Alternative History
Alaskan War of Independence

9 November 1969


Alaska, Western Canada

Major battles:

Battle of Anchorage,Battle of Innoko, Battle of Denali, Siege of Valdez


Alaska flagFree Republic of Alaska

Supported by:
CaliforniaBetterFlagBay Republic

Flag of AlaskaAlaska

Supported by:
Flag of the United StatesUnited States


Alaska flagWilliam Cote

Casualties and Losses



The Alaskan War of Independence was a conflict that began in 1969 between the Alaskan Free State and the US-backed Alaskan puppet government. Following what the Alaskans believed was an unfair treaty between the Russians and Alaskans, the Free Alaskans rose up to take back their homeland.


On 24 September Russian citizens, loosely backed by the Russian government began entering Alaskan territory in an effort to help halt the Zombie invasion north. At first many were untrusting of the foreigners who claimed they were there simply to assist the American police forces. After several weeks the Russian population in Bethel, Alaska had spiked to almost 600 people. The Russian armed forces turned against the Alaskans and occupied Anchorage, fortifying their position in the west. Large amounts of oil were seized or destroyed by the initial Russian uprising.
Six days later a large band of Alaskan citizens took up arms against the Russians in Anchorage. The Battle of Anchorage had begun, and on the first day the Alaskan citizens were routed, taking heavy civilian casualties. On 5 October reinforcements arrived, as Alaskan citizens and US armed forces begin the Siege of Anchorage to relieve the battle-weary citizens within. Alaskan citizens would retake Anchorage four days later.
Numerous skirmishes in the west continued before an official cease fire being declared on 11 October. Numerous treaties were signed in an attempt to end hostilities, much to the disdain of the Alaskans who wanted to push the Russians our of Alaska. Many protests were ignored by the Alaskan government who wanted to remain loyal to the United States government.

State Crisis[]

Locked in a stalemate over the future of the Alaskan territory, the Alaskans asked the USA for aid. The US was not able to spare any men, due to the extent of the Zombie infestation. Furious at the US's inability to protect its state, fifty-seven delegates met in Fairbanks on 30 September 1969 to discuss the next course of action. On 9 November the delegates voted unanimously that the former State of Alaska was now an independent entity, and was to be known henceforth as the Free Republic of Alaska. The rebel cause around Fairbanks grew descending the state into civil war.

War Begins[]

The rebel faction, centered in Fairbanks, immediately began organizing for war, declaring an all-out war against the "corrupt, tyrannical government" still remaining in Juneau and Anchorage, which still aligns with the US and its unfavored Alaskan-Russian treaties. Alaskans in mass hysteria round up and kill dozens of Russian refugees and traders, greatly angering the Soviets in the west of the state. Finally, in a final act of rage the Russian tribes of Alaska destroyed the old treaty and begin gathering its peaceful citizens for war. Several days later the Alaskan sky is ignited by several raided oil stockpiles. The harsh conditions push the main Alaskan force deeper into Innoko National Wildlife Refuge, where a last stand must be made until the army can be mobilized. The Southern Alaskan front is established through Denali (Mt. McKinley), where the Alaskan state guard watch for the first signs of an offensive toward Anchorage.
Hundreds of Alaskans were forced to migrate or face death, pushing Alaskan Russians to the west, American supporters to the south, and supporters of the free Alaska to the interior. In the early days of the war protests and small arms attacks were common, prompting security around Fairbanks to becomes tighter. Raids in Northern Alaska, and in the Russian occupied territories are led by Free Alaskan forces, fueling the rebel cause. Military gear and other supplies become invaluable to the Free Alaskans, who begin using gold mined from small camps in the interior to replace the worthless US currency.
Life in the interior is harsh, and fights are common. Free Alaskan citizens are drafted into the military and work force to supply the frontiersmen. After border skirmishes intensify, a law is passed requiring that people stand and fight in the case of an attack on their land, slightly lowering the routing of militia. Among the camps near Fairbanks the religion of Tciaq Ukpibun becomes popular among soldiers, as a blend of Christianity and Native Alaskan Shamanism.

Renewed Offensive[]

In the summer of 1970 the Alaska State Army stationed at the border launched a massive offensive against the rebel garrison, beginning the Battle of Denali. The rebel guards are routed but since the route is thawed and flooded the state forces are unable to advance any farther. The Denali Regiment commanded by William Cote rally at Healy, Alaska where a small force is gathered among the town people. The Free Alaskans hold their ground at Healy in time for reinforcements to arrive from the north to flank the attackers. In the counterattack that followed, the Free Alaskans managed to gain a decisive victory, but did not have the resources to push farther south. A forward operations base is established at Healy in preparation for a renewed offensive.
In the late autumn of 1970 the rebels began a daring offensive known as the Valdez Campaign. The Denali Regiment led by General William Cote begin marching south, with the remainder of the southern army surrounding Anchorage. The ports of Valdez and Cordova are taken within two weeks of the beginning of the campaign. The Free Alaskans, though shaken, manage to retain a loose hold on the region. Reinforcements come in from the Yukon Regiment, as well as elements from the Alaskan Engineering Corps who quickly begin construction on defenses. With the southern coast secured the Free Alaskans open trade with the American northwest, receiving supplies from the Bay Republic. The Free Alaskans would hold their position in the south and begin shipping supplies to the front in preparation for the Alaskan counter offensive. After heavy fighting Valdez is temporarily retaken by the Alaskans, but overstretched they are unable to rebuild a defense. The second half of the Alaskan army marches along the Alaskan border through the cover of the state forest. The rough terrain causes them to not make it in time to surround the Free Alaskans besieging Valdez. The eastern flank makes camp along Highway A1.
The Siege of Valdez continues, as the Rebels manage to surround the city. Most inhabitants leave the city before it is surrounded, and the town generally falls into anarchy. Fierce house-to house fighting ensues as the rebels manage to dislodge the Alaskan advantage within the city. Neither side is able to rout the other and the siege continues. General William Cote is wounded in the chest by a sniper during the fighting and is evacuated north to Fairbanks.
