Alternative History

20th Century (Map Game)[]

It is the year 1900. It is the beginning of a new century, so you decide what happens.

Pick a country and start!

[In OTL the new century began in 1901.] EoGuy (talk)



1: No Nukes or Atom Bombs.

3: Don't declare war on everyone; be smart with war.

4: Mod word is law unless proven wrong.

5: Turns will go by half years.

6: Be plausible.

7: Have fun.

8: Use your brain - think - what would happen in real life?

9: You can play as one nation.

10: Help your country!

The Map[]

Current Map[]

Map game (map)



Put your name by the nation of your choice. 

North America[]

South America[]

  • Argentina:
  • Peru:
  • Columbia: Prueman88
  • Venezuela:
  • Curacao:
  • Ecuador: JoshmanIV





Empire of Oceania (New Zealand): Daxus Inferno (talk)


USA: We start to build up army and begin doing imperialism to spread democracy.

New Zealand: Offer is made to the US to buy Hawaii. Meanwhile, an invasion of Fiji is undertaken and the small island nation is quickly annexed.

  • USA Diplomacy: USA will only accept if given Fiji in return, in trade.    
  • N.Z.D: How about a military base on Fiji and money?
  • USA Diplomacy: We accept.

Mexico: The Battle of Mazocoba results in over 500 military casualties between the Mexican and Yaqui forces. The Yaqui Wars and the Caste Wars against Native Mexican Indians are strongly crushing rebellions.

China: Builds up army. Declares itself now a constitutional monarchy. Buys foreign books and opens the first university, the Beijing University in China. The university has four main subjects: Languages, The Arts, Mechanics and Science. Develops its first rifles and ships. Strengthens coastal defences.

India: A great uprising in many prominent cities, following notorious custody death of a political leader named Tilak. Prime Minister Robert Cecil says "He is concerned with ongoing activities". Dockworkers, spinning mill workers are on verge of strike. Plague breakdown in some old cities of Caunpore, Gaya, Benaras. 


New Zealand: The Solomon Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, Papua New Guinea, Nauru, and Kiribati are all invaded and almost all are immediately taken over. Research goes into airplanes, but for the most part the government focuses on airships and Zeppelins. An offer is made to America to buy Samoa, and industrialization continues.

  • USA Diplomacy: We will sell Samoa but demand you do not take your imperialism past Hawaii. Past Hawaii is too close to our borders.
  • New Zealand Diplomacy: Agreed.

Germany: Germany reorganizes its colonies into the Commonwealth of German Africa under white rule. Mass deportations of blacks begins and they are dumped near the Chinese coast as the colonies run better without them. The colonies then begin a small economic boom. Germany also prepares to invade a certain nation. Military buildup continues.

  • New Zealand Diplomacy: Alliance?
  • Germany: Accepts

Mexico: The Caste War of Yucatán officially ends, although Mayan skirmishers continue sporadic fighting.  Research into the use of aircraft for military purposes begins.

France: France begins subsidizing and increasing military and industry. Research begins on air forces and land support units. Production of battleships also increases. A large network of extensive defenses are commissioned along the eastern border of France, including Belgium, weakening ties to between the two nations.
France offers the Russian Empire, Great Britain, the United States of America, Italy, Belgium, Denmark, and the Netherlands non-aggression pacts and alliance offers.

  • USA Diplomacy: We accept both.

French African Colonies: Recruitment and training of colonial armies begin. French colonial exports increase, funding the expensive military expansion.

United States: We build up our army and navy and invade the small countries of Midway, Puerto Rico and Cuba and quickly annex them. Two brothers named Orville and Wilbur Wright test the first heavier-than-air airplane. It works after the second try but the army generals and president fail to see how they could use it. They decide to use them for spy planes. They send designs of the plane to their ally France.

  • France: France thanks their allies for the designs and immediately sends them to their military research department.

India: British PM Robert Cecil agrees to send Brown Commission to review possibilities of granting Constitutional Monarchy to India. Brown Commission gives report affirmative with division of India into three states India (Hindu dominance), Hyderabad (state with Muslim dominance) and Sind-Pushtu territory (Muslim dominance) by 1905. Muslim league representing Muslim and Indian Congress (representing mostly Hindus) initially do not agree but later ready to take this deal.

France: France continues upgrading their military. Construction begins on the defenses along their eastern border. Preparations are made for an invasion of the country of Switzerland. Prototype long range artillery is moved to the border. After a heavy bombardment French soldiers overrun Geneva. French forces enter the city and prepare for a siege of Bern, where the primary Swiss defenses now lie. A secondary force arrives from the north and begins the siege of Basel.

French African Colonies: Thousands of newly-trained colonial soldiers are moved to Europe by sea.


France: French soldiers take the city of Basel. Bombardment begins of Bern, as soldiers from the west surround the city. Both sides take considerable casualties in the initial assault. The northern French army moves southeast, winning a major victory against the Swiss near Zurich. France issues a peace proposal to Switzerland; full annexation. Official peace talks begin.

Meanwhile industrialization and military buildup continues in France and her colonies.

Mexico: Autocrat Porfirio Díaz is assassinated by revolutionaries as his regime grows unpopular due to repression and political stagnation. Francisco I. Madero is elected new president with almost 90% of the vote. The USA is offered a non-aggression pact.

  • USA Diplomacy: We decline.

United States: Creates first airplane with gun attached and mass produces them. Builds up army, air force and navy.

  • The first planes with guns didn't even come around until late WW-I, and that was because a French pilot shot at a German pilot with a pistol. Not to mention, it took months for the pilots to figure out how to work the guns and fly, and not shoot off their own propellers. Wait for another half-decade or so.
  • But this is ALTERNATE HISTORY. Anyway, it's not that hard to add a rifle to a plane and have someone shoot it.
  • That would be inaccurate and probably not hit anyone, but I suppose you are kinda right.

New Zealand: An offer is made to France to buy all of their Pacific colonies. The Marshall Islands, Papua New Guinea, and East Timor are all taken over. Zeppelins begin being utilized in the air force, and the navy is expanded greatly.

  • France: France proposes trading all of French Polynesia and the French Pacific colonies for the island of Papua New Guinea
  • N.Z.D: Declined.
  • Papua New Guinea isn't an island, it's half an island and a country.
  • France: Okay, good point. 

China: Builds up coastal defences and start building a navy of Chinese battleships.

India: Both divided factions (Hindu and Muslim) continue to fight, while British troops watch the scene imperturbably. Both start gathering weaponry from GB. Hindu leader Savarkar comes up with an idea of sociopolitical villages, which will be self-sufficient in terms of society, political structure and defence. He starts off with pilot project near Bombay.


France: Bern is secured by French forces. After weeks of negotiations the Swiss agree to full annexation (not sure if I need an algorithm of mod decision on that). French soldiers occupy major Swiss cities. In French Indochina military recruitment is at an all time high. An invasion of Siam/Thailand is planned and executed along the eastern border. The initial assault is successful against the mainly irregular Thai army. Mass production of long range artillery and aircraft begins. Infrastructure and defenses continue to grow. An alliance is offered to New Zealand.

It is fine, but you may start a war. You have been warned.

  • Germany: Horrified at France annexing peaceful Switzerland, the Germans declare war on France in the name of liberating Switzerland and the German Army is soon advancing deep into French occupied Switzerland while trying not to hurt Swiss property. German forces also invade through the Franco-German border and take much land while German troops use the Schleiflin Plan and are soon outside Paris. France is told to release the Swiss, or when the war ends, all of France will be annexed or a vassal state.
  • USA: Also horrified, we demand that the French get out of Switzerland or face war.
  • New Zealand: Being allied with Germany, who is at war with you, we must decline your alliance offer. In fact, we will aid Germany.

United States: Makes its military and navy huge and makes plans of invading a certain country. No, it is not France.

New Zealand: Honoring its military alliance with Germany, New Zealand invades and quickly captures most French Pacific islands and an invasion force is sent to and lands in OTL Vietnam, making a massive landing and securing much of the coast due to the French being occupied with the Thai, while Zeppelins are used for bombings. The first tank is made, though it is slow, basically immobile, and offers little protection. It is dismissed but attempts continue.

India: Despite ongoing tensions, a major programme of educational reforms and infrastructure development is taken by government. 



Sorry, I'm a bad map editor.

France: The French defenses along the Eastern border hold back the German army, who suffer large casualties from the initial assault. The Germans hold near Zurich where the occupying French have the upper ground. The first French planes are used against the Germans, primarily as reconnaissance, while the use of long range artillery, costs many German lives. Due in part to the upgraded infrastructure/rail system French reserves get to the border in record time. Colonial soldiers enter Togoland and the western German colonies. Several native peoples under the Germans, including Herero, revolt in favor of the French, rebelling against their German masters. Fleeing Africans are armed by the French Foreign Legion. In Indochina the large native French colonials engage the New Zealanders at Vung Tau, where the heavy bombings and harsh landing conditions prevent the invaders from advancing inland. The New Zealanders also meet resistance near Phan Thiet, Cam Lam, and Qui Nhon. The Thai agree to colonial annexation, and much of the French army is moved east. The remainder of the army occupies Bangkok, and moves into the northwest and southern provinces where rebel factions still operate, loyal to the government of Thailand. France calls on its ally, the United States of America for financial/military aid. (As for the other requests I made regarding alliances, can a mod accept/reject for the countries with no players?)

What "bombers"? The only people with aircraft are the U.S (which are planes with guns), and New Zealand (who has actual Zeppelin bombers) and if you mean artillery, the New Zealanders caught you off guard while you were busy with Siam, unless all of a sudden France had teleportaion technology. Also, this German battle plan was used in WW-I and WW-II. In WW-I it didn't work so well since they didn't stick to the plan (which ATL Germany is sticking to), and in WW-II they captured France in about two weeks. Just pull troops to fight off the Germans, and accept that the coast of Indochina is lost (for now).

