Alternative History
Alternative History
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The Game[]


  • Chinese Empire: Qing Emperor of China Tongzhi recognizes the Confederate States of America, although it is in truth his mother Cixi who controls the nation. Meanwhile, in Manchuria a revival of traditional Manchurian traditions and names begins, with support from the Manchurian Qing government.
  • Japan: expands its colonial holdings on the island of Sakhalin and sees the need for improved trade agreements and proposes trade alliances to China, Britain and the CSA.
    • Chinese Diplomacy: China seeks to modernize their nation more, and doesn't want the Europeans dominating their trade. Therefore, they begin to trade with Japan.
  • Ottoman Empire: The Ottoman Empire starts the slow process of industrialization with designs purchased from Britain and the United States. Sultan Murad V is determined to end the Ottoman Empire's status as the "Sick Man of Europe".
  • United States of Colombia: Tomás Cipriano de Mosquera stages a liberal rebellion from the states of Cauca and Antioquia against the conservative government. The liberal and jingoistic United States of Colombia is established. the USC quickly recognizes the CSA as a legitimate government and lays claims to their territories under former Gran Colombia.
  • Russian Empire: Tsar Alexander II begins to modernize and liberalize the Russian Empire, bringing about an emancipation of the serfs, the recreation of the Duma based more on the American Congress, and begins to construct more railroads. The Tsar refuses to acknowledge the Confederate States, and proposes an economic alliance between the US and Russia.
  • Confederated States of America: The CSA accepts the Japanese alliance. Rebuilding begins, along with a parade in Richmond celebrating peace.
    • UK Diplomacy: While they don't generally condone it, the UK recognizes the CSA mostly because of the cotton trade.
  • German Confederation: An Envoy of Prussia arrives in Richmond to announce the King's Government has officially recognized the Confederate States of America. The General Staff begins studying the tactics used in the War of Confederate Independence to develop new strategies, though it is some time before any conclusions can be drawn.
  • Ethiopian Empire: Emperor Tewodros II institutes an economic program intended to modernize Ethiopia. They do not recognize the CSA, because of the slavery issue, and the example it could set for people in their empire.
  • France: The Emperor Napoleon III sends more troops to support the count of Lorencez in Mexico, sending also General Bazaine to relieve him of the campaign leading. The emperor is improving the army with new weapons and strategies, and asks for trade of weapons and other resources to Chile and Japan. Napoleon III asks the CSA to help him in the Mexican intervention. In exchange, Emperor Maximilian of Hapsburg will give the CSA the Baja California Peninsula.
  • Chile: The Presidente Jose Joaquin Perez, after the "incident of the Araucania kingdom", order the occupation of the Mapuche territories between Bio-Bio and Tolten rivers, putting the southern army under the command of the Colonel Cornelio Saavedra.
  • The United States of America: Bitter over its defeat by the south but wanting access once more to the valuable southern cotton, an economic trade deal is offered to the Confederacy to form the North American Economic Community (NAEC), in which the two nations will have one currency called the North American Dollar. The plan is ratified by Congress due mostly to the desperate need for cotton for northern industry.


  • Chinese Empire: China begins to build up their navy, hoping that they will not have a repeat of the disastrous Opium Wars. They try to increase trade with the CSA and other nations without overseas empires, to reduce the chance of being colonized. The Manchu restoration continues.
  • United States of Colombia: A huge process of military build-up is started. Demand back in the European markets for rubber makes the Colombian government to begin focusing on the Amazon Region, paying huge amounts of money and giving a few trade rights in rubber to the Ecuadorian, Peruvian and Brazilian governments to Acknowledge that the Colombian frontier stretches down to the Amazon River.
  • German Confederation: Otto von Bismark is named the Chancellor of Prussia by King William I. Modernization efforts and an emphasis on Industry is promoted with lower taxes and massive subsidies. Companies like Krupp immediately are granted huge loans to expand their factories and holdings.
  • Russian Empire: With the serfs freed and the creation of a Middle Class underway, the Tsar continues to build railroads to connect European Russia with Siberia, in order to exploit more of the nation's natural resources. In addition, the Russian military continues to be modernized, having its basis most heavily on the British Armed Forces.
  • France: The french army continues in war with Mexico, and the conservatives in this country sell new weapons and information to Bazaine. Now the Emperor Napoleon III sends a letter to William I asking for a non-aggression pact and trade.
  • Ottoman Empire: The Ottomans begin using the industrial machinery purchased from the United States to start building up local Ottoman industry. They begin the processes of extracting the vital resources needed for their industrial build-up.
  • Chile: Meanwhile, new cities are built in former Mapuche territories now annexed peacefully or by force, the Chilean government begin a process to modernize the national industries with the arrive of more engineers from Europe. Is expected, also, that the army and navy will are improved after of negotiate military technology with other countries.
  • Japan: begins a military overhaul that will put it on par with several Westernized nations and expands territorial holdings on the Island of Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. Japan improves road and rail infrastructure.
  • 830px-830px-BlankMap-Wgdjghorld-1861

