Alternative History

This is the page for the 2025 Multiverse Awards to honor the editors, timelines, and content in our Wiki. Voting is now CLOSED. Voting will end on 26 January, the 20th anniversary of the founding of the Alternative History Wiki.

The Multis recognize content from the previous year. Nominations on this page must honor writers and content from the year 2024. Only registered editors who have 200 or more edits and have been on the wiki for at least a month can make nominations and/or vote. Self-nominations are not allowed.

Nominations began in December. Voting took take place during January 2025. Since nominations took a little longer this year, the winners were announced on January 31.

Writer Awards

Writer of the Year

This award is for the best writer on the wiki in 2024.


  • EmperorOfSomalia1939 - Somalia is a person who clearly wants to help people, as in An Honorable Retelling (especially Novanglia) or The Eagle's Dawn (helping with the American theme). His timeline, Nixon '56, is very interesting and I recommend checking it out. Czechia man (talk) 20:28, 5 December 2024 (CET)
  • Withersoul_235 - Wither is one of the nicest people in this community, and I've wanted to nominate him for something for a while. I've been privy to some of the background work he's done for his A Cross Over Japan timeline, which always has an insane amount of detail. Not only is he able to undertake a lot of historical research and communicate it in a digestible manner, he’s also constructing at least one alternate language for his TL. He also has a list of his favorite timelines by others on his talk page, which just shows how involved in the community, and how supportive of its members, he is. On the Discord, he's one of the most helpful and motivated users; his passion for and knowledge of history is commendable, he is always ready to help or receive help from other people about alternate history, and he never has an unkind word to say about the people on the server. He’s also brought certain wiki issues to people’s attention, including outdated templates, vandalism, and faulty redirects. Thus, in recognition of the breadth of his work, his moderating voice in server discussions, and his work to upkeep the wiki, this is my nomination of Mr. Wither for Writer of the Year 2024! TheRealVenusian (talk) 02:14, 7 December 2024 (UTC)




Congratulations to Withersoul 235 for winning Writer of the Year! Crim - (talk) 18:31, 2 February 2025 (UTC)

Best New Contributor

This award is for the best new contributor to the wiki in 2024.


  • LeptonFox - LeptonFox is a fairly new contributor to this wiki (and I may be subject to favoritism here,) but his work in his timeline, Foxan Republic: Zimmerman's Revolution, is some of the higher quality works on this wiki, especially for a new author in the community. While his timeline may lay on the more fantastical side—which isn't a bad thing!—some of the flags he makes and the in-depth histories he writes are some of the best among the about 100,000 pages this wiki has. He is also welcoming to new contributors and open to constructive criticism, which is definitely a breath of fresh air. Flag of Ridgeland Coat of Arms of Ridgeland The Honorable and Sovereign President of Ridgeland, WhiteChocolateFan. (Contact me here!) 00:05, 24 December 2024 (UTC)
  • User:robbyj7753 - Robby has only just recently started contributing to 1983: Doomsday, but he has been active as a non-contributor on the Discord for quite some time, providing valuable historical insight and critical feedback on various timelines. He has a great imagination for proposing alternate history scenarios, and is well-read on many existing timelines, having a solid grasp on what kind of scenarios are of good quality, in terms of both plausibility and narrative structure. Before joining the Wiki, he made a number of contributions to other communities, such as on and Reddit. Recently, he posted his timeline "Cringe Awards" on Twitter, which critically analyzes infamously bad timelines. All that is to say, he is a valuable addition to the community and a promising career Oh, I didn't mean to push that button!Oh, well leave a message I guess 15:37, 31 December 2024 (UTC)




It's a tie! Congratulations to LeptonFox and Robbyj7753 for winning Best New Contributor! Crim - (talk) 18:35, 2 February 2025 (UTC)

EoGuy Award for Best Supporting Writer

This award, named for EoGuy, is for the member who has contributed in less-visible ways to the Wiki, whether through copyediting, maintenance tasks, wise advice and collaboration to improve other people's timelines, or positive discussion that improved the quality of the site during 2024.


