Alternative History
Alternative History
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In the city of Vynos there is an attempted coup against the leadership of the city, instigated by traditionalist nobles heavily opposed to the ruler’s policies, and in some cases, also opposed to his rapid acceptance of the Benyisran religion over their own customs.

The nation of Obtus, one of the Angelnite nations on Bangor’s Island (the yellow nation), formally converts to the Ulm religion, after its king is convinced by a local preacher.

The Saemonite counterattack against Mithadia proves inconclusive, with the Saemonites unable to repulse Mithadia from the cities it garrisoned. The Saemonites suffer 8,800 casualties, while the Mithadians suffer 3,000. The concurrent invasion launched by Mithadia into the south successfully pillages much of the countryside, with the Mithadians occupying some cities in the southwest. The Saemonites suffer 5,000 casualties and numerous civilian losses, while the Mithadians suffer 2,110 casualties.

The Saemonites encounter a Hythian-Herati army in western Herati, and achieve a decisive victory. The Saemonites suffer 3,000 casualties, the Hythians suffer 2,010, and the Herati suffer 5,700. However, due to the destruction of the Herati lands and the harassing of the Saemonite army, they suffering another 5,310 casualties during their advance. At a battle in southwest Herati the two main armies then meet, and the Saemonites successfully rout the Hythians. The Saemonites suffer a total of 8,550 casualties, the Hythians suffer 4,300, and the Herati suffer 4,600.

The success of the Xeran Empire near Fashnoq in repulsing the Tabornites causes a slight migration in the south. The nation of Anakadehan invades northward, sending a diplomatic mission in the process to Fashnoq to establish relations with the nation responsible for the Tabornite conflict.

The yearly celebration of the birth of Nelrim becomes a popular custom across the Ulmian world, with different cultures in Azoz, Edom, Syres, and beyond adding their own traditions to the celebration.

After a defeat in Mithadia, 10,000 men of the Saemonite slave army flees from battle and deserts, with another 4,000 men being killed in the confusion.

  • Malmaça: In the mountains of the Mediterranean are birthed the great Chosen Land of Malmaça. Ruled by the wise leader, Halik Ulfrada, The Great Prophet of the Artharian People. Urfrada would begin issuing the removal of slavery, reasoning that all men are to be treated equal, and no men shall be treated as animals. He would also issue the creation of farms for the unemployed serfs to finally work to get a reasonable payment giving more value to the serf people, and giving more food for the people of Malmaça to eat. He would issue the secularization of the country, stating that he will soon unite the other tribes of the Mediterranean under his rule. The creation of new technologies like incendiary arrows and crossbows would begin as well.
  • Xeran Empire: Xarenvarus, in his last years, reached out to align with Anakedehan, offering full military support in their vengeance on their enemies, while also securing trade routes to the south and an avenue for evangelizing the faith of Ulm. Xarenvarus then died in Azoz at a ripe old age, leaving behind a legacy that upholds him as one of the greatest statesmen of that generation. His son was immediately crowned Emperor Thalut, the third of that name in Azoz, while being the first such king to rule over Edom. Thalut was primarily a visionary internationalist, and pushed to expand the Xeran empire's influence to the far reaches of the earth. Thalut worked to strengthen relations with standing allies in Mesallia, and offered to help the cities of Agira and Karissa fund the expansion of their navies. Farther east, Thalut affirmed his alliance with the Great Lakes, and continued sending missions of extending diplomacy with Belangor, Jaris, and the remaining Angelite kingdoms. Not wanting to repeat mistakes of earlier political tragedy, Thalut commissioned the admiral Shakas to send a much larger expedition than Cyris, offering to give military protection to Obtus. Closer diplomacy is extended as well to Phorintheon, as we have been trading with them so far. Furthermore, a full military alliance is offered to Exhula, being our closest friend on the farthest part of the world. Theaters first started to appear in the Empire, mostly around Edom and Sephimora. Some of the most famous early tragedians and comic playwrites lived around this time, as the field was being developed. These plays largely revolved around the epic cycles that were first written during the Chatna Empire, but some other themes existed as well such as the heroic works of Leto and Ioximander. Ulm apostles continued to be sent in converting the nations in the western continent, particularly the Valun. As the Nativity holiday traditions first appeared at this time, it is often speculated if the mythical figure of the Apostle Saulkin is set at this time. [prepare gratuitous lore] According to the original legend, Saulkin began as the son of the Yannian governor Cluny the Scourge, and was raised from birth to believe in all the cruel lies of the Yannian doctrine, especially their demeaning propaganda against Ulm. The "Golden Rule" of Yannis supposedly was given as "Do unto others as they do unto you". Saulkin, in his heart, did not believe all these words, and tried to persuade his brothers to reconsider. In response, Saulkin's brothers tied him to a tree and threw him into the ocean. Saulkin washed up on shore in Obtus, and was taken in by a group of Ulmian monks to nurse him back to health. The monks tried to encourage Saulkin, offering him the peace and forgiveness in the Ulm faith, with the true Golden rule as "do unto others as you would have them to unto you". Saulkin did not accept this faith right away, but found it very curious and wise, and so took the words to heart as he traveled back to his father. Once Saulkin tried to explain the words of the monks to his family, Cluny had his son locked in prison to await further punishment. In prison, Saulkin fell to his knees, and asked God that he would accept the Ulmian faith if he would be released. Immediately, the spirit of Nelrim came from heaven and put the guards to sleep, freeing Saulkin. Saulkin went on to devote his life to be an Apostle to the True God, giving gifts to children of families with no money. As long last, his father Cluny came upon the city with an angry mob, demanding his son should relinquish the Ulmian scriptures he kept with him. Saulkin, having memorized the Ulm scriptures, freely gave these books back to his family, and in addition gave each and every one of them a special gift from the bottom of his heart. This sheer act of generosity completely melted the hearts of Cluny and his compatriots, and they abandoned their ways of Yannis from that moment onward. Thus is the story of how the Apostle Saulkin came to be, which to this day young children believe will give them gifts on the anniversary of Nelrim's birth. Update: the substantial military stationed in Obtus protect the nation against Yannis, and call on their natural allies of the neutral Angelite kingdoms to stop the Yannis attack. Another naval expedition led by Sucetraps removes the navy currently guarding Atsome Point and sends 6,000 troops to help Jacarus seize the thrown of Darna.
  • Hythia: Years 208-217 Since the Return of Hythus. Meunarchs Pycitus and Qyntine are replaced by replaced by another pair of military men in 209 and 216 respectively. The dual defeats of the last decade demonstrate the severity of the situation. A call to arms goes south to Hythia’s Klydesians Vassals who collectively raise a force of 10,000 men to assist their guarantor. Furthermore, 10,000 more inexperienced troops are raised from young men, older men, and a significant portion of women, as well as volunteers from the fleeing Herati. The stream of refugees from the north has turned to a flood with nearly 150,000 Herati now being resettled across the southwest, establishing a new city in the process, Hyrat. The remains of both armies are recalled to defend Hythia and join with the 40,000 Hythain troops, the Klydesians, and the volunteering Herati to form a force of 60,000. Largely comprised of archers, light spear-and-shield infantry, with significant light cavalry support and a small but highly experienced elite heavy cavalry core. The Unar first marches west to meet the Saemonite force invading northwestern Hythia. This is done simultaneously as the Mythadian Unar in the south of the Saemonite Realms marches east to meet the Hythian Unar. It is in the lightly inhabited plains of northwest Hythia that the three armies meet. The first day of battle is inconclusive between the Hythian Unar and the Saemonites. Skirmishes rage into the night, when, thanks to expert horsemanship and knowledge of the terrain, Hythian and Mythadian scouts link-up. A line of communications is opened and the Mythadian host moves to encircle the now heavily outnumbered and surrounded Saemonite Unar. At the dawn of battle on the second day the Hythian Unar practices a series of tactical withdrawal without the use of any infantry except to bait the Saemonite forces. Light cavalry is used to screen retreating Hythian forces as the Saemonites are drawn deeper and deeper into the Hythian trap. The Hythian Unar draws the Saemonite forces up and over one of the many rolling hills in the region and true engagements between infantry begin on the slopes of the second hill. At noon the Mythadian Unar, numbering some 50,000 marches quickly to seize the Saemonite baggage train, and with the Saemonite Unar drawn over a hill and beyond direct line of sight of the train it is swiftly taken. The Mythadian light cavalry then pursues the Saemonites, surrounding them in a valley where the Unar is captured in outright. The Saemonite Unar in Hythia turned back, the joint forces of both Mythadia and Hythia march east to face the Saemonite forces currently snuffing out the last of the organized resistance in Heratia. Thus, an epic battle takes place at the Forks of the Tythies, in the ruined city of Arudam which was once destroyed in totality by the Saemonites. The first day is marked by a race to take the strategically critical ruins. Hythian vanguard forces cross a ford directly upstream of the river and fight a prolonged cavalry battle with advance elements of the Saemonite Unar which had set camp on the north edge of the city. The advance Saemonite forces do escape to inform their commander who decides to trap the Hythian army against the ford and makes camp some five septons from the ford. Meanwhile, the Mythadians marched south to a known crossing of the Tythies, and having crossed this river, began marching north late into the first day. The second day of battle consisted mostly of stalling tactics by the Hythians who first ask to speak with the Saemonite leader under the preface of potentially surrendering and to discuss terms of such an arrangement. It is thanks to these tactics, which stall for much of the morning, that the Mythadian force can cross a second ford, on the Mynethos, some 60 septons from the Saemonite camp. The second day comes to an end after an indecisive battle between Hythian forces and the Saemonites. Made desperate by the river at their backs Hythian soldiers stand surprisingly firm. The third day finds the Hythian Unar readied for battle at the break of dawn. 50 Saemonite prisoners are brought out to a great pyre built by the Hytoriy during the night. These prisoners are then burned alive as the sun rises to appease Hythus and bring fear to his enemies. This gruesome scene calls the Saemonites to arms and a true battle begins. It is after an hour of fighting that the Mythadian Unar arrives from the east this time. The light cavalry once more destroys the Saemonite camp and begins launching a hail of arrows into the poorly defended Saemonite rear. The Mythadian forces are quick to connect with a strategically placed Hythian Heavy Cavalry unit in the north, forcing the routing Saemonites to flee south into the ruins of Arudum. The end of the third day finds the Saemonite Unar trapped in the eroded walls of the former city under siege. Several dozen Eyscurpierons are brought to bear against the Saemonites, throwing large incendiary bolts all through the night. Siege continues for a week before the Saemonites, are forced to surrender having lost their stores of food and facing total annihilation. The domestic developments of the last decade are put on hold as all efforts are directed toward feeding and equipping the Unar. Slaves are retasked to harvesting and the sum excess of labor used in peaceful years is redirected to producing the means of war, food, weapons, and armor. A trade proposal is sent to several of the Irian city-states to the south and the Drakans looking to secure more sources of food for the nation. [Players Response] A further proposal is sent to exchange cartographic information with the Ry'Kyva of the north, as well as the Mythadians who have demonstrated their fidelity, courage, and honor in fighting for so long with Hythia. [Mod and Player Response] Trade with the Irians is conducted on the newly constructed road network as a means of supplying yet more critical food. Fortunately, most of the Hythian diet is comprised of easily stored grains, legumes, and root vegetables, allowing the easy transport of at least staple nutrients. All foreign explorers and missionaries are recalled to serve in the Unar as healers, soldiers, and, if talented, as commanders. The Mythadian host maintains its occupation of the coastal Saemonite lands.
  • Mesallian Culture: After the death of Xarenvarus the monarch “Thalut III” was crowned in Azoz, but his declaration as “King of Edom” seen as impractical, as that would require him to marry his own mother, which the Edomites did not wish to tolerate. As a result Thalut would become known as “Thalut the Wicked” for his attitude of power and consolidation over morality and piety. The Holy Patra of Edom famously would take a stand against his own king, becoming the subject of later paintings such as “Apostle Ambranun barring Thalut from Edom Basilica”, although such paintings are largely fantastic. The actual monarch of Edom, Evanematra, who is said to have been 56 years old at the time of the 75th Jafiad, or about six years younger than her brother Democrates, who died that year, had begun to come out of her isolation and manipulated lifestyle. The queen had been emboldened by the prophet Omnuna to restore Edom and its customs to the forefront of the ancient world, expelling Azoz’s advisors, which Omnuna called “the prison guards”. The Zamists were elevated to positions of power in the government, with the queen hesitating to oppress the “heretical” religion that worshipped her nearly as a goddess. Hoping to avoid conflict, the queen would pen a letter to her son, stating that if he possessed any benevolence in his heart he would not usurp his own mother, or his sister, when she succeeded her. Fearing the worst for the son “corrupted by Azozian temptations”, the queen formed a close alliance with her nephew, Democrates II, and also sought to arrange an alliance with her niece, the Queen of Emalia. Her motivation being that the balance of peace and prosperity between the four states would be disrupted if one “child of Lysimedes” undid his legacy. Furthermore, according to the queen, the “gentle nurturing of Ulm in the world” would likely be undone by continued bloodshed between the few bastions of the faith, in an effort to perhaps turn Azoz’s ministers and advisors sympathetic, even if their king would not be. Besides the machinations of the royals, the societal and religious changes being undertaken in the kingdom would continue on their own. The traditional Edomite religion had largely disappeared from the public eye, although living out its days in the countryside of the nation or in far flung provinces. Of those who remained partial to the Edomite faith, they had been overtaken by the monotheistic Zamists, which remained the most culturally Edomite-influenced religion of the rise of monotheism. Its reception by theologians was mixed, with many church figures of Ulm deeming the religion “utterly blasphemous, heretical, and pagan”, according to contemporary writer Ganzemun. But elsewhere, the religious and philosophical corners of Edom and Iskandria found a means to rectify the religion to be more palatable, by stating that Zama was simply the True God, or his manifestation, and the divinity of the Maleka was purely symbolic and metaphorical. In Sephimora the Enulmian religion remained triumphant over the influences of Edomite and Azozian Ulm. Due to the interconnectedness of the two realms over the last several decades, the religion also grew considerably across eastern and southern Edom. This is evidenced by the sudden sharp increase in the number of purification pools, centers of worship, and Enulmian libraries in plain sight rather than in hiding, and the textual evidence of the first Edomite governors in the mountains of the east embracing the religion. Despite the upheaval ongoing in Edom, the nations of Mesallas stood out as still largely polytheistic, with Democrates II notably uninterested in Ulmism. The western Melopenes remained Yannian in religion, with a mixture of Yannian and Mesallian customs and traditions taking hold. In a select few cities the Ulm religion remained a large force, particularly in more cosmopolitan cities and centers of trade. However, the Mesallian faith of Ioxemander, Ptelamus, and all the kings before them remained the dominant religion of the peninsulas and archipelagos.
  • Yannis Empire: A great curse is spoken by the despised Thot of Azoz, cursing his frail bones, his pultrad, swirly skin, his bristled unkempt hair, his yellowish, long fingernails, his ragged clothes, and his hunched over spine. That aging, grotesque monster is to be cast down by the highest powers of divinity and grace, sparing the world or more harm by casting him into fire, tearing off his limbs, destroying every slimy inch of his innards and his crawling presences. And just as it is spoken, that vile beast is killed by the holy prayer of Yannis. The news reaches the Holy City of Yagothna-vis, and the people celebrate the destruction of that false prophet, whose disease has finally come to a close. The ascension of Thotite III to their mound of lies and putrid corpses, that sits the Olmite faith, leads to plans to liberate the world from him as well. And so a festival begins, hoping to rid the world of corruption and evil through thoughtful prayer and happiness. The festival is brought to the Yannis empire by the Nianians, and soon people celebrate by burning the effigies of the cruel Azozian. It is reported to the royal authorities of his description. The natural philosophers who study the animals and beasts report that he is a short being, with a gut that hangs over his thin legs, his knees unable to support him. His arms hang like wet fish from his side, sometimes scraping the ground below. His head is unable to be raised high, and so his chin often bumps around his chest. They report that the Azozian is a bastard and a gluttonous, bewitched individual, who sought to mate with his own mother. His products are incestuous and diseased, many dying stillborn or heavily deformed. His father was one of the products of the people mines, the deep, treacherous tunnels below the Azoz mound, where they churn the fires of molten rock to pull out such creatures. He was born from no humanity, no love or piety, but by the unfeeling, unnatural stench of the tunnels, molded like a sword from the cosmic smelting of human curiosity run amok. The Azozians cut him from the primordial cesspits that run through those streets, stretched open the cavities of bubbling waste to birth his head and pull him by the neck. From an early age they spoke to him in the dark tongue, calling him “Nazgurbuûk gesh âs’olog”, or “evil ooze that festers”. All throughout his years they whispered into his ears until the ears became wretched, twisted, hoping to escape the vile plosives of Azozian speech. When he reached an age of maturity for that species, the Azozian pretender outstretched a 15-inch bony and twisted finger, ordering the cruel enslavement of the holy people of the world. His armies would do their master’s bidding, pillaging the lands of innocent peoples. Their fiery reached the Bangorians and corrupted sweet Obtus, through lies and deceit. And so the Anointed One decreed, that island was of the righteous not of the unrighteous, of the just not unjust. There would be no Olmist treachery on the island of punishment of death, this he said, and so it was done. The Yannis Empire assembled a great fleet of Holy Men to purify the lands of Obtus. The other faithful states of the island were called upon, as were the Yannian nations of the south. A great crusade would forcefully remove the growing plague, after the Olmites unlawfully occupied Obtus. It is clear that in their hearts the Thotite seeks to occupy that innocent kingdom permanently, and suck the spirits straight off the bones of every man, woman, and child. The army of Holy Men arrives, hoping to arrive in time to save some of these innocent civilians before they can be consumed as meat. They know that the Obtus people still possess a spark of hope and joy in their hearts, and so only the vile king that the Azozians corrupted, Bâruktul’aslug, will need to be cut from the earth. Peace and glory upon the holy of the world.
  • Ri'Kiva:  The fort at Sud'Kivja is expanded even more, along with the river forts. The Ri'Kivan army is mobilized, and a request is sent to Kaughn to join us against the autocratic Saemonites. Supported by a river fleet, our force of 10,000 men marches into the Saemonite river cities, occupying everything up to the river if all goes according to plan. The army is primarily composed of medium Ri'Kivan infantry and Batur skirmishing auxiliaries, along with Aurilian heavy infantry and Hürik light cavalry. The light cavalry plunders Saemonite agriculture, while most of the force proceeds to the mountains. Batur skirmishers form the screen. Using the spy network, Kal'If Uk sends word to all Saemonite slaves, saying that in Ri'Kiva, there is no slavery, and that any slaves who join the Ri'Kivan army will be freed and given a sizable plot of land.

The Kingdom of Otan Takat: Again this decade the King sends out explorers to map more of this land, looking in the East, North, and South for signs of other civilized people. The Kingdom continues to expand and begins building more farms and is focused on expanding the population to higher numbers instead of claiming more land. The further advancement with Bronze tools leads to increased efforts in farming, and better farming techniques being developed. The fertile ground of the delta is very fertile. The people have also began using the waters as a way to get food by fishing for it these attempts have had mixed results with some of the craft collapsing while others have come back laden with fish. In all this decade has been a success with the private militia being expanded to number close to 1,000 outfitted in weapons and army of bronze battling back any native incursions against the Kingdom.

  • Glorious Empire of Vynos: The Unification of all the Vyt lands is completed with the conquest of Nis. With this the Vyt has truly become one. However, the attempted coup against Timoi Tita I causes most concern within our most esteemed leader. Realizing that sudden change will cause unstability within our most glorious empire, he in all his wisdom, decided upon compromising the beliefs of traditional Vyt religion with Solaramism. Utilizing his unification of the Vyt lands as a basis and "ancient" documents to claim the legendary title and position of Kator within the Vytish. The Kator is the prophesized Liberator, One-true king, and savior of all the Vyt people. He will arise from the line of one murdered and one praised and shall come from a line of far away origins, and his descendants shall rule over all of Vytia from henceforth and shall not challenged by any except the truly despicable and evil. He claims direct male line descendant from Solaram the prophet of Benyisra by ancient documents stating that a son of Solaram fled the destruction wrought by Draka against the chosen people, and fled to a land far in the south and settled and married a women. His descendents eventually adopted the name Birtyzi, meaning foresight in honor of their ancestor. The promotion of these ideas eventually begins to cement loyalty in the zealous and the poor as a savior of the Vyt people. In order to subdue traditionalists, Tita I restores the institution of the Assemblies. However, they are purely ceremonial and possess little real power. With the popularity of Timoi Tita I the apprehended traitors are handed punishments by executions, the selling of their children into slavery, and the seizure of their land, and redistribution among the common folk. Having unified their lands Timoi Tita I orders a nation wide census to be conducted to find the state of his realm, and their people. He also founds a military outpost in between the cities of Vynos and Daima to keep control of their lands which eventually grows into a small city. Continued exploration of the lands surrounding Draka and Benyisra is very successful with them Discovering the nations of Qaryaat, they also explore farther Northwest of Draka into lands yet undiscovered, and west of Qaryaat. The naval expeditions exploring lands farther east continue as well.
  • Darna: It is discovered that the serpent that is the Azozian king Thot transformed himself into a ghastly spirit, possessing people across the nation. These poor souls are compelled to do the devil’s bidding, beginning the great slave revolt. The magician Jacaras channels this dark magic to control the slaves as his drones. The social hierarchy is destroyed, with Jacaras freeing the feral Ulmian beasts from their cages and mines. All across the coast, bears, lions, Ulmians, wolves, and all the other wild animals roam freely, causing a panic and many deaths. The most primitive of Ulmian captives, those were were raised their entire lives in solitary confinement with zero human interaction, are unable to understand the new world they find themselves in. With many dying in their former slave dens or being hunted and killed. The most capable of the slaves are led by Jacaras directly, as he turns them into an army, They manage to take many settlements on the coast, disrupting the janter trade and causing alarm. Elsewhere, the slaves become their own masters, and many “colonies” emerge led by former slave warlords called the olumas. The most powerful of the oluma establish their own slaves, and their own janter mining colonies, having killed or displaced the old masters. Many of these colonies would ally together and eventually force Darna to recognize them. Then among the most feral of slaves, there were many who created their own “packs”, remaining untamed and wild in the wilderness of the interior. There the former Ulmians returned to their primitive ways, becoming a part of the ecosystem for many years to come. After many years the Darnas eventually killed Jacaras, restoring order to their colonies. For this treachery, many ships were built, as the nation prepared to take the head of the great Thot as a war trophy.
  • Thïgæ: Finding an appropiate place to settle, Aropha decides to claim land for his people to claim their own. He names it Thïgæ. A city is founded on one of the many river deltas of the region, and areas to the south bordering the coast are claimed for the crown, along with most of the northern lake area. The tropical environment lets agriculture blossom, and soon enough food is produced to support a new urban area, which is established on the southern coast in the first Olahn (four years). Another settlement is added at the end of the second Olahn (eight years) at the southern tip of the northern lake. Faith in the one and only god, Rathor, starts to gain momentum, with Lianth proclaiming he had been visited by Rathor at the begining of the first Olahn, and the atheists of Thïgæ, just settling down, believed that the finding of a perfect place to settle down was the work of Rathor. The religon quickly grew until Aropha himself proclaimed that Rathor was the only god. Conversion of the mostly atheist neighboring tribes was easy, as they saw that the coming of Rathor was destined from the newly formed Thïgæ, causing other tribes around the newly converted ones to assume the same thing. Traders begin exploring areas on the southern coast, while an expedition is sent upstream, past the northern lake, to map the unknown.
  • Khin Federation: After a second great hunt, where riders of Khin ventured into the far corners of the known world, the returning sacrificial ceremony became a census, where all riders are counted and tallied to record the population of the Khin. Traders of the Khin begin establishing commercial connections with the Azoz, Valun, Isimandia, and Syres. During the great hunt, blessed by the Great Than, a rider has made the first treeless saddle for use of his own horse. The new treeless saddle is then popularized in the Khin.
  • Syres: Within the city the Ulm faith grows to become the largest religion for the first time, although still a minority overall. The Hensa attempts to promote the Syresian pantheon, and even supports the cult worship of Ioxemander, which grows steadily as well. Due to influence from Ioxemander and the Mesallians, the concept of worshipping the late kings and legendary heroes of the city becomes popular, with a cult arising around the legendary founder of the city, Erian. Aside from these two main religions, the most popular across the nation remains the polytheistic Mesallian pantheon, or offshoots of it. In the far west this is joined by the native religions of the coast, which live on in small numbers despite Azozian-led oppression and persecution to spread the Ulmian faith in its stead. A temple to Soronis and a temple to Zama were also opened in Syres at this time, due to trade from Edom and Mesallas, although these religions would remain a very small minority in the city. The captured island from Darna is christened Nelyris, with a new settlement named Atsum being founded at the spot where the Azozians first landed and encamped. Due to Azozian pressure the island becomes home to a new basilica and a planned colony from the city, with many Ulmians relocating or even being forcefully exiled to the island. There is also an increased interest in control over the straits, with the forts at either end of the straits being expanded. The navy retains a presence at Nelyris to ensure that any Darnan attack or piracy is repulsed.
  • Sillan Republic: Cabeza Qianlana increases investment into the Navy, with a total of 200 galleys. They are with numerous heavy crossbows (firing both conventional crossbow bolts and incendiary arrows) for long-ranged assault, as well as a prolonged iron-plated bow and boarding engines for close-combat. Meanwhile, in order to divert attention from the repelled Teninukal and Exhula campaigns, Cabeza Qianlana commences the invasion of the Makuku region. She cites that the Sillans and the Makuku peoples have similar languages; and therefore, could trace both their origins to a single progenitor, and as such, Sillan conquest is not intended to establish dominance or extract tribute but rather to unify two related peoples. In recognition of this equal status, ethnic Makuku will be granted citizenship (and associated rights and privileges, such as suffrage) and all Makuku nobility will retain their respective titles (and will be allowed to run for and hold political offices, though their children will be required to partake in imperial examinations to do so). In addition, she seeks to bring civilization and prosperity to the Makuku people through the adoption of Sillan culture and institutions. However, there are other motives for the conquest of the Makuku region, most prominently the acquisition of gold and other precious metals, which could be used in the production of luxury goods (particularly jewelry) as well as monetize the economy. Meanwhile, the vast expanses of idle land could be converted into plantations specializing in the production of tropical commodities, while the incorporation of the Makuku population would further augment the taxable population (thus increasing tax revenue, enabling Silla to fund more government programs and projects). A total of 60,000 troops are mobilized, with ~15,000 sent to Napukal and Chamokal each, and ~30,000 sent to Makuku. A total of three legions (each consisting of 5,000 troops – 1,000 horsemen and 4,000 infantrymen) are dispatched each to Napukal and Chamokal. The cavalry is divided into three groups. The first group launches a fake assault and upon inflicting a sufficient level of attrition, they then retreat (leading them to organized phalanx formations). The second group then encircle the enemy formations (discreetly), thus keeping them within a certain area. The third and final group will then stay with the phalanxes and fulfill skirmishing duties – thus ensuring the impenetrability of the flanks and the rear. Infantry (organized in a phalanx formation) will proceed to then kill enemy forces using pikes (while enemy forces are unable to escape due to encirclement by cavalry). Any encountered settlement & fortifications (including surrounding farmland) are razed to the ground. Upon reaching both their respective capital's, the troops then proceeding to destroy it using incendiary arrows and crossbow bolts, while the three legions (in three different directions) create multiple breaches in enemy fortifications and defenses (while using assault covers to minimize casualties) – thus dispersing the defending garrison and overwhelming enemy forces, thus facilitating entry. One-half of the ~60,000 are dispatched to Makuku, with one-third being cavalry while the remainder being infantry. The expedition is organized into three army divisions consisting of two legions each, with mounted auxiliaries conducting reconnaissance as well as relaying messages between the three army divisions. The three army divisions travel loosely to evade enemy forces, maintain flexibility, and to feign numerical inferiority – thus ensuring that the enemy mobilizes as few troops as possible. Any encountered unfortified settlements (and the surrounding farmland) are razed to the ground; while any minor fortifications are deliberately avoided (though the surrounding farmland is nevertheless razed) to maintain a rapid advance northward – inhibiting the enemy's ability to easily and effectively coordinate and plan their defense strategy or establish any solid fortifications. If any enemy forces are encountered, prior to engagement, squads of several archers are sent and in concealed locations (to minimize visibility) target and kill high-ranking military officials. Then, a legion is sent (using long-ranged bows to inflict damage upon enemy troops) and launch a fake assault, then afterward they feign retreat (only reversing this retreat upon the arrival of reinforcements). Then four legions (being more heavily-armored) are sent to attack from two directions – initially inflicting damage with their bows (focusing on killing any skirmishers or longbowmen, then focusing on inflicting attrition) then breaking enemy lines and engaging in melee warfare (utilizing a lance to inflict shock, before reverting back to the saber). The last remaining legion is tasked with preventing anyone from leaving or repelling any surprise engagements or reinforcements. Upon reaching the capital, the surrounding farmland and any satellite settlements are razed to the ground – with their inhabitants fleeing to the capital (thus expending more resources). With the defenders being forced to retreat to the confines of the capital (which is presumably fortifications, regardless of whether or not the process of completed), a strategy of encirclement is pursued to starve and weaken the defending garrison. During this same period, the capital's infrastructure is destroyed with heavy crossbows and incendiary arrows. Then, the three army divisions (in three different places) proceed to concentrate their force on three different points of the capital's fortifications, with infantrymen creating a breach using a ram (while using assault covers to minimize casualties); upon achieving this, all of the three breaches are simultaneously entered en-masse thus overwhelming the enemy forces and facilitating entry.


If you still need to post in the previous turn you may do so.

A nomadic people migrate from the northeast into a jungled highland, subjugating the native people of the region. The become known as the nation of Johdnapanan, founding the capital city of Ganhdlavira at a location along a major river.

The nation of Unem (which Ri’kiva had discovered 300 years ago but went unnamed at that time) launches an expedition to the south. They conquer numerous tribes, but also force many more to flee south toward the Saemonite realm.

A local aromatic tree resin (frankincense) becomes a highly popular and profitable commodity originating from the Qaryaat region.

In response to the Yannian invasion of Obtus, the Kingdom of the Isles supports the Ulmian Obtus government, while the Angelnite nation of Thetum, which practices the Yannian faith, supports the Yannis Empire.

The Valun-Khin War begins as two of the largest nations of the Azozian steppe come into conflict. The leader of the Valun, Odoabasid, begins the war with an invasion of the Khin. The Mithadian-Hythian armies meet against the invading Saemonites at the Battle of Towrahnoni, and the Saemonites are defeated. The Saemonites suffer 17,540 casualties, the Hythians suffer 3,100, the Mithadians suffer 5,290, and the Kledesians suffer 2,000. The battle results in the Saemonites being decisively repulsed from southeast Herati.

A Saemonite noble named Amelucenes, governor of Remnon and Basim (the cities on the river near Ri’kiva), raises an army and successfully defeats the Ri’kivan invasion. The Saemonites suffer 2,100 casualties, as well as numerous civilian casualties, while the Ri’kivans suffer 4,400 casualties. Elsewhere the Kingdom of Kaughn accepts the offer from Ri’kiva and invades independently toward the south.

During the invasion of Napukal, Teninukal repays the Makuku for their support prior by sending an army to join Napukal. Together this force successfully repulses the Sillan attack, with Sillas suffering 3,900 casualties. Teninukal also tentatively declares the Makuku states under their protection. Meanwhile, the attack on Chamokal succeeds, burning the center of the Makuku religion. The Sillans suffer 2,400 casualties in the process. In Makuku proper the Makuku are narrowly defeated, with Sillas suffering 6,900 casualties.

A rival tribal leader named Lagalut founds a city named Sonaredar, located southwest of the nation of Thïgæ, on the southern part of the same river delta.