  • France: The quote says 'where the heavy bombings'. I did not once say anything about bombers as in planes. I am referring to artillery. Also I do have a makeshift air force (of reconnaissance planes) that the US personally gave me. In Vietnam several major cities have artillery units posted. Yes, they did catch me off guard, which is why they haven't taken Phan Thiet, Cam Lan and Qui Nhon. Near Saigon there is a siege in place, which is what I am referring to. To reply to your comment about the plan, please note that the plan wasn't actually made until about five years before World War One. Also, as I noted in my previous comment (which I will move here), France has several defenses INCLUDING THE BELGIAN BORDER, unlike real life. If you don't mind I'd prefer to realistically fight these battles not just hand over Indochina because someone instantly occupied the area in one turn. Here is my previous comment which hopefully a mod will review:
  • France: I don't think it's very logical that you could have mobilized your entire army, invaded and occupied Switzerland and half of France in such little time, especially considering the huge defensive structures. Also keep in mind, that approximately 1,000,000 French soldiers are deployed along the border and in Switzerland. Not to mention the 500,000~ colonial soldiers in reserve. Furthermore, the Schlieffen Plan wasn't even fully created at this time.
  • Fair enough, your point on the German invasion does seem valid, but I don't think you ever said that military uniters were placed in the Vietnamese cities. But remember that Germany had been preparing for like two years.
  • How does France get 500,000 COLONIAL forces into France. There are not that many colonial troops available without leaving your colonies WIDE OPEN to attack. Fine, Germany's gonna get some colonies.

Canada:  Military is expanding. Research into a faster machine gun (like a Gatling gun) that doesn't get jammed. They hear about the new Horseless carriage invented in the U.S and decide to research into that also. Greenland is invaded, and The U.S is asked for the northeastern portion of Alaska in return for Nova Scotia

  •  USA diplomacy: No.
  • Denmark is going to be pissed.

New Zealand: Soldiers landing in Northern Indochina make great success with minimal losses down to Dong Hoi, taking most of the land, but farther south, soldiers take a few small cities, but the siege of larger cities is undertaken and it is believed they will fall quickly, especially when Zeppelin bombers arrive and a second smaller wave is sent to the southern region. While soldiers in the north also press west and south are held by returning French forces. Overall, the attack was not as successful as hoped, but successful enough. The first few cars are produced though in small quantities and a steam powered tank is built and is basically a slow, thick metal disk with a cannon on it and a crew with muskets, and one is deployed in the southern region of Indochina as a test. Meanwhile, a Buddhist movement sweeps across Papua New Guinea, Fiji and other smaller islands, much to the anger of Christians.

United States: Invades Mexico. Takes much of the northern area, but encounters resistance eventually.

If Mexico does not become active, it will be annexed by the USA.

Germany: German forces surge past Zurich after a bitter battle. The USA and Britain are asked to help save Switzerland, the nation of peace. Germany finally breaks through the fortifications and takes roughly 34 miles of land from the border while German forces numbering roughly 1,765,000 men with 800,000 more reserves are mobilized, bringing the number up to 2,565,000 men. The French are also forced back to the Seine River where the advance is halted and more troops are brought to the front. Forts are built along the front and trenches are dug while machine guns are posted along the entire front to mow down enemy forces. 

USA starts fighting with the Germans.

German Colonies: Seeing the easy undefended land in French Africa, the Germans in Cameroon invade French Africa and begin to advance very easily due to the complete absence of French forces - due to 500,000 being in Europe. German forces also land in Madagascar and begin to conquer the French puppet.

  • France: I honestly think attacking Madagascar as well is a little unrealistic.
  • As is taking over Switzerland, a mountainous country with a Super Saiyan military and fighting a two front war against Germany and New Zealand. What's your point?

China: China begins reforms and starts industrialising most of its major cities, asks Germany, Russia, Britain and USA for an alliance.

USA gladly accepts.


France: In Switzerland a large force sweeps toward Zurich from the north, near Liestal, surrounding the German force advancing past Zurich. The main German force is routed to east of Obersee (Lake Zurich), creating a front up to the German-held Frauenfeld. Zurich is heavily fortified, as is the entirety of the Swiss front. A large French force under Ferdinand Foch advanced north of Switzerland, placing Stuttgart under siege. The Germans are forced back to Jamy on the French-German front. In the north, German forces are pocketed against the Belgian border. (Did Germany ever end up invading Belgium? I believe that was a part of their plan, so is it safe to say Belgium is at war with Germany?) In Africa, Togoland is secured. Colonial troops are moved back to Africa, aiding the mediocre-sized garrison of professional soldiers. In German West Africa, the French-aided rebel uprising causes the German colonial forces to retreat south. As a large German colonial force is organized and advances into Cameroon (as noted by Germany) they are met by heavy pro-French rebels and militia. The French colonial army scrambles south, as the majority of soldiers in Togoland are moved south. The French navy crushes German transports heading for Madagascar (I'm basing the strength of our navies on the fact that at the outbreak of World War One the French had four dreadnought battleships, 17 pre-dreadnought battleships, 22 armoured cruisers, 13 protected cruisers, 35 destroyers, 180 torpedo boats, and 50 submarines. Plus, I never slowed down naval production at the turn of the century. While Germany had 22 pre-Dreadnoughts, 19 dreadnought battleships and seven battlecruisers). French naval forces enter the Heligoland Bright and the coast of Northern German, blockading all trade and naval movements. More ships remain en route. In Indochina the main French force crosses through Laos and attacks the New Zealanders from the west. The French force greatly outnumbers the invaders who are spread out along several hundred km. Dong Hoi, Vinh and Nam Dinh are easily taken in a matter of weeks. The Siege of Hanoi now rests highly in French favor. The city's people scramble together, building fortifications out of the ruins and taking arms alongside the French Garrison. Artillery is slowly brought from the west to join the minimal Hanoi cannon defenses. Veterans hardened from the south Thai campaign arrive in the south where the Siege of Saigon has so far been unsuccessful. The invaders along the coastal towns are unable to advance with much haste (much like Gallipoli, for example) where harsh landing zones (in terms of weather and land formations) and lack of supplies leave the invaders little advantage. Constant artillery shelling from inland continues. Machine gun nests and snipers are stationed in large quantities. The French colonial navy blocks off many much needed New Zealander reinforcements and supplies in the South China Sea. Planes are used for the first time as fighters, equipped with basic guns. Despite the slightly high chance of plane malfunctions, hundreds of pilots are trained in Europe and Indochina. France asks their ally, the United States, for support. France also renews its requests for alliances to the Russian Empire, Great Britain, Italy, Belgium, Denmark, and the Netherlands. (If a mod could review those, that would be great). Mass recruitment and propaganda campaigns in France and her territories is highly successful and large quantities of soldiers are sent by train to the fronts. Along the French-German border a massive offensive is planned since the Germans are now outnumbered in the center.

  • France: Also regarding the number of soldiers Germany has: I think it doesn't make sense that they raised 800,000 soldiers in one six month period. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think their number of soldiers, said to be 2,565,000 men is rather a lot, considering that the German army roughly had 500,000 normal soldiers at any given time. Also, wasn't the German army still divided among Prussia, Bavaria, Saxony and Württemberg?
  • It united in the 1870s or 1890s and was itching for a fight from anybody and had a large military to do so.
  • France: Germany united in 1871. Its army did not.

New Zealand: The second wave of invaders land in southern Indochina, with the primitive tanks and a large quantity of armored bombing Zeppelins. Zeppelins and the new and improved New Zealander fleet manage to break the blockade of the spread-thin French navy, though it was far from easy, and Zeppelins also manage to take out much of French artillery before the second landing, allowing for a far safer landing than the first time. The primitive tank is also deployed and it proves to be extremely effective and Saigon is completely taken with the help of Zeppelins and the tank, but the tank has trouble crossing the harsh jungles and is stationed in Saigon. Meanwhile in Northern Indochina, troops rally with the air support of Zeppelins and manage to re-take Hanoi but fighting is tough and overall, much of lost territory is regained due to the newly arrived Zeppelins, and even more ground is taken in the south than previously had been, but land is lost in the north. the land in the south more than compensates, and almost all of the southern Indochina coast is taken - as far inland as Phnom Penh. To combat the French air force which now has actual fighters (though they would be pretty ineffective) Zeppelins now come with guns on them as well, though they aren't as effective has hoped, but the primitive fighters still aren't to great of an adversary. In Wellington the construction of three massive Zeppelins is underway and are being called the Triad that are absolute juggernauts. Several smaller ships are sent to Madagascar to aid any Germans in the area and the small force manages to take Vohemar, Sambava and Antalaha. An offer is made to the U.S, India, China and Korea that if they "invest" in the war against France the benefits will be great. Meanwhile, the Buddhist movement continues to sweep across New Zealand, but has yet to reach the mainland. A third wave is even planned to invade Indochina, almost completely carried by Zeppelins, though it will be smaller than the second wave, and increase in size and quality of the navy is undergone.

USA: Takes over and annexes Mexico. Builds up army and navy. Sends support to the Germans.

France: Thanks, ally :/

New Zealand D: Mind sending a ship or three across the Pacific?

Wow, you can't take over and annex all of Mexico in just six months! Wait another turn or two.

  • Germany: The troops in Madagascar take over the island since the transports made it LAST TURN. Also the French are forced from Switzerland with over 1,250,000 more troops than France in Europe and German forces take Paris. ALSO, BELGIUM AND GERMANY ARE AT PEACE. With the French capitol in German hands and Switzerland liberated and now independent, France is offered a peace deal giving Switzerland independence and Franco-German borders retaining pre-war borders. Germany also builds up military and asks for A FREAKING ALGORITHM!!!!!!

