Alternative History

This is the nomination and voting page for the 2018 Stirling Awards that honor the editors and timelines of 2017. This is the eighth time the Stirling Awards have been held.

Voting for Stirling Awards has begun. If you want to make a nomination you need to link to the thing/person you wish to nominate and explain why you think that it deserves the award. Only registered editors who have 200 or more edits and have been on the wiki for at least a month can make nominations. Certain awards have additional rules or regulations, so please read the description carefully before supplying your nomination.

Please REFRAIN from giving your opinion of anyone's nominations. That is what the voting is for. If a nomination is "bad" it will not win. Simple.

Voting will begin on February 1st, 2018 and end on March 1st, 2018. Results will be posted and awards handed out on March 2nd, 2018.

Writer Awards

Writer of the Year

This award is for the best writer on the wiki in 2017.




Best New Contributor

This award is for the best new contributor to the wiki in 2017. In order to be eligible their joining date must be in 2017.



We have been fortunate to have Jorge here for nine years, however that makes him ineligible to earn this award. Please remove your nomination Historian Guy. -Stepintime


Best TSPTF Member

This award is for the member of the TSPTF that has been the "best" in 2017. Only current members of the TSPTF can be nominated. Brass, Lieutenants and Constables can all be nominated. No member of TSPTF can nominate themselves.


  • Scraw  - Over the last year I have been exorbitantly busy with a wide array of things, meaning I haven't been as involved as I would have liked. Fortunately, however, Scraw was ready to step in and maintain the wiki through whatever challenges there might have been. I think all of the TSPTF that continue to be active should be commended, but Scraw has clearly taken initiative and preserved what we've collectively built. "This is not your grave but you are welcome in it."
  • Nathan1123 - Admins work hard to moderate and maintain the wiki, but I think one important aspect of a good admin (that is often overlooked) is being a member of the community. When it comes to being welcoming to all users, informative and attentive when problems arise, and approachable and understanding, it's hard to find someone other than Nathan who fits this criteria so well. From what I can tell he's been a member of the administration for over two years, but in my small experience he's stood out as one of the most helpful and friendly members. He never seems to shy away from or ignore a problem, and is one of the most active members in that regard. In my opinion he more than exemplifies what it is to be a good admin on this wiki. Hquvfrioyle Lilenofryn (talk) 03:56, December 15, 2017 (UTC)
  • Nuclear Vacuum- Consistent editor on the Wiki, helpful to members. Nuclear Vacuum's image program and his enforcement has cleaned up the files on this website. Nuclear Vacume's dedication over the years as well the 2017 season should be noted. -Stepintime



EoGuy Best Copy editor Award

This award is for the editor who has done incredible copy editing work in the year 2017.



Both are me. Please remove my names from consideration.

Bil EoGuy EoGuy99 EoGuy99 (talk) 01:33, December 22, 2017 (UTC)


Best Ban

This award is for the most deserving one year or more ban of 2017.



I don't know of anyone who has banned this year, but this 'award' is not necessary There is nothing kind or funny about humiliating someone even further when they are already gone. Let these awards focus on celebrating the great works created here than kicking people down.


Definitely agree with that. In fact, as far as 2017 is concerned, there isn't even anyone who deserves the award. Like Gatthias has literally just been nominated to fill the quota because I sincerely doubt anyone disliked him. The awards pretty pointless atm imo             Roman Crown   The night is dark and full of terrors. 


Timeline Awards

Timeline of the Year

This award is for the best timeline of 2017. Any and all timelines are eligible, provided that large updates have occurred to the timeline in the last year.


  • Cromwell the Great - Adopted by LordGG Cromwell the Great has continued to expand in scope and depth which the timeline's articles uniquely observing the context of 17th century England and the context of a more strictly Protestant country under the preservation of the Lord Protectors who were short lived in real life. The writing is grammatically correct and stylistic as well catching and keeping the reader's attention. -Stepintime
  • The More Things Changed - by Vibes. Interesting premise, with a lot of detail in the modern day. One of the better modern politics TLs, and one that has actually been developed beyond like 5 shitty elections pages. Good read, and lots of creative work this year. -Fires
  • Die Mauer Steht - By Althistoryvibes. I enjoyed reading about the future of East Germany way beyond it's ending point. Though it needs some expanding, it has a lot of detail about certain things that are unique to East Germany, and are iconic to the great divide between the east and west during the Cold War, such as the Berlin Wall. Die Maurer Staht is my personal choice for the best Timeline of this year due to my interests in alternate german history and fascination with Cold War history, so this really hit the spot!



