The Anti-British War took place during the years 1832-36. Emperor Alessandro I of New Rome brought together a big alliance with Germany, German Atlantis and Canada.
The war[]
Unexpectedly, the Imperial Navy proved to be stronger than the Royal Navy, thanks to the numerous fights against the Spanish Navy-in-exile.
The peace[]
In the peace of Roma Nuova, Britain had to cede Haraldsland (OTL Newfoundland) to Canada and its lands in South Atlantis, which were divided along the Tropic of Capricorn: Braseal went to New Rome, while the Germans received Argentine as a place for settlement (from now on, the country was more often called Argentinien). Patagonia, being uninteresting for the victors, became the independent state of Aymaria.
The aftermath[]
As a result of the lost war, the second English Civil War broke out in Britain. King Philip was killed in the revolution, the royal family had to flee to New Albion.