    Proposed division of Mexico

    The United States of America: The USA, due to the War for Southern Independence being relatively short in terms of conflict and casualties, declares war on Hawaii and slowly begins to take over the small island nation. US troops are placed on the Canadian and Mexican borders while 50,000 US troops are preparing to invade and occupy the Baja California Peninsula. Several colonies are started in West, East, and South Africa due to the feel by the United States that to make up for its loss of the south, it must expand overseas. The United States invades Baja California following the fall of Hawaii, which is annexed and turned into the US Pacific Islands Territory. 35,000 US troops land in Sonora while 85,000 troops, after much hassle and more than a years preparation, land in Guerrero and after making a three much drive, lay siege to Mexico City. Baja California and western Sonora are completely occupied by the turns end. A plan on the division of Mexico is proposed to the French, and after some haggling in the White House by Lincoln, the Confederacy, which is below.


The Earth in 1864.0
  • German Confederation: Chancellor Bismarck is concerned about the French offer for an alliance, especially considering the various small German states that Bismarck would like to bring into a German Reich. He advises William I to accept the trade agreement, but that negotiations should take place before any firm alliance is established.
  • China: Empress Cixi of China orders an increase of industrialization of China. Manchuria is the fastest-industrializing area of the nation, although it is far behind many other nations of course. They build up their military with all of the new factories.
  • Russian Empire: The Tsar continues the modernization of the military and the building of railroads throughout Siberia.
  • Ethiopian Empire: The Ethiopian Empire continues its modernisation program, with the economy taking a slight dip as debt is accrued to import modern machinery from Prussian companies.
  • Ottoman Empire: The Ottomans continue their campaign of industrial modernization by adopting a new type of rifle for their army. It is based on the American Springfield rifle musket, which has been imported to the Ottoman Empire in small amounts.
  • Chile: Chilean government analyze plans for increase the colonization in Magelanes and the Patagonia. The production in the national agriculture and mining increases nearly 40% with the new technologies brought by European engineers in the previous year. In Concepcion begin the construction of a new and modern shipyard.
  • Japan: the cities of Osaka and Okinawa grow rapidly due to increased international trade and population booms.

The World as of 1863.0

  • The United States of America: Mexico City falls, ending the 2nd Mexican-American war and the existence of the Mexico as a nation. Much of Mexico is then annexed by the United States while Chihuahua, eastern Sonora, Tamaulipas, Nuevo Leon, and Coahuila are given to the Confederacy and eastern Mexico is ceded to France for there efforts against the Mexicans. Plans to bring the remaining 21 former Mexican states into the Union are begun. The colonies in Africa and the single colony in India as well as the two in Madagascar continue to grow. Victory parades begin in Washington while the Mexican War Memorial is unveiled in the former Mexican capital to honor the failed attempts by the Mexican Army to keep out enemy soldiers while the date of 1865 is set to bring the 21 former Mexican States into the Union. The proposed division of Mexico borders from last turn become the official map of the world. The USA offers 8.9 million dollars for Russian Alaska while an alliance is offered to France and after much dispute in Congress, the Confederate States of America. Work on the Transcontinental railroad begins in Washington DC and New York City while permission is asked to enter the CSA and build a railroad network. The Railway Project Act is passed by Congress, authorizing land grants to railway companies. Construction begins in California and former Mexico.


  • German Confederation: Prussia begins negotiating with the small North German states to found a customs and economic union under the direction of Prussia. Further economic integration is one of Bismarck's first steps to the unification of Germany, as the plan goes.
  • China: continues massively building up their military, focusing all resources upon this goal. They want to become a great nation like they once were.
  • Ethiopian Empire: The Ethiopian Empire begins militarily expanding into OTL Somalia. The tribes there resist,but are no match for the Ethiopian forces, who conquer the northern half of OTL Somalia. They do continue to maintain a military presence on the border with the Ottoman Empire. They offer the USA an alliance in return for their Somalian colony.
    • US Diplomacy: The alliance offer is accepted and the Somalia colony is given to Ethiopia. Ethiopia is invited to join the North American Economic Community, which will be renamed the African-America Economic Community with the currency being called the African-America Dollar.
  • Confederate States of America: The CSA defends Mexico, holding United States troops 400 miles from the Rio Grande.
  • The Earth in 1863.6.

