European Colonization of Africa continues at breakneck pace. However, poor maps and rough terrain lead to a several conflicting border claims. Most notably is French Senegal. A group of French colonists finds themselves harassed by a particularly bold German Army Captain. Following several tense encounters the sides come to blows. Four French and seven German soldiers are killed by the end of the engagement. Both commanding officers insist that the other side fired first and tensions escalate.
Several prominent members of the Hungarian nobility, especially members of the military-elite begin agitating against the Habsburgs as heads of state. The Hungarian Parliament, passes legislation demanding that the Compromise of 1867 be respected, and the Crown of the Lands of Saint Stephen remain undisturbed. Assuming the Austrians refuse to respect the Compromise, the leadership of the Royal Hungarian Honvéd raises its troops and stations them in strategic targets within Hungary. Meanwhile, several armed "Soldiers of Saint Stephen Battalions" attack Croat government installations, setting fire to the construction site of the new Croatian capital.
- Imperial Federation: With the Qing ignoring the demand, Imperial Expeditionary Troops move to secure compensation for the crown. The 150,000 men advance from Hong Kong to take the strategic port city of Guangzhou and its neighbor Foshan. The Chinese Garrison, unprepared for the assault by the highly professional and well equipped British forces is swept aside. The troops quickly dig in, seizing Chinese government positions and currency. With the situation tense, as the Boxers rise against European and Japanese citizens, 5,000 men are dispatched by ship to secure British Nationals from Nanjing and across the country. British forces dig in deeply along the banks of the Xijang River and the East River. The safety of Portugal is guaranteed, and a significant portion of the Imperial Navy is transferred to Gibraltar. A demand is sent to Brazil to step down from its provocations or the Imperial Fleet will intervene harshly. (Brazil Response) Meanwhile, in Spain, British Forces support Spanish Loyalists in defending the few remaining major cities in the country. An additional 40,000 British troops and 100,000 British Indian Army troops land in Cadiz and swiftly march north to augment the Spanish Army. They rendezvous with the 15,000 troops provided by Portugal (NK in Discord), and assist the Spanish crown in raising another 35,000 conscripts to fill out the Spanish ranks. With the combined army now numbering 400,000, the troops are ordered to dig in along the front, and to bleed the Carlists should they attempt to advance.The Canadians are once again invited to join the Imperial Federation or the Commonwealth. (Canada Response) Across Africa development of the rail system continues and local tribal leaders brought into the Empire. A significant British presence is built up around Lake Chad and rail lines extend from several ports in Nigeria deep into the country.
- Nippon: Outraged at the attacks on Japanese Citizens, the IJN begins transporting 35,000 troops in Formosa to British Hong Kong and 150,000 to Vladistok (Approved by Steph, and Tullin on discord). The IJN 1st and 2nd Army's lead under the overall command of General Nozu Michitsura notable junior officers amongst his men include Captain Shigeru Honjo who leads the Ruthenian Volunteers who are organized into a mixed Japanese-Ruthenian Unit - the Imperial Dnieper Volunteers. Following heavy bombardment The IJA crosses the Amur River overwhelming The Qing troops there, making a push for Mukden. The Battle of Mukden ends with the IJN forces successfully pushing The Qing Beiyang Army and other forces out of Manchuria. (did algos). The naval blockade is enforced. The Russians, Americans, and British are invited to form a general coalition to suppress the Chinese mobs killing Japanese and Europeans. In secret, The IJN requests assistance from the RN to help develop a modern battleship and assist with its construction. 50,000 troops are stationed along the Manchurian-Korean Border to prevent Korean forces from assisting the Qing forces, while 30,000 are brought up from Formosa to reinforce IJA troops in Manchuria and to secure the all-important Liaodong Peninsula. Preparations for the offensive on Peking are made though efforts to secure Manchuria are made, and properly set up supply lines. Plans are laid out to begin construction of a railway in the region. A few airships are used for aerial surveillance in the Manchurian offensive proving their utility. Lots of mobile artillery is brought in. With a new generation of engineers, doctors, chemists, and biologists Japan's Academia trained by professors educated in the west Japanese Advanced education increases in quality. Civil, chemical, mechanical, and marine engineers in particular make good headway securibng work due to rising demands by the private sector, the military, and the government. There is also a steady rise in modern buildings, specially around urban areas with a lot of industrial or government areas. With the increased demand for supplies, weapons, and shipping workers are in high demand. Some labour movements begin growing specially in the massive shipping industry. Industrial output increases dramatically in particular textiles, firearms, electrical gear to set up telegraph lines, amongst other things. Tensions between Okubo and the liberals who desire to abolish the Kampaku position and empower the prime minister due to its shorter terms and subject to the power of the Imperial Diet. Tenno Meiji's second son Prince Teruhito (age 14) is sent to the USA to study at a British gentry school to try to discreetly remove him from the palace after a rather embarrassing incident involving a few of the maids in the palace.
- Kingdom of France:
With the Chinese attack on Christians, King Phillipe VIII authorizes an intervention in China with 30,000 Foreign Legion Troops being sent to the French concession of Shanghai where they are tasked with crushing the Boxer Forces there. A second larger force of 100,000 Foreign Legion Troops land at Tianjin, south of Peking securing control of the city and establishing the Tianjin Governate in preperation for an advance on Peking.Meanwhile, in Spain, despite British Forces digging in the French Army in Spain now numbering 250,000 men launches a daring offensive toward Cáceres in order to split the British, Portuguese and Loyalist Forces in two. 30,000 Troopes de la Marine land in the Balearic Islands in order to prevent the Loyalists from using it as a base to invade Barcelona behind our lines of defense. Meanwhile, strategic bombing campaigns are launched against Loyalist Cities as the new modified Patrie-class airships are able to launch more effective bombing raids on Loyalist Spanish cities. The French Navy is ordered to remain in port and not engage the Royal Navy while the French Mediterranean Fleet is sent to blockade the Strait of Otranto to prevent the arrival of Austro-Hungarian Forces. In France, Bouanger continues to promote Rattachism in Wallonia and Greater Alasce-Lorraine and even proposes a Referendum in Wallonia on whether they should remain part of Belgium or join France (Mod Response.) Meanwhile, as the Second Defensive Line of Fortifications is completed, the Fourth Naval Expansion Plan ia ordered with eight pre-dreadnought battleships, ten heavy cruisers, seven light cruisers, 25 destroyers and 30 submarines in addition to the previous 50 submarines ordered all of which are expected to be completed within eight-to-ten years as funding for the Fourth Naval Expansion plan remains low. In response to Italy's mobilization, the Troops de la Marine and the Mountaineer Corps are expanded to 100,000 men each in order to allow France to have a more effective army. As the Second Peninsular War begins Boulanger sees this as France's ultimate chance to demonstrate its military capabilities as he has learned an important lesson from the Franco-Arab War in which he does not wish to repeat. (Secret) With the new ethnic Hungarian-Croatian Conflicts, the FNSA shifts its focus in supporting the Hungarians with the FNSA sending Hungary modern Weapons and supplies encouraging them to rise against their Habsburg masters. In addition to this, the FNSA also approaches the Migelists in Portugal, sending weapons and supplies to time in order to help them launch a coup against King Carlos I of Portugal in order to support the Carlist war effort. (Mod Response) (End Secret) - overstretching and the referendum algo for those With Blood and Iron (talk) 12:53, July 27, 2019 (UTC).
- Belgium refuses the referndum proposal rsulting in the formation of a Wallonian Branch of the National Boulangist Party, le Parti National Boulangiste Wallonien (WNBP). The Miguelistas accept the French support but the movement is so small it doesn’t amount to much.
- Mexico: The referendum passed (Via Ycasto on Discord). The Grand Railroad is extended through Guatemala. (Secret) Juan Carlos Ramírez, Director of the MSS, sets up a Pro-Mexican movement in El Salvador and Honduras (End Of Secret). Henry commissions three warships and 25,000 soldiers join the
- United States: President Roosevelt gets an OK from congress to help our Japanese ally. five battleships are detached along with six cruisers and 11 destroyers of the Pacific Fleet along with a token landing force of 20,000 marines and soldiers to help Japan in their war against China. Due to the US interest in Cuba and a relationship formed in blood we ask Cuba if they seek to join the United States and be admitted as a full integral state (Mod Response). (More to come)
- Kingdom of Italy: The marine is given a larger focus on the new torpedo technology and submarines. The ministry of finance and the ministry of the interior give reports to the parliament and the King, calling for a demobilization of the army. The immense cost of 800,000 active men and the organization that becomes more and more overlapping and confusing make need for a change. of the 800,000 men, 50,000 are still in training, while another 20,000 will get the opportunity to become colonial special forces. From the remaining 730,000, 300,000 will be used as reserves that will be called up in case of a war. The first measures to modernize the army are made as well after the first automobile company has opened in 1899. the name of the company is FIAT, standing for Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino, meaning Italian Automobile Factory of Turin. Even though the technology in this field is not as advanced, the need for modernization and the potential of this technology led to a large funding of it. Stronger and more reliable engines and more stable constructions are demanded. The motorbike becomes largely adapted and replace the horse as a means of transmitting orders. These motorbikes are closer to engine supported bicycles, but they fulfill their purpose. The grip in Tunisia is manifested by the establishment of the Emirate of Carthage in December, a de facto Italian puppet state, that has limited autonomy within the Italian colonial empire. the Emir is Sharif el-Gariani as a representative of the Arabs. el-Gariani was a former religious leader in Tobruk and an advocate for Arab self-determination. A deal with the Italian King Filiberto and el-Gariani is made, stating that Gariani is Emir of Carthage, which includes all of Italian North-Africa. However, he is given two Prime ministers who have to be a Berber and an Italian, not an Arab. the choice fell on Moussa ag Amastan, a leader of the Tuareg Kel Ahaggar tribes and Pietro Badoglio, recently promoted to the rank of general now the 1st Duke of Tunis. The North Africans have to obey generally the Italian King and the Italian laws, have to be egalitarian on already existing minorities and have to accept the Italian army within their borders. Their currency, the Carthaginian Dinar, is directly linked to the Italian Lire. Internally the Emir and his parliament are sought to manage the region without the Italians directly (even thought they will keep the government there in check. In Fiji, Indonesia and Mali many Italian settlers arrive, seeking to build up a new life there. Most of these immigrants are from the rural poor and have barely anything in common with the colonial establishment. A wide spread urbanization and rural exodus makes cities like Milan, Naples and Bologna grow massively. The new capital has officially surpassed Venice and is now the second largest city in Italy after Rome. The current Italian Prime Minister, the first one to come from the Republicans, seeks to relax the relations to France, by officially declaring no interest in any of France’s current colonial possessions. Furthermore, neutrality is declared in the Spanish conflict. However, it is expected that France will cooperate on future diplomatic matters as well. SECRET The Italian government asks to transform the agreements on internal aid with Greece to an actual military alliance, economic help for Greece would be included (GREEK RESPONSE, PLEASE) SECRET END
- Argentina:
With the acquisition of the remainder of Paraguay from Brazil, the Argentine Republic is initially seen with some hostility from the Guarani and Platine peoples in the area are quickly lauded as they are not only given equal representation within the Argentina Senate and all political realms, but are granted some relative autonomy as they join the new Federal System of Argentina. With the inclusion of roughly 400,000 Paraguayans into the Argentina nation, the population this year including natural growth, and immigrations reaches 7.2 million.The second year of development of the Patagonian Coal mining districts under the newly minted Acinodar Steel and Cordoba Steelworks sees a large profitability this year. While still getting up to speed and unable to meet total demand of Argentine needs, the sales domestically and to other South American countries, chiefly Brazil, allows for the long term loans to effectively be paid off on this project relatively early by the next year. However, rather than do this, the loans are expanded to accommodate the project. The Steelworks are to be developed into the steel foundry of all South America expanding their yield by almost 20-30 times over the next decade. With immigration pushing into relatively unsettled hinterlands in the south and parts of the north, the cities of Buenos Aires, Mar de Plata, Rosario, Cordoba, and Medoza expand as well with the cities being forced to address growing traffic concerns. Various railway systems are expanded and after roughly seven years of work the Patagonia region is linked up with the capital region and the other northern regions. The Argentine Army is fully filled out to nearly 150,000 troops and with the acquisition of multiple second line or top-of-the-line arms from multiple great powers the Great Arsenal of Argentina is expanded to produce an Argentine rework of the American equipment sent with artillery pieces and its new ES-1900 Bolt action rifles entering service. The Reserves, themselves, are seemingly blooming with nearly 300,000 in the reserves and an effective plan in place to mobilize them within three weeks of the beginning of a war. As the successes of the government in such short order bloom with mass public support, some reactionaries within the government begin advocating for irredentist claims to the old Viceroyalty of Rio de la Plata, the President is forced to address this and begin looking toward Uruguayan integration into the Greater Argentine Republic. However, diplomatic means are to be explored first. In response to this and expecting a rather short and annoyed reply from Brazil, the Argentine Forces deploy 50,000 troops to the rather short avenue of attack that Brazil could embark upon should a war break out. Fortifications are made in short order with trenches, pre-sighted fire zones for artillery, and most importantly infrastructure to support trucks that help with the logistical load for the army in the north. They make no further aggressive actions beyond the defensive construction. Argentina's president, Eduardo Peron approaches Uruguay in earnest hoping to strike up a dialogue between Argentina and Uruguay for their unification into the idea of a unified La Plata. This attempt is made at the behest of the President who agrees to extend the same rights to Uruguay as have been provided to the Paraguayans under Argentina's new and modern constitution. The Argentine Admiralty, now reformed, places a bid on the open market to whichever great power can fill the order. Three new battleships are to be purchased by Argentina as well as naval aides in the development of domestic naval technology in Argentina.
- Austria-Hungary-Croatia: The new century brings a lot of excitement and joy inside the empire, but this doesn’t last for long. Upon hearing on the Hungarian attack on Croatia and their demands, Emperor Franz Ferdinand rejects Hungary’s demands and denounces the recent Hungarian action and prepares for war. Franz Ferdinand calls on the ethnicities of the empire to help crush the Hungarian revolt, mainly Croatians and those under Hungarian administration, and promises to give these groups autonomy if they help defeat Hungary. (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED). We mobilize Austrian and Croatian troops against the Hungarian threat. We withdraw our troops from Spain in order to combat the Hungarian revolt. With France supporting the traitors, we temporarily block all French shipments from coming into Austria and put announce a temporary ban on all French citizens from entering the country, along with the deportation of all French citizens currently inside the Empire. Austro-Croatian troops are massing at the Hungarian border, with the plan being simply to go toward Budapest and destroy anyone in our path. We ask for all nations that border Hungary cease any and all trade to it, at least in the areas not controlled by the Austrian army (RUSSIA, ROMANIA, and MOD RESPONSE (Serbia) NEEDED). Despite the Hungarians revolt, the emperor still attempts to reach out to the Hungarian people, encouraging them to oppose the revolt and support the trialist forces. A Hungarian government-in-exile is made by members of the HLP and Hungarian representatives in the Congress of Nationalities who denounce the Hungarian revolt and call for the Hungarian people to resist the nobles. The Congress of Nationalities denounces the revolt and implements a nation wide draft. The government and the media brand the rebels as traitors, both to the empire and to their nation and the leaders sentenced to death in absentia. With the Croat and Slovak leaders agreeing to aid the Austrian cause we send our forces into Slovakia to secure it. The offensive is launched into Hungary with Bratislava easily occupied and the troops march toward Budapest.
- The Croatians support Ferdinand, as do Slovakian leaders. The Serbians agree if Serbian merchants who trade with Hungary are compensated. (Done by Steph on Discord).
- We agree to compensate them.
- French Response: In response to the actions of the Habsburgs, 35 ships of the French Mediterranean Fleet are sent to launch a blockade against Austria-Hungary-Croatia while King Phillipe VIII openly declares support to the Hungarian Cause and even announces that he will support other non-represented ethnic groups in Austria-Hungary-Croatia.
- Italian Dip: The Italian Naval administration would like to inform the French government, that any French naval presence in the Adria and particular in the straight between Albania and Puglia is not welcomed and is seen as a threat, despite the Italian neutrality in the Hungarian conflict. It is requested to reduce the number of ships to 20 at most.
- We agree to compensate them.
- The Croatians support Ferdinand, as do Slovakian leaders. The Serbians agree if Serbian merchants who trade with Hungary are compensated. (Done by Steph on Discord).
- The Netherlands: Following a very successful attack and destruction of the Muslim rebels (See Algorithm) Maurits-Jan Kokkeboksen is awarded a position in the Order of Orange-Nassau for his outstanding handling of both this situation with the Muslim rebels and previous issues elsewhere, both the Queen and States-General were impressed with the willingness of General Kokkeboksen to allocate the majority of his troops to the quickest possible route with which to destroy the Muslim rebels which had been so problematic. Following this victory 50,000 troops are returned to the homeland leaving the East Indies with a garrison of roughly 50,000 which will be decreased over time as we are assured that there will be no more rebellions from the Muslims. As our soldiers return home we look around Europe at the number of problematic things occurring with the war in Spain and the battle between fascist socialists and democrats throughout Europe. In order to be better prepared for the issues should we be put into a position where we are forced to get involved as the entirety of the Dutch government wishes to remain neutral in these major conflicts. We will be beginning construction of trench and fort lines throughout the Netherlands as well as sea defenses in case of invasion. However, there is less priority put into this as our current job is to refit our army with the modern rifles from Britain. Secret: Major worries are the aggressive nature of France attacking through Belgium and Germany as both are quite powerful and neither has any for sure reason to stay at peace with us. End Secret. We offer Germany the chance to propose a suitor for the Queen in exchange for a non-aggression pact and protection against any other threat that would declare war. (German Response needed) We also wish to continue work with The Imperial Federation to finish the Anglo-Dutch treaty of Cooperation. (Imperial Federation response needed) Trials are put into place against any of the major supporters of the Muslim rebels and the majority is executed but the rest of the Muslim population is allowed to continue life as normal so long as they cause no more issues.
Persian Dip: The shah of Persia, Massoud Mirza, proposes his son the Crown Prince as a suitor to the Queen of the Netherlands.Netherlands Dip: Queen Wilhelmina accepts this prominent suitor on the condition that the Persians agree to a mutual defense pact.Persian Dip: We accept.
- ASB - Colgan
- French Dip: The King of France, Phillipe VIII proposes his nephew Prince Jean, Duke of Guise as a suitor for the Queen of the Netherlands.
- Netherlands Dip: Queen Wilhelmina politely declines.
- Italian Dip: The King of Italy, Filiberto proposes his yet unmarried brother Luigi Amadeo. With the marriage comes a free trade agreement with Italy and a mutual development treaty for Italian and Dutch Indonesia.
- Netherlands Dip: The queen accepts Luigi as her husband and wedding plans shall be made for the wedding to occur during 1901.
- Kingdom of Romania: As the new century dawned the King made a speech in the capital about wanting peace for Romania this century. The Post Palace is built in Bucharest. The government agrees to halt trade to Hungary due to the revolt there. The government decided that the nation will join Russia in building general defenses on the border with Austria-Hungary but we will still allow immigration between us and the Austrians. We want to buy 5,000 Gatling guns from Russia. The Parliament and the King decided to start promoting immigration to Russia's colony in Africa excessively and aims to have 50,000 Romanian settlers there by 1910.
- Persian Empire: With a new century happening, massive celebration for all the people is constructed. The Shah condemns the French support for the Carlists and the Hungarians and offer Austria support. To prevent any French response to this, we issue early mobilization with 50,000 reservists being called upon. The Royal fleet begins patrolling the sea but is not going to engage unless being shot at first.
- The Russian Empire: Tsar Vladimir Begin to announce an increase in naval capability, this being done by building and buying new ships and constructing naval defences. With Most of the defences being in Eastern Thrace on the Byzantine Strait and on Somali coasts. With one of the first things done on the African coast is the repairing of the habours, and as the first steps of the defences with the barracks just behind the planned defences. The planned defences being mostly artillery with concrete walls, halls and bunkers and some light rail to send the ammunition to the artillery pieces. With for the lighter defence some Maxim guns in brick combined with basic concrete and a small layer of clay and Mudbrick surrounding the concrete. This is done so as to make the enemy forces unsure of which of the huts and bunkers are concrete and what not. With the first ship being built in Sevastopol being named Emperor Julian, the ship is 115.2 meters long having two 12" 40-caliber naval gun as its armament with other guns of the same Constantinople-class being looked into building another five of them starting in 1901. Rail lines with the want to connect the British and Russian lands, we request to the Rashidi caliphate that we can build a rail line through their land from Van to Cairo. This line would then connect to Asmara and even Addis Ababa. (Mod response) (British Response). In Abyssinian lands of the Muslim faith Menelik II begins to build new mosques in the Manner of Somali culture and architecture. While at the same time posters and drawings begin to depict the burning of Mecca and Medina, under a French banner with Catholic and French Symbols. While the Abyssinian and Russian crosses are shown with a crescent and pictures of Abyssinian and Russian soldiers laying stones in Mecca and Medina to repair the damages done and even some drawings of Russian Converts to the Islamic faith. With Menelik II even beginning to allow Sharia law in the lands of the Islamic faith. For these rights he asks the Islamic Population to swear an oath to Protect and Defend Menelik II and his Abyssinian nation. Menelik II to show his good heartedness also Creates a Ministry of Culture, History and Faith, which is meant to get funds for cultural and religious events like the Pilgrimage to Mecca for Muslims and Jerusalem for Christians. While this is happening, he orders the creation of counsel of ethnicities and faiths, where representatives in proportion to their population can request and ask for what they do desire and can discuss together and even suggest laws for Menelik II to implement, even if as of the moment of creation it cannot make laws of its own. Although it has been planned that lawmaking will soon be one of its abilities, although when exactly has not been told due to reforms needed for its implimentation. With Bulgaria agreeing to have a railroad build, workers both in Romania and Eastern Thrace begin with the construction of a railline connecting Romania and Russian Thrace as with this manner resources and trade can be interchanged, it is believed this railroad will take a total of three years to build. With new members in the lower house the Duma people slowly begin to flock together into groups, some calling them parties where they will help each other with the votes as a united block. As of the moment, they are not official but just groups. While the Russian Government begins raise more administrators and soldiers in Yemen, with even the creation of the Governate of Yemen. This replacing any form of military government in Yemen by a civil administration meaning that liberties in Yemen now are even guaranteed by law and not just in practice. Due to the relations with France, both Dumas forbid the translation of any Russian documentation into the French language and will even fine people 3,000 rubles (50 USD) for a single written translation and 65,000 rubles (1,025 USD) for a printed one - if more than one then one written fine applies. The Dutch and English languages are promoted in Russia as they are seen as civilised languages of European efficiency and industrialism, while other tolerated non-Slavic languages are Arabic, Japanese and Persian as they are seen as the languages of good and loyal men of honour. While the situation in Spain worsens, the Dumas allow Russian men who haven't join the Russian Army to join volunteer brigades, but they are told that Russia will not spend any money on them and that all their gains will no be checked by the Russian government so if they gain fortune it is all theirs.
Han nationalist riots break out all over China as the Japanese advance.
The absolute decimation of trade in Hungary causes the Hungarian economy to collapse, while the revolt as a whole causes the economy of the empire to suffer heavily. Hundreds of thousands of Hungarian skilled laborers, factory workers, and merchants take to the streets, rapidly forming the Hungarian Liberation Army. The force, some 240,000 strong, is broadly distributed across the country and quickly takes a decidedly anti-monarchist view.
The Serbian, Romanian, and overall Austrian economy all suffer severely due to the trade restrictions. Smuggling across the Romano-Hungarian border becomes rampant, as the mountains provide sufficient cover for secretive opportunities.
Germany demands compensation for the incident that happened in Senegal and that France withdraw from all West African colonies, and on another note, they tell them to stop interfering in Alsace-Lorraine.