  • File:Flag of Thïgæ (Origo Mundi Map Game).svg Thïgæ: A conversion and expansion plan commences, dubbed the "Rothr Shliefn" (Rothar Plan), with natives converted before being implemented into Thïgæ. The plan is used extensively in the north, around the lake, during the late third and all of the fourth Olahn (510 to 516), and in the southeast from the fifth Olahn (516 to 520+). ​As many go to the cities, the native population begins to integrate into the culture of Thïgæ. A permanent standing army is adopted with the sightings of a possible new aggressor or ally in the southeast, although the around 12,000 male peasants, slaves, and serfs in the entire empire make manpower an issue, and consequently, due to this, the army is only around 500 strong. Each is armed with a dagger, a stone axe, and a longbow, the latter two of which being abandoned on stealth missions. With Sonaredar (is it supposed to be a play on words for sonar radar?) being founded by Lagalut, Aropha warns them about transgressing Rathor, and sends missionaries their way in order to enlighten the new settlement. Secretly, 100 from the newfound military are sent to make sure things in Sonaredar go according to plan (Sonaredar response needed). With a new power in the area, fears of Sonaredar's expansion boosts efforts to use the Rothr Shliefn on the southern coast, especially near the southeast. Trade with the city-state is minimal, as they have nothing to bargain with and Lagalut claiming to be the "rival" of Aropha. The end of the third, fourth and fifth Olahn's celebrate a new urbanized area, two of them adding to previous settlements (the capital and the coastal city) and the last being added 9 px east and 3 px north of the other coastal city (so long as it is not to close to Sonaredar). Urbanization causes rapid specialization of the people, but also causes disease. Cess pits are normalized, and urinating in the rivers becomes illegal, reducing disease risk. The army poses as police in the cities. Confusion around where Sonaredar is causes an expedition to be sent to figure out where the city exists, as some say it is mythical and some say it is real (Map update needed). Expeditions continue up the numerous rivers of the region along with the coastline. A navy is founded, based in the seaport of the south. The cities finally receive names; the northern one is named Craquoh, the southern one Suzuuquoh, and the capital Lojuoh. The new city east of Sonaredar is named Pusonaredaroh, commonly shortened to Pusonoh. A tradition begins at the end of the third Olahn to have a festival to welcome the new Olahn and the coming of Lianth, and it soon evolves into a sporting event by the end of the fifth Olahn, or 520. A flag is adopted for each city due to the event, and a national flag is inspired by the city flags.
    • Flag of Lojuoh (Origo Mundi Map Game) City of Lojuoh: The capital grows 1 px at the beginning of the fourth Olahn (as mentioned above). As one of the first cities to start celebrating the coming of Lianth, the largest celebrations were held here. The royal family saw a new addition, Aropha Rothar, commonly called Aropha ⅠⅠ by historians.
    • Flag of Craquoh (Origo Mundi Map Game) City of Craquoh: Fishing becomes a major export from the lakeside city, causing eel, a delicacy throughout the empire, and other freshwater sea life to be fished in the lakes.
    • Flag of Suzuuquoh (Origo Mundi Map Game) City of Suzuuquoh: Salt water fishing becomes a major export from Suzuuquoh, supplying the fish that Craquoh can not. Whale hunting begins to prosper, bringing oil lamps and plentiful meals. Octopus goes for a high price in the market, and are usually sold to nobles.
    • Flag of Pusonoh (Origo Mundi Map Game) City of Pusonoh: The name Pusonaredaroh translates to "The city east of Sonaredar" due to confusion on where Sonaredar actually existed when the city was named, but the name Pusonoh, a shortened version of Pusonaredaroh, stuck around and became its official name even after Sonaredar was discovered to be on the other side of the delta, technically still east. They supply resources to the newly added eastern empire. The bay near them makes a good harbor, and it becomes a permanent harbor for the royal fleet.
  • Hythia: Years 208-217 Since the Return of Hythus. Meunarchs Vylanus and Tylan once again offer the Saemonites peace. The terms under their proposal shall include recognition of the young King Nesaranasser V as the true king of all the Saemonites, the abandonment of all Saemonite claims on the Herati, Hythians, Mythadians, Jalorans, Ry’Kyvans, and all other allied nations. Mythadia will take ownership over one-third the Saemonite Fleet to do with as it pleases, and additionally shall retain the southernmost coastal city it occupies. Ry'Kyva shall take ownership over another one-third, and a final one-sixth will be given to Hythia to be sailed to Gyomis. The Saemonites will pay Hythia an indemnity of 1,000 kg of gold and 5,000 kg of silver to be used in the reconstruction of Hythia and Heratia. A further 1,000 slaves must be provided to Hythia annually for the next 50 years, and for that period all nations shall agree to remain at peace with one another. [Mod Response](More to Come)The military remains on alert until peace negotiations are concluded. The return of peace sees Hythia enter a new era of growth. Politically the war has had an extreme impact on Hythia. The election process of the Meunarchs has essentially become a rubber stamp for hereditary succession. Furthermore, a permanent military-industrial bureaucracy has formed to manage to production of military necessities. With resources stretched thin, soldiers are granted double tracts of land in the south with the resumption of the old land-granting system used before the war. The system is used to quickly colonize the region surrounding the cities of Klynia, Lythania, and Tystia. Farther south, the region surrounding the city of Hyrat, established by Herati refugees in the previous decade, is further settled by a mix of Hythian veterans, Herati refugees, and Herati veterans. The Herati in Hythia are granted citizenship and lands rather than force them to return to their ruined homes. Heratia is integrated as a vassal, but with its royal family murdered by the Saemonites the country is placed under the care of a prominent local noble who’s house is bound to that of Meunarch Vylanus through a royal wedding. With the loyalty of Heratia secured and the north at peace Hythia rebuilds. Several small outposts on the Gomian Road, expand rapidly as soldiers settle across this area prompting the recognition of Lyanta, Syllia, and Pysa as true cities with populations of more than 1,000. Food production across the Meunarchate is diversified and luxuries such as cotton, pomegranate, leather, and many other more minor goods return to prominence. A particularly tasteful spice, Saffron, is cultivated in the more humid areas of Hythia, and its exports swiftly become a large industry employing several thousand laborers. Exports of fine beers, iron, worked leather, tools, and cotton fabrics rise, and trade with the Qyriaati through the port of Gyomis. The captured Saemonite fleet, accounting for some 35 ships, Hythia’s first true navy, is docked in Gyomis in the Hythian Harbor, a small port on the edge of the city owned by Hythian merchants and tradesmen. Hythia dedicates 500 slaves to the expansion of this harbor and the construction of a new facility for the new Hythian Fleet. The war has also brough Jalor and Hythia closer thanks to the necessary cooperation. Meunarch Tylan, aged 32 summers, proposes to wed the daughter of the Jaloran King to further ensure close relations between the two nations. In other news, the total decimation of the Bysula and Hytoriy is completed with the last battles of the war, and both orders essentially cease to exist. Bysulan, the mountain fortress of the Bysula, retains a garrison of only 500 after the near total destruction of the Bysula.
  • Glorious Empire of the Vyt: Vytia has never known such serenity and glory as it has under Timoi Tita. The population continues its never stopping growth, and because of this the Imperial governments orders the chopping down of trees and expansion of farmland by 30 px in the temperatelands surrounding Milor. Meanwhile, roads are constructed in between the various cities and outposts of the empire in order to ensure that our troops and goods can move around the nation as quick as possible. Two new additions are made to the realm of the Vyt on the river south of Vynos a new city is founded under the overseeing of the imperial government, the city is named Tanos, and at the end of Benyisran trade routes a small trading city is established by merchants seeking a better control of the flow of goods the city comes to be known as Arne. In the year of 516, our most beloved Timoi Tita I dies of old age, and passes away to the next life. He is succeeded by his son Timoi Jor. Under Jor things remain much of the same but he introduces policies encouraging large families granting benefits to those who have more than five children while disallowing those with less than three children and are aged over 35 from inheriting, and becoming an archon, along with having to pay a mandatory "chaste tax". Unlike his successor who pursued a more direct approach to evangelizing, Timoi Jor begins to utilizes artisans, storytellers, and plays to introduce the various ideas of Solaramism into the laymen society. And in order to demonstrate his authority as Timoi he orders the construction of a grand palace in Vynos. The palace is said to contain no less than 20,000 rooms, be made out of stone that fell from the sky, contain every rich on earth, and is a connection to the heavens itself. However, these are simply self-aggrandizing rumors started by the imperial government, the real palace contains over 2,000 rooms is filled with the finest art collection, and has the most beautiful throneroom made out of precious metals. The palace is meant to be designed with water flowing down its step and throughout it, along with possessing many peacocks and lemurs. Meanwhile, Timoi Jor I orders the construction of new ships and orders the exploration of the seas to the west and east of us. An expedition is sent inland, north of Daukani and farther into the lands of Iria. Merchants arriving in the Iria kingdoms arrive with grandoise displays of wealth flaunting many objects of gold and silver, displaying many tons of them, along with presenting many rare spices not found in the lands of Iria. 
  • Mesallian Culture: It appeared that the threat issued by his mother was enough to dissuade Thalut III from forcefully exerting his control over Edom during the previous decade, as coins minted in the 77th and 78th Jafiad (Year 508 and 512 respectively) continued to bear the sole image of Evanematra. After which coins began to show the two Evanematras (the Maleka and her daughter), suggesting that the queen had her daughter crowned as co-monarch within her lifetime. Sources during this time indicate that the queen was highly motivated by her love for her daughter, with the writer Lephemus, who was likely under the queen’s employment, praising her for her virtue, charity, and morality. As part of her career in public life, the queen’s daughter was wed a number of times to prominent figures. First she was wed to the royals of Erasidon, in what is believed to have been a purely honorary wedding to reaffirm an alliance, although Evanematra the Younger would eventually meet her supposed husband on many occasions. Next she was wed to Neoptolanus III of Ypelomnes, as a way to ease relations between the west and the Great Lakes in the east. Tensions had remained in the region since the Neoptolanians had aligned with the Yannis Empire against the Ioxemanderian Empire, achieving their independence. Internally the nation had been centered around Uloyiso, much to the disdain of the Tahuan tribes and numerous other peoples of the nation, but by this time the king had come to accept the Enulmian faith. This achieved acceptance from Tahua, but caused a plot to form against the king in Uloyiso. According to Edomite sources, during the newly wed princess’ first venture to Ypelomnes, there was an attempt against the lives of both monarchs. Both monarchs would survive, although Neoptolanus would be injured, leaving him distrustful and paranoid in the coming years. At the same time some of the king’s advisors would take it upon themselves to spearhead the spread of the Enulmian faith east to the nation of Exhula, and across the desert south of the nation. In Sericolis, the Deidamean dynasty ruled, after the traditional kings of Sericolis through Agenon III were deposed by Evandus in the 420s, and King Laius, appointed by Cestalus, was deposed a decade later by Lysimedes. Instead Deidamus was elevated to the kingship for his support for Lysimedes, marrying a descendant of Agenon III. Agenon’s son, also named Agenon, was killed around the same time as his father. However, Agenon the Younger also had an infant son, Gelonates, who would be smuggled from Sericolis to Setia, where he remained for most of his life. Gelonates’ son, Antigenus, would become a general in Azoz’s empire, witnessing combat in the takeover of Nelyris by Azoz. Upon returning he rose through the ranks to become the ruling official of Setia, although he would be replaced in the third year of the 77th Jafiad (Year 510) by a noble named Nemoces, who was preferred by the new satrap in Neum. Antigenus’ son Dionymus was born around the third year of the 72nd Jafiad (Year 490). As a young boy he was taken from Setia to Agira, and then to Karistos, before joining the army of his distant relative, Democrates II. The Erasidonian king became distracted by a war in the Melopenes, partially instigated over the governing situation in Yannian Nykos, and he appointed a nobleman named Persates as regent in the Gudumanes. Dionymus would usurp this title from him after Persates was suddenly killed, possibly in an assassination. Dionymus then used his small personal force of only a few hundred men to pillage lands near Sericolis, instigating a response from the current ruler there, Deidamus II. Claiming to be restoring order, Dionymus raised an Erasidonian force that toppled Deidamus II after a decisive victory near the city, and Dionymus proclaimed himself King of Sericolis. Dionymus would also expand the domain of Sericolis over the next few years, creating a strong fleet and seizing control over many of the islands in the north, up to the Syresian Acrissa Islands. In the third year of the 78th Jafiad (Year 514), Dionymus invaded Syres, citing an ancient treaty regarding a Sericolisian colony that had been established in the western coast, which Syres had infringed upon. With a large army and numerous allies from across Mesallas, Dionymus would land near Canim and begin campaigning across western Syres. Over the course of the next two years Dionymus would be declared Tyrant of Canim, having established control over all Syresian lands west of Ersgof. During this time Dionymus would earn a reputation as a brave and formidable commander, but was also considered adventurous and uncompromising, leading to him being compared to a dice player in Syresian accounts. During his life he would fight numerous wars with Syres, with many battles being increasingly costly. After one victory sometime later, Dionymus would famously state, “If we are victorious in one more battle with the Syresians, we shall be utterly ruined". Several years after he arrived (Year 518), Dionymus arranged for a peace offer with Syres, in which he would be appointed one of the consuls of the city in that year, and would recognize his rulership over the west. This peace lasted, but Dionymus would not remain in Syres for long. That same year he sailed back to Sericolis, as he had received news that Democrates II was preoccupied with another revolt, and Dionymus sought to seize the throne of Erasidon. During this time it is believed that Democrates desired nothing less than the full restoration of Ioxemander’s empire under himself, brutally crushing revolts in the Melopenes, and building a major fleet to content with the Azozians and beyond. These plans seemed to have alarmed other monarchs of the region, and the cunning Maleka of Edom sought to ensure that she would retain influence in Erasidon no matter who prevailed, ordering Evanematra the Younger to also marry Dionymus. While Democrates was separated from his son and the rest of his army, he was attacked by Dionymus and an assortment of Edomite allies and mercenaries, being decisively defeated. Democrates would flee into the wilderness, writing to his family that they should consider him a dead man, ignoring any further correspondence that claimed to be from him. Dionymus would become King of Erasidon, although his control over the kingdom would be very short-lived. Around the same time, similar developments also occurred in the east. In Sephimora the aftermath of the Water Merchant-Lementarian War had resulted in Ichabon II seizing the throne, but he would be assassinated by the Lementarians, according to legend, in support of a rival claimant. The Emalian governor in Ephenus, Haliecles, offered his support to this claimant, before turning on him and seizing the kingdom for himself. He also would convert to Enulmism, marrying a descendant of Ichabon II, to win over the support of the Sephimorans. Haliecles would go on to form an empire stretching across the Gabatrian Sea, but this empire would also prove short-lived.
  • Xeran Empire: Thalut had been working toward building up a greater alliance of Ulmain-sympathetic nations in the western hemisphere, but the current internal events in the dynasty greatly slowed down these efforts. Jacarus in Darna continues to be supported by the northern fleet of Sucetraps to assert his control over the city. The eastern fleet under Cyris supports Obtus against Yannis. The substantial fleet of warships targets any key ports used by Yannis in the region, cutting off their possibilty to land and deploying ground troops to head off any amphibious landing. His main general, Surak, led the overland campaign, effectively organizeing the Kingdom of the Isles with the Angelite military to be a single coordinated front, striking indirectly to cut off Yannian supply lines as they ever cross overland from Thetum. Surak had the people of Obtus further construct a large trench around the capital, being a completely unknown tactic in warfare up until that point. Alliance with Exhula is accepted, and their mercanries are likewise used in key battles by Surak against Yannis. The navy in Nerimos sponsored under the Satrap Governor Haliacles is greatly sponsored by the Xeran empire, and was key in disrupting Democrites' attempt to assert an Erasidonian navy, and maintain general dominence over the Gabatrian Sea. Offers continue to be made to expand the navies in Sericolis and Agira, helping to grow closer diplomacy in that region. In Edom, the Holy Patra Ramu III utilizes the growing popularity of Enulmism and Apocists in the region to assert more religious authority in the kingdom. In the first incident, he directly denounced Thalut's attempt of appointing Patras over individual Satraps, insisting that such appointments belong to the local Patra of the kingdom alone. Secondly, and far more controversally, Ramu strongly denounced polygamy and polyandry across any nobililty in the empire, citing numerous sources from the Holy Scriptures that supports monogamous relationships only. This had varying degrees of impact across the empire, with some long-standing political families in Frasnoq and Phydinia annulling their subsequent marriages, retaining only the first one. Most sigificantly, however, this annulled the marriages of Junior Queen Evanmetra the Younger, in which only her first marriage to Democrates II(?) was accepted. Not wanting to cause political scandel, Evanmetra the Elder pressured Emperor Thalut to have Ramu arrested. However, through Ramu's theological essays he had become rather popular among the Orthodox Ulmians in Azoz itself as well, putting more pressure on the Emperor to be unable to keep Ramu in custody. In frustration, Thalut exclaimed at once "will no one rid me of this turbulant priest?" Three of his personal gaurd, taking this as an order, almost had the Patra murdered at that point, but he narrowly managed to escape with help of local clerics in Edom. At this point, the popularity for Patra Ramu over the emperor was even greater, compelling him to recognize the annulled marriages between Dionyses and Neoptolanus, recognizing only her marriage to Democrates II. However, in order to preserve their international alliances, Thalut III offered other unmarried females in the Xeran dynasty as recompense, namely Evanmentra the Younger's younger sister Arenmedesa (to Neoptolanus) and their niece Lucretia (to Dionyses). Some years later, after Dionyses defeated Democretes and the latter disappeared (and presumed dead), Emperor Thalut proceeded with offering to marry the widow Evanmetra himself, albeit thoroughly incestual, in order to restore the marriage of Edom and Azoz that was enjoyed by Xarenvarus.
  • Qaryaat: King Midhet dies, and his son, Adiyyl II, ascends the throne. The "main territory" (if it can even be called as such anymore) expands inland, and Maqiri expands to the Mohejaran border. The colony of Bizafir begins to expand along the Bizafir River, reaching to the beginning of the southern bend in the river. In all three areas, settlers are sent to loosely claimed areas of the kingdom to consolidate control over said areas. Settlers are also sent to Kumiz and the surrounding areas to consolidate control over Kumiz, and a policy of cultural assimilation is carried out. In Makra, construction of a lighthouse to guide ships to safety and avoid the rocks and shoals around the coast begins, and the Temple of Elmekah (the temple built five centuries prior) undergoes a vast renovation. Qaryaati traders capitalize on the growing popularity of frankincense, trading it for various goods throughout the vast Qaryaati trade networks. A mathematician and philosopher of Benyisran descent, Zachai, observes that a cone or pyramid has one-third of the volume of a cylinder or prism with the same base and height. He also theorizes that everything is made up of miniscule and indivisible particles (called atoms in OTL). Trade proposals are made toward Mithadias and Eldebethias. (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED)
  • Exhulan Empire: Although not much was recorded about the decade prior to the 510s, the events of this decade would themselves be well recorded in later history, due to their great cultural and historical significance to the Exhulan Nation. Although Emperor Raccim had previously died in 507, reigning only six years, his son Lorgar succeeded him, becoming Emperor Lorgar VI (as the new Dynasty continues using the reign numbers of the Aurelian Dynasty for the purposes of increasing their legitimacy in the eyes of the nobility and the people) and beginning to make a series of reforms in the Empire. He is not as dedicated to holding Amyirth as his predecessors and thus offers to re-open trade with Sillas, and sell them Kaloma in four decades if they give us time to remove our population there (Sillas Response needed). As a result, however, he also seeks to take more territory through war so he doesn’t seem weak to the various factions in Siccarius. Thus, he sends an ultimatum to several of the Kingdoms on the island of Atnosia demanding that they join the Exhulan Empire or face an invasion and forced assimilation, but promising autonomy with vassalge if they accept and promising religious freedom, citing Irrosia as an example of us treating our vassals well and keeping our promises (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED). However, we expect war is likely and thus begin preparing 17,000 troops to invade these kingdoms, although we do not take action until we get a response, either agreeing our refusing. We also increase trade with Azoz, and in Azoz and the surrounding area Nyccia continues exploring and journeying throughout the area and recording much of what she sees and learns. This time also sees the first few recorded mentions of her final son, Arryar Aurelian, who would latter return to Exhula and become a major figure at the Imperial Court of Siccarius. He would also record a number of myths and stories that would become popular in Exhulan legend and folklore, such as The usurper King Thot Of Azoz, the bastard son of a noble named Nolrom who would attempt and fail to usurp the throne of the Xeran Empire. Relations between The Xerans and Exhula becoming increasingly friendly and eventully Emperor Lorgar agrees to the offer of a military alliance with Azoz to seal their friendship, and offers to send a token force of 1,500 to fight in their wars as mercenaries. (Xeran Response needed!) Meanwhile, colonization Of the Northern lands continues as they become huge centers of Exhulan agriculture, and as a result of the food surplus they cause we also begin to become major exporters of Grain to other nations. We also send an expedition to explore a further 60 px into the gulf to the north (Updated Map needed). The Exhulan and Irrulmian scholars and theologians in Azoz and the Ulmian and Azozian ones that come to Exhula also result in a number of new ideas and schools of thought arising in both nations. In Azoz it also results in Exhulan theater traditions flourishing and having an immense influence over the new Azozian Theatrical traditions, and a number of Exhulan plays, especially those of Rttagan II, end up popular in Azoz well Exhulan Hero’s such as General Syrax become known through said plays.
    • Phorintheon declines the offer.
    • Silla agrees to the offer.
  • Yannis Empire: The Holy Men of Yannis march into Obtus and have the Olmite puppet king slaughtered, along with any of his Olmi followers. There is a great cleansing of the streets of Obtus, with the blood of the Olmites running through the streets. Their idol houses are burned to the ground, and new temples are constructed. There is a great proclamation from the center of the capital of Obtus, declaring that, “Thot the Wicked, bastard of Thalutus the False Prophet, she-thing of Nolromo and Randomo, monster-born of cold earth and filth, has been cleansed from Obtus, in the name of Yannis and the Anointed One. One by one the false agents of that Thot are lined in the streets and beaten to death until dead. The leader of the idolaters is tied off the side of a building by his feet, while a second rope runs from his neck to the building across the street. He is repeatedly thrown off the roof of the first building so that he swings like a pendulum, smacking face first into the side of the Obtus Palace. Then he is drawn back up by the rope around his neck so that he can be smashed again. After several swings he is certainly dead, but this continues repeatedly until every piece of him is destroyed across the side of the old palace, and his blood and flesh run thick into the streets below. This is how his corpse is left. This action serves as a lesson to the other states of the island, and as a simple declaration; the entirety of the island will accept the righteous faith of Yannis or face a similar fate. These states are told to throw off the shackles of the false prophet and deceiver, and accept justice and true faith. Meanwhile, a second army attacks the Kingdom of the Isles, to compel them to surrender. The other one-half of the army, that is not in Obtus or the Isles, remains guarding Yannis proper, preparing for a great and triumphant crusade against the accursed Thotites, and all who oppress the righteous and deceive the innocent. We declare that Phorintheon has been under our protection to protect the Yannian minority there, so we will not tolerate the wanton aggression of Exhula against them. Exhula is to immediately cease attacking them.
    • Exhulan Response: We begrudgingly agree to cease our attack, but resentment against Yannis begins to grow in Exhula.
  • Darna: In Isimandia the nations of the confederacy support beginning trading with the Khin, and they support the Khin against their war in the south. In Darna the slave ringleader of the slave revolt is finally killed, and the Janter Coast goes back to serving the Darnan nation. However, there are many changes to society, as many slaves have escaped or have become masters of their own. The feral pack of Ulmians spreads into the interior, and in the east there is a bounty placed by hunters to catch and kill as many of them as possible. The Thotite ships that attempt to come toward us are all destroyed or captured. They create a new generation in the slave pits, as more Ulmians are raised in captivity. In the far west the natives are contacted, and Darna begins selling weapons and goods to these peoples to aid them against the Thotites. Explorers continue north and south along the western coast. In the north the Darnans contact a new nation founded at the northern sea, which is named Aycouver. The nation would grow considerably with Darnan trade and cultural exchange.
  • Syres: As a result of the Dionymic Wars the city of Syres has its western territories occupied by the empire from Sericolis, with one of Dionymus’ lead generals ruling over the region from the city of Canim. The city itself would be forced to accept Dionymus as well, although indirectly as one of its joint rulers, in a fairly honorary rule. During his “consulship” the leader Dionymus was largely not at Syres of anywhere near it, and this ironically allowed his rival consul to rule over the city exclusively. This allowed for the city to continue to function and grow according to its own agenda. In the west a slight resurgence of the Mesallian religion as a majority began, as the Mesallian invaders brought with them the culture and gods of the south. After the one year term of Dionymus ended, the city returned to electing the next two consuls. The Mesallians in the west saw this as Syres breaking its peace agreement with Dionymus, but the Syresians argued that he had been promised a position of consul, which had always carried a term of one year. Another major war would break out in the west, with the Syresians protecting the island of Ersgof from any true invasion force from the west. In the meantime, Dionymus was too preoccupied with his ambitions of conquering Erasidon, and so the Syresians transitioned back toward independence freely.
  • Malmaça: The research on catapults and incendiary arrows are completed, and they are being integrated to our military system. The prophet would order a law of conscription, anyone above the age of 18 until the age of 30 must have three years of military experience. He would also issue using unused plots of land to graze herds of horses, which is in the blood of the Malmaçan people. Expansion of the nation would begin by order of the Prophet, integrating neighboring tribes into the empire, and beginning research on halberd, pikes and recurve bows. Iron would be found deep in the mountainous mines, which would be smelted to replace bronze, due to its strength and overall more common than bronze itself.
    • With the success of the Chamokal campaign, the Makuku macroregion is effectively split into two. In order to reiterate Silla's desire to annex an ethnically and culturally similar region, the Makuku deities are added to the Grand Pantheon and all religious structures in occupied areas are left undisturbed and even receive patronage. While the Makuku campaign has been narrowingly repulsed, it has left its defenders weakened and its countryside ravaged through the razing of farmland and the sacking of settlements. With the Teninukalese intervening in the Napukal campaign, Cabeza Qianlana increases the number of mobilized troops to ~75,000; of which ~15,000 are in Napukal while the remainder being evenly split between Teninukal and Makuku. The Grand Wall lining the Sillan–Teninukal border is heavily fortified, with sporadic raids on border settlements being conducted. Meanwhile, in preparation for prolonged expeditions, military rations now consist of cheese (which could be derived also from mare's milk) and smoked or dried meats (which can be placed on boiling water to yield a broth); which are easily-stored.
    • Exploiting Teninukal's preoccupaiton with Napukal, Cabeza Qianlana herself leads an expeditionary force of ~30,000 divided into four divisions, of which one-half are horsemen while the remainder fulfilling auxiliary roles. She leaves control of state affairs to the other five Ministers, with the Imperial Court maintaining an advisory role (though they can protest or veto legislation; though the Ministers could also overrule them under a unanimous agreement). She uses her war experience as an opportunity to expand and further codify the Art of War that her distant-relative Cabeza Sanza has written, with her addition being called the "Qianlana Edition". In order to screen out any surprise engagements, maintain flexibility, while also feigning numerical inferiority (thus not provoking the enemy), the four divisions travel loosely together – with communications being maintained a system of couriers, or mounted auxiliaries (who are usually literate and carry multiple copies of orders). These couriers also conduct reconnaissance. In order to maintain a rapid advance to the capital (thus allowing for a surprise engagement, thus preventing the enemy from effectively planning and coordinating defense), multiple mounts are utilized – allowing for a maximum daily travel distance of 100 miles (160 km) under optimum conditions; though the realized speed is one-half due to inclines and periodic pauses to raze settlements and farmland. If the horse gets tired, another horse is used, and while the other horse will still travel, it will do so without carrying the weight of the rider and their armor and weaponry. Auxiliaries and supplies are transported in carriages pulled by multiple horses; thus reducing the strain on each individual and allowing the transportation of relatively massive volumes of supplies (thus reducing the need of supply lines, which are prone to enemy damage). Keeping in-line with Sillan doctrine, unfortified settlements, and surrounding farmland are razed; but to hasten the march to the Teninukalese capital and to fool the defenders (preventing them from amassing in a single location), major fortifications are deliberately avoided; though similarly, the surrounding farmland is razed and also salted to deprive them of any supplies. The relative military reorganization (influenced by Sillan doctrine) has led to a shift in Sillan tactics. Upon encountering a Teninukalese field army (if any is dispatched), three army divisions join in a front-line attack (with their bows having an effective range of 200 meters, with a maximum distance twice that), while the fourth army division screens for any hidden reinforcements (using long-ranged weapons to kill them). However, while the higher level of enemy organization deters close-combat – it leaves the enemy formations' flanks and the rear vulnerable, even with enemy auxiliaries performing skirmishing duties. In addition, this higher concentration leaves them vulnerable to mass projectile attack. As a result, the usual strategy of encirclement is not used (especially as it could have been recognized by the Teninukalese), and instead, a strategy of flanking (which is a known tactic but not heavily-used in previous wars) is used: the three army divisions – after inflicting sufficient attrition in a front-line attack – split into two groups attacking the flanks (the right and left side of the enemy formations) with the lancers (half of the cavalry force) descending into melee. This is effective, as the mass projectile attack kills many enemy soldiers and routs enemy formations, while the lancers simply mop the remnants. Upon arriving on the Teninukalese capital, all possible entrances or exits are blocked, preventing the entry of reinforcements of supplies; thus steadily depriving the city's inhabitants of even basic commodities. The first Sillan catapults firing spear-sized bolts – based off enlarged heavy crossbows, are deployed to great effect along with rams in breaking down enemy fortifications. Assault covers are used to minimize casualties. As a result, crossbows are relegated to a tactical weapon (firing conventional bolts targetting individual troops) or a strategic/psychological one (firing incendiary bolts targetting infrastructure). The four army groups all attempt to create multiple breaches, and then enter them simultaneously; thus overwhelming the enemy and amounting to victory as the defenders are forced to either capitulate to descend into melee.
    • There are 15,000 troops dispatched to Napukal placed into three army divisions, of which one-third is cavalry, while the rest are infantry. The strategy is shifted to one of attrition, with light cavalry performing both skirmishing/screening roles while heavy cavalry is tasked with encircling and rerouting the relatively-dispersed and irregular enemy forces (while also inflicting attrition) into a centralized location; where they are then subjected to a hail of arrows – both conventional and incendiary. In addition, they also receive assistance from crossbowmen. After that, the phalanxes march and proceed to kill off the remnants of the enemy army (unless they finally capitulate – under which they are disarmed and fulfill menial labor duties until the termination of the war), with enemy forces being unable to escape due to encirclement by cavalry. In addition, their inferior weapons (in terms of range) prove ineffective to pikes, especially when used in multiple layers as with the phalanx. While usually prone in the rear and flanks, the usage highly-mobile cavalry prevents enemy forces from exploiting this. The capital is then sieged using heavy crossbows and rams – with the troops concentrating on creating one breach (as there are fewer troops) and then entering it en-masse, thus being able to neutralize it from inside-out. Assault covers are used to minimize any casualties.
    • Finally, the Sillan expedition dispatched to Makuku consists of three divisions collectively numbering ~30,000; of which one-third are horsemen while the other two-thirds are infantrymen. With the countryside devastated, the resultant chaos allows for Sillan forces to reach the Makuku capital rapidly and relatively unopposed. A strategy of encirclement is employed against the relatively-disorganized and dispersed defenders, with light cavalry fulfilling skirmishing duties while the heavy cavalry participates in rerouting the enemy forces (while also inflicting attrition) and forcing them to a more centralized area – leaving them vulnerable to a mass hail of projectiles. Similarly, they receive support from crossbowmen. Upon inflicting a sufficiently high level of attrition, the phalanxes are sent to kill off any remnants (unless they surrender). While usually prone in the rear and flanks, the usage highly-mobile cavalry prevents enemy forces from exploiting this. Due to the assumption that the Makuku has not fortified their capital as extensively due to the previous campaign, the main siege engines brought are rams (with a limited number of heavy crossbows); with the army divisions establishing three separate breaches and entering them simultaneously – as with the traditional Sillan siege doctrine. However, the revolutionary usage of the assault cover nonetheless proves to be a huge advantage, minimizing casualties and necessitating that defenders come out of the fortifications, which would thus leave them vulnerable to attack.
    • The Kingdom of Otan Takat: Again this decade the King sends out explorers to map more of this land, looking in the East, North, and

South for signs of other civilized people. The Kingdom continues to expand and begins building more farms and is focused on expanding the population to higher numbers instead of claiming more land. The further advancement with Bronze tools leads to increased efforts in farming, and better farming techniques being developed. The fertile ground of the delta is very fertile. The people have also began using the waters as a way to get food by fishing for it these attempts have had mixed results with some of the craft collapsing while others have come back laden with fish. In all this decade has been a success with the private milita being expanded to number close to 1,000 outfitted in weapons and army of bronze battling back any native incursions against the Kingdom.


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Missionaries sent by Thïgæ to the nation of Sonaredar are accepted, with a small number of people converting to their religion. However, Thïgæ’s military detachment sent to the city raises alarm, and King Lagalut has these men killed or captured.

The Yannis Empire is victorious in its campaign against Obtus and the Kingdom of the Isles, although suffers an increased amount of casualties due to Azoz’s naval attacks. The Kingdom of the Isles remains defiant due to its navy and the aid from its allies.

The nations of Mithadia and Eldebethias accept the offer of trade from the nation of Qaryaat. The nation of Jolar accepts the royal marriage from the nation of Hythia.

Faced with defeat, the Saemonites are forced to halt their attacks against Hythia and others and let them act out their demands, although they refuse to hand over what remains of their navy or grant any concessions to nations such as Ri’kiva. The Jalor launch an attack against the Saemonites to liberate as far north as Tolun, but are stopped near the city, taking a small amount of land.

Governor Amelucenes launches an invasion of Ri’kiva, seizing the river cities after a series of swift but costly sieges. He agrees to a peace with Kaughn, and also offers peace to Ri’kiva, before marching with a second army toward the nearby city of Saosa. This officially begins a rebellion against the Saemonite king in Nabonidan, spearheaded by Amelucenes of the Yazradid tribe.

Darnan explorers traveling north up the coast discover the Kingdom of Otan Takat, before returning south toward Isimandia. Elsewhere, explorers from the nation of Vynos encounter the nation of Thïgæ while traveling east.

Teninukal informs Sillas that they are not formally at war with them, and requests a white peace. In the meantime, they mobilize a portion of their army and attempt to fight back against the Sillan invasion, suffering a defeat. Sillas suffers 2,300 casualties during this battle. The second invasion of Napukal results in a narrow Sillan defeat, with Sillas suffering 4,590 casualties and inflicting more casualties than it suffers. During the invasion of western Makuku the Sillans occupy up to the central river, suffering 2,000 casualties in the process. They are then engaged by the main Makuku army, suffering a defeat. The Sillans suffer 6,000 casualties as a result.