  • Addycakes2 - Addycakes2 has been contributing in less visible ways. Whilst they have simply added categories, by doing this they are upholding the wiki's convention's. Their work deserves to be appreciated. STCSTW (talk) 17:29, 13 December 2024 (UTC)
  • WhiteChocolateFan - WhiteChocolateFan has been doing a lot of great work behind the scenes in the 1983:Doomsday channel on Discord. They've provided great background info and made some very helpful maps, are quite interested in finding out where their writing fits into the canon, and have become a valued contributor to the timeline. Very deserving of a nomination. TheRealVenusian (talk) 19:44, 19 December 2024 (UTC)




Congratulations to Addycakes2 for winning the Eoguy Award this year! Crim - (talk) 18:37, 2 February 2025 (UTC)

Timeline Awards

Timeline of the Year

This award is for the best timeline of 2024. All timelines are eligible, provided that large updates occurred during that time.


  • Puissance Française by Czechia man - Wow. This timeline is genuinely one of, if not the best timelines. So much work and effort has been put into it, and despite certain unrealistic aspects of the timeline, they only enhance the timeline further. Puissance Francaise deserves to be awarded solely for the effort put in. ThatAlternateHistoryLad5 (talk) 12:08, 5 December 2024 (UTC)
  • Gustav IIIs Sweden by User:DRAFIGO13 - A major redux of one of his older timelines, with an original premise set in his home country of Sweden. Draf has been on the Wiki for quite a while now, and I have seen him grow from an immature and inexperienced user to a knowledgeable and insightful contributor, and the contrast of this timeline from its earlier state exemplifies that. Draf tries to learn more from every experience, and it has paid off.Oh, I didn't mean to push that button!Oh, well leave a message I guess 15:37, 31 December 2024 (UTC)




Congratulations to Czechia man, author of Puissance Française for winning Timeline of the Year award! Crim - (talk) 18:39, 2 February 2025 (UTC)

Best New Timeline

This award is for the best timeline that was created in 2024.





Congratulations to ThatAlternateHistoryLad5 and The Rising Sun Sets for winning Best New Timeline! Crim - (talk) 19:01, 2 February 2025 (UTC)

Best New Article

This award is for the best article created in 2024.


  • Bobby Bernard's Barbaric Ballsack (An Honorable Retelling) by User:Duckman367 - One of AHR's most seminal pages, I find that BBBB is one of the wiki's more sensible film pages. Drawing inspiration from the 60s comedy of our world, it creates a dynamic piece comparable to Dr. Strangelove, compounding nuclear fears with satire. Not only this, it has the capacity to immerse the reader in the fictional social climate that the inhabitants of AHR's Novanglia find themselves in as a result of a continental conflict. Crafted by Duckman367, it represents the cultural pursuits of an era that was truly never ours - playing the situation out for laughs. Gaborocha (talk) 1:29, 17 December 2024 (UTC)
  • African Colonization of Meridia (Merveilles des Morte) - As someone who watched Nate play through Mali in MdM, I had a lot of fun reqding his detailed, well-thought-out turns and I'm quite glad to see them get the Morte treatment, fixing things as needed while expanding the lore past when we stopped playing the game. The article makes good use of graphics and while some of the images are AI-generated, I feel that doesn't detract from the article and instead decorates the page in a fluid way, adding glimpses into the alternate universe in a Wikipedia-article-like way. Crim - (talk) 17:21, 31 December 2024 (UTC)




And the Multiverse Award for Best New Article goes to Nathan1123 for his work on African Colonization of Meridia (Merveilles des Morte)!

Best New PoD

This award honors a 2024 timeline with a really interesting starting premise or point of divergence, regardless of how complete it is.


  • The Forgotten Prophet by Emperor Mackenstein - promises to be a thoughtful and engaging timeline. False Dmitri (talk) 15:07, 28 December 2024 (UTC)
  • Electric Slide by Trainor90 - Very interesting timeline in which the Ming discover electricity in the 14th century. The way this is done is super cool - rather than some immediate electric revolution, it starts out basically as parlor tricks. In this universe, electricity is believed to be an extension of the soul by Chinese philosophers. Very unique POD and promising TL. Crim - (talk) 09:26, 12 January 2025 (UTC)




The Multiverse Award for Best New PoD goes to Trainor90's shocking new TL Electric Slide! Crim - (talk) 19:06, 2 February 2025 (UTC)

Contest Submission of the Year

This award is for the best submission to any game or writing contest played in 2024.





Another one for Trainor90 as he takes home the Multiverse Award for Contest Submission of the Year award! Crim - (talk) 19:08, 2 February 2025 (UTC)

Best New Non-AH Written Work

This award is for the best OTL/non-AH work that was created in 2024. This includes anything written on the wiki that is not alternate history content: blogs, forum posts, etc.





