Alternative History
Alternative History
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The Green Revolution is a political movement that began in the mid-1980s and had a significant impact on the Antarctic political climate. When it was discovered that aerosol chemicals, among other factors, had torn a hole in the ozone layer over the South Pole, there was huge outcry among the Antarctic population. The fact that it was, for the most part, the pollution of the non-Antarctic nations that was causing this phenomenom greatly angered the Antarctic people.

The revolution led to Green politics taking the forefront in mainstream politics on the continent. Existing Green parties experienced a boom in popularity, while new Green organizations came into existence almost overnight. Even after the 1989 Montreal Protocol, which banned the use of ozone-depleting chemicals worldwide, Green parties in Antarctica remained popular, as in many nations, they had become the dominant liberal parties.

While the Green Revolution originally focused on environmentalism, other concerns such as social justice, consensus decision-making, and pacifism became inegrated in the political platform of many Green parties.

Green political parties[]

"Non-Green" territories[]

While the Green Revolution certainly affected all of Antarctica's nations and territories, some felt the effects less strongly than others, many Antarctic nations still do not have prominent Green parties, for various reasons.

In New Swabia, the Green Revolution practically coincided with the reinstallation of democracy and the fall of one-party rule; so the country was more caught up in its own political reforms than the Green Revolution. Towards the end of the 1980s, Green politics did become more prominent, but the country's two-party system (consisting of the NSLP and the Christian Socialists) has never been disrupted.

In Bellinsgauzenia, the country's extensive use of nuclear power (a controversial issue in the Green Revolution) coupled with a long-established two-party system prevented the rise of a Bellinsgauzenian Green party. The Progressive Party is seen as Bellinsgauzenia's "greenest" major party.

Balleny Islands was a part of the Ross Dependency at the time of the Green Revolution, meaning its political parties were effectively in line with New Zealand's. The Alliance Party, the People's Party of Tryzar and, to some extent, the Ballenian Independence Party, have all shown signs of "Green" policies; showing the extent to which environmentalism is still present in Antarctica.

The Eduardan Green Party merged with the Labour Party to avoid vote-splitting, and the Labour Party is now often considered an "unofficial Green party".