- Mexico: Henry adds to the troops, and adds three extra warships. (Secret) Juan Carlos Ramírez adds influence in El Salvador and Honduras, and tries to assassinate three Senate members [Mod Response Needed]. With the spies in Persia, an assassin tries to kill the Suitor [Mod Response Needed]. (End Secret). Humberto keeps on expanding the railroads and tries to make better relations with Roosevelt [American Response needed].
- One Senator dies, one gun misfires and the other get discovered, which makes Hondurans outraged.
- The attempt on the Persian Suitor ends in tragedy for the Mexian assassins. After entering the Royal Palace, they are apprehended and summarily executed. The incident proves a huge international embarrassment for Mexico.
- Persian Empire: The attempted assassination of the crown prince by Mexico is seen as a fatal mistake. The shah sends an ultimatum to Mexico demanding that they allow the Persian police to get to the bottom of this attempted assassination. (MEXICAN RESPONSE NEEDED). (More to come later). With the situation in Mexico having been resolved, the usual peace is returning to Persia. With the Italian-built battleship done and the first Persian light cruiser being done, the Royal Persian Navy stands at five destroyers, two battleships and one cruiser, with one more cruiser being laid down. Meanwhile, we begin building an artillery military factory in Tehran to help modernize our artillery. Meanwhile, the shah begins to plan his European trip which is scheduled to happen in 1905. The army begins to hold a military exercise known as the Great Training Mission each year from now on.
- Mexican Dip: We hand over the Director of the Secret Service over to the Persian Authorities.
- Argentina: Unable to stall the reactionary elements within the government and with the refusal of Uruguay to integrate, the Argentine Army with nearly 100,000 troops, floods across the border into Uruguay with the navy blockading Montevideo in short order. The main struggle occurs within the nation's capital as roughly one-half of the troops move to secure Uruguay's smaller cities and the countryside and roughly 50,000 troops alongside 5,000 Marines storming the port facilities. The Uruguayan army mostly standing within the capital of Montevideo puts up stiff resistance being owned and staffed by mostly staunch independence-laden Colorados. As the battle of Montevideo begins, the Argentine forces attempt to limit direct damage to the city and civilian casualties. With the Uruguayan forces meeting the Argentine forces just outside the city limits, a devastating artillery barrage dislodges the roughly 15,000 Uruguayan forces who retreat into the city with the lead elements of the Argentine Army in hot pursuit. Unable to put up any major resistance in most of the city, the Argentine forces are forced to put the Government quarter of the city to siege. However, with the assault being so sudden, little preparation was allowed and the Uruguayan forces are starved out in just over a week as they run out of food and water. The Surrender of Montevideo and the quick capitulation of most of the Uruguayan cities and countryside puts Argentina in total control of the country which begins its formal annexation into Argentina proper. Knowing the move could cause an incident with Argentina's neighbor to the north the Argentine army employs the first elements of its engineering corps who dig extensive trench lines and breastworks along the newly elongated border. By the end of the year a network of breastworks and trenches run from the edge of the impassable jungle just beside Corrientes Province all the way to the coast in the newly annexed Uruguay. With the government fully expecting a war with Brazil over the incident and with historical issues over what is considered a rebellious province of Argentina, the Argentine forces issue a singular declaration in a vain attempt to halt a war. Brazil shall recognize the annexation of Uruguay to Argentina and relations will normalize. Not expecting this to work, the Argentine Army mobilizes reserves and shifts to a wartime economy, with a mobilization leagues beyond the war with Paraguay, the wars of independence, or the war with Chile. Populations are mobilized to fast track the development of Argentina's industry and infrastructure, with the Argentina industry (albeit it doesn't take much to pull this off) outpacing Brazil as multiple factories are erected in short order and the steel and arms factories expanding significantly to accommodate the army. The army nearly doubles in size from 150,000 to 300,000 in short order with another 600,000 either mobilized or volunteering to join. With nearly 200,000 troops now on the border between Brazil and Argentina with the defensive lines manned, another 50,000 are sent to Paraguay to fortify the area and prevent any advances through the perilous jungles of the area which are Not conductive to an attack, whatsoever. The further expansion of infrastructure across Argentina thanks to the mobilization of the populace including even women (which surprises many) allows for a strong and unbroken logistics network to the possible front of war. The Railways networks of Uruguay are also hastily expanded in order accommodate the Argentine forces within the newly annexed state and in order to keep the peace the Gendarmerie is created as a rough occupation/pacification force specifically to keep Uruguay pacified. The war mobilization does somewhat affect the stability of society as the President agrees that in order to forge Argentina's destiny, it is undoubtable that Brazil must be dealt with eventually and the greatness of Argentina stands on the outcome of the coming war. War support soars as the public agrees, and funnily enough, the immigrants recently entering the country over the last few years join the military for the positive benefits which come with joining the military. The Argentine navy as well sees its dockyard capacity expand. It is showcased with the launching of two modern armored cruisers, and four light cruisers. The laying down of the first Argentine modern battleship, the "La Plata" is seen as a momentous occasion with a heavy expansion of the navy being considered a necessity for Argentina's primacy in the region. A sharp fall off in immigration near the end of the year is noted with the obvious reason being "nobody wants to immigrate to somewhere that is currently at war." The Argentina Army under Generals Peron, and Alacantra implement their own military doctrine of superior firepower against the current primary enemy: Brazil. Artillery is to be used liberally while heavy defensive support is to be used until an opening to attack is presented.
- The Kingdom of the Netherlands: Wedding preparations begin as Queen Wilhelmina prepares to be married to Luigi Amadeo. A request is made to have the main ceremony in the palace in the Netherlands followed by a tour through the capital city of Amsterdam. A second request is sent to Italy to assist in the the production of battleships for the protection of both the East Indies and the Mainland. As additional reassurance coastal batteries are being built in both the East Indies and the mainland with the mainland being prioritized. (Italy Response needed.) In the meantime, a pair of destroyers roll off the dockyards in the East Indies as the dockyards in the mainland are expanded in preparation to produce larger worships. The Netherlands looks to fully unite all Flemish culture and as such looks to places such as Luxembourg and the Flemish provinces of North Belgium but decide to be patient and wait until a better opportunity arises. Throughout the Netherlands the general election of 1901 takes place with the liberal democratic league losing 23 seats going down to 25 seats. The anti-revolutionary party gains five seats to reach 22. The General League of Roman Catholic caucuses gains four seats to 26 and gain the majority. Both the Social Democratic Workers Party and Christian Historicals gain four seats apiece ending at seven and ten, respectively. The Free Thinking Democratic League gains five seats to end at nine.
- Imperial Federation Diplomacy: We offer to produce several battleships for the Kingdom of the Netherlands in any style they wish.
- Netherlands Dip: We happily accept and would be interested in the Victoria-classes at a later point. However, for now we are looking for a total of five battleships were two to be from the Imperial Federation and three from Italy or vice-versa. Queen Wilhelmina returns to London to discuss these things as well as give her condolences for Queen Victoria who she aspires to be like.
- Italy agrees to the Colonial development and defensive program.
- Kingdom of Portugal: King Carlos denounces French meddling in Portuguese politics and continues supporting the Spanish government, following Britain's policy, but chooses not to deploy any troops into the country. Army troops are sent to the Spanish border to maintain security. General Luis Augusto Pimental Pinto is appointed the new Prime Minister and given dictatorial powers. The new government's goal is to restore the economic situation from its backwardness, with Pimental Pinto reviewing the state's expenses and cutting wasteful ones. More effort is also put into developing the mining industries in Angola and Mozambique, which are seen as a potential source of revenue from international trade. As a general, Prime Minister Pimental Pinto also begins a military reform to restructure the army and navy. The navy is beginning to be equipped with electric energy, wireless communications, torpedos, and coastal artillery as part of the modernisation program. Pimental Pinto intends for the navy to be a light force mainly oriented toward connecting the colonies and supporting land operations, and will rely on modern cruisers for that role. The army will be given modern rifles and artillery pieces, and is currently divided between the Home Army in Portugal proper and the Colonial Army, in parts of African and Asia. Over the next decade, a new conscription system will be implemented to transition from a professional army to a militia army based on the Swiss model. The number of divisions and regiments will be increased, and colonial governors are given the authority to raise native indigenous troops from local populations as well for auxiliary roles. Security is increased in Macau in response to the Chinese crisis, with bridges to the mainland under heavy guard and the garrison troops patrolling the streets in force looking out for any signs of unrest. Two cruisers with additional troops are sent to Macau.
- Imperial Federation (Britain): We offer to assist our allies, the Portuguese, in developing their armed forces. Furthermore, we notify them of our intent to avoid any accidental infringements upon Macau, as well as our intent to protect Macau from any Chinese attacks on the city. Finally, an investment package is offered to help invigorate the counties rail system.
- Portugal: Portugal greatly welcomes the British aid, and agree to the investment package. Portugal also asks to purchase rifles and artillery from Britain for the Portuguese Army, and warships from British shipyards for the Portuguese Navy.
- Kingdom of France: As the Second Peninsular War continues, General Édourard de Castelau is placed in command of the French Peninsular Army composed of 250,000 men. Along with his military advisors de Castelau oversees the expansion of the Carlist Arm to 200,000 men as a military mission is sent to Carlist territories to train a formidable Carlist Army. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Boulanger declares that France will recognize the Carlist Kingdom of Spain as an Independent Nation in response to British propaganda portraying Jaime III as a French Puppet. General de Castelau begins a new offensive against the British deciding to cut of their positions in two this time as the French Peninsular Army is to march along the Tajo River toward the Portuguese border as they are transported by automobiles, bringing in 450 artillery pieces to support the offensive as well as using airships as aerial reconnaissance in order to alert the Forces of de Castelau of a potential British Counterattack. Meanwhile, to rival the British in terms of equipment, the French Government introduces the Meunier A3 Bolt-Action Rifle, in which is set to replace the Lebel Model 1886 Rifle as 50,000 of these rifles are produced by the end of the year and sent to our troops in Spain.
Production for the Meunier A6 Semi-Automatic Rifle begins as 50,000 rifles are built by the end of the year with all of those rifles being sent to the French Peninsular Army for their offensive.Meanwhile, with the German ultimatum, the Government of Boulanger fully engaged in the Second Peninsular War and not wanting to risk a war with Germany, Boulanger decides to comply with the German demands and begins the withdrawal from French Senegal and the compensation to the Germans. This action causes outrage in France and in response King Phillipe VIII makes a speech urging the French people to refrain from protesting from Boulanger's actions and unleash their anger on the Germans once the time has come to achieve their long term goal of Revenge. Phillipe VIII also states that the more threats the Germans make against France it will allow Boulanger to have a legitimate justification for attacking the Germans. This action increases the popularity of Boulanger and Phillipe VIII as the people give Boulanger the nickname of President Revanche and begin calling Phillipe VIII, Phillipe the Revanchist for their patriotic stance against the Germans. This wave of Nationalism in France reaches its height during the Bastille Day Parade in which a torn-up German flag is flown above La Place de la Concorde with people chatting Vive Boulanger, Vive la France and A bas les Allemands in the streets of Paris and other major cities. Similar celebrations are held in Spain during Bastille Day with the French Embassy at Madrid raising a torn up German Flag for the entire day in defiance of the Germans and French troops even burning the German Flag in their camps. Bouanger declares that despite this aggressive nationalism, France will not declare war on Germany first. Meanwhile, Boulanger continues his Rattachist propaganda campaign in Belgium but refrains from resuming his Campaign in Greater Alasce-Lorraine due to German threats. Boulanger then declares France's new Foreign Policy the Three R's: Revanche, Re-Armament and Rattachsime promoting Revenge against Germany, the expansion of France and the union of France and Wallonia and the reversal of all territorial losses during the Franco-Prussian War. (Secret) With Mexico involved in a political stance against Persia, the FNSA approaches the Shah and proposes a joint French-Persian operation to assassinate the Mexican Emperor (Persian Response Needed) as the FNSA also approaches Mexican Republicans and offers them support in a Revolt against the Mexican Emperor (Mod Response Needed). Meanwhile, the FNSA begins training an Spanish Assassination Squad in a planned Operation to kill the Spanish Regent in hopes of ending any resistance in the Regency of Spain. (End of Secret.) Meanwhile, the Fourth Naval Expansion Plan continues as 12 percent of the Expansion Plan is completed by the end of the year. With the British Navy being anchored at Gibraltar, the French Atlantic Fleet is mobilized to secure control of the Bay of Biscay as a force of 50,000 French Marines launch an amphibious invasion of La Coruña. - They haven’t been developed yet. - Mod
- Kingdom of Romania: Due to the recent smuggling crisis plaguing our nation the Government will take measures in cracking down of smuggling by send 10,000 troops to the border with Austria-Hungary to detect any smuggling activity. While this is happening, the government will create the ASB or the Anti Smuggling Battalion which will be trained to detect any smuggling activity and will be ready by next year and be deployed to the border.The King wants to work with Austrian authorities to prevent smuggling from occurring in both of our nations [Austrian Responds Needed]. to discourage smuggling the government has warned that anyone caught smuggling will be given harsh punishments and if the smuggler came from Austria they will be deported back where they came from. The 1901 Parliament elections occur which turns out to be a victory for the National Liberal Party. The magazine Samanatorul is founded.
- Nippon: With Manchuria firmly under Japanese occupation and supply lines in place the advance on Peking begins. General Nozu Michitsura's forces launch an invasion of Zhili supported by Shigeru's Ruthenian volunteers who act as mobile recon. Successfully pushing into Zhili and surrounding Peking. A coordinated attack on Tianjin is launched supported by 30,000 Imperial Marines, and 20,000 American Marines heavy naval bombardment then begins with Japanese forces. With intense house to house fighting to flush out the Qing forces and Chinese rebels that dug in. Surrounding Peking the allied forces steadily advance into the city after heavy bombardment. With Japanese forces brutality putting down partisans, and Qing forces equally. Despite the best efforts to the officers to keep troops in line, a large scale looting, occurs with some incidents of violence against locals. Upon forcing their way into the forbidden city this looting becomes an organized effort to plunder as much as can be carried with even the officers taking part large carriages are lined with the riches taking from the residence of the Qing dynasty. Having taking the capital, the Qing Emperor is offered a chance to surrender to end the bloodshed, and that surrendering will lead to more lenient terms in the peace treaty. (mod response needed). Back home mobilization slows down with the taking of Peking though the forces in Manchuria and Northern China are reinforced by 50,000 troops from the Home Islands. Construction of a navy begins in Lushonkou. Production and sales of guns, textiles and canned goods continues to grow. Research into automobiles begins while a request is made to the British to begin importing automobiles and motorcycles seeing theier usage. A request is made to the Americans to purchase a few hulls for battleships. Dock worker unions start to emerge in major cities like Kobe, Tokyo, Osaka, Nagasaki, Nagato, Harima, Kagoshima and others. These unions begin demanding improved pay, and improved working conditions. Asa begins making its way overseas to Manila, Lushonkou, and Japanese occupation forces in Formosa due to its rising popularity amongst the soldiers. Officers begin enforcing a strict policy forbidde3n its usage while on duty due to what is perceived as a general breakdown of discipline while it is in usage.
- Nip Dip: Condolences are sent to King Edward VII, and Prince Teruhito attends the funeral due to his studying in England.
- Imperial Federation: The Queen is dead, long live the King! On December 22nd, 1901 Queen Victoria passes away, leaving the Empire she forged to her son and heir King Edward VII. Her funeral is extravagant, and throughout the Empire her loss is felt deeply. Millions of imperial subjects mourn her passing and send their condolences to the new King and his family. The war in Spain becomes increasingly a stalemate and waste of precious resources, France is offered a ceasefire and deal to end British involvement. The terms of the deal outline the expansion of the Gibraltar territory, a French guarantee on Portugal, an indemnity, and the guarantee that the new Spanish Government will be a constitutional monarchy with an active and sovereign parliament. (French response) The advent of dirigibles in the battlefield presents the Army with a challenge. To combat the powered airships, large tethered helium balloons are deployed with a new 37 mm Modified Hotchkiss Gun which fires an incendiary or explosive shell. These balloons, although unpowered, can reach the necessary altitude to disrupt French air reconnaissance efforts at a low cost. The Anglo-Chinese War continues, with what amounts to a stalemate around Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta. British forces dig in deeply along the banks of the Xijang River and the East River. A force of 50,000 Imperial Troops push eastward from their positions in an effort to reach the coast near Shantou. The Qing Emperor is asked to consider a peace deal. (Mod Response) The wars in Spain and China reveal deficiencies in the Lee-Enfield Model 1887. The rifle proves too long and cumbersome, and is lacking in rate of fire after the initial magazines run dry. To alleviate some of these concerns and standardize production further a Lee-Enfield Rifle-Carbine, Short, Magazine is developed. The gun, which weighs just eight pounds when unloaded, will replace all previous rifles in service with all branches, and features stripper clip loading and a 15 round magazine. Chambered in a modernized 6.5 British, the gun is effective out to 2,000 yards but without optics is not reliably accurate to these ranges. Sir Jackie Fisher, a rear admiral in the Royal Navy is promoted to the newly renamed position of First Sea Lord and immediately begins trimming the fat off the Royal Navy. Dozens of obsolete, small ships are scrapped, having been deemed “Too ancient to fight and too slow to run away.” Meanwhile, Lord Fisher, a committed reformer, convenes a committee on the development of modern battleships, including an all-big-gun battleship. The proposed ship would be more able to effectively fight at long ranges where dual-calibre primary batteries simply complicate the fire-control and do not provide benefit. The planned King Edward VII-class is put on hold as the design of a more-effective all-big-gun battleship is considered. Another proposal, the “Pursuit Battleship” is put forth. The concept is rather simple, remove the rear turrets of a battleship and use the liberated tonnage to increase speed and forward armor. So that the ship can kill anything it can catch while being faster that other capital ships. Additionally, thanks to added frontal armor, the ships might possess greater survivability when under fire from the front. A pair of these ships is ordered in an all-big-gun layout as a proof of concept. Named the Victoria-class, the pair are equipped with four BL 12" gun Mark IX in two super-fighting fore turrets. The only other armament is 16 QF 4" gun Mark VII in eight mounts along each side of the ship. The ships are expected in late 1902.
- French Response: The French Government accepts the British ceasefire and their terms and guarantee that the French Government will oversee the establishment of a Constitutional Monarchy in Madrid.
- Netherlands Dip: The Queen wishes to come to London in order to sign the Anglo-Dutch treaty of cooperation.
- United States: The Stock Market - at the start of the year - dips to concerning levels considering economic chaos in Austria and large US military spending. President Roosevelt cuts US military spending by several million dollars and halts the progress of several to be built battleships, offering to sell the hulls that can float to countries who desire battleships. The American Baseball League renames itself to Major League Baseball. THAR SHE BLOWS! On January 10th a large oil gusher explodes in Spindletop in Beaumont, Texas. President Roosevelt survives an assassination attempt during a speech at the Pan-American Exhibition. Leon Czolgosz, a radical anarchist is tacked by the 40 year old president and restrained until the Secret Service haul him away. This causes a large dip in popularity for Anarchism and Socialism within the states. In China, the Medal of Honor is awarded to 16-year-old Corporal George S. Patton for storming the walls of Peking with his comrades and capturing a strategic fort which helped the Japanese advance into the city. The Springfield M1901 (OTL M1903 Springfield) is adopted after several years of designing and testing. It is nicknamed the American Mauser. Firing the 30.06 it is a more powerful cartridge than the 45.70 Winchester. President Roosevelt, meanwhile, delivers a 20,000 word speech to congress asking to curb the powers of trusts.
- Austria-Hungary-Croatia: 200,000 of our troops surround Budapest and lay siege to the city. With France sending naval forces to blockade us, the government orders the navy to engage the inbound French ships, mainly with destroyers and cruisers and orders for more cruisers and destroyers to be built. We send diplomats to our ally Italy requesting help in halting the French navy. (YCASTO RESPONSE).
- Dominion of Canada: As the new century approached Canada would soon be in trouble as our economy start to fall apart. We soon start to imposed higher taxes causing protest in Toronto and Ottawa. Canada also starts to hold higher taxes for immigration causing fewer people coming here. Ultimately, Canada is starting to see the worst in its part. Protest would soon turn to riots which would soon turn violent as the army has been called to deal with them but not attack the protester. We attempt to rebuild our economy by finding new jobs though would end in utter failure. Canada would also decide to participate in the next Olympics having not done so since we were capital it would work.
- The Russian Empire: The Russian government, seeing Caliphate's strength and prosperity, offer a treaty that will help both nations grow and benefit from each other. Russo-Arab Treaty is send as the Russian empire see this as way that both Arabs and Russians will benefit(Mod Response). The tsar and the lower house of the Duma begin send an official letter to the Austrian government concerning the Hungarian rebellion and the treatment of Slavs by these rebellions, we request that the Austrian authorities allow Slavs and Dacians to arm themselves in lands under and near rebels hold. Due to the fear that they will be slaughtered by the forces of the Hunnic rebels (Austrian Response). For this ability to arm themselves, these Slavs and the Slavic Congress promise to stay loyal to the Empire who defended them. While with the situation worsening in China, Russia begins to allow Mongolians to buy Russian arms without any tariffs and even get loans from Russian banks. With Mongolians also being allowed to take refugee in Russia if they desire. Although there is a policy of keeping Chinese and Mongol refugees separate due to fear of clashes happening between these ethnicities. While in Yemen the language of administration becomes Arabic as it is the most spoken language of the land and the language of the local faith. Many of the local Yemeni's being in the bureaucracy where they have to swear a simple oath of loyalty to the houses of the Duma and the Russian tsar, with the Russo-Yemeni army doing the same oath but with a more militaristic appeal. Department for Protecting the Public Security and Order, "Okhrana" Visit the Russian tsar and Abyssinian Emperor who are meeting each other in the City of Van, to discuss the future of the Abyssinian monarchy and how to make Sure Menelik II will stay in power. As they seek to make Menelik II and his sons, the successors, with Tsar Vladimir promising the creation of a guard to protect him. This Being the Romanian Guard consisting of 500 Romanian soldiers and another 2,000 African and Russian guards. With all of them having called Abyssinia their own and knowing the Abyssinian language to some degree, and Russian being known by most as it is the language or Russian Politics outside of Abyssinia. With the Abyssinian Emperor choosing a chance of title to reflect European standards, with Menelik II becoming "King of Abyssinians, son of Solomon, Duke of Eritrea and Prince of Adal, Defender of the Abyssinian Faith"
Germany finally puts down the Alsace rebellion with a total of 300,000 dead (1/3 being military personnel) and the local economy in complete shambles.
The economic situation the Balkans deteriorates further, while the Hungarian volunteers organize more fully and establish training camps and arms factories to allow for more-effective fighting against the Austrian Army. Several Hungarian-born generals in the common Austro-Hungarian Army defect with their troops to the Hungarian Rebellion. Overall some 30,000 professional troops defect. Additionally, Austrian morale falters among non-Austrian troops (-0.05 Morale Score until the end of the rebellion).
Having lost the support of the United Kingdom and Portugal Christina of Austria, Regent of Spain, reaches a ceasefire with Jamie III, the Carlist claimant to the Spanish Throne. Maria will abdicate any claim to the throne and retire to Austria for the remainder of her natural life.
