Alternative History

This is a list of Alternate histories existing on this site. Feel free to add your own!

See also a historical list of alternate histories, ordered by historical moment of POD or main difference.



1975 without Fraser
Explores the Australian Dismissal crisis without Malcolm Fraser to lead the Liberals into power. Whitlam's budget is never blocked and he is allowed to govern until the 1977 election.


All the Way with JFK
Describes the Vietnam War, the 1964 election and the Kennedy dynasty, all as a result of Oswald missing his target in 1963.
A Peoples’ History of the Third Great Patriotic War
USSR wins Cold War and is faced with a war on terror
A United Front
The spanish civil war spills out to the rest of europe.
A World Divided
After Mikhail Gorbachev is killed just prior to him assuming power in the Soviet Union, the Cold War continues until today and many people meet a different fate.
A World In Crisis
Bill Clinton dies in a car crash before Election Day, 1992 after taking the role of Democratic Party candidate and selecting Al Gore as vice presidential candidate. Al Gore assumes candidacy, loses the election and the world ends up differently... Made by WhatIf.
The Andean Wars
Christopher Columbus had his journey to the New World delayed 6 months, and his ships are destroyed in a hurricane. Civil war is waiting in Spain and the Ottomans won't be very friendly...
Axis World
The Axis victory in the Second World War brought about the rise of four major superpowers - the Greater German Reich, the Neo Roman Empire, the Japanese Empire and the United States. As these four nations struggled for control of the world, society was altered irrevocably, but the Cold War between Fascism and democracy could not last forever...


Bolshevik Bleeding
A wiser and more watchful Alexander Kerensky avoids the rise of the Bolsheviks and October Revolution never occured, making the way free for democracy in Russia.
British Empire Triumphant
The British do not enter World War One and remain the dominant power into the 21st Century.
British Louisiana
Disease in 1762 prevents the British takeover of Cuba, preventing the Spanish loss of Florida. Britain takes Louisiana instead.


Cabotia and Brasil
The Castilian queen does not support Christopher Columbus who is not lucky in France either. The English and the Portuguese discover the Americas before 1500, though.
Capitalists of the World, Unite
The German railroad car smuggling Lenin into St. Petersburg is intercepted by Tsarist forces. Russia bleeds itself dry by the end of the Great War, but Communism never takes root. Equally pulvarized against the Russian anvil, Germany sues for peace in 1917.
Cambridge Computing
Computing visionary Alan Turing and iconoclastic philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein establish an interdisciplinary program in Mind, Machine and Mathematics at University of Cambridge. By the year 2000 robots with human-like intelligence are common.
Chinese World
A divided China partially resists the Mongol invasion, while the Mongols devastate western Europe. At the downfall of the Mongols, the Chinese states are ready to conquer the unknown world.
Cold Phoney War
Allied partial victory on Norway convince Hitler on the near imposibility of invading the British Isles, keeps Chamberlain in power and gives the Allies a position to directly fight the Soviet Union over Finland.
Commonwealth of America
The American Rebellion has failed. When Canada gains self-government in 1867, America follows suit as a free, democratic constitutional monarchy, consisting of the 134 original colonies plus the captured Louisiana territory. With no United States to threaten its existence, Mexico flourishes until torn apart by unrest and civil war.


Day of Glory
Starting with New-France never falling to the british, a domino effect create a timeline where the balance of power is held by the Republic of France and the United Royal Provinces.


Failed Continental Congress
The 13 English colonies in North America manage their independence but they cannot agree on a common government.
Federalist Failure
The Federalists lose in their attempts to ratify the new Constitution, and the United States falls apart, leading to the rise of a Virginian "empire".
Florida voted Blue
Some chads fell off in Florida and its 25 electoral votes went to Gore. Explores the first four years of a Gore Presidency - his responses to September 11, the invasion of Sudan and the prospect of four more years.


Germanic Power
The Franks and Visigoths hold more staunchly to their languages thus developing Frankish, Hispagothic, and other germanic languages, eliminating Spanish, French and Portuguese, but allowing the Langue d'Occ and Catalan come to the fore as independent languages.
The Gipper Goes Down
Ronald Wilson Reagan, 40th President of the United States, shot dead in 1981 by John Hinkley Jnr. His Vice President, George Bush, assumes the Presidency and is bombarded from all sides by the Iran-Contra scandal, which brings him down and his administration with it.
Greater Colombia
San Martin manage to convince Bolívar he still has a role to perform in South America, letting Bolívar more room to prevent Venezuela seceeding from Colombia, and concentrate in freeing the Caribbean.


