Alternative History
Andrew I Eduardovich
Grand Prince of the Baltics
Prince of Courland
Coronation February 2, 2005
Full name Andrei Eduardovich Rennenkampff
In Russian: Князь Андрей Эдуардович Ренненкампф
In German: Andrew Georg Fürst von Rennenkampff
Titles Crown Prince
Born October 24, 1945
Birthplace Konofer Manor
Flag of Russia Konofor, Russian Empire
Consort Princess Matilda
Royal House Mikhalkov-Leonutov-Rennenkampff
Father Eduard I Pavlovich, Prince of Courland
Mother Princess Ingeborg of Norway
Children Prince Paul
Prince Andrew II
Princess Victoria II
Prince Herbert
Religious beliefs Lutheran

Andrew Georg Ludwig Fürst von Rennenkampf (Russian: Андрей Эдгарович фон Ренненкампф, Andrey Edgarovich Rennenkampf; born October 24, 1955), also known by his Russian titular name and Andrew I Edgarovich, Crown Prince of the Baltics; is a Russian businessman and philanthropist and Baltic German noble the current Crown Prince of Livonia and the Grand Prince of the Baltics, as well as the current head of the House of Rennenkampf.

He is also a member of the Rennenkampf Foundation, and also worked as the accountant for Rennenkampf Industries and Baltik Gostepriimstvo Holdings.

Of the German and Lutheran branch of the noble wealthy House of Rennenkampf, Prince Andrew is a member of the Royal Baltic Council, and the Royal Brotherhood of the Autocrat of all Russia. He is a nephew of Prince Vladimir I Pavlovich.

During the 1990s, Prince Edward was very-much opposed to the anti-Tsarist uprisings. However, fighting and combat was not his style, a task which his older brother, Prince Karl, a well-respected Imperial officer, partook in. Instead, he opted to act as a financial backer for pro-Tsarist groups in the Baltics.

In 2015, after the death of Prince Wolfgang as the Crown Prince of the Baltics, he became elected by the Royal Baltic Council as the Crown Prince of the Baltics, and was recognized by Tsaritsa Maria I Vladimirovna.


Prince Andrew was born in 1947, just World War II ended, to Prince Edgar I Georgeyevich, and Countess ???. His father was not a prince by birth, but was ennobled by the allowance of his uncle Prince Vladimir I Pavlovich, who had been the Prince of Courland at the time of his parents' arrival in Russia. Prince Vladimir I did not force his parents to become Orthodox, instead, the Prince of Rostov title was created for the Orthodox Rennenkampfs.

After Prince Vladimir felt that Edgar von Rennenkampf was "worthy enough", passed on the Prince of Courland title to him.

Net worth[]

Prince Andrew's personal net worth is ₽12.3 billion alone, however since he is the head of the House of Rennenkampf, his totaled net worth is over ₽175.5 billion, not counting the property by the Orthodox factions of the House of Rennenkampf.


Personal life[]

Prince Andrew is is married to Princess Victoria of Hesse. He has had many other love lives.

He has two younger brothers, Prince Ruslan and Prince George (Yuri) and a younger sister, Pualina (Pavlina). Prince Ruslan is currently married to Princess Angela I Pavlovna Bessoleskaya-Belozerskaya, Prince George is married to Princess Ariana of Greece and Princess Paulina is married to Prince Milan I Felixovich Massalskaya.