- Austria-Hungary-Croatia: With the so-called Hungarian Crisis getting worse, Franz Ferdinand, with support from the Congress of Nationalities and the President and his cabinet, dissolves the congress and declares martial law in all imperial lands and is to take effect immediately. The imperial reserves are mobilized to secure the core Austrian territory and the most loyal of soldiers are sent to Croatia just in case rebellion springs up there, same for Bohemia and Lodamia. Furthermore, the military government declares that all who defect or desert will be immediately by law be seen as enemies to the empire and will be shot on spot. Meanwhile, those who stay will be rewarded with higher pay and will be granted more privileges. The Emperor makes a speech on the night of March 30th, the anniversary of the creation of our union, that the Hungarians will keep their rights and their power after the war is finished and it shall be respected for the foreseeable future as long as they respect minorities of the empire and recognize the Triple Monarchy and Croatia’s elevated status, he also says that Hungarians that defect to the empire will receive honor and glory once the rebellion is defeated and possibly will get positions in the post-war government. The media continues to report on the rebellion, now under strict state control on not only what they report on the rebellion but on what they put in their newspaper in general. The media continues to refer to the rebels as “traitors” and continues to claim that the Hungarians as a whole are actually victims of these traitors and are in fact being liberated. Meanwhile, in Spain, we send our support and approval of Regent Christina’s peace proposal and agree to welcome her back to the empire. We reinforce the 200,000 troops besieging Budapest with artillery and 100,000 more troops, and with the artillery we begin constantly shelling the city of Budapest. With our second attempt to encircle Budapest failing, we decide to launch an all out invasion into Hungary and mobilize 750,000 troops who line up on the Slovakian, Austrian, and Croatian borders. The soldiers on the Croatian border attack the city of Pécs and the Slovakian front attacking Eger. On the Austrian front more and more troops are brought in to take Budapest with 300,000 more being brought in.
- Imperial Federation: The bloated federal defense budget comes under scrutiny with the election of a new Conservative Prime Minister Arthur James Balfour. More obsolete ships are scrapped this year, and many older battleships are sent to the reserve fleet. A pair of all-big-gun battleships are laid-down. Additionally, the Victoria-class ships enter naval inventory. After a brief shakedown period both are approved for service and demonstrate several interesting characteristics. With largest calibre armaments comparable to many older battleships the two are reasonably well armed when fighting at long ranges. Furthermore, the ships can chase and generally catch most cruisers thanks to their massive propulsion systems. Accuracy testing shows that their advanced fire-control is more than capable and plans are made to retrofit every imperial ship with the modern fire controls. Meanwhile, to subsidize the production of the new Lee-Enfield Rifle-Carbine, Short, Magazine Model 1901, old stocks of the Model 1887 are sold off to Portugal and others. Orders of the LERCSM 1901 reach 2.5 million total to arm the Home Armies and the Imperial Expeditionary Force. Without any response from the Qing Empire, British forces in the Pearl River Delta and across Guangdong establish the Guangdong Governorate. The first order of business for the young governorate is to codify Cantonese as the official language of the state administration with an established alphabet and syntax standardization independent of Chinese. Another major offensive with 75,000 soldiers is conducted westward to capture the rest of Guangdong. With Chinese resistance aimed primarily against the Japanese the offensive goes off without a hitch and the Chinese forces are compelled to retreat. The Dutch are offered the Anglo-Dutch Treaty of Friendship. (Dutch Response)
- Dutch Dip: We accept the treaty and request the signing take place in London.
- Kingdom of Portugal: The King and Prime Minister General Pimental Pinto are concerned about the situation in Spain and French aggression, but since France agreed to respect Portugal's sovereignty, the Portuguese Government will establish diplomatic relations with the new Carlist regime in Madrid. The general election of 1902 sees the Regenerador party gain the most seats, followed by the Progressives and the Liberal Regenerador. The King continues a de facto dictatorship with the Prime Minister for the purpose of restoring the Portuguese economy. Having cut wasteful expenditure and reduced corrupt practices, Portugal is managing to balance its budget for the first time in many years. Railways are expanded to different major cities as British investment enters the country. Other infrastructure projects are also planned. Education is given more funding. Mining operations in Portuguese Angola and Mozambique intensify, with extraction of iron ore, diamonds, and coal increasing this year. Military reforms continue. Portugal welcomes the shipments of rifles from the UK and begins equipping all infantry regiments with the new weaponry. The Home Army, during times of war, would become the Field Army, which consists of the active duty troops, organised into divisions of two brigades, along with independent field artillery and sapper regiments, plus all their logistical trains. Starting from next year, 1903, conscription will come into affect and several thousand people will be randomly called up to serve in the "national battalions", which will be militia-like formations in the regular army that are modeled on the Swiss Army. The Home Army will be organised into ten divisions. The Colonial Army includes all of the overseas garrisons and has its own administrative structure divided between colonies. Troops are under the authority of the local governor-general (Angola, Mozambique, India), governor (Macau, Guinea, Sao Tome and Principe, Cape Verde), or autonomous district governor (Timor). The principle units are the Army of Western Africa (Angola), Army of Eastern Africa (Mozambique), the Army of India (Goa), and the joint Far East Command that oversees Macau and Timor. The Colonial Army forces are a mix of homeland troops sent from Portugal and indigenous native units raised by local governors, and are the equivalent of about four divisions total. The Portuguese Royal Navy is organised on the Home Squadron (Lisbon), Western Squadron (Cape Verde), and the Far East Squadron (Goa, Macau). Portugal asks to purchase three cruisers and eight destroyers from British shipyards, and also asks if it can have any of the obsolete battleships that the British have in their reserve (British response).
- Imperial Federation: We will supply Portugal with the cruisers and destroyers, and agree to sell Portugal two Admiral-class battleships from 1886.
- The Russian Empire: The Russian Government condemns the actions of the German Empire in Elsaß-Lothringen and the destruction they have caused. As the Russian Duma sees it as unneeded aggression toward the Lothringian who already has suffered enough in the Franco-Prussian war when the armies fought in these lands. With the Russian government reintroducing more investigating border controls, where a border guard is allowed to look for any illegal goods and turn away people who do not have the right visas. A total ban being made for personal firearms, meaning a person cannot cross the border with a weapon, only guns in the right form of packaging that clearly shows the maker and importer. Even if this sounds hard, these measures are mostly meant that guns need the right paperwork to cross the border, with the application being in Russian, German and Polish for the land border, and English being added when it is coming in by ship. Although in some region such border controls are able to be implemented for a limited time if there are issues in the lands, with a minor passport check even in between governates. This is done to prevent criminals from moving around Russia or even fleeing to another country. The Russian lower house of the Duma requesting to the British, Japanese and Austrians extradition of people who have committed acts of crime in their respective nation to be send back to it, to receive a punishment following local law. (British Response), (Austrian Response), (German Response), (Japanese Response). Due to the situation in China the local authorities begin to allow Russian Mongolians to arm themselves if they wish to fight against China with the "Genghis Khan first Dragoon Brigade". This being a volunteer force of Russian Mongolians, with there also being two refugee battalions "Kublai Khan First Infantry Battalion" and the "Kublai Khan second Infantry Battalion." The names of the units coming from great Mongolian leaders, named after the First Khan of Mongolia unifier of the Mongol tribes, and after Kublai Khan the founder of the Yuan Dynasty of China who both are seen as symbols of Mongolian past and the Mongolian desire to be free and govern following Mongol traditions. Russia seeing and agreeing that Outer Mongolia should be free once more under the Buddhist faith with a theocracy combined with Monarchism being seen as the best possibility with "Khaant uls" (Khagan country) being the name when referred to by the Russian Government. With a Mongol flags and patches being made near the Mongol border so that Mongolians could buy and use them so that they have a small bit of uniformity. With loans being offered to Mongolians who do desire it. While the Central Asians of the Russian army are informed of the injustice done by the Chinese Qing Dynasty against the Islamic Uyghurs, with the Russian upper house of the Duma allowing Central Asians to aid the Uyghurs in the manners they think are best. With arms being allowed to go to Uyghurs, with the guns being blessed following Islamic tradition and with phrases of luck written on them in Arabic. Although support for the Uyghurs is less organised then for Mongols, the Russians - together with the Rashidi caliphate - make special prayers for the Uyghurs under Chinese oppression. With Menelik II even calling China oppressing to the Muslims, with Menelik II promising to repair mosques and build a new one in the capital. While on the other hand he closes the border with France partially with the border crossings being harder and controls more extensive then even before with the border police being called upon to deny anyone even with the smallest of smallest errors. While at the same time the Russian Government believe that the Hungarian situation should be resolved peacefully and with the least amount of civilian death and destruction, with Russia offering negotiations between the groups involved. With arms being Forbidden to cross over to the Austrian border as long as the rebellion is ongoing. Russia also asks for more autonomy of the Romanian lands as one of the punishment of the Hungarians, as they have been suppressed for a long while.
- Kingdom of Greece: While most of the infrastructure projects that was started less than a decade ago has since been then completed, the rest seems to have almost been paused. The economic deterioration in the Balkans has caused a domino effect back to Greece, most government projects that were still in progress were stalled and gave rise to liberal protests in Greece due to the situation regarding wages, prompting a shake up of the Greek parliament. The Pro-Austrian faction had lost some of their power in the parliament, allowing the Pro-Italian faction to take advantage of the liberal wave and fill in the gaps to make them a reckoning force in the government despite not being as liberal in the first place.
- Imperial Federation: Economic aid will be sent to Greece to help alleviate its economic woes.
- The Kingdom of the Netherlands: As the modernization of the Dutch Military continues proposals are made to any major power interested in assisting us with Battleships and the expansion of naval dockyards on the mainland. (RESPONSES NEEDED). A proposal is also sent to the United states laying out a plan where in exchange for our Suriname and the Dutch Antilles we will receive four million USD, five battleship hulls and two Chicago-class cruisers. Following the signing of the Anglo-Dutch treaty celebrations take place all over Amsterdam and the rest of mainland Netherlands as well as in the East Indies and ZAR. As we have finally brought the ethnically Dutch people of the Boers (at least partially) into the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The celebrations for the marriage of Queen Wilhelmina are very vast and jokes are made that no true Dutchmen slept sober that night. There seems to be no bad thing to occur in the Netherlands in 1902 an amazing year.
- Kingdom of France: Victory!!! With the abdication of the Spanish Regent, Boulanger declares the end of the Second Peninsular War and a Franco-Carlist victory over the Loyalists. With Jaime III becoming the sole legitimate King of Spain, Boulanger withdraws 180,000 men from Spain resulting in 80,000 French troops still remaining in the region to help Jaime III consolidate his power and to restore order in Spain. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Boulanger is completely astonished with the results of the Alsace-Lorraine Rebellion with the number of casualties surprising the entire nation. Immediately, Boulanger condemns the actions of the Germans calling them barbaric for the bloodbath known as the Alsace-Lorraine Rebellion. Prime Minister Boulanger also calls for an increase in the French Army from 500,000 active troops and 100,000 reservists to 600,000 active troops and 350,000 reservists with Boulanger being concerned of a possible war with both Germany and Italy in the near future. However, on the 10th of July, Boulanger reveals important information that causes mass outrage in addition to the German atrocities, this information is about Italian involvement with Solidarite, and the Italian Government even funding Solidarite in order to weaken the French Government in which had been confirmed by a member of Solidarite who had been interrogated. Eventually this is proven to be the last straw for Boulanger who then uses the continued foreign involvement in French Politics as a justification to launch a self-coup and dissolve the National Assembly with the support of the King, the Military, the Revanchist Paramilitary Group la Ligue des Revanchistes Patriotiques and Boulanger’s own Ligue Boulangiste Alliance. This becomes known as the Bastille Day coup d’etat due to Boulanger self-coup occurring during Bastille Day. With the King only remaining as a simple figurehead, Boulanger assumes dictatorial powers stating that his Revanchist Dictatorship is the only way of protecting France from traitorous collaborators such as Solidarite who he denounces as having collaborated with France’s enemies and therefore becoming an enemy of the people and of the state. Immediately, Boulanger bans the Solidarite Faction and authorizes the arrest of all members of the Solidarite Faction and their exile to French Penal Colonies in the Indian Ocean. (Secret ) The FNSA approaches a group of Serbian Military Officers led by Dragutin Dimitrijević Apis and proposes the assassination of the King of Serbia and a coup d’etat against his Government in which will receive French backing (Mod Response). (End Secret). Meanwhile, the Fourth Naval Expansion Plan continues as 25 percent of the Naval Expansion Plan is completed by the end of this year as the French Mediterranean Fleet continues their blockade against Austro-Hungarian Ports.
- Kingdom of Morocco: Morocco sends a diplomat to Berlin to discuss their ambitions to unite the Western African Region under direct German rule.
- Argentina: The eerie absense of a Brazilian response to Uruguay brings some popular support to the credence that Brazil is hands down afraid of the Argentine nation. This, however, does not showcase the fact that this could be under preparation for a Brazilian counter with no warning on the Argentine borders. The Argentine army makes a conscious decision to bring total troop strength on the possible front with Brazil to nearly 300,000 with the forces in the Paraguayan states standing still at 50,000. The Gendarmerie stands ready with nearly 20,000 stationed around the Chilean border in case they get any bright ideas. Relations are improved with Bolivia sending diplomats that purport the idea that Brazil may try to take rightful Bolivian territory if they are to beat Argentina in the upcoming war. With the integration of Uruguay under way, the Argentine civilian administration begins assuming control over the area managing to capture and put many of the Colorado's to trial for treason. While simply show trials demanding by the Reactionaries, President Eduardo Peron is noted to believe that while technically a different nation, they were a rightful province of Argentina and the Colorado's have been nothing but extremely successful traitors for the last few decades. Their trials are nearly open and shut, and the Uruguayan Colorado party following the trials is outlawed and its supporters begin to be heavily disrupted as enemies of the state. Many more people having seen the benefits to joining or cooperating with Argentina help ease the integration process. The expansion of a multitude of industries within Argentina and the resumption of immigration in large numbers this year helps fill in gaps in the industrial plants as very clear and obvious jobs are waiting for immigrants as they arrive in the country. The census is taken directly this year including the Paraguayans and Uruguayans in the count which sees the nations population to be put at nearly 8.8 million with expected growth to continue to skyrocket in coming years. While not equal by any stretch to their European counterparts, Argentina welcomes its first two battleships into the navy this year. The ANS: Rio Negro, and the ANS: Espada. The two ships are added to the Argentine Navy as the first of 15 new Argentine destroyers are slated for construction with nearly one-third of them to be complete by next year. The project to more or less connect Argentina's regions with railroads reaches completion and expansions specifically of the Southern sections of railway are taken up to the amount of raw materials transported and available to Argentina's factories. Funny enough as the growth of industry continues, and the want to move away from agriculture is a prime goal, the mechanization of agriculture, and the large Argentine beef industry sees their own expansion as well with Argentina quickly rising to become the worlds fifth largest foodstuffs exporter in the world. These innovations in Argentina's industrial sector even leave the army with a big surplus to supply as its logistical strain is lightened greatly by the influx of ready to eat rations for the Argentinian army. The Development of the Cordoba arsenal sees branch offices opening in Buenos Aires, and a few other smaller towns with arms production outpacing need by a large margin. With the introduction of the new Argentine rifle the ES-1900, the ES-1902 is released and all existing stock of its predecessor are able to be upgraded to this model. It is remarkably similar to the United States new Springfield rifle in the exception that is chambers a different round the .303 British which is the same round used in the current model Enfield. This gives it solid stopping power while also not being a bit heavier like the American Springfield. This gun is colloquially named the Argie for short and very quickly with its eight-round capacity looks to be adopted by the whole of the Argentine Armed forces over the next six years.
- Kingdom of Italy: Kingdom of Italy: The marine is given a larger focus on the new torpedo technology and submarines. The fortification program with Dutch support on Sumatra starts, especially along the Strait of Malacca to minimize piracy in the region. The administration in Carthage is starting to fully function in its limits by now. It is requested, that the French fleet leaves the Adriatic Sea immediately, else the access through the Strait of Otranto will be blocked by the Italian Navy and the Albanian Coast Guard (FRENCH RESPONSE NEEDED). The informants and politicians who visited France are called back, even though the vast majority, has already left France. Among them is a certain Benito Mussolini. Political asylum is given to Solidarite members. SECRET With France entering Italian territory, the navy is prepared for small combat. The plan is to starve the French navy out if they do not withdraw from the Adriatic Sea, French ships are not allowed to dock at Italian ports. The army high staff is prepared to set up an infantry division for French oppositionists and exilants, the Battalion Sorelaise named after the prominent French unionist and revolutionary Georges Sorel. SECRET END The Greeks are once again invited into a military alliance (GREEK/MOD RESPONSE PLEASE). The Italian faction in the Greek parliament is supported, mostly by the Liberali of the Italian parliament with money and moral support. The URS, the AOI and the FCOC organize the first large-scale May Day protests, in some regions (especially the north) where organized labour is strong the protests remain mostly peaceful, but in the rural regions the local police force steps in and cracks down these protests, often on behalf of the local governor. This leaves a large sentiment against the police among workers and organizers, leading to a loss in trust to this constitution. Militarism, however, is still popular among the population and many young men still sign up for the army.
- United States: President Roosevelt agrees to the Dutch deal. The still-under-construction USS Florida, Nebraska, Minnesota, Oregon, and Arkansas along with Chicago-class cruisers San Francisco and Omaha. With this, US soldiers, sailors, and officials arrive on these islands to take positions once held by Dutch officials. The Newlands Act funds irrigation works in 17 western states. President Roosevelt - while in Connecticut - rides in an automobile. Meanwhile, in more humorous terms, two senators, both from South Carolina, have an open fistfight within congress. Texaco is founded and a five-month miners' strike by United Mine Workers occurs. President Roosevelt, meanwhile, issues an executive order, regulating the US armed forces to break racial barriers and allow for integrated units. This isn't treated well, with racists in the south re-emerging out of the shadows. In the armed forces themselves there are officers and soldiers who refuse to serve alongside blacks.
- Nippon: The occupation of Northern China and Manchuria continues with looting subsiding and officers restoring order to the ranks of their troops. 100,000 troops are sent home while an occupation force of 80,000 is left in Zhili, Peking, and Manchuria. Construction of the naval base on the Liaodong Peninsula continues. Economic activties start to return to the region as well and Japanese shipping increases dramatically within the occupied region to attend to the needs of Japanese and allied troops. Japanese gambling houses and brothels begin popping up in Dalian. An expansion of the imperial Marines begins. Construction of a new battleship based on the British "pursuit" design begins while two are ordered from the UK. While designs to build a larger battleship spanning 19,000 tonnes are laid out. Construction of new destroyers and two new cruisers are also started. Research into developing domestic turbines begins, along with research into subs. Research into the potential of an engine-powered flying vehicle also begins at the Tokyo Imperial University by a couple of engineers. Industrial growth continues. Dock workers clash with police after an organized protest is broken up with two people dying at the hands of police in Kobe. Okubo steps down as Kampaku after over 30 years at the helm of Japanese politics and assumes a position on the Privy Council. In his place, Emperor Meiji grants the position of Kampaku to Ito Hirobumi as a compromise between the conservatives, and Liberals. Okubo begins writing more building on the works that he and Saigo (now deceased) wrote building on the ideas set forth by Neo-Bushido, and by the Atarashi Kazi (New Wind) movement. Okubo also emphasizes the need for national unity and cultural enlightenment by embracing Japanese values while entertaining western theories and technologies. The Neo-Bushido movement continues to grow amongst the conservatives, and ultra-nationalists particularly amongst the new Black Dragon Society under Uchida Ryohei who begin extending their operations in Manchuria and in Japan proper. With Japan's increased presence across Asia Okubo writes a thesis expanding on the concept of a Pan-Asian movement led by Japan at the helm is laid out. Secret action, with Korea remaining the final part of North East Asia still outside of Japan's sphere and with their trade to Qing disrupted efforts to undermine Korean political and economic stability begin and efforts to reach out to political dissidents within Korea are made (MOD response needed). This leads to a new round of protests and clashes. A local ban on unions pushes the leaders to start meeting in the brothels and gambling houses of Kobe. Efforts by Japanese companies to expand their economic activities into Manchuria, the Philippines, and Vietnam begin with a rise in Japanese capital and economic sway in the region. Representatives Britain, Russia, and the United States are invited to Kyoto to discuss the peace terms which will be dictated to Qing (players respond).
President Boulanger makes a speech to the nation after he seized absolute power in a self-coup: “my comrades! i feel that the curse of God has been lifted, and he has let go of me, I have come of age. Let the glory days of the republic begin!” His speech gets a round of applause from the observers down below. He announces his new policy toward Germany and that there will be no more submission to the Empire of Germany, the arch-nemesis of France. He announces that a new age has come to Europe and that new alliances shall be forged and the scourge that is the German Empire shall be destroyed. His announcement is met with a massive round of applause with people screaming “Vive Boulanger! Vive la France!” while raising their fists in the air.
Brazil reaches out to its international partners seeking military aid. In particular it asks Germany, Italy, and France to sell small arms, artillery, and supplies to counter the Argentine threat. The Brazilian Army, neglected by the Republic, is rapidly enlarged and trained with tens of thousands of troops transferred to the south. A demand is sent to Argentina, asking them to withdraw from Uruguay.
Chile, Bolivia, and Peru agree to the Andean Pact, a treaty of mutual defense.
In Budapest, the Hungarian revolutionary leaders struggle to form a coherent government. The issue centers on a split between wealthy nobles and merchants who support a republic or constitutional monarchy with even larger autonomy from Austria and laborers who seek a republic with large social programs and social guarantees. The issue is resolved when General Patzák and his 30,000 troops, defectors from the common army, for the infant assembly to agree to “Republic and Independence” declaring that “Socialism or no, a free Hungary must be made.” With that, the Hungarian Parliament passes a resolution dissolving the Triple Crown and declaring the Hungarian Republic.
President Cipriano Castro of Venezuela refuses to pay back foreign debts and damages suffered by European citizens in a recent civil war in Venezuela. The debts are owed to the United Kingdom, Germany, and Italy as well as other European countries.
The Wright Brothers test the first-heavier-than-air aircraft in Kitty Hawk.
- The Kingdom Of The Netherlands: A very silly but important debate has sprung up in Parliament as to the official colors of the Netherlands. The royal house of Orange-Nassau makes a major color in the Netherlands orange. However, the flag is red, white and blue. The Dutch people have even started to take up this debate to where there have been multiple brawls as a result of a disagreement about the colors of our great kingdom and anything which causes major internal issues such as this must be dealt with so parliament and the Queen meet together for three days on and off and eventually come to the decision that orange shall be considered the color of royalty and respect in the Netherlands. However, the flag itself and the official colors of the Kingdom shall be red, white and blue as shown on the flag. This settles the debate and people get back to work and settle down. The hulls of the five battleships gained from the US are immediately being worked on to gain more operational Battleships. A request is sent to the British to gain blueprints for the new Victoria-classes as the ships from what we have heard and seen across the channel are more than impressive
- Imperial Federation: Although we are unwilling to provide the blueprints to our most modern ships, we are willing to construct or assist in the development of a Dutch pursuit battleship along similar guidelines.
- Mexico: Henry adds to military and Secret Service funds. (Secret) The new Secret Service Director Jose Granada send a telegram to the Pro-Mexican Party leaders in El Salvador and Honduras to put up a referendum to unite the two countries and go under Mexican Protection as a puppet state, Which the Secret Service then tries to rig it in the Mexican's favour. (Mod Response needed) (End Secret).
