starts) Henry sends an expedition to try to navigate the North West passage, he employs a Mexican Sailor Maite Amancio Ramírez and bought Fridjoft Nansen to train him. He builds a top-of-the-line Ship for the Expedition. The expedition trains until 1887 when he will start (End Of Secret). He also strengthens the Military and builds two Henry Warships.
- Siam: In the past decade the Monthon system and various other reforms have started to take effect, and our military has modernized a great deal. Our upgraded troops now give the King more power resulting in even more centralization across the nation. After a visit to Europe in 1882, King Rama V decides to create Sanitary Districts, or Sukhaphiban. Their main purpose, as the name suggests, is for sanitation projects. They are maintained by a housing tax on local residents. The first one is established in Bangkok. Many authors who previously weren’t allowed to publish their works as they were considered anti-conservative are allowed to do so. A few princes ask Rama V to switch the government to a constitutional monarchy like Japan to combat the threat of European colonialism. After much consideration, Rama V declines, saying that the time is not right and that it would slow the implementation of reforms. A second railroad is made connecting Bangkok to Uthai Thani approximately 200 kilometers north of Thailand. Domestic sources of steel and coal are found, contributing to our modernization.
- Zuid Afrikaansche Vrijstaat: Several investors begin to take great interest in the adoption of the electricity and experiment with it, seeing its success in the US. The hydroelectric dam projects in the Orange River and the Vaal River called the Oranje River Project (ORP) and the Vaal River Project (VRP) are expected to finish construction by the end of 1888, as the investors decided to rush the projects. Electrical cables continue to be installed in the Orange Vrijstaat and the Transvaal provinces and coal is used to produce energy due to its cheap nature. Lighting used starts to be adopted by households and commercial businesses as well as the industry. In general electricity starts to be adopted by more consumers every day. Massive investments in industry, mining, agriculture and banking continue pour in from various foreign and local investors as our ideal pro-business environment attracts them by the hundreds. Interest for prime real estate on big cities continues to grow as our nation develops. As a result many investors form real estate investment conglomerates that include both prime urban real estate and agriculture interests. A group of investors establish our nation's first weapon manufacturer focusing mostly on small arms and light weapons. Our state awards them several contracts for the army as we believe that developing a self-sufficient arms industry would be to our best interests. As a result growth has vastly accelerated into unprecedented levels. Our best estimates place it somewhere near 18 percent per year for this year - all thanks to very low taxation in general and our state's business friendly environment with little to no bureaucracy our nation is steadily turning into a tax heaven. Our nation's first shipyard in Nieuw Bergen op Soom continues to secure a lot of contracts for 14 coastal patrol boats and five small coastal patrol ships allowing it to grow in size, revenue and make a lot of profits. Settling of South West Africa province continue unhindered. Nieuw Netherlands province continues to be intensively settled by immigrants. We continue colonizing the Cape Colony borders near the Kalahari Desert from South West Africa all the way to the Orange Free State, effectively cutting off the Cape Colony from the interior of the Kalahari Desert, that we claim but leave unsettled for now. We halt our efforts to agressively expand into the Portuguese claimed region in Zimbabwe, Greater Zambia and Nyasyland and the uncolonized interior bordering Portuguese Angola, given the problems we've encountered. We expand/colonize the region to our north OTL western Zambia and east Angola pushing the border further to the north. New settlers continue to pour into the newly established South West African cities of Lüderitz, Nieuw Rotterdam, Nieuw Valkenburg and Nieuw Bergen op Soom as they develop into prosperous port cities. All the cities in the South West Africa region experience vast growth with Grootfontein, Lüderitz, Nieuw Rotterdam, Nieuw Valkenburg, Nieuw Bergen op Soom, Krugersberg and Fransfontein leading the development. Many settlers continue to move into these cities. Taxation in the South West African province is temporarily abolished until 1887 period to give further incentives for more settlers to move in. Taxation in the Nieuw Netherlands province is temporarily abolished for a ten year period until 1892 to give further incentives for more settlers to move in. Several immigrants create new non-Calvinist congregations for themselves linking them with the Catholic Church and the Moscow Patriarchate. The increasingly diminished role of Calvinism into the affairs of our state alarms the clergy, who turns more reactionary by the day. Nationalist elements supported by reactionary Calvinist clerical cicles and urban real estate magnates continue to put pressure on the government into stopping African immigration into the Vrijstaat. It continues to pay off as more border patrols continue to be established, manned by kommandos, attempting to keep African immigration in check. The same circles also ponder regarding the idea to introduce condoms to the black people in order to reduce their fertility rates and portray the use of condoms as a habit of the black people exclusively, appealing on racism to keep this foreign trend from spreading here. They go forth with their idea and meet limited success especially among British and liberals. However, the urban black communities largely adopt its use, because of the financial burden childrens are, unlike the rural black communities who need the extra hands their kids would provide them. As British and liberals are largely based in the urban places and with excessive propaganda targeting their cities as well as witnessing the spread of condoms among their black neighbours they start doubting their stance regarding contraception more each day passing. Under the supervision of the German military advisors, Comdt-General Christiaan Rudolf de Wet restructures the kommando system even further into a more professional one, instilling discipline into the kommandos and training them to use the new Mauser 1871 Infantry Rifles, Saxon M1873 Army revolvers, bayonets and the mobile C64 four-pounder and the heavier C67 six-pounder Krupp guns. The Homestead Act continues, achieving further success offering any white person, both miners residing in the land and newcomers, alike, the opportunity to get their own homestead, a farmstead that they can build their homes on. However, given that South African soil is difficult to cultivate, Boers farmers are given enormous tax breaks shall they assist newcomers and teach them the secrets of their soil, enable them to successfully cultivate their new farmsteads. The state also assists with relocation, providing shelter to reside while the settlers are building their new homes, as well as blankets, food, medical assistance should they require it. The German and French immigrants continue to integrate. Citizenship grant is expedited to be provided along with the homestead grant. Around 210,000 new white settlers of all kinds of nationalities such as Germans, British, French, Italians, Russians and Spanish make ZAV their home. We gather and record birthrate data for the first time and we conclude that we've had 20,000 new citizens born this year. Our citizens have increased to 2.25 million white people and 3,650 Griquas according to estimates. Work on the interconnected railroad network project continues, but speeds up thanks to heavily British investment. The Lüderitz-Nieuw Rotterdam line is expected to be completed by the end of 1886. We continue to improve relations with Argentina, while trans-Atlantic trade between us is encouraged and continues to increase. We petition the German Empire to give us license to manufacture the Mauser M1871 infantry rifles, Saxon M1873 Army revolvers as well as horsedrawn Krupp guns (C64/C67 models) if possible. We shall pay all the royalties requested. [German Empire Response]
- Vietnam: The current leader, Tu Duc, dies. His adopted son ascends the throne, adopting the name of Đồng Khánh. The newly throned emperor holds a coronation ceremony in Hanoi and a large funeral for the previous emperor. Đồng Khánh sends envoys to Japan and Siam, inviting King Rama V of Siam and Emperor Meiji of Japan to Tu Duc's funeral. (JAPAN AND SIAM RESPONSE NEEDED) The ironclads from Britain begin production in the arsenals of Hanoi and Quy Nhon and are incorporated into the Vietnamese Army. More are produced. The Biển Đông Fleet is created, utilizing the new ironclads and the Siamese-modeled gunboats. The citadel of Nam Dinh is expanded and the walls are reinforced. The Thuan An forts near the former capital of Hue are also expanded and reinforced. The Thuan An forts are armed with large anti-naval artillery to fend from any possible invasions. The tài van conglomerates begin to expand their influence in the Vietnamese economy. The Hoàng Van Bank is opened, a private bank built on the model of the Japanese private banks. The New Wind movement from Japan begins to gain popularity in Vietnam, where it is called the Gió Mới movement. Saigo's book, The New Wind, is also translated into Vietnamese and published in Vietnam. The capital city, Hanoi, begins a process of renovation. By the end of the renovation process, Hanoi's layout, while retaining many Vietnamese elements, will be largely modelled off of Western city layouts. Based on the Siamese sukhaphiban, Dong Khanh creates sanitary districts throughout major cities, called khu vệ sinh. As with the sukhaphiban districts of Siam, the khu vệ sinh are meant for sanitary projects and are financed with taxes on local citizens. A railroad from Hanoi to Lai Chau is built and connected to the main national railroad between major cities. Lai Chau is designated the official capital of the Sip Song Chau Tai autonomous region. With Japanese investment, the Vietnamese economy begins growing. Emperor Dong Khanh sends envoys to Korea and the newly formed Philippine nation, proposing trade between Vietnam and both Korea and the Philippines. (KOREA AND MOD RESPONSE PLEASE) He also requests to hire Korean advisors in the Vietnamese imperial court. (KOREA RESPONSE, PLEASE)
- Mod Response: The Philippines accepts the trade request. (Done by Colgan on Discord)
- Siam Response: We attend Tu Duc's funeral.
- Korea agrees.
Kingdom of Romania: We and the Russians have won a significant victory in the Battle of Constanata (I have Done the Algorithm). This victory means we have taken the Dobruja region. Also, we and the Russians are moving south and we will not stop unless the Ottomans surrender and give into peace terms. We are still developing the Danube Delta region and hope to expand this development into newly conquered Dobruja. Newly constructed Factory's in the Danube Delta are currently producing weapons for the Romanian Armed Forces. limited conscription has been issued raising the troop count from 100,000 to 150,000 personnel. When our army was marching south we got to the city of Varna, encountering the small Ottoman force of 25,000 and a battle ensued that will be called the Battle of Varna(Algorithm complete). The 50,000 Romanians and the 100,000 Russians win a strategic victory over the Ottomans. Ottoman POW's captured at the Battle of Constanta and the Battle of Varna will be used as labor for the Romanian war effort.We accept the Russian offer for a railroad to Bucharest.
- Nippon: In the wake of the success during the Philippines war the program of modernization has been vindicated Despite the success, the war also revealed several areas in which further reform is required in the way the war was conducted. During the course of the war, reconnaisance overall was lacking and this led to the embarrassing landing in Qa - less then ideal location - which forced the Japanese Army to drag large amounts of supplies and artillery across mountaineous and jungle terrain. Another problem that surfaced was the immense loans taking by the Meiji government to push forward to the modernization and westernization of Japan. More tradtional elements of society and the government protest the rampant dependence on the British and many begin demanding Okubo's resignation. The Constitutionalists also demand his resignation and the immediate adoption of a liberal constitution along the lines of the USA. Okubo and his government not wanting to break all that the restoration has brought about offer to step down but are refused by Emperor Meiji who sees Okubo as the one man who can hold the course of internal reform. However, in a private meeting, it is decided that change in the direction of reform is needed. Okubo retains the title of Kampaku. However, the role of Kampaku is separated from that of Prime Minister. The !885 constitution is formally adopted (along the lines of OTL, with some difference) establishing an indepndent Judiciary, full enfranchiasement of all men 21 and over, freedom of speech, freedom of association, and freedom of cult. The Kampaku shall act as the representative of the Emperor's will in matters of the state and shall head the Privy Council while the Prime Minister shall be head of the elected legislature the the imperial diet. The imperial rescript is also issued making all members of the armed forces swear unwavering allegiance not only to the emperor, and to submit to overall oversight of the people. In a gesture of public reconciliation Okubo and Saigo meet for the first time in years and embrace, bringing together the tradtionalist and constitutionalist factions Saigo is granted a full pardon for his role in the Satsuma Rebellion and is made Minster of Foreign affairs as well Prime minister. Elections are slated to be held in 1887. Saigo's book Atarashi Kami, and his other works are formally endorsed as the new course for the government embracing fully the modernzation program but as opposed to before reducing the amount of money borrowed from abroad. A new public bond is issued under the advice of Iwakura which proves quite popular amongst the popution specially in light of the growing need for a strong navy and stronger domestic finances. Government funds start to rise considerably. To address the issue of debvts to the British an envoy is sent to negotiate a program of repayment while maintaining the close cooperation between the British and Japanese which has proven so critical to Japanese development. (Steph respond). The 1885 naval expansion bill is passed intent on building a five modern battleships by 1900, along with seven cruisers and ten destroyers. Construction of the Osaka, Tokyo, and Nagasaki Drydocks are completed. Industrial expansion continues as Textiles, steel, and dyes become the primary industrial exports. Manufactured goods also start to see their way into domestic and foreign markets as motre factories arise. The newly aquired Pacific Islands are garrisoned. Efforts to develop a bolt action rifle domesticly begin. Further expansion of the army is halted and conscription relaxed as the army is held at 300,000 with the government shifting its focus toward naval expansion to protect Japan's newly aquired territories and start projecting Japanese power abroad to protect Japanese interested particularly in the Philippines and in South East Asia as whole. Emperor Meiji due to his role in Imperial Affairs is unable to go to Vietnam. However, Okubo and Saigo both go to Vietnam to pay their respects to the deceased emperor of Vietnam and to congratulate the new leader. Furthermore they offer to continue to the close ties between Japan and Vietnam to fuel the Asian solidarity in the face of an ever changing world (Mod response.) Following this visit Okubo returns to Japan while Saigo goes to Manila to address the victorious Japanese forces and to newly independent Philippines and to negotiate a treaty of an alliance with the Revolutionaries and to write out the exact details of the relationship between Japan and the Philippines (mod response, remember though that I have 120,000 troops in the Philippines right now). While in the Philippines, Saigo begins writing his next political treaty.
