Alternative History
Adolf Hitler at his Berghof mansion

At the Berghof (Obersalzberg)

Adolf Nazi (civil name: Hitler, not Schicklgruber), born on April 20th 1889 in Braunau, Upper Austria, formerly wannabe painter in Vienna and regiment runner in World War I, has been head of the NSDAP since July 1921, chancellor of Germany since January 30th 1933, and since August 1934 its President, hence head of the state and supreme commander of its armed forces.

He has been called the "Führer" of the Nazi Party since 1925, became officially "Führer und Reichskanzler" when ascending to the presidency of Germany, but since January 1939 insists on being called just "Führer". He also introduced the so-called "Deutscher Gruß" (German salute) of "Heil Hitler!".

His first name is derived from the older name "Athalwolf", which he takes as a sign; that's why he sometimes called himself "Herr Wolf". Other people give him different names, like "the Bohemian corporal".

During his rule, he removed inner opponents (until July 1933 all other Parties; 1934 SA leader Ernst Röhm, his first-name base friend; January/February 1938 the Military leaders Blomberg and Fritsch), rearmed the Wehrmacht, made life harder and harder for Jews in Nazi Germany (key words: Nuremberg Laws, Reichspogromnacht), and annexed areas like Austria and the Sudetenland - other great powers failed to stop him.

He began using amphetamine occasionally after 1937.

On September 1st 1939, he started World War II by invading Poland, after having made a non-aggression pact with Stalin, in which they divided Eastern Europe between them.

In June of 1940 (on the 20th, he visited conquered Paris), he seems to be unstoppable yet. Various attempted assassinations on him have failed as well...

While it seems hard to believe, he actually has many female fans too, who wish to bear his babies or even had to be stopped from stalking him. His relationships with women (e.g. Eva Braun) are kept a secret however.

See also: Cabinet Adolf Nazi

Flag of Germany (1935–1945) How many Sixes does Adolf Nazi have to Roll? Naval Ensign of Japan
The ultimate "Nazis win! How to beat 'em now?" Timeline
Timeline | Countries | Cities | ‎What is new? (26/1/2023)
Nazi Germany: Adolf Nazi  / Flag of the NSDAP (1920–1945) Nazi Party  /National Socialism

(Protectorate  / General Government)
(Coat of arms of Berlin Berlin  / Muenchen Kleines Stadtwappen Munich  / Coat of arms of Hamburg Hamburg)

Cabinet: Göring  / Goebbels  / Speer  / Bormann
War: ‎Wehrmacht | Raeder | Manstein | Guderian | Rommel | Dönitz
 ... SS  // Himmler  // Heydrich  // Eichmann  // KZs
Scientists: Zuse  / von Braun  / Hahn  / Heisenberg
In Southern Europe: Flag of Italy (1861-1946) Italy  / Flag of Spain (1938 - 1945) Spain  / Flag of Philippe Pétain, Chief of the French State Vichy France

Mussolini (Cabinet)  / Franco  / Pétain  / Laval

Resistance: Abwehr | ‎Canaris | Oster | Blaskowitz | Schindler
In the Far East: Naval Ensign of Japan ‎‎‎Japan (Seal of the Government-General of Korea Chosen Flag of Manchukuo ‎Manchukuo) Hirohito
World War II: (At Sea | In the Air) | Battle of Dunkirk
Allies: Flag of the United States (1912-1959) USA | Flag of the United Kingdom (3-5) GB (Naval Ensign of the United Kingdom Empire) | Flag of Free France 1940-1944 Free France | Flag of the Republic of China China
Leaders: Roosevelt (Cabinet) | Churchill (Cabinet) | de Gaulle | ‎Chiang
War: US Army | MacArthur | Eisenhower |‎ Patton
Resisting: ‎‎British India (Gandhi | Nehru) | Dutch East Indies | Palestine
Scientists: Einstein | Teller | Fermi | Oppenheimer

Turing | von Neumann | Wiener

Communism: Flag of the Soviet Union Soviet Union | Stalin | CPSU ...   ...   ... Trotsky
War: Red Army | Zhukov | Timoshenko
Partisans: Mao | Kim | Ho | Tito
Thinkers: Orwell | Popper | Canetti | Haffner | Jung | Rand | Mandelbrot | Student
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