- The Referendum Fails
- Imperial Federation: HMS Dreadnought is launched on June 23rd, 1903. The ship, the first full-battleship armed only with full calibre primary battery guns. (Lord Nelson-class ten-inch only proposal that was rejected in OTL). Her uniform main battery and turbine propulsion makes all previous battleships obsolete in comparison. Trials further prove her superiority to pre-dreadnought battleships, and work immediately begins on designing a more powerful version. Economically, the empire prospers, after recovering from the slowdown in the global economy over the last few years investments return to growth. Australia’s economy continues to grow rapidly, with expansion in the mining and steel industry. The other states in the federation also experience solid growth in general. Several social reform movements being agitating for changes in England, and while the state-government there resists, some members of parliament begin to support reform. One of the earliest reforms that parliament considers is the redevelopment of education in England. Several regional universities are organized, as are trade schools. Public schools receive greater funding, and students are kept in school for longer to learn more. Implementation of similar plans is expected in the coming years in Scotland and Ireland at the behest of their parliaments. The English Parliament decides to heavily invest in several “competitive” industries: turbine engineering, chemical science, and electronics. State funds are pumped into education in these industries, and investment is subsidized. Work is begun on a major chemical port at Portsmouth to help facilitate the industry. A shipment of 50,000 older Model 1887 Lee-Enfields arrives in Brazil courtesy of the crown. The Wright Brothers are invited to meet with the King and demonstrate their wondrous invention to the Royal Household and a group of prominent physicists and engineers. (American Response) A small fleet is sent to Venezuela to offer them a bailout and refinance of their loans and also suggest that they pay damages to all European sentences. (Mod Response)
- United States: The Wright Brothers are celebrated as American heroes. The first Teddy Bear is made. President Roosevelt sends a small task force of ships to the territory of Lesser Antilles to ward off any Europeans from Venezuela. Meanwhile, President Roosevelt offers to pay three million dollars to Colombia to buy Panama and take the rebellious little province off their hands (Mod Response). John Browning creates a semi automatic pistol for the US army which is quickly adopted, many officers and soldiers like Dwight Eisenhower and George Patton adopt the 1903 Browning Hammerless. Meanwhile, President Roosevelt issues the Roosevelt Doctrine, detailing how the US to the Monroe Doctrine has the right to intervene in any country in the western hemisphere. New artillery guns like the M1903 3" gun are adopted with shields to cover the soldiers during fighting. With Colombia refusing, and President Roosevelts dream of a canal in Central America, Roosevelt sends 10,000 US marines escorted by the battleship USS Wisconsin to launch a punitive expedition to capture Panama from Colombia, just freshly out of the Thousand Days War. The Wright Brothers travel to Britain bringing their flying machine along after a tour of the East Coast. The Marine landings in Panama are a massive success and the Marines move to secure Panama from Columbia. President Roosevelt now demands Panama from Colombia or the US troops will "push all the way to the Brazilian border." (Mod Response) President Roosevelt also sends US diplomats to the Kyoto Conference. With Panama finally America, Roosevelt sends US Army Engineer's to prepare for the construction of the canal. President Roosevelt also starts getting concerns that Mexico is threatening US interests in Central America. In Liberia, the African-American Convention occurs in Monrovia which acknowledges the large amount of US citizens in the territory and asking for Statehood within the Union.
- Colombia refuses (Done by Colgan on Discord).
- Columbia secedes Panama (Done By Colgan on Discord).
- Kingdom of Portugal: The two newly acquired Admiral-class battleships from the British are commissioned into the Portuguese Royal Navy as the Fernando Magellan and the Vasco de Gama. The former becomes the flagship of the Home Squadron at Lisbon, while the latter is sent to Macau where it becomes the flagship of the Commander-in-chief Far East. The navy also awaits the completion of the destroyers and cruisers in Britain. The first group of conscripts is drafted this year from among the Portuguese citizenry, entering service for 18 months and being sent to undergo military training. The Army is being equipped with modern rifles, some made in Portugal and some imported from Britain. Native troops are raised in the colonies, with several battalions having been established already. They are trained along side regular Portuguese forces from the homeland. The dictatorship of Prime Minister Gen. Luis Augusto Pimental Pinto continues as he continues economic and social reforms. Having cut wasteful expenditures and balanced the budget, the additional money is redirected toward useful ends, including education. Schools are opened, including in rural areas, to raise the literacy rate and education level. The leading industrial and agricultural families that dominate industry are encouraged by the government to trade more with the rest of Europe and expand their operations to grow the economy. In Angola and Mozambique, mining operations are expanded. The government promotes further development of this by giving ambitious chartered companies the rights to excavate different land in the African colonies, with the promise of great wealth from the natural resources there. This is done to create a boom in the mining industry there with iron ore, diamonds, and other materials.
- Argentina: President Eduardo Peron, due to various successes in the last few years, is re-elected on a platform of no budging. Argentina will not move from Uruguay. The Ultimatum sent by Brazil is considered an act of War, and the Argentine senate in Buenos Aires officially issues a declaration of war on Brazil. In short order roughly half the troops stationed along the border surge into Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul. the 150,000 strong force fully equipped with its modern bolt actions, modern artillery,
even some trucksand a highly organized logistical train slam into the smaller army in southern Brazil forcing two decisive battles in Puerto Alegre and Guarapuava attempting a full on rout of the Brazilian troops in the south before pushing heavily on to the capital of Rio de Janeiro and seizing their largest ports in the south of Santos, and Rio itself. As the war breaks out, the mobilized reserve forces are brought into the mainline army with nearly 850,000 troops having prepared for almost three years for this. With the expansion of much industry and the Argentinian arms industry working full tilt the Argentine army is more than equipped for the venture. This massive increase in military power in just a few short years showcases not only was Argentina a dormant power, she now had the wherewithal to use that newly awakened power. This new increase in military force is put into a non threatening way toward the other South American states, with Bolivia, Chile, and Peru being notified that Argentine forces will not do anything in that direction. The Economy under a wartime mobilization still seems to be doing well. However, it is noted under a proper war, the Argentina economy will begin to suffer in a few years as further manpower is drained from regular jobs at home. (More coming later.)- Too early for trucks (But only by a few years).
- Dominion of Canada: Canada would decide to Join the British commonwealth as we seem to think it would rebuild our economy (To the British player I’m sorry I didn’t join it sooner) Canada economy also start to go downhill as many protest have occur through out Toronto and Ottawa. Canada would soon declare martial law in Ottawa as riots began to break out. A rebel group is known as the Canadian Free party is founded bent on overthrowing the government as declare independence from Britain. To combat the failing economy, Canada would send diplomats to Germany, Mexico, France, and Japan to ask to start trade with us and them (Response needed). Canada would also lower its military funding.
- Persian Empire: We lay down a heavy cruiser. (More to come.)
- Kingdom of Sweden (Sweden's player never posted. I'm wishing to take over.): Long-standing ruler King Oscar II dies in his sleep. Bernhard Axelsson I ascends the throne. With the Norwegian people asking for the right to self-governance, King Bernhard opens negotiations. Wishing to avoid conflict with kinsmen, he grants them their independence. Seeing the rapid change in industry happening across the world, King Bernhard implements a program to bring factories to more cities. Trade is requested with Russia, asking for modern weapons. Mandatory military enlistment is implemented, bringing the army to 1,200. Parliament continues to bicker, with the centrist Labor Party dominating most of the conversation.
- Kingdom of Greece: While the crisis to their north is still going on, Greece's economic woes have been mostly stifled thanks to economic assistance of neighboring nations. Although, the liberal wave has not dissipated from the center of Greece's problems. The more radical elements of the liberal wave called for the dissolution of the monarchy with remaining powers given to a "President", while the rest still wishes for the power of the monarchy to be reduced. Most projects are still halted, but a few such as new roads are still being paved at least. The more powerful factions in the government is the pro-British (boosted thanks to economic support) and pro-Italian (for similar reasons). Other factions such as Pro-Austrian has significantly declined, with some members going into the Pro-Russian faction. (Secret) In response to Italy’s proposal, Greece would need time to see, but would be fine with a non-aggression pact until then. In addition, they could extend Italy’s free trade and port lease by another 15 years as well. Another huge war in Europe may be inevitable, so they’d like to see how things are arranged first. (ITALIAN RESPONSE) (End Secret) (More may be added later).
- Italian secret Dip: Italy happily agrees on the Greek terms.
- Austria-Hungary-Croatia: With the traitor forces smashed at Pécs and Eger, these armies begin moving toward Budapest where they will rondeview with the forces already there, where they hope to finally surround and besiege the city and hopefully end the war. The media reports on the victories at Eger and Pécs and say that “victory is near!” and talk of a final battle at Budapest.
- Kingdom of Morocco: The diplomats are waiting and need an official answer. (PLAYER REPONSE)
- The Russian Empire: While the Russian lower house of the Duma disapproves of the actions of the Hungarian rebellion, Russia does support the idea of greater autonomy or even independence for the lands with a majority Hungarian population. So that only lands where hungarians are a big majority will be part of a Hungarian state. While the Russian Government does support self-determination for the minorities in the Kingdom of Hungary, as they never had the chance for independence before. While the Russian government calls on Slavs in Austria-Hungary to resist any Hungarian aggression and to arm themself against the Hungarians. The Russian Government offering Austria to temporarily lend guns to the Slavic populations until the end of the war(Austrian Response). Due to the new friendship treaty with the Arabs, the Van-Cairo railway this connecting the British colonial Empire with Russian Anatolia and mainland proper. With it, allowing Russian Orthodox Christians to more easly visit the Holy Land of Palestine. With plans to make a railroad to Hejaz from Palestine to connect all holy cities of the Abrahamic faiths. With the Russian government for the first time since the Russo-Turkish wars sending diplomats to the Turkish Sultanate, with the Russian Government wishing to better relations with the Sultanate. With the Russian Tsar showing support for the heir of the Turkish Sultanate, Mehmed (V). As he is seen as a new step for the Turkish state who is able to blow new ideas into the Sultanate, even if he is still an absolutist. While in Afghanistan, the Russian Empire begins supporting monarchism and stability in the nation. Due to the situation in China, Russia begins to fully support Mongol independence from China. With Russian Troops on the Border readying themself to if needed intervene fully against the Chinese state. With a total of 20,000 soldiers readied near the Chinese border. While Muslims who are seen as not fit for service are being allowed to fight in Sinkiang.
President Boulanger of France sends a diplomat to Great Britain requesting the renewal of ties between France and Great Britain and hopes to forget the past actions of France against Great Britain. Meanwhile, Boulanger begins to build a massive military defense line known as the Boulanger Line along the border of Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium, and the Netherlands in secret.
Facing destruction, most of the remaining Hungarian troops in the countryside, bolstered by 15,000 more deserters and another 40,000 volunteers, gather into a single army, of some 140,000 soldiers. These troops rendezvous with General Patzák's 30,000 men and move to engage the Austrian Army near Pécs. The two armies clash on the 6th of July 1904.
Brazilian units in the South, the core of the Brazilian standing army, stubbornly resist the Argentine advance. Although they are eventually forced to fall back, taking heavy casualties in the process, the Army of the South buys the Brazilian Government time to call up the reserve army and shift other standing units south. The Brazilian Army reaches a strength of 400,000, equipped with a near even mix of modern and old bolt action rifles and a smattering of light and medium field artillery. Aid is requested from countries across Europe and the Americas.
Immigration to Argentina and South America in general falls off as migrants from Italy and Spain choose to immigrate to Mexico, the United States, or South Africa.
With more than ten percent of the Argentine population deployed to the front, and nearly one in three working-age males in the army, the economy suffers immensely. Labor intensive food production collapses, particularly beef and wine. Grain production also suffers without enough laborers to bring in the whole harvest effectively. Labor prices skyrocket and although some women enter the workforce, conservative social norms delay the uptake of women in factory jobs. Although enough food is produced to feed Argentina, exports are no longer economically viable given the shortage. The Immense cost of the army and the fall in revenue begin to weigh heavily on the government budget which was already stretched thin on arms spending and supporting uncompetitive strategic industries.
Guatemala revolts against Mexico.
- Mexico: Sends 100,000 troops to crush the revolution while also sending the navy to make sure no other country sends them arms (Mod Response Needed). President of Parliament Humberto also says that to become a Mexican citizen you have to join the army for four years or join a developing town. Henry releases Guatemala/Belize. Taking the 100,000 troops up to the American Front.
Henry announces that women can join the military gaining an extra 50,000 on the American Frontwhich is led by the Emperor (Just as a reminder the Emperor OTL was a semi-successful WWI general). Henry holds a speech saying even though he is the Emperor that Americans have more Imperialism in their bold, then he says that he's only gonna be a constitutional monarch. He digs into the trenches and waits. (Mod response needed). - Sadly, it is too early for that. - Mod
- Mexico: Sends 100,000 troops to crush the revolution while also sending the navy to make sure no other country sends them arms (Mod Response Needed). President of Parliament Humberto also says that to become a Mexican citizen you have to join the army for four years or join a developing town. Henry releases Guatemala/Belize. Taking the 100,000 troops up to the American Front.
- United States: "It has come to my conclusion, that this vile Empire called Mexico poses a threat not only to its own people, but to the people of the United States and Central America as well. Hereby, Congress, I ask for a declaration of war to curb this rabid dog of Mexico, cursed by European leadership." Roosevelt would get his war. With the declaration of war on Mexico 400,000 troops are moved to Texas under General John J. Pershing. Arthur MacArthur is dispatched to California with 300,000 soldiers. Meanwhile, a third smaller army under Adna Chaffee is assembled in Florida, these are comprised of 40,000 marines, with a large chunk veterans of the Panama Expedition. Four battleships of the USN along with nine armored cruisers and 16 destroyers under William Dewey are dispatched to blockade the East Coast of Mexico. Large amounts of artillery and other heavy weaponry along with machine guns are assembled. Some US soldiers are armed with new Winchester 1904 Self-Loading rifles (OTL Winchester 1905). The appropriately located USS California and USS Maine in San Diego harbor are dispatched along the coast to provide fire support against Mexican forces. Work on the Panama Canal begins. In Mexico US forces take Tijuana and the city of Piedras Negras are seized before the main Mexican force arrives. What matters is not the Mexican resistance, what matters is that US troops have crossed the barrier of the Rio Grande and are in Mexico proper.
- Kingdom of Sweden: Industry continues to expand, with a push toward automobiles happening. King Bernhard also levies funds for the construction of a new Husqvarna weapons lab and factory around Stockholm. Iron workers begin demanding better working conditions, leading to some minor protests. Factory owners demand the Riksdag to take action, eventually leading to the organization of the Formal Swedish Police (FSP) by the end of the year. 800 soldiers are sent to Malmo for training exercises and to establish a small base.
- Argentina: The Argentine victories in Southern Brazil see all of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina fall under Argentine control. The Gendarmerie secures occupational control over the two states including its industrial centers. With roughly 60 percent of Brazil's industry within these states, as well as food stores among other key resources, these are shipped home. With the bulk of the Brazilian army along the front running from Parana to Sao Paulo, the Argentine forces plan Operation Diablo. 600,000 troops are brought together to take the state capital of Parana and push deeply against Sao Paulo and its port of Santos. This two-pronged assault is geared toward encircling a fair number of Brazilian troops in the offensive as well as capturing the three important Brazilian cities. To facilitate this attack in a more organized fashion a more comprehensive communication system is established with colored flares, horse messengers, among many others to act as force multipliers for the army assault. A large cavalry contingent is also attached to the Army to help keep the war a war of movement knowing that if Argentine forces run into defensive fortifications similar to the ones they have built along the old border ... then the war will drag out into one of heavy attrition for them. As the economy ails on the homefront, wartime legislation is passed overriding business concerns over women in the factories. Thousands upon thousands of women take up men's jobs in the factories, fields, and other key industries managing to save the country from total economic devastation. In a public speech in Buenos Aires, to thousands of people, the public relations detachment of the Argentine Army calls this "A Patriotic war of unheard of proportions for our people. Defeating Brazil will solidify our place in the sun, and our place in history". This effective piece of PR combined with the quick capture of two major Brazilian states in the opening months of the war sees public support for the war surge and allow themselves to put up with key wartime legislation, rationing, and heavier work hours. With the inclusion of women in the workforce the economy is stabilized to a decent degree and the export market begins to recover somewhat. However, as the war grows in scope, so does the needs of the military in the wake of their successes in Brazil.
Arms factories are expanded, becoming the envy of South America and in some cases the rival to any European or American arms factory. Steel production exceeds quotas and the food industries are able to secure themselves in the face of the war as the government is able to front the money to these factories.With an extremely high credit standing across the planet, the Argentine government is able to secure loans upon loans to pay for the war managing to secure budget issues for the next few years. Albeit this causes some issues later but only if the war is lost wholesale. With lighter fighting in terms of equipment used but more bitter resistance than expected from the small southern Brazilian units, the Argentine military is able to outfit the vast majority of its frontline units across the front to the north with Brazil's new guns or make up the difference with the modern arms purchased from the European powers. Artillery is slower on the uptake but with minimal Brazilian artillery support to back up their army casualties and losses to the artillery corps is expected to be light. The army waits for extremely favorable weather conditions before attacking. In the cooler months (since most of this area is tropical in nature) the assault is launched with 450,000 troops across the whole front. Artillery booms for hours, and finally the whistles blow. The Argentine Army slams into the Brazilian lines across the whole front simply planning to overwhelm this Brazilian Army and push on to her important heartland cities of Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro fully attempting to knock out most of Brazil's population from the war leaving a much smaller conscription pool for them to use later in the war. The subsequent offensive on the Brazilian front sees great success on the front with the offensives to the northwest, and southeast of the city succeeding and completing an encirclement of the city. The final assault on Curitiba sees the bulk of both armies meet within city limits. While the Brazilian forces fight well, the Argentine Army manages to secure multiple strategic points and forces the surrender of the Brazilian forces about two months after the siege began. This leaves roughly 100,000 Brazilian troops outside of the encirclement remaining to guard the capital region and the major cities in the south.- You are at Soviet Union levels of total WWII mobilization. Your factories are not becoming the best in the world overnight. -Mod
- Imperial Federation: Two dreadnought hulls are laid down for the new Audacious-class. (the OTL dreadnought-class but with a superfiring turret four). These ships are similar to the earlier dreadnought, but include 12" guns rather than the smaller and weaker 10" guns of the dreadnought. Although not the focus of parliament, the army looks to Triumph Motorcycle Company to help them develop a rugged, easily repaired scouting and communications motorcycle. Economically, the empire prospers, after recovering from the slowdown in the global economy over the last few years investments return to growth. Australia’s economy continues to grow rapidly, with expansion in the mining and steel industry. The other states in the federation also experience solid growth in general. Adoption of more advanced and novel educational methods spreads across the British Isles and begins to appear in Australia as well. The English Parliament decides to heavily invest in several “competitive” industries: turbine engineering, chemical science, and electronics. State funds are pumped into education in these industries, and investment is subsidized. Work continues on a major chemical port at Portsmouth to help facilitate the industry. After viewing the marvellous demonstration put on by the Wright Brothers, King Edward VII’s Grandson, Prince George, becomes deeply infatuated with flight and the aeroplane. He begins experimenting with model gliders, and his enthusiasm convinces King Edward to personally sponsor the establishment of The Royal Aviation School, a college dedicated to developing aeroplanes and pilots. The school is endorsed by the army and navy, and in combination with the English Government it receives sufficient funding to take in its first class of students and educators.
- Nippon: Having secured a very advantageous treaty with Qing, Tokyo begins organizing the newly gained territories of Liaodong, Formosa, and the Penghu Islands. construction of the naval base in Dalian continues and the Liaodong Concession is organized into the Kwantung territory. The 80,000 occupation force is reduced to 50,000 and reorganized into the Kwangtung Army. Noting the performance of the exemplar performance of the Ruthenian Volunteers, the IJA decides to keep the name Ruthenian Volunteers to honor their service, and decide to leave it as a unit which foreigners can join. Japanese forces are also sent to inspect and secure lands in Manchuria for the planned Railway in Southern Manchuria. Companies also begin surveying land in Manchuria. Demobilization continues with an influx of of veterans returning to the work force. The newly returned troops quickly join the labour movements leading to a rise in violence between police and labour movements. As crackdowns become more aggressive a lot of the Union members meet in the red light district due to the fact that police tend to leave those areas well alone. Work on the new battleship continues the Fuji-class is slated for completion by 1907, work on a smaller more agile battleship following the pursuit battleship design of the British also continues. Industrial growth continues. Luxury motor cars become popular amongst the merchant class. Pan-Asianism begins gaining a strong traction amongst the the Neo-bushido movement, amongst the military, and more traditionalist nationalists as opposed to the outright "leave Asia" mentality of the liberals. The young Teruhito who has been styudying in London, becomes interested in aviation following the demonstrations and requests permission to join the Royal Aviation School. Secret Action: The Black Dragon Society begins extending its ties to dissident groups in China and Korea, and sets up local branches in the Philippines and Vietnam with the intent of expanding Pan-Asianism.
- He may join. - Imperial Federation Diplomacy.
- Nippon: Having secured a very advantageous treaty with Qing, Tokyo begins organizing the newly gained territories of Liaodong, Formosa, and the Penghu Islands. construction of the naval base in Dalian continues and the Liaodong Concession is organized into the Kwantung territory. The 80,000 occupation force is reduced to 50,000 and reorganized into the Kwangtung Army. Noting the performance of the exemplar performance of the Ruthenian Volunteers, the IJA decides to keep the name Ruthenian Volunteers to honor their service, and decide to leave it as a unit which foreigners can join. Japanese forces are also sent to inspect and secure lands in Manchuria for the planned Railway in Southern Manchuria. Companies also begin surveying land in Manchuria. Demobilization continues with an influx of of veterans returning to the work force. The newly returned troops quickly join the labour movements leading to a rise in violence between police and labour movements. As crackdowns become more aggressive a lot of the Union members meet in the red light district due to the fact that police tend to leave those areas well alone. Work on the new battleship continues the Fuji-class is slated for completion by 1907, work on a smaller more agile battleship following the pursuit battleship design of the British also continues. Industrial growth continues. Luxury motor cars become popular amongst the merchant class. Pan-Asianism begins gaining a strong traction amongst the the Neo-bushido movement, amongst the military, and more traditionalist nationalists as opposed to the outright "leave Asia" mentality of the liberals. The young Teruhito who has been styudying in London, becomes interested in aviation following the demonstrations and requests permission to join the Royal Aviation School. Secret Action: The Black Dragon Society begins extending its ties to dissident groups in China and Korea, and sets up local branches in the Philippines and Vietnam with the intent of expanding Pan-Asianism.
- Kingdom of Portugal: The economic development of Angola and Mozambique is given more attention by the government as more chartered companies are granted permission by the King of Portugal, HM Carlos, to develop the land there. Other kinds of trade also flourishes in Portuguese Africa. Trading companies set up shop in Angolan and Mozambique port cities as new investment allows railways to be built farther inland, connecting the interior more with the coasts. A variety of products are exported from these regions — timber, ivory, cotton, wax, palm oil, coffee, and tobacco, with mining also leading to increased exports of diamonds and iron ore. Much of the work in the mines is done by African laborers, with engineers and managers from metropolitan Portugal. More Portuguese colonists arrive in Angola and Mozambique as the economy develops. Efforts to increase education among the colonial populace are also started by the local governors, with more schools being opened, including to teach Africans the Portuguese language. Other European companies are also encouraged by Portugal to invest in various industries in Portuguese Africa to increase the pace of development in exchange for profits, with the current efforts mainly driven by state-managed and chartered companies. It is expected that these efforts will lead to a great increase in government revenue for Portugal. The development of the Far Eastern colonies is given less attention than Africa. Macau remains mainly a trading post for trade between Portugal, China, and the surrounding region, with fishing being the main industry. Timor is little more than an outpost. Portuguese India (Goa) is an important naval base and trade post for Portuguese trade with East Asia. The military forces east of Africa are under the overall authority of the Far East Command, based in Macau and Goa. The Commander-in-Chief Far East is usually an admiral, because the forces there rely on the Portuguese Royal Navy for communications and transport, and is based on Macau. In the mainland, the government continues opening new schools and increasing the literacy level among Portuguese. Railways are also expanded. The second class of conscripts enters the national service in the army and navy. Portugal receives several of the warships purchased from Britain, destroyers and cruisers. Prime Minister Pimental Pinto continues his plans of creating the new organisation for the armed forces, with the naval one complete and army units being reformed into new divisions and regiments. The total number of troops in the armed forces is about 80,000 men.
- Austria-Hungary-Croatia: We raise 200,000 more troops and send one-half to Budapest and the other the troops engaging the traitor forces in order to crush them. We redirect the troops we sent to Budapest and the ones from eger to come and help the 300,000 men defeat the Hungarian forces. After doing so and the Hungarian soldiers retreating in disorder, the 500,000 force marches toward Budapest where the retreating Hungarian forces have reportedly regrouped at, once there, the 500,000 force will rendezvous with the other troops there to besiege Budapest.
- The Kingdom Of The Netherlands: The entirety of the country continues to industrialize and expand drydocks and finishes two of the five US-provided battleships bringing the Dutch fleet to a total of seven battleships. The remaining battleships from the US are being created into dreadnought-class battleships following a reverse engineering based upon British designs - the first of which should float out of drydock around late 1905.