- Russian Empire: Liberation is the name of the game and for it sacrifises have to be made. The sacrifice that has been made is concription so that the Russian Army grows to the Size of one million. With most of those going to Armenia - a total of 750,000 of the one million soldiers to be precise - while the rest of the 250,000 go to Dacian front. While at the same time, the greater part of the Pacific fleet begin to move toward the Sea of Hah(ⲫⲓⲟⲙ `ⲛϩⲁϩ). Although to begin with, this amount isn't the greatest, it is enough to block the Red sea. The General planning for the Caucasus is given to Dmitry Milyutin - one of the greatest generals in the army. While with the Logistics of the war plans are drawn for a railway to Bucharest (Romanian Response). With a Battle near the city of Constanta being won soldiers of the combined Russo-dacian armies march further to the City of Varna. While the Russian Army begins to rally the Bulgarian People led by his majesty to rebel against the Ottomans and gain a greater Bulgaria independent of the Caliph and free from islamic rule, a Bulgaria where Bulgarian Orthodoxy rules Supreme. As they can see with arrival of turkish immigrants that the Caliph does not just want to rule over Bulgaria but that he wants to get rid of them and their culture. With the Emperor himself Promising weapons to to those who do Rebel against the Ottoman tyranny.(Mod response) While the Pontic Greeks are promised the chance for free commerce and trade to have a free sea. To be a free people who can chose their destiny, to practice orthodoxy or any other religion that they desire. As it is known that Pontic greatness is in their ability to trade freely with whoever they desire. We promise these men the arms so they can indeed rebel against the Ottoman Enslavers(Mod response). While this is happening, printers of the Russian government begin printing flyers calling on the Arabs to rebel and to be able once more to live up to the old caliphates to be free from Turkic rule. To be ruled by Arabs, by the people where islam originated from. Ruled by the Hashemites the clan of the prophet the protectors of the Holy sites. While flyers are used the most common way that this information is spread by word of mouth, and this mostly in Arabic. Although there are small numbers of posters being sent, too. With even a song or two made to spread the word for the Arabs that it is indeed their time to rebel against tyranny.(mod Response)
- The German Empire: With the Conference at Brussels, it is set in our destiny to continue our colonial expansions within Africa as the Western Sahara and Mauritania sees general expansion inward with the addition of a railroad stretching across the region from Fez and Tangier. The Region of German Sahara is proclaimed. In light of this, Mittelafrika continues to expand inward along the Kongo and also charting out the region and clearing the lands for development. Native peoples are treated with respect while any found resistance is countered with the German Army and the Newly Founded German Mittelafrika Military now numbering a few thousand strong with proper training from the newly established New Holstein Military Academy. Small battles with some native resistance occur within the Kongo resulting in the Battle of Coraleede, a disputed region along the Kongo River with some farmers settling there and being harassed and attacked by the natives resulting in a week long campaign displaying the might of the Mittelafrikan military and their resolve at the end with a crushing defeat. Weapons and Cannon production are heightened as concerns by the German Army are taken into consideration with us working on the development of substantial weapons stockpiles nationwide. A proposal seeing the potential to expand even further colonially is met with a diplomat sent to the nation of Burma escorted by three battleships, four cruisers, five gunboats, and four torpedo boats from the East Asian Fleet offering them the opportunity of becoming a Protectorate State under the German Crown seeing the potential to ease the wary of them becoming a subject under the British Crown and offering them an alternative and newfound opportunity to flourish (Player Response). The proposal with Transvaal is accepted as we see about selling our weapons. The assistance of helping the Russians develop a railway is taken into account with the construction of a Trans-Siberian Railway invested by the German Railway Industry and loans from the German Central Bank in Berlin offering them the opportunity to see about a more modern and sophisticated sound network (Player Response). With the setback in Madagascar by disease spreading, quarantine is established across the cities and sanitary inspections are performed in the German settlements. Seeing the potential of a greater German East Asia, the government secretly begins to fund German aligned and Christian Cambodians and Vietnamese to spread pamphlets and weapons to other christians to rise up against the governments seeing much more rapid and beneficial changes in the regions under German Rule with these pamphlets reaching to the poor and less well off regions in hopes of inspiring them to join what is a growing paramilitary group in German Cochinchina numbering 30,000 strong called The United Front (mod response).
- Korea: With the destabilizing events of the past year coming down to a close, the government reaffirms its goals to establish a fully modernized state by 1901 – the thirty year anniversary of the Battle of Ganghwa, the event which served as the catalyst for the Korean modernization movement. Seoul and Busan are separated from the provinces of Gyeonggi and Gyeongsang, respectively. Smilarly, the Island of Jeju has been designated an autonomous province, owing to the unique culture of its residents. Under the guidance of Queen Min, comprehensive social reforms are continued. The Seoul National University is expanded, while a second royal university in Busan is beginning to be constructed. The number of compulsory years is increased to nine (from eight), and the grades are divided into three levels: elementary (I–V), middle or junior high (VI–IX), and lastly, high (X–XII). In addition, two types of high schools are vocational or general. While school attendance had been already made mandatory in 1874, and further enforced in the late 1870s and early 1880s (with attendance rates reaching <100 percent), a high teacher to pupil ratio of 1:40 remains. To remedy this problem, the yangban – asides from serving as civil servants, local administrators, and magistrates – are hired to serve as teachers alongside foreign missionaries. The first phase of militarization is deemed complete, with two royal guard brigades, 11 infantry divisions, 22 cavalry battalions, and eleven artillery battalions. The 1895 Naval Program is commenced, hoping to expand the Korean Royal Navy so it could defend itself and nearby waters – it is heavily influenced by the French "Jeune-école" school. Gold ore continues to be extracted from the Hamgyeong province, helping stabilize the value of the Korean won and underpinning the economy. Idle land continues to be redistributed among landless peasants, with their access to capital such as machinery and fertilizers being subsidized by the government for a transition period of five years in exchange for a land tax. Fortifications in Busan and Ganghwa Island (guarding the Han and Nakdeong basins, respectively) are maintained. The textiles industry continues to boom due to heavy investment. The main fabrics are cotton, wool, silk, and linen. The importation of long-staple American cotton, which is of superior quality and cheaper, is used – thus reducing reliance on Chinese cotton. In addition, to raise its value (and thus maintain competitiveness), rubber is imported from Vietnam to add durability and protection against water. Industrial machinery such as mechanized looms and steam engines continue to be imported, though small-scale production begins. Meanwhile, the construction of railway stimulates ferreous metallurgy and coal mining. Telegraph lines are constructed.
- Siam: In the past decade the Monthon system and various other reforms have started to take effect, and our military has modernized a great deal. Our upgraded troops now give the King more power resulting in even more centralisation across the nation. After a visit to europe in 1882, King Rama V decides to create Sanitary Districts, or Sukhaphiban. Their main purpose, as the name suggests, is for sanitation projects. They are maintained by a housing tax on local residents. The first one is established in Bangkok. Many authors who previously weren’t allowed to publish their works as they were considered anti-conservative are allowed to do so. A few princes ask Rama V to switch the government to a constitutional monarchy like Japan to combat the threat of european colonialism. After much consideration, Rama V declines, saying that the time is not right and that it would slow the implementation of reforms. A second railroad is made connecting Bangkok to Uthai Thani approximately 200 kilometers north of Thailand. Domestic sources of steel and coal are found, contributing to our modernisation.
The naval arms race in Europe pushes up the price of steel and hurt government budgets, slowing economic growth.
China begins to take notice of Japan’s growing influence and power.
Greece joins in on the Second Ottoman War and invades Turkish territory. They invade Turkish Rumelia managing to beat back the Turkish forces and reach eastern Thrace in two months. As the war progresses Greek soldiers, with their commanders looking the other way, commit massive atrocities against the local Turkish population, with mass looting, rape, and murder of civilians taking place. Greece also launches an amphibious assault on the Turkish coast with varying degrees of success.
Karl Benz creates the first ever Automobile.
the parliament of Bulgaria, with support from the Prince, votes to declare independence from the Ottoman Empire and declares support for the Russians and Romanians. This results in him and his government having to flee Sofia as the Ottoman Army marches into Sofia with orders to arrest him. The fleeing government manages to escape into Romanian-Russian occupied land and vows to liberate Bulgaria.
- Kingdom of Italy: Since the Fezzan crisis has been solved with the French retreating from Fezzan, the eyes of the military high staff go back to Mali and Aceh. In Mali, the city of Bamako and the city of Kayes are occupied by Italian troops, after the Mali king refuses to become a governor under Italian protection. He is still given the chance to rule under Italian protection, just like the Jolof King (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED). In the South East Asian ambitions, plans are drawn in secret to overthrow the Sultan of Aceh, yet the military is not prepared for the strange territory. SECRET The Governor of Simeulue and the commander of the navy stationed there ask the Vietnamese or Chinese to train around 500 men for the jungle terrain (VIETNAM/CHINA RESPONSE NEEDED). The native soldiers will be allowed to observe the training END SECRET The navy is expanded slightly more, large battleships are built after German model, two of them are built in this year and are to be deployed in the Indian Ocean and Corsica respectively. General elections are set up in August, where the liberal-conservatives win the election, but a strong liberal tendency is noticed, whereas the Liberali got second in place. The URS is catching up quickly with gaining 90 seats in the parliament of 400. At the same time the elections in Corsica are held, with similar results to the last election, except with the Agrarian Party gained more influence. The coalition that was previously in charge continues. The Fezzan region is fully integrated in the Italian Kingdom, plans are drawn to establish a Benghazi-Houn-Algiers train connection is planned, the first steps are made with the first groundworks in Benghazi, from where the line should follow the coastline and then head toward the southwest. With a smaller stop in Illizit and Constantine the line ends in Algiers. The army is updated with the adaption of the M1870/85 Italian Vetterli-Vitali (OTL M1870/87 IVV). These rifles have a modern smokeless powder bolt action and a four round magazine. Additionally, a bayonet can be attached if needed. The grenade becomes an important piece of equipment as well, especially for the special forces. A slow transition of the former political agents of the Red Shirts happens during this period, where these fighters become a highly skilled military police force, used for crushing revolts, spreading insurrections and gathering information.
- Vietnam Dip: We allow Italy to train their 500 troops in Vietnam. Our soldiers will oversee the training. We also ask Japan to send soldiers to aid in overseeing the training. (JAPAN RESPONSE PLEASE)
- Kingdom of France: Despite recent losses for France in Fezzan and Zanzibar, with the eruption of the Second Ottoman War and the Ottomans preoccupied, it is decided to intervene in the Second Ottoman War as the National Assembly votes to intervene in the War against the Ottomans. With this, the French Foreign Legion - composed of 45,000 men - is mobilized along with elements of the French East African Army and the French Army of North Africa as a force of 67,500 men are assembled with the French Mediternean Fleet composed of six ironclad battleships, three protected cruisers, three armored cruisers, eight ironclads, four torpedo boats, eight gunboats and two destroyers as the French Task Force is sent to the Levant as the 67,000 men land in Lebanon while being escorted by the French Mediterranean Fleet. In an announcement, Henri VI has stated that France retains a claim over the entire Levant Region since the First Ottoman War and that it would be best if other nation’s do not interfere with France’s colonization of the Region. In addition Henri VI calls in France’s ally of the Persian Empire to join in as he wishes to keep up to the original deal made between Patrice de MacMahon and the Shah of Persia years before (Persian Response Needed). The Second Naval Expansion Plan, however, begins to take a toll of the French economy, but nethertheless, Henri VI orders the Expansion Plan to continue slowing down the construction of ships in order to allow the French economy to breathe extending the expected completion of the plan to 1892 as the Second Expansion Plan sees five out of 14 cruisers, six out of ten gunboats, three out of eight torpedo boats, four out of five destroyers, and three out of ten battleships complete by the end of this year increasing the size of the French Navy. (Secret) Meanwhile, Henri VI authorizes a secret project in which two Submarines Le Dauphin and Le Requin (OTL Gymnote and Gustave Zede) are constructed expected to be completed in two years as plans are made to build a Secret Submarine Flotilla to be able to defeat any navy in the world (End of Secret). Meanwhile, more Tiralleurs are recruited from the French Colonies with the size of the French Army of North Africa increased to 27,500 men (minus the 7,500 men sent to the Levant) and the French East African Army to 42,300 men (Minus the 15,000 men sent to the Levant). (Secret) The CEF continues to recruit mercenaries while supplying the LRP Resistance Branch in Greater Alsace-Lorraine with weapons to spark an uprising against the Germans as the LRP continues to spread anti-German propaganda in Greater Alsace-Lorraine. (End Secret).
- Kingdom of Serbia: By intervening in Bulgaria and violating the Treaty of Pirot we declare war on the Ottomans in response. We mobilise the army bringing 60,000 from the reserves and sending them into Bulgaria to liberate our Slavic brothers. We send a 5,000-strong advance force to occupy Slivnitsa as soon as the Ottomans enter Bulgaria while the other 55,000 follow up and then advance onto Sofia from the north before encircling it for a few months until it runs out of supplies with 60,000 men initially. Sending forward an all cavalry force of 5,000 to rapidly move forward and take Pazardzhik, while the soldiers encircling Sofia digging in for a few days making light entrenchments first then 30,000 soldiers leave after a few days to march along the north bank of the Maritsa until Edirne before heading south to Yaylakoy, Kesan then following coast east continuing on to the Gallipoli peninsula to open up the waterways to a potential Greco- British landing while the 30,000 remaining troops encircling Sofia dig heavy entrenchments. After encircling Sofia for a couple of months the 30,000 troops besieging it storm it. The British and Greeks if they want to do a landing can takeover our occupation of the Gallipoli peninsula. (British- Greek response)
- The Greeks agree to send 20,000 With Blood and Iron (talk) 22:51, July 7, 2019 (UTC)
- The United Kingdom Agrees and lands 15,000 troops on the Peninsula.
- United States: John Pemberton begins to advertise his carbonated drink called "Coca-Cola". In the case of Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad, the court finds corporations to not be a person but a multitude of persons and can be collectively charged. President Custer arrives in New York to dedicate a gift, a symbol of liberty and hope which was granted to the US by France as a sign of good gesture, Custer dedicates the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor. After 30 years of fighting, Geronimo and his warriors surrender to General Nelson Miles in Arizona. In the new US territories of Guiana and Antilles, American settlers begin to move in along with corporations seeking sugar. The question on What to do with the French Prisoners is simple, close the prison so no more come in, and wait till their sentences are served or by other means such as death, execution in a more humane style than guillotine. More settlers also begin to arrive in Liberia and begin to push out and into Africa, mainly into OTL Northern Liberia and the Ivory Coast. The USS Saratoga is commissioned in October and escorts US overseers in a journey to Europe to study how the Europeans fight as despite experience in the Spanish-American War which saw massed artillery bombardment and large US formations moving across wide open fields as seen in the Civil War. The Navy also begins to point out Hawaii as a potential spot for a Naval Base. With the final signing of the Treaty of Manila, 1,500 marines set up for a military base in Guantanamo Bay and in arrives the USS New Jersey, a Virginia-class battleship. An American trading ship, the SS Jeannette on its way to Australia comes across some Islands near Papua and claims them for the United States, the main island it discovered was one called Guadalcanal. With the signing of the Brussels Conference, Liberia's borders are expanded greatly. American missionaries and settlers move into the interior of Africa meeting new tribes and increasing interactions. "A New America is in Africa. My brothers and sisters return to your home, to give these people the freedoms we have back home, come make the New America in Liberia." -Former US representative Joseph Rainey who settled in Liberia for his retirement, one of many American's who moved to Liberia after the US assumed protection of Liberia.
- Austria-Hungary: With the Ottoman War raging, we see this as our chance to finish what we started, we declare war on the Ottoman Empire once more and the army is mobilized and the draft implemented. Veterans from the last Ottoman war once again rejoin the army to finish what was started ten years before, along with new recruits. We manage to raise 400,000 troops by the end of this year. We march our troops to our border with the Ottomans in Macedonia and into Serbia to aid them in their fight against the Ottomans. We break off 30,000 troops to meet up with 30,000 Serbian soldiers to surround and besiege Sofia. This time, Austro-Hungarian soldiers will be going into battle with better weapons and more manpower. Maybe more to come.
- Emirate of Jabal Sahammar: Following the conquest of Al Qassem. Muhammad bin Abdullah begins to study forms of warfare conducted by nomadic Arabs, mostly working on forms of raiding and assassinating commanders. Afrikaner weapons and advisers are put to train loyal tribes. We accept the Persian rifles and allows a Persian envoy into the country. We go to war with the Ottomans and begin to move 20,000 men toward Mecca and Medina.