  • Qera: After Yller II died at the old age of 94, he passed his only son Ycas. Thus, his grandson Yller III is crowned. He is quite the opposite of the previous princes of Qera as he dispises the brutal rituals that are entrenched in the culture of Qera, as well as the religious rituals. The death penalties are now less of a torture and most of the incredibly brutal execution methods are banned. This includes skinning, face-branding and the act of so-called soul taking, which is done by poking a glowing metal rod into the victims eyes. The colony of Cyrphetzija is now slightly resettled again since there is peace with Sillas. Trade with Exhula develops forther and Beraba becomes a major partner. The army has now a standardized form for weapons called the Makuauitl, Qeran for "fighting wood". Its official length is documented between 50 and 80 centimeters, depending on the fighter. The sword-like paddles are made from iron with copper blades on the side. To injure the opponent even more, the blades are positioned always some three centimeters apart and give the typical saw-like shape. Archery is now expanded as it is combined with the cavalry. This method is copied from the Sillans, as well as some of their tactics the commanders witnessed in the battles a few decades ago. The cultivation of potatoes goes farther west with new canals being built to bring water from the southern rivers to the drier west. The country expands southwest to the mountains and borders Adjiba now immediately. An expansion of 60 px to the northwest is made, to continue the agricultural wealth of the country. Spices are harvested on a scale that only the times previous of the trade war with Exhula can topple. Yller III officially allows anatomizing the bodies of the dead to gather knowledge about the human body and improve the medicine of the Qerans.
  • Xeran Empire: Thalut III's reputation as "the Wicked" largely stems from the controversy of power he fought agianst multiple administrations of Holy Patra in Edom. However, from a modern perspective this is probably more of an overgeneralization, for the most part pushed as propaganda at the time by the anti-imperial faction of the Shanzian sect. In reality, Thalut did quite a lot of reforms to help strengthen the nation both internally and externally, despite the occasional internal problems he had to deal with. Having married the co-queen of Edom, his own sister Evanmetra the Younger, Thalut secured de jure justification to his de facto claim as King of Edom. Thalut then worked with the Senate of Azoz and the nobility of Edom to reform both of their succession laws, so from now on he may assure that the empire will not continue to split and fracture as it had done in the days of Ptalemus III. The eldest male in the royal family, at any point in time, is automatically the ruler of all the imperial domains of Xera, including both Azoz and Edom. However, in order to compromise with the Edomite matriarchy, he added provisions for them as well: The emperor of Azoz must always be married, and his wife (regardless who she was previously related to) is given the honorary title of "Queen of Edom". The queen is allowed a personal guard of 150 Edomite soldiers, and is given legislative control over five major cities in Edom, referred to in later literature as "the Queen's cities". These laws were not given into effect in Edom until after the death of Evanmetra the Elder, as she was still greatly beloved by the people. The smaller cities in both Azoz, Usilinago and Tuartha are expanded, including the city of Xera founded on the Ashe River south of Azoz, and the city of Castellis in the far north along the border with Valun. In Erasidon, military support is sent to aid Dionyses assert his control over the kingdom against the supporters of Democrates. Syres is offered help to upgrade their military and navy, to prevent any attacks on their nation in the future. The Enulmian ruler of the Great Lakes, now connected with Thalut in marriage, is offered a formal political alliance to enter them in our sphere of influence. In the Angelite archipelago, a military alliance is offered with the Kingdom of the Isles, as well as similar diplomacy being sent to the Angelite confederacy and Bangelor. As Obtus were initially invaded and besiged by the Yannis empire, the Ulmian followers and apostles scattered from the kingdom to various other kingdoms on the archipelago, consequently spreading the Ulm faith with them. the eastern navy of Cyris continues to station nearby in order to support the growth of Ulm in these nearby kingdoms. Farther east, the empire condemns the actions of Exhula against Phorintheon, although we maintain our close relations with them, because of the unnecessary use of force. Phorintheon is offered a trade agreement of our own, and given a large tribute of silver as compensation of this incident. Around the time of the political crisis going on in Edom, many prominent Ulm theologians across the empire began a substantial debate on the limits of sexual behavior according to the scriptures. Although Nelrim and Levian said many things about virtue and morality in the family, there is no one single passage that lists out all forms of sexual immorality. Although no formal council was ever held, the Discourse on Abominations by Levian of Neum is generally cited for the settlement of the issue: homosexuality, beastiality, necrophilia, rape and pedophilia under 12 years old are "utter abominations". Pedophila between 12 and 18, incest with parents, and pre-marital sex are called "disgraced before God", and are subject to church discipline, but are not automatically abominations. Finally, other positions of sex, including incest between siblings are not considered sinful in the church. Also, although the Late Erasidonian Chronicle indicates Evanmetra the Younger and Thalut never actually met, we know from later history this was probably more of a hyperbolic propaganda by the regime of Dionyses, since subsequent rulers of the Xeran empire owed directly from this union. Of course, the mutual integration between Azoz and Edom proved to be a gradual one, such that neither the expectations of Xarenvarus nor Evanmetra was to be realized in the future. Meanwhile, Edomite elephants are tamed in the wild and utilized in the regular military of Azoz, serving primarily as a vehicle of seige weapons and a method of psychological warfare. Astronomers in Iskandaria work to measure the length of day as it changes across the year. Since its been known for centuries at this point that the earth is round, they determine that this information of the Sun's behavior will indicate how far north along the sphere of the earth they are located approximately (latitude). Also a census is taken across the nation to determine its capability of warfare.
  • Hythia: Years 218-227 Since the Return of Hythus. Meunarch Vylanus is suceeded by his son Menuyarch Jynius. Meunarch Tylan continues his shared reign, and both send an envoy asking the Saemonites to respect the peace with Ry’Kyva, but without going to war over the matter it seems unlikely to have an impact. The Saemonite slaves are placed in their own class of bondage, under which they receive their freedom after two decades rather than one. These new laborers are quickly put to work constructing new roads throughout the Meunarchate. Others work to repair irrigation canals that had been in disrepair since thanks to the war. The indemnity swiftly re-fills Hythia’s coffers, with a small portion spent on improving the public spaces and services of Gyt. A contingent of 1,000 slaves is sent to the Herati to begin the enormous work of rebuilding their capital, but many other cities and towns in the north of the country are simply abandoned. With the influx of Herati and the war it is decided a census is needed, the Herati refugees will be counted separately to get a handle on the exact numbers who have fled but it is expected to be over 100,000. The colonization of land in the south continues at breakneck pace with many urban areas seeing population decline or stagnation. Land granting boosts government revenue as farmers provide double tax revenue for a decade after the grant. With these revenues and with the indemnity from the Saemonites debts to other nations are paid-off. The region either side of the Road to Gyomis develops quickly with much of the region brought fully under Hythian control up to Klynia. The immediate areas around Lyanta, Syllia, Hyrat, and Pysa are also more fully settled, largely by Herati refugees and Hythian soldiers. The settlement of the area north of Hyrat and south of Wys reveals an extensive plains marked by surface petroleum deposits including hundreds of tarpits, bitumen deposits, and petroleum seeps. The harvesting of these deposits yields valuable tar, raw oil, and bitumen. The tar and oil are adopted as an incendiary agent for the eyscurpierons, while the bitumen is valued as a construction material in the building of roads. Bitumen is also used to waterproof crop storage baskets, tythorus, and other waterworks. Food production across the Meunarchate is diversified and luxuries such as cotton, pomegranate, leather, saffron, and many other more minor goods return to prominence. Exports of fine beers, iron, worked leather, tools, saffron, and cotton fabrics rise, and trade with the Qyriaati through the port of Gyomis is expanded. With the Saemonite refusal, the Meunarchate instead asks to purchase a small fleet of five light ships from the Ry’Kyva in exchange for 50 eyscurpieron, bolt-throwers, with a small contingent of engineers to help the Ry’Kyvans develop more. The young Meunarch Jynius sends a proposal to marry the eldest daughter of the High Chief of Joredesh.
  • The Glorious Empire of the Vyt: With our most glorious explorer reporting back to our capital, our knowledge of the world continues to expand. The discovery of Thïgæ stirs some curiosity within our merchants with many wondering if the land will continue further riches for them to gain. During this year Timoi Jor Birtyzi orders a military expedition to be sent subjugating the lands all the way north to the northeast border with Xinaben. He also begins the construction of various roads connecting the lands surrounding the northern river to the capital of Vynos. Settlements and small towns begin to form on the River Ril between the cities of Vynos and Daima. Prosperity and growth leads to growth of culture, and that can be seen in the cities of Nis and Vynos, within these two glassworkers have begun to expand their craft blowing vases and containers with many different images on them. Slowly but surely these become more sought after and became commonplace within our empire. Meanwhile, due to the machinations of various merchants in gaining control of the Benyisran trade routes the city of Arne expands its borders by about 15 px. The port continues to flourish as merchants trade their goods for spices, gold, and silver within the city's boundaries, with merchants exchanging cultural ideas. Within the most Glorious Empire a new city is founded on the northern most river's southern bend, and farmland is expanded by about 20 px in the easternmost city. With the religion of Solaramism, it has been firmly entrenched as the faith of the upper-class of Vyt. However, it mixes and intermingles with the faith of the Vyt. The city continues to become richer and richer as prosperity grows. During these times, our exploration continues as we send our explorers farther into the seas east and west of us hoping to find more gold and glory. And many explorers explorer the lands to our north west with them exploring the lands north and west of Iria, and the lands of Mohejedaro. Under the orders of Timoi Jor Birtyzi the navy is expanded by four new ships, and the construction of a new ring of walls surrounding Vynos due to its growth by about 2 px. However, in the year of 528, Timoi Jor Birtyzi passes away from an ailment and the crown passes to his son Davon Birtyzi. Meanwhile, a small Vyt trading post is established on the oasis south of Benyisra.
    • Thïgæ Diplomacy: Meeting Vyt, enovys are sent to the capital both to establish good relations with Vyt and figure out where Vyt is. Vyt is commonly called "Vytgæ" or "Vitgæ", meaning "land of the Vyts", and so any mention of Vytgæ or Vitgæ will be referencing Vyt. Aropha states that Thïgæ wishes to establish trading and diplomatic relations with Vitgæ, as long as Vitgæ stays out of the politics of delta region and not settle it.
  • Mesallian Culture: In Erasidon, the conqueror Dionymus ruled as king for several years, over an empire stretching from Erasidon to Sericolis to Syres, but his empire would prove to be short-lived. First the Syresian revolt led to a few years of constant war, largely fought by his lead general and regent in the north, Euthydemus. Neither leader would manage to take Syres directly, weakening Mesallian control over the west Syresian provinces as well. Emboldened by their newfound success in the south after defeating the Lementarians, the Water Merchants made strides to dominate the nation of Susanylon, establishing numerous trading posts and outposts en route to the major cities of the nation. It is recorded that during the 80th Jafiad (Year 520) a mysterious began contending to dominate the southern desert. It is often speculated that this group was Susanylon itself, or possibly an Apirun warlord, but regardless the “Desert People” are recorded as having sacked numerous strongholds in southern Edom, then important towns such as Ajayiba, before moving north toward the border of Erasidon. According to an Erasidonian writer named Nycinus, the invaders were led by a king named Satila. Under his leadership the mysterious invaders attacked towns in Erasidon and Phydinia, before moving north and attacking cities in Mesallas proper. Cities from across Mesallas would ally to repulse the invaders, leading to two important victories in the central Gudumanes. Democrates II, thought to have been killed or in exile, returned with a small force to contribute to the campaign, achieving the final decisive victory against Satila. Having become one of the leaders of the war while Dionymus was preoccupied, numerous soldiers flocked to Democrates’ side, and later that year he would march on Erasidon to retake the kingdom. At the first engagement between the two, Dionymus successfully routed Democrates’ army, although his mercenaries stayed on the battlefield longer than his Mesallians, which Dionymus would have to surround and defeat. Dionymus continued to pursue Democrates, with Democrates refusing to give battle. Dionymus began to call out the names of Democrates’ officers, causing some of them to desert and join him. Dionymus retained control over the major cities of Erasidon, although he began to lose the favor of the people, partially for his reliance on foreign mercenaries, who often looted Erasidonian monuments searching for gold. Around the same time a dispute in Karistos led to Dionymus being persuaded to invade that kingdom as well, and although Democrates was not fully defeated, he launched his new campaign. Initially successful, Dionymus began to siege Karistos itself, but slowly the Karistians and Democrates managed to send men into the region, while Dionymus was steadily losing a small number of men every day to lack of funds of desertion, so he called off the siege and began to loot the countryside. Dionymus returned to northern Erasidon, hoping to oust some of Democrates’ allies in favor of more agreeable local rulers, first attacking the town of Helanos. Stuck in the middle of their war, Helanos begged both Dionymus and Democrates to allow the town to be neutral so that they could leave the region. Dionymus learned that Democrates was in the region and sent a message calling him a coward, to which Democrates replied that he would find his own moment to fight, and that if Dionymus was weary of life, he could find his own way to die. The two kings would accept the offer of peace with Helanos, but immediately after Democrates managed to win them back to his side by promising his son as a hostage. Dionymus responded by sneaking a small force into the city to seize it, and Democrates immediately sent forces as well when he learned of this treacherous attack. Dionymus joined his small force in the city with reinforcements, but soon both sides became lost in the dark streets, and waited until the sun rose. Democrates feared he might be trapped in the city, and ordered the rest of his army outside to break the city’s walls so they could escape. His army misunderstood this instruction, however, and began to charge through the gates of the city. This created mass confusion as one-half of Democrates’ army was trying to escape, and the other one-half was trying to enter. During the confusion a number of elephants that Democrates had brought from Edom began to run out of control. One elephant had been killed, blocking entry through one of the city’s gates, while another ravaged wildly. During this chaos, according to legend, an old woman threw a tile out a window, hitting Dionymus on the head and killing him. This would be the tragic end of one of Mesallas’ best warriors, and would allow Democrates II to return to the throne of Erasidon. One of Dionymus’ sons, Ioxemander, would attempt to retake Erasidon, briefly occupying parts of the kingdom a few years later, but he too would be driven back and later ousted by Democrates II, leaving a different relative on the throne of Sericolis. Democrates II would take advantage of his newfound power to establish himself as ruler over Mesallas like no one had done before. All across the region he installed numerous tyrants loyal to him, and would campaign to ensure the Mesallian world remained loyal to him. Around the same time a crisis of authority began in the city of Edom, as the Maleka would have to contend with the growing power of the Ulmian faith, and its Holy Patra, which sought to undermine the city’s ancient non-Ulmian customs. The Holy Patra’s actions were reiterated by the Ulmians of the city, with the famous Apostle Ambranun continuing to refuse to recognize neither a marriage between Thalut III with his mother, nor Thalut III with his sister, with the latter being on the grounds of the anti-polygamy decree more so than for grounds of incest, although he personally believed incest to be a sin as well. It would later come to be realized that the emperor wrongly thought that Democrates II had been killed, but whatever the case, Ambranun called any marriage that Thalut proposed void, issuing the first ever “excommunication”. Initially an enemy of Ambranun, Evanematra the Elder supported his decision, on the grounds that it forbade her son once more from attempting to wed her. The emperor seemingly ignored this however, styling himself King of Edom and husband of Evanematra, who he would not meet in person during their supposed “marriage”. With this assumption he issued his famous decree that would change succession in Edom, attempting to force the women citizens of the nation to accept a man ruling them for the first time. The population, and more importantly the royal family, completely rejected this proposition, with the Maleka fearing that soon her son would enforce such a draconian law by force. She would remark that she was unsure if the alliances made by Azoz and Edom were anti-Yannian, or anti-each other, but under no circumstance would her kingdom, or her daughter’s kingdom, or her daughter’s daughter’s kingdom, follow these laws (OOC: Whether or not her prophecy about her daughter or beyond would come true is yet to be seen.) Evanematra the Younger left for Erasidon toward the end of the 80th Jafiad (Year 530), just as Democrates was fighting to retake the kingdom. There they would reaffirm their marriage, with Evanematra giving birth to a son late the following year. With it seemingly coming to fruition that the marriage to Neoptolanus III was annulled, the Maleka quickly sent an envoy to his court to negotiate that he marry one her relatives, rather than someone of her son’s picking - but as for who the sullen king would choose would be up to him (mod response needed). Furthermore, she remarked that since the law stated that the elder of the family was in charge of such things, her rank as mother over Thalut ought to dictate that she was in charge, not him. (Possibly more to come)
  • Qaryaat: After approximately 25 years of construction, the Lighthouse of Makra is completed. About 350 feet tall, it stands guard to the city of Makra. It has three sections: the bottommost section, which holds government offices and stables, the middle section, which holds a balcony where sightseers can sit down and enjoy the view, and the top section, which holds the flame that produces the light to guide sailors safely to the shore. The very top of the lighthouse boasts a large statue of the Qaryaati god of the seas, Bijar. Meanwhile, the continual expansion of the empire continues. The main territory continues to expand inland. Meanwhile, the colonyof Bizafir continues to expand up the Bizafir River and begins to expand north along the coast, expanding to the Khereyib River, north of the Bizafir River. In all parts of the kingdom, settlers are sent to loosely-claimed areas of the kingdom in order to consolidate control over said areas. The Kledesian bow (similar to the OTL Magyar bow) is adopted into Qaryaat's arsenal of weapons for warfare. The mathematician and philosopher Zachai pens a book compiling his knowledge and theorems of mathematics, titled On Arithmetics. He also begins to examine the natural world. Zachai earns a reputation for being a happy-go-lucky man who always sees the humor in life, earning him the nickname of "Laughing Philosopher". Meanwhile, another philosopher, Abdal, comes up with the theory that all things arise from water. Exploration is made down the southern coastline of Avsylann. A trade proposal is made concerning Hythia and its Kledesian vassals. (HYTHIAN RESPONSE)
    • Hythia and company shall agree to trade with the Qyriaati so long as Hythian merchants and envoys may have a map of the trade routes in question.
  • Yannis Empire: Around the world the holy and righteous are called upon to throw off the shackles of the Olmian heresy, denounce the devil Thot and Nolrom, and to free themselves through the faith of Yannis. In Obtus the war goes well with the last of the creatures of Thot being killed. The navy continuously assaults the Kingdom of the Isles, and in the homeland a few hundred more ships are created over time to join the war against the heathens. The largest ships known to mankind are produced, with the natural philosophers of the empire testing their theories of mathematics through the creation of artillery mounted to ships. The navy is placed under the command of the just inquisitor Venucnapedun, who deploys the navy to cut off the Thotite expedition. The island is supplied in the meantime by crossing the narrow Strait of Cival or by sea from the south, as the nations of Tik’akna, Temayal, and Tohatia join the expedition and righteous crusade. As the heathens are mostly concentrated around the Kingdom of the Isles, ships run free south of the Bangor island to reach the same places. The Yannis Empire seeks to reaffirm its alliance with the Great Lakes, seeking to marry a member of that royal family to the Anointed One’s family, and to strengthen the nation against the encroachment of the Thotites.
  • Darna: The great revenge against the Thotites is planned by the rulers of Darna. Soon the halls of Azoz will be filled to the brim with the corpses of the Olmers. Then the city of Azoz will burn to the ground, and the people of the world will rejoice in its fiery ash corpse. In the meantime, the Darnans zealously hunt down Olmers to enslave, striking a fierce vengeance for their nefarious spirit magic against the Darnans on the Janter Coast. In the north near Aycouver a great new culture emerges, influenced by Darnan settlers and traders. Many new towns are created, with coastal settlements being constructed as trading posts. Then in Isimandia many traders begin to travel north along the coast to reach the nation known as the Kingdom of Otan Takat, which was recently discovered by explorers and traders. They arrive off the coast of Otan Takat, willing to trade goods and our secrets of sailing in exchange for their goods. And we hope to convert them to the true way before they can be influenced by nefarious agents such as Azoz.
  • Dragsfurt Konigreich: The Konigreich of Dragsfurt has seen no better years until the coronation of Konig Franz. The city of Dragsfurt has grown with its expansion of fishing routes and with local technological superiority, has tamed our uncivilized brother to be less violent. The Dragsfurtian Fields have been very fruitful with bountiful amounts of grain being produced and sold domestically and with the other tribes. Konig Franz has seen it to be in our best interest to spread our knowledge onto our neighbors and to be more friendly for they are common people and share the same traditions and language as we do. The Drachen Peoples should be one. As an offering to the tribal peoples not a part of the Konigreich, they are openly invited into our nation since they share common blood. Franz's one goal is to make the lands of the Drachens to be one. Those of the Drachens who have given up their ways after seeing the friendliness of the Dragsfurtian Government have registered themselves in the outposts and have been given land as a result while we settle along the bay. Citizenship has increased by nearly 1,000 with the spreading of the Konigreich and the open borders policy taken in by the Drachens for their tribal kin. The education business grows for elder laborers teaching those with new land to grow crops and harvest timber and other jobs. In exchange, a portion of their raw goods or earnings are given to the elders. Water from Drachen's lake becomes a sustainable source due to its deep pool of water. Legend has it that Wassermacher (a mythical dragon by Drachenian folklore) will continue to produce the water until it awakens roads coming to and from the city of Dragsfurt to the lake are built. While more land is settled by strong ventures and new settlers, many begin to look toward finding new sources of water supply. This leads to many explorers going on a quest which leads to a discovery of more land and sea. Temples for worship of the elemental dragons are expanded with religious writings becoming more easily accessible to the public with the need for greater literacy rates for understanding these writings being spread out with temples having educational Bibel studies for youth. The Drachens are blessed as they rule the waves for several more years and have faith in more to come. A large stone palace begins construction while Franz resides in the one his ancestors have been given to by the Dragons themselves. After existing for hundreds of years, its days seem to be numbered if it remains in use and will be treated as a holy place in the royal family's absence.
  • Mang: After serious demands that the glorious Emperor was facing, the isolationist movement was lifted. However, the isolationist movement was increasing the size of the Mangi military and the agricultural benefits. A new weapon, basically known as the Shanz Bow (OTL recurve bows) are being built, as well as swords to fight intruders (yes, swords existed in BC). Mostly, the Emperor was a brave warrior, as he was a military man in the Mangi Military. He served a four-year term on the OTL Mayan calendar, and was chosen as emperor by the 5 Mangi Stars. His bravery excelled the nation to greatness. He was derived by his gods, who at the time was the real god of Mang. Exploration is declared, by moving more to the north, where more OTL provinces will be created. The capital is mostly derived from the ancient Mang god, who was the first settler to worship five stars that would become the 5 Mangi Stars. He was believed for creating the one thing, the stars at the night sky. He was also believed to have good luck from his fellow tribes located in the area. He would later relocate to the mountains near the Mangi coastline, and survive an unknown fate that the Mangi's believed was called "Hoanhi". Hoanhi was a national wildlife creature, that existed until the Mangi god died in 140 OTL Mayan calendar. After his death, he was believed to be the sole fate of the Mangi dream. The dream is basically the greatest luck the average Mangi civilian ever had. The Emperor was chosen, and is now facing old age, despite being the old emperor's son, and was around 46 years old. The Emperor wanted to expand the religion and agriculture, so he relocated his troops to the north and focus his expansion up there. 60 exploration troops were located to the north, and his expansion was ordered to start. The Kingdoms in Mang were all given a sort of expansion idea, as 12 of them were relocated to the east, where they proceeded to expand and find a gap of terrain. Thus the expansion went on, with major progress, despite rough climate in the mountains and the wetter, more humid climate near the coastline up north. As the Emperor was a brave explorer and warrior of his age, he demanded the expansion to continue until the end of the ten-year span. However, his army was basically unfed, and food was mostly near the coastline and in the east, so the Emperor ordered 15 farmers to feed the soldiers up north. The farmers complied, and expansion was continuing. Meanwhile, the emperor had his first marriage, with a lady called Akain. She was around 39 years of age, and was a warrior and a soldier in the Mangi military. She served two years on OTL Mayan calendar, and was one of the soldiers who expanded the Mangi regime up in the mountains. She married the Emperor, who would later have a child, which would grow up to be like his father. (foreshadowing, suck it).
  • Syres: The war against Euthydemus, lead general of Dionymus, continued for over a year, with neither side managing to take much ground initially. Instead the government in Syres managed to hold off any amphibious landing on the primary island of Ersgof, while Euthydemus struggled to retain order over the western provinces. After Dionymus was killed in Mesallas fighting against Democrates II, Euthydemus’ authority waned further. He would declare a breakaway kingdom known as the Kingdom of Canim, but this would prove to be a difficult nation to maintain without foreign backing. Finally, after three years of occasional fighting between Canim and Syres, the Syresian government recognized the Kingdom of Canim, although it would pay tribute to, and remain under the protection of, the government in Syres proper. Euthydemus I, as he would become known, would lay the foundations for a Mesallian state across the sea, reinforcing the supremacy of the polytheistic Mesallian religion, and introducing Mesallian customs further upon the native peoples of the west. It is estimated that at this time Mesallians made a small minority of the population, with most of the nation ethnically Syresian or a non-Syresian native from the western coast of Tuatha. During Euthydemus’ lifetime he would also expand the boundaries of the kingdom northward, resettling people along the central rivers and beyond.
  • File:Flag of Thïgæ (Origo Mundi Map Game).svg Thïgæ: The Rothr Shliefn continues in the west to seal the gap between Thïgæ and Sonaredar from 521 to 524, in the north above the lake from 523 to 526, and east along the shoreline from 526 to 530. The start of the seventh Olahn (524) sees the addition of Lianoh, named after Lianth the prophet, who sadly died in 523. The missionary force in Sonaredar continues to convert the population; however, Aropha demands that all of the captured escort force be returned to Thïgæ. Exploration continues up the river delta and along the coast. Technolgoical advances are made in several fields, such as military catapults, tamed horses, and metalworking. The history of Thïgæ begins to be documented at a new library in Lojuoh. The capital continues to grow, making new and upgrading facilities. A harbor is made on the river, and a large granary is constructed. The farmland around the capital finally gets consistently irrigated, using floodgates and dams. The lakeside city grows by 1 px.  Meeting Vyt, enovys are sent to the capital both to establish good relations with Vyt and figure out where Vyt is. Vyt is commonly called "Vytgæ" or "Vitgæ", meaning "land of the Vyt's", and so any mention of Vytgæ or Vitgæ will be referencing Vyt. Aropha states that Thïgæ wishes to establish trading and diplomatic relations with Vitgæ, as long as Vitgæ stays out of the politics of delta region and not settle it. The Epic of Yahrm is published by Rian Auas, depicting the general's unification of the delta and his great leadership over the Duzgæ kingdom of many years ago.
  • Emalia: The land plunges into chaos and confusion as Emalia has been shaped and morphed into something unrecognizable, the people feeling lost and discontent with little sense of identity or purpose. In these dark days Haliecles of Ephesus emerges in his homeland Emalia, quickly rising through the ranks, and finally ascending to throne by marrying Queen Sasnia. Hailieclus however, proves to be a divisive figure, as he attempts to supersede Queen Sasnia in power, breaking the country in two, engulfing the land into civil war, the Sasnians upholding the power of the Queen and fighting to maintain the matriarchial tradition and the Haileculuns supporting Hailieculus' ascent to power, the Messelian way of patriarchy and their polytheism. In the midst of this warfare, civilians take up arms and defend themselves using fallen weapons, forming a Citizen League. Queen Sasnia accepts the alliance with Edom, hoping to help her matriarchial sister.
  • Irian Culture: The Opal League breaks down as suddenly as it formed, and a three-way war erupts between Nolossia, Solcia and Corenia. Hecyra becomes independent again, along with its younger sister city, Edyrna. The two lake nations act as oases in the sparsely-populated plateau between Corenia and Joredesh. They prosper as a result of the trade passing through the uplands, down to the Solcian Gulf or east to the Hythian dominions. They continue to develop the religious traditions established by the priest-king Barlas, as well as being heavily influenced by the beliefs of their erstwhile overlords, the Cledesians. Another region trading with Hythia is the Kingdom of the Lomians, or Daga Lome, as it is called. A tentative exchange of goods and ideas has existed for some time in the mountains of the north, bringing Hythian ideas into Iria; ideas that have now taken hold in many areas, namely the worship of Phythos (Hythus). Conversely, Irian goods have seeped their way into Hythia. With the arrival of Hythian merchants in Ruban, the trade here has become organized, with caravans setting out at regular intervals. Lomia, unlike the neighboring lowlands, has quite poor lands for farming. Most of the population are pastoralists; the emblem of their nation is the ram’s head. During a particularly bad winter, while the Three Kingdoms are fighting each other, Seismer Lakros, a man of low origins, rises to power as King of the Lomians. Seeing that the fertile lands of the south are ripe for conquest, he descends on the valley of the Hecis and conquers most of the river kingdoms that were vassals of Corenia. He also battles with the native tribes, swiftly subjugating the Eubenes, the Ikari and Chybians. After seizing the important cities of Corascuto, Motra, and Oaxala, he consolidates his holdings, then sets his sights on the western plains, winning victories against the formidable Sigmosi, Theles and Araphestae. “Fighting single-handed for a hundred miles” according to a poem of the era, Seismer extends his empire all the way to Lake Ambra in the span of a decade. The kingdom of Seismer Lakros, known as “Thrydacia” to outsiders, is the first unite the whole Hecis River under the same banner since the days of Korascutos.
  • Khin Federation: Faced with the Valun attack, the Chanri Jangah orders the court to ride North into the vast cold northern steppes, as the Great Than shall punish the invaders. A solid tree saddle is developed in the ride north, enhancing the mobility of the riders of Khin. With support from Darna, the Chanri Jangah assembles the riders of Khin across all tribes and clans and launches an attack on the Valun in one cold winter, when the advancing armies of Valun was trapped within the barren steppes. The riders are armed with composite bows and sabres, although the arrowheads are mostly made of bone or bronze. The Khin also approaches Azoz for an alliance against Valun, as thousands of Khin, left behind in the great ride, seeks work as mercenaries in Azoz and other nations.
    • Azoz accepts the alliance with Khin against our old rival of Valun, and offers to send support whichever way we can. Apostles of the Ulm religion come to visit Khin to exchange knowledge of science and culture just as we've done in previous centuries


Across the entirety of the known world, a period of cooling and neo-glaciation occurs, with the winters of this decade being particularly cold. Nations in the far north suffer the most as a result.

A nation migrating from the north settles the region between Daukani and Xinaben, founding a city known as Jadalan. They make contact with Vynos and offer to trade, stating that they were pushed south by a hostile empire to the north.

The craven and paranoid Neoptolanus III refuses to leave his private room, and rejects any new marriage, rejecting all three of the offers levied to him from Edom, Xeran, and Yannis. His advisors continue to claim, from pieces of the king’s instructions, that he claims to still be married to Evanematra the Younger, even if she does not acknowledge it. Additionally, because of the spiriting away of Evanematra to Erasidon, she has yet to meet her alleged other husband, Thalut III.

The Kingdom of the Isles finally succumbs to the Yannian “crusade”, although not before the Azozians and their allies inflict a high amount of losses at sea around the island kingdom.

A nation known as the Meghnites migrates from the northeast into the region between the Ten Cities and Mang. They raid the natives of the region, traveling as far west as to sack cities in eastern Benyisra and the Vynos trading posts. It is demanded that these trade routes will be pay tribute to them if they wish to travel across the region. In response to the Meghnite raids, a confederacy known as the nation of Lringar is founded southwest of the Ten cities.

A battle in the north of Valun takes place between the Valun and the Khin, with the Khin achieving victory. The Khin suffer 2,900 casualties as a result. The Valun sue for peace, offering a minor amount of territory, slaves, and gold.

A decisive battle is won by Amelucenes against the Saemonites, and as a result the Saemonite Empire collapses. The invaders seize the capital, declaring the Yazradid Empire, with Amelucenes becoming the first emperor. The empire also claims parts of western Herati, roughly corresponding to areas the Saemonites controlled during their war.

With Sillas rejecting its offer of peace and continuing to invade, Teninukal raises its army proper to defend itself. At a battle in central Teninukal they win a decisive victory and route the Sillans, although they suffer heavy losses in the process. Sillas suffers 8,000 casualties in the battle.

In Makuku the second attack near the titular city is successfully, with Sillas suffering 4,150 casualties in the process. The nation of Makuku offers peace terms, in which they cede parts of the western one-half of their nation in exchange for peace. The attack against Napukal is a decisive victory for Sillas. The nobility and military of Napukal, thatare not killed or captured in the battle, flee to Teninukal. Sillas suffers 3,100 casualties in the attack.

