Timeline: L'Uniona Homanus
OTL equivalent: Egypt, Sudan
Coat of Arms
Location of Aegyptus
Capital(and largest city)
Other Cities
Memphis, Thebes, Hercleopolis, Heliopolis
Language Official
Latin (Lingua Latina)
Egyptian (Lingua Aegyptorum)
Religion Main
Roman Polytheism
Egyptian Polytheism, Angelic Gnosticism
Ethnic Group
Aegyptians, Judeans, Syrians, Cyrenes, Arabians, Italians, Greccians
Senatorial Province
Governor and Senate of Aegyptus
723 (30 BC)
A Short History of Aegyptus [ ]
Aegyptus was one of the longest continuously lasting Empires in the world. However, near the start of the rise of the Romans Aegyptus was in decline. It was incorporated into the Empire at the start of the Imperial period. Aegyptus was the center of trade for gold and grain for the Empire and a source of many of the knowledge for the other provinces.
Provinces of Rome (L'Uniona Homanus) European Provinces Alpes Cottiae ,
Alpes Maritimae ,
Alpes Poeninae ,
Anglia ,
Aquitania ,
Aurelia ,
Baetica ,
Balerica, ,
Britannia ,
Byzantium ,
Caledonia ,
Cantabria ,
Catalonia ,
Crimea ,
Dacia ,
Dalmatia ,
Epirus ,
Francia ,
Germania ,
Greccia ,
Hibernia ,
Ibria ,
Islia ,
Italia ,
Lusitania ,
Macedonia ,
Moesia Inf. ,
Moesia Sup. ,
Narbonensis ,
Noricum ,
Occitania ,
Pannonia ,
Raetia ,
Tolitia ,
Valencia Former Provinces of Europe African Provinces Asian Provinces Judea ,
Syria ,
Arabia ,
Arachosia ,
Armenia ,
Assyria ,
Babylonia ,
Bactria ,
Bythinia et Pontus ,
Cilicia ,
Elegabatia ,
Galatia ,
Ephesus ,
Cappadocia ,
Chrasmia ,
Carmenia ,
Campus Asius ,
Cyprus ,
Desertum Arabium ,
Lycia ,
Margiana ,
Pasargadia ,
Sarmatia ,