And in a last-minute flurry of votes, Robball's book where he published his talk page posts gets the Multiverse Award for Best New Non-AH Written Work! Crim - (talk) 19:11, 2 February 2025 (UTC)

Content Awards

Best New Flag

This award is for the best fictional flag created in 2024.


  • SanBraziliaFlagFRZR
San Brazilia Flag (Foxan Republic Zimmerman's Revolution) by LeptonFox - A striking design. Also, how many flags have you seen designed for theocracies that use a Latin cross? Now, how many good ones have you seen? Lepton pulled it off. False Dmitri (talk) 19:55, 30 December 2024 (UTC)
  • Sami
Sami (Ascends) by Emglert369cz - A really cool and original take on Sámi symbolism. False Dmitri (talk) 20:19, 30 December 2024 (UTC)
  • Kalmykia Flag chart V1
Gallery of Kalmykia Flag by User:Tullin - Anybody can put together a flag, but I believe Tullin has made it his own fine art, with deep research into the implications of vexillology. It also takes a certain amount of creativity in the absence of any OTL flag to copy from, such as this state of Kalmykia (1983: Doomsday). Oh, I didn't mean to push that button!Oh, well leave a message I guess 15:37, 31 December 2024 (UTC)




Another one for User:LeptonFox! Crim - (talk) 19:12, 2 February 2025 (UTC)

Best New Coat of Arms

This award is for the best fictional coat of arms or emblem created in 2024.


  • Egypt Greater Arms (Pharaonic Survival)
Egypt Greater Arms (Pharaonic Survival) by Senusret3 - it's absolute madness done well and I'm here for it. False Dmitri (talk) 00:12, 28 December 2024 (UTC)
  • George VIII Royal Cypher (TLP)
George VIII Royal Cypher (The Lost Prince) by Gonebyreddust - Look at how the letters combine. Talk about elegance. We don't see nearly enough AH royal cyphers despite their importance in national heraldry. False Dmitri (talk) 19:38, 30 December 2024 (UTC)




The Multiverse Award for Best New Coat of Arms goes to Senusret3! Crim - (talk) 19:14, 2 February 2025 (UTC)

Best New Map

This award is for the best map created in 2024. Any kind of map is acceptable.


  • 83DD Torrington
Torrington (1983: Doomsday) by WhiteChocolateFan - A good city map isn't easy. What's striking about this one is that it looks absolutely real. You'd never know that this is little more than a patch of prairie in real life. False Dmitri (talk) 15:02, 28 December 2024 (UTC)
  • Rhomania Themes (Sovereignty)
Rhomania Themes (Sovereignty) by JupiterboyLuffy - a well-executed variation on a common AH theme. False Dmitri (talk) 19:36, 30 December 2024 (UTC)




This was a very close match between two deserving candidates. The Multiverse for Best New Map goes to WhiteChocolateFan! Crim - (talk) 19:16, 2 February 2025 (UTC)

Best New Graphic

This award is for other visual content - photoshopped images, logos, alternate history media, wiki templates, etc. - created in 2024.



The CDU poster is actually a slightly modified OTL poster from the West German federal elections of 1949.--Max Sinister \ (Chaos / HM6) \ 💬Diskussion \ 09:16, 29 January 2025 (UTC) Caught me!!! ⚪️🍫fan 19:18, 30 January 2025 (UTC)



WhiteChocolateFan collects another Multiverse Award! Crim - (talk) 19:18, 2 February 2025 (UTC)

Special Nominations

The following awards look beyond a single year to take in the entire lifetime of the wiki. New content from 2024 is not eligible. Once a person or item wins a lifetime achievement award, they cannot win the same award again.

Lifetime Achievement Award: Writer

This award is for the best writers across the entire lifetime of the Althistory Wiki.