France: It appears my last post was ignored. Also, I agree on the algorithm.

  • China: Continues to industrialise its country. Arms its soldiers with US weapons, builds up the first navy. Joins the German-New Zealand Alliance and marches to Indochina. With a clear understanding of the jungle habitat and

up-to-date weapons, China wins three victories in OTL Sapa, Dong Dang, Lang Song and Phongsali. Hanoi is the next goal of China and Chinese troops heavily garrisoned its gained territory and built trenches, jungle traps, tunnels and forts in the occupied territory. 


Mexico: With the wars with the Native Americans over, the Mexican military is dedicated to promoting peace and stability in the region. The government become suspicious of the USA's attack on Cuba, and a sizable amount of the military is stationed on military bases near the US border in case on an assault on other South American nations.

  • They already began invading you.
  • Wars are not supposed to be declared in map games without justification. What reason does the USA give for this pointless invasion?
  • Since when does AMERICA need a reason?
  • 'America wants Mexico. We invade Mexico.

New Zealand: Soldiers press on in Indochina, taking most of the south, and soldiers in the north regain all lost land and more due to the Chinese. The third wave is sent and lands on the southern coast, and Bangkok is taken. An offer of peace is made to France that they cede all Pacific and Indochina, with Hanoi and everything north of it going to China. The Buddhist movement continues to sweep through the nation, reaching the main island.

  • Chinese D: Agrees with New Zealand and asks New Zealand to form a military alliance with China.
  • New Zealand D: Accepted.

China: Chinese troops, backed with sheer manpower, knowledge of Indochinese jungles, up-to-date weapons and help from the locals, started the siege of Hanoi that lasted for three days. As the troops marched in, the general ordered the troops not to plunder anything and to treat the residents with respect. It made the Vietnamese people respect the Chinese troops. A navy is established and asks New Zealand for Zeppelin designs to build a Chinese air force. Every province is now expected to have a steel factory, an arms factory, a textile mill or a mining town, and a fully mechanical factory. Asks USA, Germany, Britain and Russia to form a military alliance with China. China is now regaining the money lost in recent wars against Japan and other European countries.

  • Britain D: Britain agrees with a military alliance with China
  • New Zealand D: We will grant more primitive Zeppelin designs but are sure the Chinese will figure out more advanced ones..

Britain: Industrialises most of its cities and colonies. Gives many technologies to China as a way to stop French influence in Asia. A railroad is prepared to be constructed in its African colonies to send supplies to the Empire as quickly as possible. As USA invades Mexico from the North, the Empire sent a great fleet and landed in the Yucatan Peninsula, crushing Mexican forces.

No time for this. I resign - Pavillion (talk) 18:15, January 28, 2013 (UTC)


New Zealand: The completion of the Triads is about half done. The navy, air force and military are expanded, and the navy is sent near Africa to stop any French ships. All of Indochina is taken and two dozen Zeppelins carrying soldiers are sent to Europe, though the trip will take a while. The Buddhist movement basically takes over most the nation, ending it, and found Siam culture also becomes rather popular with the people of New Zealand, though it just becomes another sub-culture. A massive railroad plan is made to connect all of Indochina, all of New Zealand, and any islands large enough that railroads are needed and significantly improve the infrastructure. Another cursory glance is made at the technology of the atomic bomb, but it is dismissed again with little progress made to it.

China: Chinese scientists develop a bombing Zeppelin. A navy is established and it will use the newest weapons from its allies, instead of the old weapons that caused China to lose the first Sino-Japanese war. Every province is now expected to have a steel factory, an arms factory, a textile mill or a mining town, and a fully mechanical factory. Asks USA, Germany, Britain and Russia to form a military alliance with China. China starts a stock market situated in Hangzhou and asks to exchange embassies with all European countries, USA and New Zealand. A railroad plan is made that will build a large railroad from Harbin all the way to Hong Kong and one from Shanghai all the way to Lhasa. Asks Britain to send more soldiers in Hong Kong.

U.S Diplomacy: Gladly accepts alliance.

New Zealand: Accepts embassy.

Germany: Seeing that France will not respond, the Germans occupy the rest of France since Paris was captured, and Germany annexes France and its entire empire while land is given to Switzerland giving it access to the Mediterranean Sea. Switzerland is also offered some land in Algeria. Germany returns all lands it controls or influences in China back to China. Germany, with so much of the world now under its control, begins building railways across Africa and promises that only Whites will rule Africa, there will be no Black Rule ever. Asians, however, are welcome as they are hard workers and the Kaiser says that joint Asian-White rule may someday occur.

  • New Zealand Diplomacy: Asks their German allies for the previously French-owned Indochina, French Pacific territories, and Madagascar for our efforts in the war.

Mexico: Mexico girds itself for any future attack (probably from America), instates draft, and places 200,000 troops along its northern border. Mexico also annexes all of the Mayan lands including Guatemala and Yucatan. All forces stay in Mexico and a large navy/army is built. Mexican government spends much money "Mexicanizing" the Native Americans and building infrastructure, including roads, railroads and others. Asks Russia, China, and France, for an alliance. Mexico also pushes for a pan-Latin-American union, to protect the interests of the Latino people in the face of the US.

You have been being invaded for a long time, and you can't "Mexicanize" the natives because at this point the natives have "Mayanized" you. At this point the majority of people were Hispanic/Native, and France is dead.
1904 (mapgame)

The World in 1904

First, Papua New Guinea is owned exclusively by New Zealand since it wasn't even colonized until 1904 and New Zealand said that they took it over in an earlier post. Second, someone paint New Zealand a different color. Third, Russia should own Alaska. Fourth, didn't Mexico just take over all of Central America? Fifth, Germany-France should own Siam (Thailand).

Editing is hard, bro...


Germany will cede Indochina and Papua New Guinea to New Zealand, but not Madagascar. New Zealand is thanked for its aid. Also, Germany threatens the USA with war if they do not leave Mexico alone.

Indochina is Chinese and New Zealand!

New Zealand isn't Chinese. ...

U.S Diplomacy: C'mon, we helped you in the war with France. Just leave us alone now, please. :P

Germany D: Germany apologizes fully, saying the Emperor had a cold and wasn't thinking straight. Carry on, friend.

United States: We put more troops in Mexico and use Cuba to invade to Eastern area. We encounter heavy resistance with no side gaining or losing land. We build up army and mass produce "Spy Planes" and look into an All-Terrain Armored Vehicle.

UK: The empire asks Germany to build a railroad in Africa to send supplies as quickly as possible. The army in Mexico advances to Puebla and asks the US to split Mexico in half with all land below Mexico City to be under British rule. Also, the colony in South America expands. Further industrialises the country. Industrialises British India and builds up the army and navy. Sends more troops to Hong Kong. Industrialises all colonies and builds up the navy in all colonies.

Germany agrees fully and offers to fund half of the project.
African railroad

The African railroad will start from South Africa and end in Morocco and Egypt.


New Zealand: Thanks its German ally for its new territories, and grants Hanoi and everything north of it to China as promised. A message is sent to Germany saying that if a war with America were to happen they would unfortunately not be allowed to support them due to good relations between New Zealand and America. The military is significantly weakened due to their fighting in Indochina and recent conquests, but the navy and air force are expanded, and the army is built up again, but New Zealand will not be going to war anytime soon. An offer is made to China that the railroad they're constructing also goes into Indochina. New Zealand will aid in its construction. The Triads are nearly complete.

Germany understands the reason for your neutrality, but Germany and America are back on friendly terms. The Kaiser had a head cold and wasn't thinking straight.

India: With autonomous monarchy at brink, tensions in India keep on growing. The plans of division into three states are ready, but who will accept it? Everyone wants more land than they get.

German Reich: Germany grants citizenship to all French citizens while blacks in Africa revolt against German rule, leading to a huge crackdown in which over 500,000 blacks are killed and over 6,000,000 more begin being moved into the Sahara Desert area and are forced to work on building the railroad and mining as well as digging wells. Many begin considering moving the blacks to the new German Guyana in South America to free Africa of the pests. Germany soon does this, and ships full of blacks begin to transport the blacks to South America. Sadly, over 35 ships in the first convoy sink when a hurricane hits them, drowning over 45,000 blacks. American Indians in Guyana are also given full rights and allowed to govern the colony as a protectorate of Germany, and Native Americans are invited to move there. Germany offers Belgium and the Netherlands protectorate status, granting them full domestic rule and even foreign affairs excluding military affairs, although the two may choose when or not to declare war.

China: Decides to expand their railroad not only throughout Indochina, but also through the whole of Eurasia, which will connect with Great Britain and Germany's African railroad. Asks Japan (RNG, please), Great Britain, Russia, Persia, Germany, Ottoman Empire and Austro-Hungary for the permission to build this railroad in their nations. Chinese scientists develop an armoured Zeppelin. The navy is expanded and it will use the newest weapons from its allies, instead of the old weapons that caused China to lose the first Sino-Japanese war. Every province is now expected to have two steel factories, two arms factories, five textile mills or five mining towns, and a full mechanical factory.  The stock market situated in Hangzhou was a success and Capitalism blooms in China. Asks to exchange embassies with all European countries, USA and New Zealand. Sends a million workers to Germany to help them rebuild France and to replace the dead black workers. Tells Germany that they will work hard, but in exchange Germany should give them basic citizenship. Asks Dutch to build a daily ferry between the Dutch Indies to allow the Eurasian railroad to expand into Australia. Builds forts, tunnels and trenches along the Yalu river and prepares for a large offensive against Japan, a sworn enemy of the Chinese people. Moreover, builds naval bases in Fuzhou, Jinmen and Xiamen while putting 50% of the empire's navy in the bases. Prepares trucks of weapons and supplies to send to Korea once the offensive begins. Asks U.S.A for their airplane designs. 

