Alternative History


The point of divergence happened around the year 1790. The exact date was never verified by the Timeline Maintenance and Security Division. Before, history had occurred like we know it did. Christopher Columbus discovered the New World. Britain, France, and Spain colonized this new land. Wars happened as they did.

World Map 1790

The world in 1790

The world was the same. In 1776, the 13 British colonies, that today are known as the United States of America, declared independence. This is thought to have triggered the point of divergence of 1790, simply known as POD-1790. In 1790, the young American nation stretched to the Mississippi River. The British Empire controlled territories all over the world. France controlled the Louisiana Territory. Spain occupied the American southwest and almost all of Latin America. Russia was a titanic empire. So was China. New nations were being created and old ones crumbled.

In the 1800s, the world was changing. The US had acquired new land. Territories, like those of Spain, had become autonomous. Some, decades before they actually did. Around 1830, the west British-Canadian territories declared their independence from England, and called themselves the United Provinces of West Columbia. The English refused to recognize the UPWC as a sovereign state, and so still controlled it. The US, who did identify the UPWC as a free country, began to trade with it. When the UPWC declared war on England, it sought help from the United States. The US wanted to remain neutral in the conflict, and so only traded weapons. After two years of war, the UPWC was losing, and pleaded to the US for help once more. Economic problems within the UPWC weakened it, and it asked the US for the nation to be annexed. The US did so, and Britain, who still did not recognize the nation as independent, was outraged. It accused the United States of invading British territory, and declared war.

World Map 1812

The world in 1812.

The US-British War

The War of 1812 never happened. As a result, the United States didn't gain its status as an important nation until the 1830s. General Abraham Darius Whitfield of Britain was assigned as cavalry commander on both the UPWC rebellion and the US-British War. He commandeered an army of about 20,000, the largest in the Canadian territories. President Andrew Jackson assigned General Franklin

World Map 1830

The world in 1830

Humbert as commander in the Canadian lines. General Humbert was known for his rough attitude and perseverance. In January of 1834, General Whitfield led his army across the Continental Range onto British Columbia when he and his army were surrounded by US troops and former UPWC rebels. General Whitfield was captured, but was given the chance to escape. He denied, saying: "I will not flee from the enemy; not now or never." He was executed at Mica Creek three hours later. The British parliament, seeing how powerful the joint army of US and rebel troops was, sent Generals Charles Deere and William Whitfield to replace the fallen A.D. Whitfield. General Deere commanded the North-East Army and General W. Whitfield, A.D. Whitfield's brother, commanded the lesser Ontario Army. The war was harsh and long, and thousands died.

Two Wars, One Time

In reality, the Mexican-American War started in the 1840s. In 1835, two years after the US-British War started, the Texas Rebellion began. When the US annexed Texas, Mexico declared war on the US. In 1836, the US took control of the area that was once the UPWC, nearly doubling the area of the United States. With more soldiers, the US had little difficulty fighting Mexico. In just four months, northern Mexico was taken by the US. But as Britain pummeled US troops in central Canada, econo

World Map 1836

The US during both wars.

mic problems rose. The fighting, which was at one time fast and aggressive, became slow and painful. Thousands were dying, and Congress was running out of funds. The US wasn't the only country at the time growing. In South America, the young nations of Uruguay, Argentina, Paraguay and Chile formed the "Commonwealth of the Southern Latin-American Nations" (Mancomunidad de las Naciones Latino-Americanas del Sur), or the CSLAN. Rumors spread that the Chinese Emperor had been building a great army, and planned to expand the nation. Meanwhile, US victories in Canada and Mexico had been making the US widely known in the world. In 1837, General W. Whitfield was killed, and the Ontario Army surrendered. Britain was losing Canada to the US, and Parliament was wasting more money than it had. Mexico too had lost much of its territory, and too much blood was being shed. At last, at the Battle of Mexico City, the Mexican president, Enrique Maximiliano, surrendered. By 1839, all of Mexico was annexed by the US. In Canada, the war continued. Then in 1841, General Deere and

World Map 1837

The world in 1837

his troops surrendered after losing to many men at the Battle of Montreal, later renamed the Fall of Quebec.