  • False Dmitri - The passing-over of False Dmitri for last year's Awards was quite unfortunate, so I'm putting him up here again. I've been on the wiki a relatively short time, but I still know how influential he's been on the wiki; he's been here so long, he was basically one of the founders of the wiki back in the day, he's been the informal leader of the revival of 1983:DD for years, and he's had a long and prosperous tenure as a Director. Especially in light of his becoming a TSPTF Emeritus Member, I feel it's appropriate to honor him in this way. TheRealVenusian (talk) 03:57, 25 December 2024 (UTC)
  • Crim - The wiki is made of Epochs, times of great creativity and times of pursuit of personal achievement. It is rare we pass through these epochs of the server with little change both as a community and as people who nourish this community individually. But when I look to those who nourish this community my mind quickly resolves to think of Crim. Many have know crim over the years; some for his productivity, some for his wicked humour and his creativity when injecting experiences into this alt history community. For me I see him as a steady mind who has steered many of my ideas in my writings and in my approach to this community only to the better. This was clearly echoed this year when he achieved the prestige of director on the passing over of some friendly faces into emeritus. We are indeed on the cusp of a new (hopefully great!) epoch under the eye of Crim and Nate as new directors. The achievement is just one of many milestones for which you should be celebrate for. On a personal level thanks for always offering an ear to shape my creative process and sharing snippets of your own creativity with us. I'm excited for what the Crimson Oracle imparts on us next, a rare thing in this vast alt historyverse! Trainor90 (talk) 23:06, 29 December 2024 (UTC)




Whoever this Crim guy is, come get your award. Crim - (talk) 19:19, 2 February 2025 (UTC)

Lifetime Achievement Award: Timeline

This award is for the best timelines across the entire lifetime of the wiki.


  • Imperial Americana by The Lone Lettonian. I'm renominating this because it's one of the more interesting products of our wiki. It's a well-developed timeline starting from a pretty basic premise, but what sets it apart is that it's also the setting for a complete novel: Josephine, about the reign of Empress Josephine the Great of America. I don't know of any other TL writer here who has achieved this feat, as much as many of us might imagine doing it. False Dmitri (talk) 00:45, 28 December 2024 (UTC)
  • Blooming Roses by Littletail and Marrybore - One of my favorites on the site, it's told in a nontraditional, nonlinear fashion. To get the history, you have to click through the short individual biographies and piece it together. But it tells a really interesting story, one that gives a lot more agency and perspective to figures who are often on the sidelines of history as it's traditionally told. False Dmitri (talk) 00:54, 28 December 2024 (UTC)
  • Altverse II by various writers - I believe Altverse shows the best qualities of a Community Timeline, which is ironic that it first appeared on Conworlds. The overhaul from Altverse I to II shows its evolution from a Conworld to a proper alternate history timeline. It has a consistent and conservative use of multiple PoDs, which allows enough freedom of creativity for different authors while maintaining consistent lore. The other active community timelines should learn from their organization skill Oh, I didn't mean to push that button!Oh, well leave a message I guess 15:37, 31 December 2024 (UTC)




The one and only Altverse II takes home the Lifetime Award for Best Timeline! Congratulations to its contributors! Crim - (talk) 19:21, 2 February 2025 (UTC)

Lifetime Achievement Award: Article

This award is for the best articles across the entire lifetime of the wiki.


  • Olympics (1983: Doomsday) by Trainor90 - Is this my second nomination of Orb's work surrounding the Olympics? Yes. Is that because this work collectively comprises a visual tour de force unmatched in the history of our website? Yes. The highlight of the article of course is the seventeen original logos that he created, but even in that set, there's more than first meets the eye. Many of them, when you dig deep, are representatives of larger families of logos, complete visual brands that Orb made up. And given the alternate-ness of the history, he also had to think up alternate trends in graphic design so that none of them appear to come straight out of a particular decade of OTL. And beyond the visuals, the article tells a believable history of how international sport might respond to a nuclear cataclysm. It sketches out an interesting system for the AH setting. False Dmitri (talk) 20:23, 29 December 2024 (UTC)
  • World War III (1983: Doomsday) by False Dmitri - This has been something of a pet project of Dmitri's for some time now. In a timeline about a global thermonuclear war, very few articles are as important as the article about World War III. This page takes information from many, many other articles, summarizing them. Joining 1983: Doomsday is kind of daunting - there is so much lore to read up on and it's pages like this that allow newer users to explore the timeline in broader strokes. This article also does a great job at exploring the conventional side of the third World War, paying attention to fronts that drag on after the initial nuclear exchange as well as the short-lived fronts that end almost as quickly as they begin as both nations collapse and must prioritize their own survival. This page is always being updated and it's truly a labor of love from Ben. Crim - (talk) 22:44, 12 January 2025 (UTC)
  • Terra Cognita by Dieua-Artio - Yes, the portal page for the timeline itself is that good. This page is a wonderful snapshot of a great timeline, organized as a traveler's guide to the universe. It offers plenty of little hooks to reel in a reader who stumbled upon the timeline. There are some timelines that lend themselves well to a deep dive of TV-Tropes-proportions and this portal page allows a reader to do just that. Summarizing a complex timeline can be difficult. Take notes, ladies and gentlemen: this is how you do it. Crim - (talk) 22:44, 12 January 2025 (UTC)