Best New Timeline

This award is for the best TL that was created in 2017.


  • Many Wonderful Things Cause no one else would nominate it :P. My first 100% completed timeline. The changes after the PoD are mostly cosmetic, but history before the PoD are changed drastically, compressing the history of Egypt to fit within Biblical and Greek Mythology. This is because the PoD is discovering the Rosetta Stone in the Middle Ages, which affects how we view history. Oh, I didn't mean to push that button!Oh, well leave a message I guess 23:22, December 8, 2017 (UTC)
  • Of Kings and Gods Although unfinished, this timeline is one of the best I've personally seen and read all year. With the main timeline taking place in ancient Egypt and the middle east, the detail that Firesofdoom shows is truly incredible, and I feel that the proper acknowledgment for his hard work towards this timeline is needed. With the PoD being based around the Battle of Qadesh between the Egyptian Empire and the Hittite Empire, this timeline is truly deserving of the Best New Timeline award.  SolaceEaSw (talk) 17:29, January 6, 2018 (UTC)


I concede that the event of a tie goes to Fires Oh, I didn't mean to push that button!Oh, well leave a message I guess 01:23, February 28, 2018 (UTC)


Best New Article

This award is for the best article created in 2017.


  • History: 100 - 200 AD (Guardians) An article on the 2nd Century AD in the universe of the Guardians, a timeline about a different Persian Empire in antiquity. This particular article focuses on overland trade/communication between different civilizations. A conflict between the Roman Empire and fictional Chinese Qiang Dynasty is featured here, the way in which this war between two countries totally unfamiliar with each other is an interesting touch.


Rimp and Nate's articles have both been removed due to irregularities in the vote.

Scrawland Scribblescratch 15:38, February 27, 2018 (UTC)


  • History: 100 - 200 AD (Guardians)
  • Gurkani Sultanate (Principia Moderni IV Map Game)
    •             Roman Crown   The night is dark and full of terrors. 
    • Thewolvesden 00:37, February 3, 2018 (UTC)
    • Prince Octavian , of Jerusalem, Sicily, and Swabia, and Duke of Amalfi. Coat of Arms of Oct as Duke of Almafi
    • ..... Because I'm Just... Too... SSSWWWEEEEEETTT!!!
    • My dude has Third Reich symbolism in his name, and further asked me to vote by quoting Tekashi 6ix9ine lyrics; as the Great Warrior Prophet stated: "Black van role up in your DMs boy, tie that vote and drop it in voting lil boi." To this end I concur with the mutual assessment made by the interested parties with regards to the synergy expressed in so far as the collective influence was correct. Look, having Rimp-whose article this is and is based on PMIV; good work, nice editing and based on his game play-win this would be a very good thing; you know I can't run for this competition because I don't have any content from the last year, but if I did it it would be amazing believe me but this is not totally the case as Rimp-who again wrote this-is that he is Muslim and these Muslims-you know they are Muslims because we don't have Hindus here-make content but if I were to make content like I did 5 years ago, I'd be in this; but the Persians are tough opponents and I think this is why he is struggling in this voting, and they're absolutely killing us but he can make the comeback like I expect him to and thus I hope to get the balling rolling with this vote. Cocaine is a hell of a drug. - GBUSA, because this new format is too confusing to use my sig.
    • fallacyman
    • Col. James Hsu
    • Sat (Talk to me!) 14:11, February 27, 2018 (UTC)
    • Like it. Kostdanila 09:42, February 28, 2018 (UTC)
    • Lots of love,

Everyone's Favorite Girl, Kaori! Kaori

Best New OTL/non-AH Work

This award is for the best OTL/non-AH work that was created in 2017. The creator or principal contributor can only nominate a single one of their works. This category includes all such items on this wiki, be it from blogs, the forum, or articles. The only exclusions are user pages and their extensions.