Screen Shot 2013-02-01 at 下午10.37

The Great Eurasian Railroad

  • New Zealand D: I own almost all of Indochina, you just own what is Hanoi and North of it.
  • Russia: Ask to join alliance with China, Germany and Austro-Hungarian empire. Asks if China is willing to sell Mongolia for one billion rubles. Makes a five-year peace pact offer with UK. Industrializes Moscow, St. Petersburg, Minsk, Kiev, Astana and Helsinki. Develops land and makes trade offer with all the countries in the world. Strengthens military and advances technology. 
  • Austria: Accepts alliance and trade offer with Russia and also asks for an alliance with Germany. (Germany, Austria, Russia, China) Strengthens military and advance technology.

UK: The empire agrees with China's railroad plan and starts building in British India. The army in Mexico advances to Puebla and asks the US to split Mexico in half with all land below Mexico City to be under British rule. Also, the colonies in South America expand. Further industrialises the country. Industrialises British India and builds up the army and navy. Send more troops to Hong Kong. Industrialises all colonies and builds up the navy in all colonies. Prepares for a war against Brazil. Starts building the African railroad and starts the part in Egypt, which will be beside the Nile to send supplies quickly.


New Zealand: A military coup takes place, and to the President's dismay, it is most of the military backing the General. The President steps down and is exiled to any country who will accept him. General Horatio Varg declares himself Emperor and declares New Zealand as the Empire of Oceania. Army, air force, and navy are expanded greatly. Pay for soldiers is increased. Emperor Horatio will allow the Eurasian Railroad to go into Oceanic Indochina. It is asked that all countries recognize the new government. The Triads are completed, they are three massive steel-clad Zeppelins loaded with the most modern bombs and machine guns. The Triads are called Blood-stained Hurricane, Sky Shark, and Maelstrom.

  • U.S.A Diplomacy: We recognize the new government and ask for an alliance.
  • E.O.D: We accept.
  • Chinese D: We recognize the new government and ask for an alliance.
  • E.O.D.: Alliance offer accepted.


North America: 1904

United States: We expand our navy by three battleships, and invade Mexico From the west. We surround Mexico City, and then invade it. We take Mexico City, and have now conquered all of Mexico. We annex it into the Union and prepare to separate it into states. Meanwhile, the first paratrooper airplane is made.

  • England owns the Yucatan Peninsula.
  • OK, sorry

German Reich: The death rate of blacks in Africa reaches 82,000,000, and more whites and Asians are sent to Africa, which is now nearly violence-free due to the absence of ethnic warfare. The Germans refuse to recognize the Emperor of Oceania, but states it will if the emperor marries the Kaiser's niece. Germany invades Brazil and conquers the eastern half of the country. Plans to conquer South America are made.

  • E.O.D: We accept.
  • Monroe Doctrine ring a bell? If you invade South America, the USA MUST intervene by their own law.

Italy: The Italians begin an economic and military reform due to the wars in Europe. They also request military advisors from Britain to build a credible navy along the lines of the Royal Navy. A request has also been sent to Britain which states that Italian admirals are to study in British Navy Schools.

China: Starts building its railroad and has finished the part from Shangdong to Beijing and from Beijing to Harbin. Chinese scientists develop a primitive airplane. The empire embraces constitutional monarchy with one representative for each million people in China to construct the lower house and the nobles and the emperor to construct the upper house. The navy is expanded and it will use the newest weapons from its allies, instead of the old weapons that caused China to lose the first Sino-Japanese war. Already have armed 

  • Three battleships 
  • Five armored cruisers
  • Five cruisers
  • 17 destroyers
  • 53 torpedo boats

Every province is now expected to have three steel factories, three arms factories, five textile mills or five mining towns, and two fully mechanical factory. The stock market situated in Hangzhou was a success and Capitalism blooms in China. The first trading company Meng Shin is know the richest company in Hangzhou and has assets in steel factories, textile mills, banking and mining. The company is prepared to get into its first oversees bank in Britain. Asks to exchange embassies with all European countries, USA and New Zealand. Sends another million workers to Germany to help them rebuild France and to replace the dead black workers. Tells Germany that they will work hard, but in exchange Germany should give them basic citizenship. Asks Dutch to build a daily ferry between the Dutch Indies to allow the Eurasian railroad to expand into Australia. Builds forts, tunnels and trenches along the Yalu river and prepares for a large offensive against Japan, a sworn enemy of the Chinese people. A million soldiers is sent to the Yalu river and the traditional military clothing is changed into uniforms that resembles German ones. The muskets were now all replaced to rifles and cannons are replaced by German artillery. Moreover, builds naval bases in Fuzhou, Jinmen and Xiamen while putting 70% of the empire's navy in the bases. Another million troops are now situated in Fuzhou and is prepared for a large offensive against Taiwan to liberate the Taiwanese people. Prepares trucks of weapons and supplies to send to Korea once the offensive begins. Asks Germany not to attack South America and destroy the current peace in the world. Some research is done to an iron airplane, but little progress is made. The emperor is thinking of studying a great iron automobile, armed with machine guns and artillery and can go pass enemy lines in minutes.

  • Russia: Russia asks to join alliance with China,Germany and Austro-Hungarian empire, asks if China is willing to sell Mongolia for 70 billion rubles. Makes a five year peace pact offer with UK. Industrializes Moscow, St. Petersburg, Minsk, Kiev, Astana and Helsinki. Develops land and makes trade offer with all the countries in the world. Strengthens military and advances technology. 
  • Chinese D: Declines the alliance politely (Due to thousands and thousands of land being stolen from China by Russia). Moreover, Mongolia is already Chinese!!!
  • Greece: Asks Italy they can create an alliance. Military is improved, work on a lightweight machine gun is put in process
  • Austria: Accepts alliance and trade offer with Russia and also asks for an alliance with Germany. Strengthens military and advance technology. Sails to Argentina and make trade offers.
  • UK: The empire agrees with China's railroad plan and starts building in British Africa. The army in Mexico advances to Puebla and asks the US to split Mexico in half with all land below Mexico City to be under British rule. Also, the colonies in South America expand. Further industrialises the country. Industrialises British India and builds up the army and navy. Send more troops to Hong Kong. Industrialises all colonies and builds up the navy in all colonies. Prepares for a war against Brazil. Starts building the African railroad and starts the part in Egypt, which will be beside the Nile to send supplies quickly.


Mod events (Only Mod is Trevornator01, so only I can do these events).

  • Canada wants to be its own country, not a dominion, and asks Britain to let Canada go or face war.
  • The Empire of Oceania is in a civil war due to people wanting another democracy.

  • German Reich: The death toll of blacks in Africa reaches 335,000,000 and more whites move there. The black population in German Africa originally was 435,000,000 and now it is only 100,000,000. The white population, meanwhile, has boomed to 42,000,000. Germany continues its invasion of Brazil, and conquers the remaining half of the country, and the Brazilian Reich is formed as a puppet state. Britain is offered an alliance and China is asked to send 12,000,000 immigrants to German Africa and 5,000,000 to the Brazilian Reich.
  • Brazilian Reich: Military buildup continues and Brazilian forces (along with 500,000 German forces which are secretly sent by the Kaiser) invade Argentina and easily conquer its northern half after crushing Uruguay.
  • Empire of Oceania: The wedding of Emperor Horatio Varg and the Kaiser's niece takes place. Emperor Horatio, a gambling man, has a plan. The Triads followed by a large escort of Zeppelins carry troops and invade Canberra, while amphibious strike forces take Sydney, Darwin, Perth, Melbourne, and Hobart due to Australia not expecting the sudden invasion. Due to almost all of Australia being on the coast, the Empire conquers almost important parts of the nation and annex it, but burn Canberra to the ground. An offer is made to England and the Netherlands over Indonesian territories, and it is asked that the Eurasian Railroad beings being called the Eastern Railroad and it will expand across Australia. The air force, navy, and army expand, with the navy increased by over 25% and the army undergoing more rigorous training, and are a little more than two-thirds what they were before the war with France in size, but due to iron-clad Zeppelins produced en masse if the war were to happen again, the Empire would surely win.
  • United States: Builds up army and navy. Asks Britain if we can buy Canada for a medium price so war does not happen. If war DOES happen, we will side with the British against the Canadians in exchange for Canadian land. Meanwhile, we invade the Bahamas and Jamaica and annex the nations.
  • Russia: Secretly asks Germany, Austria, Japan, Korea and U.S.A to invade China in exchange Germany will get OTL Finland 50 Billion Rubles and 30 million workers or immigrant to rebuilt France, Austria will get 100 Billion Rubles and U.S.A will get OTL Sakhalin, parts of Kamchatka, ten million immigrants and 30 Billion Rubles, Japan and Korea will share Manchuria and both get 10 billion Ruble. Russia strengthens its military and Industrializes the major cities.
  • China: Continues building its railroad and has finished the part from Shandong to Shanghai. Chinese scientists develop a primitive tank. The empire embraces constitutional monarchy with one representative for each million people in China to construct the lower house and the nobles and the emperor to construct the upper house. The navy is expanded and it will use the newest weapons from its allies, instead of the old weapons that caused China to lose the first Sino-Japanese war. Already have armed
    • 5 battleships
    • 7 armored cruisers
    • 10 cruisers
    • 35 destroyers
    • 86 torpedo boats

Every province is now expected to have three steel factories, three arms factories, five textile mills or five mining towns, and two fully mechanical factory. The stock market situated in Hangzhou was a success and Capitalism blooms in China. The first trading company Meng Shin is known as the richest company in Hangzhou and has assets in steel factories, textile mills, banking and mining. The company is prepared to get into its next overseas bank in Berlin and Paris. Asks to exchange embassies with all European countries, USA and New Zealand. Sends 50 million immigrants to Germany to help them rebuild France and to replace the dead black workers. Tells Germany that they will work hard, but in exchange Germany should give them basic citizenship. Asks Dutch to build a daily ferry between the Dutch Indies to allow the Eurasian railroad to expand into Australia. Builds forts, tunnels and trenches along the Yalu river and prepares for a large offensive against Japan, a sworn enemy of the Chinese people. A million soldiers is sent to the Yalu river and the traditional military clothing is changed into uniforms that resembles German ones. The muskets were now all replaced to rifles and cannons are replaced by German artillery. Moreover, builds naval bases in Fuzhou, Jinmen and Xiamen while putting 80% of the empire's navy in the bases. Another million troops are now situated in Fuzhou and is prepared for a large offensive against Taiwan to liberate the Taiwanese people. Prepares trucks of weapons and supplies to send to Korea once the offensive begins. Asks USA not to invade Germany and destroy the current peace in the world. Some research is done to an iron airplane, but little progress is made. Asks U.K and New Zealand to come to its defence in case of a war. Defends all its borders and coasts. The population has arrived to 420 million people. As an ally, China helps UK to reoccupy Canada and sends 200,000 ground forces to Vancouver Island. Pushing the Canadian troops into Victoria and building a stronghold in Vancouver.