- Nippon: Okubo realizing that the path he and the other Meiji have taking Japan financially, will only lead to disaster and as such begins taking steps to scale down on government spending and pushes for a greater focus on economic development over the gross military budget which has been pushed so much over the last few years. With the British agreeing to dialogue with the Japanese much of the worries about finanical collapse and political instability start to ease and confidence in the government grows again. Public bonds continue to do exceedingly well and mixed with the continued financial support of the British, industrial and naval expansion continue. The British are invited to Kyoto to discuss the future of British-Japaanese relations and to discuss the rising threats posed by european powers to both their interests in the Pacific and East Asian regions. Despite the increased cost of steel the need to expand and modernize the navy pushes the government to subsidize the expansion of the groqwing steel industry in Japan and also approaches the British to help them develop it further. Construction of the first domestically produced armored cruiser begins, while two more armored crusiers are ordered from the British alongside one battleship. Expansion of the merchant fleet also begins to better take advatnage of Japan's growing economic and political influence in East and South East Asia. Military doctrine is adjusted further based on the observations made during the Philippines war with mass aritillery and field army formations being the norm. Special note is taking of the entrenchment of Spanish troops and countermeasures are looked into. A bolt action rifle based on the British American rifle is developed known as the Arisaka 86. production of Gatling guns also begins in larger amounts along with artillery. The aqrmy is scaled back to 150,000 in active service top cut back on growing costs, though 300,000 in reserves as older classes of service are phased out. Literacy continues to rise due to mandatory lesson and compulsory service along with compusory schooling for children. In school and in the army loyalty to the state, and to the emperor are reinforced. However, along with these lessons, the idea that Japan is not just the emperor but its people as well starts to enter political and civic classes. Industrial expansion continues as textile exports continue to grow. The growth of the textile industry leads to a steady growth of the usage of dyes, and the growth of production of synthetic dyes for domestic consumption. The government continues to build factories and shipyards selling them aty a fraction of the cost many of them falling into the hands of smaller businessmen or being sold off to the four Zaibatsus. Economic development of and settlement of Northern Japan continues with mining operations in particular expanding greatly to meet increasing demands due to the growth of shipping, and railroads. Expansion of the agricultural sector begins as agricultural machinery is promoted. More railways are laid out. A renewed interest in Edo and Sengoku art arises along with an interest in foreign culture in the form of cultural exchanges arising from Japan's growing merchant and middle-class who study or travel abroad. Noting the massive resources in the Philippines plans to begin developing the mining industry alongside plantations there are made, with Japanese investors such s the Zaibatsu lobbying the Japanese government to secure large economic concessions. Saigo presently in the philippines continues negotiations with the revolutionary leaders to hammer out an agreement over the future relationship between Tokyo and Manila. The majority of the Japanese forces are withdrawn from the philippines leaving 20,000 troops as a gesture of friendship (mod approved, colgan). Saigo presents the following points as Japan's request: the establishment of a permanent alliance with the Japanese, Most favoured nation status for Japanese nationals and economic concessions to Japan for their assitance in helping liberate the Philippines, extraterritorial rights for Japanese citizens. The Japanese also commit to protecting the Philippines at all costs, help the country fully develop. (Mod response needed again). Tokyo continues to try to make headway in Korea and China with establishing economic and political ties.
- Nip Dip: Japanese envoys are sent to the major European powers and the Americans to try to begin talks to end the unequal treaties.
- The United Kingdom: We will attend the Kyoto Conference, and will agree to the purchase of the ships.
- Philippines: We accept the Japanese terms (steph on discord)
- The United Kingdom: German aggression in South East Asia and the collapse of the Ottoman Empire become topics of national concern in London and other cities of the Empire. Investment continues in Australia, as iron ore production and steel production both increase. This is accelerated due to the increase in the price of steel on the international market. Both the United States and Japan are offered access to the Iron Ore produced in Australia as a way to boost demand for the ore and increase mining activity. (Japanese and American Diplomacy) The growth of colonial economies begins to place pressure on the government to include colonial representatives in the process for deciding foreign and empire-wide policies. These concerns are played-into by member of the Imperial Federalists Society who quickly gather support among colonial governors in Australia, New Zealand, and some regions in South Africa. The nascent group does take support from the ZAR and advocates as well for the establishment of an organization of more “outlying” states in a “commonwealth” that will maintain economic and diplomatic ties to the Empire, but be fully functioning independent state. The influence of the society in government begins to truly grow after election in 1886. With Prime Minister William Ewart Gladstone replaced by Prime Minister Robert Gascoyne-Cecil the Federation-sympathetic Conservatives take power. Although not outwardly in support of the society and its aims, many within the Conservatives are members of the society and hope to see its goals come to pass. Prime Minister Gascoyne-Cecil decides it is time for a “Great Rapprochement” with the United States. An envoy is sent to Washington to negotiate a more formalized positive relationship and a liberalized trade regime. (American Response) In the Middle East, the unravelling of the Ottoman Empire is apparent. Oman is offered a guarantee of home rule and protection by the British.(Mod Response) Furthermore, British troops land in Socotra, seizing it for a naval base. Burma is offered a Guarantee of Independence, a trade pact, and assistance in modernization. (Burma Response) Meanwhile, the military begins work to improve the Lee-Enfield Model 1882 to a more durable pattern able to fire smokeless powder rounds. At the same time they begin testing smaller calibre bullets with smaller charges. This coincides with the trials of the Maxim Gun, resulting in efforts to adopt a join rifle-machine gun round for use in all infantry weapons. These tests go on throughout the year at the highest level of secrecy. In Africa, an army of laborers from India and African natives descend upon the Cape Colony as Cecil Rhodes and his newly established Capetown and Cairo Company begin laying tracks for what will be the world’s most ambitious rail-expansion in history. Beginning from the spur in Pretoria the company will lay standard gauge track to Dar es Salaam, and from there past Lake Victoria to Cairo and Alexandria. A second track will then be built from Lagos in Nigeria to Khartoum in Sudan. The project will take millions of pounds and hundreds of thousands of man-hours of work. Clearing a path for the rail line is the 12th Royal Lancers, and the Indian Poona Horse Regiment. These troops will guard the advancing train lines, while infantry from the Cape will be stationed at barracks along the track. A specially built armored engineering train leads the column, equipped with the first known use of Maxim Guns in the world. The Army of Zanzibar rapidly subjugates the natives in the south, pushing to connect British holdings north of the ZAR to Zanzibar.
- United States: President Custer agrees to both deals and offers a trade deal to decreases import and export taxes of important goods such as metals and other products between the US and the British Empire.
- Nip Dip: Tokyo agrees to the deal.
- Zuid Afrikaansche Vrijstaat: Several investors continue to take great interest in the adoption of the electricity and experiment with it, seeing its success in the US. The hydroelectric dam projects in the Orange River and the Vaal River called the Oranje River Project (ORP) and the Vaal River Project (VRP) are expected to finish construction by the end of 1888, as the investors decided to rush the projects. Electrical cables continue to be installed in the Orange Vrijstaat and the Transvaal provinces and coal is used to produce energy due to its cheap nature. Lighting used starts to be adopted by households and commercial businesses as well as the industry. In general electricity starts to be adopted by more consumers every day. Massive investments in industry, mining, agriculture and banking continue pour in from various foreign and local investors as our ideal pro-business environment attracts them by the hundreds. Interest for prime real estate on big cities continues to grow as our nation develops. As a result many investors continue to form real estate investment conglomerates that include both prime urban real estate and agriculture interests. Our nation's first weapon manufacturer is established focusing mostly on small arms and light weapons. Our state awards them several contracts for the army as we believe that developing a self-sufficient arms industry would be to our best interests. After getting a license to manufacture Mauser M1871 infantry rifles, Saxon M1873 Army revolvers as well as horsedrawn Krupp guns (C64/C67 models) from the German Empire they start supplying the army with these very lucrative contracts. Van Dyk the visionary chief executive officer behind this success had capitalized on his future success early on, loaning money to buy the majority share of his corporation. He proceeds to rename it Van Dyk corporation. As a result growth has vastly accelerated into unprecedented levels. Our best estimates place it somewhere near 15 percent per year for this year - all thanks to very low taxation in general and our state's business friendly environment with little to no bureaucracy our nation is steadily turning into a tax heaven. Our nation's first shipyard in Nieuw Bergen op Soom continues to secure a lot of contracts for 18 coastal patrol boats and six small coastal patrol ships allowing it to grow in size, revenue and make a lot of profits. Settling of South West Africa province continue unhindered. Nieuw Netherlands province continues to be intensively settled by immigrants. We continue colonizing the Cape Colony borders near the Kalahari Desert from South West Africa all the way to the Orange Free State, effectively cutting off the Cape Colony from the interior of the Kalahari Desert, that we claim but leave unsettled for now. We halt our efforts to agressively expand into the Portuguese claimed region in Zimbabwe, Greater Zambia and Nyasyland and the uncolonized interior bordering Portuguese Angola, given the problems we've encountered. We expand/colonize the region to our north OTL western Zambia and east Angola pushing the border farther to the north. New settlers continue to pour into the newly established South West African cities of Lüderitz, Nieuw Rotterdam, Nieuw Valkenburg and Nieuw Bergen op Soom as they develop into prosperous port cities. All the cities in the South West Africa region experience vast growth with Grootfontein, Lüderitz, Nieuw Rotterdam, Nieuw Valkenburg, Nieuw Bergen op Soom, Krugersberg and Fransfontein leading the development. Many settlers continue to move into these cities. Taxation in the South West African province is temporarily abolished until 1887 period to give further incentives for more settlers to move in. Taxation in the Nieuw Netherlands province is temporarily abolished for a ten year period until 1892 to give further incentives for more settlers to move in. Several immigrants create new non-Calvinist congregations for themselves linking them with the Catholic Church and the Moscow Patriarchate. The increasingly diminished role of Calvinism into the affairs of our state alarms the clergy, who turns more reactionary by the day. Nationalist elements supported by reactionary Calvinist clerical cicles and urban real estate magnates continue to put pressure on the government into stopping African immigration into the Vrijstaat. It continues to pay off as more border patrols continue to be established, manned by kommandos, attempting to keep African immigration in check. The same circles continue to promote the introduction of condoms to the black people in order to reduce their fertility rates and portray the use of condoms as a habit of the black people exclusively, appealing on racism to keep this foreign trend from spreading here. They meet limited success especially among British and liberals. However, the urban black communities largely adopt its use, because of the financial burden childrens are, unlike the rural black communities who need the extra hands their kids would provide them. As British and liberals are largely based in the urban places and with excessive propaganda targeting their cities as well as witnessing the spread of condoms among their black neighbours they start doubting their stance regarding contraception more each day passing. Under the supervision of the German military advisors, Comdt-General Christiaan Rudolf de Wet restructures the kommando system even further into a more professional one, instilling discipline into the kommandos and training them to use the new Mauser 1871 Infantry Rifles, Saxon M1873 Army revolvers, bayonets and the mobile C64 four-pounder and the heavier C67 six-pounder Krupp guns. The Homestead Act continues, achieving further success offering any white person, both miners residing in the land and newcomers, alike, the opportunity to get their own homestead, a farmstead that they can build their homes on. However, given that South African soil is difficult to cultivate, Boers farmers are given enormous tax breaks shall they assist newcomers and teach them the secrets of their soil, enable them to successfully cultivate their new farmsteads. The state also assists with relocation, providing shelter to reside while the settlers are building their new homes, as well as blankets, food, medical assistance should they require it. The German and French immigrants continue to integrate. Citizenship grant is expedited to be provided along with the homestead grant. Around 177,500 new white settlers of all kinds of nationalities such as Germans, British, French, Italians, Russians and Spanish make ZAV their home. We gather and record birthrate data for the first time and we conclude that we've had 22.500 new citizens born this year. Our citizens have increased to 2.45 million white people and 3,725 Griquas according to estimates. Work on the interconnected railroad network project is finally finished. However, three new proposed lines starts construction. The Pretoria-Nieuw Netherlands line starts construction and is expected to finish construction by the end of 1888. The Bloemfontein-Lüderitz line, passing from Griquatown following the road south of the Kalahari Desert near our borders with the British Cape Colony, starts construction and is expected to finish construction by the end of 1890. The Nieuw Rotterdam-Nieuw Netherlands line starts construction and is expected to finish construction by the end of 1892. The Lüderitz-Nieuw Rotterdam line is completed, inaugurated and opened to the public, receiving good feedback for its services. We continue to improve relations with Argentina, while trans-Atlantic trade between us is encouraged and continues to increase.
- Perdian Empire: Seeing that the collapse of the Ottomans are imminient,The shah declares war on the Ottomans with the goal of annexing the remainder of Bagdhad (ALGO COMING). Troops are mobilized and advances into the oarts of Baghdad with house-to-house combat.
- Kingdom of Romania: With our ally Serbia joining the war and putting Sofia under Siege We decide we will send 10,000 of our troops to help the Serbs in their war against the Ottomans. Also, our push south continues with our army reaching the city of Burgas encountering the Ottoman force of 20,000 starting the Battle of Burgas (Algorithm Done) 80,000 Romanian troops won an significant victory against the Ottomans. After the city was taken the Romanians were met by cheering Bulgarian crowds happy that they have just been liberated. Also, we expand development in Dobruja and start the construction of bridges in that region as a way to improve infrastructure and allow for better transportation in the area. Construction on a new concert hall begins call the Athenaeum in Buchcrest and it's expected for completion in 1888. We also want to set up an embassy in the United States to strengthen relations [United States Response Needed]. Also with Russian-French relations destabilizing we are going to boycott French goods.
- US: Yeah, whatever.
- Mexico: Henry puts more money into the Project. He declared support for Greece. He sends two ironclads and 10,000 soldiers and tried to land in Adana (Mod Response Needed).
- Korea: The government is partially re-organized with the aid of the younger generation of bureaucrats, such as Seo Jaepil, Kim Okgyun, Park Yeonghyo, and Yun Chiho. A bicameral legislature is established, with an appointed upper house (State Council) and a popularly-elected lower house (State Assembly). A limited form of suffrage is established, with only propertied males and females over the age of 25 years being permitted to vote. However, King Gojong retains absolute power and wields the right to ignore advice, and to veto bills passed by the legislature (though the latter, in turn, may override said veto by a two-thirds majority). The Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Industry, and the Ministry of Diplomacy are established – increasing the total number of executive offices to nine. In addition, the Ministry of Appointments now oversees and administers civil examinations, which now emphasizes knowledge of Western political thought and legal documents (most especially the Napoleonic Code). Public transportation, postal services, the manufacturing and procurement of arms, ferrous metallurgy, and mining (specifically of metal ores), are nationalized. The Busan Naval Yard is privatized. Four corvettes (each 800–1,000 tons), and four torpedo boats (each ~250t) are commissioned this year. However, the government has yet to find a foreign contractor to manufacture the four battleships and four armored cruisers as stipulated by the 1885 Naval Program (which has a target date of 1900). To increase the output of staples, farmers in the colder north are instructed to cultivate maize (instead of wheat) and potatoes in marginal soils. The usage of agricultural machinery and fertilizers are promoted. Fortifications in Busan and Ganghwa Island (guarding the Han and Nakdeong basins, respectively) are maintained. The standing army is maintained at two royal guard brigades, eleven infantry divisions, 22 cavalry battalions, and eleven artillery battalions. The textiles industry continues to grow exponentially.The main textile fibers are long-staple cotton, silk, wool, and flax. To raise their value, dyes and rubber are added. Industrial machinery such as mechanized looms and steam engines continue to spread. Meanwhile, the boom in railway construction stimulates ferrous metallurgy and coal mining. Telegraph lines are constructed.
