| |||||
Capital (and largest city) |
Absarokee | ||||
Language | Apsáalooke | ||||
King | Horatoa | ||||
Chief Minister | Akkeekaahuush | ||||
Population | 251,000 | ||||
Independence | 1681 | ||||
Currency | APB |
The Kingdom of Apsaalookriga, Apsaalookriga, is a large constitutional monarchy in Leifia. It is bordered (clockwise from North) by Haanininland, Nakotaland (The Kalmar Union), Lakota, Tsetsehestahesia, Shoshoneland, Kalispu and Nitawahsinnanni. The capital is Absarokee and the population around 251,000.
The official language is Apsáalooke.
The Head of State is King Horatoa.
The currency is the Apsáalooke Bilapil (APB)
The Apsáalooke people originally hailed from what is now Erie but during the early rise of Aniyunwiya were pushed out westwards on to the plains. There they adapted to a life following the bison and raising horses. By the time Vinlandic explorers were earnestly exploring the Missouri River and its tributaries they were in control of the Echeedickkarshahshay River but under pressure from their larger neighbours the Lakota.
The Lakota would annex them to their growing empire in the 1620s disrupting the trade routes which passed through the territory. Continued disruption to trade would be one of the major factor in the First Vinland-Lakota War (1676-1681) and at the war's close Apsaalokriga was made an independent state under the rule of King Bulaagawish. With Vinlandic help and investment the new country and its population became more sedentary as farms spread out along the river valleys, helping to fuel a population boom both here and in Vinland. The country's mineral wealth started to be utilised as well.
During the Second Mexic-Leifian War (1776-1792) the entire country was occupied. The war would a be an utter disaster for the country as the Mexic army confiscated years' worth of produce to fuel its campaigns and then forcibly moved a significant portion of the populace southward to serve as slave labour. When the Vinlandic-Ojibwe army liberated Absarokee they found only half-starved women and children left in the city.
Recovery was slow and hampered by the Leifian Crisis years which restricted investment and Vinland, its traditional trading partner, only really re-engaged following the Vinlandic-Nitawahsinn War (1843).
The isolated mining towns were often populated with non-Apsáalooke workers and slowly gained a reputation for corruption and lawlessness. Outlaw figures such as Vilhjálmur Krákkínn, Glešká Ayútepiwin or Baltasar de Xovellanos have entered the 'Folklore of the Plains' and are remembered as anti-heroes in books, plays, and now films, in various countries.
A short war was fought with Kalispu in the 1960s for control of the gold fields along their border. Kalispu was successful in holding the fields and the failure of the war led to a coup, ushering in (eventually) a democratic parliamentary system.
In 2022 the huge Wįcášta dam, a joint venture with Haanininland and Vinland, was completed in the far north of the county. It uses the Missouri River to generate electricity for the two neighbouring states. Oil is beginning to be dug up in various spots which promises to help the economy as well.
The country is well-noted for its deinosaur fossils, especially tyrannosaurs, and has the largest free-roaming bison population of any Leifian state.
Apsaalookriga is a parliamentary democracy with elections every 4 to 5 years for its single chambered council. The monarch, King Horatoa, retains little executive power and acts merely as a figurehead and diplomatic envoy.