UK: The empire agrees with China's alliance and says that UK will defend the Southern Coast if war is imminent. The army in Mexico advances to Puebla and asks the US to split Mexico in half with all land below Mexico City to be under British rule. Also, the colonies in South America expand. Further industrialises the country. Industrialises British India and builds up the army and navy. Send more troops to Hong Kong. Industrialises all colonies and builds up the navy in all colonies. Prepares for a war against Brazil. Starts building the African railroad and starts the part in Egypt, which will be beside the Nile to send supplies quickly. British troops lands in Baffin island and takes the whole land North of Yellowknife and Churchill.


1905.5 AD lABELED
  • German Reich: The German Afrika Corps are formed from the remaining 3,000,000 blacks in German Africa, and Germany orders the reorganization of Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick PEI, Labrador, and Newfoundland as the Canadian Reich, and it allies with Germany. The Kaiser turns Germany and both puppet Reichs into constitutional monarchies. Blacks that remain are granted equal rights as whites and allowed to travel wherever they want as equal citizens.The Canadian Reich and 125,000 German forces invade the rest of Canada and conquer Saskatchewan, Ontario, Manitoba, the Arctic Islands, and Nunavut. These new lands are then ceded to the Canadian Reich. Canada is granted full internal control. German forces invade Belgium, Denmark and Holland, conquering them and annexing all their colonies (Indonesia, Belgian Congo, Iceland, Greenland Dutch South America. The Indonesian, South African, Nordic and North African Reichs are established. 
  • Canadian Reich: Troop levels are built up.
    • Indonesian Reich: Elections for Reichstag. Troop levels increase.
    • South African Reich: Troop levels grow.
    • North African Reich: Troop levels grow. Reichstag elections.
    • Nordic Reich: Considers confederation with Canadian Reich. Adopts defensive only strategy.
    • Brazilian Reich: Brazilian and other Reich forces conquer Argentina, annexing it into the Brazilian Reich. Prepares for the final war in Chile.
    • Isn't Rule 3 suppose to prevent stuff like this?
    • They're puppet states, so it's allowed. You can't control more than one independent nation.
    • E.O.D: We not only decline you request that we become a constitutional monarchy, but we also condemn your genocidal actions and petition for Indonesia again, promising great benefits if granted.
  • China: Continues building its railroad and has finished the part from Shandong to Shanghai. Chinese scientists develop a primitive tank. The empire embraces constitutional monarchy with one representative for each million people in China to construct the lower house and the nobles and the emperor to construct the upper house. The navy is expanded and it will use the newest weapons from its allies, instead of the old weapons that caused China to lose the first Sino-Japanese war. Already have armed. Every province is now expected to have four steel factories, four arms factories, five textile mills or five mining towns, and two fully mechanical factories. The stock market situated in Hangzhou was a success and Capitalism blooms in China. The first trading company Meng Shin is known as the richest company in Hangzhou and has assets in steel factories, textile mills, banking and mining. The company is prepared to get into its next overseas bank in New York, Vienna, Wellington and Rome. Asks to exchange embassies with all European countries, USA and New Zealand. Asks if Germany gave its workers basic citizenship and salary. Asks Dutch to build a daily ferry between the Dutch Indies to allow the Eurasian railroad to expand into Australia. With the help of the Northern navy, local Koreans and up to date weapons, the soldiers march past Yalu River and won three decisive victories in Manp'o, Yongbyon and Hamhung, allowing Chinese troops to take Pyongyang. Declares the Korean people to be able to have an independent government named the Korean Empire, but is a commonwealth of the Qing Empire. The Korean forces, assisted by the Qing forces pushes into Munsan and takes Seoul. On the other hand, the Southern Navy attacks Taiwan, bombs Danshui and lands 500,000 troops in Taiwan. The troops march Southwards, taking Lugang and Tainan, ending the Taiwanese war. The 500,000 troops, still situated in Danshui, prepares an invasion of Japanese mainland. Asks no one to mess with their war against Japan, except Germany and UK, who are close allies of China. Asks USA not to invade Germany and destroy the current peace in the world. Some research is done on an atom bomb, but the radiation killed many scientists studying it, forcing the emperor to halt the research. However, it made the Chinese society become interested in radiation, the "magical curse that kills". Asks U.K and New Zealand to come to its defence in case of a war. Defends all its borders and coasts. The tank is now manufactured and is sent all over the Sino-Russian border. Trenches, tunnels and forts are built over the Russian border. The population has arrived to 420 million people. The troops in Vancouver continues pushing Westwards and meets German and British forces in Regina.
  • U.S Diplomacy: We accept.
  • UK: The empire finishes building the railroad in British India. The colonies in South America expand. Further industrialises the country. Industrialises British India and builds up the army and navy. Sends more troops to Hong Kong. Industrialises all colonies and builds up the navy in all colonies. Starts building the African railroad and finishes the part in Egypt and Sudan, which will be beside the Nile to send supplies quickly. Meets the Chinese and German troops in Regina. Asks China and Germany to give the Canada back, in exchange, China can keep British Columbia and Germany can keep Quebec.
    • Chinese D: accepts UK's offer.
    • German Reich: Germany will cede everything west of and including Ontario excluding the Arctic Islands, which will remain Canadian Reich land. We also return New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and PEI but wish to keep Labrador. You may re-annex Newfoundland Island.
  • Empire of Oceania: Asks Germany for all Indonesian territories, as the Empire has laid claim to the entire region. An offer is sent to America for the Philippines. In return, the Empire will give back Hawaii, give money and send a dozen Zeppelins. Railroad construction begins in Australia and Buddhism moves through the annexed country. Goes further into tanks and their mobility is increased as well as firing range and power. The military expands and now consists of this. Refugees from Africa are now being accepted by the boat full. Emperor Horatio and his German wife go on a trip.
  • U.S Diplomacy: We accept.
    • Japan: In an effort to keep up with other world powers, Japan increases the size of its navy and institutes a draft throughout the Empire. Japan also makes a proposal to Russia to purchase Sakhalin Island. Japan also moves military units to Hokkaido and the Northern Territories.
    • United States: Builds up army and demands that the British get our of Mexico as it is U.S land. Creates the Homeland Security Department and places more troops on our borders. Makes new battleships and aircraft.

Japan: The size of the Japanese military is also increased in preparation for the possible war against China. Research is sped up on a Japanese atom bomb, but it is doubtful it will be ready to use against China should they try to attack the Home Islands. 100,000 troops are sent to the Ryukyu and Senkaku islands to reenforce them against Chinese aggression.

Japan Diplomacy: A diplomatic courier is sent to the Empire of Oceania to seek Oceanic help in regaining Taiwan from the Chinese and to help defend the Empire of Japan against Chinese aggression.

  • Reich Commonwealth (All Reichs): We send troops and money in case of Chinese attack and send money to aid  industrialize you.
  • Japan Diplomacy: We accept the offer of the Reich Commonwealth

Japan: The Imperial Japanese Military goes to a war footing and prepares for war with China. And to show their support for its government, Japan sends 50,000 soldiers across the Pacific to the Brazilian Reich. We ask for aid against the New Zealnders.

Italy: Italy's modernization during the past year has been going well. The Italian Army now has 650,000 well trained and competently led soldiers with good generals. The Italians also ask for German instructors and advisors to continue upgrading its Army. It is now equipped with Gewehr 98s bought from Germany and Italian made Carcanos. The Artillery was also upgraded to 6,500 pieces. These include 47mm, 37mm, two-pounders, and 76mm guns. It also has 500 mortars in service. With the introduction of the tank in China, Italy knows it won’t be able to keep up in production. That’s why while its researching its own tanks, it’s producing armored cars as a temporary armored force and looking at the possibility of anti-tank artillery mounted on caterpillar tracks and having some armor, so as to make “tank destroyers”. An Air Force was also created with around 30 planes.  While still waiting for British response, the Italian Navy now has:

  • 12 Battleships.
  • 18 Pocket Battleships
  • 20 Battle cruisers
  • 25 Cruisers
  • 30 Destroyers
  • 50 Corvettes
  • 65 Fast Attack Vessels
  • 81 Submarines
  • One Unfinished Crude Aircraft Carrier.

The Economy is now being balanced between Agriculture, Military and Industry. Two new armories were built. Partial Mobilization is being called up.