- Dominion of Canada: Canada finally finish the railroad, which now connect the pacific to the Atlantic. In award for the Chinese people for their help on the track, we allow them to move to Canada with their families. ). we send diplomats to Japan asking the Japanese government if they would allow their, citizen, (Japan response needed)
- Britain already gave you Hudson Bay, mate, like five years ago. ~Bear
- Oh, I'm dumb, I'm erased it.
- Argentina: An invasion of Uruguay commences. The tyrannical regime Colorado party is to be put to an end. Fray Bentos, Paysandu, Salto are stormed each by 10,000 of our troops. The Uruguayan people are informed this war is not against them, but the corruption of the Colorado party.
- Russian Empire: The war continues with Greece joining the war on the side of the Black Sea alliance. With bringing soldiers to prepare on an attack of adrianople and Constantinople. With so many nations joining the war Victory is certain: Romania, Greece, Austria-Hungary, Serbia, France, Jabal Shammar, Persia and Bulgaria all joining in. While the Great Imperial Army is marching to Van and Sebastianòs, (Σεβαστιανός), with a lot of the population in Van preventing suplies from reaching due to their acts of sabotage. Since even if they can't fight the Ottomans directly they can make the Ottomans suffer the Russian wrath. As this war only even existing due to the Ottoman refusal to give equal rights to all of its subjects, only due to its represive earth. Due to the anti-Russian policies taken by the emperor and Caliph, which is one of the reasons we support Awn ar-Rafiq due to his more friendly views toward the Russian empire and christians in general. While this is happening, the plans for the lower house of the Duma are put on a permanent wait until 1890 at least due to the huge issues this war is brining to administration, as there is a lot of occupied land that has to be controlled. With the Armenian and Greek population being in general friendly to the Russian Orthodox Army as it is accepting of their faith, and many of the armies doing basic repairs or churches and other religious building so that they, themselves, can pray with the population they are liberating. As most soldiers are still Russian Orthodox and Livonian protestants, as Muslim soldiers are way less common for how many there are of them, as they aren't fully trusted due to the Caliph being the Ottoman emperor. While at the same time trust in Greeks and Armenians is generally high. While the feeling toward Arabs is stronger, as they are Muslims but willing to rebel against their Ottoman over masters.
- Kingdom of Italy: Since the Fezzan crisis has been solved with the French retreating from Fezzan, the eyes of the military high staff go back to Mali and Aceh. In Mali, the city of Bamako and the city of Kayes are occupied by Italian troops, after the Mali king refuses to become a governor under Italian protection. He is still given the chance to rule under Italian protection, just like the Jolof King (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED). In the South East Asian ambitions, plans are drawn in secret to overthrow the Sultan of Aceh, yet the military is not prepared for the strange territory. SECRET The Governor of Simeulue and the commander of the navy stationed there ask the Vietnamese or Chinese to train around 500 men for the jungle terrain (VIETNAM/CHINA RESPONSE NEEDED). The native soldiers will be allowed to observe the training END SECRET The navy is expanded slightly more, large battleships are built after German model, two of them are built in this year and are to be deployed in the Indian Ocean and Corsica respectively. General elections are set up in August, where the liberal-conservatives win the election, but a strong liberal tendency is noticed, whereas the Liberali got second in place. The URS is catching up quickly with gaining 90 seats in the parliament of 400. At the same time the elections in Corsica are held, with similar results to the last election, except with the Agrarian Party gained more influence. The coalition that was previously in charge continues. The Fezzan region is fully integrated in the Italian Kingdom, plans are drawn to establish a Benghazi-Houn-Algiers train connection is planned, the first steps are made with the first groundworks in Benghazi, from where the line should follow the coastline and then head toward the southwest. With a smaller stop in Illizit and Constantine the line ends in Algiers. The army is updated with the adaption of the M1870/85 Italian Vetterli-Vitali (OTL M1870/87 IVV). These rifles have a modern smokeless powder bolt action and a four round magazine. Additionally, a bayonet can be attached if needed. The grenade becomes an important piece of equipment as well, especially for the special forces. A slow transition of the former political agents of the Red Shirts happens during this period, where these fighters become a highly skilled military police force, used for crushing revolts, spreading insurrections and gathering information.
Rampant spending on ships and arms in Europe leads to what becomes known as the “Continental Crisis” the economies of Germany, France, Italy, and Austria all suffer from high inflation.
In the United States, a group of wealthy industrialists begins advocating for the United States to occupy the Philippines.
In Brazil, debates over slavery turn violent as protesters clash with police in several major cities. Four are killed by police in Rio de Janeiro.
An Atlantic storm causes one of the two Mexican ironclads sent to Turkey to sink in deep water with the losws of all hands. The second is forced to turn back after taking on water. This failure reveals Mexico’s lack of significant shipbuilding facilities and poor ocean-going design.
Tensions in South East Asia rise rapidly as competing German and British interests vie for power in the region. Meanwhile, in Vietnam, Japanese influence prevents the spread of German or British influence.
In Arabia, the various tribes, as Ottoman influence dwindles, conduct violent campaigns against each other, all attempting to establish a united Arabian State.
The Argentine invasion of Uruguay causes an uproar in Rio, and leads to the Brazilian government demanding a complete Argentine withdrawal from Uruguay.
Brazil has a player, but okay. - Argentina OCC
- United States: In accordance to the Treaty of Manila, US troops move to the end of the Bataan Peninsula and set up a new naval base as the main US military base in the archipelago. The Jeanette returns to the Solomon Islands with Federal Officials and some Marines land at OTL Honiara and founds the settlement of New Albany. Several of the older Virginia-class battleships with larger experimental 12" guns after some testing in explosive testing in Nevada. The Secretary of the Army, manages to secure 1.5 million dollars of the four million he requested, to upgrade America's coastal fortifications. Places such as Fort Point in San Francisco are reinforced with concrete and 6" artillery guns. Settlement of Liberia continues with about 75 percent of settlers being black. The start of African cowboys begin as the new frontier on the dark continent lies ahead. President Custer gives no word on any thought of occupying the Philippines.
- Argentina: Despite the fact that Brazil's position should be dependent on the player, a withdrawal is done until their position is known. This causes an extreme cool in relations between Argentina and Uruguay. However, the "resolution," can wait. Argentina turns its attention to the rest of Chile, and a buildup is done there. In response to Brazil forcing us to withdraw from Argentina, their ambassadors are withdrawn until they respect Argentinian sovereignty. It's pointed out that they should have attacked Uruguay with us, as Brazil has shitty soil and needs lebensraum.
- Argentina Dip to Britain: We will drop our claim over those rocky islands, if you support us against Brazilian aggression.
- US Diplomacy: President Custer dispatches three modern battleships and five cruisers along with seven destroyers to South America as a show of force to force a pre-war status quo border peace between Brazil and Argentina and threatens to bombard Argentinian positions and land troops in Uruguay. This is done to secure American assets, interests, and citizens in all belligerent countries.
- Argentina Response: The ships are treated as an act of aggression, and are offered a chance to surrender and go home to America. Otherwise, bombing will ensue.
- Due to Argentina backing down from Uruguay President Custer withdraws US ships back to the homeland - and he is not the American Gadhafi.
- Mexico: Due to its military failure Henry offers to buy German Warships Blueprints [German Response Needed]. The Expedition after two years of planning and preparation finally tries to Navigate the North West Passage [Update Needed]. Henry also offers Greece some supplies such as guns and ammo [Greek Response needed]. Secret Wanting to make up for it disappointment the Mexican Government tries to assassinated Ottoman generals and tries to kill the Crown Prince [Mod Response Needed] end secret. The construction of the Railroad keeps going with the government paying some workers with land and Tax relief the Settle small towns along the Railroads, and a Henry Pueblo and Victoria.
- Mod Responses: The mission to the Northwest Passage returns with a fantastic tale of ice, snow, and the brutal cold. However, they are unsucessful in their efforts. Meanwhile, the assassination attempt proves unsucessful as the Mexican agents are unable to infiltrate war-time Ottoman security.
- Zuid Afrikaansche Vrijstaat: Several investors continue to take great interest in the adoption of the electricity and experiment with it, seeing its success in the US. The hydroelectric dam projects in the Orange River and the Vaal River called the Oranje River Project (ORP) and the Vaal River Project (VRP) are expected to finish construction by the end of 1888, as the investors decided to rush the projects. Electrical cables continue to be installed in the Orange Vrijstaat and the Transvaal provinces and coal is used to produce energy due to its cheap nature. Lighting continues to be adopted by households and commercial businesses as well as the industry. In general electricity starts to be adopted by more consumers every day. Massive investments in industry, mining, agriculture and banking continue pour in from various foreign and local investors as our ideal pro-business environment attracts them by the hundreds. Interest for prime real estate on big cities continues to grow as our nation develops. As a result many investors continue to develop real estate investment conglomerates that include both prime urban real estate and agriculture interests. The Van Dyk corporation gets a lot more contracts from the army and continues to grow in size. More telegraph lines are constructed by our private sector. Some American immigrants have spread the practice of ranches and cowboys in here over the past years bringing technics and knowledge previously uknown to us. Beef and hides output is increasing each year. Some ranches are acquired by some investors and the entire sector begins to be concentrated. Still, however, a lot of independent producers remain. A Boer from the Griqualand West, Johannes Stephanus Maritz angered by the decision to support the continuation of the political control of Griqualand West to the Griqua people and the restriction to white settlement only in just one city in the area, decided to leave for Bloemfontein, although he understanded the importance of securing the diamond fields for the Vrijstaat very well, he was still embittered by this decision. There he persuaded a group of investors to invest in his vision, acquiring several ranching units as well as several plantations. He adopted Prussian junkers technics and structure for his agricultural and cattling interests, founding much inspiration in their tradition. As a result, growth has vastly accelerated into unprecedented levels. Our best estimates place it somewhere near 15 percent per year for this year - all thanks to very low taxation in general and our state's business friendly environment with little to no bureaucracy our nation is steadily turning into a tax heaven. Our nation's first shipyard in Nieuw Bergen op Soom continues to secure a lot of contracts for 18 coastal patrol boats and six small coastal patrol ships allowing it to grow in size, revenue and make a lot of profits. Settling of South West Africa province continue unhindered. Nieuw Netherlands province continues to be intensively settled by immigrants. New settlers continue to pour into the newly established South West African cities of Lüderitz, Nieuw Rotterdam, Nieuw Valkenburg and Nieuw Bergen op Soom as they develop into prosperous port cities. All the cities in the South West Africa region experience vast growth with Grootfontein, Lüderitz, Nieuw Rotterdam, Nieuw Valkenburg, Nieuw Bergen op Soom, Krugersberg and Fransfontein leading the development. Many settlers continue to move into these cities. Taxation in the South West African province is temporarily abolished until 1887 period to give further incentives for more settlers to move in. Taxation in the Nieuw Netherlands province is temporarily abolished for a ten year period until 1892 to give further incentives for more settlers to move in. Several immigrants create new non-Calvinist congregations for themselves linking them with the Catholic Church and the Moscow Patriarchate. The increasingly diminished role of Calvinism into the affairs of our state alarms the clergy, who turns more reactionary by the day. Nationalist elements supported by reactionary Calvinist clerical cicles and urban real estate magnates continue to put pressure on the government into stopping African immigration into the Vrijstaat. It continues to pay off as more border patrols continue to be established, manned by kommandos, attempting to keep African immigration in check. The same circles continue to promote the introduction of condoms to the black people in order to reduce their fertility rates and portray the use of condoms as a habit of the black people exclusively, appealing on racism to keep this foreign trend from spreading here. They meet limited success especially among British and liberals. However, the urban black communities largely adopt its use, because of the financial burden childrens are, unlike the rural black communities who need the extra hands their kids would provide them. As British and liberals are largely based in the urban places and with excessive propaganda targeting their cities as well as witnessing the spread of condoms among their black neighbours they start doubting their stance regarding contraception more each day passing. The same circles start developing our own brand of exceptionalism, which unlike the American one has a lot of different attributes, such as determination, appreciation of hard work, freedom, patriotism but shares some attributes such as individualism, laissez-faire economics and our own brand of conservative republicanism. It starts to became very popular given the vast influence of reactionary and conservative ideas to our electorate. Under the supervision of the German military advisors, Comdt-General Christiaan Rudolf de Wet restructures the kommando system even further into a more professional one, instilling discipline into the kommandos and training them to use the new Mauser 1871 Infantry Rifles, Saxon M1873 Army revolvers, bayonets and the mobile C64 four-pounder and the heavier C67 six-pounder Krupp guns. The Homestead Act continues, achieving further success offering any white person, both miners residing in the land and newcomers, alike, the opportunity to get their own homestead, a farmstead that they can build their homes on. However, given that South African soil is difficult to cultivate, Boers farmers are given enormous tax breaks shall they assist newcomers and teach them the secrets of their soil, enable them to successfully cultivate their new farmsteads. The state also assists with relocation, providing shelter to reside while the settlers are building their new homes, as well as blankets, food, medical assistance should they require it. The German and French immigrants continue to integrate. Citizenship grant is expedited to be provided along with the homestead grant. Around 175,000 new white settlers of all kinds of nationalities such as Germans, British, French, Italians, Russians and Spanish make ZAV their home. We gather and record birthrate data for the first time and we conclude that we've had 25,000 new citizens born this year. Our citizens have increased to 2.65 million white people and 3,800 Griquas according to estimates. Work on the interconnected railroad network project is finally finished. However, three new proposed lines starts construction. The Pretoria-Nieuw Netherlands line starts construction and is expected to finish construction by the end of 1888. The Bloemfontein-Lüderitz line, passing from Griquatown following the road south of the Kalahari Desert near our borders with the British Cape Colony, starts construction and is expected to finish construction by the end of 1890. The Nieuw Rotterdam-Nieuw Netherlands line starts construction and is expected to finish construction by the end of 1892. We continue to improve relations with Argentina, while trans-Atlantic trade between us is encouraged and continues to increase. We also request the British Empire to sell us any used but still operational ironclads and help us build up a decent fleet with naval advisors. We also request help in developing our defensive industry by providing us licencss to produce some of their older rifle, handgun and cannon models as well as some help in developing our shipbuilding industry. [BRITISH RESPONSE]
- United Kingdom: We agree to license out the Lee-Enflield Model 1882 to the ZAR for domestic production. As far as ships go, HMS Warrior is up for decomission and offered to the ZAR as a flagship. Although old, she is quite seaworthy.
- Zuid Afrikaansche Vrijstaat: We thank the British for licencing us the Lee-Enflield Model 1882 and we gladly purchase HMS Warrior to be our flagship.