  • Xeran Empire: Thalut III was greatly troubled by the actions taken by the Kingdom of Erasidon toward his wife. A personal biography of Thalut, The Miracle of Eras, recounts the following events, being a contemporary source by one of this chief ministers. Some of the details of this work may have been apologetic propaganda for the king, but generally its accuracy is well-accepted. It says that as soon as Democrates "miraculously returned from the dead", and seized control of Erasidon once again, Thalut was completely complacent with renouncing his marriage to Evanmetra the Younger. Recognizing the need of upright monogamy in the nation, the queen was allowed to depart from the imperial court and reuinite with her first husband Democrates. This is dramatized as a solemn moment, indicating how the younger Evanmetra truly loved the emperor more. However, several months later a special meeting of the emperor's council indicated pressing news on the subject: they revealed that Democrates actually did die after being defeated by Dionyses, and the "miraculous" return was actually an imposter claiming the throne illegitimately. This "False-Democrates" was actually a Darnan former slave named Heryol, and was now having the queen in adultery. Thalut at first immediately sent letters to Erasidon, informing the queen of the situation and asking her to return to the imperial court. Heryol refused to give her up, and instead locked Evanmetra in a tall tower called Castle Eras. Thalut wore his best armor and weapons, and with 30 choice warriors he personally conducted an expedition deep into the kingdom of Erasidon, besiging the tower Eras where his wife was kept. Evanmetra was ultimately rescued and returned to Edom, where she was at last reuinted with her true and legitimate husband. In the far west, our alliance with Khin is extended to help them completely destroy the Valun Empire, while pushing most of our military northward to annex territory from the south. General Beryl commands this front, pushing troops from the the western coast and Teman to push into Valun from two sides askew from the Castelian wall. In the process of doing so, Khin is offered many tomes of knowledge collected from the Library of Iskandaria, including books on philosphy, history and theology. Ulmian apostles also visit the confederacy. In the west, our vassal Heliocles is greatly supported in his campaigns in Emalia, although we are officially allied, he is given as much help as he needs securing and defending the territory of both himself and his wife. General Xenon is used for this purpose, stationing his men primarily in Gantes and Ephenus, and supporting Heliocles push sporadic campaigns farther in the south. In the far east, Cyris first works to help spread Ulm to the rest of the Angelite archipelago, despite their allied nations there bing defeated so far. Monestaries are built in secret for both Obtus and the Isles, founded on the backs of martyrs that Yannis killed. Farther east, Cyris then sends an expedition of three ships to meet the Republic of Sillas for the first time. The first expedition to Sillas is remarked as being rather similar to Edom, but are treated as existing in this matriarchy in more isolation, to explain their differences. Shanzian scholars commented on how Sillas military still employs men primarily, even though their administraiton is largely female, and in similar matters are far more balanced in gender than the kingdoms of the empire. The Sillas are offered to trade with Xera, as we offer to sell them copper, alumite, and books of philosophy and theology, including original compies of the Holy Scriptures of Ulm. 
  • Hythia: Years 228-237 Since the Return of Hythus. Meunarchs Jynius and Tylan continue their shared reign. Envoys are sent to the Jyazradid Empire to discuss the empire’s claim to Herati lands. Rather than fight over depopulated plains the Jyazradids are offered territory in Heratia if they will honor the treaty reached between the Saemonites and Hythia, specifically pertaining to the slaves and the non-aggression pact. [Vand, I would like a map before I agree to a deal and also Mod Response]. The Saemonite slave laborers are retasked to construct fortifications around the northernmost cities of Hythia. All cities to the north of Gyt receive great embankments armed with dozens of eyscurpierons. With income secured, thanks to indemnities and new tax sources, Hythia invests greatly in the construction of buildings throughout the country. Temples to Hythus are constructed or expanded across the nation, and a great academy is constructed in Gyt. The new school teaches subjects in basic mathematics, Hythian language and literature, logic, mechanics (pseudo-engineering), and a fledgling science, Hythology (Geology). Hythology, a name granted by the father of the study, Aystolius, is the study of the land, primarily the description of minerals, ores, rocks, and earth. The colonization of land in the south continues at breakneck pace with many urban areas seeing population decline or stagnate. Land granting boosts government revenue as farmers provide double tax revenue for a decade after the grant. The region either side of the Road to Gyomis develops quickly with much of the region brought fully under Hythian control up to Pysa. The harvesting of valuable tar, raw oil, and bitumen sees a small economic boom in the region between Hyrat and Wys, and most of the region is fully integrated under complete control. Food production across the Meunarchate is diversified and luxuries such as cotton, pomegranate, leather, saffron, and many other more minor goods return to prominence. Exports of fine beers, worked iron, worked leather, tools, saffron, and cotton fabrics rise, and trade with the Qyriaati through the port of Gyomis is expanded. The light ships purchased from Ry’Kyva are outfitted for exploration, armed with eyscurpierons and incendiary bolts, and sent forth on a voyage of discovery along the south coast. Contant is specifically sought with Draka, Benyisra, and the rumored Vyt [Mod Response]. Another royal marriage is held, this time with Antanem and the son of Meunarch Tylan. A new wave of missionaries travels throughout Hyratia (Heratia), Yria (Iria), and Hythia's Klydesian Vassals to spread the true faith of Hythus.
  • Mang: The military of Mang is starting to train hard, by using the equipment of axes, swords, bows, and naval ships. The Emperor is satisfied with the shift of the military, as he proposes an expansion southward. However, two expansion processes are currently ongoing, as the military men sent on a mission were to expand and build more sites. As Mang cut off all isolationist policies, the nation still would not join any foreign conflict if the military ever discovers other nations. Around a few months later, the Emperor died, and was replaced by his wife, who was Akia Emperor. She was a brave woman, who was to take on any threat that dares to enter her nation. She was also a supporter of the 5 Mangi Stars, in which she believed the last emperor was the chosen lucky nation. She demands exploration to keep going, as her main troops are training in Funayik. Meanwhile, Funayik becomes a large agriculture site, with arts and crafts and was the historical site the first god of Mang died, in which the 5 Mangi Stars shone in the sky and sent him to a good place to rest in peace. The first emperor was also born in Funayik, and was raised there as the legend of Ompai states that he was an important figure in Mangi culture. He was the supporter of the common people, and figuratively developed most of Mang. As he was the main figure of Mang agriculture, the date of OTL March 15 marks the date of the death of Ompai. The date is also an important part of the Mangi tradition, as the people gather around and mourn the loss, while also celebrating for the things he's done for Mang. Meanwhile, the Emperor hired three generals, all coming with agility and strength. Names are Yakoto Monski, Hoki Hadio, and Huyso Golonksi. All three were the main military forces, and knew a lot about the Mangi military. They swore allegiance to strategically improve the tactics and military strength of the Mangi military. Thus, they were hired for the position of general. They planned to transform military strength, by creating new weaponry and naval ships, as well as improve military tactics in case an invasion comes to pass.
  • Tsardom of Algeorgia: Noticing the increasingly cold climate, the Dodos develop a winter skin (like the OTL snow fox) to protect them from the cold. The tsar dies this year and his son Boris I succeeds to the throne. He does the royal pilgrimage to the Dodo shrine.
  • Dragsfurt Konigreich: Franz I finally moves into the Palace of Mutterbutch right along the shoreline. Blankets and firewood are put to good use within the palace due to the noticeably harsher winters. Fishing remains a solid market to make easy money. Settlers find it easier to establish new farms in the southern portions of our nation while we explore the southern parts of the lands inhabited by our people. As a result, these villages adopt these tools to establish more interconnected villages. New Farmers and Southern Farmers find it easier to make more money due to higher prices of grain and livestock. Vegetables are less so impacted. Exploration toward the north and northwest are hindered due to the winter but we make do with what we discover. Towns like Mattenburg thrive as wool and timber demand grows. Furs for the upper-class also become desirable luxuries. The Temples continue to serve as areas of worship while the Papst and other higher members of the church lead the teachings of the faith with him being recognized by all drachens as the religious leader. The Libraries are further expanded. Literacy rates increase with the Bibel becoming more available. Shorelines become home to new fishing villages along the bay area. A man on his farm attempts to ride a horse on its back. For some reason, the lake that has been supplying much of the regional water supply doesn't freeze over yet oddly remains warm. In an instant, the lake explodes sending methane into the air. No one is killed but it shocked many. The deep reservoir finally cools leading to the return of chilled water. Warriors of the nation continue to rule the waves and lead to further exploration. Although it is seen by tradition to use partially wooden shields, it is traded off for one made of iron. Around 1,000 new Drachians join the greater state of our people as Franz's word spreads. Klaus Von Battenburg, a scholar from the village of Battenburg to the north studies the stars with charts for different constellations being made. A stone monument of Konig Franz is put into the works with sculpting being done. It is anticipated to be completed in three years time. Roads continue to be developed which helps to make traveling from place to place much more easier. A pine is placed in the center of Dragsfurt City to commemorate the start of winter as usual. Winter Festivities are held. Honey becomes a popular item to be used by the citizens in different food items as a popular sweetener making it clear to be sought after. This leads to a rush for more and more. As a result, some creative individuals have set out a part of their properties to be only used for farming bees. The price for honey has risen though due to an unusually cooler decade. Marten, a southern town has become more home to these businesses with it being located along the shore, it has made a name for itself off of its fishing business, rapid growth, a newly built library, and lumber plus farming business. A population boom begins with although a more tough climate, the people have dealt with worse and birth rates continue to grow.
  • Mesallian Culture: The showdown at the “Castle Eras” would become a legendary event in Mesallian folklore, attracting numerous myths and misconceptions on both sides of the conflict. The description of the “castle” in Azozian sources is usually anachronistic, due in part to Azozian writers being more disconnected from the event, and the reliance on sources written far after the event. During this time most notable fortifications within Mesallas were remnants of the ancient Sterikonian civilization that disappeared some 700 years prior. The civilization is famous for its many extensive stone palaces and complexes scattered across Mesallas, many of which would later transform into fortifications, cities, or special citadels, such as in the case of the famous Svenetepen in Agira, which would be one of the most iconic structures in Ancient Mesallas. Sterikonian palaces were typically situated on monolithic outcroppings outside future cities, or on high plateaus, making them logical choices for future fortresses. Interestingly, there is no evidence that the Sterikonians ever had a presence in the future state of Erasidon, and so the most compelling theory is that the Eras site was constructed 400 years after the Sterikonians by the early Erasidonians, possibly mimicking the Mesallians, and likely to defend themselves against attacks from cities such as Usinilago. In an offhand chapter during his account of the invasion of Erasidon by Thalut II over a century prior, Palo gives a description of one such fortress, which likely would have been similar to the one in use at the time of the Eras incident. He states, “in the mountains near the Thusmos the king had garrisoned three fortresses. The largest of which was at Acromos, where the walls cut into the mountain face and wrapped around its base. Its walls were stone, four meters in length and 2.5 meters thick. It encircled an area over 1,000 meters long, with several towers at certain intervals. The inner buildings were increasingly high, carved into the mountain face, with towers circling the ascent higher.” Additionally there is a source from the time of the Dionymus takeover, which lists several “royal possessions” within the kingdom. Of not, the list includes several “small outposts”, of which Eras was likely one. The description from the Mesallian perspective is extant and highly detailed, due to Democrates II’s institution of a writer named Hanod to record his life after he returned to power. Additionally numerous sources in and around the time period would reference the events at Eras, as it became a popular piece of history and popular culture. Hanod’s chapter opens with a lengthy discussion on “Thalut the Wicked”. It begins with a description of his list of sins, which are taken from lists supposedly made by the Holy Patra of Azoz and of Edom. The exact document he references appears to have been lost to us, possibly purged by the emperor after the fact, but according to Hanod the emperor was described as devious, lustful, and sly, having been corrupted by the grandeur of his empire in Azoz, and by his “cruel destiny” to dominate Edom and the world at large at any cost. “To this end he committed the acts of adultery, polygamy, incest, and murder, all to further his conquests and greed. He influenced the Ulmian councils to allow this, and chose their doctrines carefully to justify his actions.” This line would become one of the most heavily cited by opponents of the Azozian church, as part of the highly controversial theory that the emperor chose the books of the scripture, handpicked theology, or otherwise twisted the original Ulmian religion. Overall there is little evidence for this, as it is believed that the Ulmian scripture was largely intact before the event, and there is no account anywhere from the councils at this time stating that the religious canon was altered. However, the idea that Thalut III used religion and his authority over the Holy Patra to his own end is likely true in part. As for Democrates, he had recently reconquered Erasidon after a series of campaigns against Dionymus, and his power in Mesallas had never been greater. According to Mesallian sources he had a loving marriage to Evanematra, evidenced by his two children. The two perspectives heavily clash here, with Mesallian sources depicting Evanematra as living in Erasidon happily, and Azozian sources claiming she had been kidnapped and raped. The secret of how Evanematra truly felt would unfortunately be lost to time. The Azozians would posit that Democrates was actually an imposter, although the Mesallian sources of course heavily disregard this, as clearly Democrates’ first son would have noticed someone impersonating his father. One fringe source would even take the line, “but he returned from the dead” literally, positing that Democrates was an apostle resurrected from the dead by the Ulmian god. Whatever the case, what happened next would become the subject of 1,000 Mesallian plays, legends, and myths. The most widely accepted legend is that Democrates received a clear omen from the gods, stating that he would need to serve repentance for the trickery that had unfolded during the campaign against Dionymus. As a result he first had Dionymus’ body brought to Sericolis with honors, and when that wasn’t enough he spoke to an oracle, who stated the he must lock away his own wife for one year. Whether or not Evanematra agreed to this is unknown, but for one year she became confined to a private citadel in the mountains of Erasidon. Unlike the Azozian accounts, the Mesallian accounts state the citadel was no prison. Rather, it was a palace equipped with all the amenities fit for a queen. It is said that it was at this point that Thalut III and his 30 companions entered Erasidon intending to “rescue” the queen. There is another legend, largely apocryphal, that states that when Thalut arrived he did not know the way to the citadel, and so attacked another stronghold along the way. There his party dwindled to only 31 (this legend proposes that he actually arrived with 1,000 men), as he fought to extort the information from the locals. Finally he found the way by retracing the steps that Thalut II had followed when he retreated from Erasidon so many years prior. Democrates learned of the approaching emperor and was advised to quickly raise an army. He declined, only raising his own 30 men, as “it’s what our fathers would have done”. Thanks to the account by Hanod we know the names of all 30 companions: “Levian of Setia, son of Ulpheus; Damon “Elephant’s Bane” of Helanos; Antigenus of Karistos, whose shield bore the roof tile that slayed the Sericolis king; Ramacar the Phydinian, mercenary warlord; Zebedus of Elapheros, son of Palo; Xerxus “the Gravedigger” of Thusmos; Cassander “Ironsides” of Neum; Discordus “the Messenger”, son Mecabus; Zletenucus “the Yannian” of Nykos; Aemadus and Asdan “the Blind Brothers” from Jafia; Nathon “the Apostate” of Tuatha; Nelis-ra Nimus of Syres; Alamdacanus “the Iron Hand”, who lost his arm during the war with the Lementarians; Olythimus “the Giant” from the Gudumanes; Zanates of Virados; Phoebedes, “who the gods favored”, the greatest swordsman of the world; Zamun “the Sun Worshipper” from Edom; Undelus “the Besieger” from Lamigis, a famed maker of siege weapons; Ocestor “the Healer” of Calepa; Alnuys “the Unbreakable” of Lysandria; Vecander “the Rat King” of Meshwati; Axus “Lion-skin” of Epenus; the warrior known only as “The Black Spear”; Lbyrus “the Maze Champion”, who could solve any puzzle with extreme speed; Tarcus “the Albino” from Halatia; Sabanus, son of Ptamides; Ichabon “the Witch Doctor” from southern Sephimora; Izimacus “the Bane of Ulm”, who served in the Obtus War; Eritreus, son of Thomus; Gargolon “the Mighty”, who commanded the guards of tombs.” With this group assembled they rode for the Eras Citadel, meeting the Thalutite band just outside. They saw that the Azozians were horseless, so they too dehorsed. When Democrates saw Thalut it is said his heart sank when he saw the glimmer of gold shining from his left ear. It is believed this is a reference to a tradition that stems from Azoz’s pre-Ulmian days, when warriors would hang a piece of jewelry from their left ear so that their soul could pay entry into the underworld. Since the Ulmian age the tradition had simply became a bearer of good luck. The writer Hanod supposedly watched the battle from a tower, guarded by Sabanus, son of Ptamides. Democrates began the battle by giving thanks to the gods, to which Thalut spit on the ground and swung the first strike. The battle carried on for some time, with Hanod attempting to record as much as possible. He writes, “both sides fought with incredible tenacity and zealousness, channeling the anger of 1,000 years of forefathers with every blow.” Phoebedes, known for his incredible skill at the sword, and for being blessed by the gods of Mesallas, changed with no fear. He slew three Thalutites in a row, as they came one by one, before three more ganged up on him and finally took him down. First they slashed at his legs until his knees broke backward, and he fell to the ground breaking his wrist. He fought for sometime on the ground, losing an army, then a leg, then another leg, and finally his last arm. Then, Gneskrekes of Azoz chopped off his head with such force that it ricocheted off the shield of Damon Elephant’s Bane. Damon and Nathon came to the fallen man’s aid unsuccessfully, and the Azozians zealously attacked the Apostate. He was fatally struck by an Azozian who was also named Nathon, although Damon then avenged his death by killing the other Nathon as well. Two forces turned allies, Xerxus the Gravedigger and Gargolon the Grave Protector, were both slain next, each taking with him an Azozian, while Eritreus was slain by Thalut himself. Cassander charged with such ferocity that Hanod reports that the god Ores himself appeared and took over, while at the same time the goddess Yera, who despised Discordus for seizing a woman from a temple years earlier, caused him to fall over and be killed. The battle seemed incredibly chaotic, until Democrates rallied his men by shouting “Taxis” like a phalanx commander, and the Mesallians chanted back in unison. He repeated the cry two more times, and they cried back in unison. Shocked, Thalut III supposedly fell back in awe. He caught his breath, as Democrates fought toward him, slaying Dimitry and Asheben of Azoz personally. It is said that Alamdacanus was corned, but he swung his iron prosthetic like a mace, splitting the skull of Jair the Fairhaired, before his own throat was slashed by Ramu the Kinslayer. Black Spear then did battle with the Azozian king and two others. He would be killed, never having a chance to reveal his true identity. Izimacus and Zletenucus were targeted zealously by the Ulmians, and they would both fall side-by-side, according to the Azozians by an act of the True God. Asdan fell soon after, and his brother charged into battle with tears in his eyes, taking down many before falling over his brother’s body. Finally the two kings met in the center of the battlefield. The sky became dark and cloudy, and the ground shook seemingly from an earthquake. The two are said to have fought for so long the sun began to set. Soon the others slowly backed off, leaving the two alone in the center, in a heated clash. Sources differ on what happened next. Hanod claimed that someone from the Azozian crowd dishonorably intervened by throwing something at Democrates, and one of the lesser Azozian sources says Tayam the Mage used spiritual conjurings to strike Democrates from behind. Either way, Thalut managed to disarm his opponent, knocking Democrates to his knees. There Democrates looked his cousin in the eyes, throwing his shield and helmet to the side, and offered his surrender. As was tradition Thalut had earned the right to despoil the king’s riches, but owed him the honor of sparing his life. But in that moment Thalut saw an Edomite amulet hanging from Democrates’ neck, which was a gift from Evanematra, and so filled with rage, he stabbed the king repeatedly until Thalut’s face was red with blood. Other Azozian sources differ completely, stating that nothing overly dramatic happened at all, and Democrates was killed in the heat of battle. Hanod says that at this point he fled for his life, and it is believed that every soldier of Democrates either fought until their death or fled. The Azozians were able to “kidnap” Evanematra back, fleeing back to Azoz with their prize. According to one anecdote Thalut also discovered a young girl in the castle that he assumed was Evanematra’s daughter, and beat her against a wall until she was dead. When this news reached the queen in Edom, she is said to have wept for the entire day. It is likely that Edom made preparations to immediately invade Azoz. It is said that Evanematra the Elder remarked, “My daughter, my daughter, my kingdom for my daughter.” But her plans would not come to fruition, as days later she died of natural causes at a very old age. Her last words were allegedly, “Thalut is no son of mine.” These words, would come back to bite the emperor, but for now his wife was his, and Edom was technically his as well, as his wife was now the ruler of the kingdom. Satiated by the ascension of a woman to the throne, even if Thalut sought to control the throne through her, the nobility of Edom accepted such an arrangement reluctantly. Evanematra, who was no doubt her mother’s child and passionately matriarchal and traditional, was unable to voice any discontent or warning to the people of Edom from the palace of Azoz, and so her voice was silenced. Hanod states that with Democrates died the “Age of Heroes” for good, and the world became a cold and cruel place. Such a sentiment would be alluded to centuries later by one of the most famous dramatization of the age, A Farewell to Arms. At the same time, in Emalia the cunning noble Haliecles, who had carved out his own kingdom across eastern Mesallas already, found himself King of Emalia as well, and began a civil war in a similar vein to Thalut’s conflict, hoping to see Emalia turn into a kingdom rather than a queendom.
  • File:Flag of Thïgæ (Origo Mundi Map Game).svg Thïgæ: to Arphora sadly dies of hypothermia on (early 134), and his son, now in his 20's, took the throne. Aropha Loiat, who many historians call Aropha II, was a deeply religious man, believing that through the spread of Thïgæ was a key part to spreading Rotharqub, the religion of Rothar. He is, however, less tolerant of the atheists of Sonaredar. The lack of potential conversions within Thïgæ led to intense exploration and expansion under his reign. The military grows to 700. A new settlement is made 9 px west and 3 px north of the westernmost coastal settlement, named Lianoh, after the prophet Lianth, who died in the seventh Olahn. The flag is the only city flag not to include blue or green, not to have a number in the middle of the flag, and not to have a four- or five-pointed star. The black field represents mourning, the outer orange circle his influence, the purple inner circle Rothar, and the red lines in the canton being the Thïø symbol for seven, the Olahn in which the cities construction began and the death of Lianth. The wide plain of the north is named the Aforazi plain. Aropha II demands that Lagalut return all of the captured military members, of which Aropha II claims to be "escorting the missionaries", and pay in slaves as compensation for the brave men who died escorting the missionaries, three slaves per one dead man, as slaves are worth less than free men. Arphora also demands that missionaries will be able to continue converting his people. The military is put on the Sonaredar border, with an invasion of the atheist lands threatened to drive them out of the delta. (Secret: Sonaredar revolutionaries in the south are offered their own state below the southernmost river in Sonaredar if Lagalut refuses the ultimatum.) Meanwhile, diplomacy with Vytgæ is awaited, but rumors of a country named Jadalan and the nation who pushed them southward spur interests in the region. The hostile northern country is named Suzugæ. Based on rumors of the Meghnites and where they came from, cartographers figure the group must come from northwest of Sonaredar. Explorers continue up the two rivers going off into the unknown and along the coastline, especially in the west. The Rothar Shlifn continues to be used, even more extensively due to Aropha II's religiousness, in the northwest and the east.
  • Yannis Empire: The people hear the tale of how Thot the Wicked kidnapped a girl and made her his wife. The image of the grotesque being that is the Thot forcing himself upon a young girl greatly disturbs the holy and righteous people of Yannis. This becomes yet another intolerable crime perpetrated by the nefarious and depraved Thot. As such the Anointed One is moved to seek the liberation of Edom and the rest of the world in due time. It is known that the Yannis Empire would have no issue freeing Edom from the barbarity of the west, and if they only knew what was best for them, they would leave Edom. It is clear that the Azozi anarchy is incapable of governing its own people or its own mock state, and soon the Yannians will perform the pious act of purging the Thotites. In the meantime, the Yannis Empire secretly dispatches natural philosophers to garrison the capitals of the southern nation, so that diplomacy can be more easily carried out. They convey the message that the Yannis Empire stands with them, that the Yannis Empire will protect them, and that the Yannis Empire will crush the Thotite Slavedom for them. Together the civilized nations of the world will band together and oust the corrupt and reprehensible creature that is Thot the Wicked. A report arrives in the Holy City of Yagothna-vis, dispatched from one of the members of the small Yannian community in the city of Edom. They speak of the horrors that are taking place, as the emboldened Thotites have lost all shame and hesitation. The beasts rape in the streets, and devour the flesh of young children. They use broken, toppled pillars, from the courthouses and libraries they raze, as makeshift altars for their sacrificial meals. There they desecrate the great structures of Edom, destroying every piece of civilization. They return the world to savagery, they topple the natural order of society by placing their animalistic religion above that of true, intelligent life. In the east the nations of Obtus and the Isles are consolidated into one kingdom, ruled by a Yannian king, which is then broken into two governorships. The Yannians continue to promote the true faith there, and spread the just word of Yannis.
  • The Glorious Empire of Vhaynos: Troubling news has come from our colonies in the north, these horrible beasts which are known are the Menghites have come to terrorize our peaceful settlements. They are said to be the spawn of Morah, the foul one, with heads the shapes of beasts that burn all they come across and bring nothing but ruin to the lands on which they trod. Reinforcements are sent to the two colonies in the Great Chyrkos Desert and walls are built to protect the populace, but traveling caravans start to pay tribute. People fleeing from the terrible beasts that are the Menghites flee northeast to the coast between Benyisra and Kepitis founding a city on the coast to which they call Rythnos, the City of Exiles. Settlers start to re-arrive within the two settlements with the fear of the menghites passing expanding the land by 2 px. Timoi Davon begins to order the construction of libraries for containing the various maps of the area and observations of various ẗrade winds. He also begins the patronage of several art schools to teach the craft of glass blowing and pottery making. Meanwhile, within the city of Daima, a new form of steel is beginning to be made, a lone blacksmith on accident sealed some black magnetite ore in clay that contained bamboo leaves and stems, this produced a superior form of steel in comparison to the normal version, which is more stronger, and sharper. This blacksmith soon begins to provide for his very poor family, and grows in fame. However, others jealous of his success and his quality of production, spy on him when he works in secret and murder him. They slowly begin to spread this process throughout the city. Under the orders of Timoi Davon military expeditions are continually sent east expanding the lands of Vhaynos into the fertile lands of the east.  He also orders expansions and improvements of our navy introducing new designs that contain areas for archers. The expansion of our infrastructure continues with roads being built to connect various areas in our empire. A diplomat is sent to Jadalan asking that they pay tribute tribute to the Empire of Vhaynos in order to protect from the threats of the evil Menghites and nations, lest they be destroyed. Mod Response. In terms of expansion under the Glorious empire, trade posts are built in the lands in between Thïgae and its bordering nation and several of the islands west of them in order to help conduct trade between the two nations and us. Also, a Hrinuth, an exploration base essentially is built on the tropical lands due west of us. Along with this explorers continue to search due north of Mohejaro, and explore north and west of the great Irian nations. Official explorations by the Kingdom of Vhaynos are continued ordered to explorer east of Thïgae and into the great seas west of us. Meanwhile, agricultural lands in the southern city are expanded by 10 px with them chopping down trees for ships.
  • Darna: The powerful nation of Darna is not intimidated by any other nation. The glorious nation of Darna is not threatened by any of the weakling nations. The amazing nation of Darna is not scared of any of the lesser nations. The other nations of the world should fear Darna. Darna is a strong nation. Darna is the greatest nation ... so goes a speech issued by the king of Darna. Such speeches were very popular as a type of speech, used to revitalize trust and commitment to the Darna state. During this time one of the king’s sons grew a great affinity for asserting Darnan dominance by having his way with an Ulmian slave boy every night. He writes that such an act is incredibly holy and cathartic, and cleanses his mind of his great Ulmian aggression. The king, meanwhile, finds the slaughter of an Olmer every night before bed a beneficial sleep aid. It becomes popular for Isimandians to travel south and raid Eskaladun in order to acquire more Olmer slaves, as the Azozi Thotites have infiltrated that land. The nation begins trading with the Valun to aid them against the Thotites, in the hopes that they will soon take Azoz and destroy it.
  • Syres: During this time the Kingdom of Canim came to be ruled by a king named Demecus, who continued the policies began by his predecessor, Euthydemus. He began by launching a campaign to subjugate the region up to the river in the west, successfully defeating the tribe there. Many Mesallian veterans of the wars in the south would be settled here, intermingling with the Syresian and native population. According to legend some of the heroes of the Battle of Eras would relocate to the kingdom and found cities in the region, although it is unknown how true this is, considering the common belief that there were no survivors of the battle from the Mesallian side. The push westward would cause conflict with the coastal cities who were under the jurisdiction of the Azozian governor in Tuatha, nearly causing numerous wars between the two nations, which were narrowly avoided. The city of Syres itself saw the introduction of numerous new ideas from around the ancient world, due to its importance as a trade hub and center of culture. Connecting the various canals of the city, many sewer systems would be constructed underneath the roads of the city, as well as new aqueducts and wells to supply water to the growing population.
  • Khin Federation: The Chanri Jangah laughs at the emissary of the Valun and gives him five days to leave the steppes before the Khin hunts him down as an enemy. After the victory against the Valun, captured arms are melted down, providing the Khin with bronze and even iron arrowheads and sabres. The elite guard of the Chanri Jangah is completely armed with iron weapons and wears armour of bones and skin of bears or wolves. The riders of Khin raids less defended areas of Valun, looting and enslaving captured tribesmen. With the rising number of slaves in the Federation and a decreasing number of freemen, who are off raiding, slaves began gaining higher status in Khin society. While slaves are still slaves, they are conscripted to fight in campaigns, able to buy their own freedom and become legal concubines of Khin freeman, granting their children equivalent status. The influx of knowledge from the Xera gave way to the compiling of the Great Book of Wisdom, where the wisdom of Than, the Khin and foreign philosophy are summarised and compiled, by Khin scholars and priests. A syncretism between Ulmisn and Thanism is developed as the "True God" is seen as a manifestation of Than, while the Drokksid is downplayed entirely. The mercenaries of Khin, now working for Xera and well-armed by Xera armor and weapons, ride north to attack Valun towns and villages.
  • Irian Culture: After losing most of its territory to breakaway states or foreign tribes such as the Cledesians and Lomians, the Kingdom of Corenia is finally destroyed when Seismer Lakros captures its capital, Corens, in 531. The Lomians annex most of the former kingdom, except for the lacustrine states of Hecyra and Edyrna, which become vassals. The Sarpedes pay tribute to the Lomians as well, but the Metobarians refuse, and are driven across the Ima River to the Plains of Diolophon. The winter of 531-532 is the coldest and most desolate winter in memory, spurring many highland tribes to migrate into richer lands where they can better support themselves. Of course, these lands are often already occupied by another tribe, and war ensues. The populations of Iria are highly mobile, and the east-west cultural divide is starting to disappear. Each harsh winter brings famine, and each famine brings disease. These problems are widespread and the situation only worsens by the year. Many coastal city-states opt to make the most of these troubling times and establish colonies on distant shores to supply food and resources to the mainland. Irian colonies appear throughout the Adseia, especially in the “southern land” and the Casphiron, sponsored by maritime states like Dardas, Lumos and Rhithera. Such trying times shape hardened explorers and pirates, who rove the southern coast and visit the newly-discovered land to the west known as Iureda.


A Meghnite invasion devastates the Ten Cities, leading to the dissolution of the ancient, sacred alliance of the ten. A tyrant named Asiri from the city of Dhjete attempts to take over supreme control of all ten cities, sparking the formation of the Magnanimous Seven against him, led by the city of Kymmenen, although one of their cities, Tizehn, is sacked by the Meghnites.

The nation of Jadalan refuses to pay tribute to the Empire of Vhaynos, and considers the demand an insult to their brave nation.

The Yazradid Empire refuses to hand over any slaves to the nation of Hythia, nor will accept giving any ships or tribute. The empire garrisons the region it claimed from Herati with soldiers, constructing a series of small forts. They agree to recognize both the Hythian vassalage of Herati and the territorial claims made by Jalor, as well as the offer of a non-aggression pact.

The nation of Benyisra welcomes traders from Hythia, and while in Benyisra the Hythians learn details of the nation of Vhaynos and interact with their traders, although not making contact with the Vyt government directly.

On the island of Algeorgia the over abundance of wild Dodos causes a negative impact on the environment of the native island, causing havoc for its human population. This leads some to advocate for hunting on the island once more.

Explorers sent by the Dragsfurt Konigreich toward the south make contact with traders claiming to be from a nation named Stenem.

Lagalut of Sonaredar refuses to hand over any of the supposed “captives”, claiming that they killed or forced away Thïgæ’s pirates already, and anyone else still remaining are those who simply chose to remain in Sonaredar by their own accord.

In another major engagement the Valun manage to achieve the upper hand against the Khin, inflicting 3,000 casualties against the Khin. During this time numerous raids occur on both sides.

South of Vhaynos on the southern tip of its continent, the Vyt discover the native kingdoms of the region to be particularly fierce and staunchly independent. They become known as the alliance of Dvama, led by three kings of equal standing.

  • Hythia: Years 238-247 Since the Return of Hythus. Meunarch Tylan passes his seat to his son Dylus who shares his the throne with Jynius as tradition mandates. After negotiations with the Jyazradids, show some challenges but also promises Meunarch Dalyus proposes that Hythia and the Jyazradids place aside any historical anger and secure a new peace across the plains with a royal marriage between Dylus’ only daughter and the aging Amelucenes’ eldest son [Mod Response]. What remains of the Saemonite slave laborers continue construction of the fortifications around the northernmost cities of Hythia. All cities to the north of Gyt receive great embankment walls armed with dozens of eyscurpierons. With the economy thriving and income ensured the country invests heavily in construction. Every settlement greater with populations greater than 100 builds an administrative post. Public squares and libraries are constructed across the country, while irrigation channels are expanded. The Academy of Gyt grows in prominence and is attended by most all of Hythia’s elite. It is in the Academy of Gyt that a great epic, The Epic of Hythus, is crafted by Vylorius the Wise. He writes of the story of the Ring-War, when Dyalbor, God of True Darkness, forged the great rings of power. “There were five rings for the mountain kings, chiefs of the Eastern Wall, seven for the riverlord, fairest of all, and nine for the plains’ lords, kings of the endless grass-sea. Bound to these rings were the power to rule the world, but they were all deceived, for another ring was made. In the Land of Shadows, in the forges of Dyalbor, the Dark Lord Dyalbor forged in secret a Master Ring to control all others. And into this final ring he poured his cruelty, his malice, and his will to dominate all life: one ring to rule them all. But there were some who resisted. The True God Hythus, God of the Burning Flame and the Unyielding Earth, marched against the armies of Dyalbor. On the slopes of Mount Dyal the gods made war. Victory was near, but the power of the ring could not be undone. It was in this moment, when all hope had faded Hythus took up his flaming sword and struck down the foul god Dyalbor, clefting in twain his mountain fortress. Dyalbor, the enemy of the free peoples of the world, was defeated. The ring then passed to Hythus, but even the hearts of gods are easily corrupted. And the great ring had a will of its own. It betrayed Hythus, and doomed him to a prison under the earth, bound to the fortress he destroyed. Hythus’ own lieutenants, Tykus and Bysulus, unable to destroy their leader, imprisoned Hythus to protect the world from the ring. In their struggle, the ring was lost to Hythus, but its corruption could not be undone. Then, after 2,000 years the ancient magic binding Hythus to his tomb was finally broken, and the just god, recovered from the blight of the ring, has returned.” Much more extensive than the abridgment presented here, the actual text becomes something of a religious text and codifies the oral theology of Hythia’s past into a modern text. Copies of the book are distributed across the Meunarchate and travel with missionaries far and wide. The tax system is reformed to favor currency rather than crops or labor. This change allows the further development of a dedicated class of public servants in addition to the military bureaucracy. The centralization of power around the Meunarchs and the bureaucracy that serve them. The centralization leads to the standardization of much military equipment. The professional army, some 3,000 heavy cavalry and and equal number of light cavalry, receive new standard helmets with lamellar cheek and neck skirts. Light cavalry units have begun introducing a toe-loop stirrup to increase their stability while mounted, an important development when throwing javelins or shooting a bow. The colonization of land in the south continues at breakneck pace with northern urban areas seeing population decline or stagnation. Land granting boosts government revenue as farmers provide double tax revenue for a decade after the grant. The region either side of the Road to Gyomis develops quickly with much of the region brought fully under Hythian control up to Pysa. A new city is also constructed in the far north near the Bysulan Theocracy after the completion of a new road along the Mynethos River. The harvesting of valuable tar, raw oil, and bitumen sees a small economic boom in the region between Hyrat and Wys, and the remainder of the region falls to the hunger for the useful materials as full Hythian control extends to the Jaloran border. Food production across the Meunarchate is diversified and luxuries such as cotton, pomegranate, leather, saffron, and many other more minor goods return to prominence. Exports of fine beers, worked iron, worked leather, tools, saffron, and cotton fabrics rise, and trade with the Qyriaati through the port of Gyomis is expanded. Merchants and envoys are sent to Benyisra and Vyt to learn of these new potential trade partners. Additionally the expeditions down the coast continue [Mod and Player Response]. Meanwhile, missionaries spread the word of Hythus south along trade routes, into Hythia’s vassals in the south, and east into Mythadia. The news out of the Ten Cities is of great concern to Dylus and Jynius who send an envoy to the Aydandites offering a pact of mutual aid should the Ten Cities fall to the Myghnit invasion in the south. To seal the arrangement Hythia proposes a royal marriage between the Aydandite High Chief and one of the children of the Meunarchs. Furthermore, envoys are sent to Napulo and the Magnanimous Seven to discuss the threat faced by the Myghnites. These envoys are accompanied by Hythian military advisors, well-skilled in the art of horse warfare, who will attempt to assist them in fighting the invaders. [Mod Response]. A moderately sized heard of tamed Elephants (Syrian Elephants) is purchased from the Ten Cities and a colony of the beasts established near Gyt. The animals are expected to do well in the warm region surrounding Gyt.
  • Xeran Empire: After the death of Evanmetra the Elder, Thalut the Wicked at last asserted control over the empire that was expected to take place upon the reign of his father, Xarenvarus. Through his wife Evanmetra the Younger, albeit their exact relationship has remained a mystery, nonetheless, proved close enough that he was able to push through many laws to tie the two kingdoms of Azoz and Edom together. Mosaic art and post-perspective sculptures, which had flourished in Azoz for quite some time, was now becoming a standard across basilicas built in Edom as well. Theater also grew rapidly in popularity in Edom, depicting some of the first epic plays taking place during the Chatna Empire, possibly as a nod to the ruler's namesake. Contemporary records takes note how the king and queen would frequently visit these plays together, either in public or private, which has since become one of the most frequently-cited evidence in the debate of Evanmetra's true love. In Erasidon, after the death of Democrates the office of its monarch had become vacant. Thalut was sure to capitalize on the situation, and threw his support for a claimant that was already friendly toward Azoz relations. This would at least ensure Erasidon and its vassals on the archipelago remain within the allied sphere of the Xerans. In the west, seeing the Khin confederacy are unable to sustain a large war against Valun, the empire falls back from our campaigns in the region, and instead set up defensive fortifications commonly known as the "Xeran Wall", several miles north of the far larger Castelian wall. In the east, large amount of military support continues to be sent to Haliocles of Ephenus, extending the territory of our vassal in the region. The Garan navy moves northward, far beyond Jasmira, to see if there is a northwest passage leading to the Darnan pirates. The western territories annexes land farther north up to the river, and south toward the border with the southern nation. The Cyris fleet moves north, around the peninsula to make contact with the Kingdom of Aurelia. There we open permenant diplomacy, as well as begin trading Alumite and spreading the doctrines of Ulm. As the weather suddenly turns cooler, the agricultural capital of Teman devises plans to push the main sources of agriculture farther south, along the more arid regions of Usilinago and Edom, as well as keeping larger store of grain in the main cities of Azoz and Bangui. In both Iskandaria and Medan, a new wave of natural philosophy begins to closely study the phenomenon of weather patterns, and begins making careful predictions how to understand day-to-day changes to rain, temperature, and the length of day. As his child by Evanmetra, the Crown Prince, becomes of age, Thalut reaches out to any neighboring kingdom if they have eligible female nobles to offer in marriage to his son.
  • Qera: Though it seemed to be a simple anomaly of the weather at first, Qeran farmers notice a general cooler weather and longer wet periods. The outcome of this is an increase of devastating landslides, often burying miners and their settlements in the south of the country. Farming profits from that, since potatoes can now be harvested in larger quantities. Yller III marries in 541 a women from the Ollean nobility, her name is Seamaja. She gives birth to a daughter one year later. Minerals like iron, copper, jade and turquoise are exploited and sold off to far lands. Trade with Exhula, Sillas and the southern nations continues, with many influences from Qera to the latter. The king of the Dholbalan is also asked if his son would like to marry the daughter of Yceue of Tortla, Zatlahe (MOD RESPONSE PLEASE). This even would strengthen the alliance between the two nations and additionally give access to the wealth of the city of Tortla (at least partially). Trade of spices and also weaponry continues.
  • Qaryaat: The expansion of the kingdom of Qaryaat continues. The colony of Bizafir continues to expand upstream through the Bizafir River and to both sides of the Khereyid River, expanding to the source of the Khereyid River. It also expands to the southern part of the Alyeid Peninsula, north of both rivers. Meanwhile, the territory of Maqiri continues to expand along the border between the mediterranean lands and the vast desert. In the main territory, Maqiri, Bizafir, and Kumiz, settlers are sent to loosely-claimed areas to consolidate Qaryaat's claim on said areas. The Lighthouse of Makra acts as both a lighthouse to guide ships and a sightseeing destination, guiding ships safely to shore and attracting tourists and sightseers from all around the region. The settlement of Bizafir is improved upon, with walls, barracks, a granary, and a harbor being built. Meanwhile, in Kumiz, sanitation systems as built in other Qaryaati cities, including sewer systems, latrines, and communal baths are built. Meanwhile, a trading post is founded on the shores of Saqqatra. The vast irrigation system in the main territory is spread to the rest of the contiguous territory of Qaryaat, including Maqiri. The great thinker Zachai develops what could be considered one of the earliest anthropological theories, proposing that humankind initially was not as sophisticated as it is now and lived like animals, only developing into a civilized society due to the need to defend from wild animals. He also writes a book titled On the Natural World. Explorations are made along the Mithadian coast and through the Seru River of Mohejaro (the southern of the two rivers). After stories of the raids on Eldebethias by the rumored Meghnites reach Qaryaat, King Adiyyl II acknowledges the potential dangers to his vast trade networks. He sends a band of diplomats to the Lringar Confederacy to reach out for an alliance and trade proposal. We offer spices, dyes, incense, sesame oil, dates, and other commodities to them as part of the trade deal. We also reach out to the Magnanimous Seven in order to form an alliance against the rumored Meghnites. (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED)
  • Ri'Kiva: We accept Hythia's offer. Cal'If Uk sends an emissary to the Jyzrd kingdom, requesting a trade deal and friendly relations. Personia and Kaugn are offered diplomatic marriages.  As we promised, all the Saemonite slaves who deserted are given one-tenth of a square kilometer in land. About one-third of them are give land in So'Dor, the rest are given land in Kjv'Arn. This expands their border by a lot. In the mainland, a lot of soldiers come home with enough money to buy a small farming estate in either Suh'Hyik or the peninsular territories. This results in a massive population boom as mortality rates drop. In the north, we hear reports of skirmishes between the Taraheim and Garvnkt tribes. A few Taraheim tribes, numbering about 5,000 in number, seek refuge, and are granted it, due to the ties between Ri'Kiva and the Taraheim.  Following the pattern of ruralization, the colonies also see much growth in agriculture, finally having the population to do so. Because of this newfound economic independence, the colonies gain some level of autonomy, but are still subservient to the realm of Ri'Kiva. A private enterprise expands the holdings on the peninsula by 5 px in exchange for collecting revenue from that land.

Tsardom of Algeorgia: Seeing the havoc the Dodos are supposedly creating, the Holy Dodo walks out of his temple and stops the havoc. The day afterward everyone is back living in harmony. The tsar comes up with a genial plan to solve or alleviate the food shortage. He expands the farms to our colony and makes ships transport it back to the island while also giving enough to the colony.

  • Glorious Empire of Vhaynos: Our great nation has taken offense to our generous offer to the people of Jadalan, we wanted to protect them from the horrors of the world, but they like an ungrateful child refused our offer. As such Timoi Davon orders to march of some 6,500 troops to Jadalan to conquer the city for its own good, the army is comprised of spearmen, archers, and cavalry, and is marched to the city split into two parts in secrecy to check the Jadalan by surprise, flank them and minimize the casualties MOD RESPONSE. Meanwhile, within the northern cities, fortifications are built in order to repulse any retaliation from the Jadalan, and defensive armies are moved to them. While within the city of Daima the steel becomes more and more popular being given the name Artz steel, after the Artzan plant, whos leafs are used to make the steel. The ensuing popularity of the steel within the city sees it being used more and more in the weapons of Vhaynos. Meanwhile, Timoi Davon within the cities of Nis and Vhaynos begins to encourage the establishment of academies for learning how to sail and explore, to administrate, and make arts and craft among other things. Within the city of Vahynos two new forms of ships are constructed one of these is a galley which utilizes four banks of oars, which are rowed by four oarsmen, and the other is more commonly used by merchants and explorers which utilizes Lateens to glide on the winds that blow across the seas. Within our city of exiles, growth begins to happens with them cutting down trees to expand farmlands by 10 px, similar things happen within our southernmost settlement with it expanding its farmlands by about 20 px. Most notably the city begins to reach out to the nations on the Imiteran Sea most notably Iria, Qaryaat, and Mohejaro to open up trade between them. (MOD AND PLAYER RESPONSE) Within the settlements on the great Chyrkos desert they continue to transport goods from the south to the north but some traders begin to take an alternate route bypassing Benyisra, and trading through and with the City of Exiles. This begins to bring prosperity to the city with the traders bringing wealth and population. Meanwhile, exploration continues as normal for Vhaynos, while explorers continue to search north of Irīserai exploration of the region comes mostly to a halt. But Dhows are sent to the far south of Vhaynos riding winds hoping to find a new land yet unheard of. While in the east explorers are continued to be sent out using the trade posts as resupply points to make longer trips and find more land. Libraries continue being built within the city of Vhaynos and Nis with the lands in the east being expanded by 30 px.
    • The Irians on the coast of Alyadis and the Casphiron open trade relations with the city of Rythnos. The merchants of Laeberion in particular frequent this area, trading their Solcian wares (wine, wool, olives, stone and marble) as well as traditional Laeberion pottery.
  • Mesallian Culture: After the death of Democrates II he left behind two children. His son and his daughter would grow up as orphans, their father having been killed and their mother having been kidnapped. The son was Ioxemander, who became Ioxemander II, while the daughter was Evanematra. According to story put forth by the Mesallians, which comes from the account of Sabanus, one of the guards present to witness the Battle of Eras, he had been ordered by Evanematra II to hide her children and help them escape, while two decoy children were instead put in their place. The enraged Thalut III killed the fake daughter by bashing her against a wall until she died, hoping to end for good the independent Edom, which he sought to acquire for himself more than any other temptation. Luckily the real Evanematra escaped the halls of Eras, where as per law and per decree, she would be the true heir of Edom as the first daughter of the Maleka of Edom. But of course, she would be unable claim her birthright, both out of fear of the wrath of Thalut the Wicked, and due to her mother being censored by the confines of Azoz. Tellingly, Evanematra would never meet her own children, or leave the kingdom without being under the supervision of Thalut, who is often painted as paranoid and controlling. Both children would be taken into the care of one of Democrates II’s generals, Amynus, as by the time of the 85th Jafiad (Year 540), Ioxemander II was only nine years old, and his sister even younger. The writer Hanod later served as one the young king’s tutors, deciding to continue his task of chronicling the life of the kings, as was his original mission. According to his writings the young king was a troubled boy, who harbored great resentment and anger. Despite this, he also showed a great appreciation for the arts, as he would commission many monuments and statues, and a great appreciation for religion and piety, as he would commission a great temple where he would lay his father to rest. Historians are unsure of what his attitude toward other religions were, as it appears the Ulm religion was weakened and discriminated against, despite the king’s seemingly tolerate attitude everywhere else. In the important maritime hub of Selanica numerous religions would take hold, including vestiges of the traditional Edomite religion, the Zamist movement, the cult of Soronis, and more. The Ioxemanderian Cult, which had largely begun in nearby Edom, also spread to Erasidon, which was promoted by the kings of the state as it helped legitimize them and increase their authority. In Edom the Zamists would not relent so easily, with a priestess named Mazadra succeeding as the head of the movement. In addition to their theological beliefs, they preached against male-dominated society, the new laws, and Thalut the Wicked, using their still mostly intact network within political office and in provincial administration. Each governess prepared for the great reckoning that would occur when the king decided to finally attempt to oust them, but in the meantime, they recognized Evanematra as queen, and hoped that Zama would guide Edom away from such a horrendous fate. (More to come)
  • Yannis Empire: In the far north many Holy Men are dispatched to spread the Yannian faith, and to spread Yannian culture to native tribes of the area. As a result of Yannian interaction, a group supported by the empire begins to spring up in the region as a powerful political force. They adopt the name of Yephesem, and consolidate control over the region along the northern coast. At one of the sites in the north, a location where a Yannian natural philosopher once landed and began a trading post, the Yephesem build their capital, which they name Vescbures. The settlement is located on the coast of the northern sea, on a small inlet and a series of hills. Yannian traders occasionally trek across the northern expanse to reach the city, motivating some merchants to look for a passage by sea to the northern oceans. Ships from the eastern provinces are sent north to explore. The eastern governor also decides to claim the small islands in the channel that the explorers travel, naming the southern one Yadyamec, and the northern one Ghinsdevem. The Yannis Empire takes a vested interest in trading with the nation of Aurealia, with many Holy Men arriving in those lands to spread the righteous faith. The Ulmian-Thotite merchants are expelled, rounded up, or killed, as the angry populace is told of their crafty schemes and lies. The naval reform takes place that sees the nation invest heavily in a large and powerful navy. The navy is to be divided so that it is concentrated in a few places. The northwest fleet is stationed at Tesardya, which will be responsible for patrolling the Darnan sea and preventing the heathens from spreading past the straits. The primary, imperial navy, remains near the Holy City of Yagothna-vis, with branches all across the southern coast. Another fleet is stationed in the lands of Weritsz and the Isles, so that no heathens can pass into the east. This fleet extensively patrols around the island of Bangor, ensuring that none pass through without Yannian permission. Finally a small fleet is stationed in the east, responsible for exploring north and east, and for protecting the area around Aurelia. The Isles of the south see Yannian development and investment, with many great temples being built. The empire overall becomes a peaceful and tolerant place, and a bastion for science and art.
  • Thïgæ: Upon meeting Johdnapanan, Aropha II assumes that the nation is the one that the Jadalanï say are the "hostile nation to the north", and is more cautious meeting the nation. The envoys to Johdnapanan are told to tell the nation that they come in peace and ask only to explore the land around Johdnapanan and want assurance that Johdnapanan will not interfere with matters of the south. With Sonaredar's refusal to let captured escorts return to their families and their decision to not compensate to the wives and children which had their male members die, the 800 men of the army enter the uncivilized, self-proclaimed nation. Their claim that soldiers wanted to stay in their disgraceful society is laughable, as why would the soldiers decide to stay when their families are still in Thïgæ? Rumors spread that the nation is eating the soldiers and are looking for an excuse not to give back the loyal men who served. Terms are put down to end the war; Allow missionaries to continue converting Sonaredar to the true religion, have Lagalut himself convert to clense him of his sins, cede the river area and the coast of Sonaredar to Thïgæ, return all alive Thï military personnel to their families, and pay reparations to the crown and to the families who lost their fathers in battle or while escorting. Catapults are used to soften the Sonaredar defense on the southern part of the river and to distract the enemy troops, while military engineers build bridges in under cover of nightfall and catapults to help the army cross the river. This continues until a large enough bridge is built for the troops to go across. If this succeeds, the troops march along the coast and seige the city of Sonaredar. Mod Algo Needed. A military code is made by Aropha II, saying that each soldier must pay for the food that they take from the citizens of Sonaredar, and gold is provided to the men fighting, enough for each soldier to be able to pay the people who provide the food. Men are hired as soldiers from the fields of Sonaredar, and soon the army reaches 1000 men, 800 from Thïgæ and 200 poor farmers from Sonaredar who took the gold to pay for their families. Their skills with axes, as they have been working with them their whole life, makes the farmers good for fighting. Meanwhile, Thïgæ continues to prosper, with missionaries moving east along the shoreline converting natives as well as claiming lands for Thïgæ.
    • Heavily outnumbered, the invading soldiers from Thïgæ do not fair well, and soon the entirety of the invading army is killed or captured. The defenders launch a counterattack that heavily damages the Thïgæ catapults and defenses. They demand that Thïgæ pay tribute and immediately cease their invasion.
  • Tsimdomdu Confederation: The establishment of the Tsimdomdu Confederation in 1MU started the Era of Prosperity, a period from 1MU-60MU that prompted the creation of better farming techniques, the taming and domestication of the oxen for agricultural usage, and the slow but eventual creation of one oral language. King Jurungah - Shaman of the Eastern Coast, and Procurator of the Northern Star, uses his reign to better project the arts and culture of the nation, which was his selected mission during his rule. With that in mind, there were many successes made in the field of art for the era. A carving of Jurungah's face was put on display in the royal palace, and was the first of many King's faces to be created and put on display. The first written epic, known as the Fanpa, is regarded for having been written around this era, and tells of a child who grew up to be Charrah, a feared warlord that terrorized villages across the great sea, with an end goal of having ultimate power over the entire region. His best friend Digbah saw what Charrah had become, and promptly killed him out of fear that he would end up dead in his friend's lust for power. Other, more minor and factual stories were produced in that regards, with those stories carrying important moral messages. Although the land had been developed in terms of connecting the five tribes, further development was made in the construction of houses, businesses, and food markets. Much of the economy during this time remained somewhat basic, consisting of barter trade, however, the movement toward something of a medium-for-exchange would occur in 100 MU. Expansion is made along the river by 10 px, as more people's move outward to expand their agricultural property along the riverside. Any attempts to navigate the river at this point fails, and thus it wouldn't be until 300MU that a proper boat could be used to navigate the river.
  • Irian Culture: In the 540s, Seismer Lakros makes two campaigns against the western Irians. In the first campaign, he attacks the mountainside fortress of Synnateira with 10,000 men, in order to advance on the Ima River. The siege of Synnateira lasts nearly a month, before the Lomians discover a flaw in the design of the fort and breach the walls, capturing it. The cities of the Ima River shortly surrender to the Lomians, along with the Gamadacians after the battle of Otanum. With these new territories under his control and a reinforcing legion arriving from the east, Seismer’s army swells to nearly 20,000 men. He then marches downriver to the coast. A league of coastal polities led by Decene raise armies to fight Seismer, forcing him to withdraw initially. During this campaign, Phiomactas, one of Seismer’s generals, who was instrumental in the early conquests, starts a revolt in the province of Paetama, between Lake Mareum and the Hecis, thinking Seismer will be too distracted to intervene. But Seismer turns his army around and prepares to face the traitorous general. When Phiomactas hears of this, he flees to Asklena. Pursued at Asklena, he heads eastward, but is captured by Seismer’s son, Xenicetes, while attempting to cross the Hecis. With the rebellion subdued, Seismer returns to the coast and once again battles with the Decenian league. This time, because of the league’s disorganized armies, he is able to defeat them in three separate battles, finally bringing all the western tribes and city-states under Lomian influence. He declares himself King of Thrydacia, as Seismer I, and founds a new city on Lake Mareum called Akodopolis, which he intends to become the future capital for his heirs. He erects temples throughout the kingdom as thanks to the gods, and conducts a census of the permanent settlements and vassal dominions in the kingdom. Following these conquests, the center of Irian maritime activity moves to Ceta. For all Thrydacia's military strength on land, their navy is subpar. They make no attempt to control the seas, allowing the city-states of Ceta to expand their influence unchecked. Dardas, Lumos, Likos and Orespontos all establish colonies overseas, with Lumos founding a colony on the coast of Iureda called Lannomuntum. Laeberion also establishes two colonies near Benyisra and Kepitis: Usor and Phereton.
  • Zelonuma Emiresq: In the year of Stripped Cat (No EoGuy, it’s supposed to be stripped) it is said that the Kingdom of Darna met its end. After years of pouring its resources into the harming of Olmian slaves, and the aggressive accumulation of slaves within the nation, the kingdom finally lapsed on its important matters of state. On the islands of Darna, a great slave uprising finally transpired, which weakened the state, as the first step toward disaster. Then, a succession crisis struck the nation in the city of Darna itself. Finally, Tincalsheq, warlord of the northern mountains, from his stone palace deep in the chasms, delivered the killing blow. He had been a nomad from the southern steppe, who threw off his wandering ways at the site of the holy mountain, Yuyzya. There their people built the mountain hall, and slowly consolidated control over the northern Janter Coast. The Rebellion of the Mage several decades ago allowed for many slaves to form their own communities, which Tincalsheq slowly united. With a great powerbase established, he seized the old homeland of Darna, although many farflung colonies soon found themselves isolated and still Darnan. Tincalsheq the Conqueror traveled to Darna and had that city purged of the old leadership. His new kingdom was consolidated around the northern coast, east of Isimandia, close to the old janter mines of old. There he sent envoys to the nations of Isimandia, demanding that they paid tribute as well. So began the Isimandian-Zolunuma War, as the states of Isimandia rallied behind a strong general named Ladiman. Meanwhile, the Darnans of the coast, who still operated the trade routes, sought to capture all the Ulmian ships dispatched by King Thot, to preserve their trade empire. They also sought to capture more slaves, and to destroy the Thotite knowledge of their homeland, fearing that Thot would come to consume their children.
  • Makuku Kingdom: Great Tatina Jahili orders for any remaining Makuku troops to withdrawal to the eastern territories past the central river, where they will reorganize and plan a counterattack, maybe. Fortifications are built along the central river, as the army prepares for any Sillas attack. We send a diplomatic envoy to Qera begging for help, preferably men to help fend off the sillasians (Player response needed!). We send another diplomatic envoy to teninukal, which we established comtact with centuries ago, the ship manages to sneak pass Sillas ships and reach their capital, where they also beg for help, preferably men but will accept anything, weapons, more ships, anything (Mod response needed!). Messengers and spies are sent to sneak pass enemy lines and make it to the settlements, the messengers spread the message that hope is not list and that the war has continued in the eastern territories and tells the people to not give up hope yet! While the spies collect military intelligence and try to organize a revolt against the Sillas occupation.
  • Drachenia: with the nation extending far beyond the city of Dragsfurt, Franz I holds the honor of declaring the state of Drachenia. Furthermore, settlements and further amounts of compatible migrants continue to develop the outwr communities. Marten rises to become a medium sized town. Grand Sailor Hanz Von Wilden leads a fleet of ships to the southwest for further exploration. Lumbering continues to be popularized. Borden Heinz becomes the first man to ride his horse while on its back. Although slightly uncomfortable, it is a much more efficient way of travel. This knowledge is isolated though for the most part in the outskirts of the country. These foreigners we encounter turn out to be somewhat friendly and the explorers would exchange whatever goods they may fins superior to that of their own. Road networks now further developed allows efficient transfer of goods. With more educated farmers to go around, enough food is made for the citizens of the country while some merchants set their eyes on claiming territory across the sea. The Winter Festivals are held with dances and round the clock parties especially in the city of Dragsfurt which holds a large pine tree at the center of the city's square. With a surplus of wood available, premium logs become affordable and better housing becomes available. Some houses take on unique designs which include stone. The Drachen Sea continues to provide fishermen a good source of income. The Temple of Krizt becomes the largest temple in the nation. The Papst settles in one of the complexes within the temple. Literacy rates rise as literature and the demand for a literate population grows.
  • Khin Federation: With the defeat to Valun, the Chanri Jangah orders the riders to avoid engagements, focusing on raiding and riding away if the raid encounters too much resistance. A focus is put on raiding the supplies and logistics of the Valun Army. The Chanri Jangah devises a plan against the Valun: as the Valun concentrates for major offensives or raids and moves north into the steppe, the Khin shall surround them and harass their supplies, wearing them down before launching a final offensive. In the tribes of the Khin, smaller tribes join each other in order to offer better resistance against Valun raids. The Khin mobility also help them in preventing a large economic impact from the raids, as in most cases the tribes can bring their lodging, tools and herds with them away from an incoming raid. With the new customs regarding slaves, the number of freemen in the federation begins to grow, resulting in expansion into the northern lakes. Through cultural exchange with the Xera, the theology of Thanism undergoes further development, as multiple debates occur between Khin priests and the Xera missionaries. The mercenaries of Khin, now working for Xera and well-armed by Xera armor and weapons, ride north to attack Valun towns and villages alongside Xera armies.