    Earth in 1863.6

    United States of America: The borders of North America having been finalized, the North American Economic Community deal is offered to the CSA, which will create one currency for the two nations called the North American Dollar. The USA offers Spain 12 million dollars for Cuba and Puerto Rico, and according to Random.orgs results, both are sold to the United States for a negotiated total of 15.6 million dollars. Cuba is offered to the Confederacy as a gift in return for the CSA joining the NAEC and signing an alliance with the USA.
  • Japan: builds up Korean infrastructure and increases troop levels. The navy is improved and construction on several warships begins.


The Earth in 1864.0
  • 56 star u s flags by expatkiwi-d3appgn
    The United States of America: The USA asks to purchase British Colombia from the United Kingdom for 20 million dollars, which, at least in this time period, a very generous offer. The conquered Mexican states join the Union ahead of schedule while all of OTL US states join the Union except for Hawaii and the fact that New Mexico is OTL New Mexico Territory, giving the USA a total of 56 states. A new US flag is designed with 56 stars. The African colonies and the one in India continue to grow. A colony is established in East Timor, which has not yet been colonized by Portugal in this TL.
  • Austria: looking for colonies, decides to go for Vietnam and a trade fort is established in Hanoi. Austria sends diplomats to the United States for talks of an non-aggression pact.
    • US Diplomacy: Non-Aggression Pact is accepted and an alliance as well as Austrian membership in the economic community is offered to Austria. Tamaulipas, Nueva Leon, and Coahuila are all Confederate.
    • Austrian Diplomacy: Austria joins the economic pact.
  • United Kingdom: The UK denies the US's purchase request, solely for the resources that are extracted in that colony. They also gain ground in India, colonizing alongside the United States.
  • Japan: establishes colonies on the Malay peninsula and on the island of New Guinea. While there military is improved with new weapons.
  • China: occupies the island of Hainan, which lies to the south. The tiny island is no match for the might of China, and quickly capitulates to the mighty empire. China sends word to France that they will help them conquer Vietnam, if France lets them take part of the northern part. If France wants it all, they can conquer Vietnam on their own and China won't stop them. They continue to industrialize and modernize, and hope to catch up to the west soon as possible.
  • Chile: The Chilean Army, now with new weapons, successfully complete the occupation of Araucania. Perez's government then begin a rapid colonization of the unexplored regions in the Patagonia. While, from Punta Arenas, some of the new ships constructed in the new shipyard of Concepcion initiate a mission for to raise new ports in the Patagonian coasts. These actions inevitably increase the tensions with the government of Argentina.
  • Russian Empire: Alexander II is assassinated by a noble, his son Alexander III takes the throne. He limits the power of the Duma, denies the sale of Alaska to the United States, and recognizes the Confederacy. In addition, he continues work on the railroads, but discontinues the modernization of the military, to compensate for the amount of resources being poured into infrastructure. Finally, Alexander III proposes a military alliance, the Grand Alliance, between Russia and Britain, wherein should either be attacked, both will respond as though it were an attack on Home Soil.
  • German Confederation: Prussia, fearing of being surrounded by Russia, Austria and Britain, decides to accelerate the unification of Germany, as well as stall a possible alliance between the two powers. The Economic Union of German States is signed, removing all tariffs between the German states and making the Prussian Reichsmark the official currency. Prussia offers Austria and Britain an alliance, a non-aggression pact with Russia and decides now is the time to negotiate with France and Austria over the future of the German States.
    • US Diplomacy: An alliance is offered to Chile.