The Black Tide

On November 25th, 1842, US, Mexican, Canadian, and British delegates met in Ottawa to sign a piece agreement. This accord was later known as the Treaty of Ottawa. The US was now nearly three times bigger. The treaty specified that a border would be settled between the US and Britain at Greenland, which was ceded by Denmark as a gift to the US in 1833. In Europe, the Russian Empire now extended to the border with Germany. It now controlled the Scandinavian lands. Meanwhile, the British, who had been at war with Spain and France, invaded Paris, then Madrid; Britain's enemies were now within her. Portugal was taken over by Spain in 1797. When British forces arrived at Portugal, the people of Portugal were liberated and joined the British Commonwealth. Britain promised that Brazil, still under Portuguese rule, would become a free nation. In March 1845, Brazil became an independent country. In South America, the northern nations of Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Peru, Bolivia, French Guinea, and Suriname joined together to form "New Inca". It later annexed Panama, thus preventing it from

World Map 1843

The world in 1843

being harbored by the Americans not far away. In Asia, Chinese relations with the West were severed in 1844 when the ruling emperor, Xiang Man Zao, was overthrown and hanged by his nephew, Yen Xhandhiang. The new self-declared Emperor picked up where his uncle left off, building his army. He ordered regiments to be placed near the border of neighboring countries. When the time was right, "the dragon will strike." With relations between countries breaking, and hostility increasing, the "Black Tide", as many in the US called it, was fast approaching.

A Hostile World

The fall of 1859 marked the way for many new milestones in history. In the United States, tensions between the parties of Congress grew. Slavery, which had existed long before the birth of the United States, was now the most talked about subject, especially in Congress. The Democrats were outraged when slavery was adopted in some of the newly reorganized Mexican states. So too were they adopted in some western states in Canada. Then, in 1861, everything changed. In South Carolina, a meeting was held regarding secession. Southerners declared that "nothing could save the Union." On the other side of the globe, China's plan for domination was now revealed

World Map 1861

The world in 1861

to the world. In just two months, China's "Terror Army" stormed through southeast Asia. It took control of Mongolia, both Koreas and part of India. Its aim was now for the Empire of Japan, a bitter rival. India tried to fight back, but victory was not on its side. This movement inspired the unorganized nations and kingdoms in northern and eastern Africa. New nations like the "Kingdom of Egypt", the "East African Empire" and "West Sahara" took form; some peacefully, others violently. In North America, the "Confederate States of America" declared its independence. Even with immense risks, it declared war on the rest of the United States of North America. Unprecedently, US troops invaded the new nation and, in just two years, defeated it. The CSA's elected president, Jefferson Davis, committed suicide when Richmond, the Confederacy's capital, was invaded on all sides. In February of 1864, the Kingdom of Egypt and West Sahara united to form the "Afro-Muslim Empire". It established Cairo in Egypt as its capital. In Asia, the Chinese Terror Armies took over more land and now completely surrounded India. Japan was invaded and insurrected in just a few weeks. One of the territories in the British colonies of southern Africa won its war for independence in a short period of time, since England was too occupied fighting for its colony in India. Then in 1877, the Chinese armies took over all of India, changing the new province's name to "Hindu-China". The Afro-Muslim Empire invaded the Ottoman Empire in the winter of 1876, and by the summer of 1877, surrendered.

World Map 1864

The world of 1864

Persia also surrendered not long after. The Chinese Empire now extended from the border with the Afro-Muslim Empire

World Map 1877

The world of 1877

in the Middle East to the pacific islands of Indonesia. With these new empires gripping a changing world in doubt, many feared that a next unwanted war could be devastating.

Changing Tides

The first impression that the Afro-Muslim Empire made in the world was unwelcomed by many nations, especially Britain. The Afro-Muslim Empire declared that its waters in the Mediterranean were welcome to trading ships, but must be escorted by a pair of Empirial armed ships. With the Afro-Muslim Empire allied with China, Britain refused to trade with it. In 1880, the island of Gibraltar saw an increase in Afro-Muslim immigration. It wasn't long before Afro-Muslim protests against certain laws forced the British parliament in Gibraltar to prohibit "AMs" from living and working on the island. By late 1880, simple protests became violent riots. The Afro-Muslim Imperial Counsil criticized that the "Brits" were openly racist against the Afro-Muslim people. Between November and December of 1880, tensions