- The United Kingdom: Investment continues in Australia, as iron ore production and steel production both increase. Oman is offered a guarantee of home rule and protection by the British. (Mod Response) Burma is offered a Guarantee of Independence, a trade pact, and assistance in modernization. (Burma Response) Work continues on the cape rail line, with the construction of new and modernized lines in Egypt and more deeply into South Africa and the ZAR. Work also begins in Dar es Salaam to connect the route from the south to the East Coast of Africa. A fleet of modern warships is dispatched to Argentina to protect them from possible Brazilian retaliation, and a letter is sent to the Brazilian monarchy asking them to respect Argentine territorial integrity. (Brazil AND Argentina Response/Notice) The military work on a new weapon comes to fruition with the Lee-Enfield Model 1887 (A Mannlicher Model 1888 chambered in 6.5 x 55 mm). The guns are novel in that they will use a 6.5 × 55 mm bullet with smokeless powder as the propellent. This advancement allows for faster, smaller, and more accurate bullets. Parliament passes the Act of Emigration which places a 100£ fee, quite a large sum at this time, on immigrating to countries other than Australia, New Zealand, Canada, South Africa, India, and other British overseas territories. Proceeds from the fees are used to incentivize migrants to go to Australia, New Zealand, and British South Africa.
- Argentina Response: We point out we have taken steps to avoid conflict, but Colonel Custer’s brutal regime seems to be warmongering with this pointless macho show of strength.
- Kingdom of France: The Invasion of the Levant continues as Ottoman Troops continue to be pushed back weakened by the war in the Balkans and the Arab revolts. With the Ottoman Troops weakened the French Army of the Levant now numbering 70,000 men is able to reach Damascus and seize control over the Northern Levant as troops prepare to move south toward the city of Amman. The Internal Conflict in Arabia, however, catches the attention of the French Government as many in the Cabinet of Prime Minister Mackau see this as a chance to demonstrate French Prestige as some members of Mackau’s cabinet including War Minister Boulanger believe that France should intervene in the Arab Internal Conflict in order to expand French Influence in the Middle East and solidify our ally of Persia’s position as the sole regional power. However, with the recent Inflation Crisis, King Henri VI decides to increase taxes while also reducing government spending for the Navy extending the time needed to complete the Second Naval Expansion Plan to eight years as Henri VI also imposes Tariffs on products from Germany, Spain, Italy and Britain in an effort to end the Inflation Crisis. Despite the Inflation Crisis, plans are made to expand the French Railway network and consolidate it under two companies while also improving infrastructure in Eastern France. In addition to the construction of new infrastructure in Eastern France, the Defense Minister orders the construction of Defensive Heavy Fortifications 15 miles beyond the border with Germany and Italy. (Secret) Monsieur G.E.B orders the LRP to redirect their focus toward Spain and orders the branch operating in Greater Alsace-Lorraine to go underground while also ordering the CEF to begin arming the remnants of the Carlist Movement now reduced to 2,000 members. The LRP is tasked with sending agents to areas that supported the Carlists during the Third Carlist War and to spread Conservative Carlist propaganda while also spreading anti-Alfonsist propaganda to portray King Alfonso XII’s as weak and illegitimate (Mod Response on the effects of the propaganda campaigns needed). This year membership of the LRP reaches a surprising 320,000 with the LRP continuing its operations against Germany, Italy and Spain funded by the CEF (End of Secret). Despite the Inflation Crisis an emergency census is held this year with the French population reaching 34 million people this year with some 3.5 million total people within the French Colonies.
- Russian Empire: While the war is becoming clearer and clearer in outcome that the Caliphate will not survive. With this, the Russian Empire officialy recognises Hejaz and Awn ar-Rafiq as the new caliph. While Russia continues its bonds with Romania, with Tsar Alexander offering King Carol I to visit Romania or even the front in the Balkans with him (Romanian Response). While tensions are growing against France the upper house of the Duma orders with temparory decree that all Russian tri-colours must be replaced by the naval flag of Russia to avoid confusion with any other nation on the front lines. This sign is to let everyone know That the Russian Navy is prepared to everything it has. While this is happening, plans for a railroad from Moscow to Vladivostok and posibly Najin-Seonbong and Phenian(Pyongyang). With the war continuing and Arabs rising up the emperor recognises Jabal shammar's Emir Muhammed bin ʿAbdullah as king of kings, Malik al-maluke (ملك الملوك) of Arabs, that he and his descendents will for ever be kings of Arabs protecters of the Caliph and defenders of Hejaz. Although an attack on the City of Ankarra was planned by the Russian Army, it has been decided to put a halt to it and supply the troops and work on the transport network. With other works being on Churches,monuments and ruins, there is even an order that any requests for the restoration of churches must be dealt with within two years for minor works and that larger works must set up a deadline close to the minimum time required.
- French Response: With Russia recognizing the Emir of Jabal Shammar as leader of the Arabs, it is decided to support the rivals of both the Sharif of Mecca know recognized by the Russians as the new Caliph and of the Al Rashid Family, the House of Saud as France begins arming the Emirate of Nejd and sends a military mission to the Emirate of Nejd to help them organize an army capable of uniting all of Arabia.
- Austria-Hungary: With the high inflation, the governments of both Hungary and Austria decide the best way to combat the high inflation is to heavily decrease the empire’s military expenditure, which means either slowing its military modernization process or temporarily halting it all together, and increasing taxes, with both governments knowing this will cause much civil dissent and resentment amongst the population. We reach out to the nations of Europe and other parts of the world not facing inflation, such as Russia, Great Britain, and the United States, asking for and promoting investments in Austria-Hungary (STEPH, ORWELL, AND TULLIN RESPONSE NEEDED). We heavily decrease our military spending and temporarily halt our military modernization campaign along with the naval expansion we were conducting since that was the cause of the crisis in the first place. We also ask to borrow money from Britain, Russia and the United States (STEPH, ORWELL, TULLIN RESPONSE NEEDED). We send 200,000 troops into Bulgaria with orders to head toward East Thrace to help aid in the seizure of the region. We announce new taxes on goods leaving the Empire to prevent any of the other countries in crisis from worsening our own inflation.
- United Kingdom: We agree to loan Austria-Hungary Emergency funds with the Austrian Navy as collateral should they default on their debts.
- US: We agree to loan Austria money at two percent interest.
- French Diplomacy: We also seek economic support from the UK and the United States in order to help us recover from the Inflation Crisis.
- Nippon: As troops return home from action in thee Philippines a lot of them go home while others go north or to the cities to find work. The mass reduction of the army, however, increases competition and, in many cities, the government gives some small stipends for them to get by. However, a lot resort to petty crime. In Kyushu many of the troops find their way into communities of the kakure Kirishitan (hidden Christians) having been exposed to Christians and in many cases founght beside American protestants. Due to the government's efforts to preserve Japanese culture actively welcome the old christian communities swell up. These communities use the production of Asa (hemp) to make textiles for domestic consumption help keep these men employed and lead to the rise in Asa production. Some of the former soldiers also start using it for recreational purposes. In the red light districts this usage spreads to the Geisha establishements and to the brothels and gambling houses. Other dicommissioned soldiers head to Hokkiado, Karafuto or to the Islands paid for by the government along with a small stipend to purchase property. A lot of people find work in the growing shipping industry. Private banking continues to grow in thsi period with the Zaibatsus controlling much of the banking sector. Industrialization continues fueled by the importation of iron ore from the British, Steel production increases quite a bit. Cities like Kagoshima, Kochi, Saporro, Niigata, Kyoto grow in population joining Nagasaki, Osaka, Tokyo. Literacy continues to row, and more and more people go to University, specializationi n engineering, chemistry, medicine. In political science of civic studies the debate bwetween western and eastern theory continues. In philosophy a neo-bushido school of thought arises based on the works of Saigo, Okubo and other newer writers who are influenced by their teachings. based on the premise of preserving Japanese political and cultural uniqueness and emphazing maintaining personal and social honor, along with national honor. This school resonatesd with many of the former samurai-class and amongst which number some 2.4 million people (based on OTL 1869 numbers which was 1.9). These people deisplay their heritage while still legally being equal with the average person often dressing in more traditional attire while more and more people dress in western attire. Elections are held and Saigo wins securing his position as Prime Minster and set to serve a ten-year term. A new generation of beauracrats begin entering civil service as well.' Tenno' Meiji and Empress Shoken, have their second son Teruhito. Consutrction the first armored cruiser is completed with work on the second one continuing. work on the Arisaka bolt action rifle continues. A new Lever action rifle is developed, however, using the bolt system to increase rate of fire and as a tester for the bolt action mechanism. The Arisaka 87 begins to be distributed throughout the army. More telegraph lines are set up and electrical lighting spreads to North Honshu, and Hokkiado. Trade continues to grow as new markets in South East Asia open up as does trade with the British and the Americans. Attempts to grow in the Chinese market continue. Japan discreetly requests to increase trade with the Formosan natives and Chinese communities on the island of Formosa and requests are made for permission from the local officials there to use ports there and to trade with them (OTL the communities there were for virtually independent of Beijing's control, and the natives in particular acted outside of Qing's jurisdiction while the officials there were genrally corrupt and willing to take a kick back) (approved by Ycasto). A base is built by Manila to house some of the Japanese forces stationed in the Philippines to protect Japanese interests and to help defend the new nation.. Japanese advisors continue to train the Filipino Army.
- The communists on Formosa agree to the Japanese request (approved by Ycasto).
- Zuid Afrikaansche Vrijstaat Dip: We ask the Greater Empire of Japan for closer economic relations, to establish an embassy at their capital of Tokyo city and offer them the possibility to establish their embassy in our capital, Pretoria. We can provide the Greater Empire of Japan with a plethora of minerals (gold, diamonds, coal, chrome, platinum, palladium, copper, iron) and agricultural products (grapefruit, cereals, maze, green maze, cotton). We propose to them to make a technology sharing agreement. We also offer to sell them our licenced Lee-Enfield Model 1882, Mauser M1871 infantry rifles, Krupp horsedrawn artillery (C64 four-pounder and C67 six-pounder) guns, Saxon M1873 Army revolvers (with all royalties paid to the Germans and British respectively) to boost our defensive production.
- Kingdom of Romania: We recognize Russia's colony in Ethiopia by Signing the Documents in the Brussels Conference.Also we finally get to East Thrace and winning a significant victory against the Ottomans at the Battle of Corlu (Algorithm Done) we will leave the serbs to take Edirne and the rest to the Greeks and British. We also will accept Tsar Alexanders visit to the Balkan Front and will also send King Carol to meet him there to discuss plans. Development in the Danube Delta is finished and rapid development in Dobruja begins turning the coast of Romania into an industrial powerhouse. We also want to purchase 500 Krupp Artillery from Russia. [Russian Response Needed]. We Recognize Hejaz and Awn ar-Rafiq as the new Caliphate and also Recognize Emir Muhammad Bin 'Abdullah as the King of the Arabs.With the French Arming Nejd we also send our Missions to Hejaz and Awn ar-Rafiq to help arm and train their armies to withstand any future Nedj aggression.
- Kingdom of Italy: The economic problems cause the URS to rise in popularity, while Conservative and Liberal forces are falling. To combat these developments, the orders by the state for more ships and arms are cancelled except for those on ammunition, and it is rewarded to produce consumer goods by giving out smaller tax brackets. The people are encouraged to open small businesses like colonial shops, restaurants and cafes or artisan stores. More traded is requested with Japan, the US and Britain (US BRITISH AND JAPANESE RESPONSE NEEDED). To strengthen Italian positions in teh Indian Ocean, war is declared on the Sultanate of Aceh, where the Jungle Troops trained in Vietnam are sent along with five vessels into the port of the capital Kota Radja the very same day the declaration of war arrives. Shortly after, the palace is stormed, and the Sultan is forced to abdicate from all political positions he inherits (MOD RESPONSE, PLEASE). In return he is allowed to keep his title as Sultan, keep his servants and gets a very comfortable compensation of 2,000 Lire per month. The lands of Aceh will become a crown-colony to Italy with its capital in Kota Radja. The Brussels conference is attended by King Amadeo I, the colonies of Greater Mali (Jolof and Mali), Cyrenaica, Algeria and Northern Jolof are established. Those are put under administration of the two military operation sectors of Carthage I and Carthage II for North Africa as well as Mali for the southern colonies. Plans are drawn for another one named East India. It is requested from the nations in the Italian sphere, namely the Epirus Republic, the Albanian Republic and the Republic of Corsica to send over small portions of their local militia or military (in Corsica's case) to be trained by Italians and to be ready to serve under the Italian flag in case of a continental war. They are given modern weaponry replacing old breech loaders with modern bolt action rifles with five-round magazines.
Persian Empire: We continue our advance into the remaining parts of Baghdad. The shah affirms that he neither supports nor opposes the the king of Hejaz as the king of the Arabs. The shah officially creates the Royal Persian Navy (RPN) and sends requests the US, France, Italy and the UK about building ships for us. (US, FRENCH, ITALIAN AND UK RESPONSES NEEDED)
- Kingdom of Serbia: Seeing the inflation issues across Europe we place customs of five percent on goods leaving to reduce exports while the National Bank of Serbia raises interest rates and sales tax is increased, a lot more women enter the work force to alleviate the real fall in income while parts of Bulgaria we hold are taxed to decrease the budget deficit. After the fall of Sofia the rest of our forces (30,000) move up to join with the forces who failed to take Eastern Thrace last year (20,000) and make another push to seize Gallipoli and let through British and Greek forces we also send another 10,000 from Serbia to support them meaning the Serbian forces trying to take Eastern Thrace and then Gallipoli are ~60,000 in addition to Austro-Hungarian forces.
A census in the ZAR finds the non-African population is actually 880,000 and previous figures stemmed from a severe over-counting.
In the ZAR, Afrikaans begins to fall in popularity as the many immigrants from non-Germanic speaking states refuse to learn the language. These groups begin forming self-sustaining colonies within the country each with their own ethnicity and language. The government struggles to penetrate these communities due to their isolation, self-reliance, and a growing sense of disregard for the weak central authority.
In Paris, Germany, and Rome, major unions go on strike protesting excessive taxation and spending on pointless navies and armies. Lack of response to the economic crisis in France and Germany contributes to a worsening slowdown.
The new tariffs on foreign goods instituted by the French government causes inflation to go up and overall, makes things worse.
Opening of an international Congress for Women's Rights organized by Susan B. Anthony in Washington, D.C., leading to the formation of the International Council of Women, a key event in the international women's movement.
- Mexico: Secret Henry continues funding the North West Program and retries now having trained the crew in Inuit so that they can trade during the Expedition [Mod Response Needed] End of Secret. Henry creates the MSP (Mexican Secret Police) and starts the Expansion program by giving every town settled by the Grand Railroad a small hospital, school and church. Henry also has a son who dies as an infant. Henry requests a visit to the US [Response Needed]. He also requests to buy Jamaica for eight million pesos or something else [British Response Needed].
- United States: President Custer begins to think of Mexico as a joke following a year after the Mexican homemade ironclads sank. The US agrees to loan France money at two percent interest. Plans for even more improved modern battleship is planned and the date set for construction is 1890. However, the plans continue to be revised. Older battleships are continually refitted and old sails are removed as new boilers are installed. John Browning is contracted to design a machinegun for the army and starts coming up with a gas operated design. Migrants continue to move into Liberia and settle the country, starting to outplace the population already there. The lynching of Amos Miller in the balcony of a courthouse in Tennessee leads to President Custer's final act before becoming a Lame Duck president, sending federal troops into Tennessee to enforce the Civil Rights Act of 1875 and prosecuting those who were responsible. In the election of 1888, Democratic Vice President Grover Cleveland is elected over Republican Benjamin Harrison. The Kodak Camera company is founded. Theodore Roosevelt becomes the Assistant Secretary of the Navy.