The Yazradid Empire demands that the Ri’kivan nation agree to become its vassal immediately, just as it had agreed under the Saemonites, or face possible eradication. Elsewhere they accept the offer of a royal marriage between themselves and Hythia, as does the Aydandites.

Teninukal states to Makuku that they are unable to fully enter the war against the Sillan Republic, as they just made peace and a pact of non-aggression with them, but covertly sends a small amount of supplies to them. The rest of the Makuku region also sends aid to the Kingdom of Makuku, although many in the region choose to flee east.

After the Kingdom of Kaughn is momentarily weakened by a succession crisis, the Yazradid Empire launches an invasion to subjugate the kingdom.

The king of Dholbalan accepts the offer from the nation of Qera, agreeing to marry his child to Zatlahe, Yceue of Tortla.

The Magnanimous Seven agree to open trade with Qaryaat, and agree to an alliance. They request that Qaryaat send them men to help defend themselves.

The attack on Jadalan is successful, with the nation of Vhaynos suffering 2,580 casualties in an initial battle. The nation of Jadalan offers to pay tribute to Vhaynos.

A preacher from Azoz named Kahraman travels along with the official delegation dispatched to the nation of Sillas, and begins preaching in the streets stories of the Ulmian faith.

The Khin are initially very successful at their strategy of simply raiding, without fighting any pitched battles, but this leads to the Valun using these same tactics back. Both sides lose as many as 5,000 men over the course of many small skirmishes.

  • Hythia: Years 248-257 Since the Return of Hythus. Meunarch Jynius dies and is replaced by his son Lyator, while Dylus continues his rule. With all of the Saemonite slaves freed as is law, work on the defenses for the cities of Hythia is done by hired laborers of high quality and skill. The fortifications expand southward, until every city has at least a fortified citadel and an outer wall. The Great Arsenal of Hythia is expanded and more water-power is used to power bellows and ore-crushers. The expansion of the Arsenal leads to the achievement of higher temperatures allowing the iron to achieve a fully liquid state. Thus, cast iron becomes something of a staple in Hythia. However, the iron is too brittle for use in weapons or armor. Fortunately, Hythian smiths have long known that brittle iron can be made durable by heating it in air for several days. Thus, the Arsenal begins intentionally mass-producing producing steel for the first time. Adopting technology from captured Saemonite Torrsion Mangronels, a new bolt throwing machine is developed that uses the torrsion power of sinue ropes (OTL Torsion Balista). The Academy of Gyt grows in prominence and is attended by most all of Hythia’s elite, the college adds a new area of study: the art of war. The further education of Hythia’s elite begins to show as more literature, poetry, art, and scientific knowledge is produced. The toe-stirrup gradually evolves over the decade into a foot-sized loop of leather. With these in place, the long, couched spears of the heavy cavalry become truly lances. The effectiveness of these weapons is put to the test when the Hythian Unar marches on the tribe occupying the lands between southern Jalor and Hytia. Having swiftly subdued them, the power of the lance is noted and Hythian light cavalry is equipped with the weapons in addition to their bows. The colonization of land in the south continues at breakneck pace with northern urban areas seeing population decline or stagnation. Food production across the Meunarchate is diversified and luxuries such as cotton, pomegranate, leather, saffron, and many other more minor goods return to prominence. Exports of fine beers, worked iron, worked leather, tools, saffron, and cotton fabrics rise, and trade with the Qyriaati through the port of Gyomis is expanded. The expeditions down the coast continue. Meanwhile, missionaries spread the word of Hythus south along trade routes, into Hythia’s vassals in the south, and east into Mythadia. With the death of the Regent of Heratia, the Meunarchs determine it is in the best interests of the Herati that Heratia be integrated more fully into Hythia as an autonomous province. The regent’s surviving three sons are each granted equal rule over the three territories of Heratia to serve as governors. This is done to prevent the likelihood of revolt as the two younger sons would be left without lands or titles in their brother’s court. With this done the city of Arudum is re-built to serve as the Hythian capital in the province thanks to its advantageous and centrally located position. Arudum is also to be ruled directly from Hythia, along with the surrounding lands.
  • Telachitul Republic: The reign of Kelarfre comes to an end with his peaceful death, and as such, the Three Councils (Rural citizens or Telarad, Urban Citizens or Telaslet, and Nobles or Itotelarad) meet in the capital Armeera to elect a new ruler. Armeera seems interested in continuing the polices of his predecessor. As such, annual taxes again swell the nation's treasury by 500 kg of gold (Note: Is this good? I can adjust). The Republic's exploration also continues, with extensive journeys to the south starting this year. These missions prove fruitful, with natives relatively willing to trade. Armeera hopes this will set the tone for further colonization, with the republic making slow but steady progress along the cost in both the north and south. Progress in land is much slower, but the vast superiority of Telchitul weaponry means any foreigners likely can't pose a credible threat to the republic. The only break Armeera makes with his predecessor is the declaration that for the first time in several decades slavery is legal, but those enslaved must be foreigners, either bought from their tribes or captured. While this leads to a small slave trade in the rural areas, it remains insignificant compared to the rest of the Telchitul economy. Iron working and ship building continue to thrive as the main industries of Itochitul, the capital city. Ship building is particularly important, as it allows for large scale transport of goods along the coast, which will facilitate relatively quick colonization, as well as further trading.
  • Xeran Empire: The late reign of Thalut "the Wicked" includes some of the more controversial actions of his career, subsequent to the epic but enigmatic story of the "Seige of Eras", as part of his final push to bring Edom into the sphere of the empire. Evanmetra the Younger, his wife, died at a younger age, in the process of giving birth to Thalut's yougest son. This sent the kingdom fo Edom into an uproar, and an outright revolt across several cities in the kingdom, seeing the seat of the queen of edom become virtually vacant for the first time. Emperor Thalut organized the military reprisal of this revolt personally, crushing the main forces of the rebellion at the Seige of Apydos, and further push south for a final battle at Necripolis. Even so, the constant insurrection of the nation continued, and the primarily Zamian nobility in Edom proved to be extremely uncooporative to help Thalut track down the rebellious enclaves. Thus, Thalut at last ordered for the first time a full religious purge of the nation, carried out by his military occupation over every major city. The Shanzian church was primarily used to organized this purge, known in contemporary chronicles as an "inquisition" or "investigation". Thousands of followers of the Zamian faith were arrested in this purge, and their offices quickly replaced by those of Apocists, Shanzian or Enulmians. Judicial records uncovered in Edom do not prove to be very clear what was considered a fair punishment for heretics, as sentencing appears to range wildy from a few years imprisoned to immediate execution. In the same process of this purge, the small enclave of Yannian faith in Edom were also wiped out as well, beleived to be primarily just foreign agents of Yannis. Now, contrary to popular belief, many Ulmian theologians contemporary to these events were already horrified by the attrocities. After all, the core beleifs of love and forgiveness seemed contradictory to a purge of heresy, at least from the perspective of the Holy Patra Toneth II. These acts continued until Thalut finally died, and was succeeded to the throne by his son, the crown prince Thalut IV. Thalut IV immiedatley sought to rectify the nation's reputation that was caused by his father, ending the inquisition and placing more firm limits to the power of the Shanzian church. He succeeded to the throne in the manner of the succession laws given by his father, but he was very considerate to the culture of Edom, and ensured his wife enjoyed the same autonomy as her predecessors. In Mesallia, Thalut IV reached out to make amends and apologies to the King Ioximander II of Erasidon, admitting his father's guilt for killing Ioximander's father, regardless if he was the real Democrates or not. Furthermore, after the end of the inquisition Thalut IV reached out to Mesallia to call back their philosophers and scholars, to once again debate and study in the Library of Iskandaria without fear of persecution. In general, Thalut IV fell greatly in love with Edomite culture, and this is evident mainly by the sudden turn in imperial art in Azoz. During this era, art in Azoz took a shift toward a distinctively Edomite style and imagery, clearly based in Azozan perspective but taking on features that are unmistakably Edom in orign. In the far west, the Garan fleet seizes the opportunity of Darna's collapse, offering to help the former Ulmian slaves establish autonomous control over local parts of their nation, and to spread the Ulmian faith further in the region. Military aid in the east continues to help Emalia pull itself back together. We offer the leaders of the Khin confederacy to be given the finest education in the Empire, helping to teach them the skills and technology necessary to further centralize their government. In the far east support is given for Kahraman's mission to spread the Gospel of Nelrim to the Sillans. 
    • Xeran-Yannis War: Neither the first, nor certainly the last major conflict between Yannis and Azoz, the ultimatums posed by Yannis against Syres and Erasidon were quickly redistrobuted in the empire. Traditonally, the official copy of the ultimatum was recorded in Proculus' chronicle, taken from the Erasidon version. However, in recent years an archaeolgogical excavation in Syres uncovered the Syresian version of the ultimatum, bearing remarkable similarity. The Xeran emperor Thalut IV acted decisvively, having secured the cultural unity of the empire already through his benevolance, he proceeded to call the rest of the empire to arms through collective threat of the outside invaders. Runners were sent to various parts of the empire, as well as Syres, Mesallia, and Emalia, declaring the Yannian threat as a clear and present danger to their very livlihoods, their liberties and their devotion to God. No special force is needed to combat the futility of the Yannian philosophers, as the Theology of Priapas has been long since the norm across all the sects of Ulm across these nations. The newly split religion in Mesallis is treated with the same warm respect as all the other sects of Ulm in the Library of Iskandaria, and the Emperor personally declares his protection of their new sect from the inevitable fate of attack from the Yannis intruders. In order to prevent Yannis from fulfilling their war plans, a pre-emptive strike is initiated by the Empire. The bulk of the navy is deployed against the narrow passage of water between the Yannis homeland and Mesallia, with patrols connecting back to the Nerimos and Seita Gulfs. The primary mission is to destroy the Yannian naval attacks headed in that direction before they can reach the coastline, commanded by the admiral Levian the Nine-Fingered. Even so, a good sized land military is raised from each individual constituient kingdom to defend the coastlines of Nerimos, Tuartha and Edom, further augmented by mercenaries purchesd form Khin. However, the bulk of the land forces are taken by the fleet of Cyris to the far western end of Yannis, invading against largely undefended coastlines near the recently-subjugated kingdom of Xuenoi. Xuenoi are promised their independence from Yannis, and the underground Ulmian followers there are primarily elevated as agents in the region.
  • Malmaça: Cavalry explorers discover a small body of water, which would be used for fishing and as a water source for farming and drinking. All research done in the previous turn would also be finished. The Prophet would issue the creations of the first cavalry divisions, armed with pikes and halberds. Ranged cavalry divisions are still being trained by those who have caught up to ranged cavalry fighting. Soon, all central areas of the nation's regions of the nation would transform into full fledged cities, with its own separate "mayor" being put into place, and a given system for all regions of the country,[still based on the nation's laws] to make the rule of the Malmaçan Prophet more stable.
  • Thïgæ: Sadly, Aropha II dies in 552. Seeing manpower as an issue, Aropha II's son, Yithït Aropha, sometimes called Yithït III, agrees to pay compensation for the war for ten years, as he is more tolerant of Lagalut and Sonaredar. This ends the war with Sonaredar. However, with Lagalut's exceptionally long life, around 70 years, Yithït convinces himself there is a key to long life and potentially immortality. He hires alchemists from around the known world to try to create a serum for immortality. His alchemists create many contraptions, but Yithït finds none that make him immortal. Sugarcane is found growing on some of the southwestern islands. Many farmers start to get lands on the coast to make sugarcane, and it soon becomes a profitable business, as sugar becomes part of the normal diet due to its sweetness. Art becomes more common, and the first depictions of lower gods are found. This transitioned Rathorque into a henotheistic religion, with Rathor as the main god. Many of the stars visible stars got their own god/goddess. The sun is said to be a god who was so bright that no one could look at him and he was left alone. Everyday, he chases the night sky below the world, but the night sky and all the stars avoid him during the night. Urinating in streams is enforced more strictly, with military members acting as police and religious practices condemning it. Each river is said to be the child of the lakes or mountains which they originate from and the ocean itself, which all are the children or grandchildren of Rothar, who is father earth, and the beautiful moon, and therefore, urinating in streams is urinating on a god. Cess pits become used, and the first, albeit small, aqueducts are built, bringing water from the nearby rivers down into "basements" below the government building of the city to make sure that during the summer there is enough water after the rivers have dried up. The first large company, Suga Kan, begins capitalizing on the demand for sugarcane and starts to buy out farmland on the coast to grow the substance. Most of the bought out farmers move north (replace claimed land with rural in the north) or become workers for Suga Kan (replace claimed land/add rural in the south, along the coast). Soon, it gains a royal charter to expand down the southeast coast for the crown and help pay reparations to Sonaredar while growing the cash crop along its shores (add claimed in the south, along the coast). Suga Kan expands to salt, in which they take some seawater and dry it inland. This starts a period of economic stablility, and the state seizes upon the oppurtunity to expand northward to the mountains of the west, staying north of the westernmost arm of the river that separates Sonaredar from Thïgæ. Due to the new source of food (sugarcane) and sanitation (urinating in river banned and enforced) a baby boom occurs. Explorers continue mapping the coastline and areas of the north. Two expeditions are sent over land, one to the east and one to the west.
  • Zelonuma Emiresq: Ten years after his ascension to the great throne, Tincalsheq ordered the carving of his epic into the side of Speaking Rock. There, the great deeds were recorded as follows. It came to pass in Isimandia that neither side possessed the will the destroy the other, so Tincalsheq took his plunder and great success and returned east to create the monuments of the mountains. Around the same time the invasion of the sea people from the south began. They were called Xezozya, and they scoured the coast of Isimandia in search of the freedmen, taking some for their own pleasures, while aiding others. Chief Boros of the north, who controlled one of the four great northern rivers in the Four River Council, led the charge against the invaders. On the peninsula of Desemesc the former slaves came to be ruled by a man named Daco, who ousted the masters in a vicious campaign. There he stood only a few miles from Boros; kingdom, and this grave insult began a costly campaign to oust him. On the nearby island of Romdis was the eternal tomb of the Isimandian lords, and that holy island had been a pilgrimage site for generations. Seeking to protect the dead lords, the invasion of the peninsula was swift. Boros would be killed soon after, but his tomb on the island still remained. There it said, “they called me skullmaker.” In the name of Zexzey, the time lord, the great king Tincalsheq sailed the following year down the long river to the central lake carved by Isim the Forefather, and he arrived in the west to exert his new found influence over the states granted by the first peace treaty in the Isimandian War. Ultimately he would lose control over his territorial gains from the first war in time, but in the meantime, he traveled over land to wage war against a certain faction in the Four Cities Council, and having been victorious, ordered those cities to do his bidding in the western sea. As a result Zelonuma received great tribute and control over the western sea trade, and harnessed their navy to attack the Xezozya from the south in earnest. Three years later he returned to the east, as the eastern bank of the lake became contested by a new kingdom. The vassal kingdom of Yiyizyemyz was established, which would conquer the eastern region up to the mountains of the Zelonuma Emiresq. Then, it came to pass that one of the greater trading posts of the south, just west of the island of Nelyris, became the center of a new city-state, as many Darnans fled to that center of slavery and trade. They supported themselves through the mining operations of the island up river, and traded with the Syresians and Khin nomads, becoming known as Ayzesanu.
  • Ri'Kiva: Faced with the prospect of war, Kal'If submits to the Jyzaridids. However, a polite request is sent to the Jyzaraidids that they place subjugated Kaughn peoples under Ri'Kivan stewardship, as the Kaughn are our kin, and we wish to teach them how to be good vassals, like we have learned. In exchange, we offer to guard the northern Jyzaridid border from Garvnkt migrations and to pay twice our usual tribute, as well as offering the Kal'If's second daughter as a hostage/for marriage. Kal'If Uk also sponsors massive colonization attempts, making large inroads on Kjv'Arn, and pushing up to the Personi border on So'Dor. An alliance request is sent to Eniyan. The peninsula is also conquered in its entirety, due to fractured resistance, and the appeal of Ri'Kivan leadership bringing stability to preside over a constant flux of warfare. All of this is funded because the massive amount of money going into the fortress is now freed up, as well as a boom in the economy. Trade ties draw Ri'Kivan merchants farther along the Irian coast, and along Gahren.
  • Exhulan Empire: With his being viewed as a weakling for giving up Exhulan territory and his increasingly deteriorating health, Emperor Lorgar dies of sickness (although some suspect poison) in 551, just before the transfer of Amyirth into Sillian hands was meant to begin. His son Sassigan ascends to the throne as Emperor Sassigan V, and he proves to be a far different man than his father, especially in matters of foreign policy. Although he is still tainted by his father's abysmally bad ruling in the eyes of much of the nobility and military, he does his best to quickly disprove any notions that he is even remotely similar to his father by Cancelling the sale of Kaloma to Sillas only a few months before it was meant to be officially transferred into Sillian hands, being recorded to have said “ My father was a weak man, and a fool. He was a lovable fool and well-meaning, but his weakness was too much to bear as he bowed to any challenge rather than face it. Make no mistake, my father may have bowed before you foreign barbarians, but I won’t, and neither will my people.” Immediettly before he canceled the deal and declared war on Sillas.Although he allowed the many Sillian settlers that had already entered the land to stay and continue their lives there, he made sure that it was abundantly clear that Amyirth belonged to the Exhulan Empire, and that any support of Sillas after this would be considered treason. He then immedietlly follows his declaration Of war with a pair of two simultaneous and massive surprise attacks into Sillian territory with 16,000 men each, mostly made up of well armored and armed cavalry trained to attack in such measures, one into the northern-central area of territory on the Sillian-Exhulan border and into the area once known as Spauldia, launching it as a sudden massive lighting attack and slaughtering anyone who holds a weapon or resists the invasion. Many are killed in the fighting or intentionally slaughtered by the invaders to cow the rest into submission, but once the area submits to us this stops and the remaining people are spared and they are mostly relocated by the raiding forces and dragged back to Exhulan territory before the raid pours forth again. If this is successful the two groups of raiders attack another area right between the two areas and to the east, with all their combined remaining men in an attempt to take the land, and if they are successful they launch a number of raids and retreats into nearby areas in order to smash Sillian Defenses. (Algorithm needed!) Meanwhile, we begin secretly providing what aid we can to Makuku, and Secretly ask Teninukal if they would be willing to allow us to transport soldiers through their land to attack Sillas, although we make it clear this would be under strict Teninukalese supervision and with the army groups strictly split apart into smaller groups as they march through so there is no way we could potentially do anything (Mod Response needed) Meanwhile, although active settlement by Exhulan colonists has slowed down a lot in recent decades, the past few years have seen a lot of population growth in the region, and thus they are able to expand by another 15 px and build two new cities, which they name Erty and Cciluos.
  • Mesallian Culture: At this time, despite the Ulmian church’s popularity largely being stagnant or even declining, the Ulm church underwent a series of reforms in the Mesallas region. Traditionally the Holy Patra of Azoz was considered the “first among equals” in Ulmian hierarchy, and the unofficial leader of the church. However, several patras across the empire contested this arrangement. In the city of Edom, after the authoritative and influential reign of Apostle Ambranun, the holy see came to be under the control of Scripanus, who was noted for his harsh stance against corruption, immorality, and the Azozian church. Firstly, he was convinced to extend the excommunication of Thalut III on the basis that he had committed several sins against the church. During the massacre in Edom ordered by the emperor, Scripanus condemned the emperor greatly, even when many zealous Ulmians greatly supported the violence against the pagans. To this end, outraged by imperial disregard for religion, the supposed supremacy of the Azoz patra, and the patra’s permittance or inability to properly govern the church, he declared the eastern church to be distinct from the western church. His rebellion in the city of Edom would be short but important, as his stance against the emperor brought him the approval of radical Ulmians, native Edomites, and countless other groups. In Edom his act of resistance would result in his death, although it is unclear if this was ordered by the emperor or caused inadvertently by one of his officials. Most of Scripanus’ chief ministers fled to nearby Lysandria, outside the Edomite borders, as the empire closed in on the state to annex it. There they would establish a “church-in-exile”, which came to be the new center of the eastern church. The second eastern “High Patra” would be Levian, who quickly organized the region of Mesallas into carefully created ecclesial provinces, and sought to win over the support of the local patra of the region. No major nation in the Mesallas region had formally converted to the religion, with the native religion of Mesallas still heavily more popular. Nevertheless, the small communities of the religion were organized into five provinces, with patra being selected to rule each one. One place that would cause conflict for the eastern church would be the northwest Gudumanes near Sericolis. In Sericolis, after the empire of Dionymus and his son Ioxemander collapsed, the kingdom had been left in the hands of Dionymus’ cousin, Xeracles, who had dynastic ties to the Erasidonian royal family as well, in the hopes that this would avoid future conflict between the two kingdoms. Near the kingdom one of the oldest Ulmian cities was Setia, which traditionally claimed authority over the region around the kingdom. The Patra of the Northern Gudumanes, Gianus, likewise claimed religious authority over Setia. At the same time as this change in Ulmian leadership, many changes occurred for other religions of the region. In Edom many of the Zamists fought against the Azozian takeover in a costly civil war, but they would ultimately lose and be pushed out of their government possessions.
  • Glorious Empire of Vhaynos: Another glorious time has passed for the people of Vhaynos, with the successful conquest to protect the insolent children of Jadalan, who know not of the horrors of the world, accepting their offer of peace, we install a puppet prince within the city to keep control of the children within its walls, along with having many advisors who in fact serve as spies, and if need be, assassins for the Timoi. The city is a now a province of the Glorious Vhaynos in all but name with the Jadalanese allowed to hold onto the last meager remnants of their independence. Within the north the city of Rhythnos continues to thrive from trade from Tarīserai (Qaryaat), Irīserai, and even lands as far flung as Gythīseria. The trade routes between the three northern sisters of Vhaynos continue to flourish bringing in goods such as Wine, Olives, Frankincense, Pottery, Cloth, Grain, and Oxen, and exporting goods such as Silver, Nutmeg, Cloves, Pepper, Diamonds from Mang, and gold. Because of this flourishing of trade the two desert settlements expand their urban areas by about 2 px and their lands by about 10 px, and begin to act independent of the Glorious Empire of Vhaynos. This leads to growth in the prosperity of Vhaynos and its reputation as a land of riches abroad. Most notably we begin to open trade with the Dvama after a period of mistrust of their intentions, recognizing them as a state. Our Eastern trade posts begin to expand and become more settled by adventurers, soldiers, and merchants who have started families on them and they expand by about 10 px. Meanwhile, the discovery of a new island to our south has stirred up some excitement among the hard lining traditionalists who still resent the new and foreign religion of Vhaynos. These settlers flee to the Island south of us which they call Āklaterai, and establish a new colony independent of the Glorious Empire on the island, bringing soldiers with them to pacify the native people. The construction of the grand palace in Vhaynos is continued with sections continuing to be built. Meanwhile, in Daima, the new Hartz steel continues to be manufactured, and becomes more and more commonplace eventually becoming the primary steel of the Daima forges, Daima being the main steel producer results in this superior steel being used more and more. Meanwhile, the three northern sisters extend an offer to Qaryaats and its allies against the Menghites having grown tired of having to pay tribute to use their trade routes, it asks to join an alliance against the menghites, and form a league to rid ourselves of the pest DIP RESPONSE. Expansion of our navy continues with 20 Quadrimeres and 15 Dhows being constructed and added to our navy. Using the newfound island as a resting explorers continue the explorations southward of Vhaynos well also exploring southwestward of the island, continued exploration into the strange and chaotic lands of the east continue as well. From Jadalan explorers are sent further inland north to learn about the lands to our north. We also expand our agricultural lands by 30 px.
  • Yannis Empire: The fleet at Tesardya is dispatched to investigate the west and aid the Darnans, or the former Darnans. This is to ensure that the Thotite heresy can not take up any strength in this region, the dispatched fleet hunts down any Thotite or Olmer ships. Yannian ships take up the task that is momentarily lapsed by the chaos in Darna, to ensure that the northern area remains pure and uncorrupted by the Thotites. When it is learned that the Thotites are massacring innocent people in Edom, it is deemed the time to liberate that land. The kingdom of Edom will be saved from those creatures, who have no business masquerading as a state. Therefore, the Thotite Empire is nothing more than a lawless husk, where the cannibal Thots run freely consume young children. Since it is no legitimate state, but a wilderness of animals and creatures, there is no issue dispatching Holy Men to the south, just as one might hunt in the forest for wild animals. As the plans begin for the crusade to extinguish the Olmerites, the Yannis Empire tasks their natural philosophers with creating a righteous coalition. The natural philosophers travel to Erasidon and the states of Mesallas, stating that the Yannis Empire will grant them everything they have every desired; the creation of an independent Kingdom of Edom, the destruction of Thot the Wicked, and the ascension of Mesallas back to the front of that empire. To the city of Syres, the natural philosophers are dispatched. They tell the Syresians that if they join us they can finally have their revenge for the brutal Azozian dictatorship and occupation that had gripped their homeland. Finally the slaughtered Syresians will be avenged, and Syres will become an independent nation once more, fully liberated of the shackles of Thot. To our ally in the Great Lakes, the Anointed One tells that is finally the time to seek vengeance. Thot the cruel, insidious murderer will be brought to justice, for the rape and kidnap of the queen in the Great Lakes. There will be a great reckoning for his defilement, which will bring about the end of that plague for good. All the righteous and just of the world, we shall unite in the great hour of our civilization, and show that we will stand firm against the horde of barbaracity that seeks to eliminate all human life. The world will be returned to its natural order, in which animals are to be animals, and men are to be men. No longer will we fear of the wild animals that stack the Thotite lands, for mankind will harness the divine club to kill those monsters who harm us. It is righteous and holy, and ordained by the gods of all nations. It is simple fact that the Thot monster must be slain, if humanity is to survive, if humanity is to progress. It has crossed the line when it claimed ascension of Edom, and it crossed the line when it defiled our earth. At this very moment the wild animal of Thot breathes the air that is meant for innocent life, and deprives us of freedom to live in peace and harmony. Its presence on the ground below it stains the very earth, and seeps dangerous pus. But there is still hope, through the Anointed One and through Yannis, that we shall persevere and grow stronger. Yannis will arrive as the final torch of mankind, before our fire can be put out, and we will reignite the progress of the world. We have championed the culture of mankind, and it is unethical for us to allow the destroyer of culture to manifest. We shall deal the killing blow upon the grotesque monster. We shall remove its head and tear it piece by piece until it is picked clean like a vulture’s meal. We will strip its whale-like body layer by layer to uncover the multitude of the innocent children hidden within its gullet. We will give back these lives to the earth and to the people, which it has so greedily hoarded. Nolromo the False Prophet, speaker of lies, deceiver of innocent, will be pulled out of his tomb palace and paraded on the ends of sixteen stakes. We shall destroy the heresy, and cleanse the world. So is the word of the Anointed One. And so it is planned that in Year 561 the world will tremble as the collective free people of the world all shout out at once, that we have had enough. In Year 561 we will join hands and pool our power to liberate the world. In Year 561 the tyranny and defilement will end. Praise to Yannis, it will be done. So say the Anointed One.
    • It has come to pass that the heathens have made their greatest mistake, and have turned the entire world against them in their ridiculous attack against freedom and liberty. Thotite beasts were poured onto the continent, where they would be quickly crushed. There the desecrated land would be purged and cleansed, whipping their filth from the earth. The Anointed One raised a large army from across the empire, which would likely outnumber the detachment of Thotites, on account of our proximity to the battle, and the limitations of them having to arrive by their rickety shipps. The most elite forces of the empire were dispatched in great numbers, with a great supply train behind it, and a plethora of the most advanced Yannian weapons of war. The people of the Kingdom of Xanulem, long since converted to the ways of the Yannis Empire, are called to create an army as well, to ensure there is order and justice in their region. The states of the west, who we had supported in an ancient alliance, are called to help surround the invading horde. Together the civilized people of the world will surround the beasts and hunt them to extinction. A second army is raised that is smaller, and it remains in the Holy City of Yagothna-vis, and garrisoning the southern coastline. Finally glorious warfleet guards this coast, while ships transport soldiers to Ixima. Then, while the Thotite fleet primarily guards the area around Mesallas, we dispatch a great army of Holy Men north or Ephenus to begin the liberation. (I will privately tell Vand the size of each army.)
  • Drachenia: Franz I begins to succumbs to age. In the meantime, he educates his son on how to rule when the day comes. the Sudlanders across the sea continue to be viewed as interesting yet friendly people. They speak like us but slightly differently. Just enough of a similarity that translation is not at all difficult. The coastline is settled more toward the north while explorers venture out north along coastal settlements in order to discover anything new. Better housing becomes more widespread while workshops pop up across small settlements allowing far more easier distributions of tools and supplies. The Papst with the blessings of the Dragons, promises nine years of good fortune. Outposts are established on the islands in the Drachen Sea with us claiming full ownership of the uninhabited islands. The strip across the bay also see settlements with the help of the tribal peoples, docks are established and villages see renovations with the tribal peoples being taught how to properly grow crops and produce basic goods and services that can be used to provide income. A small settlement is planned out to be established out on the territory we had discovered across the sea in the coming years with many nobles investing into the effort and getting several dozen lesser off skilled labourers to have a chance at finding wealth by exploring what is yet to be known. An expedition to the region is also planned. As usual, the annual festivals are held with increasing popularity the population also increases. Writing slowly becomes more popular as knowledge and reading is popularized. These discoveries of new land captures the interest of the people within the nations it is seen as an opportunity to expand abroad. Franz invites the leader of the Sudlanders to the nation in hopes of furthering international influence and partnerships with our culturally compatible counterparts. Marten becomes the second largest community in the nation as it remains only behind Dragsfurt. Franzia becomes known for its bitter cold mountainous terrain but a small gold pocket is discovered and mining occurs as a result. Sweet Bread becomes quite popular with honey prices falling. With more fields available to cultivate crops in the outer areas of the empire, woodlands are cut down in lesser amounts but this has not stopped people from cutting down trees for other purposes such as clearing land for housing or simply for heat and other purposes like furniture. Bay Road has become a popular road for trading extended along the bay area with merchants using it to get goods from what part of the shore to the other and transfer goods and income to trading hubs such as Marten and Dragsfurt.
  • Sillan Republic: In response to the Exhulan invasion, Cabeza Qianlana mobilizes 60,000 men and women divided into six army divisions (and operating as two distinct army groups); of which 60% are light cavalry (mounted archers) and the remainder are mounted auxiliaries that dismount upon battle and wield thrusting spears (which could be thrusted repeatedly unlike lances). The light cavalry wear less armor, in order to maximize their speed and increase their maneuverability; thus being able to evade Exhulan cavalry. Meanwhile, the border garrisons consolidate border defenses; as despite Exhulan claims, they have yet to breach the 10-tall and equally thick rammed earth fortifications that have been built upon for decades. The two army groups travel loosely together, in order to screen for any surprise attacks. The mounted auxiliaries also serve as reconnaissance, alarming Sillan armies of Exhulan troops. Upon encountering any field army, the first army group launch a front-line assault with a hail of projectiles, especially incendiary arrows, then the three army split and attack the vulnerable flanks and the rear. While the mounted archers continue subjecting the Exhulans to a near-constant hail of arrows — thus routing them and making them suspectible to melee combat — the auxiliaries also engage in melee combat with their thrusting spears. The sheer weight of the armor and the fact that an arrow within a close range could pierce it means that Exhulan heavy cavalry are unable to match against the swifter, evasive and more long-ranged Sillan mounted archers. The second army group, meanwhile, serves as skirmishers and screeners — thus preventing any surprise engagements or reinforcements. The first army group then retreats and recuperates as well as switches roles with the second army group; and just as the Exhulan armies renounce their position, the second army group mops up the army’s remnants; killing all troops to prevent any information from leaking. The Sillans do this twice for the two armies Exhula has sent; using their maneuverability and multiple mounts to easily intercept them. Meanwhile, Cabeza Qianlana declares, “the foreign barbarian women do not know how to control their men; and thus, their men have deteriorated into the status of beasts, and as such they are not truly human and therefore are not worthy of such treatment.” As a result, in occupied territories, all Exhulan men over the age of 25 not fitting Sillan norms and expectations of masculinity are crucified or burned. In the Makuku provinces, Makuko-Sillans from the more integrated provinces of Funaya and Ragara are sent as administrators to ease assimilation. Meanwhile, Makuku people are encouraged to partake in imperial examinations to advance in status and partake in education in general. A wall is constructed on the Makuku border to prevent the outflow of people.
  • Syres: The nation carefully considers the proposal sent by the Yannis Empire to join it in crusade. There is much support for such a thing among some of the aristocracy, as people are reminded of the great siege that ravaged the Syresian lands, how the Azozians occupied their nation, and how they took over Syresian politics. This group gains traction as the nation is afraid of Yannian reprisal, but they are countered by another group, who considers the cultural ties the nation has with Azoz. Ultimately the second group wins out, but overall the nation is hesitant to fully commit to an offensive war. Instead the city is fortified to protect itself, and hopes to stay neutral if possible. The navy is expanded, which is used to protect the harbor of Syres and the important straits in the north. The nation begins to trade with the remnants of the Darnan nation, and the nations formed from its collapse, leading to renewed interest in the north.
  • Irian Culture: Among the greatest explorers to come out of Iria, and probably the most famous, was Pennesios of Lumos. Born in a fishing village in western Ceta, he had always dreamt of exploring the sea since his childhood. His father was a sailor, who often took him on trips around the shallow inlets and small islands of their home. Hearing tales of the fantastic voyages of legendary men from his uncle Ices, the young Pennesios was enthralled by the prospect of adventure. Encouraged by his mother, and with support and funding from his uncle, Pennesios was able to attend a prestigious “sailing school”, where he learned the arts of the sea in addition to the arts of the land. At the age of 18 or 19, he went to Solcia to receive a formal naval education. As part of his training, he learned the sea routes of the Adsea and went on several trips to the Casphiron, during which time he became deeply interested in foreign cultures. Owing to his keen aptitude and deep knowledge of sailing matters, Pennesios quickly rose through the ranks of the Solcian navy, becoming the youngest captain in the service. He was well-liked by his crew, and always kept his ship, the Falcon, in excellent condition. Eventually, Pennesios was called to war. He was present at the Battle of Simis, in which the Solcian fleet defeated the Sadaian fleet at Pyrgeiros, and he participated in the capture of Sadaium. Pennesios proved his bravery in battle, and was once again promoted. After the war, however, Pennesios left the Solcian navy to pursue his dream of becoming an explorer. He returned to his homeland, Lumos, and was immediately offered a position by the king himself, who was in need of skilled sailors and navigators to aid in Lumos’ colonization efforts. Pennesios accompanied the explorer Dannabos on an expedition to establish colonies in Iureda and repopulate the existing colony of Lannomuntum. The expedition was a success, and led to Pennesios being granted his own command. The king of Lumos assembled a fleet and sent Pennesios west, to discover what lands were beyond Iureda. Pennesios rounded the coast and there discovered many coves which he considered good spots for colonies. He also visited native settlements and traded with them. He kept detailed reports and even drew up maps of his discoveries, a practice that was not widespread at the time. According to the official report which was circulated upon Pennesios’ return to Lumos, the fleet was assailed by storms, monsters and barbarians, although this was likely a fabrication to conceal the exact routes taken by the explorer and prevent foreigners from exploiting the information. Pennesios had been feared missing or dead for many months before he returned to Lumos, evidence that he had sailed a very long distance. Upon his return to Lumos, he was met with exuberant celebration. Later expeditions would confirm these discoveries, and Pennesios was promoted to the equivalent of an admiral. In part due to his high status and his rising fame as an explorer, Pennesios was highly sought by the Thrydacians and other rivals of Lumos who believed that he alone held information vital to understanding the western trade routes. He also gained the attention of the High King of Ceta, Agapenor, who agreed to sponsor his next expedition. On his next voyage, Pennesios sailed up the coast of Ceta with the purpose of improving trade relations with Mithadia, and also to discover the mythical land of “Rhikeba”. Following established trade routes, Pennesios came to Mithadia and fulfilled his mission there, then sailed beyond the outermost straits to the northern realms of the Yazradid Empire and finally the islands of Rhikeba, bringing trade goods from Ceta and charting the coastline wherever he went. On the return journey, he came to a rocky island called Hyoria. This place was settled by Mithadians and home to plentiful numbers of wild oxen. Heading southward, he landed on Aloria, a mysterious island to the northwest of Ceta, inhabited by strange flightless birds. His crew were forbidden to hunt while on the island, for the birds were sacred to the natives. Pennesios also visited Leusos, a smaller island south of there, which he believed would be an excellent launching point for further expeditions, were it not for the protective natives. After stopping at Traikastro for supplies, Pennesios returned to Ceta, again with much celebration and enthusiasm about the new discoveries. Again, the exact route of his voyages was never fully revealed and have only been pieced together by historians. The voyages opened up a host of new opportunities for Irian merchants and expanded their knowledge of the world. Like Pennesios in his youth, Iria looked to the sea for its future.
  • Khin Federation: With the continued warfare, the Chanri Jangah decides to attack more settled areas in order to ensure a maximum impact on the Valun. While still ignoring major pitched battles, he encourages the riders, now trained through years of warfare and armed by captured weapons and Xeran support, to ambush and attack smaller, isolated Valun armies. However, reconnaissance is stressed as to avoid another ambush and it is also stressed that the group of riders who are undergoing such an ambush should not be too large as to harm to mobility of the Khin riders. The Chanri Jangah respectively declines the Xeran offer, citing too much centralization to be against the wishes of Than. However, he dispatches some young scholars, including one of his many sons, to study in Xera. Raiding of the supplies and logistics of the Valun Army continues in earnest. With the number of Khin riders across Valun, some Khin agents or spies are also sent into the settled cities of Valun, where they would begin work. After raiding several villages, the Khin has captured many slaves with metallurgy experience. After learning about this, the Chanri Jangah grants them freedom and tasked them to work within Khin in smelting metal and producing metal weapons, further enhancing the riders of Khin. The number of freemen in the federation continues to grow, resulting in expansion into the northern lakes. The theology of Thanism undergoes further development, as multiple debates occur between Khin priests and the Xera missionaries. These debates results in the conversion of some Khin priests to Ulmism, but also some Xeran missionaries to Ulmist Thanism. The mercenaries of Khin, now working for Xera and well-armed by Xera armor and weapons, ride north to attack Valun towns and villages alongside Xera armies. Supported by Xeran technology and war machinery, they are able to siege and capture Valun settlements with efficiency.