- The Russian Empire: The Russian Empire once more condemns the actions of both the Hungarian rebels and those of the Austrian Realm - as the Russian Empire does not only fear what will come and how it will influence Austrian policy. As Russia is afraid that Austria would forego self-determination in the place of Punishment and Dictatorialism, Russia, believing it could lead to mass excecution and mass oppression after the end of the mass resistance of the Hungarians. While this is happening, we Bukovinan and Transylvanian Romanians are called upon to defend our homeland, while we are asked to be had but merciful when rebels surrender - as killing a person who has surrendered is against perceived human decency to do so. In the Caucasus, due to the invention of the car and the truck the first amounts of oil on a semi-industrial scale begin to be investigated and drilled for. With scientists and entrepreneurs looking into the possibility to use oil for the fueling of ships, as oil gives more energy for its weight compared to coal. Due to this see it as a way to make ships go farther away and even in some form more self-reliant. With the scientists believing that Russia has enough oil to have surplus even when it is being used for the Russian nation at the full extent for possibly years. While in Russian Yemen new naval bases and barracks are being built. With the Yemen situation the Russian Empire opens a competition in Yemen to design a flag for the governate that is Yemen, as the current flags used are not specific to Yemen and sometimes called confusing by the local autorities. In Asia the regular army begins the training of "the Kublai Khan First Infantry Battalion" and the "Kublai Khan Second Infantry Battalion" getting the most modern of guns, hoves and uniforms with a combination of Russian winter and Mongolian traditional Uniforms. With the uniforms being a reflection of the war those who are involved and of the Mongol culture. With the refugee army being more likely to have Russian Uniforms while Peasant armies ruled by Mongolian nobility having more traditional uniforms with regular army having to depend on profesionality and financial ability. This is also true for weaponry, although the local Russian governments have set up a program where you can get a new modern rifle cheaper if you return the older guns - with some becoming decorations and ceremonial items many of the less detailed get smelted down and the wood used for either burning wood or to make tools and toys from.
In Mexico, many women take to the streets to protest Mexico’s new policy of military service being the only way toward citizenship, which totally bars women from military service. Many others protest against the government’s policies over the past few years and riots break out.
The Qing sign the Treaty of Tianjin. This causes the riots and rebellions in the countryside to spread to the city and the capital goes up in flames.
A certain Vladimir Ilyich Lenin publishes his work "What is to be done?" (Что делать? in Russian). It quickly becomes one of the most controversal and popular books among labour organizers and intellectuals alike.
France offers to give French Somalia and North Africa in return for the land taken by italy in the 1870s and French support for a war against Austria
- United States: President Roosevelt ignores the fact that the Mexicans have left Central America and sends Chaffee with his 40,000 troops to land in Belize and secure a foothold in Southern Mexico and drive Mexican troops out of Guatemala. With little Mexican resistance to stop the border crossings, Pershing begins his drive south in Operation: Cowboy to drive on Monclova and Monterrey. US troops on their way to Monclova and stopped by the bulk of the Mexican army at Sabinas. With Tijuana taken and the lack of Mexican troops in Baja, the peninsula is overrun by US troops. Only minor resistance occurs during the Baja campaign, with real fighting against local militia and police at Loreto, La Paz, and Cabo san Lucas. Arthur MacArthur only puts a token force of 10,000 troops to govern the vast expanse of Baja. With Belize have no chance at forming a government, under orders from Roosevelt Chaffee declares the "Territory of Belize, United States of America." The Wright Flyer III makes an incredible flight of 39 minutes! Elements of the Pacific Squadron three battleships, seven cruisers and 15 destroyers are dispatched from Pearl Harbor and San Diego to start the blockade of Western Mexico. Seeing the Persian ship approaching, USS Indiana and USS New York are dispatched with another squadron of ships which include four more cruisers and five more destroyers to enforce the Mexican blockade. Also, secretly in Houston, the USS Holland prepares for maiden wartime voyage in case anything happens.
- Persian Empire: After having not been seen for a few weeks in public, the shah appears on the balcony of the Royal Palace in Persepolis where he holds a speech which is hoorayed by everyone there. Meanwhile, the railroad from Baghdad and Tehran begins to be improved with better trains and better railroads. Seeing how the situation in Mexico is unfolding, the shah orders the RPS Naser Shah battleship to head to Mexico and offer the king political asylum in Persia. (MEXICAN RESPONSE NEEDED). The ship is also ordered not to engage the US fleet as that would be a fatal mistake. Seeing the reinforcements to the blockade by the US Navy, the RPN Naser Shah backs off but remains in the area just in case.
- Imperial Federation: The Audacious class enters service as the Imperial Federation’s second class of dreadnought-style ships. Interest rises in submersible technology after decades of disdain from the high-admiralty. Despite this resistance, a class of coastal submarines is ordered, deemed the “A class” the order for eight ships. The submarines prove extremely dangerous and within four months of launching A1 sinks and is raised with the loss of four crewmen. Plans call for a “B class” series of ships for future development. Economically, the empire prospers owing to new markets in China, the influx of gold and silver reserves, and the continued dominance of global trade. British dominance of the Guangdong Economic Zone is asserted rapidly and the local government comes under de facto Imperial Protectorate Status with corrupt but pro-Cantonese officials consistently receiving bribes to allow British exploitation of the region. Hong Kong booms economically as the whole Guangdong region feeds its port. Australia’s economy continues to grow rapidly, with expansion in the mining and steel industry. The other states in the federation also experience solid growth in general. Adoption of more advanced and novel educational methods spreads across Australia and New Zealand as well. Investment in turbine engineering, chemical science, and electronics sees the young industries grow rapidly. British naval-turbines come to dominate the global market, and chemical factories in and around Portsmouth produce new and novel substances from imported oil. Historically a leader in radio-science, the electronics sector grows rapidly with the introduction of naval-radio stations to protect shipping from disaster. Radio echo detection systems are demonstrated to the admiralty by an Alfred Bailey of Bailey Electronics Systems, based on the conceptual work of Christian Hülsmeyer. His system is not adopted as it is too large, cumbersome, and expensive to operate on ships at the moment, but it holds great promise. Funding is quietly diverted to prop-up this company and the entire affair is intentionally kept out of the press to keep Imperial interest in Radio Detection and Ranging systems from the international spotlight. The Ministry of Military Intelligence is established following all of the assassination and covert operations attempts carried out by Mexico. Under the Ministry several sub-ministries are created to fulfill different roles. MI1 serves to provide geographical data to the armed services from all corners of the globe, compiling maps and geological reports to support the armed forces. MI2 serves to protect the homefront for foreign saboteurs and spies, including corporate spies. MI3 is created to support Imperial interests abroad with propaganda and the winning of “Hearts and Minds.” Finally, MI4 is founded as the national intelligence services to infiltrate and gather information from actors abroad. The Royal Aviation School, becomes home to a cohort of young men who dream of flying, including the Japanese Crown Prince. The boys and their professors, without access to planes themselves, construct several dozen gliders and models based on the Wright Flier. Several of the designs are successful with the longest flight lasting just under four minutes.
- Turkey: The decline of the reigning monarchy's power has gradually dissipated into an oligarchical administration known as the "Young Turks", who's political power has gained as the Ottoman dynasty's decreased. Their control over various aspects of the economy has allowed their political presence to be seen as unprecedented, as well as a gain major boosts in popularity after regional reforms are made to infrastructure and education, as well as furthering the agriculture sector through more efficient farming methods that were dismissed in the former Empire. Abdul Hamid II, the current Sultan, becomes much of a figurehead as the Young Turks spread their political influence into the damaged and inferior Ottoman Army and Navy, as well as raising their own armies as a counter in case of Abdul Hamid II's deciding to change the flow of political control in Turkey. In terms of cultural change, the Young Turks often promote the modernization of the country, through means of liberalism and social securalism, although the latter remains low profile. A certain Young Turk named Kemal Atatürk writes about the philosophy of the "Six Arrows" in his political manifesto, Kemalism and The New Order.
- Kingdom of Italy: The marine is given a larger focus on the new torpedo technology and submarines. The fortification program with Dutch support on Sumatra continues, especially along the Strait of Malacca to minimize piracy in the region. After the French do not meet the political asylum is given to Solidarite members. Militarism is still popular among the population and many young men still sign up for the army. The Venezuelan debt crisis is met with concern, as US interventions in the Southern half of the continent make things more complicated. SECRET Given that the start of the debt problem occurred two years ago, the naval administration does not expect the US to still have interest in the matter. A fleet of two dreadnoughts and a couple of destroyers are sent out along with 500 special naval infanterists to enforce the Venezuelan government to pay back the debt it owes to Italy. If this fails, a wave of agents are sent to Venezuela to stage a coup with oppositionist officers and install a new government. SECRET END. The modernization efforts affect the colonies of Carthage and Mali as well, including all ports used by the Italian navy. As ships become larger, harbors are often enlarged as well to have a larger capacity. Three more dreadnoughts are ordered, along with another four destroyers. A few outdated vessels are given to the Carthaginian emirate, where the first attempts for a professional navy are made. It will be under a similar form of administration to the other colonial armies, as the NCOs and lower ranked officers are natives, but the highest staff is largely Italian. The industrialists are given lower taxes if they invest into a more modernized form of production, the same goes for farmers if they use modern farming methods. Fiji becomes more and more of a criminal colony, where not only poor immigrants often end up doing the hard work on the fishing boats or sugar fields, but also criminals that are given the choice of exile work there. An offer is made to Argentina, that Italy will sell weaponry for 50 percent below market prices and send officers to the Argentinian army, in exchange for favorable trade deals, as well as an exclusive trade deal for oil with Italy for the next 20 years (ARGENTINA RESPONSE PLEASE).
- Kingdom of Sweden: With What is to be Done quickly reaching the hands of the factory workers, and wishing to avoid any conflict with the Marxist union organizers, King Bernhard and the Riksdag agree to sit down with labor oragnizers to discuss work conditions before any unrest spreads. In the following weeks, the Koalition för Arbetarens Främjande is formed. Consisting of union leaders, government officials, and the owners of the largest factories. The first orders of the FSP are to ensure that the new labor reforms are upheld. Across the country, factory workers are starting to see meager increases in wages and time off. Some even say they're content. The army continues to grow, reaching close to 2,000 men. A contract is struck with Husqvavrna for each soldier to receive the newest model Mauser. With the base in Malmo almost complete, a new one is planned for Gotebord and Linkoping, scheduled to be completed in 1907 and 1908 respectively.
- Kingdom of Portugal: The Portuguese government continues its colonial policy of developing the empire to improve the stagnating economy. More companies continue to arrive in Angola and Mozambique to develop the new industries there, and Portuguese colonists from the metropole. The mining and other natural resource extraction industries continue to expand in particular, with timber, ivory, diamonds, and iron ore being seeing increased levels of production. Other products, like agricultural and animal goods, are also traded from the interior to the ports of Angola and Mozambique for export abroad. Railways are still being constructed to connect the coastal regions to some outposts and towns farther inland, and thus increase trade. The local administrations continue to open schools, starting in ports and major cities but also moving out to the rural areas eventually, to teach both Portuguese settlers and Africans. Back in the metropole, the government continues expanding railways throughout the country and building new schools to increase the education level. The army organizes the new battalions of conscripts on the regional level, creating a militia structure that will also allow former conscripts to be mobilised again quickly if need be until they are aged 40. The next class of conscripts enters the service. The Portuguese Navy receives the last of the British warships, with the total fleet amounting to two battleships, six cruisers, eight destroyers, 15 torpedo boats, and some other smaller auxiliary vessels.
- Argentina: The immense victory in Parana last year against the bulk of the Brazilian army has emboldened the army in its attempts to push on Brazil and with the Brazilian forces remaining having retreated farther north to their capital, the army take control over vast sections of southern Brazil. The Crowning achievement of the first stage of Operation Diablo was the capture of Brazil's second most important city, as well as the burgeoning port of Santos which is repurposed to accept Argentine Supply ships. Nearly 250,000 Prisoners of war are brought back to Argentina and are put to work in low level work, alleviating some of the working concerns as more people in this instance are able to be pushed into the factories as the Brazilian POW's are put under guard and tasked with Mining operations, and Farming albeit not totally replacing Argentina workers in this economic sector by any means. The economy remains on the war footing and remains somewhat stable albeit stagnant. The expansion of critical war industries such as arms, and steel continue with their expansion helping fuel the war effort. Phase 2 of Operation Diablo is enacted as the Argentina army makes a concentrated push on the Capital of Rio De Janeiro and thus having nearly 70 percent of Brazil's recruitable manpower under Argentine occupation at the conclusion of its success. While the losses last year to Brazil were significant, the Argentine army did not come off unscathed, with upward of 100,000 of its own casualties. However, many of the dead were not necessarily from combat from disease. Of the casualties roughly 30,000 of the men are able to return to service and are redployed. About halfway through the year the Argentine Army along the whole front launches an assault. spread evenly between the three areas of advance, the Argentine forces expect similar deployments of the Brazilian army and dont intend on an Encirclement around Rio but purely a total push in which predictions put the Brazilian forces falling back after fierce engagements. The Assaults on the Brazilian Left and Center go extremely well with the Brazilian rmies there being shattered in detail as the Argentine forces push heavily north securing more populated territory and the Argentine 2nd army in the center managing to reach the coast as the 3rd army farther to the left flank pushes deeper along a broad front of Brazil coast. Out of necessity for the asault on Rio and needing to take this city as soon as possible another 100,000 troops are brought up to participate in the planned assault on Brazil's capital. The assault carries on as planned but with the core of Brazil's mainline units guarding the city and heavy entrenchments, the capital is held. However, the city is promptly put to a siege in which artillery fires at night targeting major points of interest and landmarks within the city. The Argentine forces plan specifically to wipe out the remaining resistance the next year.
- The Russian Empire: With the Treaty of Tianjin being, Signed the "Genghis Khan first Dragoon Brigade" and the"Kublai Khan First Infantry Battalion" and the "Kublai Khan second Infantry Battalion." Become the first units in the United (Outer) Mongol Armed forces, While the "Cossack Volunteer Corps" and the "Ruthenian Volunteer Corps of the Dnieper Basin" as they have allready fought in Japan Become the base of the Russian Protection force of Mongolia. Russian and Foreign Transport Companies Begin the planning of ways to improve the Mongolian Infrastructure. As Roads outside of cities exist of mostly just hardened dirt, These companies wish to improve it by giving low interest loans so the Mongol state can afford to build it. With Even Ideas to have the Transiberian Railroad link up with a Pan-Mongol Railroad. With the Russian government willing to aid in the laying of these railroads. The Russian lower house of the Duma also wishing for a trade deal where industry and goods will be given to Mongolia in return for horses, With Russia allowing horses as a payment to the Russian government. This is due to the need of horses in the Russian army.Due to the Situation with Turkey the Russian Lower House Offer the Turkish Sultan and His heir Mehmed (V) materials to Crush the Ethnic Nationalist Young turks Movement, as it is seen as against the nature of sovreignity and nationhood. With the Russian lower house of the Duma Forbidding the Young Turks Movement from asembling together, Violators being stripped of the Right to vote if they were able to do so and if not Exille into Siberia. The Russian Millitary and Prison system begin to Consider the use of Penal Millitary units, With Duties of the Penal Units depending on the crime and Loyalty. Some Brutal Murderers and killers being allowed to kill if they show sorrow and a will to change, and as punishment have to do the crime of killing the enemy. While troops who are suspected of esertion are giving more basic weaponry and tools to Prepare ditches, Trenches and other Building works. With one of the Bigger Motivations being that their buidling will also protect them from the Mayham. Cyril the Heir of the Russian throne begins with his father to learn the Craft of Bureaucracy, and Public Speaking. As even tough his father is in good health, he never learned these skills before as he never planned on being a tsar.Cyril now needing to adjust his life and his life plans to Become Tsar Kyril, With him promising to change the calender to the Gregorian Calender, To Introduce a Constitution, and the Consideration of the Latin Alphabet for Russian and Bigger Committment to an All-Slavic Organisation, and Abyssinian nationhood. While this is happening Coornelis land gets small waves of immigration, with it becoming a local hub for trade from the Russian Far East to Abyssinia.
A few French Marxists travel to South Africa to help teach the African natives who are oppressed by the White government about Marxism.
Suffering a series of defeats, the Hungarian National Army and the Government of the Republic of Army begin to collapse. Volunteers simply disappear into the streets, headed for home. Although loyalists remain the Hungarian cause is all but lost without foreign support as only 45,000 men still remain to defend Budapest.
The French National Assembly unilaterally passes an act proposed and supported by Boulanger called the “National Service Act” which says that all men 16 and up must serve in the military for at least six months. Boulanger also increases military spending, mostly on land forces, in order to keep up with the German Army and keep France’s military modern and appealing to the youth. Boulanger also renames the National Boulangist Party to the National Revanche Party. On a last note, (I don't know if this has been established already) changes the national anthem to the Chant du départ as part of his obsession with Napoleon.
In France itself, Boulanger scraps the airship fleet in favor of experimenting with precision aircraft and begins to task french inventors with copying the Wright Brothers design
The Solidarité party in France manages to stay alive, but is now an underground movement and severely small due to the large crackdown on the group years back.
- Mexico: Henry defended Middle Mexico and builds up trenches. (Secret) Humberto wishes for international aid from Britain, Germany, France, Russia and Italy (Response Needed) secret ends. Humberto tries to make peace with the US (US Response Needed)
- Russian Diplomacy: The Russian Government tells that the Russian army cannot help the Mexican empire, Due to logistical chalange it would be to get troops to Mexico together with the fact that the Russian government believes that peace is the only solution the Mexican government still has.
- Imperial Federation: A changing cultural landscape becomes more and more apparent in the home islands. Entrepreneurial forces are on the rise and the old aristocracy on the retreat. This is marked by the decision to further reduce the power of the English House of Lords. This move cements the younger, mercantile or industrial families as the centers of innovation and power in the country. Owing to large markets and free-trade policies, the industrial sector maintains its technical lead over continental rivals, not only in quality but also quantity. Financially, London remains the global capital of investment. Overseas investment has risen steadily since 1890 to around ₤3.5 billion yearly, particularly in Venezuela, Japan, the US, the Netherlands, Portugal, Greece, and the Commonwealth Nations. In all of these countries, British Capital is integral to the economy. However, the prosperity of the last 30 years does cause the rise of a labor movement. With working conditions in factories still harsh, the Elections of 1906 prove decisive in bringing the Labor Party to power in England and Scotland. The party pushes hard for reforms, and with the support of the unions labor reforms are introduced and passed. Minimum wages are passed in England and Scotland, as well as rules regulating working conditions and safety. Although behind the United States in total steel production, the Empire continues to lead in technology, with the adoption of electric arc furnaces in England and exploratory implementation in Australia. Overall steel production reaches seven million tons. Shipbuilding remains a huge industry in the empire, and England continues to dominate the global shipbuilding industry far and above. The turbine engineering, chemical science, and electronics industries continue to grow with government support but are increasingly able to stand on their own as profitable enterprises. In India, the economy has begun to truly modernize. The refinement of raw materials to their more easily transported finished resources becomes the fundamental backbone of the Indian economy. Modern farming techniques, introduced over the past 30 years become widespread thanks to the spread of modern educational systems. The birth-rate begins to fall with the introduction of contraceptives and the encouragement of their use. British investors support several major Indian rail systems that already connect most major Indian cities. Although industrial goods remain the sole realm of the importer, cotton fabric, partially refined mineral goods, and partially refined food products are the main exports to across the Commonwealth and the world at large. The Colonial administration begins to adopt a lighter touch, reducing taxes and allowing for more autonomous local authority. The internal division of the Raj are subsumed by the General Indian Administration Act of 1906 which unifies the political entity of the Raj into a single federalized entity. Across the Empire, education is modernized, and communications systems improve. Militarily, 1906 is an unimportant year compared to 1905. The Intelligence services begin international operations with agents secretly placed in China and other important countries. Shipbuilding continues and a new class of pursuit battleships is laid down. The B class submarines are developed more extensively, and the first of eight is begun late in the year. Hong Kong’s economy and population both grow rapidly, outpacing as Cantonese Migrants arrive in the city to work at the docks or in its industrial centers. Along the Chinese-Guangdong Border, 50,000 British Expeditionary Force troops are entrenched to prevent the spread of the rebellion to British-Influenced areas in the south.
- United States: Victory! Pershing’s boys take Sabinas and Monterrey. The Mexicans are routed completely by American manpower and firepower. Soldiers using the M1904 SL are seen to have to some effect in close range as the 1903 hammerless is a small caliber to use at range and the M1901 Springfield is too big for close range fighting. The self loading rifle proves itself. An army committee is set up to test tactics with the rifle or other semi automatic rifles made by Winchester or other company’s. With the victory at Sabinas Pershing’s left flank is covered by Leonard Wood who peruses the tattered Mexican northern army through the Sierra Madre. On the other side of the range, Pershing continues his drive against the Mexicans who are ready to do battle with their defenses at Ciudad Mante. Arthur MacArthur begins crosses the mighty Colorado River into Sonora with little resistance. President Roosevelt demands if Mexico surrenders they submit to all US terms in the Treaty of Dallas. Upton Sinclair, a socialist writer publishes "The Jungle" which ironically does less to convince people of socialism and more to convince people to hate the meat industry. The Meat Inspection Act is passed and the Food and Drug Administration is created. In Asia the first US troops move into Zhangzhou as the Stars-n-stipes are raised above the city. The 1906 Earthquake in San Francisco devastates the city and kills 3,000. The US Army and Navy help with the rebuilding of the city. Lynching of Latino's occurs following the destruction with some whites blaming the quake on "dirty Mexican terrorists". Continuing on the home from, the Osage tribe is given land in Oklahoma. Meanwhile, the Antiquities Act goes into law, allowing the Federal Government to reserve land for historical or conservational reasons. Devils Tower in Wyoming is declared the first National Monument. The Atlanta Race riot ensues with four dead, 26 wounded, and up to 14 people arrested. President Roosevelt condemns the violence on both sides. With Mexico signing the Treaty of Dallas, the US moves to secure the terms of the treaty. 3,000 marines are sent to Veracruz while all but 5,000 troops are withdrawn from Belize. The new territories of Baja California, Sonora, Chihuahua and Rio Grande are turned into territories. Meanwhile, Wood goes to Mexico City along with 20,000 US troops to arrest Emperor Henry. Carranza, meanwhile, is shipped in and shown his way to the executive mansion. President of the Parliament Humberto Espina is also removed of his role. Henry is housed in at Camp Brown, north of Mexico city as a US military outpost. The Federal Government will keep him there until arrangements for his deportation to Germany begins.
- The Kingdom of the Netherlands: The Netherlands sends a message to both Belgium and Luxembourg stating that the threat of France is too real to ignore as such we propose that the three countries unite under one flag and bring our fully organized might to bear upon anyone who wishes ill upon our nations. The first dreadnought battleship rolls off the dry dock and into the water. Our navy continues to be upgraded Begin Secret: Operatives are trained in assassination and strategic sabotage. This group will become known as the Royal Intelligence Agency of the Netherlands. (RIA) End Secret. As tensions increase Military drills of the Netherlands increase to make sure we are prepared for anything.