- Kingdom of France: Despite the Inflation Crisis that plagues the nation, the 1888 Legislative Elections takes place this year with the Royalists gaining 28 percent of the vote along with 167 Seats in the National Assembly in which is 57 seats gained this year as the Royalists under Armand de Mackau score a narrow victory over the Conservative - Bonapartist Coalition which only gains 150 Seats in the National Assembly having lost 27 seats. With the Conservative Majority still maintaining a majority in the National Assembly the Monarchy is still safe as the Monarchist Prime Minister Armand de Mackau is re-elected. With the Major Unions in France going on strike King Henri VI orders the strikes to be suppressed calling in the National Guard to crush the protesters while also establishing Martial Law in Paris. The Military Governor of Paris is tasked with crushing the protesters so that they can be sent to our Penal Colonies in the Indian Ocean. With the tariffs on Foreign Goods proving to be ineffective Henri VI orders the tariffs to be lowered. It is decided to abandon the Fiscal Policy and instead adopt a Contractionary Monetary Policy as Interest Rates are increased through the Bank of France, while also increasing the Reserve Requirements of money banks as we call in all debts owed to the state in order to reduce inflation. Meanwhile, funding for the Second Expansion Plan is further reduced extending to completion time to ten years. With many French immigrants in South Africa establishing their own self-sustaining colony within the borders of the Boer State. Henri VI announces that France will defend the French Community in the South African State and that any act of aggression against them will be considered as an Act of War against France and will be met with a Colonial War. Meanwhile, troops in the Levant complete their Conquest of the region as the colony of French Assyria is established. Meanwhile, support for the Emirate of Nejd continues as the Military Mission in the Saudi State begins organizing the Army of Nejd to aid them in their Conquest of Arabia. With the suppression of the protests in France the rise of the Social Democrats in Italy poses a concern for King Henri VI but with the Inflation Crisis he is unable to do anything against it. (Secret) Meanwhile, the LRP continues its propaganda campaign in Spain denouncing the King of Spain as weak and unable to maintain the Spanish Empire while blaming the Bourbons for all of Spain's problems (Mod Response) funded by the CEF they continue to train the Carlists with the objective of forming a Carlist Guerrilla Force in order to further weaken Spain through guerrilla warfare. (End Secret)
- The brutal crackdown on the protestors and union strikers only seems to strengthen the protests, with the protest’s direction being shifted from the bad state of the economy to the tyranny of the king and the protests spread from Paris to other cities and towns in France.
- Vrijstaat Dip: We start to think of France as a joke, given their decline and successive losses, thus we send whatever aid we could muster (supplies, old weapons and ammo, cash) to the French protestors and unions in response to France's infringement on our internal affairs. A full log of what we've dispatched to the protestors and unions is send to the government of France along with several insults in French language.
- French Response: King Henri VI declares martial law throughout the nation while the National Guard is tasked with hunting the elements of the protesters and strikers that have been armed by the Boers in order to prevent any sort of revolt.
- This is mostly a symbolic move. I've never actually sent any of my ships. Why would I endanger them without a reason? The entire package is the size of a wooden cargo box and I don't care if it falls into the wrong hands enough to protect it myself. Also, it wouldn't even be enough to arm a mere platoon. ~Bear
- Nippon: Elections are held. Saigo wins, confirming him and his cabinet remaining in power. The political factions of the Meiji Oligarchy start to evolve into political parties. The old Meiji oligarchs remain at the top of the system. However, a new generation of lawmakers and government officials enter the beauracracy. The ministries are consolidated and expanded and improved upon. The government steadily starts shifting a role of guiding the economy while the private sector produces. Though government investment and partial control in the steel industry grows with the ore from Australia allowing for greater production. naval expansion continues. The Arisaka 1887 steadily replaces the older Winchester imports. The rifle's combined bolt actino and lever action rifle is tested to make note for the planned bolt action rifle. The textile industry continues to grow with flax, cotton, and silk, beuing the larger exports but in Kyushu more artesal textiles begin arising from a cotton/hemp blend. Because of its increased retention of dyes some very vibrant and flamboyant textiles gain prominance there. These clothes and the Asa itself grow in popularity amongst the clientele of brothels, gambling houses, and amongst the Kirishitan communities that grow the Asa and make the textiles. The shipping industry continues to grow as well with Mitsubishi becoming the main producer of ships. The four Zaibatsus Yasuda, Mitsui. Mitsubishi and Sumitomo dominate the growing economy through their domination of the specialized banking sectors. The Zaibatusis make joint investments with the government as well in factories and infrustructure like telegraph and electric lines, the ever-expanding rail system, docks, roads, etc. Payments to the British begin as money frees up from government cutbacks and the increased shift to a more market-oriented economy. Using the ports in Formosa more often, Japanese traffic over the ideal lanes increases greatly. More to be added later.
- Emirate of Jabal Shammar: Following recent actions by Saudi tribes, Emir Muhammad begins to work on shifting his military's weight toward possible defense against Saudi troop movements by recalling 2,000 men and while amassing 2,000 men with him stating to his advisers "These Wahhabi horns will be the undoing of the Arab state and her progress.", we send an envoy to Shi'a within Arabia and Iraq to seek support against a Wahhabi invasion against them (Mod Response). Emir Muhammad calls upon every Arab Muslim and non-Muslim alike within the Ottomans to revolt and fight side-by-side with the Emir (Mod Response). The Ottoman front mostly consist of guerrilla attacks into Jordan and Hejaz. We thanks the Russians for the support of the Arabs' war of liberation.
- The United Kingdom: Investment continues in Australia, as iron ore production and steel production both increase. These labor intensive industries begin to draw increased emigration from the home islands, reducing immigration to the United States. Oman is offered a guarantee of home rule and protection by the British. (Mod Response) Work continues on the cape rail line, with the construction of new and modernized lines in Egypt and more deeply into South Africa and the ZAR. Work in Dar es Salaam accelerates to meet the South African line within the decade. As an international financial giant, UK banks lend money to all governments affected by the slow down in the continent should they request it. The Lee-Enfield Model 1887 enters production, as does a modified version of the Maxim gun. Both are chambered in British 6.5 x 55 mm. The Admiral-class battleship ordered by Japan is delivered. Meanwhile, in the Middle East, under pressure at home and abroad to end the war in the Ottoman Empire, a British fleet once again sails past Gallipoli and threatens the Ottoman capital. Before shelling the city, a message is sent to the Ottomans beseeching them to surrender and avoid bloodshed. (Mod Response)
- The Ottomans, on the verge of collapse, agree to surrender. - Mod
- Russian Empire: Troops near Constantinople begin making flags with the Chi Rho symbols, on the Russian flag with two variants becoming the most popular. These flags looking like Imperial Byzantine shields where under the Russian naval and civilian flag shows itself. With the advances 250,000 soldiers march into Ankarra where a battle occurs but the battle with the Ottoman garrison ends soon as they are undersupplied, undermanned, and worst of all, longing for peace. The Ottoman caliph is tired, the Ottoman people are tired and the Ottoman people do not want to be Ottomans anymore. Ankarra falls, Samsun fell, Van fell and Sivas fell. What will be next? The Russian Army answers: it will be the end of the modern caliphate as it is known today. The Russian upperer house of the Duma ends the recognition of the Ottoman empire, instead clasifying it as a rogue state - a rebelious state. Russian soldiers also begin to meet British soldiers near Galipoli in Eastern Thrace with Iosif Vladimirovich Gurko meeting these soldiers as Commander of the Russian Army in the Balkans and Western Anatolia. These soldiers also meet Greeks, Romanians, Serbs and even some Austrian troops. While this is happening, basic Ottoman industry not owned by non-Christians is taken away to the Donesk and Moscow area. While at the same time, with the war with the Ottomans almost over, bureaucrats get themselves ready for the job of officially ruling over new lands and hold a nationwide census so that the lower house of the Duma can be reintroduced.
- Zuid Afrikaansche Vrijstaat: New elections take place and Paul Kruger gets relected again with no real opposition. Several investors continue to take great interest in the adoption of the electricity and experiment with it, seeing its success in the US. The hydroelectric dam projects in the Orange River and the Vaal River called the Oranje River Project (ORP) and the Vaal River Project (VRP) finish construction, are inaugurated to the public and are praised for their solid craftmanship. Electrical cables continue to be installed in the Orange Vrijstaat and the Transvaal provinces and coal is used to produce energy due to its cheap nature. Lighting continues to be adopted by households and commercial businesses as well as the industry. In general electricity starts to be adopted by more consumers every day. Massive investments in industry, mining, agriculture and banking continue pour in from various foreign and local investors as our ideal pro-business environment attracts them by the hundreds. Interest for prime real estate on big cities continues to grow as our nation develops. As a result many investors continue to develop real estate investment conglomerates that include both prime urban real estate and agriculture interests. The Van Dyk corporation gets a lot more contracts from the army and continues to grow in size. More telegraph lines are constructed by our private sector. Some American immigrants continue to spread the practice of ranches and cowboys in here, bringing technics and knowledge previously uknown to us. Beef and hides output is increasing each year. Some ranches are acquired by some investors and the entire sector begins to be concentrated. Still, however, a lot of independent producers remain. Our best estimates place our yearly growth somewhere near 12 percent per year for this year - all thanks to very low taxation in general and our state's business friendly environment with little to no bureaucracy our nation is steadily turning into a tax heaven. The shipyard in Nieuw Bergen op Soom continues to secure a lot of contracts for more coastal patrol boats and seven small coastal patrol ships, both from our state and abroad allowing it to grow in size, revenue and make a lot of profits. They shipyard also gets a contact from the government to retrofit the newly acquired HMS Warrior giving them a chance to study the British solid craftmanship and engineering as well as work with a British team on retrofiting this magnificent ship. Settling of South West Africa province continue unhindered. Nieuw Netherlands province continues to be intensively settled by immigrants. New settlers continue to pour into the newly established South West African cities of Lüderitz, Nieuw Rotterdam, Nieuw Valkenburg and Nieuw Bergen op Soom as they develop into prosperous port cities. All the cities in the South West Africa region experience vast growth with Grootfontein, Lüderitz, Nieuw Rotterdam, Nieuw Valkenburg, Nieuw Bergen op Soom, Krugersberg and Fransfontein leading the development. Many settlers continue to move into these cities. Taxation in the Nieuw Netherlands province is temporarily abolished for a ten year period until 1892 to give further incentives for more settlers to move in. Several immigrants create new non-Calvinist congregations for themselves linking them with the Catholic Church and the Moscow Patriarchate. The increasingly diminished role of Calvinism into the affairs of our state alarms the clergy, who turns more reactionary by the day. Nationalist elements supported by reactionary Calvinist clerical cicles and urban real estate magnates continue to put pressure on the government into stopping African immigration into the Vrijstaat. It continues to pay off as more border patrols continue to be established, manned by kommandos, attempting to keep African immigration in check. The same circles continue to promote the introduction of condoms to the black people in order to reduce their fertility rates and portray the use of condoms as a habit of the black people exclusively, appealing on racism to keep this foreign trend from spreading here. They meet limited success especially among British and liberals. However, the urban black communities largely adopt its use, because of the financial burden childrens are, unlike the rural black communities who need the extra hands their kids would provide them. As British and liberals are largely based in the urban places and with excessive propaganda targeting their cities as well as witnessing the spread of condoms among their black neighbours they start doubting their stance regarding contraception more each day passing. The same circles start developing our own brand of exceptionalism, which unlike the American one has a lot of different attributes, such as determination, appreciation of hard work, freedom, patriotism but shares some attributes such as individualism, laissez-faire economics and our own brand of conservative republicanism. It starts to became very popular given the vast influence of reactionary and conservative ideas to our electorate. Under the supervision of the German military advisors, Comdt-General Christiaan Rudolf de Wet restructures the kommando system even further into a more professional one, instilling discipline into the kommandos and training them to use the new Mauser 1871 Infantry Rifles, Saxon M1873 Army revolvers, bayonets and the mobile C64 four-pounder and the heavier C67 six-pounder Krupp guns. After the backlash of the unification treaty with the Griqua people, a reactionary faction led by Johannes Stephanus Maritz made up of disgruntled former white residents of Griqualand West is formed and starts pressuring the central government into making a new treaty with the numerically very few Griqua people forcing them to concede more lands and push them back even further to open new space for white settlers. They also get inspiration from the US treatment of Native Americans and demand the designation of the Griqualand West as a reservations as well as all the other black tribes to move into reservations. They ask the new reservations to be modeled after US reservations with similar treatment for the natives, laws and obligations. President Paul Kruger is hesitant to this suggestion and opts only to go ahead with this proposal as a punishment for the remnants of defeated tribes that dared to rebel against our rule such as the Basotho, Ndebele, Matabele, Herero, Namaqua and other minor Angolan tribes. The Griqua people are persuaded to move into Griekwastad (Griquatown) where they already own all the property retain the control of their community politically ejecting whomever they dislike from the place, instead of being forced into reservations like second-class citizens. Griqualand West opens for white habitation while the Griqua Kaptijn Nicolaas Waterboer retains ownership of the mines in his former Kaptijnate of Griqualand West, abiding by the treaty. In that line many new areas open for habitation and Boer claims are not recognized by the central government leaving it open for new settlers, much to the resentment of the Boer establishment. Boers reactionaries are gaining more ground each day as these two factors (Griqua privilages and French/British ghettoization) enbitterinng them even further. They grow in numbers each day until they decide to gather in Pretoria for an enormous protest and march to the parliament. After President Kruger sees the parliament surrounded by tens of thousands of Boers that feel that they are loosing their nation's control from their hand to avoid bloodshed he steps out of the parliament into the square embracing them and delivering a speech to them: "No more will disregard for the central goverment's authority be accepted, thus the people have decreed." The propestors are armed with military equipment and after receiving some policing training that they are trained to distinguish in which cases they are allowed to shoot and what is their duty to do as per law as well as rejecting those unfit for service because of psychological or mental issues and those deemed too extreme, they are organized into units and along with the army reserves (kommandos) they are send to enforce the central goverment's authority over any ghettoized communities of white people rejecting it, as well as engaging in illegal activities as per law. Hundreds of casualties are announced after the raids that took place countrywide. The Homestead Act continues, achieving further success offering any white person, both miners residing in the land and newcomers, alike, the opportunity to get their own homestead, a farmstead that they can build their homes on. However, given that South African soil is difficult to cultivate, Boers farmers are given enormous tax breaks shall they assist newcomers and teach them the secrets of their soil, enable them to successfully cultivate their new farmsteads. The state also assists with relocation, providing shelter to reside while the settlers are building their new homes, as well as blankets, food, medical assistance should they require it. The German and French immigrants continue to integrate. Citizenship grant is expedited to be provided along with the homestead grant. Around 10,000 new white settlers of all kinds of nationalities such as Germans, British, French, Italians, Russians and Spanish make ZAV their home. We gather and record birthrate data for the first time and we conclude that we've had 20,000 new citizens born this year, while we also had 5.000 of our people die mostly from old age but also harsh conditions and or violence. We might have overinflated our white population a little in our estimates and our censuses and its revealed that there we only have 900.000 white citizens and 4,200 Griquas by the end of the year according to estimates. Work on the interconnected railroad network project is finally finished. However, three new proposed lines starts construction. The Pretoria-Nieuw Netherlands line finishes construction and is inaugurated to the public and receives good feedback. The Bloemfontein-Lüderitz line, passing from Griquatown following the road south of the Kalahari Desert near our borders with the British Cape Colony, starts construction and is expected to finish construction by the end of 1890. The Nieuw Rotterdam-Nieuw Netherlands line starts construction and is expected to finish construction by the end of 1892. We continue to improve relations with Argentina and Brazil, while trans-Atlantic trade with them is encouraged and continues to increase.