The Yazradid Empire, and with agreement from the Kaughn, view the request for Ri’kiva to govern a culturally different and largely more numerous people as nonsensical, and so they respond to the request from Ri’kiva by blinding their envoy, and they send him back to relay the message that from now on Ri’kiva will pay double the tribute anyway.

Almost all ships dispatched by the nation of Vhaynos to explore due south do not return, as it requires venturing into the open ocean far from any known coast or landmass.

A naval battle takes place in the western sea between fleets from Isimandia and Azoz, resulting in the Azozian fleet being repulsed, but inflicting many casualties.

The Exhulan invasions of the Sillan Republic are decisively repulsed. The invasion through the north results in 7,700 Exhulan casualties and 2,050 Sillan casualties. The invasion through Spauldia results in 5,100 Exhulan casualties and 3,500 Sillan casualties.

The Valun lead a number of raids against the eastern cities of the Kingdom of Azoz, sacking several important cities near the coast. They make off with a large amount of plunder, which they use in the sporadic war against the Khin.

The Meghnites again launch an invasion in the south, led by a rogue general seeking his own fortune. He begins by sacking the Vytian oasis town, although with considerably more resistance this time. They also destroy several towns in Benysira during this campaign, before sacking the city of Kaum in the former Ten Cities.

At the Battle of Hehntooi in central Xanulem the Azozian army meets an army of Yannian and Xanulemian soldiers. The result is an Azozian defeat, with Azoz suffering 17,870 casualties, Yannis suffering 5,100, and Xanulem suffering 6,900. Nonetheless, the Azozian arrival prompts a rebellion in Xanulem, with about 15,000 people joining to support the Azozian army. The Yannis invasion of Sephimora is successful, with Yannis capturing up to and including the city of Ghanis.

  • Xeran Empire: New debates are opened in the Library of Iskandaria, mainly between the Nykosian and Shanzian divisons of Ulm. Mathematics begins to flourish at this time once again. The scholar Khorzin of Apydos was the first to implement a series of logical steps to solve any problem in a finite sequence, now named as an "Algorithm" in his honor. Khorzin was also the first scholar to start using letters of the Edomite alphabet in replacement of theoretic values of numbers in mathematical expressions. In the far west, the innocuous expeditions to the former Darnans were repusled, so instead their isolation is respected, and the Garan navy works to spread the Ulmian religion and Xeran economic system to the kingdom of Jasmira further south, hoping to encourage them to spread the religion by proxy into Darna. The war with Yannis, as described by Proculus, came at a rather opportune time for the empire, and forever defined the reign of Thalut IV as the defender of the Ulmian sphere, owing to his unofficial title "Thalut the Shepherd". The common outside threat of Yannis helped to pull together the otherwise-divided regions of Syres, Mesallia, Edom and Emalia. The Yannian war continues to be carried out on sea with the bulk of our navy at the straits led by admiral Levian. Haleiocles of Sephimora is instructed to prepare his military the best he can to prepare against any possible Yannian invasion from that direction. In our invasion, Xuneoi is secured in the military occupation of General Demur, establishing a supply line back to the coast. Siege equipment is disembarked from the ships, including the elephant core. Demur continued to invade southeast into Yannis territory, destroying as many temples and places of sacrifice as possible. However, he was stopped abruptly at the Battle of Hehntooi, and was thrown back into Xuneoi territory west of the border. With Xuenoi in full revolt, however, the losses in the military were quickly replenished, and Demur turned his attention to a defensive strategy to secure the Xuenoi's newfound independence. He scured the high ground between the two major rivers in the area, to set up a barricade of defenses spaced out between the line of encampments. The seige equpment are repurposed to help as heavy artillary in this defense. The Angelite kingdoms of the Isles are asked to take this opportunity to rebel against Yannis domination, so that their Ulmian religion of peace and love can continue to prosper. Meanwhile, Haliocolis raises up the entire military of Emalia to launch north from Ephenus to strike at Ghanis from the south. Miltiary moved in from Nerimos and Edom speedly moves up the Xeran road system to strike at Ghanis from the west as well. Finally, navy stationed in the straight north of Sephimora close in to blockade the coast near Ghanis, destroying all the Yannis trasport ships there. We present an offer of peace to Yannis, offering to relinquish the occupied territories in Xuenoi and a ten-year truce if they withdraw from the war against Xera, as well as the Angelite Islands they occupied.
  • Hythia: Years 258-267 Since the Return of Hythus. Meunarchs Lyator and Dylus serve throughout the remainder of the decade despite Dylus’ growing infirmity. The fortification process continues with the construction of barracks, military granaries, arsenals, and a network of observation posts. The further use of steel improves the eyscurpieron as the new, tougher material offers greater force when used as bow-limbs. However, the more flexible construction of the torsion eyscurpieron proves more easily transported and so the military relies more on these for mobile use. Steel military equipment becomes the norm for wealthy noblemen and heavy cavalry units, but limited supply means most armor remains iron or partially de-carbonized cast iron in construction. A second major academy is constructed in Wys to serve the burgeoning population of merchants, nobles, and wealthy landowners in the area. The development of more formal poetry and performance art demands the construction of a major amphitheater in Gyt and another begins construction late in the decade in Wys as well. Several small communal amphitheaters are built across the nation as the fashion grows. The conquest of the tribe to the south of Jalor is used as a means to test the military technologies developed over the last 40 years. Hythian Lancers, numbering some 3,000 heavy lancers and 6,000 light lancers, are deployed to swiftly overpower the small force raised by the tribe.[Map Update] The few tribes farther west are offered Hythian guarantees and gifts of iron and steel tools if they agree to becoming Hythian client states. [Mod Response] In addition missionaries are sent west to teach them of Hythus. Several minor cities are built to the east of the Tythies a day’s ride off from the river as settlement of the south slows. Emissaries and missionaries are sent to the mountain tribes east of Hythus to make contact and learn of the savages across the mountains. [Mod Response] Agricultural production increases due to the expansion of farmlands, the use of human, bovine, and equestrian excrement to enrich soil, and the construction of canals and tythoruses for irrigation. Crop-rotation strategies become more entrenched and more effective. In addition, subsidies are given to farmers to establish more large-scale fish, mollusk, crustacean, and seaweed farms in and along the river bank. The population grows immensely due to increased wealth and nutrition. Exports of fine beers, worked iron, worked leather, tools, saffron, and cotton fabrics rise, and trade with the Irians, Qaryaati, Vytians, and Drakans through the port of Gomis is expanded. Exploration turns west, this time to the land known to the Ry’Kyvans east of Cyta (Ceta), but of which little is truly known. Heratia is slowly integrated into the Hythian road network, and the three brothers all receive 100 kg of gold to use as they wish in the reconstruction of their homeland. The eldest and youngest brother (Northern and Western Provinces) each employ the gift to better their country by repairing public works and building new irrigation systems. The middle brother, rightfully named “a spoilt and gutless fool” by the eldest, instead constructs a relatively lavish manor for his personal use. Although the Meunarchs take no action against this, they do privately acknowledge his lack of commitment to his people. Dylus writes to his daughter to learn about her treatment, the nature of the Jyazradid King, and the empire as a whole. [Mod Response]
  • Qera: The begging for help by the Makuku people reaches the court of Yller III with delay. Further investigation makes it clear for him, that he can't simply send aid without provoking an open conflict against Sillas. Knowing he couldn't afford this, the attention is turned to the plentiful filibusters and mercenaries who fight for whoever pays the most, in this case the vast treasuries of Qera. An army of 20 ships and 2000 men are raised to support the Makuku, or at least help them to fortify and defend them from the Sillans. They travel under no flag, to keep the attention off them. Along with ten translators the army arrives in the Makuku reigned territory. Translations prove to be successful almost immediately. Back home, sciences and art thrive under their patron Yller III. The temple in the capital Imbalama is extended with plans to connect it with other, smaller temples around them through tunnels. digging begins around the middle of the decade. Due to contact with nomadic tribes on the west of Qera in the desert, information of civilizations to the seemingly dead west reach Qera. The Qerans call them Tlevehoâtl, the wandering peoples. A band of some adventurers, translators and soldiers join a band of well-known and trusted nomads and discover their trading routes for a time span of almost three years (EXPLORE 300 px to the west). They tell about wonders beyond imagination, cities and animals a Qeran has never witnessed before. After the adventurers return, they bring a camel as a gift to the prince. The area around the southern river is now solidified and a major city is founded on the eastern side of it. The colonies expand as well, Cyrphetzija expands 10 px to the west along the coast with many fishing villages being founded. Caligraphy becomes a thing, when it becomes in vogue to produce paintings by writing poets with the shape of landscapes or animals. A major gladiator fight is reported in Ogaholle, where one fighter reportedly for three days without resting, killing over 20 men. Trade and resource exploitation continues.
  • Tsimdomdu Confederation: The establishment of the Tsimdomdu Confederation in 1MU started the Era of Prosperity, a period from 1 MU-60 MU that prompted the creation of better farming techniques, the taming and domestication of the oxen for agricultural usage, and the slow but eventual creation of one oral language. King Jurungah dies in the year 21 MU, and as such, the following year was used as a proper year of mourning his death. After the election process finishes in the Urumodo Council, Mauaka in-Mulya of the extended Mulya household takes power as victor of the Council games, proving his strength and intelligence against other competitors of the throne. His mission was selected to be focusing on the expansion of the state through a means of settling, forming of cities along the river and elsewhere, and the updating of roads throughout the Confederation. He succeeds in the forming of two cities along the river and the expansion of the nation farther down the stream by 8 px, although much of the land is owned by the militia and their families. Additionally, he succeeds in updating much of the pathways between the five tribes, as well as the newly founded cities, however, he dies in 27 MU. After another Council game occurs, the Yangingoo of the extended Yamboo family succeeds in being placed as King with his tactic use of natural items to defeat and kill his competitors. His mission is stated at technology, of which case the first musical instrument is assumed to have been created around this time. The instrument, known as the Fluk (OTL Udu), is produced and becomes the instrument to be used over the following centuries during the Council games. The shamans of the Zaippuvell Cult begin their public preaching around this period.
  • Telachitul Republic: Armeera seems interested in continuing the polices of his predecessor. As such, annual taxes again swell the nation's treasury by 500 kg of gold (to 5,000 kg). The Republic's exploration also continues, with extensive journeys to the south starting this year. These missions prove fruitful, with natives relatively willing to trade. The sheer amount of trade these missions start to open up force merchants to start using a rudimentary set of symbols to keep track of their inventory and transactions, inspired by more complicated systems merchants occasionally encounter. As these symbols start to proliferate, they find a second use in the hands of the priests of Icrodelpey, the religion prevalent the republic. The priests start an attempt to record the most important religious texts and prayers using these symbols, but progress starts only slowly. Armeera hopes this trade will set the tone for further colonization, with the republic making slow but steady progress along the coast in both the north and south. For the most part, locals are brought into the republic's sphere of influence via trade, but the occasional attack from the small but fledgling Telachitul navy keeps even the most unwilling natives in line. With the republic thoroughly dominating the coast both militarily and economically, a few settlements begin to grow, attracting both republican citizens and foreigners. In particular, a significant settler directly across the bay from Itochitul (the capital) begins to experience significant growth, mostly because of its convenience as a docking location for both merchants and naval ships. The colony's location makes it a useful place to manage both colonization and trade along the coast. With operations on the coast going smoothly, Armeera seeks to make further progress inland. Obviously, this leads to more resistance as the republic's economic and naval advantages are largely moot, but the vast superiority of Telchitul weaponry means moderate expansion is possible, and any foreigners likely can't pose a credible threat to the republic. In addition, the expansion inland gives the republic a convenient source of slaves, particularly from a resistant group the republic calls the Telabarbur. As a result, slavery begins to proliferate, mostly across the rural regions of the republic, serving as a moderate boon to the agrarian sectors of the economy. Iron working, trade, and ship building continue to thrive as the main industries of Itochitul, the capital city. Ship building is particularly important, as it allows for large scale transport of goods along the coast, which in turn facilitate relatively quick colonization, as well as further trading.
  • Ri'Kiva: Kal'If Uk sends an emmisary to try to establish contact with the kingdom known as Vynus. The colony on So'Dor is expanded, pushing all the way south. On Kjv'Arn, the peninsula to the northeast is conquered, adding to the colony. The three islands outside the bay of Ri'Kiva are colonized. Exploration in between Northern So'Dor and Kjv'Arn commences. With increasing pressure from the Garvnkt, Kal'If Uk leads an army and pushes the imperial frontier to encompass most Taraheim land, and constructs forts along said border.  Tribute is continuing to be paid, sadly. Integration of the peninsular territories continues, with incentive-driven road construction projects. A scholar named Jayh'Ovk creates a written language for Ri'Kivan, based off the Hythian script, and the empire enthusiastically adopts it, as it improves efficiency by a lot. Ri'Kivan and Ri'Kivan-cultured peoples move into the conquered peninsular territories, and Ri'Kivan towns begin to pop up, which paves the way for the territories to have self government under the Ri'Kivan system. Local peoples are incentivized to assimilate by elites of their society adopting Ri'Kivan ways to gain favour, but still keep many elements of their culture.

Tsardom of Algeorgia: We expand our army and navy considerably. We expand our colony.

  • Thïgæ: With the large expansion of Sonaredar, efforts to spread in the north and have a big enough standing army to defend an invasion are boosted. Yithït formally apollogies for his father's invasion of Sonaredar and asks Sonaredar if the two countries could sign a non-agression pact for 50 years and agree to an agreed border (will will show you a google drawing, Vandenhoek) (Sonaredar Response). The continuation of Lagalut's long life, with him seeing the death of two Thï monarchs aldready, makes Yithït III continues his search for the immortality serum. This brings many new foods to Thïgæ, such as wine, olives, grain, nutmeg, cloves, peper, calamondin, apples, gooseberry, jujubee, corn, and potatoes. Most grew in the region for quite some time, but none were seen as edible until now. Among them, olives, calamondin, apples, gooseberry, jujubee, corn, and potatoes become another common food in Thïgæ along with bananas, mangos, sugar, salt, and fish, and many go north to produce olives, calamondin, apples, gooseberry, and jujubee [add rural px in the north]. Malnutrition declines due to the new variety in foods that can be produced. Corn, potatoes, sugar, salt, olives, and fish become abundant enough to have a large surplus every year, and those are usually sold abroad. Papyrus also is found. The government starts to clear forest areas in the area, bringing lumber into the most exported goods of Thïgæ, and clearing land for farming. Mining begins in the northwestern mountains to find minerals, ores, or just plain stone (Mod response if anything other than stone is found in the northwestern mountains). Some corporations begin taking over small businesses, like Suga Kan expanding to sugar, salt, fish, and papyrus, and a new business, Hinlan, growing corn, and potatoes, most of which can be found inland. Irrigation improves due to the vast new amount of crops being grown. Expansion continues along the proposed border line, east along the coast, and north to the hills right above [add claimed and rural px in the north, northwest, and east]. With the strange west continuing to be unexplored, explorers continue east and west along the coast [Explore east and west coastlines]. Johdnapanan is asked to let explorers continue exploring their territory, with Yithït promising not to stray from the river or dismount from their boats (Mod response needed). If Johdnapanan agrees, explorers continue north. Two urban settlments are made, one on the northern coast of the north lake, and a mining settlement at the begining of the river coming from the northwestern mountains. Expansions to both 1 px coastal settlements are made, making all the coastal cities 2 px large. A delegation is sent to Johdnapanan to start friendly relations. More to come.
  • Drachenia: With the discovery of Yannis, explorers make contact with their civilization and land. Following this, Karl Wielder, an explorer documents his discoveries as he and his crew travel south. Another outpost is established north of Yannis on some islands. Farmers and construction workers build a dock for ships to land. Franz after seeing how exotic Yannis is culturally compared to Drachenia, he finds it a necessity to learn more. More gold is discovered near the mountains providing a greater level of income. Partens becomes the largest town across the strip where income has grown. With over a decade of knowledge of the Sudlanders, we strive to further improve our relations. Marten becomes known as the most densely populated settlement in the nation. Further expansion southward is made particularly along the shoreline as well. Explorers continue searching southwestward. In the meantime, Franz I requests to meet with a Yannis official in the hopes of gathering knowledge of their culture and possible trade that can be made between the nations. Dragonism is spread to the Sudlanders across the sea with the aid of missionaries. The Land Army sees development with better swords being made for combat. 200 men are stationed along the outskirts of our settlements as a form of security. Agricultural developments persist and the usual festivities go on. A small scale flood occurred during an abnormally higher than usual king tide which inundated some homes near the shoreline. This allows more salts to build up and makes the sought after goods more available. Some farmers decide to grow horseradish as some vendors would sell the item and it has been seen as something well fitting to eat causing an uptick in demand. Sweet Bread becomes very popular as the sweet craze sweeps the nation.
  • Glorious Empire of Vhaynos: Disturbing news from the north reaches the ears of our Timoi, one of our three sisters of the north has been sacked by a rogue of those malevolent animals in human form, whose name the Menghites we must sour our tongue with. Maemon the Terrible, as he is known within our nation, is nothing more than an indolent and obstinate child who behaves more fitting of beasts who roll in the dirt than a man. His ilk is none than better, with their belligerent stances, and greedy nature they take the proper Vhaynosi riches for themselves. They clearly are nothing more than plague upon this earth, a weed to be pulled from the garden so it does not spread, and we Vhaynos and our allies are the gardeners. Vhaynos reaches out to Benyisra, Kepitis, The Magnificient Seven, and Qaryaat to ask them to help rid ourselves of this pests so we may conduct trade on a peaceful scale (OOC NOTE: We are not declaring war yet and this is secret dip) Mod Response and Player Response. Within Vhaynos we begin to gather together our resource in preparation, recruiting spear and pikemen for fighting them, War elephants, and levying cavalry from our vassal Jadalan. Within Jadalan we begin to promote Vyt culture, promoting our language, alphabet, and stories hoping to further assimilate them, we open schools to teach these to young men. Meanwhile, within Daima, the process of making Hartz steel is further refined with it becoming quicker, and easier to make this high quality steel. Within the three sisters reinforcements are sent to the oasis cities and walls are built around it with archers posted at the top to protect them from Menghites raids. Within our city of exiles similar fortifications are conducted with city walls being built in the case of raids from the terrible Menghites. Trade continues to expand within Vhaynos and its colonies with the city of exiles continuing to flourish. Our Colony on the island south of us continues to expand by about 15 px, and a new one is founded on the eastern end by traditionalists fleeing the empire as well. A base for resupply and stops for lateens is built on the southern islands with explorations following the winds. Meanwhile, several explorers take note of similar monsoon patterns in the Ocean and utilize them to sail southeastward and northward back again. Similarly, explorers utilize our easternmost island trade post as a base to explore south. Navy is also expanded this year by about 15 ships. Within Vhaynos the cultivation of a white fluffy plant that can be used to produce cloth begins with it quickly taking root as it is discovered to be very cultivable, this plant becomes known as Prathon (Cotton), the plant originally came from Mang but has since spread throughout the region, and has become used in clothing. The construction of our palace in Vhaynos is almost complete with it possessing a splendor unseen of in the world. Meanwhile, the promotion of the arts, science, and exploration continue within the cities with schools for learning these crafts being constructed along with libraries, and forums. Within the city of exiles, a school for explorers is created to follow in the proud tradition of our ancestors. Meanwhile, farmland expands by 30 px.
    • Qaryaati Dip: King Ahmid agrees to aid Vhaynos in its attempt halt the Meghnite advance west, as the Meghnite horde poses a potential threat to Qaryaat as well. (OOC: The number of troops will be specified on the turn of the war.)
  • Qaryaat: King Adiyyl II dies, and his son, Ahmid, ascends to the throne. The expansion of the kingdom continues. The colony of Bizafir begins to expand into the area around Lake Reyadil and expands to cover the entirety of the Alyeid Peninsula. Meanwhile, the main territory expands east to the border with Kepitis, and Maqiri expands along the Mohejaran border. In the territories of Kumiz, Maqiri, and Bizafir, settlers are sent into loosely-claimed areas to consolidate control on said areas. In Makra, a statue depicting the legendary first king of Qaryaat, King Muhirat, is erected in the city square. Meanwhile, in Bizafir, a town center is built. The Lighthouse of Makra becomes a major tourist attraction in Makra, livening the already bustling and booming capital city of Qaryaat. The thinker Zachai proposes a theory that in the very earliest times, the universe was composed of nothing but miniscule atoms which came together to form larger units and objects (similar to the later OTL Big Bang and Nebular Theories). He also proposes the existence of many worlds, either in a state of growth or decay. Other animals to gather manure from other than cows are figured out, including dogs and chickens. Cotton farming also makes its way down from trade with the Hythians, introducing another cash crop to Qaryaat. Exploration is conducted along the Mithadian coast and inland past Lake Reyadil. King Ahmid agrees to send some mercenaries to the Magnanimous Seven. He also sends envoys to the Lringar Confederacy with an alliance and trade proposal. (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED) A census is conducted in the kingdom. (ALSO, MOD RESPONSE NEEDED)
  • Zelonuma Emiresq: Tincalsheq died and was succeeded by Delsqexze. During his reign he ordered that in order to please the gods the ancient tradition of the southern ranging would be continued. The great fleet was assembled and ordered to sail south through the Darnan Sea, attacking the fleet of the Thotites. Then the ships continued south to raid the Thotite coast, just as their ancestors had done. They destroy the Thotite cities and take many slaves back to the north, which are used to appease the Darnan population. In the west the states of Isimandia are less cooperative to the vision of Delsqexze, but he uses his western fleet to attack the region of Eskaladun, in the hopes of freeing the kingdom from Thotite ownership.
  • Yannis Empire: The foolish Thotite fools who infected the coast have been beaten back. There is great celebration as the Yannis people liberate the Kingdom of Xanulem. The infidel monsters are cast from the homes of the holy and destroyed. A clear message is sent that the Yannis Empire has stood against the side of tyranny and destruction, and has stood for the preservation of humanity and culture. The forces of civilization, and its alliance of the free peoples of the world, proudly rode to the defense of the innocent Xanulemians, in order to defend the weak from the idiotic aggressiveness of the Thotites. There, the Anointed One saw the true form of Thot, and found it more grotesque and deformed than previously described. A hundred slaves were tasked with carrying an old piece of wood over their heads, which was the “throne” of the Thotite heathenry. On top of that throne sat the pulsing, gelatinous mass that was King Thot. His folds of skin were so large that they overflowed over his body and off the side of the throne, with his docile head just barely emerging from the mass of flesh. As his slaves struggled to carry him his limp body shook like a scarecrow in the wind. His skin was pale white and covered in boils, and his eyes bulged from his balding head. As soon as the Thotite horde approached the army of the righteous, they attempted to attack - but the Yannis army managed to destroy them, and the slaves hastily carried off the Thot in an undignified retreat, leaving his army to rot and die. The Yannis army then slaughtered all Thotites, making sure that all Ulmians would be tortured until their shameful heresy was rejected. Then the army received ample reinforcements and sought to destroy the rebellion of Olmerites that had taken place in Xanulem. It was believed that this was likely Thotite sorcery to possess people and turn them to mindless drones, and so these Olmerite drones were swiftly killed. In the south the Yannis Empire supported the side of Haliecles in Emalia, hoping to turn that support into an alliance. The Yannian navy in the region joined with the navies of all the southern nations, and focused on securing the waterway. The Yannian army would march into Sephimora, preparing to liberate Edom. But then, and only if it should come to pass that Emalia joins the heathens, they will change directions, so that there can be no invasion from Ghanis east and another invasion from Ixima west occurred, to completely surround the Ema Delta. (New numbers posted)
  • Irian Culture: Hearing more stories of western lands from sailors around Aloria (Algeorgia), Pennesios explores farther up the coast of Iureda by sailing directly from Leusos (small island to the south of Aloria), which is in close proximity to Iureda. Other Cetan explorers and merchants adopt this method first demonstrated by Pennesios, allowing them to make the distance in shorter time than by the southern route. Irian traffic in the region increases as a result. Enterprising merchants are able to make a fortune by taking advantage of these routes, as Iureda is rich in certain metals and commodities that would be rare in other parts of the Adsea. Other adventurers travel to the northern islands of Mithadia and the lands of Rhikeba (Ri’kiva) and Iasradis (Yazradid), bringing home stories of the great empire and its riches. With much of Iria being united under a monarchy, the living becomes denser and more settled, with many people immigrating to the cities. The Thrydacians (or Lomians) are competing with the Hythians for control of the western plains, sparking conflict between their respective tribes. Seismer Lakros still rules the kingdom from his court at Akodopolis in Paetama province, which has grown significantly over the years, and now boasts an impressive theater, temple, and marketplace. Solcia has finalized the conquest of Sadaium that took place last decade by making it a province. Catules III of Solcia establishes military outposts in the north of Sadaium province to protect the area from raiders, and builds an armory in Sadaium. Meanwhile, bands of mercenaries make their way east overland, offering their services to the Magnanimous Seven and the Lringar Confederacy. Irian mercenaries are widely admired for their strength and skill in battle. With foreign states under threat of hostile invasion, mercenaries fill a role that native troops could not provide well enough. Many men of Ceta and the Solcian isles enlist as mercenaries, creating a class of "free warriors" that includes professional soldiers and sailors.
  • Khin Federation: The war against the Khin continues with much of the same strategy. However, some scholars returning from Xera has brought knowledge of Xeran war machinery and metallurgy, further improving the capabilities of the riders. Raiding of the supplies and logistics of the Valun Army continues in earnest. Khin agents or spies continue to be sent into the settled cities of Valun, where they would begin work. Some spies who have found place within the Valun government begin campaigning for a final major offensive into the steppes to end the Khin menace once and for all. They also bribe some Valun officials to support their campaign. Metallurgy and material of the Khin Army further improves. The number of freemen in the federation continues to grow, resulting in expansion into the northern lakes. The mercenaries of Khin, supported by Xeran technology and war machinery, continue to siege and capture Valun settlements with efficiency. They are further bolstered by the Valun raids in Xera, which incentivised Xeran cities and towns to hire and equip them for protection.
  • Mesallian Culture: Two of the most famous generals of the Mesallanistic Period would both have their empires quickly undone, but not before defining much of the history of their region. In the west this would be Dionymus, whose empire collapsed soon after his untimely death. In the east this would be the ambitious governor Haliecles, who unexpectedly ascended to the throne of Emalia. He would begin a civil war which sought to establish the nation of Emalia as a patriarchal kingdom, hoping to ensure his male descendants would succeed him. To this end he would succeed in having the kingdom recognize his son as heir and as co-monarch, Haliecles II, before his death in the year of the third year of the 87th Jafiad (Year 550). Despite their initial acceptance of a Mesallian king, the nation of Emalia soon saw itself in a second phase of war, as they sought to overthrow the young king in favor of a female descendant of Queen Ionia. As this war raged on the rest of Haliecles’ empire largely disbanded. In the Gabatrian Sea the nations of Taorina and Naro declared their independence once more, while in Idasimos Haliecles’ younger brother, Agetos, would be crowned as an independent ruler as well. In Sephimora the leaders of the kingdom decided upon electing a new king, especially on account of none of Haliecles’ descendants being Enulmian, and so they selected Ichabon III from Nelgistis as king. His reign would be dominated by the orders dispatched from the Xeran Empire, which saw him mobilizing an army for war to combat the Yannian invasion. (More to come)
  • Sillan Republic: Cabeza Qianlana dies – but not before implementing a few more reforms. Partially driven by accusations of corruption and power-hoarding, the Cabeza affirms the Cabeza's status as primus inter pares ("first between equals") and places several measures to ensure equality between the Six Ministers. She also divides the Imperial Court into two houses; with an upper house consisting of representatives from each provincial-level territory (voted upon by citizens) and the lower house consisting of representatives voted upon by bureaucrats and military officials – slightly reminiscent of the Chancellory/Grand Secretariat system. She also reduces the power of the Censorate and establishes a 20-member Grand Court. Assimilation of ethnic Makuku continues.


Several of the tribes of the western peninsula launch a rebellion against Ri’kiva, after the nation of Ri’kiva conquered their lands. A confederacy of peoples is formed, including tribes outside Ri’kiva’s claimed areas, to secure their independence.

The Hythian invasion of the region south of Jalor is successful, with Hythia successfully conquering or vassalizing the region.

The expedition sent by the nation of Qera returns with word of a kingdom known as Ypelomnes, as well as stories of many more nations connected to its trade routes.

The nation of Sonaredar accepts the pact of non-aggression offered by the nation of Thïgæ, and it agrees to the proposed border between the two nations.

The leader of the Meghnites dies, and one of his generals, who was also responsible for the unsanctioned attacks in the south, Ebor, seizes control over the confederacy. Under his leadership the Eborites successfully conquer the city of Lringar, as well as parts of the Magnanimous Seven. This leads to the Magnanimous Seven, Benysira, and Kepitis accepting an alliance against them.

