Welcome to the Portal Page for the 2000: Doomsday ASB.
This timeline explores world history after Doomsday - December 31, 1999 - January 1, 2000.
A conflict where the biblical forces of Hell are directed by Satan, the forces of the Kingdom of God and Humanity. This ASB covers everything from the direct aftermath up to the present worldwide situation. This is a "live" timeline - its story continues to unfold NOW, in real time. See the Live Content section for the latest news and updates. This is also a collaborative timeline, produced by a contributors. If you want to join us in developing this world, we welcome your additions.
The Point of Divergence of the 2000: Doomsday timeline is the night between December 31, 1999 and January 1, 2000.
In this timeline, everything runs normally until that same night, meteorites began to be detected approaching the earth at high speed. Governments initiated planned evacuation protocols in the event of crises of such magnitude. While the human population was evacuated by police security forces including military forces, in the heavens the war began to be fought with clashes between the Angels and the demons, the same meteorites were the beings facing each other as they entered the earth.
It took hours for governments to realize what they were facing, but as long as this happened, riots and clashes occurred between the police and the population, including military forces from different countries.
The angels faced the Demons with medieval weapons that cast bright light while the demons acted as beasts adopting forms considered aberrant, from wolf-like hounds with large jaws to humanoid demons, as tall as a man but, apart from their broad shoulders They have bodies that are stylized and slender, with long arms topped in shiny black claws, crooked and crested backs. They are usually wrapped in fragments of armor that sometimes merge with their own flesh. All followed by hordes of walking corpses eager to devour angelic or human flesh.
The angels descended by lighting with their presence alone, like a beacon but protecting the innocent or the brave, reporting cases of lonely angels defending churches besieged by infernal Hounds or infernal scum. The Vatican, the city of Rome, became a point where human resistance was assumed by the angels, the center of human faith in God was defended by fire and sword, encouraged by defense, any man or woman capable of fighting fought Against demons and evil forces. An example that caused the Archangels to adopt these warriors as the Crusaders or Paladins of God.
The first months were of chaos and death, along with destruction, the wicked and unjust were crushed by the Angels found when they were found or in the worst case, recruited as agents of Hell, paying tribute on living beings for the fun of the got damn; from babies to feed at the expense of the suffering of mothers who saw the death of their children to women who were raped by demons of lust until they died.
The results of this total apocalyptical war are close to the forecasts of almost complete worldwide destruction and the "world holocaust" as predicted by many scientists of this time. This results in as many as a billion people killed initially, and another billion in the subsequent environmental disaster that followed shortly thereafter.
With the world largely devastated, and most of the Northern and parts of the Southern Hemisphere in ruins, the estimated 800 million survivors in these areas desperately try to keep together what is left of human society. They are facing challenges that are seemingly impossible.
After an incredibly horrifying first few years post-Doomsday, a handful of regions, territories, and countries stabilize and master basic problems such as food and medical supplies. As time passes and the recovery continues, new (sometimes surprising) alliances are formed. A new, fragile world order emerges from the ashes. Initial hopes of some survivors for a united mankind (or at least warfare and destruction being ended forever) quickly prove false. Indeed, the world is light-years away from any Utopian imaginations. Famine, disease, and lack of resources provoke conflicts and wars in large parts of the world, thus devastating all the carefully achieved recovery.
Now, 20 years after the devastating "Doomsday" brought mankind to the edge of total extinction, a few moving moments have spread the hope for a more peaceful future for mankind, such as the foundation of the new "Human Empire" March 16th, 2010.
Nonetheless, new dangers to this fragile world have emerged all around the globe, threatening much of what has been achieved within the last 20 years...
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