The World in 1864
  • United States of America: The USA begins steps to end slavery by offering all of the slaves within its borders to the Confederacy for a measly sum of 700,000 dollars, and as there are roughly 432,586 slaves while more more can be easily imported from Africa. Although slavery is not yet been abolished in the Union, it has become a sort of unwritten law in the north except for in Missouri, Delaware (which suddenly began using thousands of slaves imported from Africa since the US colonies are US territory, and thus within US borders. Expansion of the colonies continues, with factories being built in some of the major colonial cities, of which most of these so called cities are really just medium-large towns. The Negro Exportation Bill is passed in Congress, authorizing the import of slaves from US African colonies and their being sold to the CSA as long as none remain in the United States. Lincoln wins an astounding landslide victory even though he lost the civil war, but due to his quick victory over Mexico and keeping CS expansion into Mexico from occurring, vigorous expansion overseas, and bringing much wealth, markets, and power to the United States, he is re-inaugurated with great ceremony. The Republicans soon take over four-fifths of Congress in the Congressional elections, leaving the Democrats with little say in the progress of the nation, and due to this, the Democrats become solely a border state party except in the region around Washington DC. The North American Economic Community is renamed the World Economic Community, and as both Austria and the United States are both members, the World Dollar begins to circulate in the USA and Austria as well as the American colonies around the world as well as Austrian Vietnam. Colonial troops from India numbering 25,000 Americans and loyal Indians are sent to help Austria conquer Vietnam. The colonies continue to grow while second colony is started in India. US troops from the near by American colonies peacefully occupy Liberia and it becomes a US territory with the rights of self government. The number of US Colonies reaches 11 when a colony is established on the east coast of Africa, the names of the US Colonies are below:
  1. US West Africa (1862.6)
  2. US Liberia (1864.6)
  3. US Angola (1862.6)
  4. US Namibia (1862.6)
  5. US East Indies (1864.0)
  6. US Rivera Colony* (1862.6) (* = not yet officially named)
  7. US North Madagascar (1862.6)
  8. US South Madagascar (1862.6)
  9. US South India (1862.6)
  10. US West India (1862.6)
  11. US East Africa* (1864.6) (* = not yet officially named)
  • Japan: expands it Malay and New Guinea colonies. With the help of Japans first Ironclad ships the city of Singapore is captured with little resistance.
  • German Confederation: Prussia starts instituting reforms in the army and economy, with the goal to be able to fight any European power quickly in decisive battle, and the military-industrial complex is first established to help supply the army with new weapons quickly and efficiently. Old weapons are to be sold to South America, African and Asian nations. With no word from France, Britain, Russia or Austria about proposed diplomatic deals, Chancellor Bismarck is hesitant to finish the unification of Germany at this time until the military is up to speed (by the middle of 1865). The first government sponsored railroads are set up, and with private interests, hundreds of miles of railways are built in a few short months throughout Prussia.
    • US Diplomacy: Prussia and Japan are offered membership in the World Economic Community. If accepted, the World Dollar, which is currently the US and Austrian currency, it may become a military alliance as well if it is agreed upon by Japan and Prussia. Alliances are also offered to Japan and Prussia even if they do not join the WEC, which would be a great misfortune.
  • United Kingdom: The UK continues to expand its Indian colonies. Talks of unification between the Canadian colonies grow stronger, mostly because of the actions seen by the US invading (and conquering) Mexico, however Quebeckers aren't as eager to unify with the English colonies. They propose a referendum for the colony to decide if they should join Confederation.
  • Portugal, led by Franco Hernandez ((Doctor261)), declares an independence on south-western Spain, which independence is not yet declared. Franco offers a trade agreement for US (Portugal: Cheese, US: Bronze) and an open-border policy for France.
    • US Diplomacy: Portugal is recognized by the USA and the trade deal is accepted while a military alliance is offered as well membership in the WEC.
    • Portugal accepts the military alliance, offered by USA, and agrees to join WEC straight away. People of Portugal are celebrating, the parade is organized in capital city of Portugal.
    • ANNOUNCEMENT: The World Economic Community welcomes its newest member, Portugal, and as of this date, all members in the WEC are also in the Allied Nations of Earth, the sister organization of the WEC. The World Dollar begins to be used in Portugal.
  • Austria: builds trades forts on the Vietnamese Coast this is the formal start of Austrian Imperialism in Vietnam. -Alexanders
  • Ethiopian Empire: The Ethiopian Empire does not join the WEC, as they believe it would be overly damaging to the Ethiopian economy, since their developing industry cannot compete with the rest of the world. They begin producing their own rifles, and after hard fighting, conquer OTL Southern Somalia. They do congratulate the alliance with America.
    • US Diplomacy: After permission is given by Portugal, 50,000 US troops and 12 ironclad war frigates are sent to Portugal to help in the conquest of Spain, of which after it is conquered, all of the Spanish Empire will become the Portuguese Empire. Ethiopia is still welcomed to join the WEC as even though Ethiopia is still developing, in the future Ethiopia could be a great economic and military power.
  • Iberian Empire: Three days after US Military troops arrive at Portugal, the Portugal invades the Spanish Empire. The Portu-American - Spanish war begins. The war ends a few months after when the leaders of Spain and Portugal, knowing that the war will only end when one remains, decide to unite and form the Iberian Empire, with the capital on the former Spanish-Portuguese border. The Spanish and Portuguese Unification is announced on October 13th of 1864, and celebrations of a final peace spread throughout the Empire, which in the unification agreement, remains an American Ally and a member of the WEC.
  • Russian Empire: Alexander III continues to work on the nation's railroads, and in order to quell the United States' global agenda, proposes the Grand Alliance, a military and economic alliance between Russia, Prussia, Austria, France, Great Britain, China, and the Ottoman Empire, despite the various existing tensions between these nations.
  • Chile: An border incident in the Patagonia moves to the Chilean government to declares the war on Argentina. The Chilean army crosses the Andean mountains and siege Mendoza, which fallen after one week, meanwhile the modern Chilean navy defeat to the Argentines and gain the control of the sea. The Chilean troops continue his march to Buenos Aires, which will be reached in December. The national military industry is increase during the conflict, and the government order bring from North America and Europe more experts. Chile accept the alliance with the US.
    • Folks, just another thing about map games: the idea is that you only make ONE move a day. Your supposed to give other people, who aren't on all day, everyday, a chance to react to your moves. I always got the impression that Map Games were like Civilization, Risk and/or Axis and Allies: you make moves in your turn, then wait for everyone else to make their moves, then you start the next turn. I'm not trying to sound like a grumpy old guy, and I'm not going to name names this time, but PLEASE FOLLOW MAP GAME RULES, or at least let people know that those RULES HAVE CHANGED. Lieut. Tbguy1992: Profile; Talk 17:57, October 29, 2011 (UTC)
    • I agree with this, from now on, only one turn per, well turn, except for diplomacy, which will be your nations name then Diplomacy. This turn stays as it is, single posts per turn besides diplomacy after this will either be merged or deleted. DeanSims 18:01, October 29, 2011 (UTC)