- 'Império do Brasil: (Sorry for the long-ass turn, I need to make an update for the many previous turns that I couldn’t post in. It’s mostly just continuation and evolution of policies I had already established). The great drought of 1877 would last until 79 causing massive damage to the northeastern provinces affected. Imperial efforts would see the construction of railways, wells and field hospitals to alleviate the dire situation. The Salvador-Rio railroad and a more advanced naval transportation would allow for relief supplies to be sent north and people to flee south or west. (Thanks to all these the the number of deaths would be a lot lower then OTL but nonetheless enormous). Circa 250.000 People would perish to famish and plague and a further 400.000 would be displaced, one-half going to Amazonia and Pará and one-half to the Southeast, furthermore the entire Sertão (arid/desert terrain) would be left uninhabited. Despite its widespread destruction a few consequences of the drought would be ultimately beneficial, The region would have its infraestructure largely improved and the exodus into costal regions would create widespread urbanisation and allow for the expansion of the southern industries to it. Most importantly would be the wave of immigrants to the Amazon region that kickstarts the extremely profitable sector of natural rubber extraction. The province´s privileged position as the only current scale producer of latex in the World and with an ever growing demand created by the Industrial Revolution made large profit in this economic activity assured. Soon with vast investments from Brazil´s expanding industrialist class and foreigners and with the large work force needing employment the sector would flourish in what would become known as the "Amazon Rubber Boom". The new economic venture would quickly attract the eyes of the Emperor and Imperial Cabinet who would realise the opportunity and thoroughly incentive investment in this market, quickly bringing about much needed capital to the nation´s coffers and it´s bourgeoise as exports of the resource reach tens of thousands of tons. During the 1877 Uruguay crisis Brazil would impose itself against argentine aggression into the small nation and manage to negotiate favourable terms to both. Emperor Pedro would also speak up against the interventionism of both the USA and the UK stating that "the nations of South America can resolve their own problems without European and North American Imperialism".The general economic situation of the Empire in the years from 1877 to present would be unforeseenly prospering as the National treasury comes out of 76 with all of it´s significant external debts paid and manages to endure the calamity of the drought without further over-indebtedness. Furthermore, Industry would begin thriving in every region of the country. The base required for industrialization envisioned by Pedro and his Cabinet in 1871 would have been really solidified by 1878: Businesses would be easy to open and operate, with reduced taxation and bureaucracy along with direct government assistance.' An investor population would be formed and expanding, out of the new urban bourgeoisie and wealthy coffee barons adopting the new model and of many foreign investors coming to Brazil, with this growth being furthered by government incentives and propaganda. A well educated workforce would be born out of the roaring immigration and extreme educational reforms introduced by the Emperor and find itself in need of employment. Needed infrastructure would be advancing very rapidly with the mass construction of railways and the expansion of the naval transport sector and finally, resources would be amply available in the enourmous and lush Brazilian territory. The period from that year onward would see the onset of real Brazilian industrialisation and economic growth would skyrocket. The fastest growing industry sectors would be: Metallurgical which is furthered by the world's second largest mineral reserves of iron, concentrated around the province of Minas Gerais, that only fall behind the more remote Australian mines. As a result of the Second Industrial Revolution this sector would see massive expansion as a series of large steelworks are constructed in the states of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo and fueled by countless mines being opened in Minas Gerais that are connected to the Urban regions through the Rio-Salvador Railway finished in 1877 and it´s many secondary extensions. Furthermore the giant deposits would lead to significant excess production which would be placed in the international market, Brazil therefore gradually becomes the chief supplier of iron and steel to South America. The next field would be Machinery that would flourish in the southeastern urban heartland fueling virtually all other economic activities, industrial and non-industrial alike, with necessary machines and machine tools of all kinds from agricultural machinery to locomotives. This sector would be vastly benefited from the growingly cheap offer of metals and the similarly high demand for mechanization as industrialisation carries on. Last would be the Textile industry that would be similarly concentrated in the RJ/SP urban areas but also expand to the South and Northeast Regions, this field would greatly expand with advance in techniques that reduced the end price of clothes and created huge demand among the masses. With such hundreads of textile factories would pop up throughout the country and cheap national supply of cotton and wool from the northeastern provinces would sustain the production. by now The Major São Paulo-Curitiba-Porto Alegre Railway would be finished and directly linked with the Rio-São Paulo and Rio-Salvador, further state-private railroad projects extending from the main line would connect important cities and towns inside the provinces it passes through and further expand it to the divisions of Sergipe, Alagoas, Pernambuco, Paraíba, Rio Grande do Norte, Ceará, Mato Grosso and Paraguai. This large expansion would more than double the existing rail network and further minor railways built by the ever growing private sector would bring the total track lenght of the network to circa 32.000 kilometers. The government would continue capitalising in the rocketing rail transportation industry and set a goal of doubling this size by 1900s. The sector would also keep up with foreign advancments and see adoption of more advanced locomotives, electric tracks, etc. The country’s naval sector would see comparable growth as international commerce to and from Brazil increases due to all the new activities and Rio, Porto Alegre and Salvador would have their ports widely expanded and also become important shipyards, able to produce large and modern steam powered ships, many foreign engineers would also be hired to make sure production is up to international standards. This would allow the Imperial Armada to be modernised with the adoption of nationally built ironclad battleships, the Riachuelo-class would be created (not the OTL ship with the same name) with 12" and 9" main guns, secondary guns and torpedo tubes. This period of rapid industrialisation would see the further realisation of Pedro and his Cabinet´s efforts from previous years as large numbers of the increasingly educated coffee barons are attracted through government policies of incentive and propaganda to adopt industrialism. The rest of the agricultural aristocracy feels the effects of industrialisation as well through industrial chemicals, machinery and railways that increase productivity and distribution. The booming growth of Brazil in the current and past decade would create many more work opportunities, both industrial and agrarian, and coupled with the existing migrant attraction policies, including mainly and cost subsidises, would lead to a vastly greater number of immigrants than OTL. The government would continuously capitalise in the growing migration flow, due to the benefits it has been providing to the Imperial economy, and expand the existing campaigns that propagandize the homesteading and subsidise offers in Portugal, Germany, Italy, France and the Balkans also extending them to Eastern Europe with the recent surge in emigration from the region. As result of this increase and other factors the Brazillian population would number about 16 Million in the year of 1888. In the sector of health the nation would continue its efforts to mass vaccinate the population who suffers from the enedemic smallpox, yellow fever, cholera and other diseases that have become an aggravating problem for the rapidly urbanising regions of the Nation. Vaccination campaigns would be led by the most popular and revered figure in the Nation, Emperor Pedro himself and as such are much better seen in the eyes of the masses. Sanitation endeavors would also be carried out to increase public health these would include the construction of complete sewer systems in the many large cities of the Empire, With the first sewerage system being built in Rio and based in London´s, and of more advanced water supply systems to ensure it is safe to drink. Adoption of toilets would also be encouraged and throwing excrement in the streets would become a crime. Princess Isabel and Count Gaston would have two more children, Pedro Antônio and Luísa Vitória in 1879 and 1882 respectively. Pedro II would continue developing a very healthy and losing relation with his grandchildren and would find hapiness by staying closer to them and his daughter Isabel while being increasingly tired and non enthusiastic with his roles as Emperor. In his joy Pedro would begin to think of his grandsons as an oportunity of destiny to make up for his own deceased sons and would see in João Pedro the image of his younger self and an heir to the throne of the nation. As such João Pedro would be educated as an heir to the Empire from an early age, up to the standards of Dom Pedro´s strict and thorough education but with better educators and books available and a less rigid load to allow him to have a social life. The prince would study the likes of every subject: History, Geography, Politics, Military tactics and history, Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy, Natural sciences, Philosophy, Economy and Languages: being Portuguese, English, German, French and Spanish. He would also be tutored by the best teachers avaible and By Pedro himself. This level of education would also be provided to the other children as they grow older as even if they dont become rulers they should as members of the Imperial Family be highly learned nonetheless. In 1888 João Pedro would be betrothed to Princess Margaret of Germany, to be married in 1892 as agreed with the Kaiser. The nation wide education reforms of 72/73 based in the Volksschule and school boards would carry on with thousands upon thousands of schools being opened all around and drastically improving the instruction of the lower masses. The general economic prosperity allows for this reform program to recieve wide investment as Pedro pressures the General assembly to approve budget to it. By 1888 The literacy level among the youth would be something around 70 to 80 percent and total literacy at 45 to 50 percent. The five universities issued in 76 would also see their construction finished during the period and begin operating in european quality standards, many prestigious scholars from Brazil and abroad would be invited to give lessons in the new institutions. With the momentum of the broad educational reforms military schools would also see change from their decaying states, with harsh policies implemented to reinstill discipline to the growingly insubordinate cadets. As the Brazilian economy thrives from industrialism, the education of the elites and masses grows significantly and the old order of agricultural aristocracy steadily loses power the movementfor Abolitioninsm would acquire much needed popularity, even among legislative that was tradionally pro-slavery. Emperor Pedro would use this to finally put in motion the last stages of his plan for gradual abolition of the practice. 1879 would see the pioneering emancipation in Ceará, followed by Amazonas and Pará in 1880. The General Assembly would become tumultuous as debates over abolition take over the house. Maranhão, Piauí, Rio Grande do Norte and Sul would follow the example of the other provinces in 1881. A year later, in 1882 would be passed a law giving freedom to all slaves over the age of 55 and projects of complete abolition would begin being discussed but face increasingly aggressive oposition from the conservative slaver elite. by 1884 only Minas Gerais, Bahia, São Paulo and Rio would still have legal slavery. The efforts of this elite would ultimatelly to no avail and both public and parlimentary support for emancipation would continue to grow. Dom Pedro would watch the process closely and help put pressure to approve the law but would also take caution to make sure the action doesn´t further harm the enslaved. The emperor would adopt the bright project of Senator Dantas and speak up for it. The project would define not only the end of slavery but also ample state support for the freed population, with the state buying lands and handing them to the ex-slaves to cultivate as well as providing them with basic education. After prolonged deliberation and pressure from many groups and personalities the project would be approved in the Assembly and Senate as Law No. 3268 entitled Lei Áurea, "Golden Law" and sanctioned by Dom Pedro II in August 1st, 1885. The law would declare the extinction of Slavery, with a six month deadline for the release of all slaves, revogation of any previous acts stating otherwise and the institution of the aforementioned measures to aid the released. With abolition republican movments grow amongst displeased elite members and plots begin being made against the monarchy, they are, however, delayed due to less support then OTL.
The king of France’s efforts to suppress the protests and riots actually prove somewhat successful, but immediately fail when many in the National Guard mutiny and join the protestors and strikers.
Germany experiences trouble occupying the land given to them in the Brussels Conference as massive native resistance cause the Germans to expand inland slowly.
Many Arab tribes in the Ottoman Empire opt to join Jabal Shammar, although some choose to fight them.
- Kingdom of France: With the situation getting worse, Henri VI shifts his focus on trying to end the crisis as a civil war seems imminent. With the situation getting worse, Henri VI decides to concede to the protesters and union strikers and decides to meet with the leaders of the protesters and no strikers to negotiate(Mod Response). However, War Minister Boulanger astonishes the nation when he makes an historic speech at L’Hotel de Ville stating that the true problem France faces is neither the tyranny of King Henri VI nor the Threat of a Communist Uprising but instead the threat of Germany and Italy. Boulanger then states that the Germans and Italians have been behind this situation as they plan to exploit the French people and break France from within using the protesters and the weakness of the king as a tool in destroying France. Boulanger then proceeds to state that in order for France to survive the King must Compromise with the protesters in order to unite France and focus its attention against France’s true enemy - the Germans and Italians. Meanwhile, Boulanger takes advantage of the situation to provoke the Germans by accelerating the construction of Heavy Fortifications along the border with Germany while also ordering the construction of military facilities in Western and Southern France and with the support of the National Assembly, which is too busy with the protests and strikes, Boulanger forbids the export of horses to German markets while also placing a ban on presentations of Lohengrin. Meanwhile, willing to reverse the Kings disastrous policies, Boulanger orders the military mission for the Emirate of Nejd to be withdrawn while also sending some military envoys to tell the Boer Government about the abandoning of France's policy of protecting the French immigrants in South Africa. Boulanger’s Revanchist Policies and Attempts to provoke Germany somewhat inspire people throughout France as the people begin to see Boulanger as the man up to the task of achieving Revenge against Germany. Meanwhile, control over the Levant is secured as the French Army of of the Levant defeats the last Ottoman Troops in the Jordan and after a request from the shah of Persia, the Army of the Levant begins advancing toward Baghdad in order to split the region of Mesopotamia between France and Persia. Meanwhile, Agents of LRP in Spain continue to spread anti-Alfonsist and Pro-Carlist Propaganda throughout Spain while also arming the remnants of the Carlist Movement in order to spark an Insurgency in the Basque Region and Catalonia (Mod Response). (Secret) Meanwhile, the two submarines - Le Dauphin and Le Requin - are completed this year as new trials begin for both ships which sees Le Requin carrying out a successful torpedo attack against a surface ship. However, due to the current situation of France, no more submarines can be constructed due to fears of causing inflation again as the French economy begins to stabilize (End Secret).
- The leaders of the protesters and union strikers agree to negotiate with King Henri VI and present their terms: For the King to cede all his political power and let the National Assembly, the Prime Minister, and a Supreme Court take over in those branches. Most Foreign Actions, however, will require the permission of the King while the King himself will become a simple Figurehead. Meanwhile Small but popular carlist insurgencies pop up in the Catalonian and Basque regions (Done by Colgan on Discord)
- French Response: Henri VI - left with no other choice - gives in to the protesters and union strikers giving up all of his political power.