- Argentina: The end of the war is in sight! After last years grand success against Brazil is brought to light to the public, a weary but enthusiastic population greets President Peron who is close to nearing the end of his second term as president. As the election cycle begins he sets the precedent and refuses to run again saying "My work to build this country into something our children would be proud of is complete. It has been full of spent blood, treasure, and tears but i have done my part. The next president must guide us down the path of success I have laid out so plainly." However, President Peron remains dedicated to the war effort and personally saw many people working in the fields and in the factories and under close guard even visits troops at the forward base on the Uruguay-Brazil border giving an empassioned speech about their essentialy work being done for the country. The Economy continues to chug along and with Brazil and her capital entering her final hours the country is able to collectively relax a bit with various reservists and active duty troops no longer being needed. They are told to be ready for anything and they are all given the option of taking their equipment except their guns home and to return to the armories and barracks to finish their remobilization should it be needed. About 100,000 troops remain in occupied Brazil keeping the peace and making sure everything flows correctly. Farther to the north, the siege of Rio de Janeiro reaches new intensity and heights. Artillery barrages now go on day and night, and the army has erected its own defenses in case of a counter-attack. As the war reaches its ultimate conclusion, the Argentine Navy has even taken to the sea, fully intending to take direct part in the siege. Trading blows with the Brazilian navy when convenient but never committing to engagement, the Argentine fleet consisting of its two battleships, four armored cruisers, three light cruisers and 15 destroyers bombards the city whenever possible. The Army for the first time deploys some sort of air reconnaissance as four observation balloons have been built in the homeland and shipped up giving a big boon to watching over the battlefield. as a smaller army of about 50,000 pushes north securing more cities and territory with little resistance, the remaining 50,000 secure as many towns and cities as it can only stopping at the edges of the Amazon, simply refusing to enter the massive jungle. As spring hits, the Argentine Army commences its assault on the city. 500,000 troops are given the prelude of nearly six hours of artillery bombardment. The army approaches from all sides, augmented by a contingent of marines. The Assault points to a simply tactic. Overwhelm the defenders in absolute totality. Three assaults are made taking the outer sections, then the dockyards and shipwrights, and finally the government quarter polishing off the Brazilian troops inside the city. Casualties sustained are high and collateral damage to the city is catastrophic from nearly two years of siege on the city. Key generals of the Brazilian war effort are captured and as it stands Brazil currently lacks an effective armed forces and as the day-to-day begins to return somewhat to normal, Argentine forces begin to spread out into the country with about 100,000 remaining in the Sao Paulo and Rio capital regions to keep the peace. With the capture of many government officials, the deaths of many more, and the capture of many of Brazil top generals responsible for carrying out the war effort, Argentina begins to detail its direct demands to whats left of the Brazilian government. Brazil shall cede Santa Catarina, and Rio Grande do Sul to Argentina in perpetuity. Reparations will be enforced as well. Treaty of Rio. Late in the year, with the signing of the treaty of Rio Argentinians celebrate. 50,000 troops remain scattered throughout the ruined parts of Brazil acting as a pseudo-police force so the Brazilian authorities can get back on their feet. The Remaining troops return home except for the final 100,000 who remain stationed throughout the newly acquired states from Brazil imposing the Republics peace on them and setting up local government. The Brazilian POW's as well are returned in good health albeit still disarmed. The integration of Uruguay continues. However, a military force remains here as well making a unbroken chain of occupation and peacekeeping in Argentina's newly acquired territory. The shift in the economy from war cause a large dip and a post war recession begins as the government begins to look bringing its key civilian industries back into regular operation. As the army emobilizes roughly 150,000 troops remain in the Homeland with roughly 300,000 troops in totality across the board for the Argentine army. The men are guarenteed their jobs back and wartime legislation regarding the mobilization of women is repealed. This causes a stir as many women see their contribution as being unrecognized by the government and the beginnings of a suffragette movement begin in small numbers in many cities. As the war ends some attraction for immigration is sent back out with former programs beginning the resumption to encourage immigration once again to Argentina.
- Kingdom of Portugal: The general election of 1906 confirms the right-ward trend of Portuguese society, with the Partido Regenerador gaining a solid majority in the Chamber of Deputies, while the Liberals and Republicans continue to lose ground. The ruling party stresses the importance of the monarchy, patriotism to the fatherland, and Roman Catholic moral values, particularly the importance of the family. General Luis Augusto Pimental Pinto steps down after this election after having successfully initiated broad administrative and military reforms, as well as improved the economic conditions. Pimental Pinto becomes the Minister of War in the new cabinet as King Carlos appoints General Jose Augusto Alves Rocadas to take his place as President of the Council of Ministers. Rocadas pledges to continue the direction that his predecessor had set and sees the election victory as a confirmation of this. More schools continue to be opened in Portugal and colonies as the education budget is increased. Companies continue to arrive in Portuguese Africa to develop the resource-extraction industries there and more colonists arrive from the homeland. In Macau, Goa, and Timor, the local economy also grows as trade expands with the other colonies and they also begin to produce resources, to a lesser degree. The naval arsenal of Lisbon tests the country's first submarine, founding the submarine service of the navy.
- Kingdom of Romania: The year starts off with the first oil refinery in Romania opens in Prohava River valley. Napolact is founded. Carol Park is created. Romanian Gymnastics Federation founded. Traian Vuia achieves a 20-meter hop with his Vuia I aircraft. The newspaper called Viatra Romaneascua is founded. The King wants to open trade relations with Bulgaria to help both of our economies. [Mod Response Needed]
- Kingdom of Greece: Thanks to past foreign aid, the economy has reached levels of recovery that has not been seen since the economic dilapidation in the Balkans as projects started to resume. Orthodox Churches that were under construction are continued in Muslim majority areas in order to help convert the population. The Greek language and religion being more strictly enforced (such as the conversion of Mosques to Orthodox churches) in is currently being debated in the Hellenic Parliament, and a vote is agreed later in the year. With a vote of 163 of the 235 members of Parliament voted in favor of this, the order for a stronger Greek identity over the population is due next year. It has been noted that the Greek debt for all these projects that was built over the years has started to be shown on newspapers. This data has been taken up by the Liberal Wave. Cretan politician Eleftherios Venizelos, one of the more popular leaders of the Liberal Wave, has called for more reforms in the government and an end to the current political system. Greece wishes to order/request some Lee-Enfields (more specifically the Mannlicher 95 action with a short Lee-Enfield stock with 15 6.5 mm rounds per magazine) along with QF artillery guns in any sizes from the Imperial Federation (IMPERIAL FEDERATION, AKA UK, RESPONSE, PLEASE).
- Imperial Federation: We agree to sell 150,000 Lee-Enflields and 2,000 3" QF guns.
- Greek Dip: Our current standing military is only a fraction of that. But we'll agree to buy these for over a period of roughly three to five years (depending on future economic "weather" conditions), also for stockpiles.
- Kingdom of Sweden: The workers begin to settle into their new benefits, with the FSP having to only quell a few minor protests. Some of the factory bosses have a hard time accepting that they need to pay their workers more, the FSP are sent to these factories to ensure the new laws are being implemented. Our military continues to grow. The newly formed Engelbrektsson Brigade is permanently stationed at the base in Malmo. The Ragnar Lodbrok Battalion is stationed in Goteborg to ensure the defense of the western shores. Open trade with Russia is proposed, offering Husqvarna weapons and Volvo automobiles. The King recognizes the long history between our two great nations and therefore proposes an alliance to ensure the defense and safety of the North and her way of life.
- Dominion of Canada: After a vote Alberta has decided to join the confederation. The prime minister would welcome Alberta with open arms. Many Canadian would celebrate them as many of their families were in Alberta. Alberta joining us would allow our economy to rise up again ending the crash of 1903. Canada's economy would rise. However, many Canadians are still mad at the government. Alberta officially joined the confederation on June 6, 1906.
- Nippon: Naval and industrial expansion continues. Growth in heavy industry, and electrical industry open up new job opportunity. Development of three Hydro-electric dams in Honshu begin. the usage of wireless telegraphs start to gain traction specially in the navy with the new Fuji Class Battleship, and the smaller Kami class pursuit battleship having wireless telegraphs installed in them. Automotives become increaseingly popular, as does novelty aviation amongst the rich. A young officer in the navy Isoroku Yamamoto joins the naval staff college. The Kobe and Fukuoka general strikes occur after three dock workers get into a fight with local police and are subsequently killed. The police crackdown that ensues leads a wave of violence as many of the recently returning troops from the Sino-Japanese war look for work and join the protests. While the police manage to quiet down the riots, the riots serve to increase the militancy of the labour movements. construction of the port in Dalian is finished, and fortification of the Liaodong peninsula, and the Island of Formosa begin. Japanese merchants, sailors, and workers start going overseas to Japan's growing holdings in search of work. efforts to spread the Pan-asian narrative continue speacially in Manchuria and the Philippines, while efforts to destabilize Korean politics as groups like the Black Dragon Society, and the Cherry Blossom society promote a pro-Japanese agenda and get in touch with political dissidents within Korea. (Mod response). To further this, Japanese forces fortify Tushima Island and begin exerting pressure on Korean shipping.
- Persian Empire: After long discussion with Russian and the Imperial Federation, he Shah proposes that Persia and Arabia should unite into a union. There would be two heads of state, the Shah of Persia and the Caliph of Arabia. There would be cooperation on the navy, army and domestic policy but foreign policy would be up to each part of the union. (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED, NOT COLGAN)
- Kingdom of Italy:' The marine is given a larger focus on the new torpedo technology and submarines. The fortification program with Dutch support on Sumatra continues, especially along the Strait of Malacca to minimize piracy in the region. After the French do not meet the political asylum is given to Solidarite members. Militarism is still popular among the population and many young men still sign up for the army. The French offer is met with mixed feelings, as it is seen as unacceptable to give back the lands in Savoy, since those have been Italian for over 30 years by now, however, a purchase of the southern one-half of Somalia for 810 million Francs (around one billion US Dollars in today’s money). The border shall be drawn near the Jubba River (FRENCH/MOD RESPONSE NEEDED). 'The island of Corsica, as an independent nation under Italian protection, can be allowed for French influence however. The upcoming elections bring a slight rise in conservatism, when the Partido Cristiane del Rengo (a spiritual successor of the liberal-conservatives) gains about 15 percent of the vote, the URS gains 34 percent and the Liberali 40 percent. The rest is mostly one of the various minority parties, most notably the Venetian and Sardinian interest parties. The rest of the parliament members are independent. Investments into the first aircrafts take place, with large focus on light but sustainable motors. The focus for motorbikes as a means of transporting messages is also given, with most divisions having around ten motorized cyclists. Carthaginian oil exploitation is heavily invested in, as the first good results with digging for oil in a large scale are now possible. Two large ironclads and three battlecruisers are ordered as one of the major naval reforms that take place, as well with investments into the training and academies for military personal. The election system sees a large reform as well under URS Prime Minister Giollotti the first accident and compensation insurance becomes a reality, as well as an old-age pension (even though these pensions are barely enough to live off it), both after the German model. The modernization efforts affect the colonies of Carthage and Mali as well, including all ports used by the Italian Navy. As ships become larger, harbors are often enlarged as well to have a larger capacity. Three more dreadnoughts are built, along with another four destroyers. The industrialists are given lower taxes if they invest into a more modernized form of production, the same goes for farmers if they use modern farming methods. Fiji becomes more and more of a criminal colony, where not only poor immigrants often end up doing the hard work on the fishing boats or sugar fields, but also criminals that are given the choice of exile work there.
- The Russian Empire: With the Possibility of war, with the Sultanate. The lower and upper House of the Duma Pleads to Mehmed to prevent the pain and destruction of a new war while at the same time the Russian Army in Anatolia begins to prepare new trenches, and pillboxes across the border, together with new sanitation, administrative quarters and accomodations for the soldiers. Behind all of these being small gauge transport railroads for artilery shells and fueling needed for heat and machinery. Behind the near front towns near the border are also prepared with some better protected water supplies and improved communication technology. With minor tensions Smaller defences are being build on the western border of the empire, Like basic trenches with wood floors. Due to the Greater autonomy of Mongolia, Mongolian horses begin to be bought. Who are used for the transportation and pulling of heavy loads, and for Cavalry. These horses being Bulkier but shorter than European horses. While troops in Anatolia, Yemen and Abyssinia begin to acquire small numbers of camels so they can replace horses with camels. With the camels in Abyssinia being raised by the reformed Royal Army of Abyssinia. In Abysinia there being now two forms of army, Royal under King Menelik II and an Imperial under the Russian governments. With the Royal having higher numbers of native soldiers, with the best of the best going to the almost fully European Imperial Army. With Russian being mostly taught as language of the army together with Abyssinians, with regiments and higher all having a small translation section added to them as an extra. With these men also helping administration and documentation of the Regiment. While in Siberia, the Trans-Siberian Railroad is almost finished with only small distance and minor adjustments needing to be made, and specific stations and wagons needing to be made for the travel. The Russian Treasury offers Romania loans with low interest, so that they can recover from the damage. With Russian government offering to stop any import taxes on Romanian goods so that Romanians can access the Russian market better. Russian government also proposes a so-called Mutual Oil Company, where the benefits are shared together (Romanian Response). With the Oil Boom a the Russian Imperial oil Commision is created, which is a form of register and over coupling organisation for foreign nations to trade with so that Russian oil will be dealt with by one parent company, and then distributing the jobs to companies of each area. The Russian Imperial Oil Commission also being there to resolve company struggles and oil licenses. While the Russian government offers the Bulgarian government to help in its development, With transport and mining being the main focus and some on millitary capibility.Russia willing to aid in naval ship building for Bulgarian Black Sea Fleet. (Bulgarian Response)
- Austria-Hungary-Croatia: Victory! Shout the newspaper headlines, the traitor forces have been defeated at their base in Budapest, and the city, along with the entirety of Hungary, has been liberated. The victory is marked by a historical photo of a soldier raising the flag of the empire over the Hungarian parliament building. With the war over, the Hungarian government-in-exile returns to a ruined Budapest, where it announces an immediate campaign to rebuild the city and the nation as a whole. Martial law is repealed for the entirety of the empire except Hungary, where martial law and a military government shall remain until further notice. We disband the Hungarian army and establish a military police force to disarm the population. The Congress of Nationalities meets once again after having been dissolved for three years and gives the go-ahead for national reconstruction to begin. The congress during its return session announced the reopening of free trade in Hungary both within and outside the empire but with heavy surveillance. Now that the war is over we tell all our neighbors they can reopen trade with Hungary and tell Romania and Serbia that we will now deal with the smuggling problem. We reintegrate Lodamia back into Cisthlenia as a punishment for Hungary’s rebellion. The new pro-Austrian government we installed that is dominated by the Hungarian Labor Party has little power at the moment other then being a figurehead and the real power rests with the military governor, but its power will be restored eventually. The former leaders of the Hungarian rebellion are tried today in Vienna by a military court and sentenced to death for high treason and what they describe as “crimes against humanity”, while rebel fighters are all temporary sentenced to imprisonment for around one or two years in internment camps where they shall do community service and be reconciled while those a part of the former Hungarian army are tried in military court and either shot for desertion and betrayal, or imprisoned for life. The Hungarian Labor Party remakes itself the Party for the Peace and Development of Hungary and encourages Hungarian citizens to obey the imperial soldiers and support these acts. All forms of Hungarian media are put under military surveillance until further notice with a military official overlooking a news article before it is published. Austrian troops return from the war in Hungary with a heroes welcoming, veterans of the war are treated with honor and respect no matter where they came from, what their ethnicity is, or their religion.
In Iran, a secret society called the Secret Center and the Society of Humanity launch a popular revolution to establish a constitutional monarchy in Iran.
A glut in steel production caused by growth in Japan, Australia, Germany, and England sees a major fall in the price of steel. Continued production in new and unmodernized entrants to the markets face unprofitability, particularly Japan, Argentina, and Australia.
With the end of the War in Brazil, Argentines across the country are sickened to find that of the 1,000,000 men mobilized for the war only 550,000 will return home whole. Government reports show 112,482 casualties in the line of battle, 157,920 deaths due to illness or infections, and another 182,581 crippled or maimed veterans, many of whom will never fully recover. To make matters worse, Argentina's economy is shattered. Government debt is astronomical and interest takes up one-half of the budget. National wealth has been decimated by several years of very high inflation and real wages are unimpressive compared to other developing nations.
Germany continues its military build up. Oh and Bismarck dies this year with a prediction that a great European conflict will start over some silly dispute between France and Germany business in the Balkans. Meanwhile, Kaiser Wilhelm II orders the increase of military build up on the border with France and increase in military spending overall to counter France’s own military build up. He also surrounds himself with military veterans as advisors and begins to support anti-France movements.
- Persian Empire: In response to the so-called revolution, the shah offers to negotiate with the revolutionaries and reaches out to them for support in creating a parliament. (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED) The shah agrees upon the revolutioneries' demands and begans contemplating if the Parliament should be in Persepolis or in Tehran. In the end, it is decided that it shall be built in the new public square in Persepolis Next to the imperial palace. The shah will not imprison or do naything this time to the revoluonaries, but he issues a sharp warning that any more attempts will not be tolerated. The parliament is schduled to be finished in 1910. Meanwhile, while holding a speech at the royal balcony, the shah falls ill and is brought to the hospital where it is discovered that he has a fatal disease. The doctors give him a maximum of two to three years to live. With this info, the shah begins preparations for his burial but this is kept out of the public eye for now. Work on the second heavy cruiser continues.
- The Revolutionaries agree to negotiate and demand a parliament with full voting rights, as well as suffrage for men.
- Federation of La Plata: As this year opens and with so much loss comming from the war with Brazil, Argentina takes some measure of peace knowing it has knocked out its main dedicated enemy on the continent for good. With Casualties high for Argentina they remain much higher for Brazil having taken by last count anywhere from 1.5-2.5 million casualties with many of those being outright combat deaths as well as civilian deats as a result of the battles within five major cities within Brazil. In response for growing needs to re-examine Argentinas new situation and reality it remakes itself into a Federation giving Uruguay, Rio Grande do Sul, and Santa Catarina seven years to develop to the point of admission as states of the Federation of La Plata. The Elections this year see the Reactionary Party which is largely to blame for its stranglehold on the politics of La Plata, shrink considerably as more economically conservative and rebuilders enter the political landscape. On top of this the new president a staunch proponent of using contractionary fiscal policy and using seized assets from Brazil to pay down a significant portion of the debt to alleviate the issues incurred is elected. President Juan Paz takes control of the country in a peaceful transition of power which given the current situation in La Plata is unfounded. He immediately within his first 100 days begins negotiations with Argentinas creditors and manages to secure much lower payments on the Argentine loans via seized assets from Brazil, particularly from the seized gold reserves taken from a multitude of banks, and finally the national reserve of the Capital Rio de Janeiro. The payment is used specifically to put the La Platan national budget back on the map. On top of this, a contraction monetary policy is brought into play over the next ten years contract the money supply and help combat any potential rampant inflation within the country. On the more unpopular side taxes are indeed raised. A small amount on the lower classes and a much higher amount on the Upper classes. This is specifically raised sky high on the Upper class Brazilians who now live within La Plata, with Tax payments being extracted by force to some degree. This is also a somewhat underhanded way to break the back of the Brazilian aristocrats who live here now as well. Combating tax evasion becomes a major push for the government as the Federal Police force aka the Gendarmerie along side the newly minted Revenue Service of La plata begin to audit and push on business owners to make sure correct taxes are being paid. Steel and to some degree arms factories opened during the war see their reckoning as the need to shift to much more profitable industry specifically into profitable consumer goods. Feeding off of already profitable industries within La Plata, multiple factories are re purposed and retooled into food production plants such as canned food, household goods, even Liquor to a degree with a big focus on Whiskey and Wine seeing these as eternally profitable ventures. The retooling of said industry isnt seen as extremely expensive either due to their low impact and needs nature and in fact feed off of three of Argentinas chief exports.. Wheat, Beef, and Wine. The Military standing still at 350,000 sees 50,000 more troops dismissed as the occupation of Brazils core cities ends with only some token garrisons and administrators working to get the country back into some sense of normalcy. Seeking profitable industries to attempt to make profit on, a private citizen strikes oil in Vaca Muerta and immediately begins to set up shop. Due to lacks of personal and investment funds for this, the Government in Buenos Aires is approached to take involvement in this discovery and exploit it. President Paz and his economic ministers agree to set up a small oil operation to test the waters this not being to terribly expensive either and is promised a good share of profit from the industry should it take off. In order to further combat the economic ruin, the La Platan Peso is pegged directly to the Pound in order to facilitate further contractionary fiscal policy. Occupation authorities remain within the newly annexed states and in order to somehow reward current and former soldiers, a land evaluation of the new territory is held. While Uruguay didnt take many casualties, there lie many abandoned houses, farms, and other areas within the other two annexed states and these lands are rewarded to the soldiers of the war. Taking pointers from the homestead act soldiers and those considered key to the war effort are allowed to find a plot of land and settle on it and keep it for free, as long as the plot of land can be developed into something even resembling prosperous and profitable. This extends further into the rest of the country as well as the La Platan government hopes to fill in the gaps and remove the issue of "Islands of people in a sea of land" that plagues the majority of former Spanish America. This offer is even extended to immigrants to the country, however, excluding the new states for a period of 20 years seeing the need to increase a sparse platine population in the area. In order to more thoroughly keep the peace in the taken states, the La Platan government officially ends any remnants of Slavery, as well as any segregation policies within the states and affectionately refers to the black population of these states as Afro-Latinos in a bid to win their outright support. This does result in serious points within the states and a series of Afro-Latino pro-La Platan groups emerge in the following months. Resistance to the occupation within the annexed Brazilian states remains decently high but with no major force of arms to speak of and the most hardened soldiers of the army running occupation duty, the resistance is unable to really expand or truly gain any traction. This also is compounded by the fact that a large amount of Brazil's male population in the region suffered extreme casualties during the opening stages of the great war. The existing social net pre war is also suspended for a period of ten years under great duress as the need to combat inflation and remain flexible with the remaining money in the budget becomes paramount. While not anywhere near pre-war levels, immigration this year sees roughly 30,000 people arrive - mostly of Spanish and Italian origin - and many of who came to seek the wide open labor market within the country. The women's suffrage movement continues to build up steam in the country as well with the movement seeing great progress in the capital, Cordoba, and a branch of it surprisingly opening up within Rio Grande do Sul.
- Dominion of Canada: With many provinces joining Canada, it is decided that Canada (Who now owns Rupertland) Will annex Northern Ontario and Northern Quebec. The new area will become a part of Ontario and Quebec with American success in Mexico making them more powerful. Canada would began to arm itself recruiting more troops to join the army. Canada also expands its navy so that it is far enough to reach Britain in case war in Europe would break out. Canada would also arm Hudson Bay with its navy.
- United States: The first year of rebuilding Mexico occurs and absorbing the new southern territories. American settlers move into unoccupied parts of the new territories. Former Mexican citizens are given amnesty for any actions against the United States in the previous war. The military presence in these territories is low. While Anti-American sentiment is there, the commander of these troops, Arthur MacArthur is adamant to prevent any rebellions. Meanwhile, US companies and the Federal Government begins to sink money into Mexico, Tabasco, and the Mayan Republic of the Yucatan. Plans to extend the Mexican Grand Railway into the states and across Latin America is drawn up. Union Pacific is contracted to make this work. US fruit companies move into Yucatan and Tabasco and with those so does US investment like roads and infrastructure. In the Southern Territories roads are expanded and paved. With the Panic of 1907 more settlers move south in search of work. Former Mexicans also start bringing up the job market and competition between Mexicans and American's for jobs leads to some racial violence. However, MacArthur's main priority, to crack down on violence, obviously cracks down on violence. In other news President Roosevelt sends an envoy to Colombia to reconciliate with the country after the US took Panama, offering free trade and a share of the profits once the Panama Canal is finished along with US military assistance in training and equipping the Colombian Army (Mod Response) Oklahoma is officialized as a US state. After some work, the USS Connecticut is launched as a new class of US battleships is planned to replace the aging Indianas. However, this is just a stop gap. A new wave of US dreadnought battleships are planned with construction planned for the upcoming South Carolina, Florida, and Delaware class battleships with each of these ships planned for full commissioning by 1910. With these developments we decide to sell two Indiana-class battleships to Japan and three Indiana-class battleships to Sweden (Japanese and Swedish reponse). Charles Curtis of Kansas becomes the first Native American senator in US history. J.P. Morgan and other financiers prevent a crash with a 25 million dollar investment into shares on a plunging New York Stock Exchange. With the end of the Second Mexican-American War, President Roosevelt sends seven US battleships, 14 cruisers and up to 25 destroyers on a world tour being nicknamed the Great White Fleet, to showcase US naval power against the aging European ironclad fleets. The Monrovia Act is passed in congress, which will formalize Liberia into a US state by 1909. Former Emperor Henry of Mexico is put onboard the USS Texas with the Great White Fleet. He is not treated like a monarch and is given sailor food and a bunk. It is expected for his arrival in Germany by 1908.