  • Empire of Oceania:  Due to the immigration policy of escaping Africans, tens on millions of refugees land in western Australia, bringing terrible stories of the genocide, and people cry for blood. The Kaiser receives a message     via the corpse of his niece that washes up on the shore of Hamburg (after a few heirs came to be, of course) shortly before the Emperor arrives back in New Zealand. One fine morning the people of Jakarta wake up to see that is it still night, for the sun is blocked  by Zeppelins and the Triads. Soldiers land amphibiously all across the the Indonesian Reich, and soldiers and the tank from Saigon siege Malaysia, due to this unexpected action, the military is not ready and the country is annexed. Meanwhile, genocide survivors fleeing from their homeland on pain of death want vengeance, and many sign up for the military. But no one expected that 15,000,000 would sign up and are being called the Vengeance Corp! These soldiers are ferried to the South African Reich very slowly due to their numbers, and due to the low population of Africa they take all of the coastline with several newly designed tanks, while other Oceanic soldiers take Madagascar and all island owned by any Reich east of it. Now over 15 millions soldiers with anger and sorrow in their hearts march across a mostly unpopulated wasteland, with the strongest air force in the world backing them as they are escorted by Zeppelins. Boats are sent around Madagascar and South Africa in case of German retaliation, while Zeppelins are sent to Brazil to carry soldiers as well. A message is sent to our U.S. allies, and another sent to the Russians to warn them of what may come if the Germans go unchecked. 
    • German Reich: Germany has halted its murders last turn and they are now allowed to go wherever they please as citizens, a little late.
  • German Reich: Germany decides that New Zealand is no longer useful and that its existence is done and it should, as Australia, be returned to the British, and German forces land in northern NZ Australia and easily take most of the NZ territory. German forces also land on the north and south islands. WILL ADD MORE LATER

  • Are you kidding me? You don't like that I invaded you so you tried to cross out all my text and then talk about how you invade us with terrible grammar? You can't just be immune to losing for no reason. Also, you described how you killed like four-fifths of the population of Africa. I think people would still flee from that in the aftermath and call for blood. This is just one of those moments I'm glad I'm a mod.
  • China: Continues building its railroad and has finished the part from Shanghai to Hanoi. Chinese scientists develop a primitive airplane. The empire embraces constitutional monarchy with one representative for each million people in China to construct the lower house and the nobles and the emperor to construct the upper house. The navy is expanded and it will use the newest weapons from its allies, instead of the old weapons that caused China to lose the first Sino-Japanese war. Every province is now expected to have four steel factories, four arms factories, five textile mills or five mining towns, and two fully mechanical factories. The stock market situated in Hangzhou was a success and Capitalism blooms in China. The first trading company Meng Shin is known as the richest company in Hangzhou and has assets in steel factories, textile mills, banking and mining. The company is prepared to get into its next overseas bank in Brasilia, Rio de Janeiro and Chicago. Asks to exchange embassies with all European countries, USA and New Zealand. Asks if Germany gave its workers basic citizenship and salary. Asks the Dutch to build a daily ferry between the Dutch Indies to allow the Eurasian railroad to expand into Australia. Fortifies all coasts with ships and cannons. Defends all its borders and coasts. The tank is now manufactured and is sent all over the Sino-Russian border. Trenches, tunnels and forts are built over the Russian border. The population has arrived to 420 million people. The troops in Vancouver continues pushing Westwards and meets German and British forces in Regina.
  • Japan: Will continue to support Brazil in return for aid against Chinese aggression. The Japanese military begins preparations for an assault on China should China attack Japan.
  • They just invaded you.

We all send troops.

Also, you forget the world at this time (1906) hates blacks, people wouldn't care, and there were no black refugees

  • German Reich: Germany sends 65,000 troops to aid Indonesia. The German navy sinks several troop transports and destroys several coastal harbors. The world is told the blacks are equal with whites. The six Reichs are organized as the Reich Commonwealth. We call in Russia and Austria and offer Britain, Quebec and the Arctic Islands in return for aid and all of New Zealand's empire. Troops aid Japan
  • Brazilian Reich: Troops are sent to Indonesia. The navy bombards NZ coasts. Troops aid Japan.
  • North African Reich: Troops are sent to Indonesia. The navy bombards NZ coasts. Troops aid Japan.
  • South African Reich: Troops are sent to Indonesia. The navy bombards NZ coasts. Troops aid Japan.. Also, blacks were never hurt here, that was North Africa. Our population's huge and we repulse the implausible attack.
  • Nordic Reich: Troops are sent to Indonesia. The navy bombards NZ coasts. Troops aid Japan.
  • Indonesian Reich: With the aid of all the other Reichs, the New Zealanders are expelled from Indonesian lands and waters. Japan is offered New Zealand Indochina in return for declaring war.
  • Japan accepts the offer of the Indonesian Reich and declares war on New Zealand.
  • Chinese D: I thought we were allies, German Reich. Millions have sweat.
  • You explained that you killed four-fifths of the population, Indonesia was annexed. There are blockades stopping your ships which you can attempt to break, but you can't teleport past them, also most of these Reichs couldn't get boats to New Zealand within six months - let alone in less. Also, don't uncross yourself and don't delete my text again. Also, New Zealand doesn't exist anymore. It is Oceania.
  • Japan Diplomacy: While conducting retaliatory strikes against the invading Chinese forces and launching attacks on Taiwan, the Empire of Japan extends its hand in friendship to China and offers them a peace treaty. This treaty will come into immediate effect if accepted.
  • Chinese Diplomacy: We will end the war if Taiwan becomes Chinese。
  • United States: In a surprise attack, we invade both the German mainland and the Nordic Reich. We take much  land. We ask for assistance from our allies Japan, New Zealand and Britain. We mass produce tanks thanks to designs from New Zealand. We ask China to declare war on Germany, Japan, The Brazilian Reich, the Nordic Reich, and the African Reichs.
  • That's super implausible
  • United States: Due to a great offer from Germany, we turn all of our forces away from the Germans and form an alliance against New Zealand.
  • No, screw this. I'm out, and no two nations would ever plan together to gain land from someone else then declare war on each other to defend that nation.Daxus Inferno (talk) 00:03, February 6, 2013 (UTC)
  • Japan Diplomacy: The Empire of Japan once again extends its hand in friendship to China and offers them a peace treaty. This treaty will come into immediate effect if accepted. We also extend our hand in friendship to the United States.
  • U.S Diplomacy: We ask for an alliance.
  • Italy: The Artillery Gun called the 88mm Artillery is also produced. The Armored Force has expanded to 420 Armored Cars, 120 Tank Destroyers. The air force is expanded to 80 aircraft. An offer is sent to Japan that in exchange for an Alliance, the Italian Navy at Tientsin and the small garrison can help them in their war against China. Troops are moved to their forward defensive positions.
  • Japan Diplomacy: We accept the offer of an alliance with the great United States of America.
  • I really hope you are kidding. Aircraft carriers would never be used until around the early 30s, and tanks were only invented during WW-II but ATL, the Empire of Oceania is the only country with tanks.
  • Sorry.  When I said tank destroyers, I meant guns on tractors with armor. Very crude, but possible during 1906.
  • There were tanks and basic aircraft carriers invented during WW-I. The British once used an aircraft carrier to launch Sopwith Camels to a successful German Zeppelin hanger raid. And tanks were created for the purpose of crossing trenches. I don't think ten years off is that implausible.
  • Chinese Diplomacy: We ask U.S.A and German Reich helping the Japanese for millions have sweat and died as workers in these two great nations.
  • Also, we agree to end the war on these conditions:
  • China regains Taiwan.
  • Korea is ruled by a neutral government, the Empire of Korea.
  • China gives Japan 20 million Liang of gold.
  • Japan Diplomacy: We will give China 30 million Liang of gold and recognise their sovereignty over any territory they currently have in return for handing Taiwan over to Japan. We will also support Chinese actions against Russia.
  • Chinese Diplomacy: Let's compromise and start a strong alliance between our two countries named the Asian Alliance. Also, let Taiwan and Korea be under Japanese and Chinese joint rule. Moreover, none of us pays reparation to each others countries. OK?
  • 'India: 'Sorry fellas! I am quitting this. It seems all the time everybody is thinking of invading someone without a reason. I mean, why nobody is thinking of some cultural/social changes in 20th century (e. g how about Communism in US or Germany). All this war-waging looks exaggerated, maybe ten times more than it used to be in those days. Maybe it's the way all map games are being played, but it's not my cup of tea. For me, it looks like some kind of text chatting on IM. Sorry and best luck....
  • May the odds be always in your favor, India...

Ottoman Empire: The Ottomans begin mobilizing, and reinforcing in the province of Libya. They also send diplomatic missions to both the German Reich and the African Reich asking for an NAP. At this same point, extensive defensive construction is going on in Turkey, especially around Istanbul, and three new battleships have been commissioned to stay ahead of the naval race. A small military force under the command of one of the Ottoman's best generals is dispatched to claim some land in north-central Arabia to use for farming, pasturing and building space. The Ottomans also offer to trade a small chunk of land in south-western Arabia, money and three battleships to the UK in exchange for Cyprus and airplane schematics. The Ottomans also begin creating a version of the tank destroyer, but for anti-infantry purposes, and a specialized heavy artillery piece on tank treads to be used against Zeppelins.

  • Japan Diplomacy: We accept the proposal by China to establish the Asian Alliance and look forward to working with our Chinese partners.

Question: This is my first Map Game (I'm fairly new to this wiki), and I don't really know how it works. Are we supposed to update the map ourselves?    -jontiben (Ottoman Empire)


  • Australia: We build up military and navy. Our government is asking to ally China and the U.S.A.

  • U.S.A Diplomacy: We accept.
  • Australia was annexed a while ago by the Empire of Oceania.
  • The Empire of Oceania quit.
  • Their nation doesn't dissolve by default.
  • Italy: The Italians find a great partner in the Ottoman Empire. We immediately send dispatches to the Ottoman empire for a non-aggression pact and a trade agreement. A new, large Central Trade Center has opened in Italy and a new Museum to arouse nationalism and for the people to know Italy's history.
  • Ottoman Diplomacy: We accept the non-aggression pact, and the trade agreement. To allow more free economic exchange between our two nations, we follow Italy's lead in constructing a trade center in Istanbul, and smaller ones in Athens, Jerusalem, and Alexandria. (Original list included Heraklion and Nicosia, forgot Ottomans don't have them this late in history).