- Kingdom of France: With the situation getting worse, Henri VI shifts his focus on trying to end the crisis as a civil war seems imminent. With the situation getting worse, Henri VI decides to concede to the protesters and union strikers and decides to meet with the leaders of the protesters and no strikers to negotiate(Mod Response). However, War Minister Boulanger astonishes the nation when he makes an historic speech at L’Hotel de Ville stating that the true problem France faces is neither the tyranny of King Henri VI nor the Threat of a Communist Uprising but instead the threat of Germany and Italy. Boulanger then states that the Germans and Italians have been behind this situation as they plan to exploit the French people and break France from within using the protesters and the weakness of the king as a tool in destroying France. Boulanger then proceeds to state that in order for France to survive the King must Compromise with the protesters in order to unite France and focus its attention against France’s true enemy - the Germans and Italians. Meanwhile, Boulanger takes advantage of the situation to provoke the Germans by accelerating the construction of Heavy Fortifications along the border with Germany while also ordering the construction of military facilities in Western and Southern France and with the support of the National Assembly, which is too busy with the protests and strikes, Boulanger forbids the export of horses to German markets while also placing a ban on presentations of Lohengrin. Meanwhile, willing to reverse the Kings disastrous policies, Boulanger orders the military mission for the Emirate of Nejd to be withdrawn while also sending some military envoys to tell the Boer Government about the abandoning of France's policy of protecting the French immigrants in South Africa. Boulanger’s Revanchist Policies and Attempts to provoke Germany somewhat inspire people throughout France as the people begin to see Boulanger as the man up to the task of achieving Revenge against Germany. Meanwhile, control over the Levant is secured as the French Army of of the Levant defeats the last Ottoman Troops in the Jordan and after a request from the shah of Persia, the Army of the Levant begins advancing toward Baghdad in order to split the region of Mesopotamia between France and Persia. Meanwhile, Agents of LRP in Spain continue to spread anti-Alfonsist and Pro-Carlist Propaganda throughout Spain while also arming the remnants of the Carlist Movement in order to spark an Insurgency in the Basque Region and Catalonia (Mod Response). (Secret) Meanwhile, the two submarines - Le Dauphin and Le Requin - are completed this year as new trials begin for both ships which sees Le Requin carrying out a successful torpedo attack against a surface ship. However, due to the current situation of France, no more submarines can be constructed due to fears of causing inflation again as the French economy begins to stabilize (End Secret).
- Persian Empire: After receiving the news of the surrender of the Ottoman Empire, the Persian Army marches into the rest of Iraq and Baghdad occupying it until a final peace treaty can be signed. With another victory for the empire, the shah announces the creation of a statue commemorating this war. The king visits the shah of the autonomous Shadom of Kurdistan and thanks him for his contribution to the war effort.
- The United Kingdom: The Army undergoes a series of reforms designed to modernize and simplify the logistics of expeditionary forces while maximize defense of the home islands. The decision is made to employ a light “British Expeditionary Army” of 250,000 British soldiers. These men will be highly skilled professionals equipped with only minimal artillery and machine-gun support. Meanwhile, the British Home Army will be largely a defensive force of 750,000 semi-professionals equipped with a large number of heavy weapons including five machine-guns per company and the maximum in artillery support. The military also explore the potential uses of light, single-operator automatic weapons for use in support roles. With this in mind, trials are held for the Madsen machine gun from Denmark. The light machine-guns are determined to be perfect for the British Expeditionary Army, and 25,000 are ordered to replace Maxim Guns in the Expeditionary Army. In the colonies the situation is both similar and different. Australia and New Zealand both are expected to raise semi-professional home guard armies with a total manpower of 125,000. The British Indian Army’s manpower strength is set at 200,000 men, and is armed with equipment similar to that of the Expeditionary Army, however, some divisions are equipped with Maxim Guns for defensive use. British troops in Gallipoli are reinforced by a newly created Royal Engineering Battalion which begins constructing a series of fortifications on the Peninsula. The foundations of a strategic fortress are laid to defend the straits by land and sea. Another detachment arrives in Gibraltar to turn the fortress-rock into a strategic bastion able to withstand all conceivable assault. Both fortresses will receive massive batteries of 18" naval guns in armored turrets, similar to those on battleships. In addition to the large cannons, tunnels and fire-galleries are dug into the mountains to supply garrisons of 10,000 men for two years. The petitioning of the Imperial Federalists Society grows in intensity across the home islands and the colonies. The society’s provocations result in the decision to convene an Imperial Conference in 1890 at which point the future of the Empire shall be re-examined and the possibility of Federalizing the more integrated colonies and dominions. Canada is invited to attend as well, as they are a dominion, but it is understandable, if regrettable, that they refuse joining a Federation. (Canadian Response) Work continues on the cape rail line, with the construction of new and modernized lines in Sudan and more deeply into South Africa and the ZAR. Work out of Dar es Salaam accelerates to meet the South African line within the decade. The Navy continues its expansion to keep pace with recent German and French ship construction, but slows its pace seeing the delays in the French construction. The twelve Trafalgar-class ships of the expansion plan participate in joint sea-trials in the English Channel to demonstrate Royal Navy prowess. They are joined by a massive collection of what are deemed Type 2 Destroyers, although not a uniform class, the ships all have similar functionality, armament, propulsion, and other characteristics. The navy, also under pressure to minimize the budget, standardizes on a small selection of weapons for use in different roles across every ship in the fleet. For these new destroyers a 4.5" main gun is the standard, and it also serves as the principal secondary armament on the battleships of the Trafalgar-class.
- Kingdom of Italy: The labour strike in Rome shocks the government in Naples especially among the Royalist faction as they have recently fallen in disgrace of the public because of their imperialist ambitions, their favouritism for the upper-class and the small to little attention that has been paid to the majority of the population. The URS becomes increasingly popular in Rome’s mayoral election this year, when the social-democrats gain 30 of the 50 seats in the communal parliament of the Metropolitan City of Rome. The URS candidate Antonio Labriola, one of the most influential Marxist philosophers and politicians becomes mayor of the city. This leads to serious issues within the Royalist faction, fearing a “Roman Commune”. The more moderate royalists join the Liberals or become independent candidates, as the conservatives slowly decline. The Aceh invasion has been successful and the conditions by the Sultan are met partially. The status of a crown colony is not given, giving the natives a partial home rule (especially on the local level), but the de facto leadership lies within the office of governor. The navy has a permanent port there and land is slowly bought up by Italian landlords. They mostly cultivate spices, coffee and tea as well as fruit and vegetables for local consumption. The collapse of the French monarchy boosts republican confidence at home, yet the reign of Amadeo I. is successful enough to keep those voices limited. The north African railroad construction starts this year, with linking Constantine and Algiers in Algeria. The region of Cyrenaica gets its first railroad system as well, following the coastline for some 100 kilometers. In Mali, the infrastructure is improved as well, and a colonial force of around 2,000 men is sent up there, trained to fight under extreme conditions, especially desert fighting. The civilian sector grows further, small businesses are rewarded, especially in economically weak areas.
- Russian Empire: The war continues with the Ottoman Army finally accepts peace with the allied nations. Just before that happened Russian troops entered Ankara. Glory is theirs! The Russian Army has crushed most of the Ottoman Army, many soldiers of the Ottoman refusing to fight. Russian propaganda in Turkish and Arabic begin to promise any Ottoman soldier who defects to the Russian empire the dropping of any charges for crimes done during the war and the ability to return home if those lands are as of the moment occupied by the Russian or Armenian Army. The Christian Banner - as it is known - becomes to be more widely used with the army officially adopting it for troops fighting against the Ottomans or any other enemy Islamic forces. The Banners of Christ - as they are known - are flown as a recognition of the peace that is coming with a treaty in the making on the Russian model. While this victory makes the Emperor himself order a battery salute for victory, artillery in Saint Petersburg and Moscow is ordered to fire 1,453 times - this being a reference to the Ottoman Army conquering the Holy City of Constantinople of Roman-Greek orthodoxy. While this war is finishing up, Ottoman industry owned by Muslim Turks is moved but they can acquire it back if they pay 25 percent more then the original price of the machinery. While Ottoman arms are brought back to Moscow and other cities for the use as reserve weaponry. With the war ending expenditions are send to Cornelis Islands with now these islands being seen as core parts of the the Russian nation with the local Governor offering all tribes protection if they do desire(Mod response). Brussels Conference brings glory. Abyssinia - the heart of African Christianity - is now finally owned by the defender of the Orthodox faith. Menelik II still having a form of autonomy compared to Somalia and Eritrea. This being due to the fact that he and his nation are in fact Christians. Menelik is still required to perform an oath to the Emperor of Russia as it has been accepted that Russia would be the best to protect the Abyssinian nation, faith and culture.
- Nippon: There is an increased bureaucratization of running of the state, while in the political sphere the formation of parties continues. Saigo, and the older Meiji leaders split into two parties, one led by Saigo focused on the ideas laid out by Neo-Bushido ideals, and another one more focused on westernization and full representative democracy. The government steadily starts shifting the role of guiding the economy while the private sector produces. Though government investment and partial control in the steel industry grows with the ore from Australia allowing for greater production. naval expansion continues. The Arisaka 1887 steadily replaces the older Winchester imports. The rifle's combined bolt actinon and lever action rifle is tested to make note for the planned bolt action rifle. The textile industry continues to grow with flax, cotton, and silk, being the larger exports but in Kyushu more artesal textiles begin arising from a cotton/hemp blend. Because of its increased retention of dyes some very vibrant and flamboyant textiles gain prominance there. These clothes and the Asa itself grow in popularity amongst the clientele of brothels, gambling houses, and amongst the Kirishitan communities that grow the Asa and make the textiles. The shipping industry continues to grow as well with Mitsubishi becoming the main producer of ships. The four Zaibatsus Yasuda, Mitsui. Mitsubishi and Sumitomo dominate the growing economy through their domination of the specialized banking sectors. The Zaibatusis make joint investments with the government as well in factories and infrustructure like telegraph and electric lines, the ever-expanding rail system, docks, roads, etc. Payments to the British begin as money frees up from government cutbacks and the increased shift to a more market-oriented economy. Using the ports in Formosa more often, Japanese traffic over the ideal lanes increases greatly. The arrival of the new battlecruiser from Great Britain greatly improves the overall capabilities of the navy. Work on producing Japan's first domestic destroyer begins.
- Mexico: Henry expands the Secret Service and funds it even more. Henry also requests to buy blueprints for destroyers from Britain (Response Needed). Henry Pueblo's population rises. Secret Henry also tries to spark a small pro-Mexican revolt in Villa Nueva (mod Response Needed) Secret ended.
- United Kingdom: Citing Mexico’s troubled history with shipbuilding we refuse the sale of blueprints, but offer to construct a class of six destroyers and a protected cruiser for Mexico.
- Mexico: We accept.
- Austria-Hungary: With the victory over the Ottomans, a force of 3,000 quickly aids in occupying the capital of Istanbul. We send delegates to Istanbul to attend the Treaty of Constantinople. Troops from the war return victorious and as heroes of the empire. Huge celebrations are held throughout the empire celebrating the end of the war and glorifying the veterans of it. More might come.
- United States: Washington, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Montana. In Seattle and Bakersfield large fires break out which destroy more than 100 buildings. Two cruisers and a battleship are dispatched to Samoa along with 2,000 marines to take over Samoa and claim it for the United States. Grover Cleveland is sworn in as President. Currently the longest electric power line is in Portland, Oregon running 14 miles. Congress proclaims the Bering Sea under US control. Settlers keep moving to Liberia as the "African Cowboy" term takes place.
- Kingdom of Romania: We and the Grand Coalition have won against the Ottoman Empire and with the Treaty of Constantinople signed we get the Dobruja region and start the construction of a dockyard there.in other news a new military college is opened in Bucharest called the Carol I National Defense University.Our first news agency called the Telegraph agency of Romania is founded.Do to the good economy, factory's start to open all along the coast of Romania making that region the fastest developing area of the nation.it is also a sad year because the Poet Mihai Eminescu dies.With Russia's colony in Africa beginning we will send 13,000 Romanian settlers to their colony.also with the war ending we end limited conscription and bring our army size back to 66,000 troops.
- Zuid Afrikaansche Vrijstaat: Electrical cables continue to be installed in the Orange Vrijstaat and the Transvaal provinces and coal is used to produce energy due to its cheap nature, while the hydroelectrical dams certainly also contribute to energy production. Lighting continues to be adopted by households and commercial businesses as well as the industry. In general electricity starts to be adopted by more consumers every day. Beef and hides output is increasing each year. More telegraph lines are constructed by our private sector. Some ranches are acquired by some investors and the entire sector continues to be concentrated. Still, however, a lot of independent producers remain. Our best estimates place our yearly growth somewhere near 14 percent per year for this year - all thanks to very low taxation in general and our state's business friendly environment with little to no bureaucracy our nation is steadily turning into a tax heaven. The shipyard in Nieuw Bergen op Soom continues to secure a lot of contracts for more coastal patrol boats and eight small coastal patrol ships, both from our state and abroad allowing it to grow in size, revenue and make a lot of profits. The ship HMS Warrior gets delivered to our navy after being retrofited. The settling of uninhabited areas continues unhindered. Taxation in the Nieuw Netherlands province is temporarily abolished for a ten year period until 1892 to give further incentives for more settlers to move in. Several immigrants continue to create new non-Calvinist congregations for themselves linking them with the Catholic Church and the Moscow Patriarchate. The increasingly diminished role of Calvinism into the affairs of our state alarms the clergy, who turns more reactionary by the day. Nationalist elements supported by reactionary Calvinist clerical cicles and urban real estate magnates continue to put pressure on the government into stopping African immigration into the Vrijstaat. It continues to pay off as more border patrols continue to be established, manned by kommandos, attempting to keep African immigration in check. The same circles continue to promote the introduction of condoms to the black people in order to reduce their fertility rates and portray the use of condoms as a habit of the black people exclusively, appealing on racism to keep this foreign trend from spreading here. They meet limited success especially among British and liberals. However, the urban black communities largely adopt its use, because of the financial burden childrens are, unlike the rural black communities who need the extra hands their kids would provide them. As British and liberals are largely based in the urban places and with excessive propaganda targeting their cities as well as witnessing the spread of condoms among their black neighbours they start doubting their stance regarding contraception more each day passing. The same circles continue developing our own brand of exceptionalism, which unlike the American one has a lot of different attributes, such as determination, appreciation of hard work, freedom, patriotism but shares some attributes such as individualism, laissez-faire economics and our own brand of conservative republicanism. It starts to became very popular given the vast influence of reactionary and conservative ideas to our electorate. Some more cracking down on isolationalists takes place, this time not resulting in lethal injuries. The Homestead Act continues, achieving further success offering any white person, both miners residing in the land and newcomers, alike, the opportunity to get their own homestead, a farmstead that they can build their homes on. However, given that South African soil is difficult to cultivate, Boers farmers are excluded from taxation shall they assist newcomers and teach them the secrets of their soil, enable them to successfully cultivate their new farmsteads. The state also assists with relocation, providing shelter to reside while the settlers are building their new homes, as well as blankets, food, medical assistance should they require it. The German and French immigrants continue to integrate. Citizenship grant is expedited to be provided along with the homestead grant. Around 5,500 new white settlers of all kinds of nationalities such as Germans, British, French, Italians, Russians and Spanish make ZAV their home. We gather and record birthrate data for the first time and we conclude that we've had 22,000 new citizens born this year, while we also had 5.500 of our people die mostly from old age but also harsh conditions and/or violence. We have 922.000 white citizens and 4,350 Griquas by the end of the year according to estimates. The Bloemfontein-Lüderitz line, passing from Griquatown following the road south of the Kalahari Desert near our borders with the British Cape Colony, starts construction and is expected to finish construction by the end of 1890. The Nieuw Rotterdam-Nieuw Netherlands line starts construction and is expected to finish construction by the end of 1892. We continue to improve relations with Argentina and Brazil, while trans-Atlantic trade with them is encouraged and continues to increase.