Alternative History

The 22nd and 21st Centuries is the sixth section of the Bronze Age of history.

Bronze Age Pt. 5:
2400-2201 BCE
Bronze Age Pt. 6
2200-2001 BCE
Bronze Age Pt. 7:
2000-1801 BCE


Shepseskaf took his father's death shortly after his death in 2180 BCE. The Egyptian Kingdom was still feeling the effects of their victory of the Akkadian Empire. New lands had opened up to utilize and improve for the now-large kingdom. Shepseskaf continued with his father's previous expedition missions down the Nile and along the Red Sea in Eastern Ifran. However, with all this expansion and growth, Egypt was having an issue of being able to pay for the military and infrastructure to successfully defend and run the now-much larger kingdom. As Shepseskaf's reign continued, taxes were increased to help maintain the kingdom. With a falling economy and inability to pay for the Egypt's expenses, many of the nobility and lower classes began feeling the straining effects of the current depression. One of the members among the nobility began to rally an army and a movement behind him, Userkaf, one of Shepseskaf's cousins. Userkaf would then rally his army and supporters to take the throne and power away from his cousin Shepseskaf. Userkaf's campaign would prove successful in the end, destroying his cousin's dynasty, marking the end of the Second Dynasty, and the beginning of the Third Dynasty.

Userkaf's began his reign dismantling Shepseskaf's armies and supporters or executing or imprisoning them. Userkaf would stop the expansion into foreign territories, and would instead focus on building up the infrastructure and economy of the nation. Along with fixing the economy he went on to trade with the various tribes around the kingdom, along with the larger nations around his kingdom. Userkaf also declared Egypt no longer a kingdom, as it had grown to large for the term, instead declaring it an empire, "officially starting" the Egyptian Empire. Nebre's reign after his father's reign was spent still recovering the Egyptian Empire's economy. Such as expanding the various ports within the empire, along with the expansion of outposts along the North Ifran coast to open up trade. Nebre also expanded upon the pyramids across Egypt making room for the rest of the Pharaohs to have their own resting places. The two Pharaoh's following Nebre's reign, Unas and Ahmose began trying to regrow Egypt's culture back to prominence after so many decades of rulers being mainly focused on expansion or economical prowess. These two rulers would set the foundations by hiring craftsmen, artisans and writers to help re-spark interest in Egyptian art and culture.


With Egypt actively kicking the Canaanites out of their land, they weren't fairing very well. While a small group of the Judeans were trekking in the desert, one of them, named Agrah, received a "holy vision from God". It claimed that there was a separate Holy Land for them in the north, even more bountiful than Canaan was promised to be. As long as they reached the sea in the far north, it claimed, they would be truly free. After a period of "20 long years of drought" (predicted by modern day historians to actually be around three years), the Canaanites reached the mythical upper sea. They named it the Sea of Adonai, named after god itself. The small settlement of Canaanites became known as Eneti, with the Canaanites themselves becoming known as Enetians.

They were able to expand with the help of the "Holy Spirit", and put down the non-believing tribes to the south with swift-but-effective force. They did not make contact with Egypt, save for a few rogue merchants in the mid 21st century BC. The farming communities flourished, now that there was a proper source of water besides the Egyptian-controlled Nile. Egypt would eventually come for Eneti, but to no avail. By 2000 BC, it was already much more powerful than the tribes, and was doing pretty well for itself. They had slaves of their own, as they considered the tribes "lesser humans", there still was a small bastion of religious freedom for the Jews of the time.

Rest of the World[]

During the time frame of the 22nd and 21st centuries, the realm of China was fully united a strong central dynastic ruler, Yu the Great. Who would establish the Xia Dynasty . Using the teachings once written down and passed down by the Yellow Emperor, Huangi Di. Yu, would be the first ruler to pass down his lineage to his son, and then his future heirs. Along within the Asian realm, was the still increasing power that was the various rising city states within the Indus River Valley. The decline of the Akkadian Empire was quick, and was already on a swift course to fragmenting after the defeat during the Egyptian-Akkadian War.

Grand Union World Map c

World Map c. 2000 BCE