Best New Map Game

This award is for the best map game created in 2017.


  • Age of Authority  One of the few map games created this year that lasted a considerable amount of time. Meant to provide assistance towards inexperienced and newer map game players, it's starting of 100 AD is simple and good. Not much to say about it that hasn't been said previously about older map games nominated. Created by NathanSolaceEaSw (talk) 17:42, January 6, 2018 (UTC)       



Content Awards

Best New Photoshopped Picture

This award is for the best photoshopped picture created in 2017. The creator can only nominate a single one of their pictures.




Best New Flag

This award is for the best fictional flag created in 2017. For reference see Category:Flags.




  • Flag of South Badland (Urepa, Iria & Esia timeline)
    • Stepintime

Best New Coat of Arms

This award is for the best fictional coat of arms created in 2017. For reference see Category:Coats of Arms.




Best New Map

This award is for the best map created in 2017. World map, off-world map, city map or any kind of map is acceptable.




Best New Template

This award is for the best template created in 2017. The creator can nominate their own work, once.




Special Nominations

Lifetime Achievement Award: Writer

This award is for the best male or female writers across the entire lifetime of the alternative history wiki. Once individual wins this award, they cannot win this award ever again. No editor can nominate him/herself.


  • Scrawland Scribblescratch - Very influential. Much deserving. He is the true god of Alternative History. -Solace
  • TbGuy - Pretty great contributor and pretty great guy. Deserves this award for sure -Fires
  • Monster Pumpkin - Great user and writer, and one of the few people who still actually writes things. -Scraw 03:43, January 18, 2018 (UTC)



Lifetime Achievement Award: Timeline

This award is for the best timelines across the entire lifetime of the wiki. Once a timeline wins this award, it cannot win this award ever again. Nevertheless, this award can be held in conjunction with any other award.


  • Vegetarian World - In recognition of this timeline that is part of Alternative History Wiki's history, its premise of a world with a larger South Asian Influence and Vegetarian diets becoming popular worldwide. The timeline is detailed and has specific articles for most locations in the world. In short Vegetarian World is a living and breathing picture of a different humanity from our own. -Stepintime
  • Aztec Empire - An old classic. -Scrawland Scribblescratch
  • Fidem Pacis - A new classic. -Scrawland Scribblescratch


I think Napoleon's World won the award a few years ago.

Scrawland Scribblescratch 02:13, February 3, 2018 (UTC)


Lifetime Achievement Award: Article

This award is for the best articles across the entire lifetime of the wiki. Once an article wins this award, it cannot win this award ever again.




Lifetime Achievement Award: Flags and Coats of Arms

This award is for the most interesting, most ironic or most impressive flags or coats of arms in the archives of this wiki. The file must come under the form "File:XXXXXXXX". Once a flag or coat of arms wins this award, it cannot win this award ever again.




Lifetime Achievement Award: Maps and Other Files

This award is for the most interesting, most ironic or most impressive maps and other files in the archives of this wiki. The file can be a portrait, map, picture, etc. as long as it comes under the form "File:XXXXXXXX" and it is not a flag or coat of arms. Once a file wins this award, it cannot win this award ever again.




Lifetime Achievement Award: Map Games

This award is for the best map games across the entire lifetime of the wiki. Once a game wins this award, it cannot win this award ever again.


  • Diversa Pars: A map game that deserves a nominationl, it was one of the most successful and fun ones.      Cthulhu     Wolf hd by arma3lonewolf-d8m9rto   Deadly State of Mind Leader of the Knights of Scraw.  20:19, January 3, 2018 (UTC)
  • Allies vs Axis Resurrection - The sixth installment in the Allies vs Axis series, I believe it was a wonderful game for the time it lasted, centered around the world during the Great Depression and the subsequent events leading to World War II. The game had a fascinating chain of events, which entitled us to enjoy the rise of the Fascist and Communist ideological fronts, and the ascent of numerous Third World states; presenting a multipolar world with various centers of power.             Roman Crown   The night is dark and full of terrors. 