The remainder of the Indian States agree to unite and fight against further colonization by Britain and the United States, creating the Indian Empire. If further colonization or expansion occurs by these two countries without Indian consent, war will begin. {C {C

The World in 1865
  • 1865

    Poposed Land Deal Between USA and CSA

    The United States of America: The Allied Nations of Earth, consisting of the USA, Ethiopia, the Iberian Empire, Chile, and Austria, sets up its permanent site for the newly created ANE War Council while the WEC, consisting of the same nations, has the the WEC Trade and Economic Council, is set up in New York City. The colonies continue to grow, with the two Indian colonies being expanded by force and increased settling, pushing much deeper into India and connecting the two US Indian Colonies. The Indian Empire demands that it stop, and the US agrees on the terms that it can keep the new territory, which is accepted. US aid to the Empire begins at full speed to bring it economically and militarily to its feet. Feeling that the people of former Mexico actually do not like being in the USA, plebiscites are allowed with the choice to either stay American or join the CSA. Most of Central Mexico votes to join the CSA, and the plebiscites are respected, ceding the pro-CS states to the Confederacy. The USA asks that western Arizona territory be given to the USA for obvious defense reasons in exchange for all of the pro-CS Mexican States.
  • Iberian Empire: Iberian Empire's leader, Franco, asks Moroccan citizens, if they agree, that Morocco would be connected to Iberian Empire, if it would raise the salary of people, working there. The citizens agreed after the voting, which took one month.
  • United Kingdom: Quebec holds referendum, and the outcome overwhelmingly sides with Quebec not joining Confederation (73% to abstain, 26% to join, 1% not counted.) The UK respects their wishes and decides to keep each colony as 3 British dominions (Ontario, Quebec and Acadia). Also, they grow their Indian colonies at a fast rate and the African colonies at a slower rate. British South Africa annexes a small portion of the Orange Free State. Meanwhile, Australia, noticing the recent Japanese expansion into New Guinea, decide to begin colonizing part of the lower area.
    • US Diplomacy: India can no longer be expanded into to, or else India will attack you. The USA will help defend India.
  • German Confederation: Fearing the power of the American Alliance, Prussia agrees to join with the Russian Grand Alliance. However, this is on the condition that Prussia be allowed to unify the Northern German states into one government, the basis of which has already been started with the Economics Union.
  • Russian Empire: Russia whole-heartedly agrees, and will not stand in the way of the German Unification. In addition, Tsar Alexander III oversees the finishing of work on the railroads, with sufficient access to Siberia from Moscow and Saint Petersburg achieved. 300,000 Russian soldiers are sent to aid the Indians in repelling the Americans and British, as well as 3,000 advisors are sent to India to teach them modern European tactics.
  • Chile: The Battle of Buenos Aires ended with the capitulation of the city and the Argentinean president Bartolome Mitre signing the surrender a couple of weeks later. The peace treaty establish that Chile annexes the provinces of Mendoza, San Juan, La Rioja, San Luis and Catamarca. Chile not receives any monetary compensation. After the war, the Perez's government began the construction of a new and modern railroad which will connect to the country with the new territories.
  • Japan: expands their New Guinea holdings and annexes the island of Palau. Japan agrees to the US military alliance but refuses to join the WEC or Allied Nations feeling they take away Japans independence.
  • France: initiates an expansion process in Africa, sending troops to occupy new lands. The emperor also offers an alliance to Chile and the USA.
    • Would you mind using this base map so the mapmakers know where the new French colonies are located?
  • French Africa Map (Fractured America)