  • Hythia: Years 268-277 Since the Return of Hythus. Both Meunarchs Lyator and Dylus perish in this decade and are succeeded by their sons Gytarus and Myas. These new Meunarchs both prove highly ambitious. They promptly begin work to build a new road east to the southern pass in the East Wall (the one east and slightly south of Gyt proper). The construction project takes four years to complete and stretches up into the pass. A fortress with significant granary facilities is constructed here and is completed in 274. With this infrastructure developed the two Meunarchs march through the pass with a host of 500 heavy lancers, 500 light lancers, and 1,000 Hytoriy Fanatics. The force descends into the forested and wet lands below the mountains to discover the truth about the mysterious evil that has long lurked here. [Mod Response] Meanwhile, the fortification process continues with the construction of barracks, military granaries, arsenals, and a network of observation posts. Steel military equipment becomes the norm for wealthy noblemen and heavy cavalry units, but limited supply means most armor remains iron or partially de-carbonized cast iron in construction. The few remaining tribes farther west are offered Hythian guarantees, gifts of iron and steel tools, and are sent missionaries to teach them of Hythus. They are also asked to become client states. [Mod Response] Agricultural production increases due to the expansion of farmlands, the use of human, bovine, and equestrian excrement to enrich soil, and the construction of canals and tythoruses for irrigation. Crop-rotation strategies become more entrenched and more effective. In addition, subsidies are given to farmers to establish more large-scale fish, mollusk, crustacean, and seaweed farms in and along the river bank. The population grows immensely due to increased wealth and nutrition. Exports of fine beers, worked iron, worked leather, tools, saffron, and cotton fabrics rise, and trade with the Irians, Qaryaati, Vyti, and Drakans through the port of Gomis is expanded. The Hythian government begins influencing internal affairs in the Kledesian vassals more aggressively. Hythian roads are built, money invested in public projects, and generally the authority of the local government curtailed. Royal marriages are conducted with both vassals between the sons of Gytarus and Myas and the daughters of both kings. This is done to ensure their loyalty.
  • Tsardom of Algeorgia: We begin the building of the Great Wall of Algeorgia, a wall that will surround all of Algeorgia to add an extra layer of defense.
  • Makuku Kingdom: We build a new settlement to act as our new temporary military headquarters and de facto capital, and is to be known as TBA. We conduct small raids on Sillan military outposts and continue to send spies to encourage open rebellion in Sillan occupied territory. Once again, we send an envoy to Qera begging for help in the fight against Sillas (YCASTO RESPONSE NEEDED!). Makuku soldiers continue being trained - now with stolen Sillan weapons. The Makuku in the eastern territories continue to live out their normal day-to-day lives, practicing their traditions and participating in the home front. We send a secret diplomat to Exhula offering an alliance (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED!). We thank any and all aid given to us by neighboring Makuku nations and give them something in return as a sign of gratitude. Great Tatina Jahilla continues work in the shadows, not wanting to be assassinated by Sillan spies. With Sillas constructing a wall on our border to prevent any Makuku people from escaping their grasp, our troops begin to damage the wall daily, and spies are ordered to help Makuku people in Sillan occupied territory escape to Makuku controlled territory. We conduct minor expansion in the east.
    • Qeran Secret Dip: The court and the mercenaries agree to send about 1,500 more men to Makuku.
    • Exhulan secret Responce (I haven’t posted as much in the last few days but I’m not an NPC Nation): We send an envoy of our own to Makuku, agreeing to secretly support them in their defense against the Sillian Invaders but telling them we can not do so openly, as we are seeking peace with Sillas and don’t want to prolong it openly more than is needed.
  • Tsimdomdu Confederation: The establishment of the Tsimdomdu Confederation in 1 MU started the Era of Prosperity, a period from 1-60 MU that prompted the creation of better farming techniques, the taming and domestication of the oxen for agricultural usage, and the slow but eventual creation of one oral language. This decade see's the death of two prominent and highly regarded Kings, with much of their additions to the state having been used in later incarnations of society. The former King Yangingoo, with technology as his mission, would go on to develop proper bronze-smelting, evolving the state much later on in the Era of Development in the military sector. He would also go on to develop one more technology in his later years: writing upon stone tablets, which would revolutionize the state of writing, knowledge, and start the decline of oral-memorization. He would die early in the year 35 MU after only serving for eight years, and as such, would be replaced by the short-reigned King Judju, whose mission was stated as agriculture. He would only go to lay out the foundation and blueprint for what would be later known as the proper storing of crops and food during times of famine, however, this idea wouldn't be created or implemented until Jurungah III's reign in 58 MU. King Judju would only reign for three years from 35-38 MU, and would be succeeded by King Bungarrow, whose mission was to properly expand, much similar to the former Mauaka in-Mulya's. However, King Bungarrow's option was to, instead of expanding along the mountains of the region, would be instead to expand along the southern coast and prop up coastal cities, as well as to incorporate local tribes. He would expand across the southern coast by only 2 px before the decade ended.
  • Qera: The successful expedition to the west reveals new trading routes that are just waiting to be dominated by Qeran merchants. The previously conquered territory is solidified. This is achieved through new roads between the various mining towns and new villages along the road. A contract is proposed to the various leaders of the nomadic tribes to the west, that promise to save the tribes from bandits and share the Qeran wealth of the area with the nomads, in exchange for the complete freedom to travel and live in the territory of the tribes, giving the Qeran state de facto complete control over the region '(MOD RESPONSE, PLEASE). Good relations with Exhula,' Dholbalan and Adjiba continue. Anise comes from the Ypelomnes to Qera. The attempts to cultivate the spice by themselves is proven to be difficult in Qera proper, since the subtropical climate is too humid for the plant. Better results are achieved in Uotahtzija, where the higher elevation of the region allows a more moderate climate. Cinnamon and nutmeg is sold off for high prices to the newly found civilization to the east as rare goods. Intellectuals like mathematicians and astronomers are gathered from around the empire to develop a precise calender. The estimated dates for the arrival of dry and wet seasons are already known, but days cant be determinated yet. After a long time of observing the weather and the night sky, a month is defined to be in a 60-day rhythm, while five are in the wet season and five are in the dry season. The 11th month is partially in both seasons. Yller III dies in 578 suprisingly, Zoelle replaces him as Princess Zoelle IV. An expedition is sent south along the coast, to find new trading partners (DISCOVER 200 px to the south). Many say the second great exploration period has begun under the late Rollver dynasty.
  • Mesallian Culture: 20 years after the dissolution of Haliecles’ empire in the Gabatrian Sea, the kingdom would be retroactively called “Gabatria”, after his son Agetos decided to crown himself as “King of Gabatria” in the third year of the 91st Jafiad (Year 566). Before this, he would spend two years conquering the independent nations of the Gabatrian Sea, which would prompt a war against the Kingdom of Erasidon and the nation of Meshwati, as these were the two nations most concerned with the region. Ultimately Erasidon would secure islands such as Oximilos and Ghios, while the primary kingdoms of Taorina and Naro were conquered by Agetos. Their peace treaty would entail recognizing the Kingdom of Gabatria and its claims, with Agetos promising to continue supporting Erasidon’s league by still supplying soldiers from its formerly Erasidonian-dominated cities. Ultimately this contract would not be highly enforced, and for all intents and purposes the cities of the Gabatrian Sea were lost from Erasidon’s league. In Emalia the kingdom’s monarch Haliecles II finally defeated the forces of the Emalian rebellion, with the help of a general and advisor named Myatus. As an ambitious member of Emalia’s court, this advisor would slowly dominate the court and force Haliecles to consider war against his brother, which would bring the north Ema Delta back under his control. The war coincided with the greater conflict waging around Emalia, as the Yannis Empire landed northwest of Emalia’s border to invade Sephimora. In Mesallas proper the Yannis Empire had an army raised, through its Yannian vassals, which would also contribute to the war. The Kingdom of Sericolis, led by Xeracles, would launch an invasion across the sea in order to follow in Dionymus’ footsteps, attempting to take advantage of the chaos in the Kingdom of Xanulem to establish a Mesallian colony along the coast. This would usher in a new era of Mesallian colonization along the northern coast, particular for Yanno-Mesallians, who had since become a major force in the northwest Melopenes. Xeracles would found a fort on the southern coast by the name of Xerama, which would later develop into a major center of colonization. Further northeast the city of Mesoloma would be founded by Yenoctelus, a Yanno-Mesallian mercenary who would make a name for himself in the rebellion in Xanulem. Mesallians would fight on both sides of the Azozian-Yannian War, usually on the side of Azoz however. In Sephimora Ichabon III would be the main figure for the Azozian army, while Mesallians from Tuatha and Neum would be a large percentage of the invasion force against Yannis.
  • Zelonuma Emiresq: In northeast Eskaladun there was a nobleman of Valunian descent by the name of Groundmaker, according to Darnan records. During the great attack on the coast of Ekaladun he would be promoted by the Darnans as a local leader. His domain would be Grisahorun, between the coast and northern lake of Eskaladun. There the invasion of the Zelonuma Emiresq arrived, supporting the local ruler as a unifier of the cause against the Thotites. The west Valunians natives were called the Seivalians, and they inhabited the edges of Valun to the coast, south of Jasima. There the Darnans would create a puppet kingdom to unify the tribes in their efforts to overthrow the authorities of the Thotite empire. Many Darnans would lead forces in the Valun war as well, joining as mercenaries or volunteers against the Thotite expansion. The government of the Zelonuma Emiresq itself focused on Eskaladun, which they seeked to free from the grasp of the Thotite empire. Their warrior leader, Groundmaker, would cross the river with Darnan support and move on the capital, rallying the people of Eskaladun to rebel as they went. He besieged the capital to purge it of its Omerite and Thotite influences, and finally managed to seize the capital city. There he became the king of Eskaladun, and was to order the kingdom to break away from the Thotite Empire, but rather he decided to do no such thing, and simply remained leader of the kingdom. The Darnans, disgusted by his treachery, turned toward supporting Valun in the north, after Groundmaker then turned on the original allies who had placed him in power. The nation of Zelonuma Emiresq build many lavish improvements to its capital, while the former major city of Darna began to decline in population, as many moved elsewhere. Finally the Zelonuma Emiresq fleet consolidated and sought to sink the entirety of the Thotite fleet in order to secure their expansion during this weakened time for the Thotites. And from there much plunder was taken by razing the Thotite coastline.
  • Telachitul Republic: Armeera seems interested in continuing the polices of his predecessor. As such, annual taxes again swell the nation's treasury by 500 kg of gold. In addition, the glut of trade provides Armerra with another source of revenue to tax, taking in 300 kg of gold over the decade (to 5,800 kg). The Republic's exploration also continues, with extensive journeys to the south continuing, and more to the north also starting, albeit at a slower pace. These missions prove fruitful, with natives relatively willing to trade. The sheer amount of trade these missions start to open up force merchants to start using a rudimentary set of symbols to keep track of their inventory and transactions, inspired by more complicated systems merchants occasionally encounter. As these symbols start to proliferate, they find a second use in the hands of the priests of Icrodelpey, the religion prevalent the republic. The priests start an attempt to record the most important religious texts and prayers using these symbols. Progress in this endeavor continues at a tepid pace, but it has both the benefit of making Icrodelpey a more coherent religion and expanding the system of written symbols, which has now acquired the name Eltaphu. Realizing the value in both of these developments, Armeera makes sure the endeavor has all funding necessary. Armeera hopes this trade will set the tone for further colonization, with the republic making slow but steady progress along the coast in both the north and south. For the most part, locals are brought into the republics sphere of influence via trade, but the occasional attack from the small but fledgling Telachitul navy keeps even the most unwilling natives in line. With the republic thoroughly dominating the coast both militarily and economically, a few settlements begin to grow, attracting both republican citizens and foreigners. In particular, a significant settlement directly across the bay from Itochitul (the capital) continues to experience significant growth, mostly because of its convenience as a docking location for both merchants and naval ships. The colony's location makes it a useful place to manage both colonization and trade along the coast. With operations on the coast going smoothly, Armeera seeks to make further progress inland. Obviously, this leads to more resistance as the republic's trade and naval advantages are largely moot, but the vast superiority of Telchitul weaponry means moderate expansion is possible, and any foreigners likely can't pose a credible threat to the republic. In addition, the expansion inland gives the republic a convenient source of slaves, particularly from a resistant group the republic calls the Telabarbur. As a result, slavery begins to proliferate, mostly across the rural regions of the republic, serving as a moderate boon to the agrarian sectors of the economy. Iron working, trade, and ship building continue to thrive as the main industries of Itochitul, the capital city. Ship building is particularly important, as it allows for large scale transport of goods along the coast, which in turn facilitate relatively quick colonization, as well as further trading.
  • Ri'Kiva: We raise an army of 6,000 to invade the tribal confederation (Mod response, please). The colonies of Kjv'Arn and So'Dor expand as well. Exploration commenses once more, from the post at Gahren, going along the western Gahren coast.
  • Drachenia: exploration southwestardardly remains. Outside of this, Neuland, our settlement across the sea sees some expansion as we make contact with the tribal peoples and spread good fortune. More missionaries are sent to the Sudlanders and even to Yannis in attempts to spread the true faith of Dragonism. Some exploration is also made easterly in hopes of charring new territory. the Sweet Rush grows as honey becomes increasingly popular. Franz I passes away leaving his son to take the throne. This is fortunately a steady transition of power and following this, a greater focus is brought upon the navy with more sailboats for war being made. The posts on the islands receive traffic from ships bringing an opportunity to purchase any goods from passing boats. The walls around Dragsfurt are raised with construction of auch being made around Marten as they become the most prized cities.
  • Khin Federation: The war against the Khin continues with much of the same strategy. Some basic siege machinery is constructed in the Khin, although a special emphasis is placed on the mobility of such siege equipment. Examples of siege equipment designed to fulfill these goals include lightweight folding ladders, although only settlements with lower walls and smaller populations will be targetted. Raiding of the supplies and logistics of the Valun Army continues in earnest. Khin agents or spies continue to be sent into the settled cities of Valun, where they would begin work. Some top level spies and bribed officials in the Valun start spreading rumours that the current general of the Valun, in avoiding battles and offensives against the Khin, is trying to preserve his private forces and secure his own power above the Lord of Valun at the expense of the nation. Metallurgy and material of the Khin Army further improves. The number of freemen and slaves in the federation continues to grow, resulting in expansion into the northern lakes. The mercenaries of Khin, supported by Xeran technology and war machinery, continue to siege and capture Valun settlements with efficiency. Paid by Western Xeran cities, they begin to hand captured settlements to these Western Xeran cities for continued support. Thanist theology continues development.
  • Yannis Empire: The glorious crusade continues against the heathens of Thot and Nolromo. It is ordered that the forces in the south are to be taken to Ixima to regroup. The Anointed One asks the Kingdom of Canim to join in the rightful crusade, but in the meantime, a great fleet from the northwest takes advantage of the chaos brought on by the Darnan fleets advance to finish off the Thotite fleet and take control over the northwest straits. In the Kingdom of Xanulem the Yannian forces specifically target the Olmerite rebels who have been possessed by the evil Thotite monster. They are brutally killed with precision, and then the military is able to focus on the main army itself. An army of allies marches through Benekundon, which will completely surround the Thotites from the rear. Then, once two armies have surrounded them, they will lose their advantage and be destroyed. The army is led by the Anointed One himself, followed by many prestigious generals, including Lecnuceves and Telucnu’vumuc. Forces continue to guard the primary coasts of the Yannis Empire, aided by the navy to patrol the shore. In Mesallas a Yannian army awaits the orders to invade Edom and liberate it, and it guards its position. Raids are undertaken in areas less defended by the Thotite, makeshift fleet.
  • Xeran Empire: The Battle of Ghanis is often cited as a pivotal moment in the history of the empire, certainly the most significant battle there was since the Battle of Edom generations earlier. Most of the Yannis forces had either been repulsed back to their navy or captured in battle, with relatively lighter casualties overall. This is often celebrated in the western world as the first major defeat of Yannis, failing to gain a foothold west of Emalia. Ichabon III, the main military mastermind of the campiagn, was awared a new title by the emperor, called "First Citizen", for now on given cerenomally to individuals who display exceptional honor in the service of the empire. The Yannis prisoners were treated with the utmost care and respect, before being relased and forcefululy assimilated in various parts of the nation. The fates of these Yannis prisoners are largely unknown, except for one soldier named Ya'anqob whose life was carefully documented by a hired biographer, Parrax of Seita. According to Parrax, this Ya'anqob went through a gradual spiritual awakening as he traveled to various parts of the empire, at first living in constant fear and paranoia due to the Yannis propaganda he had been indoctrinated with all his life. But eventually, Ya'anqob learned to accept the forgiveness and love of the faith of Ulm, and abandoned the Yannis religion completely. Seeing as Yannis has been unwilling to accept his proposal of peace, Thalut "the Shephard" decided to relax the military of the war for the time being, withdrawinig some troops from the front lines but keeping a strong defense of their protectorate Xuenoi. Xerama, the new city founded by their Mesallian allies, became the de facto capital of the new protectorate. Thalut also worked to help protect the expanding colonization of Mesallia, hopeing that the city-states on the continent would help spread the faith of Ulm to their neighbors. In the rest of the empire, most normal life resumed as before, although there was a cosntant feeling of concern over the unresolved conflict continuing with Yannis, yet embolded by their recent victories. In the rest of the western world, the associated states in Mesallia and Syres had been opened a lucritive opportunity for establishing overseas colonies, especially as the political situation in the homeland had fully stabalized with the annexation of Edom. In the far west, the Garan navy is greatly expanded to nearly a dozen ships in order to combat the new threat of Darna. A sizable military from Fotashe and Azoz were sent north in defense of our ally Eskaladun, immediately under threat from maurading raiders and pirates. The Garan navy then picks up this army from the coast of Eskaladun, and proceeds north to invade and sack as many cities of Darna as can be found, before returning home. After being victorious in Ghanis, part of the military under Ichabon III moves west to prepare for the Yannis army awaiting in Mesallia. A new army raised in Usilinago to arrive at the border with Messalia from the south. A request is made for Erasidon, whose relations we have recently been building, to grant passage of our military to come through and strike at the Yannis invasion forces.
  • Exhulan Empire: With our repulsion from Sillas and the death of the Emperor without any heirs the new regent in charge temporarily, Ryrarx Asoss, decides to offer peace with Sillas, offering large territorial concessions (obviously not all of Kaloma, but a large portion of it) and offer several trade deals highly favorable to Sillas, as well as financial compensation for the invasion, in exchange for peace and a non-aggression pact. (Sillas Response needed!) Meanwhile, with the death of the Emperor without any heirs the regent begins looking for potential replacements, with the throne now vacant for the first time since the founding of the empire. Although many candidates are considered, none are selected by the end of the turn, and many end up suspecting that Ryrarx is planning to declare himself Emperor soon. Trade relations with Qera and Xera continue to improve.
  • Thïgæ: The discovery of Daukani and their vast iron resources, Yithït III sends envoys to form good relations with the nation, and with relations with Sonaredar improving, Yithït considers marrying off his son or grandson to Lagalut's daughter/granddaughter. However, he dies in 574, and Yithït Aropha Rogar IV, also known as Yithït IV or Yithït Aropha IV, takes the throne. Before dying, hovever, Yithït III gains knowledge of advance iron working and papyrus, of which the latter becomes grown in the south for paper. Yithït IV is similar to his father, forming good ties with Sonaredar, Daukani, and Johdnapanan. He considers marrying his son to Lagalut's granddaughter in the late 580's, but does not announce it yet. Meanwhile, expeditions continue to be sent north along the river, east and west along the coast, and northwest and northeast to map the lands. Lands are claimed in the northwest along the border line, northeast to the mountains, and southeast to the tip of the peninsula. Urban areas are built at the tip of the peninsula, at the base of the northeastern mountains, and at the base of one of the other northwestern mountains. Rural areas continue to grow. Papyrus is found to be a good way to make paper, and gooseberry, salt, and water mixture (with the gooseberry making it black, the water making it sort of liquid, and the salt applied afterward to make the painting dry faster). This makes art much more common. Mining in the northern mountains continues to see if there are any precious metals. Livestock is imported from Vytgæ, and a small business of cattle is made, although it is mainly used for milk, not beef. This expands to chicken (eggs), goats (milk), and buffalo (milk, seen as for royalty). Cheese begins being made with milk. Passion fruit begins to be used for purple dye, along with the salt and water mix described before. The rainforest continues to be cut down in order to clear land for farming, and the lumber that is cut down is sold. A census is held in 574 to see a general estimate of the population after the expansion.
  • Syres: The nation begins committing its navy toward controlling the straits around the city, and blocking off access to nations hostile to the Xeran Empire. The Darnan attack is combatted as well, with ships being sent to the coast south of Syres. The Kingdom of Canim is forced to decline the offer from the Empire of Yannis, under pressure from the government in Syres. A large army is raised to defend the city of Syres, and also to begin garrisoning parts of the nation elsewhere. The city begins privately negotiating with the Yannis Empire and with the Darnan nation of Zelonuma Emiresq, hoping to end hostility against the nation of Syres. An envoy states that the nation is willing to offer a white peace between itself and the Yannis Empire, but also another envoy is dispatched the the Kingdom of Azoz/Xeran Empire in order to ensure that our peace offer is also appealing to them as well.
  • Beraba: Beraba continues trade with Makuku, Cazekorom, Teninukal, Qera, and especially with Beraba, as more and more Beraban ships travel up the coast and along the Salt Road. Expansion is completed on the Mikutek Peninsula in the southwest. The textile industry in Beraba continues to expand as more markets are opened with the other nations and more citizens of Beraba are able to afford the lavish garments.


The Telachitul Republic discovers that the natives of the south that they have discovered are much less receptive to trade, and produce less valuable commodities, compared to the more amicable natives of the north.

Ri’kiva achieves a narrow victory against the tribal confederacy of the western peninsula, which shatters their unity enough for Ri’kiva to begin reasserting control over the region. The Ri’kivans suffer 1,190 casualties in the process.

The religious order responsible for guarding the entrances through the eastern mountains condemns the Hythian expedition into the east. When the army proceeds anyway they find themselves caught into a surprise ambush, with results in 850 casualties.

The nation of Mithadia launches a military expedition to conquer the tribes who inhabit the region between Mithadia and the nations of Iria.

The nomads of the western desert agree to the offer of Qeran protection, in exchange for a percentage of the wealth generated by Qera’s use of the trade routes.

The Khin Federation seizes a number of major cities across the nation of Valun, thanks in part to their new use of siege weaponry. At the same time the Valun also launch raids into northern Azoz, harming towns around the capital. With the Khin advance, however, they withdraw to the north to defend their homeland.

The rebellion in the Kingdom of Xanulem is crushed by the Yannis Empire, although many of the rebellion’s soldiers join with the Azozian army, occupying the western one-half of the kingdom. The nation of Benekundon accepts the offer from the Yannians, and at the Battle of Fahnluito the Yannis Empire achieves a major victory. The Azozian empire suffers 18,900 casualties, the Yannians suffer 4,500 casualties, and the Benekundon suffer 5,900. This leads to the Xerans being repulsed to the outskirts of the nation.

The Garan navy raiding on the western coast discovers no Darnan cities, although they attack numerous settlements out of confusion, engage several fleets (some of Darnan origin), and suffer moderate losses. The nations of Isimandia denounce the Xerans as pirates for their actions, and there is an effort to unite against them.

In the north of the Yannis Empire a Niani nobleman named Musamet takes advantage of the war in the south to launch a rebellion, capturing much of the former Niani Empire.

Traders from a nation known as Cruthem encounter the nation of Drachenia, stating that they inhabit a region elsewhere on the Drachenia continent, and wish to establish positive relations with the Drachenians.

The Eborites achieve a major victory against the Magnanimous Seven, which forces its union to disband. The individual cities of the former union become tributaries of the Eborite Empire.

  • Xaren Empire: Culture and science continue to thrive in the empire. Branched off from the theology of sexual sins from earlier generations, a new form of literature appeared that dealt with the rules of courtly love. Romance novels and poetry developed at this time took a different turn from previous eras, now more refined and specific in the tropes and patterns used in the stories. Algebra and algorithms continue to be developed by a new generation of mathematicians in Iskandaria, mainly focused on developing the earlier laws of Boolean arithmetic. Levian the Hermit is believed to be active at this time, who is famous for the various visions he would experience of the higher spiritual realms related to the Xeran Empire. The war continues with Yannis, but this time the focus is far more external to gain support of other nations in the conflict. Erasidon is requested to help destroy the enclave of Yannian military based in Mesallia. Emalia is asked to use their military to invade Yannis directly, destroying the contingency of forces on their border. The invasion forces in Xuenoi are forced back even more, but reinforcements are sent by sea and are based in the major Mesallian colonies on the coast. We support the independence of Niani, especially for the protection of the Ulmian groups there, and dispatch diplomats to offer a formal alliance. A massive military is prepared near the coasts of Xera in preparation of a second attack to support both Xenulan and Niani. The Holy Patra Toneth III of Azoz at this time is quoted speaking frequently of Yannis, describing the Xerans God-given duty to rescue souls from the phyiscal and spiritual torture under the oppulant hands of Yannis, being the very paragon of Drokksid. We continue to encourage the Angelite kingdoms to rebel from Yannis' occupation, and we offer Yannis an offer of peace to end the war, if they withdraw from the Angelites and withdraw from their attacks on Xera. An expedition of the Garan fleet moves farther north to find the source of the attacks from Darna. 
    • Update: In reaction to the invasion of Edom by her rivals, Thalut IV decided that the best course of action to ensure permanent control of the nation is to direclty put it under federal rule. It was at this time that the "Crown of Xera" steadily became more dissolved, with a more centralized administration back to the government at Azoz. Instead of recognizing Thalut as the king of Edom, he isntituted an office of appointing a local governor to rule it as a Satrap of Edom, although they governors continued to be called "Meleka" or "King" in local inscriptions. The author and philospher Praxion is sent as an envoy to Erasidon, helping to mediate the tensions to King Ioximander II and ask to negotiate an alliance between Erasidon and Azoz officially. He informs the king that the Emperor offers to make his cousin, Evanmetra III, the first governor of Edom. With this comprimise being settled, the armies of Erasidon and Azoz combined to crush the invasion posed by Yannis. The Empire here raised armies separately from Usilinago, Edom, and Sephimora to meet in a combined force to destroy Yannis just as they cross the border into Phidonia. The people of the Empire were united more than ever after the publication of Yannis' ultimatum, seeing as all the worst fears of Yannis' intentions were made clear as day for how much they wish the holy realms destroyed. Meanwhile, additional forces are sent to be stationed in the Mesallian colonies to prepare further attack in Xenulen, and a larger force is sent to land in Niani to support their independnece.
    • Erasidonian Diplomacy: If the Xeran Empire promises to appoint Evanematra and her line as governor, then Erasidon will immediately declare war on the Yannis Empire and ensure that the Xeran Empire does not lose Edom.
  • Ri'Kiva: The first novel is written in Ri"Kiva, called The Annals of Love, which details the story of a Ci'Cykian nobleman who is caught between the affections of his partner, a woman, and his lover from his teenage years, a man. In the beginning, everything is mostly all right, until his partner catches him and his lover being intimate. She visits an old sage, who tells her, "look for unexpected opportunities and you shall have your man." When the nobleman is called to arms to defend against a Garvnkt invasion, his partner eventually falls for the nobleman's lover, and the nobleman dies in combat. Kal'If Uk dies of mesothelioma, and so his family was entitled to some financial compensation by the court wizard. Kal'If Biyk ascends to the throne, but the title Di'Cjk-z-Ci'Cyk passes to Bro'Ifh as a matter of convenience. Exploration along the coast west of Gahren continues, as does exploration past Kjv'Arn. So'Dor expands greatly, and the Jal'Thu of So'Dor asks Eniyan for an alliance, promising prosperity and wealth, and offering a large sum of silver. Kjv'Arn continues expanding, and the neighboring tribes are asked to become vassals by the Jal'Thar of Kjv'Arn, promising more advanced Ri'Kivan technology. Old Ri'Kivan poems begin to get written down, and the demand for scribes increases. More Taraheim refugees are accepted, and it is clear that Garvnkt pressure will not cease. Kal'If Biyk plans an expedition across the river.
  • Thïgæ: With the discovery of the west, trade with Vhynos and Dvama skyrocket, along with using Daukani as a trade stop. Gold and cotton begin to be imported from Dvama, although gold is seen as less useful than iron and the newly discovered wootz steel from Vhynos. Yithït IV proposes a defensive alliance between the two countries. [Mod Response Needed] The Aforazi plain is found to be a valley, and is renamed acordingly. With tales of sailors drifting away from shore and disapearing from Vytgæ, most traders and explorers from Thïgæ in the bay of Daukani decide not to go too far from shore, minimizing ships getting lost at sea, but increasing the chance of grounding their ships, almost so that they cancel each other out so that traveling the bay of Daukani is the same as traveling anywhere else. Mining continues to look for any precious metals [Mod Response Needed]. Cotton imported from Dvama begins being grown, and soon many farmers begin growing it for clothing. More of the rainforest is cut to make room for the cotton, fruit, sugar, salt, and papyrus farmers, making timber a large industry along with cotton, fruit, sugar, salt, papyrus, and fish. Exploration commenses south past Dvama and west along the coast. Additionally, explorers go on foot around Johdnapanan, careful not to enter into the country. Expansion continues into the Aforazi valley, northwest along the agreed border with Sonaredar, and eastwardly. More to come after census.
  • Tsimdomdu Confederation: The establishment of the Tsimdomdu Confederation in 1 MU started the Era of Prosperity, a period from 1-60 MU that prompted the creation of better farming techniques, the taming and domestication of the oxen for agricultural usage, and the slow but eventual creation of one oral language. The decade of the confederation's prosperity era sees much development under the new King Bungarrow, who takes it in his mind to not only expand the state southward along the coast by 15 px, but also to advance writing techniques, establish the original version of the Uicdikese alphabet in that same process, and further propel digging practices after an almost untimely discovery in a cave of various precious jewels and minerals. This brings about numerous technologies in this era, including a more updated shovel and mining-axe, although much of the mining at this time is remaining only to a singular cave, with knowledge of resources in the mountains not being discovered until around the time of proper naval advances in the late Era of Development. King Bungarrow would become much more influential than other rulers during this time period, primarily for his advances made within a relatively short period of time. Two new cities are propped up along the coast following the expansion (doesn't matter where, Vand). The Zaippuvell Cult leaves the Tsimdomdu in search of spiritual enlightenment in the mountains. Three new tribes are contacted in the expansion, being the Nanmin, Bantam, and Rogermulla, and they are properly placed within the confederation as compartment states, much like the way the other five tribes are.
  • Glorious Empire of Vhaynos: With the terrible news from the north, those beasts in human form the Eborites have struck again, this time bringing down our allies in the Magnanimous seven. These terrible actions can not and will not go unpunished. The Timoi calls out to his allies within Kepitis, Benyisra, and Qaryaat to finally rid ourselves of these devils so that we may once again conduct our business peacefully and in civilized fashion MOD RESPONSE NEEDED AND EMPEROR RESPONSE. He also calls out to the nations surrounding the Eborites in the magnificient Hythia, and the great Irian nations to help us restore the peace back to the Adsea and resume the flow of spices. (STEPH AND GENERAL RESPONSE NEEDED) We mobilize a force containing some 11,000 Spearmen, Pikemen, and archers from our own population along with some 8,000 of the same troops from our vassal in Jadalan, along with around 800 war elephants. The strategy designed to be employ against the Eborites is called the Rock Shield formation, The spearmen and pikemen shall form a wall with their shields while archers posted behind it will rain arrows down upon the Horsemen, and those who ride against the wall shall be impaled on their spears. While the war elephants will charge the archers causing them to break formation. The strategy shall work to provocate the eborites into attacking us at advantageous locations, and if they don't harassing them in a war of attrition to dwindle their numbers. We transport the army by using our glorious navy. Meanwhile, the construction of the walls at the city of exiles finishes along with them posting some 1,000 troops outside to protect them and ships being built to flee the city if it falls. Around 1,500 troops are posted at the newly walled oasis and desert post city to protect them from Eborites advances. And some 7,000 more troops are positioned to defend the Vhaynosi mainland. To accompany for any labor shortage that may occur some women begin to work at the farms, leading to a small increase in the amelioration of women within Vhaynos. Exploration comes to a near halt within Vhaynos with almost all the focus being on the war effort against the Eborites. However, agricultural land does expand by 50 px, and our colonies on the southern islands expand by about 25 px.
    • Qaryaat: King Ahmid agrees to send 15,000 troops to fight the Eborite hordes.
  • Mesallian Culture: During this time a Mesallian mercenary from the Kingdom of Canim named Iphridantes would be persuaded to take up the cause for the Yannis Empire against the Xeran Empire, and landed with a small army in Benekundon. While the focus was on the east, Iphridantes led his force southwest into the region of Zoramivera, capturing the Syresian city of Losdensport after a short siege. There the mercenary lord would carve out his own kingdom with the backing of Benekundon, bribing his way to receiving 10,000 native soldiers as reinforcements. Over the next few years his small army of Mesallians and Benekundon natives would raid all across the coast, capturing Syresian trade posts and towns. He would attract settlers from Benekundon to occupy the newly claimed territories, and he would use the captured wealth to purchase soldiers or bribe the Benekundon government. After the Syresians had been defeated, and the war as a whole came to a close, Iphridantes would turn on his original patron of Benekundon, using an army of now highly loyal and well-paid soldiers. After a decisive battle near the capital, Benekundon recognized the independence of the “Kingdom of Zoramivera”, although throughout its existence the state would often be forced to pay tribute to either Benekundon or Syres at various times. Around the same time another mercenary, Melsus, would capture the region directly northwest of Syres and bordering Canim, where the influential city of Trisis would be founded. Collectively the kingdoms at Zoramivera, Trisis, and Canim supported each other and intermingled, becoming known as the Mesallian states of the straits. Under pressure from the Yannis Empire, the nation of Erasidon initially rejected the offer to come to the aid of the Xeran Empire. Although the nation was culturally similar to the Azozians, the threat of having a Yannian army on the border and as an Erasidonian vassal made it hard to turn against them. Additionally, the king’s resentment after the murder of his father, paired with the belief that his sister was the true Maleka of Edom, not Thalut’s selected puppet, caused him to declare war in the year of the 95th Jafiad (Year 580). Before Erasidon could do anything, the Yannian army already stationed near the kingdom proceeded southward. Ioxemander II would follow soon after with his own army of Erasidonians and other Mesallians, with the intended goal being to overthrow the government in Edom in favor of his sister. Due to the rumors that Evanematra had already died, spread by the Azozian government, such an arrival would not be as warmly received as anticipated. However, the non-Ulmians of the nation rejoiced, seeking revenge for the massacre instigated by Thalut III the Wicked. When combined the navies of Mesallas would have outnumbered the individual fleet as Nerimos as well, allowing for the Mesallians to order a surprise naval attack against the Azozians. It was hoped that this would destroy the defender’s fleet enough to allow for easy troop movement to the continent, and at the same time, Ioxemander II sought to elevate a Mesallian to the throne of Sephimora once more. While the king may have been personally motivated, the nobility of Erasidon still convinced him to seek a peaceful solution. Once such proposed measure was that Edom would be ruled by Evanematra as an internal vassal of Azoz (not personally ruled by the Azozian king, but still annexed to the kingdom, nevertheless).
  • Makuku Kingdom: Great Tatina Jahilli orders to halt the raids on Sillan military outposts and will stop attacking the Kallahija (literally, Great Wall of Sorrow) that the Sillan soldiers have set up. Spies continue to sent to infiltrate the Sillan occupied region. We continue to expand east, claiming it as rightful Makuku territory. Supply lanes are fully established this year, giving our massive amount of troops on the silent frontline better access to food and other needs and makes them more prepared for any upcoming confrontation with the Sillan Army. Our people in the eastern territories continue to practice traditional Makuku culture.
  • Yannis Empire: A natural philosopher discusses among the allies of the great crusade the terms that will end the war: The following nations will be liberated under a free and Yannian government: the Kingdom of Edom, Tuatha/the Mesallian coast, Syres and the region south of it to the Ashe River, Eskaladun, and Usinilago.The despised King Thot will be handed over to Yannian forces, along with his family, government, generals, and supporters, so that they can stand trial. The former Thotite lands will accept righteous conversion to the Yannian faith. Under these terms surely the Yannis Empire could accept peace, however, on account of the Thotites not being a civilized nation of humanity, but an ungoverned wasteland of animals and primitive beings, such a negotiation would be impossible, and it would need to be enforced through the might of the righteous nations. The great army marches into the small corner of Benekundon and Xanulem that the heathens still occupy. The fleet is to surround the coast, so that every last Olmerite can be captured and killed. We surround the remains of the heathen horde and dedicate our Holy Men toward eradicating them from the earth. The Thot is to be brutally killed along with the rest of his host. Meanwhile, the Yannians laugh at the obnoxious propaganda of the Thotites. “What kind of name even is ‘Ya'anqob’?” remarks the high priests, as the fabricators who created this story couldn’t even be bothered to follow the Yannian naming conventions. Instead the Thotite scribbles are mocked across the world, while the true stories of the destruction of Ulm is underway. It is said that the great inquisition is successful, with all of the Ulmian people captured in Xanulem, who survive, having converted from that vile heathenry. The fall of Azoz is soon upon the world, and all the free nations of the world rejoice at the death of evil. The governors in the east agree to meet with the people from Drachenia and trade, but their religion will not be tolerated to spread.
  • Hythia: Years 278-287 Since the Return of Hythus. The failure of the expedition to the east leads to a brief period of unrest. The death of Meunarch Myas during the ambush causes a succession crisis, but his son, Tysus, is elevated to Meunarch after a vote by the council. The mountain catastrophe leads to growing acceptance of the Bysulan opinion about crossing the peaks. Thus, the southern fort is granted to the order as a second bastion along the Kus Symas. With the situation in the south deteriorating Hythia begins to rearm and prepare for potential war through the training of levies, production of arms and armor, and a census. [Mod Please] The road to Gomis is expanded and reinforced, and several supply points are built in towns along the route. Steel production increases in step with the demand for arms. At the tail end of the decade, the Hythian Unar marches south to the former territory of the Magnanimous Seven, a strong force of 6,000 heavy lancers, 6,000 light lancers, and an additional 10,000 mounted skirmishers. The Unar is led by a force of 32 heavily armored elephants from the herd which has flourished on the banks of the Tythies in the last20 years. The elephant riders are equipped with 12-foot long spears, composite recurve bows, and powerful steel-limbed crossbows. An additional 2,000 men skilled in the operation of mangonels, eyscurpierons, and other siege weapons accompany the force. The Unar is ordered to remove the Eborites from the region and liberate the cities of their dominators.
  • Telachitul Republic: Armeera's reign comes to an end, and as such, the Three Councils (Rural citizens or Telarad, Urban Citizens or Telaslet, and Nobles or Itotelarad) gather in Itochitul to pick a new ruler. The decision is easy, and Unafir, a noble with substantial experience working to expand the republic, is elected. Mostly focused on expansion, Unafir seems interested in continuing most of the domestic polices of his predecessor. As such, annual taxes again swell the nation's treasury by 500 kg of gold over the decade. In addition, the glut of trade provides Armerra with another source of revenue to tax, taking in 300 kg of gold over the decade (to 6,600 kg). The set of symbols now being called Eltaphu continues its development under the priests of Icrodel. Slow progress continues to be made, with a basic alphabet starting to take shape, But outside of the temples, standards remain wildly inconsistent, with average traders using a haphazard mix of proper Eltaphu, foreign characters, and even drawings. However, the system is advanced enough for a priest called Mexotautl compiling the first book of Icrodel myths and prayers, called Eveiel. Seeing the value in this development, Unafir continues Armeera's policy of funding both the scholars who hope to advance Eltaphu, as well as the Icrodel religion itself, working to maintain temples. The Republic's exploration also continues. With extensive journeys to the south coming up increasingly dry, but the north looking more promising, Unafir adapts accordingly. In the south, he focuses the republic's strategy on pure expansion, recognizing that there's no future in trade. Settlers are moved into the most fertile areas, and these settlements grow, with the promise of Telachitul resources attracting foreigners as well as citizens. The comparatively stunted development of the natives allows missions to make easy progress south, with the economic advantage of the Republic proving difficult for natives to challenge, and the navy providing another crucial advantage if need be. In essence, Unafir hopes to bring the south into his fold by promising them development under Republic control and slowly muscling into their territory. In the north, the Republic hopes for a more peaceful mode of colonization—trade continues to bring the region deeper in the Republic's sphere of influence. The ultimate goal is to expand northward and incorporate the less organized communities peacefully into the Republic. With these systems in place, the Republic's borders continue to expand quickly both north and south. Even in the south, locals are predominately brought into the republics sphere of influence via trade. In addition, the reign of Unafir sees the continued growth on the Telachitul navy, keeping even the most unwilling natives in line. With the republic thoroughly dominating the coast both militarily and economically, a few settlements begin to grow, attracting both republican citizens and foreigners. In particular, a significant settlement directly across the bay from Itochitul (the capital) continues to experience significant growth, mostly because of its convenience as a docking location for both merchants and naval ships. The colony's location makes it a useful place to manage both colonization and trade along the coast. In addition several coastal settlements in the south and a settlement at the northern tip of the southern lake sees moderate growth. With operations on the coast going smoothly, Unafir seeks to make further progress inland. Obviously, this leads to more resistance as the republic's trade and naval advantages are largely moot, but the vast superiority of Telchitul weaponry means moderate expansion is possible, and any foreigners likely can't pose a credible threat to the republic. In addition, the expansion inland gives the republic a convenient source of slaves, particularly from a resistant group the republic calls the Telabarbur. As a result, slavery begins to proliferate, mostly across the rural regions of the republic, serving as a moderate boon to the agrarian sectors of the economy. Iron working, trade, and ship building continue to thrive as the main industries of Itochitul, the capital city. Ship building is particularly important, as it allows for large scale transport of goods along the coast, which in turn facilitate relatively quick colonization, as well as further trading.
  • Beraba: Several new significant discoveries occur, as many new nations are encountered. In the southeast, settlements from Qaryaat are discovered around the smaller lake southeast of Lake Conylt, dubbed Lake Ganasea. Known as “Karyat” in the Beraban tongue, these new peoples are greeted with new trade and an offer to send a delegation to the Qaryaat capital, laden with luxury goods such as textiles, pearls, and dates. Also in the southeast, word of another new nation, known as “Monekarto” (Mohejaro) comes up from Beraban traders in Cazekorom and Makuku. In the north, traders and cartographers who sail east past the Cape of Gahren encounter the nations of Mithadia and Algeorgia, known as “Mitkata and Ahlgorta”. They offer to exchange their knowledge of the shape of the land with the World Atlas, and promise to send delegations from Beraba with more gifts when they return. Aggressive expansion on land continues west into the mountains in search of more precious metals with which to make goods to trade, and north along the Salt Road. For the first time in recorded Beraban history, the Princely Council is made up of a majority of women, with female Princesses representing houses Tayanita, Vingod, Rihen, Hjadra-Xun, and Eshashti. Another census is commissioned to survey the growing population of the realm (Mod Response needed for Census). More cultural exchange with Gahren occurs, with scholars noting that both Beraba and Gahren have a common ancestral heritage. The Royal Academy of Beraba is renovated and given its own citadel inside Ngaoudera with more room to house scholars and members of the wealthier trading families.
  • Zelonuma Emiresq: It becomes clear that the Thotites have become desperate due to their ongoing war that they are losing, and that is why they have turned to piracy to support their nation from collapsing. Their act of senseless violence turns the nations of Isimandia on the same side as the Zelonuma Emiresq for the first time, as they have a common enemy against the Thotite realm to the south. And so the fleets of the Zelonuma Emiresq chase down the last remnants of the fleet of the Thotites, sinking all ships in a brutal battle. Every last ship of the Thotite realm is hunted down and sank, and their sailors are all hunted down and killed. The ships of the Zelonuma Emiresq search the shores with great precision, making sure to destroy the cities and towns of the Thotite realm. The Zelonuma Emiresq takes many captives as slaves, while killing many as well. In the west they continue to support the Valun in their war to conquer Azoz. Soon it is likely that the city of Azoz will burn, and the Thotite Empire will finally disband after centuries of neglectful rule. In the meantime, many great projects are undertaken by the Zelonuma Emiresq, which sees the capital expanded greatly.
  • Drachenia: As the new Konig leads the nation into an age of expansion, the population sees a massive boom. Larger families are formed as a result. Gunter Heinz becomes the educator for the Konig's son, Heidegger as he educates others on the basic concepts of ethics and founding philosophical thinkings. As a writer and notable scholar, he works on writing his papers titled Rolandian Ethics, named after his son, Roland Heinz. The first scrolls in which would become the collection of his writings are planned to be placed in the Dragsfurt Library. Konig Wolfram decides to change up the military with significant reform. “If our people are to form Greater Drachenia, it is a must that we become capable to defend our nation to the best of our ability”-Konig Wolfram. These alterations consist of the shield and helmet. These would be used as an asset with the shield rather than being of wood and metal, it shall be forged from pure metal. Helmets also are seen as a must for protection against impacts to the head. These basic tools are necessary for all men in the army. Furthermore, daggers and spears must be carried by every man in the armed forces. Blacksmiths and generals work on new tactics while things such as a formation consisting of closely tight knitted troops moving in a triangular formation. The shield Wall tactic is also worked on to prevent spears doing severe damage. Settlements across the sea continue as natives who join our state are taught our language and dragonism while the others see the might of the Drachenian Army led by Armin Wilten. Settlements continue to develop while large structures and outdoor platforms see a new and popularizing art of story telling by acting. Legends like “Wolfgang and the Wolf” are shown on display with the attraction of onlookers. These things as they popularize spread further outside the festive squares of Marten and spread to Dragsfurt and other growing communities. Settlements spread further out south and same goes for the territory across the sea. These Cruthemians we encounter are sent with a variety of goods and riches. Explorers venture out in search of this nation and ships are sent along the shoreline to look for the nation. In the meantime, further exploration is made inland and toward the west. Food vending continues to be popularized and businesses plus agriculture expands with new lands, more people, and a greater population density.
  • Syres: The nation of Syres accepts the peace proposed by the Mesallians, after years of fighting along the coast of Zoramvera. Having lost the city of Losdensport, the city launched a number of expeditions to the area around the city to preserve the nation’s dominance of the northern straits. On the west coast the primary settlement ordered a series of forts to be built south toward the border with the new Mesallian colonies. In the east multiple outposts would be constructed near Losdensport, in the hopes of eventually reintegrating the city into the nation. To this end the Syresians hoped to overpower the Mesallian immigrants, eventually leading to a coup during a time of Mesallian weakness. A new settlement would be ordered northwest of Losdensport, which would be named Ceneliam, populated by settlers from the city of Syres. The nation continued its policy of fighting against Yannian and Darnan ships, and closed the straits to hostile ships to the best of its ability.
  • Irian Culture: As the Eborites are disrupting trade in the region, the Irians hear of their destructive conquests and send out several thousand mercenaries to fight them. A lot of the Irian mercenaries are from Ceta, men who left their homes to seek their fortune in the great east. Some of these warriors are very skilled, and the tactics they develop while on campaign become the standard for the rest of Iria. Deleimon is the commander of one contingent of 10,000, who wins fame and glory fighting alongside the Hythians. In the west, exploration continues. Lumos' colony at Lannomuntum is supplemented with other trading posts up and down the coast of Iureda. The area becomes known for its lax regulations and lawlessness, which also creates profitable opportunities for the most ambitious of merchants. Some far-roving merchants stumble upon the Kingdom of Gahren, and trade with them. Small populations settle in the islands of Hyoria and Sothor in the Mithadian Sea, becoming a minority in the existing Mithadian and Rhikeban colonies. In mainland Iria, a tribal confederation called the Lossa, an offshoot of the Lomic Thrydacians, migrates north, competing with the Mithadians for territory. From the Lossa emerge two tribal subgroups: the Halenes and Sinenes. They settle on the far bank of the River Dio, and in the Akol Steppe near Hythia, respectively. The city of Kouricea rises to become a notable port in Solcia. Also, some of the frontier outposts established in central Sadaium becomes cities in their own right, most notably Curima and Stratocheion.
  • Khin Federation: The war against the Valun continues. Raiding of the supplies and logistics of the Valun Army continues in earnest. Spies and bribed officials in the Valun continue spreading rumours that the current general of the Valun, in avoiding battles and offensives against the Khin, is trying to preserve his private forces and secure his own power above the lord of Valun at the expense of the nation. With knowledge of the Valun advance North, the Chanri Jangah orders the razing of captured cities. However, in an act of mercy, he banishes the local populace out of the cities before burning most of the wooden houses and looting them. Farms and fields are also burned down and cattle herds slaughtered, whose meat is given to the local populace. The Riders then ride back North, preparing for another major attack. With the wealth captured from looting, Khin trade routes to  Isimandia, Jasima, Syres, Xera and Darna prosper as caravan routes are drawn and popularised for merchants. Weaponry and armor of the Khin Army improve further. The number of freemen and slaves in the federation continues to grow, resulting in expansion into the northern lakes. The mercenaries of Khin, supported by Xeran technology and war machinery, starts to defend Northern Xeran cities from the Valun. Thanist theology continues development.


