Alternative History

As the Germans moved their flanks through Belgium to attack France, the British Empire realized they were hardly capable of a prolonged land war that could drag on for years. The King called for a plan to win the war using Britain's superior navy. A young Winston Churchill, then Lord of the Admiralty, designed a naval assault on the German coast. A Russian naval assault would occur simultaneously. Naturally, such a long assault would take time to prepare, so the British sent troops into France in order to delay the Germans in time for the assault.

D-Day- September 14, 1914

After halting the German advance in the Battle of the Marne, an allied fleet of over 3,000 ships( not all militarily equiped), departed from Dover. A smaller navy had been dispatched to the west of the North Sea in order to fool the Germans. The fleet contained one hundred thousand British troops, many from Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. The fleet encountered a few German U-Boats, but destroyed them before they could contact the German command. On September 14, British ships reached the ports of Cuxhaven and Bremerhaven, and landed troops in the cities. The garrisons there quickly surrendered. Britain then burned any naval facilities the Germans might use against them, including several Dreadnoughts. The Navy then split down the Rivers Weser and Elbe, with the greater force sent down the latter. On September 15th, The British navy attacked Bremen and Hamburg. Here, the garrison was more entrenched.


Fall of Bremen and Hamburg

Siege of Hannover

Crossing of the River Elbe

March to Berlin

Russian Assault

German Retreat

Fall of Rhineland

German Counter attack

German surrender