- Kingdom of Romania: The economy starts to improve after the reopening of trade with nations and foreign aid.The government accepts the Russian offer for a mutual oil company. The 1907 Parliamentary elections occur with the National Liberal Party winning. Major peasant revolts happen in the southern part of our nation but are put down. A newspaper in the city of Lasi is founded called Basarabia Reinnoita.
- The Kingdom of Benelux: People of the Kingdom rejoice as we are united however the celebrations are short lived as people begin to wonder how exactly things will work, All three monarchies are allowed to retain power in there own countries however none will have power stretching into other countries. An election takes place in order to figure out the representatives for each sector and who the Prime Minister will be. The results are astounding to many, as the Universal Catholic Party wins 62 percent of seats. The Catholic workers Party wins 20 percent of seats and from there no one won more than ten percent. The elected Prime Minister is Hugo Decoster, a Catholic Belgian who is known for his time as a representative in Belgium and a major help in the unification of the Kingdom of Benelux. The Military is majorly expanded with
three dreadnought-class battleships rolling off the docksand the military volunteers are reorganized and the French and German border defenses are majorly increased in case of a conflict between the two in order to make sure that no one goes through us to get to the other. The total army count is currently sitting around 300,000 soldiers andproduction of modern Semi-Automatic rifles are made in order to fully equip the militarythe forts in Belgium are upgraded to hold heavy artillery. The Navy is comprised of 16 Battleships (8 Dreadnought others are being reconfigured) 25 Destroyers 18 Cruisers and a large variety of escort craft.- Three dreadnoughts in one year is too many, and nobody is even using semi-automatic weapons except for the US in a very limited fashion.
- Kingdom of Portugal: With the new government of Prime Minister Rocadas continuing the reform policies of his predecessor, the government continues to cut wasteful expenditures and takes other measures to balance the budget. Moreover, as industrial production expands, King Carlos orders the government to take a policy of working directly with labor and worker's organisations as well as with industrialists and business owners. He and the Partido Regenerador follow the principle that economic concerns should be secondary to social issues, and that the right of men to form labor unions was a natural right like the family. In addition to expanding the rights of unions and putting them under state, Prime Minister Rocadas also established strict regulations for business. But at the same time as helping workers, the government also gave more of a voice to businesses for the purpose of promoting corporate growth. Part of this is the King's effort to establish a stronger Portuguese economy and develop the industries. A council of corporate leaders established as an advisory body to the King to help the government understand the concerns of businesses better. These policies are intended to increase economic growth in mainland Portugal. More schools continue to be opened, including in rural areas of Portugal to raise the education levels. Railways are being expanded with British investment. A congress of the Regenerador party confirms that the party will follow monarchism and the Catholic social doctrine as the basis for its policies. In the colonies, the economic growth continues as more companies open up in Angola and Mozambique. The agricultural and mining industries continue to see expansion as Portugal increases its production of different natural resources. The armed forces are also established along the new organisational structure as their total troop numbers increase to 90,000 men. Eight divisions exist in mainland Portugal, formed into regiments, which are all organised by districts and localities. Modern rifles from Britain and the domestically produced models are issued to the troops. Out of the total number of troops, approximately 15,000 are based in the various colonies and are organised as regiments or battalions. The Portuguese Navy's Home Squadron is led by the Fernando Magellan, an Admiral Class Battleship, and also includes one cruiser and five destroyers. The Western Squadron, at Cape Verde, is merged with the Home Squadron, which is now also responsible for the Portuguese African coast. The Far East Squadron includes one battleship, Vasco de Gama, two cruisers and three destroyers. Most of those assets of the Far East Command are based at Macau. A submarine is under construction at Lisbon. The government is looking over a new naval expansion bill, and asks Britain if it can purchase four destroyers and one cruiser from British shipyards. (British response)
- Imperial Federation: We agree to sell the ships.
- Bulgaria: Alexander!!! The people shout as Alexander Ferdinand marches on Belgrade demanding the Serbian Monarch releases the Bulgarian Crown ''Release Bulgaria or you'll have to take on Me, 20,000 Bulgarian and we have the Russians, so what will it be?''. Ferdinand said (Mod Response needed).
- Alexander Ferdinand is removed from the Serbian National Palace. The Serbian Army is mobilized to defend the border with Bulgaria. Serbia reaches out to Germany, Italy, Austria, Romania, and Greece for aid.
- Greek Dip: Greece urges a diplomatic discussion with a treaty. They offer themselves (Thessaloniki or Athens, maybe?) as a neutral ground for discussion.
- Austrian Wesponse: We send supplies and equipment to the Serbians.
- Imperial Federation: With demand for steel down, ships are cheap. A large strategic steel reserve is established by purchasing Australian steel to prop up the industry. These efforts are augmented with an order for eight new dreadnoughts. The second class of pursuit battleships is completed on schedule and surprisingly under budget due to lower costs for armor. These four ships, the Indefatigable-class, are the pride of the overseas fleet, and are largely deployed to Australia and the Indian Ocean. In the Strait of Hormuz, the Tunbs Islands and Abu Musa are designated as an Imperial Overseas Territory. A series of fortifications and military installations are built on the three islands to defend the strait and ensure British navigation through the region. The turbine engineering, chemical science, and electronics industries continue to grow with government support but are increasingly able to stand on their own as profitable enterprises. A massive oil-refinery begins construction in Portsmouth, turning the city into a veritable Mecca of refining, chemicals production, and petroleum processing. The B class submarines are completed with eight ships in the class. The Indefatigable-class ships, in Pursuit Battleship Squadron One greet the American fleet off the coast of Australia with a 16-gun main-battery salute and escort them into the harbor.
- The Russian Empire: With the tensions in the Balkans, the Russians invite Serbia, Greece, Bulgaria and Romania to a Conference in Athens. Called not so suprisingly the Conference of Athens it is meant to resolve the tensions between the nations. While due to this tension and the situation with Turkey, the Russian lower house of the Duma decides to Mobilise 200,000 troops in Constantinople and Anatolia combined. With troops in Eastern Thrace being diverce with a lot of Greeks and Armenians. While near the eastern border the troops are more often conscripts and patriotic Armenians and Ponts. With The Russian Army requesting mostly Thracians and Armenians to join the army temporarily to defend the lands that they hold dear. A massive technical undertaking has been done, most of the Trans-Siberian railway has been finished with only a small end due to Lake Baikal with the lake having a ferry service due to the fact that bridges of that distance are not easly posible without ruining the lake itself. While Cyril the heir to the Russian throne with his father having minor health issue, Kyril learning foreign languages and having to read all the Russian basic law, and he has to learn the history of the nations and people of Russian, with Polish and Byzantine History being the focus in the history.
In China a civil war breaks out between the Han nationalist republican rebels led by the Yihetuan, and the remaining Qing loyalists. The civil war is mainly in southern China.
In the Benelux, very high naval spending, particularly on modern dreadnoughts causes an increasingly worrisome level of debt.
In Belgium the situation grows increasingly divided. The Pro-French National Revanche Party- Walloon Region pressures the monarchy to submit to French rule. In Flanders, the anti-French Party of Flemish Workers organizes in protest. By the end of the year both sides are engaged in regular clashes in the streets of Brussels. With the military largely divided, the Belgian Army is unable to intervene.
Russia finishes laying rail for the Transiberian rail line. Although work continues on improvements along the tracks.
In Germany a new law passes that allows active military servicemen to also run and take political office.
- United States: The GREAT WHITE FLEET ARRIVES! Through the English Channel the armada sails as she makes port in Britain, France, and Germany. Sailors are lined up in dress uniform from bow to stern on the ships as they make their way past the British Fleet. Admiral Dewey who is commanding the whole operation makes landfall in London. In France, several US sailors have to be put in the brig for getting a bit too drunk for the navy's liking. However, in Germany, only two battleships and a handful of other ships touch down. Escorted by a young NCO named Chester Nimitz, "Emperor Henry" is handed over to German authority and will once again become Prinz Albert Wilhelm Heinrich von Preussen again. The title Emperador Alberto Guillermo Enrique de Prussia y Mexico is a dead title. Dewey secretly sends an urgent wireless telegram to Washington. "U-S-F-L-E-E-T-O-B-S-O-L-E-T-E." The first US dreadnoughts plan to be commissioned in mid 1909. Plans for the Wyoming-class and the New York-class are also drawn up and construction begins. In Mexico Camp Brown is disassembled as Wood's HQ moves to the Gran Hotel Ciudad de Mexico. In the Southern Territories, only Baja is able to see large amounts of American immigration into. Sonora see's some but American communities remain small and ghettoed inside these territories. Anti-US sentiment is routinely tried to be scoured out, with those being perceived as a terrorist arrested by Federal Officials deported. Though it isn't required to attend because the US isn't a dictatorship, Federally funded and promoted English learning centers spring up in the territories to at least teach the former Mexicans some specks of English so they can have some general communication with US troops.
- La Plata: Continued policies regarding fiscal contraction are continued from the previous year. In order to more fully contract on the military obligations, the Vast Majority of the ships seized from Brazil which remain outdated for the most part are sold to foreign scrapping companies itching to take apart the ships for a profit. After making serious headway into tackling debt and managing to avoid a default the previous year, impressed creditors now more obviously acting in good faith rather than trying to simply plunder assets should a default occur, are brought together in a meeting in the terms of restructuring the debt. A moderate Equity exchange is organized and with La Platas new economic reforms on eventually embracing a serious free market economy, it gives a host of foreign creditors in Germany, France, the IF and the US a modest share in Argentine companies in return for canceling a good swath of debt specifically loans that incur extreme or high interest rates. The President is on record saying "Robbing a rising country blind will only endanger future opportunity for large dividends comming from easily exploitable resources and rising industries within said country." The amount given is just enough to secure the clearance of some of the more damaging loans and their associated interest rates, but not enough to give any of these foreign entities anywhere near a controlling share in any of the associated businesses. As the budget seems to look a bit more hopeful this year following the equity swap, the La Platan government begins re-implementing stability inducing measures specifically in terms of keeping the peace. A series of social reforms are implemented to keep the people happy as well as improve working conditions. One of the most pressing of these issues is the Suffragette movement. Already somewhat large pre-war and even before that, has now ballooned sensing the governments current state. President Paz and the La Platan legislature pass three exceedingly popular laws within the public. A guarenteed minimum wage, limitation of child labor to safer jobs, and most importantly the allowance of women to vote. Women's suffrage is intensely debated within the legislature but with the husbands of these women, former soldiers themselves, and the increasing militancy of these women specifically within the newly annexed states (Brazil didn't have women's suffrage either) the La Platan senate capitulates and passes it with 60 percent on board with it. The President signs the laws shortly thereafter and quietly returns to the presidential mansion in order to further work on the economy. With the return of so many men from the war, regardless of economic condition, children are born in record amounts simply due to not being near their wives or girlfriends for any significant amount of time during the period of the war. The Homestead act seems to have improved as upward of 1,000 new homesteads have been registered since the policy was put into effect. Alongside the Argentine Peso stabilizing domestically due to the harsh measures taken by the government, immigration rate begins to uptick again this year. A slew of factors see a sharp increase in immigration from multiple sources. Chinese and Japanese immigrants show up with Argentina simply the only location they are accepted due to Argentinas extremely favorable immigration laws in comparison to the overtly rascist policies in other areas on top of many Chinese seeking to escape the civil war which has broken out this year. The US and Australia maintain extremely rascist attitudes toward Asians, and Canada is simply not necessarily a place many would want to immigrate to due to the climate conditions. With empty land, semi-decent wages, and favorable policy the government sees a large uptick in Asian immigration with nearly 25,000 arriving this year alone. The word has also spread to Europe with Italian and Spanish immigration occuring in larger numbers from similar conditions. Availability of jobs, the ability for a clean slate, and funny enough the advertisement of Argentina's "manpower" losses has led to an attractive prospect toward immigration. Roughly 45,000 immigrants come from Europe mostly of Spanish and Italian descent. The promise of a "plot of land, a job, and a pretty young Argentinian wife" helps Argentina begin to climb back out of its manpower shortage. The development of key consumer goods and household goods industries is maintained but primarily though the "Development Act of 1908." The tate will finance 25 percent of the startup capital for a business known to be profitable elsewhere within the country, while the rest will be made up by the person in question. Within six years the business will be put under the "development audit" and if successful will sell the shares it owns in the company back to the owner or to other private investors at a ten percent markup to make a solid profit on the deal. If found to be unprofitable and mismanaged, the assets will be seized and either turned into a temporary state industry in which its shares will be sold within five years of state assumption of control. If unable to sell the shares, the assets will be repurposed and the factory closed. The government takes a hard line on this project simply hoping to find good and stable prospects. This year only a few dozen of these projects are authorized but a few notables are brought into the spotlight. Moderately wealthy immigrants from Italy sign onto this plan and are rated low risk and watched with interest. The Oil in the south is finally put into operation after a year of developing the area and immediate profit is made effectively forcing President Paz's hand. The oil will flow and so will the money. In order to further expand revenue Argentinas mineral exports are increased heavily in order to fill niches. Copper, zinc, gold and silver all see expansion with plans to become major exporters of many of these within a few years. Occupational authorities notice a sharp downturn in detrimental activity in Rio Grande and Catarina with the disruption of their ability to organize being seen as a major factor here. On top of this the key support of Pro-Platinean Afro-Latino groups and surging popularity due to the women's suffrage legislation put the two states on track to full unfettered statehood by 1915. It simply is difficult for the men remaining in the area to gain support when their major opposition is an entire pro-platine ethnic group and the vast majority of the Women in the states supporting the new government due to their newfound rights. These rights are immediately brought into play as the La Platan government allows minors elections of civilian governors in which due to the women and afro-latino vote put Pro-Platine governors and legislators in place. Including in Rio Grande do Sul showcasing La Platas, if not South Americas first woman of meaningful political power. This is somewhat unique as the few male candidates were either Afro-Latinos supporting this woman Maria Gonzaga, or those wishing to use the legal process to attempt secession. Maria Gonzaga wins the local elections by a landslide in Rio Grande surprising many. Much work is still to be done in these regions however.
- Imperial Federation: The British Protectorate of the Autonomous Province of Guangdong suffers a wave of refugees fleeing the rebellion to the north. With supply lines cut and communications with the capital essentially severed, the Governorate declares marshal law and mobilizes its Guangdong Defense Force. Nearly 60,000 refugees arrive in one year alone with tens of thousands more headed away from the fighting into neighboring provinces. The chaos in China and refugees creates support for the Canton National Party, a pro-separation pro-cantonese party. Agents from MI5 secretly support this party financially although the Federation makes certain to avoid intervening at that level of Guangdong politics. In Portsmouth, the initial work on the Portsmouth Refining Complex is completed with partial operations beginning. The English Automobile Industry branches out into producing internal combustion engine tractors. Hornsby & Sons unveils the worlds first commerciall sucessful continously tracked tractor. These prove popular in industry and several agricultural applicaitons. Work continues rapidly to finish the rest of the facility. In Africa, the Cape to Cairo Railway is completed. The network of lines and spurs amounts to some 5,000 miles of track and connects every major imperial port along the east coast of Africa to Cairo in the north and Port Elizabeth and Capetown in the south. A second line now extends from Lagos in Nigeria to Lake Chad with plans to link up with the Cape to Cairo line. Secretly, non-military supplies are sent to aid the Nationalists, while equally secretly older rifles are offered to the Qing Government. (Mod Response)
- Austria-Hungary-Croatia: Hungary remains under martial law as the military government oversees the disarmament, pacification, and reconstruction of Hungary. Military police continue to hunt down for weapons and former members of the rebel government. Crackdown on smuggling activity continues with harsh punishments being given to those who are caught smuggling. The reintegration of Hungary back into the empire also continues as trade is opened back up and the free movement of peoples into and out of Hungary is allowed. With most of the country reeling from the war, we take this chance to implement reforms to the faulty triple monarchy system. With this, Franz Ferdinand, with the support of the Congress, announces the foundation of the Danubian Federation and the transition over to Federalism. With the Traitor War over we end the ban of French citizens from the empire and the restrictions of French trade and offer to reconcile relations with France (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED). The Danubian Congress gives the okay for the production of U-boats and orders ten to be made within the year. With the Bulgarian rebellion against Serbia underway, we decide to not get involved. More to be added.
- Persian Empire: The construction of the parliament is proceeding as planned and an Electoral Commission for the 100 Parliament members are ordered to study how the British elections are done. (BRITISH RESPONSE NEEDED)The election is planned for 1909.
- Imperial Federation: Several political scientists arrive in Persia to aid in developing a parlimentary system.
- Bulgaria: Ferdinand sets up a 50,000 man trained army, The King asks Russia for blueprints for some warships. (Russian Response Needed).
- Kingdom of Italy: The marine is given a larger focus on the new torpedo technology and submarines. The fortification program with Dutch support on Sumatra continues, especially along the strait of Malacca to minimize piracy in the region. After the French do not meet the political asylum is given to Solidarite members. Militarism is still popular among the population and many young men still sign up for the army. Investments into the first aircraft take place, with large focus on light but sustainable motors. The focus for motorbikes as a means of transporting messanges is also given, with most divisions having around ten motorized cyclists. Carthaginian oil exploitation is heavily invested in, as the first good results with digging for oil in a large scale are now possible. Two large ironclads and three battlecruisers are ordered as one of the major naval reforms that take place, as well with investments into the training and academies for military personal. The election system sees a large reform as well under URS prime minister Giollotti, the class franchise voting system that was abolished in the 1890s is now added to the constitution and is not a matter of the Provinces anymore. SECRET Due to the good relations with the Netherlands and their Italian king as the husband of Wilhelmina, Italy proposes the Netherlands as a partner in the Quadruple Alliance between Germany, Italy, Austria and Russia (AUSTRIAN/RUSSIAN/MOD RESPONSE NEEDED) SECRET END Large labour strikes become an annual occurrence on the first of May, so much that most bosses even stop to crack down on these, however many participants live in fear of losing their job. Football becomes incredibly popular in all classes, the La Gazzetta dello Sport, a newspaper which exclusively reports on sport events, becomes one of the most popular newspapers in Italy and many people join a football club. The modernization efforts affect the colonies of Carthage and Mali as well, including all ports used by the Italian navy. As ships become larger, harbors are often enlarged as well to have a larger capacity. Three more dreadnoughts are built, along with another four destroyers. The industrialists are given lower taxes if they invest into a more modernized form of production, the same goes for farmers if they use modern farming methods. Fiji becomes more and more of a criminal colony, where not only poor immigrants often end up doing the hard work on the fishing boats or sugar fields, but also criminals that are given the choice of exile work there. SECRET With the Nationalist uprising in Southern China, the Italians offer to sell logistics and modern weaponry to the rebels, in exchange for a port under Italian control in Wenzhou, leased for 99 years. the port will be used as a refuge for anti-Qing refugees and as a bridgehead for Republican supplies (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED) SECRET END
- The Nationalists agree. -by Colgan on Discord
- Austria: We support the inclusion of the Netherlands into the Quadruple Alliance.
- Kingdom of Portugal: The 1908 general election sees Partido Regenerador secure another victory with the majority in the Chamber of Deputies. The Catholic social values promoted by the King's government and his party, including the importance of the family, loyalty to the state and God, are becoming more popular among the people. Trade unions continue to be expanded as industrialization continues, and the corporate chamber is in its second year of existence serving as advisors on economic policy to Carlos. The budget is balanced, and Rocadas and the King intend to promote economic growth by helping both corporations as well as workers. Railways have been built between some of the major cities, including Lisbon, Setubal, Coimbra, Faro, and Vila Real. The Colonial Ministry undergoes a reform, former Governor of Macau, Jose Maria de Sousa Horta e Costa, is named the new Colonial Minister. He continues the colonial development policies that the government began a few years ago, coordinating them from Lisbon. Portuguese Guinea begins seeing a level of economic expansion similar to Angola and Mozambique. Peanuts and rubber are the primary exports, and European-based companies arrive to increase the production of these raw materials. In other parts of Portuguese Africa, the same economic expansion continues as started earlier. Production grows, more Portuguese colonists arrive from Europe, and new companies enter these areas to begin developing them. Railways are beginning to be built from some coastal ports to the interior for increased trade. Schools are set up in some areas. In Macau, security remains high as the Chinese civil war rages on in southern region, with the Portuguese colonial government limiting the flow of Chinese refugees and not allowing any warring parties to approach the city. About 2,500 troops are present as guards, along with the fleet. The Portuguese Navy receives new ships from Britain, with two destroyers going to the Far East Squadron and one cruiser and two destroyers going to the Home Squadron.
- Kingdom of Romania: With tensions running high in the Balkans the King thought it would be wise to build general defenses on our borders and send 40,000 troops to our borders. In the meantime, the Conservative-Democratic Party is founded. The Society of Romanian Writers is founded. The Theodor Aman Museum is built. The Astronomical Observatory in Bucharest is built. The Institute of Production of Serums and Vaccines is founded in Bucharest.
- The Russian Empire: With war being more likely then ever before, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is sending diplomats out to the world. With the army being slightly disgruntled it has to change its plans for a war in the Balkans drastically with soldiers in the Bulgarian bases of Russia. In total, a further 25,000 troops are being moved from Romania to the Bulgarian Army bases. With war looking to come sooner and sooner, the Russian Army begins to design a new Maxim gun, to aid the older Maxim guns with higher fire rate and distance the new Maxim gun the new gun being called "Maxim's Machine gun model 1909" (Russian: Пулемёт Максима образца 1909 года, Pulemyot Maxima obraztsa 1909 goda) PM M'09. With a fire rate of around 600 rounds/min and a weight of around 65 kg (140 lbs). One of the differences to the original Maxim gun being that it has a mount with two wheels, which allows it to be towed by horses or even put easily on another cart (Tachanka) and change of direction by lifting it up slightly while it can also be used on trains together with artillery and steel plates. With the Trans-Siberian railroad being mostly finished and the new interest in armoured trains, shops along the railway are being built so that basic transport wagons can be adapted with different ideas on how to change it depending on materials and money there. With the cheapest modifications being wood and sandbags, while steel plating and extra artilery are more expensive versions.In China we tell "Russian Protection orce of Mongolia" and the "United (Outer) Mongol Armed forces" to begin building up basic defences with a total of 15,000 Russian troops and another 25,000 Mongolians with more being recruited - recruiting being based on the Unity of Tibetan Buddhism, the Russian Ministry of Comunications publishing books telling the stories about Dalai Lama and Bogd Lama the fierce fighters of the faith and tolerance toward others like the Abrahamic faiths - Buddhism being the true ally of Uighurs, together with Russia and Rashidi caliphate. A new motto appears "Allah is in Mountains that the Confusianist cannot reach, God is in mountains and deserts" With a Uighur department of the Russian Army being made called "Uighur Theocratic Army".
- The German Empire: With the construction of the Nassau-class dreadnoughts well underway, it is noted that after heavy precautions had been made to secure the exceptional structures and make the designs as least flawed as possible, adjustments were made to the hulls of the ships to prevent rolling at sea and rocking ensuring the efficiency. This as a result has led to a six-month delay. With the return of Henry, there remains to be seen much disappointment. This leads to him being restored as a regional head for his time. The economy marches on triumphantly forward as living standards continue to improve. Flight and aircraft research continues with the Zeppelin and the addition of new aircraft testing for flight mainly in use for the what is beginning to be described as The German Air Force. Theobald Theodor Friedrich Alfred von Bethmann-Holweg is named Chancellor of the Empire.