Henry II Dies In 1100
The early demise of Henry II causes a drastic change in succession and the royal houses of Scotland, England, France and greatly affects the politics of western europe.


Industrial Revolution, 350 BC
Democrates who in OTL had created a steam engine in the Greek Colony of Marsille, manages to bring the technology back to Athens and a new technological revolution ensues.


Japanese Alaska
William H. Seward does not survive the assassination attempt, April 14, 1865. As a result, the United States does not buy Alaska from the Russians, and it ends up in Japanese hands.


The Kaiser's New Order
With a German victory in 1915, Germany slowly begins economic domination of Europe. Russia avoids the Communist revolution and remains a monarchy and a power bloc opposed to the Kaiser's expansionist policies. Impotent Britain has little choice but to co-operate with Germany's plans, leading to a more united Europe and the Great World War fought between the European powers, Japan, and the United States.
General Lavr Kornilov begins his coup earlier, and is succesful. Russia fights on to the end of World War One, with various changes major and minor throughout the world.


The Loose Bandage Timeline (LBTL)
What if William McKinley was not assassinated in September of 1901? The story departs from our own when the bandage concealing the assassin's .38 caliber revolver slips off his hand, revealing the gun in time for a bystander to knock the failed assassin to the ground, thus sparing McKinley's life and delaying the years of progressivism which began under the tutelage of McKinley's Vice President, Theodore Roosevelt.


Mega Fuana
A comet is diverted from its path and burns up in the atmosphere and dumps 20% more Carbon Dioxide in the Atmosphere. This increase stops all ice ages after 2 million years ago.
Menzies Defeated
Arthur Calwell defeats Robert Menzies at the 1961 Australian election. Gough Whitlam comes to power at the head of cultural reforms in the 1960s, transforming Australian society into a multicultural melting pot.
Montezuma's Revenge
Cortez and Pizarro fail in their conquests of the Americas and to this day the powerful Aztec and Incan empires exist. The Mississippian Mound-Builders remained strong, and with the support of a technologically vitalized Aztec Empire fended off the attacking western cultures. Also, the enigmatic Anasazi exist to this day...somewhere in the Southwest.
Mosley's Britain
Explores the rise and fall of the British Fascists under Sir Oswald Mosley. Examines in detail their rise to power in 1935, the London Pact between Hitler, Mosely and Mussolini,the Anglo-German invasion of France and the carving up of Europe between London, Berlin and Rome. Describes the disintegration of the Empire, the American invasion of England and the Japanese attacks on Pearl Harbour and San Fransisco. Witness the downfall of Mosely at the hands of the United States and the crumbling of Europe in the face of a Soviet invasion. Visit England today, defeated but proud, carved up into her component parts and subjected to the whim of the United States.


The Napoleonic Empire
Napoleon waited on his invasion of Russia, and instead turned his attentions to England, committing the 600,000 men that he sent to Russia in an attack across the Channel, effectively humbling the thorn in his side, and allowing a French Empire of Europe.
New Wessex 776
A group of Anglo-Saxons cross the ocean in 776 and settle along the Wiko Miki River, in what would have been southern Maryland.
No Christianity World
Jesus of Nazareth is released by the governor of Judea, Christianity dies out by around AD 100.
Not-so-Slick Willy
President Bill Clinton is impeached by the Senate in 1999. Al Gore assumes the Presidency but can he avoid the taint that destroyed Clinton?


John F. Kennedy wasn't assassinated, the shot missed and killed Governor Connally instead. Because JFK was around to see the Space Race to completion, and it took a very different route...


A major fatal disease develops in precolumbian mesoamerica. As the New World is ravaged by smallpox, the Old World suffers from papatlaca.
Penda Dies
In 642, Oswald of Northumbria kills Penda of Mercia at the Battle of Maserfield. Northumbria remains under one king, Oswald does not become a martyr.
President Gaitan
In 1950, Gaitán is elected president of Colombia. A populist leftish government, but supported by the CIA as a way to prevent true comunism to become a major power in Latin America, Gaitan is neither one of the best or worst presidents. But butterflies from him surviving 1948, also prevented Castro to become leader in Cuba.
President Kerry
In the wake of a pointless, illegal war, George W. Bush is defeated for re-election in November 2004. Explores the American political climate six months into the Kerry Presidency.
Pure Arabica
The Bubonic Plague decimates Europe, killing nearly 2/3 of the population and reducing the Renaissance to ashes. The world was ill prepared for the Arab aggression and resurgence.