The portal page for Terra Cognita by User:Dieua-Artio has won the Multiverse Lifetime Award for Best Article! Crim - (talk) 19:24, 2 February 2025 (UTC)

Lifetime Achievement Award: Flag or Coat of Arms

This award is for the most interesting, iconic or impressive flags or coats of arms in the archives of this wiki. Nominees must be in the "File:" namespace.


  • Hesse Flag Morte
Hesse Flag (Merveilles des Morte) by Javants03 - Weird yet indisputably glorious. False Dmitri (talk) 00:32, 2 January 2025 (UTC)
  • Flag of New Devon (Great White South)
Flag of New Devon (Great White South) by NuclearVacuum - A beautiful flag and some of the greatest work by our People's Commissar of the Polycosmos. False Dmitri (talk) 18:15, 2 January 2025 (UTC)




NuclearVacuum, come on down and collect your Lifetime Award for Flag or Coat of Arms! Crim - (talk) 19:25, 2 February 2025 (UTC)

Lifetime Achievement Award: Map or Other File

This award is for the most interesting, iconic or impressive maps and other files in the archives of this wiki. The file can be a portrait, map, picture, etc. as long as it is in the "File:" namespace and is not a flag or coat of arms.


  • Map Tripolitania
Map of Tripolitania (Merveilles du Monde Map Game) by Tullin - Textures and pretty fonts maybe aren't everything, but in this early work by Vinny they're put to very good use to create a composition that's thoroughly beautiful. False Dmitri (talk) 18:43, 29 December 2024 (UTC)
  • License Plate of Cuba (CS)
License Plate of Cuba (Corrupted Sunshine/Regina Americana) by IndyWasTaken - Completely believable as designs, Indy's license plate project was never finished. Yet the Cuban trapezoid stands out as an item that looks great and immediately signals that we're in a richly developed alternate world. False Dmitri (talk) 20:48, 29 December 2024 (UTC)




Congratulations to IndyWasTaken! Crim - (talk) 19:27, 2 February 2025 (UTC)

Lifetime Achievement Award in a Map Game

This award is for outstanding work in a map or other game - as a creator, player, mod, artist, etc. - across the entire lifetime of the wiki.


  • Domesday (Map Game) by Nathan1123 - I've said it before: this was my favorite map game we ever played. It was largely stress-free, the turns were detailed, and it was truly like everyone was writing their own ATL and making it work together. The algorithms were automated, pulling from an in-depth excel database and taking into account terrain, custom troops, and leaders. This algorithm had originally been adapted for MdM and saw some limited use, but it was perfected in MdM. Nate was consistently refining the algorithm, fixing common errors and adding in new avenues for each and every battle to feel truly unique. Though any algorithm like this is going to be inherently crunchy, the auto algo was the best tool we've had to handle said crunch. And we needed that, because as the game went on and the Crusades loomed large, wars got very complex. The players of this game were all on their A-games. Everyone was interested in what they were writing and while it's true that the object of map games is and always will be "paint map your color," it felt like this game really was so much more than that. Folks, we ate good when this game was active. Crim - (talk) 22:57, 12 January 2025 (UTC)
  • Imperial Europe (Map Game) by Michael Douglas - On the complete opposite of the end of the spectrum, we have Imperial Europe. A game run entirely by vibes. No algos, no sub-discords, minimal drama. Just a coupla guys and MS paint. Was it plausible? No. Was it fun? You bet. Spanish Canada and New Spain, sans Mexico which was of course owned by Venice. Breton Manifest destiny which seemed poised to wrap around the world for the hell of it. This game was a product of its time, while we were figuring out map games about a decade and a half ago. It truly walked so later games like Principia Moderni could run. This game is a genuine piece of wiki history. Crim - (talk) 04:02, 13 January 2025 (UTC)




This one goes to Domesday (Map Game)! Crim - (talk) 19:28, 2 February 2025 (UTC)