Alternative History

The 8th and 7th Centuries are the fourth section of the Iron Age.

Iron Age Pt. 3:
1000-801 BCE
Iron Age Pt. 4
800-601 BCE
Iron Age Pt. 5:
600-401 BCE


The ascendance of Tabiry was not met with much resistance as previous female Pharaohs who rule over the Egyptian Empire. Tabiry though was known for her vassalization of the two warring Libyan nations that had grown in power over the centuries. These two nations were no longer the once loose tribes that raided the towns across the Egyptian border and skirmish with the Egyptian army. Tabiry stepped in during a time when a war threatened to tear these two nations asunder, Tabiry stepped in and invaded the two nations and after a quick six months conquered both territories and quickly made them vassals to be used by the Egyptians. Tabiry was even the first Pharaoh to open up trade with the newly created nations in Italia, specifically the Romans. The trade with the nations from Italia expanded the opportunities for the Egyptians across the Mediterranean, as it could be used as a stopping point for the rest of Western Europa. Her son Ka would take a similar stance of leading the Egyptian Empire once he ascended to the throne. Instead of continuing to help with trade in the newly opened Euopa routes, he opted to work on the trade ruotes in Ifran and in Asia. Such as re-establishing trade with the Indus people's after their great fracturing. Along with opening up trade with the rising nations in the Northeastern Levant, after a great time of not treating these nations as viable trade partners. Ka then found a way to deal with the growing problems in Egypt's southern territories as growing raiders from Aithiopia had grown to considerable size. Ka copied the exact same strategy his mother Tabiry did with the Libyans. He commanded his army in the region to quickly conquer the nation and force them into submission, and waiting for their only option to become a vassal of the Egyptians. Ka succeeded quickly with a year long campaign in the nation. The future Pharaohs would have to deal with the rising Assyrian problem, future Pharaohs would try and keep tensions between the two empires low. Though for every step that was taken forward, two steps would be taken back due to, newer rulers ascending to the throne and setting relations back further.


Grand Union Anatolia Map c

1 - Magna Graecia, 2 - Greeks, 3 - Macedonia, 4 - Athens, 5 - Corinth, 6 - Sparta, 7 - Phrygia, 8 - Bithynia, 9 - Arzawa, 10 - Mogola, 11 - Hatip, 12 - Alshe, 13 - Urartu, 14 - Armenia, 15 - Shupria, 16 - Nairi, 17 - Medes

In Anatolia, nations were fluctuating frequently. After the Hittites fell apart in the ninth century BCE, Bithynia swooped in to take the remains. The small villiages surrendered to their large forces quickly, especially since they didn't have an emperor of their own. Places like Arzawa and Mogola got their original royal families back, and helped Bithynia with their conquest of the former Hittites. Egypt took what was the official successor state and seized it, in order to set up a client state of their own, called Hatip. Greek states were also doing well, with places like Sparta getting consistant trade from Mogola and Egypt. Macedonia was doing well for itself as well, and also frequently traded with Phrygia and Bithynia. Eneti was doing even better than the previous centuries, and was the main power in Anatolia (save for Egypt). They expanded far into Armenia, and had coastal settlements all around the Sea of Adonai.


Europa had been quickly rising up since the 9th Century BCE. The first being the rise of the Mycenaean civilization had risen up form its once loose confederation of tribes into great and powerful city states in Greece. With many notable city-states such as the cities of Corinth, Sparta, and Athens; these city-states became the pinnacle of the Greek civilizations and great powers in Europe. Though the Greeks had a younger sibling who rose up with them, the Latin culture, had finally begun to unite under single banners instead of the various tribes. Rome was easily the most powerful of the Latin nations to rise up, being founded in the center of Italia and a great launching point to trade around the Mediterranean. Though Rome was powerful in it's own right it still suffered from many raids from Northern Italia. Rome was the main target of these raiders. These constant raids stop their expansion northward as they were never able to fully secure their northern borders. The south wasn't an available option either as many other strong powerful city-states had risen up from trade from the Greeks.

Though none greater rise of a Europan nation is as grand or heroic as the Cogotas Empire. The Iberian tribes had been suffering from constant raids from barbaric raiders from Francia. These barbaric raiders would be the ancestors to the Celtic peoples of the Breton Isles. The Iberian people were caught between a civilization that was a mix between the Europan and the Anatolian style of life. Various city-states had risen up in the late 8th Century BCE. It was not until the ruler of the city-state of Cogotas, Aeneas Remus, worked his way into forming multiple alliances with one another to fight back these raiders. Remus brought the prospect of bringing the offensive to the raiders, as the raiders were very disorganized in their way of fighting and would never be able to mount an effective defense against the much larger and more well equipped Cogotas military. After ten years of conflict and fighting the Cogotas were able to force the raiders out of the Iberian Peninsula and back into mainland Europa. The Cogotas however did not fully disunite after the war, many stayed with many of their alliances forming large nations. The greatest of them all was the nation of the Cogotas I Empire under the rule of Emperor Aeneas Remus.

Those raiders however would either decide to sneak and settle in Iberia, settle in mainland Europa, or even join their brethren in Italia to raid the Latin city-states.


Grand Union China Map c

1 - Eastern Zhou, 2 - Cai, 3 - Chen, 4 - Song, 5 - Zheng, 6 - Wey, 7 - Cao, 8 - Deng

The Spring and Autumn period was a period that began in 771 BC, which corresponds roughly to the first half of the Eastern Zhou dynasty. The period's name derives from the Spring and Autumn Annals, a chronicle of the small state of Lu between 722 and 479 BC, which tradition further associates with Confucianism. During the Spring and Autumn period, China's feudal system became largely irrelevant. The Zhou kings held nominal power, only had true control over only a small royal county centered on their capital, Louyi. During the early part of the Zhou dynasty period, royal relatives and generals had been given control over small regions in an effort to maintain Zhou authority over vast territory. As the power of the Zhou kings waned, these regions became increasingly independent states of their own. The most important feudal princes (known later as the twelve vassals) came together in regular conferences where they decided important matters, such as military expeditions against foreign groups or against offending nobles. During these conferences one vassal leader was sometimes declared the military leader, and was given leadership over the armies of all the Zhou states.

Rest of the World[]

In the Assyrian Empire a strong power would rise up and overthrow the once great empire replacing the current dynasty and the Assyrian Empire. As a rogue noble from the city of Babylon would rise up against the Assyrian rulers, his charisma unmatched by anyone. He was also able to convince his people he was the chosen ruler, born from the gods themselves to help lead the people away from their destructive path. The Babylonians would fight a long and bloody civil war with the old and decaying Assyrian Empire, who had grown to allow others from outside it's nation to settle in it. The Assyrians were able to conquer the Babylonian capital after a fifteen year war. Though instead of sacking Babylonia they chose to leave it standing and merely executed the noble dynasty. The Assyrian Empire however continued to improve relations with the neighboring nations in attempts to annex the kingdoms surrounding them and expand eastward, to form a power to rival the Egyptians.

In the continent of Aztlan local tribes began forming and coalescing into nations and confederations, instead of small tribes that were the norm for the continent.

Grand Union World Map c

World c. 675 BCE