World Map 1883

The world in 1883

rose between Britain and the Afro-Muslim Empire. Finally, the pressure between the two nations erupted. In the early February of 1881, the British consulate in Cairo was closed down, and the flag of England was torn down. When an Afro-Muslim warship attacked a British trading ship, war was declared. But the Afro-Muslim Empire did not expect that England would fight back with such power. By 1883, most of the province of North Sahara (shown in purple) was in British control. In Asia, Japan fought back against Chinese control and, by late 1883, became independent again. It now called itself the Kingdom of Manchuria. The CSLAN in South America bought from Brazil the lower extremity of the nation (once controlled by the Spanish). By 1890, England's campaign against the Afro-Muslim Empire had gone as planned. More territory was being controlled. China now no longer bordered the Afro-Muslim Empire. The new nation of "Pakislam" had gained its independence. Throughout the rest of the 19th century, Britain fought the Afro-Muslim Empire. The United States now traded weapons with Great Britain. When Russia started supplying England with artillery, many feared that a "great war" would erupt.

World Map 1890

The world in 1890

Prelude to the Great War

By the turn of the 19th century, two new nations were born: "Scandinavia" in Europe and the "Unified Territories of Australia" in the pacific. The waters of the Atlantic were now warming up with war. The Afro-Muslim Empire was losing. So was China. By 1912, two more nations

World Map 1912

The world in 1912

managed to escape Chinese rule. These were "East Pakistan" and a now free India. The province of "Ukrania" (Ukranev Oblast) was now free from Russia. In southern Africa, new nations (once part of Britain) assisted England. What was left of British territory in Africa bargained with Britain that it would help it during the war as long as they were granted independence. Britain badly needed soldiers, and so had no choice but to accept. A quadruple alliance was made between Britain, the US, Russia, and Manchuria. The Afro-Muslim Empire allied itself with its old "friend" China. It declared that if any other country intervened in the conflict with Britain, the Afro-Muslim Empire would declare an all out war. It was a declaration not far from becoming a reality to the great amaaing world

The First Great War

On July 3rd, 1915, a fleet of American and British naval ships were patrolling the Atlantic when a thunderous boom was heard. Then another one. Two ships were struck by a torpedo. A new kind of war was declared. Nearly more than half of the Afro-Muslim Empire was now under the control of the British. While Britain and the US were fighting the Afro-Muslim Empire, Russia and Manchuria were busy fighting China. In 1917, the feuding nations and kingdoms of central Europe united to form "New Rome". In

World Map 1915

The First Great War in 1915

1918, New Rome joined the Allies against the Afro-Muslim Empire. With new and better technology, battles in the First Great War were taken to a whole new level. During the Battle of Jerusalem, early in the war, the first tanks were used in battle. Naval warfare in the Mediterranean and the Atlantic was faster and deadlier. Ships like the HMS Burton, the USS Victory, and the AME Baheedh, when compared to wooden ships, were monsters in battle. By late summer of 1919, continental Manchuria had fallen. All that was left was the island of Japan. Yet, starting in 1917, rebels in what was once Mongolia were forming armies. During the Battle of Istanbul, New Roman, US and British forces captured the city, thus liberating the state of Turkey from the Afro-Muslims, and New Rome occupied it. By 1921, the Afro-Muslim Empire was severed from its states in the Middle East. Throughout 1921 to 1930, the war was centered more around China, who was trying to fight back against Mongol, Manchurian, and Russian forces. In August 21st, 1930, Mongol rebels took back the city of Dund-Us, and established it as the capital of the "Republic of New Mongolia". It wouldn't be until 1933 that the RNM would become a sovereign nation. Then in the winter of 1933, China's capital city of Zhandhiang-He (former Beijing) was raided for four days by Machurian and Russian bombers. On Christmas Eve, 1933, Emperor Jian-Yao Long declared that China would surrender by sunrise. With China's surrender, many believed that the war was well over. Yet, in Africa, the war raged on. On New Year's Day of 1934, Afro-Muslim forces raided Athens, the capital of the Province of South New Rome. The Allies fought back, and on the 14th of June, Allied forces crossed the Gulf of Agabah. The march to Cairo would be long and risky, but the Allies were determined to go on. The American and New Roman troops were outnumbered during the decisive Battle of the Nile.