    Location of the french colonies.

    Iberian Empire:
    After its citizens agreed, Iberian empire has connected Morocco. The leader of Morocco has peacefully agreed to connect the lands, but with one condition - Moroccan leader will have influence on Iberian government and will take part in voting. Franco, Iberian Empire's leader, agreed to this condition, and Morocco is connected to Iberian Empire straight away. Professor Perbundo, living in the northern Spain, calls this action a "Totalitarian" action, because of "Total Economy", which Iberian Empire seeks to receive. Franco, on behalf of citizens of Iberian Empire, said: "Do not fear, my people. This is not a war yet. And we're not planning on starting one soon. Remember, that the bigger we are, the more money we will earn. Territory is not the thing. The thing is the money used in that territory, to make the economic stable. If you have any objections to this empire, then leave it. We have open-door policy."


Horrified at the British and their continuation to expand into Indian lands, an all out war is declared by India and attacks begin on the British/Indian frontier to stop the expansion. India asks for US and Russian help. The UK is also notified that all land annexed before this turn can be kept, as the USA was allowed to keep there from before as well.

The World in 1865
  • United Kingdom:The UK issues an apology to India, and assures them they will give them back their land annexed in eastern India. They send 50,000 troops to keep the peace at the border of India and US India. Also, the division of the three North American colonies (Ontario, Quebec and Acadia) is complete, and becomes official after Queen Victoria's Canada Act of 1865. But this act of dividing instead of uniting the colonies worries the UK, as it's possible that Australia will stay divided instead of uniting. (more to come.)
  • Kingdom of the Netherlands: The Netherlands offers the Boer states in South Africa a chance to enter the Kingdom of the Netherlands as equal states in the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The Kingdom of the Netherlands is reformed and the countries of the Netherlands (Europe), the South Antilles of the Netherlands (Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao), the North Antilles of the Netherlands (Saba and Sint Eustatius), Sint Maarten, Transvaal, Orange Free State, and Natalia. The Dutch East indies and Suriname, however, remain colonies of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and the colonization of Sumatra continues too.
  • United States of America: An alliance is offered to India and 200,000 troops are put on the US-British border between UK Quebec and the USA, and the UK is asked to give Quebec a vote on true independence. War is not wanted with the UK, only the true independence and freedom of Quebec, the rest of Canada can remain British until Doomsday, only the independence and the will of the Quebecois people is wanted. The United States successfully lays the first telegraph line across the Atlantic Ocean and connects it with its West Africa colony, which is then connected to Europe and then to the US India colony, and orders for US Colonial forces to mobilize is given. Railways are begun in US India and in Africa to connect the US Colonies there.
    • UK Diplomacy: The UK denies the US's attempt to make Quebec independent. They say that Quebec will only become independent if they ask for it themselves.
    • US Diplomacy: Fine then, India now has a player, Imperium Guy, and he is my ally. 200,000 more US troops are put on the American Canadian border, giving the US 400,000 men on the Canadian border.
    • UK Diplomacy: The British question the amount of troops placed on the border of Quebec and the US as to why they want Quebec independent. The British warn to move their troops back or else they will force Quebec into Confederation, as the British believe this recent wanting of Quebec to be independent is to annex the rest of the British colonies.
  • France: The French empire expands its colonies in Africa and offers a pact of mutual protection to the British Empire.
    • US Diplomacy: The USA puts 100,000 more troops on the border and the 500,000 total troops are put into 4 armies of 125,000 and prepare to invade Canada secretly, conquer Canada, and give Quebec its independence. And remember, the USA has 5 allies, you have one. You will face war on several fronts, especially India and Canada.
    • UK Diplomacy: Which "Canada" are you thinking of conquering? But besides that, the UK quickly unites the colonies into one Confederation, realizing the possibility of an American takeover. The UK issues 50,000 troops along with 100,000 troops from Ontario, 125,000 troops from Quebec, and 75,000 troops from Acadia, 75,000 troops from Australia and New Zealand and 25,000 troops from British Raj to hold back the US troops. Also, the British accept the French's offer for a mutual protection policy as long as they help stop the invasion of the North American colonies.
    • US Diplomacy: It will take at least another turn for you to get all of your troops from your other colonies and then another to get your troops in place. The USA invades Canada while the UK is still mobilizing and easily begins to take territory. American India is given to India as a gift.
    • UK Diplomacy: It'll take a year to mobilize troops from other colonies? I doubt that. But I have enough Canadian troops on the Ontarian border to keep the peace. The UK, not willing to spend more money on a war after the Crimean War, offers the US a peace treaty; divide Ontario into two and give part of it to the US and split Quebec in half, the one part being independent.
    • US Diplomacy: The treaty is accepted and US troops begin to pull out of British territory while Quebec is recognized and made a US protectorate which is also fully independent. MAKE A MAP PLEASE.
    • UK Diplomacy: The British agree to the US's wishes. The map is done.
    • VonGlusenburg and Imperium Guy will play as me while I am gone for a week. DeanSims 18:18, October 30, 2011 (UTC)