The Vytian strategy against the Eborites proves to be highly ineffective, leading to poor results at the Battle of Suren. The Vytians form their shield wall, but find that the Eborites have no intention of charging at it. Instead, the Eborite army of almost entirely horse archers uses the strategy of the “Eborian Shot”, in which they feign retreat only to fire backward at their enemy. They surround the smaller Vytian army and constantly harass it with arrows, while the less mobile Vytian army tries to react. In total the Vytians suffers 15,400 casualties, the Qaryaati suffer 8,500 casualties, while they both inflict about 2,000 casualties in return.

At the Battle of Mesoloma the Yannians achieve a decisive victory against the Xera Empire. The Azozians suffer 15,400 casualties, with the rest of their army fleeing, while Yannis suffers 9,900 casualties.

The Niani successfully establish a government, attacking up to the old border of the Yannis Empire. A Niani army also lays siege to Tesardya, and with Azozian assistance captures the city. The Azozians suffer 3,400 casualties in the assault, and another 6,000 casualties from disease and supply issues.

The nation of Mithadia launches an invasion of the tribes to its south. The nation successfully conquers several tribes, expanding up to the border with the nations of the Iria region.

The Bysula grow tremendously in power and influence after the disastrous expeditions to the east, with ambushes that they seemingly prophesied. Their numbers grow heavily as a result, with local rulers near the mountains gladly supporting their expansion of walls to block entrance through the mountains. Members of the order also appear in the royal court, protesting against the regime’s expeditions as unholy.

The Hythian-Irian invasion of the Seven Cities catches the Eborites off guard, leading to the capture of the western city of Eziyishum. As a result the Hythians suffer 2,800 casualties, while the Irians suffer 900 casualties. A second battle occurs after the Hythians continue, which results in a stalemate. The Hythians suffer 3,200 casualties, while the Irians suffer 1,600 casualties.

  • Irian Culture: Once they have looted what they can from the Eborites, the company of Deleimon retreats to Solcia, sensing a lack of commitment on the part of the Hythians and satisfied with their share of the glory. It is a bloody but successful campaign for the mercenaries, and they bring home bags of plunder from the countryside. The company finds new employment in the service of King Catules IV of Solcia during their conquest of Nolossia. The other mercenaries disperse, offering their services to any king willing to hire them. Sea exploration continues around the cape of Gahren, as does immigration to the Cetan colonies on the east coast of Iureda. The Rhossoi lands of northern Ceta become more populated because of this contact with the west, and a number of states appear there. The cities of Kouricea, Curima, Stratocheion and Capezus all expand this decade. The colonies in the Casphiron multiply under the direction of Solcia, Laeberion and Pyrgeiros. Irians are now a minority in Draka, making up a percentage of their coastal population as fishermen, laborers, colonists, merchants, etc. There is an even larger Irian presence in Alyadis, centered around the colonies of Usor and Phereton. As fertile land is plentiful along the coast these city-states only claim enough land to support the crops they require, rather than making territorial claims and encroaching on the native peoples' territory. In this way, the Irian colonists are able to make the smallest imprint on the land while generating the largest profit from trade and farming. Lannomuntum, Sestamnus, and Reradh, in the far-flung outreaches of civilization, are now home to a population of exiles from Thrydacia and Ceta.
    • Kingdom of Thrydacia: Seismer Lakros dies nearing his 80th year. Unlike the empire of the Ludians that preceded him, Seismer's kingdom does not collapse heirless. He is succeeded by his grandson, Xenicetes the Younger, along with a well-grounded chain of potential heirs written down by the late king in a sort of will. For now, the Thrydacian succession is secure. After ascending the throne, Xenicetes makes some reforms to the kingdom. He starts by enacting internal policies for administration, having his officers declare the names, holdings, and population of every land-owning family within the realm. Then, he establishes a hierarchy of privileges, taxation and land allotment, and distributes this list to his agents and advisors. First on the list are the generals and other important figures who were loyal to his father and himself; they are given provinces to rule as governor. Next are the native nobility, tribal chieftains and religious men who hold rights to their land by one way or another. Below that are listed the lower-classes: the tribes, the guilds, and the lesser priests, followed by the commoners, peasants and slaves. A tax system is established along with this, in the form of "tribute" that each landowner must pay. The coastal provinces prove difficult in squeezing tribute from, but they reluctantly concede. Xenicetes also purges those from his administration who may have sided against him. He rounds up hundreds, if not thousands of his political opponents and forces them to work as slaves in the mines of Ambra, dredging up ores below the infernal mountain.
    • Kingdom of Solcia: Wishing to build an empire out of his kingdom, Catules IV carries out a successful (and unceremonious) invasion of Nolossia. The warrior women and their slaves are no match for the disciplined Solcian force sent against them, along with an experienced troop of mercenaries commanded by Deleimon. Despite suffering casualties in the marshes and woodlands and being harassed by Nolossi ambushes, the Solcian army reaches the heart of the country: the old city of Nolossae. When the Nolossi will not surrender, Catules lays siege to their dwellings, starving and later burning them out of their hiding places and ransacking the stronghold. He orders his men to destroy the great temple in the center of Nolossae. After knocking the building down, the soldiers leave some of the stone columns standing. The cracked pillars will become a symbol of the province as well as a tourist attraction in the future. After the destruction of their city, the Nolossi are scattered throughout Iria, and their ancient race slowly disappears. Nolossi becomes a synonym for "titan" or "amazon", referring to those presumed to be the descendants of their once-proud tribe.
  • Hythia: Years 288-297 Since the Return of Hythus. Meunarch Gytarus yields the throne to his son Byan in the year 289. Meunarchs Tysus and Byan immediately send an offer of peace to the Eborites. The terms of the deal include Hythia taking on Eziyishum as a tributary and also the vassalization of the two remaining cities of the Ten: Hattu and Daśa. Although the two cities protest diplomatically, pressure from both Hythia and the Eborites quells their anger. The death of the Joredesh king with only a young son causes a power vacuum in the vassal state. The son is brought to Gyt to be raised by Meunarch Tysus. In his place, a warden is appointed to rule over the nation from among the nobility of Joredesh. This noble, Saloran, swears fealty to the Meunarchs and the region is integrated as a province. The young son unfortunately perishes of an infected wound suffered while practicing the art of the sword. Agricultural production increases due to the expansion of farmlands, the use of human, bovine, and equestrian excrement to enrich soil, and the construction of canals and tythoruses for irrigation. Crop-rotation strategies become more entrenched and more effective. In addition, subsidies are given to farmers to establish more large-scale fish, mollusk, crustacean, and seaweed farms in and along the river bank. The population grows immensely due to increased wealth and nutrition.
  • Tsardom of Algeorgia: The Great Wall of Algeorgia is nearly completed. We begin researching more advanced mathematics. We expand our colony by 1 px.
  • Thïgæ: Getting the results of the 584 census, Yithït IV is happy to see his people growing by more than 125% since the founding of Thïgæ, although he soon realizes the growth rate is only around 1.008. Advanced statistical probabilities are made as Yithït slowly ages, until Yithït IV dies in 592. He only had a wife at the time, Urthït Aropha Rothar (Yithït is for a male ruler, and back then there were no names for female rulers, as there had never been one). No male relatives could be traced except an infant son of Urthït and Yithït, and so Urthït V became the fifth leader of Thïgæ; however, she had a son, and became the queen regent until he came of age in 598. Urthït was a strong, independent woman (like OTL Theodora), and advocated for women's rights, although she could not execute most of her wishes due to unpopularity among men. She let widowed wives or wives with their husbands fighting own land while they were under any of the mentioned circumstances, made forced prostitution illegal, and gave women partial legal rights over their own children, shared with fathers. She also expanded the empire toward the north and east. However, she also offered Vytgæ support in their war against the Eborites with war equipment and 1500 men for Vytian maps and the sale of the southern island to Thïgæ. (Vhynos response needed). Her son, Yithït Aropha Rothar VI, although he is known as Yithït VI, takes the throne at 16 years old in 598. He continues having good relations with Sonaredar, Daukani, Johdnapanan, Vytgæ, and Dvama. Architecture continues to improve, and construction of a large temple starts, named the "Jugr Kalapha". Construction starts off catastrophically, with the main supports collapsing. This halts construction of the temple until 598, when Yithït VI resumes building. Architects from Sonaredar, Vyt, and Johdnapanan are all hired to help build the temple, and this time, the temple is around 1/16 done by the end of 600. The building would be completed 32 years after the construction started, in the year 630. Expansion continues north, along the borderline and into the Aforazi valley, and east along the coastline. Exploration continues west along the coast and north along the Vytian coast. With Vytian ships patroling the coast, the navy is increased and Thï ships also begin patroling the sea, as the Vytian ships seem threating. However, Yithït V explicitly states that Thïgæ has no intenntion of invading Vyt or any of their colonies, and asks for a non-agression pact between the two nations. (Vhaynos response needed)
    • Vhaynosi Diplomacy: We refuse the offer from Tahīserai, on the grounds the sale of Vhaynosi land for such meager gains make no sense to us. Such a deal would require much more for the Tah to give, then what they are offering.
  • Tsimdomdu Confederation: The establishment of the Tsimdomdu Confederation in 1MU started the Era of Prosperity, a period from 1-60MU that prompted the creation of better farming techniques, the taming and domestication of the oxen for agricultural usage, and the slow but eventual creation of one oral language. King Bungarrow dies early in the last decade of the Era of Prosperity, and his death is mourned well after the start of the Era of Development. He is succeeded by King Jillawar, who is the son of the first King, King Jurungah. Some internal discontent begins within the confederation, primarily due to the Jillawar's family connections to the former King Jurungah and generally the Jilbonger Household having large control and influence across the nation. Much of these worries at the time were realized much later, however. King Jillawar's mission after his ascension to the throne was urbanization and modernization, of which case he is regarded for success in completion of that. Numerous housing projects, temples, and market places were built across the nation, both near the major cities and outside them. This leads to expansion by 2 px along the northern coast. King Jillawar dies in 60 MU, but not before setting successive claim of the throne to his own son Jowdah, which stirs conflict since the Council have not started the process to picking his successor. This going against the Council's wishes stirs discontent in the populace for the moment, but the Council's ultimately leniency given and allowing Jowdah gives rise to further centralization, the start of the Era of Development, and the movement toward governmental reform and the decline of tribal society within the region.
  • Glorious Empire of Vhaynos: With our defeat by the devilish and cowardly Eborites, we ultimately decide that to fight an offensive war is not worth it, and orders the retreat of our troops back to our desert colonies. In most areas including the city of exiles, the heavy infantry is abandoned in favor of more archers with the city of exiles and Jadalan beginning to adopt horse archers as well. In order to better defend the cities in the desert. Archers are posted on the large dunes surrounding the cities if our contacts with the natives report the eborite presence, should the riders attempt to go up they will be significantly slowed due to the steepness and loose footing of the dunes, and arrows fired at us will miss their mark due to the winds blowing deflecting most of them. While they would face constant rain from arrows. On top of this the archers on the walls will constantly fire arrows down at the invading eborites should they make it past the dunes. The Vhaynos begin to focus more on growth, expanding our farmland by about 25 px on the mainland, while on the island, farmland is expanded by 15 px. We begin to introduce more crops to be grown - especially introducing grains to be grown in the more temperate areas of Vhaynos that we have received from Irīserai. Meanwhile, inside Jadalan, we begin to encourage the people to further Vytize, with the people continuing to adopt our practices. Exploration to the east of Thïgae starts up again although the explorations are very minor. However, fearing a Tah invasion, we move our navy to patrol the waters around our southern islands and protect them from invasion. After the massive losses incurred at the battle the Timoi orders that a census be conducted.
    • Thï Diplomacy (Thïgæ): With Vytian ships patroling the coast, the navy is increased and Thï ships also begin patroling the sea, as the Vytian ships seem threating. However, Yithït V explicitly states that Thïgæ has no intention of invading Vyt or any of their colonies, and asks for a non-agression pact between the two nations as long as Vyt does not settle the mainland.
  • Qera: The princess welcomes an envoy of Adjiban diplomats in Imbalama in 591. In a faux pas by the diplomats, the court is insulted deeply altogether. A diplomat and nobleman named Lahhwadjar was reportedly making fun of the fact, that the current ruler of the Qeran people is a relatively young female who isnt married yet. this soured the relations deeply. Later, at a banquet the diplomats, probably due to a lack of cultural knowledge about the region, felt treated unfairly and complained about the lack of meat at the table. This, combined with bragging over Adjiban superiority leads to the diplomats getting kicked out of the city. As Zoelle III was known for her wrath and heating personality, the strict misbehaviour of the envoy angered her to such a level, that she had the men decapitated immediately and the bodies sent back home, demanding an apology and a hqâtlezueb (literally, "final pay"), an amount of money, land or grain that is paid as an apology or bribe to prevent revenge. The Adjiban king formally apologizes, just not to lose his face but he refuses to pay. Zoelle III is furious and in 595, after a short period of preparation, war is declared upon the Adjibans. The vassals and the ally of the Dholbalan tribe is called to arms (MOD RESPONSE, PLEASE). The colony of Uotahtzija experiences a population boom, with the average women giving birth to 6.3 children on average. Infrastructure and settlement to the west continues, and plans are drawn to build canals and aqueducts, though these plans are in the far future. To make the coming war strategically and less of a logistic issue, a population count is ordered. Trade with Exhula and the Makuku increases further, minerals and spices are sold for huge profits to the markets of the world. A small market for cinnamon opens in Ypolomnes where Qerans and the western nomads have a monopoly on the cinnamon supply. Relations with the nomads are higher than ever before, since the tribes become wealthiers as spice merchants.
  • Ri'Kiva: The planned intervention in Taraheim takes place, with an army marching and capturing the largest city, then building a string of forts along the line to defend against Garvnkt raid. The Garvnkt are left to muster their forces. In other news, the formality of Kjv'Arn's subservience to Ri'Kiva ends. Jal'Truk becomes Val'Truk. To cement his reign, he requests vassalization from the nneigboring tribes, and offers an alliance to the strongest one.  A comedy is published in Suh'Hyik, called, my Hythian cousin, and it is about a Ri'Kivan who travels to Hythia to live with her family and encounters significant culture shock. It is adoped into a play. Exploration continues, and a colony is founded on the island of Sol'Ace. 
  • Mesallian Culture: After Evanematra was appointed Maleka in Edom the tense situation between Erasidon and Edom seemed to dissipate. As far as personal records attest, the King of Erasidon never liked the Xeran Emperor despite the agreement, but would tolerate him for the time being for the nation’s sake. Instead of marching south into Edom the king instead led a force north into the Melopenes Peninsula, startling the unprepared Yannian forces of the peninsula. A decisive victory would occur, as the Yanno-Mesallians were unprepared for the Erasidonians to turn on them, and were caught off guard. Likewise a small victory would occur at sea, when the fleet blockading near Edom suddenly was ordered to turn on the Yannian fleet operating in the Gabatrian Sea. On land Ioxemander II would continue north into the Yannian section on the Melopenes, which since the time of Ioxemander had been recognized as Yannian but sworn to Erasidon. Ioxemander II would oust the Yannian governor and work to defeat the forces loyal to him, appointing his own governor who was Mesallian in origin. The result would be that the deal with the Yannis Empire would be canceled, with the Kingdom of Erasidon no longer reserving a territory for Yannian authority. Regardless, the now predominantly Yannian population was left alone as it had been, with many of the people of the region indifferent to Yannian rule in Mesallas or Mesallian rule in Mesallas. After this action, Ioxemander II and his army would spend the rest of the war garrisoning this territory and defending Mesallas from potential counterattack from the Yannis Empire. Additionally, the navy would patrol the region and focus on repelling attacks. In the meantime, the king sent envoys to the Xeran Empire, proposing that making peace with the Yannis Empire would likely be the best course of action. The Kingdom of Eraisdon would abstain from dispatching men across the sea to the nations of Xanulem, Benekundon, or the Yannis Empire, preferring instead to guard the territory they already held. However, during this time numerous Mesallians joined the war effort across the sea. Mercenaries would serve on both sides of the conflict, but most Mesallians would flock to a number of kingdoms, outposts, and colonies established on the coast.
  • Yannis Empire: The nation decides to negotiate with the Erasidonian civilization, allowing them restructure their vassal in the Melopenes Peninsula, although some Yannian Holy Men decide to relocate to the Yannis Empire to join the righteous crusade against the heathen invaders. With the last of the Xerans repulsed from the shores of Xanulem the coast is heavily guarded and fortified, and the empire orders the creation of several provinces in the former kingdom to replace the crumbling government. The most prestigious generals of the campaign are to be rewarded with positions as governor. A portion of the army numbering 100,000 also marches north in several waves, prepared to restore order to the Niani region. It is decided that Niani too will be divided into many provinces, replacing the previous government in which the crown of Niani was preserved intact. In the ruins of the Thotite empire, it is determined that peace should come about. As there is no government in the Thotite lands, and nothing but wilderness and wilds of untamed beasts and heathens, a natural philosopher instead is sent to deal exclusively with the Kingdom of Erasidon. They are told that should they ensure that no more wild animals escape from the Thotite realm, there will not be any further problems. There is great celebration for the victory of war. Righteous Holy Men celebrate the fall of Azoz and the destruction of the heathens from the Xanulem region, and it is hoped that the world may never again fall to such evils and disgusting behavior. The Yannis Empire has become strengthened and stronger than ever, through the holiness of the crusade and the just sword of war.
  • Telachitul Republic: Mostly focused on expansion, Unafir seems interested in continuing most of the domestic polices of his predecessor. As such, annual taxes again swell the nation's treasury by 500 kg of gold over the decade. In addition, the glut of trade provides Armerra with another source of revenue to tax, taking in 300 kg of gold over the decade (to 7,400 kg). The set of symbols now being called Eltaphu continues its development under the priests of Icrodel. Slow progress continues to be made, with a basic alphabet starting to take shape, But outside of the temples, standards remain wildly inconsistent, with average traders using a haphazard mix of proper Eltaphu, foreign characters, and even drawings. However, the system is advanced enough for a priest called Mexotautl compiling the first book of Icrodel myths and prayers, called Eveiel. Seeing the value in this development, Unafir continues Armeera's policy of funding both the scholars who hope to advance Eltaphu, as well as the Icrodel religion itself, working to maintain temples. The Republic's exploration also continues. In the south, much of the planned expansion is completely, though colonization continues with the goal of fully encompassing Elcerak, the lake to the south. In the north, the Republic hopes for a more peaceful mode of colonization. Trade continues to bring the region deeper in the Republic's sphere of influence. The ultimate goal is to expand northward and incorporate the less organized communities peacefully into the Republic. Without the south taking as much effort, the republic is able to expand north more rapidly. In addition, the reign of Unafir sees the continued growth on the Telachitul navy, keeping even the most unwilling natives in line. With the republic thoroughly dominating the coast both militarily and economically, a few settlements begin to grow, attracting both republican citizens and foreigners. In particular, a significant settlement directly across the bay from Itochitul (the capital) continues to experience significant growth, mostly because of its convenience as a docking location for both merchants and naval ships. The colony's location makes it a useful place to manage both colonization and trade along the coast. In addition several coastal settlements in the north and a settlement at the northern tip of the southern lake see moderate growth. With operations on the coast going smoothly, Unafir seeks to make further progress inland. Obviously, this leads to more resistance as the republic's trade and naval advantages are largely moot, but the vast superiority of Telchitul weaponry means moderate expansion is possible, and any foreigners likely can't pose a credible threat to the republic. In addition, the expansion inland gives the republic a convenient source of slaves, particularly from a resistant group the republic calls the Telabarbur. As a result, slavery begins to proliferate, mostly across the rural regions of the republic, serving as a moderate boon to the agrarian sectors of the economy. However, the constant threat of attack leads Unafir to start investing in a more organized militia system, which he hopes to formalize over the next decade. Iron working, trade, and ship building continue to thrive as the main industries of Itochitul, the capital city. Ship building is particularly important, as it allows for large scale transport of goods along the coast, which in turn facilitate relatively quick colonization, as well as further trading. With the rapid expansion of the republic continuing, and the population increasing through both high birth rates and foreigners joining, Unafir comissions a census of his fledgling nation, investing 1,500 kg of gold into the venture.
  • Drachenia: As Heidegger ages, he concentrates on the study of warfare at the libraries in a location reserved for that of the royals.He and his father take part in hunting in the royal forests. In the same institution, Jorge Mannheim charts down Kosmokugeln in the skies. They appear to be nearly star-like in appearance yet obviously different if another close glance were to be made. One that appears to be red is named Feurigen after the dragon in control of flame. The center of religious leadership now is renamed to Heilegesland for its now ever so growing religious importance. Marten is renamed to Martenburg with the now great defensive walls established around the now city and its Winter Castle being placed their where the royal family leaves to for that time. Unteilbar's are thought about by the noble Ludwig Von Heissen, a growing town in the southern portions of the nation. Unteilbar's are seen to be something that cannot simply be continuosly divided as Ludwig believes that their is a limit. These are called the Unteilbar's. Heinz continues to push his teachings and philosophical thoughts into the library where nobility and higher up citizens may see these scrolls for themselves as more are copied. Rolandian Ethics becomes popular amongst intellectuals. Further settlements and community establishments are made on already owned territory whilst we expand Eastward on the mainland continent of Drachenia. Trade Posts continue to work well and as a result, colonization along the shoreline of Wasser (land area across the sea) is made with the establishment of Drachenufer as the capital of the province with it becoming an area mixed with salt production, meadows for honey harvesting, pockets of iron, and a nearly endless supply of fish. Konig Wolfram continues the military reform by adding in necessary bodily armor for the torso and arms to ensure our armies are as well defended as they may ever be. With that addition, well-elongated spears are made. In practice, with what had already been done to reform the military, this was a well made boost. The navy also sees the addition of better transport ships and designs added for them to be made for ramming against each other and to suffer less with premium lumber and some metal reinforcement added to the bow and sides of the ships. Furthermore, soldiers are also given other tools rather than just daggers but also axes. Gold continues to come down from the mountain towns which leads to a growth in popularity for jewelry. The Wagner family as merchants who operate the business soon grow to hold a heavy hand over the distribution and production of said jewelry. Heidegger is by the consent of his father, allowed to serve in the military full time and rises with him showing off skill and his cunning attributes that had lead him to victory against tribal peoples who refuse to assimilate accept our welcoming arms to the rising Drachenian civilization. Resistance after resistance, no one can stop Heidegger who had gained the nickname the Prince of War. As he becomes close with the generals, the opportunity lies open for Heidegger to become general. Exploration across the shore of Drachenia continues while we also explore slightly more west and south finding new discoveries and opportunities to trade for more and better resources and goods. More Dragonist Missionaries are sent to arrive in the Sudlander tribes preaching the words of the dragons while the same is done west of the Wasser territories. Migration to the land across the sea continues as their success grows attracting the less fortunate to give it a shot at a new life across the sea.
  • Zelonuma Emiresq: The ruler of the Zelonuma Emiresq dies and is succeeded by Ghebzleg as the third ruler over the Zelonuma Emiresq. It is during this time that the first written records on paper were created by the Zelonuma Emiresq, which contain a vast description of the new king and his life. It is said that during this time the women of the empire wore distinct dresses, while the men did not. However, the king begins dressing in dyed dresses, and wears a wig of long hair upon his head. He meticulously removes every hair on his body, and uses paint to coat his skin. The records then say he revived the tradition of creating a harem of Olmerite slaves, but he chose all child, male slaves. One such boy he made his consort, and they would mate in front of the king’s family, as he forced them to watch. Supposedly the king would kidnap all young children of his family, and force them to join his harem. The girls he despised and treated horribly, being badly abused and beaten. The boys he forced himself upon, and if they resisted he would bind them and break their bones. He decided to line the walls of his private room by strapping dozens of children to the walls as decoration, which slaves would have to feed each day without removing them. As his private room became disgusting and filthy, he locked the doors and became very isolated. He ordered the nation’s builders to create a small mine shaft that ran from the roof of the palace to a hole in his private room, and he ordered that every day several children, food, and other supplies would be dropped through this hole, with nothing ever returning back out. The king then wrote his own memoirs while in his room, stating that while in his room he “played” with the children, every day acting out a primitive fantasy. He would dress in rags and act like a caring gorilla, rescuing the children from the wilds. The children would feed his chained slaves, and sometimes be killed or used as food as well. This continued for many years, with little interaction from the king. Instead his regent, Betha, oversaw this entire project and ruled the kingdom in his absence. Betha claimed to be in communication with the king the entire time, and simply acting out his orders, but instead he ruled the kingdom solely. Under his reign he ordered the nation to continue to expand its navy and attack the Azozian fleet. He had his child forcefully married to one of the king’s illegitimate offspring, and he reformed the government in the capital.
  • Xeran Empire: The army of Usilinago and part of that of Edom aided Erasidon in their invasion of the Yannis vassals, laying the last crushing blow to the foreign invasion. Thalut IV personally thanked Ioximander II for his aid in this conflict, and sent a large donation of prescious metals and perfumse to the kingdom. The Battle of Melopenes was far less heroic as the Battle of Ghanis was earlier, but certainly was more decisive in the political rhamifications. Support continued to be given to Xera's ally of Niani, particularly in elevating the power of Ulmian generals in their military. Most of the army here was sent directly from Azoz through Neum, but also augmented by a large amount of Mesallian and Khin mercenaries, organized by the General Myatus. In Sephimora, the armies of Edom and Ichabon III regrouped in defense to prepare for any Yannis counterattack. Generally speaking, the Xeran empire continued to take on Ioximander's advice and start pulling back from the war, hoping to extend the peaceful solution to Yannis to end the war: pulling out their pressence from the Angelites in exchange for restoring the occupied territories. At this time, Levian the Hermit held some theologic debates with the emperor Thalut, particularly on the morality of his war against Yannis. Even though it was commonly known that Yannis sacked and burned all the cities of their enemies, visciously tortures moral men and sells moral women in slavery, they still are the same human race blessed by the True God, and not some alternate creation of Drokksid. They are merely souls trapped in the decietful lies of the Evil One, and should require no coersion or trickery to show them the true light of mercy. Although Yannis as a nation wishes to completely dismantle the empire and murder both Thalut and his innocent children, it is not any man's right to stoop to such level, but instead only act in accordance to the virtues Nerlim set before us. This dialogue between Levian and the emperor probably played a significant role in the "Civility Laws" made a generation later. Furthermore, this victory in land and sea against Yannis helped to open up considerable opportunity for sea trade, especially as the restrictions of Yannis vassalization were ended. The Azoz navy worked in conjuction to the Mesallian navy to blockade the Yannis warships from the coast, preventing risk of any further invasion. Thalut also worked to start developing a centralized system of mining across the empire, creating several new mines in upper Meran, Frasnoq and Fotashe to extract their resources of gold, silver, alumite, coper and tin. In the far west, the Garan navy completely rounds the peninsula, and founds a new colony of the empire on the far northern part of the peninsula, called the city of Faut-Xeran. In the Near West, we continue to support Khin's war against Valun, and send as much military and technological aid as possible, while also continuing to send missionaries in the region. 
  • Khin Federation: The war against the Valun continues. Raiding of the supplies and logistics of the Valun Army continues in earnest. With improved siege weaponry, the Khin continues occupying ungarrisoned or settlements with weak defense, slowly overrunning and wearing down the Valun. Weaponry and armor of the Khin Army improve further. The number of freemen and slaves in the federation continues to grow, resulting in expansion into the northern lakes. The mercenaries of Khin, supported by Xeran technology and war machinery, continues to defend Northern Xeran cities from the Valun. Thanist theology continues development.