Alternative History
Alternative History

The End of Peace Map Game employs an algorithm based upon that used in The Great Peace Map Game, as well as Principia Moderni IV. However, in The End of Peace, the algorithm is specifically tailored to the technology and tactics employed by armies across the eras in the game. For example, early wars will be fought using a Napoleonic Algorithm or the Field Army Algorithm as opposed to a single standard Algorithm. This is intended to give the game a larger sense of progression, as well as differentiate war of motion from static, attritive warfare. 

The Basics[]

The fundamental idea of the algorithm employed by The End of Peace is that for each soldier in an army that soldier has a fundamental "Combat Ability." At its core the algorithm modifies the inherent combat ability of a group of individuals (troops) by the technology of their arms (equipment and support), the strength of their resolve (morale), and the quality of their leadership (experience). These fundamental sections dictate how strong of a fight would be expected from the average soldier in an army. These are further modified by that soldiers' surroundings (terrain and defensives). 

The algorithm functions on this principle by employing a multiplicative system. This means that at the end of the day the strength of all of the modifiers are multiplied together and then multiplied by the troops score which is a direct representation of the number of soldiers.  

Troop Score:[]

Troops are the simplest part of the equation, how many troops does your army have?

The Troop Score is simply the whole number of troops divided by 1,000.  For example:

Troop Score: 13

  • Troops: 13,000


Modifiers are calculated by adding together the value of the different scores with a base score of 1. For example, in the Infantry Equipment section a group of infantry might have Breech-loading rifles without internal magazines, transportation consisting of foot and horse, and horseback messengers. Thus they would have an infantry equipment score of:

Infantry Equipment: 1 + 0.15 + 0.1 + 0.1 = 1.35

  • Breech-Loading (Single Shot): 0.15
  • Foot and Horse: 0.10
  • Horse: 0.10

The exact same process is repeated for Armored Equipment, Support, Morale, and Experience.

Situational Modifiers:[]

Situational Modifiers refer to things such as terrain and defenses which either hurt to aid the effectiveness of a soldier. They are simpler than conventional modifiers in that there is no adding for these, either they are what they are or they aren't. For example, in a desert, the attacker uses the given multiplier directly without any addition. 


In the end, this gives the algorithm this structure:


  • Battle Name (Year)
    • Attacker
      • Total:
      • Troop Score:
      • Infantry Equipment:
      • Armor Equipment:
      • Support:
      • Morale:
      • Experience:
      • Terrain:
      • Defenses: N/A
    • Defender
      • Total:
      • Troop Score:
      • Infantry Equipment:
      • Armor Equipment:
      • Support:
      • Morale:
      • Experience:
      • Terrain:
      • Defenses:
    • Result:


Rather than use the above general algorithm for all types of warfare without accounting for the change in tactics and the impact of terrain and technology certain realistic outcomes would be overlooked. For example, guerrilla warfare in the jungle would result more often than not with the destruction of the insurgents, an outcome we know is not necessarily the case. 

To solve this issue there are many "variant" algorithms, such as Napoleonic Warfare, Field Army Warfare, or Asymmetrical/Guerrilla Warfare. All of these cannot be sufficiently represented by the same algo without exception. 

Choosing the correct algorithm to use is pretty simple, but it can be difficult if one side insists it is using one tactic while the other is using something different. 

If you are confused about which algorithm to use follow these steps:

1. Consider the time period.

Are your troops fighting stationary from trenches or do they ride tanks into battle? Questions like this can eliminate large number of options very quickly. You wouldn't expect to see Napoleonic infantry formations fighting against tanks and machine guns. 

2.  Do some research. 

If you aren't certain, but think it might be one of the algorithms just look it up. Wikipedia has pages on almost every type of warfare on this list and can be very useful in determining which is most applicable. 

3.  Ask a mod. 

If all else fails, just ask a mod. They will either be able to answer you immediately or will discuss it with other mods to get you the proper answer. The most likely mod to know the answer is Steph (talk) and he is more than willing to help.


Results are a two step process:

  1. Calculate the percent victory, take the larger number, divide it by the smaller and multiply by 100. This gives the percent victory.
  2. Refer to this Chart:
100-149% Stalemate
150-199% Slight Victory: Defeated forced to retreat orderly
200-299% Significant Victory: Defeated forced to retreat disorderly
300-399% Major Victory: Defeated put to route
400-499% Strategic Victory: Defeated army shattered and must be reformed in the following year
500%+ Absolute Victory: Total destruction of the defeated army

The Algorithms[]

  1. Napoleonic Warfare - Obsolete
  2. Field Army Warfare
  3. Amphibious Warfare
  4. Attrition/Static Warfare
  5. Combined Arms Warfare
  6. Airborne Warfare