PS I will play until I have to go.

  • China: continues to industrialize and build up their army, hoping to be strong enough to crush any European power that would try to take their territory.
  • Chile: The Chilean government officially annexes the Easter Island to the national territory and begin the construction of a minor naval base there. With new resources from the new territories in Patagonia and Argentina, as well the increase of the international commercial traffic in the Strait of Magallanes and the principal Chilean ports, the Perez's government decides to invest strongly in the creation of new schools and hospitals. However in the north border, new problems appears due to the territorial claims with Bolivia.
  • Empire of Hind-Bharat: Jhansi ke Rani takes the helm of the Indian empire, rallying up the people. Although the people are ready for war, the Maharani decided that she would rather make peace with former enemies and peace on the conditions are offered to the British:
  1. No more colonial expansion will take place in India with around a quarter to a half of land in British hands should be returned as a gesture of good-will
  2. India and Britain should freely trade and should help each other in the cases of military research
  3. Workers will be provided to the British for their colonies worldwide if the help bring about the industrial revolution to India
  4. A 10-year non-aggression pact is signed and Indian troops be allowed to help the British to defend their territories in the Pacific and South Africa
  5. The also say that the US and the UK should not fight in India or anywhere else.
    • UK Diplomacy: The UK agrees with the conditions offered by India and they return portions of British Raj to India and wholeheartedly accepts their non-aggression pact.
    • Hind-Bharat Diplomacy: Troops are sent to South Africa to help the British and troops are sent to aid the British elsewhere. The Indian Empress asks to meet with Queen Victoria, Empress of the British Empire to discuss trade deals and industrial help for the troops supplied
  • Ethiopian Empire: The Ethiopian Empire urges the USA and the UK to stay at peace. They continue modernizing their industry.
  • German Confederation: With the support of Russia, Prussia announces the formation of the German Confederation, which unites Prussia with all the the Northern small German states. Bavaria is, as of yet, still outside of the Confederation, as well as states along the French Border. The armies of the different states are merged into the Prussian army, and it is equipped with the most modern weapons available to Prussia. Extensive training is conducted to bring the smaller states up to par with the Prussian army.
  • Japan: begins to rapidly expand their New Guinea colonies to stop the British from taking too much of the island. Two Ironclads and several thousand troops are sent to defend the new territory. Outposts are set up in Southern and central Vietnam as resupply stations between Taiwan and Malaysia.