Spain: Builds up military and army. Looks into making new types of vehicles. Asks U.S.A, Russia, and U.K for an alliance.

  • U.S.A Diplomacy: We accept the alliance and send Spain aircraft and armored vehicles and money.  

Romania: Romania, feeling threatened by the Ottomans and Austrians, begin to build up its military. They, following the example of Italy, create "tank destroyers-" tractors with light artillery guns on them. The Romanian government also decides to begin construction of its own Zeppelin, code-named "Scimitar."

  • Ottoman Diplomacy: We send an NAP (Non Aggression Pact) to Romania, we have no wish to expand into your territory.
  • Romanian Diplomacy: We accept and are very relieved.

Romania: Although Romania is relieved to be safe from any Ottoman action, they continue to build up their military for the sake of keeping up with the international arms race. The Romanian General Staff decide to increase the size of the Scimitar to over 700 feet in length - an ambitious project for such a small nation. Its construction begins north of Bucharest. The Romanian Military General Staff (RMGS) also begins to plan potential invasions of Bulgaria and/or Serbia (codenamed operations Arrowhead and Foghorn, respectively).

Ottoman Empire: Also relieved, the Ottoman Empire withdraws about one-third of its standing military from the province bordering Romania as a gesture of peace and to reinforce Libya, as it is still under the threat of German attack. Though the Germans are not actively participating in any warfare, their previous aggressiveness, especially when it came to Africa, was noted.

Italy:  The first aircraft carrier is finally commissioned. The second is on a developmental stage. In a bid to promote stability in the Central and Eastern Mediterranean and to promote cooperation in the event of war, we invite the Ottomans, Albanians, British, Greeks, and Austrians in a series of war games. A team of scientists is also created for the purpose of landing on Antarctica and conducting research there.

'It is 1906!!!!'

Ottoman Diplomacy: We accept the invitation to the war game, and send our second best general over to Italy (our best busy preparing our defenses in Libya and plans for a possible Libyan invasion by German forces).

Japan: A modernisation of our military continues with extensive resources being given to the navy.

Spain: In fear of being attacked by any of our allies' enemies, our government makes a draft for the able-bodied men of 18 years of age. We also allow women to enter the workplace.

Romania: Radical (for the time, anyway) legislation is passed giving women equal rights as well as the right to vote. Construction on the Scimitar continues. The military continues to be built up. The RMGS commissions Romanian arms manufacturer, UM Cugir, to design a bolt-action service rifle for the Romanian Army. The RMGS also definitively approves Operations Foghorn (invasion of Bulgaria) and Arrowhead (invasion of Serbia). They are tentatively scheduled to occur within the next few turns. Also, preliminary planning for Operation Yellow Flag, the proposed invasion of Montenegro, begins. (Such an operation would occur after the conquest of Bulgaria and Serbia).

Austria: Strengthens military and industrializes major cities. 

Russia: The Government finally decide to launch attack on Scandinavia and starts attacking in OTL Sweden. and takes over the region in the fourth month, Strengthens military and Industrializes major cities.

By the way, do we have to go through the whole algorithm process if we're just imperializing and invading non-player-controlled countries?


Italy: The Italians start pressing their claims on Trieste and Dalmatia. A new "Industrial Revolution" is taking place in Italy as new factories and shops of every kind are sprouting and offering people new jobs. An offer was also sent to the Brits and the Ottomans for a joint expedition to Libya and Egypt to discover some archaeological tombs. The still-expanding armed forces is now making contingency plans in case for a Swiss/Franco-German attack and in the event of a major counterattack against them. Meanwhile, a request was sent to the British to purchase Malta or to make it a joint protectorate.

Romania: The military invades Bulgaria. At the present, the Romanian military land and air forces include:

  • 500,000 infantry
  • 300 "tank destroyers"
  • 1600 armored cars
  • 3000 cavalry
  • 16 bi-planes built by IAI
  • 7200 artillery guns

China: Continues building its railroad and has finished the part from Shanghai to Wuhan. Chinese scientists develop a primitive bomber. The empire embraces constitutional monarchy with one representative for each million people in China to construct the lower house and the nobles and the emperor to construct the upper house. The navy is expanded and it will use the newest weapons from its allies, instead of the old weapons that caused China to lose the first Sino-Japanese war. Every province is now expected to have five steel factories, five arms factories, ten textile mills or ten mining towns, and three fully mechanical factories. The stock market situated in Hangzhou was a success and Capitalism blooms in China. The first trading company Meng Shin is known as the richest company in Hangzhou and has assets in steel factories, textile mills, banking and mining. Asks to exchange embassies with all European countries, USA and New Zealand. Asks if Germany gave its workers basic citizenship and salary. Asks the Dutch to build a daily ferry between the Dutch Indies to allow the Eurasian railroad to expand into Australia. Fortifies all coasts with ships and cannons. Defends all its borders and coasts. The tank is now manufactured and is sent all over the Sino-Russian border. Trenches, tunnels and forts are built over the Russian border. The population has arrived to 420 million people. The troops in Vancouver continues pushing Westwards and meets German and British forces in Regina. Asks Japan a secret offer of a joint Persian invasion.

Japan: Modernisation of the Navy continues. re-enforcements of the Kuril islands continues. Japan accepts China's offer of a joint Persian invasion.

Romanian Diplomacy: China, we accept your offer of an embassy exchange.

What is the protocol for invading a country and how do we work the algorithm? Sorry, I'm kind of new to Map Gaming, and this is the first time that I've actually gone to war with anybody.

Ottoman Empire: Continues expanding into Arabia. The offer to buy Cyprus is still open, UK. Construction of the first Zeppelin begins, with plans to manufacture 15 more within the next two years being drawn up. Ottoman diplomats are sent to Romania to discuss Romania's aggressiveness. Romania must halt their belligerence or face military action from the Ottomans, treaty or no treaty.

Romania: The Romanian Army backpedals out of Bulgaria, citing a miscommunication in orders and producing documents to back up their story (forged, perhaps?)

I think threatening military action to an expansive, aggressive nation on their borders would be reasonable for an OTL nation. War should not be THE main theme of a map game. -Jontiben (Ottoman Empire)

Italy: The new industrial projects now gives Italy some railroads that connect the whole of Italy. For example, Taranto can now connect with Milan or Venice. Troops are now trained in mountain warfare. Financial funds are also given a boosts due to the new taxes. The movement of troops to defensive positions now makes the Italian Army ready for an attack and will not be caught unprepared. The reformed and retrained agents are now sent to countries that may cause a war between Italy and them. The Italian Armored Army now contains an overabundance of tank destroyers for the Armored Cars are being transformed to tank destroyers. This makes the creation of the tank possible, with the first series of 40 Armored Tank Destroyers are being commissioned. These are formed by adding more armor to the tank destroyers in exchange for its mobility while making up for it by its 88mm "Long Shot" artillery. The Artillery Army now has 7,600 guns and the Naval Army has produced more ships.

  • Italy D: The Government offers to buy Cyprus in exchange for money and manuals on naval maneuvers. The NASH program is also offered to the Ottoman empire wherein it will give the Ottomans 40 modern escort vessels. It also offers Romania the MAG 85 program wherein it will give Romania plans for an 85mm Artillery Gun if it lets the Elite Roman Legion and some Italian Units train in the Carpathian Mountains. These treaties will be mutually beneficial and it will assure the world that through open diplomacy, Italy remains neutral until other nation invade her, or her interests.
  • Ottoman D: We'll accept the NASH program, but as for Cyprus, you'll be competing with us to buy it from England. We're offering land in the Arabian peninsula, battleships and money to England. Do you think we could work out a deal to purchase airplane schematics from you?

Romania: Almost half of the RMGS leadership are dishonorably discharged in the wake of the Bulgarian debacle, and King Carol I dismisses the Prime Minister. Hence, a general election is held. Romania decides to instead gain power economically, and begins a massive program to make full use of the country's oil reserves, expanding the already-enormous Astra Romania refinery and more than doubling its monthly oil production to over 300,000 metric tonnes. They also set their oil prices lower than any other oil-producing country in Europe and state that they are willing to sell it to anyone. The airship Scimitar is completed and launched with great fanfare. The navy begins building three Dreadnoughts.

Italy: The Italians are willing to give the Ottomans 20 new submarines and the aircraft schematics if it means getting Cyprus.

Ottoman Diplomacy: The Ottomans ask for five new armored tank destroyers and for you to remove all agents from our territory in addition to the offer above. Cyprus is a very big port; we want to withdraw from attempting to buy it with a good deal.

Japan D: The Imperial Japanese Government offers to buy the southern half of Korea in exchange for money and military assistance.

China D: Korea is under our joint rule.

Italy: We have no agents in the Ottoman Empire. We only send them to potential enemies and we see you as a friend, not as an enemy. We also deliver the TDs to Libya as it will cost less due to its short distance from Sicily. Syracuse is turned into one of the largest trading ports in Europe, receiving Greek, Ottoman and British goods. Marsala is turned into a fortress capable of resisting guns such as the OTL "Big Bertha" of the Germans and Messina is turned into Italy's largest diplomatic center, communicating with the world's ambassadors. A new sea-level canal is starting to be built that will start with South-Eastern France and will eventually link itself to the Suez Canal. Coastal fortifications and defence - in depth structures are built across Italy. 

Ottoman Diplomacy: Do you accept our offer? 20 submarines, airplane schematics and five new armored tank destroyers, and I withdraw from bidding for Cyprus. Just know that there is no guarantee that you'll actually get Cyprus, only that you won't be competing with me. I also offer an embassy exchange to Italy.

