Alternative History


Given the unprecedented closeness of the 2000 election (less than 1% separated both candidates), the Republicans re-nominated Bush as their best choice to return to the White House after 16 years. This time free of the constraints of office -- he retired following two terms as Governor of Texas in 2002 -- Bush dedicated himself solely to raise money and criticize Gore's "lukewarm" response to the threat of international terrorism in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 attacks. After winning the nomination, Bush patched his differences with Senator McCain and selected him as his running mate in a strong pro-security ticket. Other challengers in the Republican primaries were Rep. Tancredo of Colorado, former Senator Fred Thompson of Tennessee, Congressman Hunter of California, and McCain himself.


President Gore won the nomination with only token opposition by Senator Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut, former Vermont Governor Howard Dean, and pacifist Rep. Dennis Kucinich of Ohio. Gore retained as his running mate Vice-President Feinstein.

Electoral College Result:

Bush/McCain: 320

Gore/Feinstein: 218

Popular Result

Bush/McCain: 51%

Gore/Feinstein: 47%

The Republicans finally returned to the White House after 16 years in an election dominated by the primacy of fear and security concerns (Bush-McCain constantly called for a more assertive and proactive foreign policy). Fatigue with Democratic rule also contributed to Gore's loss.

See also