Rebellion of 61
This althist has two primary PODs. In the first, the nascent Confederate States of America is defeated at the (First) Battle of Bull Run, ending the brief Rebellion of '61. In the second, the Komei Emperor of Japan lives several decades longer than in our time line.
Rise of the South
The Confederacy wins the American Civil War. America is torn asunder by the Southern Secession. Gradually, more Northern states are brought into the Confederate fold until the two nations are recombined in the late 1800s. But this new, Southern-dominated America soon faces international condemnation for its continuation of slavery, leading to an isolationist, xenophobic Confederate States. In the twentieth century, the world is plunged into conflict as the Confederacy goes to war with Europe and Japan.
Roman Printing
A lead pipe manufacturer invents single letter printing. This practice is taken up by Augustus and printing acquires an association with the Roman Imperium.


See Paris and Die
Field Marshal Erwin von Witzelen successfully assassinates Hitler on May 1941 during a military parade in Paris.
The State of Canada
The Canadians answer the call of the Americans Rebels for revolt. After the American Revolution the state of Canada is created and nearly all British influence on the east coast of North America have been eliminated.
Stephen King of England

King Stephen's descendants maintain a grasp on the throne of England, while Matilda and the Angevins rule over Normandy, and later Aquitaine.

Swede Victorious
In 1708, the rising Swedish Empire led by Charles VII destroys Moscow and Russia falls into decline. Sweden soon becomes a rival to Britain to rule the OTLVictorian Era.


The Third Rome
The Russian royal family didn't intermarry with the English, and thus didn't have the hemophiliac genes that produces Tsar Nicholas II. Because this family had such a shift, Russia continued its expansion into Asia, remaining strong. The Communists weren't able to take control of the Government of Russia and instead came to power in Marx's native Germany.
Toyotomi Japan
Japan did not become isolationist as it did here, and expanded to fill the Pacific Ocean, colonizing California.
8 uchronies (alternate earths) learn of the existence of one another after the event known as the Grand Unveiling. They discover that the central empire of one timeline is little more then a backwater in another. Wanting to restore what they perceive as the natural place of their religious, ethnic or political groups but unable to have more then a limited presence elsewhere, they wage a transdimensional cold war.


United Europe
A Napoleonic victory creates a United Europe in the early 19th century. Over time, Europe rises to become the greatest power of our modern age, despite tensions with a surrounded United States.
United States of New England
The War of 1812 goes from being a war against Britain to a full-flung civil war.
United Socialist States of America
FDR dies of scarlet faver as a child. No one from the DFL party is able to step up and soon Revolution is in place...


Vereenigde West-Indische Provinciën
The Dutch win the First Anglo-Dutch War (1652) and keep their colony of New Netherlands (VWIP) and expand it by capturing New England. In 1772 the 9 Colonies of New Netherland declare indepencence and that is the start of the war of independence. New Netherlands succeeds, renaming itself to 'de Vereenigde West-Indische Provinciën' (United West-Indian Provinces).
Erik the Red refuses to adopt Christianity in 1000ce. Cut off from Europe, the Greenland colony relocates to Markland (Labrador) where they wipe out the Dorset peoples and befriend the Inuit. By 1450, the pagan colonies of Markland and Vinland are strong enough to send ships back to Iceland and re-open trade relations.
Viva California
The Mexican-American War was a bust. The California Gold Rush causes a rush of American population to the valleys of California. The Mormons are all Spanish speaking and the US's sentiment of Manifest Destiny is turned Northward, at least at first.
Viva Mexico
Emperor Maximilian of Mexico's success in retaining power sees Mexico regain its US-captured territory by invading a United States exhausted after the Civil War, then expands into the Pacific, Caribbean and Central America to become a leading world power.


The Walrus Lives!
Mark Chapman's shots miss John Lennon and he survives to lead a 1980s Beatles reunion, culminating at Live Aid which helps the cause make significant inroads into fixing poverty.
The Western Empire
Geoffrey, Count of Brittany was the younger brother of Richard the Lionhearted. In Our Time Line (OTL), he pre-deceased Richard by dying in 1186 from a fall from a horse. This left his young son, Arthur of Brittany, as Richard's legitimate successor, but Richard and Geoffrey's youngest brother, John Lackland, forced Arthur aside and eventually had him killed. In this timeline, Geoffrey survives, and he is succeeded by Arthur.


Some hominids reached the Americas before the modern Homo sapiens. This lead to a different fauna evolution in the Americas allowing later come Homo sapiens to domesticate suitable burden animals.

Alternate Histories hosted elsewere

various alternate history timelines and links Timelines include "Empty America". Timelines include "Spinoza on Turkey".