  • Italy D: Still contemplating the deal. Please hold.

Romania: Modernization continues. A literacy campaign is launched. One of the three dreadnoughts is launched and named the Star of the Black Sea. Construction of three Zeppelins of the new Broadsword-class is commenced. The Broadsword-class is designed for heavy bombing, with numerous bomb racks and the ability to launch several small defensive fighters, as well as being equipped with several small cannons designed to shoot down enemy fighters. A large "airship yard" is built outside of Brasov. Plans are also drawn up for a new type of airship: the Gladius-class - a massive behemoth designed to lower itself to the ground and deploy up to 500 troops and numerous small vehicles.


South Africa: Modernization begins and a literacy campaign is launched in also we also starts a process of updating our mining industry and begin a Cape Town To Durban highway 'to link these two cities together'. The first underground is started in Cape Town. These also double as bomb shelters and a covert way of hiding military units. Starts a full revolt against the UK and ask all other major powers to help us, i.e, surplus military equipment and help on international stage. In exchange, we offer mining rights and use of our cape ports'''''. Also, in a newly set up mining town four massive steel mills are set up to feed a tank factory in Durban and a Massive shipyard in Cape town. A project is started to capture Lions in the savannah and train them for military conflict and detection of enemy forces. A strange green ore is found in the ground. It is sent to a lab in Pretoria for analysis. We also pour the money that was going to the empire to new mining techniques and the search for new resources

I am not sure what I am doing as this is my first game. Is there any way anyone can help me?

Italy D: In a change of policy, we kindly decline the Ottoman's offer and recognize South Africa. We begin buffing up the Navy to send surplus supplies to them.

South Africa D: South Africa sends thanks along with a gift of friendship, 100 Kg of Platinum, and a ton of Vanadium.. And now, a question from South Africa, how will we benefit from this friendship? Also, is there a chance of us getting any older ships or tanks to be used in our small military?

Italy: Ships, yes. Tanks, we don't have 'em.

United States: We do not want war, and we propose that we cut Cuba in half, half for independent Cuba, and half for us. Or you could be come a dominion.


Ottoman Empire: The Ottoman Empire continues trying to purchase Cyprus from the British, and continues expanding into Arabia. Realizing that the "useless chunk of land" that the Ottoman High Command was attempting to sell to the British actually contained Mecca, the offer is hastily withdrawn. The air fleet now contains 15 biplanes, seven triplanes and four Zeppelins. Money and military equipment is sent to both Romania and Italy (free of charge), and trade pacts are put forth to Italy, Romania, Austria, Germany and England.

The Ottoman military contains:

  • 900,000 infantry
  • 220 tank destroyers
  • 1000 armored cars
  • 7000 cavalry
  • 15 biplanes
  • 6000 artillery guns
  • Seven triplanes
  • Four Zeppelins

Italy: We gladly thank the Ottomans for the equipment, which is used to buff up the army and navy. We send 3,500 trained men to South Africa to help them with supplies and 15 gunboats and we request AN ALGORITHM.

Papal State: Good God above! The heavens have brought our creators. Not as we expected them to look. The Pope has agreed to be enslaved with his people under the 'protection' of the Alien overlords. Papal State gains Hi-Tech Equipment and now the country is ready to fight. We pray that the Gods give us strength. Alien Papal State recognises South Africa and begins deals with them.

South Africa D: South Africa offers to send any minerals to the aliens to help the production of their super weapons.

  • Ottoman Empire: Realizing that the alien "Gods" are here to enslave the planet, the Ottoman religious leaders declare a Jihad against the alien Papal States, believing that, now their religion is well and truly polytheistic, the Christian faith is too far departed from the "real" faith to be recognizable. The troops are ordered to show no mercy. The invasion begins. (algorithm, or something please). Note: As it is Jihad, all Muslim states are obligated to respond. This includes Egypt, Persia and Arabia to a lesser extent.

China: China joins the aliens too, since the aliens brainwashed everyone. Now Chinese technology is as good as the aliens and they can fly in anti-gravitational suits! The Chinese asks for an alliance with the Papal States and is prepared to fight.

South Africa: South Africa realizes their brainwashing and converts to Islam as it is their only hope! With all the tech given to them by the aliens they reverse engineer their technology and start to pump out weapons to the rest of the Jihad. They set off demo charges they planted in the Papal State demolishing St Paul's Cathedral. They also crack a dirty bomb in Shanghai by using a gunboat as a suicide ship.

  • Ottoman Diplomacy: The Ottoman Empire recognizes South Africa and graciously thanks them for their assistance against the extraterrestrial invaders.

Papal State: Our Gods have spoken, they have told us to spread the word of our lords to the European countries. They tell us that they are willing to share our resources to them in exchange for their help in the war against the Muslim Jihad. The Gods have also opened a wormhole from our world to the heavens. The first Reinforcements have arrived and soon many more are to arrive. Realising that China has taken losses, the Papal State assists them in rebuilding and protecting them with the latest technology. The Papal State recognises China as a nation. When word from the European countries comes back, we will lead the attack against the Muslim Jihad. Amen.

  • "Lead the attack"? Don't you mean lead the defence? We've landed in southern Italy and most of Sicily, and began round-the-clock bombing of Vatican City. -jontiben (Ottoman Empire)
  • Ottoman Diplomacy: The Ottoman Empire asks Italy, Germany and Romania to assist it in its war against the Papal States (Vatican City).

Do any of you guys know how to start one of these map games?

Cuban Rebellion: After meeting for long amounts of time attempting to hide from authorities within the USA, the people of Cuba have decided to declare themselves free.

"The People of Cuba, United in Purpose and Faith have decided, in a Convention of Ratification, that We uphold the following Principles, and Declare ourselves as an Independent and Free Nation. We hereby absolve all ties formerly held by the United States."

The Declaration of Absolute Freedom and Equality establishes Sergio Julio Ramirez as President of Cuba. The President is given complete authority to rule Cuba as he sees fit for the duration of the Rebellion. Ramirez' first action as President is to make any motion to have Congress meet be deemed illegal.

Ramirez then turns to his wealthy backers, which include American investors and speculators, and begins the creation of an army. Ramirez reaches out to the exiled leaders of Mexico, and urge a similar style rebellion there.

At the order of Ramirez' Deputy President, Generalissimo Miguel "Vayan" Cervantes, terrorists are sent to Puerto Rico to cause civil unrest, with that hopes that the Spanish majority will overthrow the American regime.

Besides a district of Havana that the rebels have secured, they set up a government-in-exile out of Venezuela. Ramirez begins to actively seek recognition by other world powers.

Ottoman Diplomacy: The Ottoman Empire will recognize the Cuban rebellion in exchange for much needed military aid against the aliens.

Cuban Diplomacy: We currently have not adopted a faith. We hope you will recognize us either way, however. In addition, we are currently occupied fighting and organizing other rebellions. We will assist your campaign if possible, but we will focus on being recognized.

Ottoman Diplomacy: We will recognize you in exchange for military assistance after you're done fighting for independence.

Cuban Diplomacy: We graciously accept. Gracias, amigos.

Italy D: To the Ottomans, please do not destroy my Italy. If you have a war with the Pope, deal with him. Don't attack me, please.

Who wants to make an algorithm?

Australia: On this day, the government of Australia is reformed, as the Australian Commonwealth. The Commonwealth pledges to remain loyal to Britain, and asks for aid in taking the New Zealand parts of Australia. 

The Empire of Oceania annexed Australia.

The map shows western Australia as still free.

The map is outdated.

Then what country can I have?

Ottoman Empire Diplomacy: Italy, we're not invading, we've landed troops on your peninsula with explicit orders to treat your country as it is Ottoman territory (I know that sounded sort of bad, but you know what I mean). However, we're still figuring out the logistical difficulties of destroying Vatican City without harming Rome. Any ideas would be appreciated.

I hope no one minds, but I'm ending the turn. The map game's probably already dead, but it might have some air left.


Ireland declares itself independent from the UK.  

  • Irish Military - 2,342,853.
  • Ireland now suffers from high unemployment, inflation, people starving and riots common.
  • The leaders of Ireland are the Fine Gael party whose leader is the Taoiseach, Enda Kenny. They are in competition with Sinn Fein a Socialist left wing, Irish republican political party. The president is Michael D. Higgins.

Ireland creates own currency Irish pound (IR£) 

'Irish Government prints too much money, Hyperinflation. 'Irish pound becomes worthless

Ottoman Empire: Soldiers with parachutes on their backs jump into Vatican City. About 30% reach their target, with the rest landing in Rome and quickly moving to join with their comrades,at the Viale Centro del Bosco and the surrounding park. Artillery pieces and explosives are dropped down as well, as well as some rogue Italian forces (Italy didn't recognize the existence of Vatican City until 1929) angry with the Vatican for becoming Pagan. The gardens and nearby park are fortified. Artillery bombardment of Vatican City begins. In the week-long firestorm, 149 high-ranking Catholic Church members are killed, as well as six Roman citizens. What's worse, however, is that both the Vatican and the Sistine Chapel are almost completely destroyed, the Basilica of Saint Peter damaged fairly severely, and the Palace of the Governate of Vatican City obliterated. Aliens return fire on the Ottoman soldiers, tearing up much of the park and damaging the Vatican Museum.

Bulgaria: Bulgaria declares that it is a country, and immediately calls 4,000,000 men to service in case anyone tries to invade it. It begins to try to become a world competitor and tries to make a monoplane. after several tries, it make the first successful monoplane. Bulgaria introduces a water cooling system to prevent the engine from overheating. Bulgaria begins the idea of manufacturing heavily armoured vehicles. Bulgaria asks for an alliance with the ottoman empire and is prepared to offer $15,000,000,000 for Greece, Serbia and Albania from anyone who controls those territories.