- Nippon: Taking advantage of the lower costs of steel, and higher abundance The IJN pushes for the production of two more Fuji-class battleships, and three more Kami-class ships by 1911. The government, seeing an opportunity to push forward new infrastructure projects at a lower cost as well as avoid a collapse of the steel industry, commissions the expansion of railway lines, including the new South Manchuria Railway to connect Vladivostok to Dalian. Development of the three dams is expanded as well. As more jobs arise and overall wages see a slight increase there is also a growth in consumerism as domestic households gain increased financial flexibility. This leads to an increase in the production of consumer goods for both domestic and foreign markets. Tensions between the police and the labour unions continues as organized labour grows. Political and philosophical theory continues to develop as Japanese academia looks toward finding Japan's place in the world. The recent aquisitions from China in particular raise a number of issues as they see Japan at a crossroad of developing into a western nation or keeping to it's Asian roots.The newly returned from Britain Prince Teruhito enrolls in the Naval War College, his interest and experience with planes in Britain makes him a major advocate for the creation of a Japanerse air unit. Research into concept and into air planes over all begins in earnest. With the outbreak of violence in China the 50 k Kwantung Army is reinforced with 30 k troops from the home islands. The Kwantung army begins reinforcing areas of Japanese interest and expand the fortifiction on the Liaodong Peninsula. The government formally sends an offer to the Qing Government offering them support in the form of guns, and supplies, and a letter is also provided specifying that the IJA will act to protect its interests and citizens should the need arise. Taihoku (Taipei) is made the capital of the colony of Formosa. efforts to improve infrastructure begin on the island. The government also begins enforcing a ban on opium, and foot binding. A 25,000 man garrison is established on the island. Construction of the naval base in Ryojun (Lushunkou or Port Arthur) is completed. Japanese Kempeitai, and Black Dragon agents continue to extend their influence and reach in Manchuria, the Philippines, Vietnam, and Korea thanks to the growth of Japanese business and military strength in the region.
Boulanger of France unveils the French army’s new Air service at a Bastille Day military parade. The group of fighter planes are called the “Charlemagne Squadron”. Although primitive, the planes are useful for finding enemy positions and troop movements.
Boulanger, after listening to a women’s rights activist, decides to integrate feminist theories into his ideology, and grants women the right to work in most jobs, equal education, and whatever else the women’s rights movement at this time was calling for. Women still can’t join the military, though, but things are getting better.
Serbia issues an ultimatum, demanding that Alexander Ferdinand formally recognize the Personal Union between Serbia and Bulgaria or face a Serbian invasion. The Serbian Army is placed on standby at the Bulgarian border.
The German Army gains increasing political influence, with staff officers elected to several important positions in government.
In Persia, the Shah strikes a deal with the Revolutionaries. He retains his position as Head of State, and will control foreign policy and the armed forces. Internally, the Parliament will be required to pass laws on domestic issues and taxation, with the Shah's consent.
A Marxist rebel group is formed in South Africa called the Mau Mau. It contains numerous natives who are bent at liberating South Africa from the tyranny of the apartheid government.
- French Republic: Given the various ethnic tensions arising in the periphery of our lands the National Revanche Party adopts a more nationalistic approach vying for the protection of our ethnic brethren in nations bordering us. As such the entire concept for our future expension and prosperity is adapted to ensure their protection, essentially the advocation of ethnic borders across Europe gains huge momentum and becames a transpartisan rallying point between the depleted left and the all powerful right. Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte also known as Napoleon the fourth starts gathering support while also consolidating his supporter base, whoever he is seen as largely insignificant due to the almost complete domination of the French Republic by Boulanger. Napoleon IV rallies his supporters behind his claim as the nation's rightful monarch by the grace of god while essentially advocating for the position of a figurehead to guide its people, not seeking any actual power for himself, being prudent enough not to threaten Boulanger in any way. Boulanger himself a longsighted man sees the virtues of having Napoleon by his side as a mere figurehead as well as the downsides of alienating our only ally, Spain, with our anti-monarchist rhetoric, so he approaches him and makes him an offer. Napoleon would be offered the figurehead role he so desires as well as an honorary small pension, recognized as the rightful King of France, a symbolic title with no authority whatsoever nor he would be able to reclaim his royal estate, he would have to renounce it. Also, Napoleon's 28-year old daughter, Caroline Joséphine Bonaparte would take precedence over his son 23-year old son Lucien Louis Napoléon Bonaparte as the heir apparent and be offered to marriage to Jaime III, consolidating both houses, Napoleon and Bourbon, as Jaime III of the cadet house Bourbon of Spain is the closest relative alive and thus the legitimate successor to the now extinct French branch of the House of Bourbon. The consolidation of the two houses into one from their offsprings would bring an unprecedented unity and harmony in home as well as Spain and as such is in line with Boulanger peace and prosperity plans for the entirity of Europe the virtues of which are thoroughly explained to Napoleon by Boulanger himself. The party would also tone down on its anti-monarchist rhetoric, recognizing that it could have some virtues along with its errors, seeking to bring unity into the hearts of our people. In return he would join the National Revanchist Party as a regular member and declare his allegiance to it. He obviously gladly accepts proclaiming his exile to be over in a big gathering with his supporters the next week. He goes on to strengthen the nation and the regime by serving as its figurehead. A new crackdown on the remnants of the former Solidarité party is initiated, as these relics continue to haunt us in our aspirations, this crackdown is even harsher than before with the majority of the remaining left either fleeing or hiding to escape it. Women rights are strengthened as the notion of recognizing the equality between the two genders, men and women gets gains momentum, strengthened by the state propaganda promoting it among men and women. There are talks of allowing women to join the army in the future inside the parliament but the entire concept is regarded to be alienating the majority of our people and it rejected by the majority in the parliament and the party as well as Boulanger himself for now although the virtues of having women join the army exclusively on non-combatant positions is promoted via state propaganda as it would relief the army's efforts in any potential war greatly and strengthen the nation of France as a whole. That comes with A self defense training of women to serve in the army in non-combatant positions but to be able to defend themselves from any harm as sending them unprotected and unprepare would be inexcusable. We propose the idea of a rapprochement to the German Empire, the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Kingdom of Italy a detailed proposal offering an ambitious road map to soothe ethnic tensions sparing our poor brethren from harm while cementing peace and prosperity in the form of a conference where we would discuss on how to deal with aforementioned ethnic issues and bring long term peace and prosperity in Europe. [German Empire, Italian Kingdom, Kingdom of Netherlands Responses]. Also, we offer to our Spanish ally, King Jaime III, the daughter and heir apparent of the restored to his throne Napoleon IV, Caroline Joséphine Bonaparte consolidating both houses, Napoleon and Bourbon, as Jaime III of the cadet House Bourbon of Spain is the legitimate successor to the now extinct French branch of House Bourbon. The consolidation of the two houses into one from their offspring would bring an unprecedented unity and harmony into our Kingdoms. [MOD RESPONSE]
- Mod Response: King Jaime III gladly agrees to strengthen relations with France by marrying Napoleon IV's daughter and heir apparent Caroline Joséphine Bonaparte and the two of them marry in a magnificent ceremony in Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral in France, repeating the wedding symbolically in Real Basílica San Francisco el Grande in Madrid and Barcelona Cathedrals to inspire unison across both nations.
- The Kingdom of the Netherlands: The Marxist rebels in South Africa are considered unlawful heathens and any rebels and their supporters will be executed with the utmost urgency and without question. Any resistance will also be met with full force. 30,000 soldiers are allocated to South Africa in order to put down these rebels. The French proposal is accepted and the Queen herself will attend along with her usual entourage. Secret: Agents are sent into the Flemish parts of Belgium to spread the news of Dutch desires to gain control of it and provide full equality to all of the Dutch citizens. Another dreadnought rolls off the docks in January of 1909 and the second rolls off in December - bringing the Dutch battleships to ten to 15 dreadnoughts. Six dreadnoughts along with their usual escort forces are sent to blockade any incoming ships to the ZAR to support the rebels. Two Dreadnoughts along with three non-dreadnought battleships and there escort will be patrolling the east Indies and the rest will remain at home.
- La Plata: Fiscal and other policies enacted over the previous two years are continued with the La Platan currency starting to gain in value slowly but surely as the money supply shrinks through various programs designed to specifically tackle inflation, money supply. This effectively coalesces into a sophisticated and developing National banking system aimed at creating a stable and safe lending environment in the country. On top of this it looks to set a stable standard for the surviving banks within La Plata. The previous safe lending and startup funding for various business sees the smaller or easier to set up businesses come into action. The transition of the economy from its lighter industrial and more agriculture and beef focus to more moderately paced and some light heavy industry does not go unnoticed. Buenos Aires expands outward with cheap steel being used to fuel growth and stimulate local growth due to contracts with construction companies. Similar expansions are driven in Cordoba, Montevideo and Puerto Alegre with hopes to drive growth in these cities and using the momentum gained there to continue on into other parts of the country. Buenos Aires leads the charge as La Platas largest city. With 1.2 million people and growing (this number is straight from the 1909 census from OTL). Buenos Aires remains the proper seat of a rising great power in South America. The arrival of the first of Brazil's extremely hefty raparations payments arrives. A hybrid payment of key raw resources and capital allows the La Platan economy a semi-solid cushion to rest on in the face of any more major financial hiccups. In the event of the recession the country is attempting to climb out of begins to shift towards something worse, the fund which is expected to be substantial by that point, will be used to pay off a significant amount of La Platan debt at once playing the multi part purpose of bettering the nations credit, and also leveling out a significant portion of the interest payments. The Fund is expected to be sufficienly large for this purpose within five years. The oil industry is further developed with production this year beginning to reach a good export amount to start getting some solid almost guarenteed foreign cashflow. Minerals plays another part in this as the expansion of mining begins to allow for more meaningful export on the market. The Steel mills in the country are kept at an artificially low production rate, with the introduction of light subsidies for the industry this year to keep them in business and prevent closure of an industry that when powerful enough domestically, will be key to the future growth of the country. These actions are taken specifically due to the cheapness of steel at the current moment. Stockpiles of steel are bought in order to create a national reserve of produced steel. When prices eventually climb, the steel will be used in its entirety in a massive expansion project on La Platan infrastructure and urban development. Occupation of the conquered states remains however plans for an eventual drawdown are put in place and a Major Army base and Major Naval presense are predicted in Puerto Alegre. The development of the plots of land begins for these military expansions with the barracks for the army base being constructed this year with the intent to house nearly 50,000 troops. Population growth continues to grow this year as natural birthrate grows by a fair amount. The post-war baby boom, as well as the obvious neccessity to repopulate from losing men in the Great War are primary drivers in the expansion of the population. Immigration continues to grow this year with roughly 90,000 immigrants this year with about 70 percent from Italy and Spain, ten percent from other sources in Europe, and 20 percent from Asia as more Japanese and Chinese immigrants arrive. The Homesteading act continues to brings more land under settlement and development and with the expansion of the cattle industry to accomodate better exportability of its cattle, government land either unorganized, or taken from abandoned households from the war, are sold to the cattle ranchers granting them room to expand the cattle industry. The development of a healthy wealthy class begins in La Plata. The War having devastated the wealth of the country, the reorganization of society and restoration of normalcy has allowed some people to begin collecting wealth again. It is expected that by 1915 the country will have truly regained a good portion of its lost wealth. Other predictions for 1915 slate the country to have developed a rapidly expanding industrial base, and the associated population explosion to occur following industrialization. Plans for full entrance of the annexed states into the Federation the next year are taken into account with full assumption of the taxes from these regions. Rio Grande Do Sul and Uruguay are noted to be much easier to organize and integrate due to Uruguays extremely similar culture, and Rio Grandes previous greivances with Brazil. While not independent like some would want, pragmatists sit on the local government influences the region towards integration with La Plata on the simple fact that becomming a competitive and productive region under more organized and federalized system rather than Brazil imperial system may be the answer to prosperity rather than going it alone. Santa Catarina a more properly loyal Brazilian state remains in a more chaotic state as the Army is forced to begin a more forceful supression of unrest in the countryside. This is relatively unpopular but the loss of their only allies in Rio Grande and the defanging of Brazil has led the seperatists to be highly isolated, and badly equipped with any possibility of revolt doomed to fail against the literal most battle hardened La Platan troops of the war. Population is estimated at 12.6 million this year with immigration and a larger than normal growth rate playing into the equation.
- United States: President Roosevelt is sworn in for a third term after winning the 1908 election. Four dreadnought battleships are commissioned after some work, the USS Mississippi which is more of an early dreadnought, the USS South Carolina, USS Florida, and USS Delaware. Meanwhile in the waning part of the year the Great White Fleet returns as new naval plans for the fleet or both coasts come. It is planned to have a total of ten Pacific battleships, 25, Pacific cruisers, and 50 destroyers for the Pacific. The Atlantic fleet will be larger, with 21 battleships, 40 cruisers, and up to 75 destroyers. The massive naval plan will take time. Older ships built in the 1870s or 1880s are mothballed, and scrapped. A new cruiser is designed as a stopgap. The planned Chester-class light cruiser, is redesigned. A larger superstructure and hull (thing 1910s version a Pensacola-class, I know a bit there in the future but I'm trying to build a US cruiser from scratch), two frontal turrets mounting six 8in guns, and a rear turret mounting another three 8in gun turret. In Monrovia celebrations erupt as the first senators and congressmen from the African state set sail for Washington as Liberia is declared a US state. Being over 500,000 in population, the majority black state receives federal funding for infrastructure and industry. A subsidiary of Norfolk Southern Railway's moves to Liberia and starts constructing a line to connect the coast from Monrovia to New Dixon (OTL Abidjan, Ivory Coast). Roosevelt agrees to the Italian free trade agreement and too the railroad as well but currently Norfolk Southern's subsidiary, the Afro-American Railways is focused on a railroad to connect coastal settlements and will work on the Monrovia-Dahomy Line. Roosevelt also declares any move on the State of Liberia whether for colonial gain or sublimation is an act of war against the United States, not just a colonial war, but a full war.
- Bulgaria: Ferdinand rejects Serbia's demand, saying '' The Bulgarians came from Khans, the Serbs from Austrian pity.'' An Extra 20,000 troops are made into Elite Troops giving the total troop count 75,000. The King sets up a small but semi-well trained Secret Service/Police. Cinema is increased with a Movie about Hristo Botev being released in September. the Grand University of Sofia has started Construction. Prime Minister Mihail Savov says that he will regain Bulgaria's Glory and during that he's shot by aa anarchist Petrov Muvich who's shot immediately, that leads Savov to proclaim that the Socialists are against Bulgaria. A small fleet is Set up with five 1880s Ships. Three Socialist Senators went missing and a short elections are held with the Bulgarian National Party taking two seats and the Royal Party taking one. The 75,000 are placed on the border under the leadership of Ivan Fichev.
- Kingdom of Italy: The marine is given a larger focus on the new torpedo technology and submarines. The fortification program with Dutch support on Sumatra continues, especially along the strait of Malacca to minimize piracy in the region. After the French do not meet the Political asylum is given to Solidarite members. Militarism is still popular among the population and many young men still sign up for the army.. Investments into the first aircrafts take place, with large focus on light but sustainable motors. The focus for motorbikes as a means of transporting messages is also given, with most divisions having around 10 motorized cyclists.. Football becomes incredibly popular in all classes, the La Gazzetta dello Sport, a newspaper which exclusively reports on sport events, becomes one of the most popular newspapers in Italy and many people join a football club. The modernization efforts affect the colonies of Carthage and Mali as well, including all ports used by the Italian navy. As ships become larger, harbors are often enlarged as well to have a larger capacity. Three more dreadnoughts are built, along with another four destroyers. The industrialists are given lower taxes if they invest into a more modernized form of production, the same goes for farmers if they use modern farming methods. Fiji becomes more and more of a criminal colony, where not only poor immigrants often end up doing the hard work on the fishing boats or sugar fields, but also criminals that are given the choice of exile work there. As the Chinese rebels agree to the leasing of Wenzhou, the first Italian troops arrive there in early April, around a quarter of them are descendants of Chinese immigrants who came to Indonesia a few decades earlier. Many of them are bilingual or even trilingual and function as translators for diplomats and soldiers alike. The revenue from the massive tea trade that is done there is used to fortify the city immediately, so that the already troubled Qing forces can’t reclaim the city. As Mali now borders a US state, a joint project to connect the state with the Italian territory via railroad is proposed, along with a free-trade agreement with the United States of America (AMERICAN RESPONSE PLEASE). The plans for ethnic borders in Europe have mixed reactions in Italy, where the nationalists support the Idea of more expansion in Europe. The Liberals and Christian-Democrats/Monarchists, who are in a large majority in the parliament, take a more distanced approach, waiting until the other powers have secured their claims for themselves, after that Italy would take what is left. The URS is the largest opposition to this, especially a passionate journalist from Sardinia, Antonio Gramsci, who is on his home island notorious as one of the harshest but also most humerous critics of the monarchy.
- Kingdom of Portugal: Given the expansion of the other navies of the Great Powers, it is not lost on the government that Portuguese power is largely dependent on Great Britain for security. With that in mind, King Carlos asks the British to purchase two powerful modern dreadnought battleships as a way of bringing Portugal closer to parity with not all the Great Powers but at least some of the Secondary Powers. (British response) The King of Portugal also seeks to normalize relations with Carlist Spain and would like to sign a mutual non-aggression treaty with the Spanish where both Spain and Portugal pledge not to meddle in each other's internal affairs. (Mod response) Additional regiments are sent to Macau to maintain security in the Portuguese colony as tensions seem to be increasing in southern China. The government's promotion of Catholic social values is seeing more response from Portuguese society, with the motto of "Rei, Patria, e Familia" (King, Fatherland, and Family) being formally adopted. During a conference, Prime Minister General Jose Augusto Rocadas gives a speech about uniting the right-wing forces in Portugal, and thus Partido Regenerador will unify with several other parties to form the National Union. The new united front will take part in a new general election next year to confirm its rule. Militarism is also promoted, with more young men choosing to join the army and navy. Settling in the Portuguese colonies is also seen as a path with a lot of opportunity in potential as they continue to develop economically. More funding is also given to education to expand schools. Due to the reforms being implemented since the turn of the century, the Portuguese economy begins seeing increased growth and expansion, ending the period of stagnation. Overall from the recent developments the Portuguese people have a positive outlook on the country's future.
- Imperial Federation: We offer to extensively reconstruct four of our Royal Sovereign class pre-dreadnoughts into semi-dreadnought battleships for the Portuguese fleet. Upgrades will include modern propulsion, armament, and fire-control, in addition to general repairs and partial reconstruction to upgrade armor.
- Portuguese Diplomacy: Portugal agrees to the deal and thanks Britain for its continued support.
- Imperial Federation: The Civil War in China grows increasingly heated on the Guangdong frontier. Reports return of inclusions and fighting between Imperial Expeditionary Forces and their Cantonese Defense Force allies, and the Han Nationalist “Boxers.” The Fighting is said to be fierce and brutal with British soldiers mowing down the poorly equipped nationalists in waves, but still being overrun in some cases. All material support for the Boxers is ended, and the provincial leaders of Guangxi are contacted to form a unified front against them. The Province of Guangxi is offered British protection under a deal similar to that of Guangdong. (Mod Response) With provincial leaders in both Guangxi and Guangdong growing frustrated with the Qing government, agents from MI5 approach the Governorate of Guangdong and the Province of Guangxi with the idea of forming the Republic of Canton, separate from the obviously failing Qing dynasty. (Conditional Mod Response (only triggers if Guangxi says yes)) Economically, the Empire prospers. Immigration from England to Australia and New Zealand picks up as the steel industry there modernizes and becomes more productive and profitable. Coal production in the Perth and North Perth Basins has nearly tripled over the last two decades and feeds a now internationally significant steel industry in the city of Karratha. Although food must be imported from India and elsewhere, the city supports a population of 45,000. Employment come from several large steel mills, the transportation of coal from the south, and the mid-sized port for the export of the raw steel to Japan, India, and beyond. In Portsmouth, the refinery enters full operation, providing the nation with plentiful supplies of petroleum products. The Lagos-Cairo line continue, but work is slow due to the vast distances involved. The eight Superb class battleships enter service late this year after 5 years of development and construction. These ships, armed with 8 x 12 inch guns in two pairs of super-firing turrets one fore and one aft. This four-turret in two super firing pairs arrangement is instituted as the “Standard-Type Battleship” because of its maximization of firepower on the broadside and minimization of the size and displacement dedicated to armament. The Irrefutable class Pursuit Battleships based on the Superb class also enter service this year. These four ships are built on Superb class hulls scaled down 30% and without the rear two turrets. They feature thicker bow armor and a reinforced transverse armor plate for the citadel. The entire rear of the ship is once again filled with machinery giving the Irrefutable class a top speed of 27 knots. The Navy budget, strained in constructing such a large group of ships, forces the sale of the Admiral class, the Trafalgar class and the worse for of the Royal Sovereign class ships. The decommission of such a large number of ships does cause some concern in the public, but overall tonnage remains nearly stable in the transition with the commission of both the Superb and Irrefutable classes. Not to be out done by the French, the Imperial Army, in conjunction with the Royal Aviation School, forms the Imperial Army Flight Corps. The Navy sends observers keen to apply the benefits of aviation to naval tactics. Prince Edward enroles in the Royal Aviation School, prusuring his passion for all things flying. The 15 year old prince quickly learns the basics of flying and begins designing his own aircraft.The Crown Prince, George Prince of Wales and Earl of Chester, visits Portugal with his wife Mary of Teck, meeting with the King of Portugal and touring the beautiful country. As a formal representative of the Empire, he offers to extend a series of developmental loans to Portugal, as well as an offer to open a stronger trade relationship between the Imperial Federation and the Portugese. Among the proposals is a branch of the Cairo-Cape rail line that would run through the Portugese Colony of Mozambique. (Portugal Response)
- Portuguese Diplomacy: King Carlos and his son Prince Royal Luis Filipe greet the British royals during their stay in Portugal. He gladly accepts the British offer of increasing relations, the loans, and the extension of the railway through Portuguese Mozambique.
- The Russian Empire:With the Situation in the Balkans the Russian army defies the Bulgarian army.The 25,000 men elite in the Bulgar bases now begin to occupy the cities that they are based within, while 25,000 Thracians and 50,000 Russian troops in Dacia march into Bulgaria.While another 100,000 soldiers are mobilised from the reserves of all acros Ruthenia.250,000 Serbs aiding the Russian army in invading the Bulgar nation who is seen as a threat to peace. With the Russian army asking the Romanian king to invade the Bulgar nation to ensure peace(Romanian Response), as the action taken against Bulgaria has Austrian blessings. While we encourage Bulgarian troops loyal to the King of Serbia and Bulgaria. the Actions of Ferdinand of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, not being supported by all Bulgarians, as their army works on a partial Conscription base. The Black Sea Navy blockading the Bulgarian coast, while at the same time shelling coastal towns while the soldiers of Anatolia keep their more extensive training. While in Asia, the Russian Army and the "Russian Protection force of Mongolia" and the "United (Outer) Mongol Armed forces" protect the border of China. Mongolia even officially declare independence at the request of Russia, the Bogd Khan asking for recognition from foreign powers (Foreign Responses) While the Russian turkmeni's Comunicate the "Uighur Theocratic Army", as they are close ethnically and linguistically to the Uighurs, who are the true base of the army. While the Turkmeni are the link between Russia and the Uighur, as they understand both the Uighur desire for freedom and the Russian need for stability and friendly relations. Russia selling a lot of guns to both the Uighurs and the the Tibetans, with the Russian 125,000 soldiers being readied on the western border of China to intervene even more if needed. The Russian government asks the Japanese government the right to Dock ships in Formossa for the Duration of the Rebelion to intervene and protect Russian interests (Japanese Response). While this is happening, basic defences on the Russian western borders are created, with forts, bunkers and pillboxes being constructed with railway companies getting contracts and grants to create an easy way to get light transport rail to be transferred or used on the European gauge railways.