Alternative History


The European Front

With new supplies from Russia, Soviet troops were able to build a bridge across the Danube, allowing them to march into Austria. The Kaiser, Karl I was in Vienna when he heard that Bruck, a small town on the road to Vienna had fallen. The Kaiser fled with is troops to join the core of the Army in the mountains. By March, the Soviet commander, General Joseph Stalin, was enjoying himself in Schobrunn. With most of Austria still fighting, Stalin did not have time to enjoy himself. He set his troops back on the road, across the Semmering Pass in the Alps to Klagenfurt. His troops crossed into the Tirol, where the Austrian Kaiser Jager Alpine troops were waiting for the Soviets. In the high Dolomites, the Soviet troops, inexperienced to high mountains were suffering defeat after defeat. Stalin decided to retreat to safer grounds, and to invade Bavaria. In May, after losing many soldiers in the Dolomites, the reduced Soviet army crossed into Germany. In Germany, the German army, aided by an air force destroyed division after division of Soviet troops. By November, only Munich had fallen. Meanwhile, the rest of the region revolted and formed irregular units, sabotaging Soviet installations in Munich. Meanwhile, in the East, Soviet troops had made important gains, capturing all of Poland by July.

The Northern Front

In Scandinavia, Sweden and Norway both declared war on the USSR in early 1920. However, both Sweden’s and Norway’s army were weak. Soviet troops in Finland invaded northern Sweden and Norway, capturing the North Cape and Lapland very quickly. Sweden quit the war in November, and only Norway was left fighting.


The Arabian Front

The new British army recaptured the defense-free Sinai and crossed into Palestine, capturing Jerusalem in June. By August, Lebanon and Damascus had surrendered, ending the brief existence of the DRA. However, Turkish units mixed with Soviet troops invaded Syria and the British troops in Aleppo from Hatay. The joint Turkish-Soviet troops quickly overran the defenseless garrison in Aleppo, creating a commotion in Cairo and Damascus. Luckily, German and French troops landed in Lebanon and walked through the mountains to Aleppo, reaching the city in November. The newly arrived EA troops met up with the British troops left in the region and encircled the Soviet stronghold. By December 31, both sides had been unable to gain an important amount of land.

The Asian Front

The Japanese government, under the pretext that “the Dutch had contributed to resistance to the Japanese authority in Singapore”, declared war on the Netherlands and launched an all-out assault on the rest of Kalimantan Island in early March. By early April, Kalimantan defended by only a few local soldiers had fallen. Leaving a few hundred troops in Kalimantan, the Japanese navy led another assault, this time on the undefended Sulawesi. By early August, the Japanese sun was floating over Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Seram and Timor. Now the Japanese were ready to attack Dutch troops led by General van der Gross in Java. The final battle with the Dutch was planned to begin in early January 1921…
