Alternative History

This is the nomination and voting page for the 2016 Stirling Awards that honor the editors and timelines of 2015. This is the fourth time the Stirling Awards have been held.

CURRENTLY THE AWARDS ARE ONLY OPEN FOR NOMINATIONS. If you want to make a nomination you need to link to the thing/person you wish to nominate and explain why you think that it deserves the award. Only registered editors who have 200 or more edits and have been on the wiki for at least a month can make nominations. Certain awards have additional rules or regulations, so please read the description carefully before supplying your nomination.

Please REFRAIN from giving your opinion of anyone's nominations. That is what the voting is for. If a nomination is "bad" it will not win. Simple.

Voting will begin on January 5th, 2016 and end on February 4th, 2015. Results will be posted and awards handed out on February 5th, 2016.

Writer Awards

Writer of the Year

This award is for the best writer on the wiki in 2015.


  • United Republic - Now love or hate the guy, but you cannot discredit the work he has done this year. This wiki at a point was severely lacking actual timeline updates and pages, but this guy picked up the slack greatly. And you know what? His pages and writing was actually damn good. - ..... Because I'm Just... Too... SSSWWWEEEEEETTT!!!
  • Mscoree - Despite being nominated here a few times Mscoree has never been able to win writer of the year, and I think this year after getting a timeline to featured status he deserves a nomination. Fritzmet (talk) 01:37, December 7, 2015 (UTC)


Best New Contributor

This award is for the best new contributor to the wiki in 2015. In order to be eligible their joining date must be in 2015.



Best Writer in a Community Timeline

This award is for the best male or female writer on a community timeline in 2015. Acceptable community timelines generally are listed here, or have similar notices on their front pages.


  • Firesofdoom: Firesofdoom is one of the few people, if no the only, who joined this year to make serious contributions, be it to map games or timelines. He may not be Upvote, but he managed to get almost 1000 edits during a stay of eleven months. AM, King of the Banat


What specific community timelines has Fires participated in?             Great Seal of the United States (obverse)    SCRAWLAND INVICTUS || REX IMPERATOR   18:58, December 6, 2015 (UTC)

Best TSPTF Member

This award is for the member of the TSPTF that has been the "best" in 2015. Only current members of the TSPTF can be nominated. Brass, Lieutenants and Constables can all be nominated. No member of TSPTF can nominate themselves.



Upvote is not a member of the group. Lordganon (talk) 14:44, December 6, 2015 (UTC)

Best Copyeditor

This award is for the editor who has done incredible copyeditting work in the year 2015.



Best Ban

This award is for the most deserving one year or more ban of 2015.



Timeline Awards

Timeline of the Year

This award is for the best timeline of 2015. Any and all timelines are eligible, provided that large updates have occurred to the timeline in the last year.


  • King of America by United Republic - One of the few good versions of a very overdone trope. However, this timeline does it well, I think, and deserves a nod here in the Stirlings. ~ Scraw 21:38, December 5, 2015 (UTC)


Best New Timeline

This award is for the best TL that was created in 2015.



Best New Article

This award is for the best article created in 2015.



Best New OTL/non-AH Work

This award is for the best OTL/non-AH work that was created in 2015. The creator or principal contributor can only nominate a single one of their works. This category includes all such items on this wiki, be it from blogs, the forum, or articles. The only exclusions are user pages and their extensions.



Best New Map Game

This award is for the best map game created in 2015.


  • Diversa Pars - Created by Upvote. Despite not having been played in months, I found this to be a refreshing concept at that time, and still do - have had this in my note file all year for this, lol. Lordganon (talk) 19:47, December 4, 2015 (UTC)


Best New 1983: Doomsday Article

This award is for the best article in our largest timeline - 1983: Doomsday - that was graduated in 2015. A list of articles graduated this year may be found on the Awards talk page.



Content Awards

Best New Photoshopped Picture

This award is for the best photoshopped picture created in 2015. The creator can only nominate a single one of their pictures.



Best New Flag

This award is for the best fictional flag created in 2015. For reference see Category:Flags.



Best New Coat of Arms

This award is for the best fictional coat of arms created in 2015. For reference see Category:Coats of Arms.



Best New Map

This award is for the best map created in 2015. World map, off-world map, city map or any kind of map is acceptable.



Best New Template

This award is for the best template created in 2015. The creator can nominate their own work, once.



Special Nominations

Lifetime Achievement Award: Writer

This award is for the best male or female writers across the entire lifetime of the alternative history wiki. Once individual wins this award, they cannot win this award ever again. No editor can nominate him/herself.



Lifetime Achievement Award: Timeline

This award is for the best timelines across the entire lifetime of the wiki. Once a timeline wins this award, it cannot win this award ever again. Nevertheless, this award can be held in conjunction with any other award.



Lifetime Achievement Award: Article

This award is for the best articles across the entire lifetime of the wiki. Once an article wins this award, it cannot win this award ever again.



Lifetime Achievement Award: Flags and Coats of Arms

This award is for the most interesting, most ironic or most impressive flags or coats of arms in the archives of this wiki. The file must come under the form "File:XXXXXXXX". Once a flag or coat of arms wins this award, it cannot win this award ever again.



Lifetime Achievement Award: Maps and Other Files

This award is for the most interesting, most ironic or most impressive maps and other files in the archives of this wiki. The file can be a portrait, map, picture, etc. as long as it comes under the form "File:XXXXXXXX" and it is not a flag or coat of arms. Once a file wins this award, it cannot win this award ever again.



Lifetime Achievement Award: Map Games

This award is for the best map games across the entire lifetime of the wiki. Once a game wins this award, it cannot win this award ever again.


