Peter IV[]
The Election[]
The Year is 1920, the Bolsheviks and the Whites have been defeated by each other, resulting on a moderate government, but many lifes were lost, among them Tsar Nicholas II Alexandrovich, Emperess Alexandra, their five children and his younger brother Michael. In the new government, some wanted to restore the monarchy. There were various candidates and they were all denied the throne: The moderate socialists didn't trust the ambitious Kirill, Grand Duke Dimitri was even worse, the children of Grand Duchess Xenia, whos husband was the son of the younges son of Nicholas I, weren't Grand Dukes. Then, the Duma decided on inviting princes from the previous dynasty, the Rurikids. The winner of the election was Pyotr Alxeyevich Kropotnikin, prince and anarchist, descendant of one of the most senior branches of the house of Vladimir II Monomakh.
Sucession Crisis[]
Pyotr IV Kropotnikin regined from 29 June 1920 until his death, on 18 October 1923. He only had one child, Alexandra. Some wanted her to be the emperess, while others wanted an male heir. The next male in the line of sucession was Nicholas, son of Peter's brother, mathematician Alexander Alexeyevich Kropotnikin. As Alexandra and Nicholas were friends, they didn't want to private the other from the Tsardom, so they married, and were crowned jointly as Nicholas III and Alexandra I.
Alexandra I and Nicholas III[]
Fifth Duma (1923-1928)[]
Following the restabilization of Russia, elections were called, with the RSDLP, the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party, winning the elections. Julius Martov, the main leader of the RSDLP, became prime minister. He improved the welfare of the country, recoustructing it from the devastation caused by the First World War and the Civil War. He also ediated the reunification of Alash Orda and the Republic of Turkestan with Russia. Around that time, Kirill Romanov was elected Finnish President, quickly creating the Empire of Romanovia. Russia was invaded in 8 July 1925, and the devastated country lost the initial battles to Romanovia but, in December, some remanants of the Finnish Red Guard rose up against Kirill, and what seemed as an Romanovian victory became an victory of Russia and Red Finland. The Treaty of Helsinki was signed on 9 February 1926, where Finland became an socialist state, while Russia took some lands near Petrograd. From 1926 to 1928, Russia experienced an economic growth, only second to the US, many private and public buisnesses were opened.
Sixth Duma (1928-1933)[]
The elections of 1928 resulted in the re-election of Martov as prime minister. The economic growth continued until 1929, when the Great Depression happened. Russian economy, as it was relatively isolated, and had some socialist features, didn't suffer so intensly as other countries. Martov's administration also helped to reduce the crisis' effects. Meanwhile, Poland decided to create an monarchy, installing George of Saxony, known as "the Priest" on the throne. Nicholas and George were close, estabilishing an military and economic alliance between Poland, Russian and Makhnovshchina, known as Eastern Bloc. Makhnovshchina was an anarchist country located in Ukraine, named after Nestor Makhno and founded prior to the October Revolution.
The Eastern Bloc's goal was to Protect the relatively weak eastern countries from rising ultranationalist moviments.