Alternative History

This Althist was created by Metalshadow455.


In OTL, 9/11 was a traumatic event involving the terrorist group Al-Qaeda, who hijacked 4 American passenger planes and crashed two of them into the Twin Towers and one into the Pentagon. The fourth one, however, was stopped by brave passengers and crashed it into a hill. This Alt History shows what could have happened. Instead of attacking America, Al-Qaeda went on an all out assault on as many strong and nearby countries as possible. The countries included: The United States, The United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Russia, Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia, China, Japan, and Morocco. Now there's a large war that's only been going on for 12 days, and has already claimed two-hundred-thousand lives.


Green - Neutral.

Dark Blue - Directly fighting against terrorists.

Light Blue - Supporting Dark Blue countries.

Dark Red - Directly fighting alongside terrorists.

Light Red - Supporting Dark Red countries.


Metalshadow455 - Sweden/Administrator (Creator)

Example - Country/Player;Moderator;Administrator



September 25th - Sweden begins to send supplies to Russia and France, preparing the National Guardsmen and Militias. Terrorist propaganda has been spotted on social media.

September 26th - Swedish Militias and Nation Guardsmen line up along important city borders.

September 27th - A Swedish city is attacked and overtaken by terrorists. The city has been barricaded.

September 30th- The United States, The United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Russia, Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia, China, Japan, and Morocco make the tough decision to nuke the entire Middle East, minus Israel, becuase the US said they weren't involved. The Middle East gets nuked, with death tolls in the millions. RIP to all the innocents lost.