The World in 1866
  • Iberian Empire: Iberian Empire begins a massive ship-building and army recruitment plan and puts 50'000 Iberian troops at the Algerian border. Five months later, during the Walk To The Government, Iberians annex Algeria, with a condition of some of Algerian leaders will take part in government voting. Fort Manson is built in Barcelona, which is currently the biggest fort in the Iberian Empire.
    • IE Diplomacy: Iberian Empire proposes an open-border policy for France, letting each other to move their troops on their territories.
  • Brazil: Brazil begins to build-up its army in response to the expansion by the Chileans. Brazil sends a letter of disapproval to the government of Chile, requesting that they stop their needless expansion and pre-textless invasions.
  • France: The French empire accepts the Iberian offer. France offers a trade agreement to Chile. The French troops expand the domains of the Empire in Africa.
  • Kingdom of the Netherlands: The Netherlands continues expansion in Sumatra and Borneo. The expansion of Dutch colonies in OTL Mauritania and Senegal also happens. The island of St. Helena is also discovered by the Dutch and it too is colonized, and a naval base is set up on the island.
    • Dutch Diplomacy: Diplomats are sent to Britain and the Iberian Empire in order to work out how to divide South eastern Africa up fairly between themselves.
  • Chile: Perez's government prepare his campaign for the re-election in the next months. The Chilean Army reach to the 50,000 effectives, and ships to the 15, including seven ironclads. Chile accept the trade agreement with France. The Minister of Interior and International Affairs, Álvaro Covarrubias Ortúzar, send the respond to the Brazilian government: Chile has not intentions to expand beyond from the territories which historically we claims; also the international events since the conquest of Mexico, has moved to the Chile to policy of the self-defence.
    • Iberian Empire's Diplomacy: Iberians are okay with Netherlands taking eastern Africa, and they offer an agreement of colonization - 50,000 troops will be temporary sent to Netherlands to help colonize the eastern Africa, if Netherlands will send 50,000 troops of theirs when Iberian Empire will expand to the western Africa and South America. Iberians also send a gift of 5'000 kg of grain to France, and 10,000 kg of Spanish Wine to Netherlands.
    • Dutch Diplomacy: The Netherlands thanks Spain for the gift of wine and the Spanish colonies in OTL Mozambique. They pledge to aid the Spanish when they start to colonize in West Africa. The Dutch also give their colony in OTL Mauritania to Spain in thanks for Mozambique. The Dutch also agree to become allies with Ethiopia and send over Dutch industrialists to help create factories. Many Dutch industrialists also set up factories in Ethiopia to make use of the cheap Ethiopian labour. Dutch gross national profit increases as a result of these measures.
    • Iberian Empire's Diplomacy: Iberian Empire hereby accepts the colonies from Netherlands and organizes a Day of Netherlands in Iberian Peninsula and Moroccan territories.
    • Dutch Diplomacy: The Dutch asks for a formal alliance with the Iberian Empire after the recent dealings with the Iberian Empire and the seemingly good relations the two nations have.
    • Iberian Empire's Diplomacy: Franco, the leader of Iberian Empire, has told the diplomat to wait a few days, thinking about the decision. After three days of thinking, Franco agreed to Dutch proposal of defense pact, neutrality or non-aggression treaty, or entente agreement, also known as Formal Alliance.
  • Ethiopian Empire: The Ethiopian Empire expands up to the Ottoman border in Sudan. They tell the Ottomans that any border incursions will not be tolerated, and will be responded to with force. The Ethiopian Empire also hopes it can have cordial relations with both Portugal and the Netherlands, who may be able to help it in its industrialization.
  • FYI, I'm only in an alliance with America. We didn't join the WEC, and Ethiopia never agreed to those other alliances. I'll fix it on the diplomacy page. Azecreth 18:19, October 31, 2011 (UTC)
    • Hind-Bharat Diplomacy: The Indians also ask for an alliance with the nation and hope for a mutual defense pact against the Ottomans. A trade deal is also asked for.
  • United Kingdom: The UK officially unites Ontario and Newfoundland with the Northwest Territories to make Canada in the Canada Acts of 1866. British Columbia decides not to join as they believe "the Canadian economy will bring them down." Several expeditions to the Northwestern Territories to survey the land take place. Meanwhile, the UK grows several African colonies. (I'll discuss the Dutch situation in Africa in the diplomacy page.) (more to come.)
  • The USA forms its newly gained territory in Ontario into the territory of Superior; efforts are made to have Superior join the Union as a full fledged state are implemented. Otherwise, the USA continues to expand their African colonies, with special emphasis on the Madagascan colonies. The USA aims to have joined up the North and South Madagascan colonies by 1868, which is helped by starting a western Madagascan colony as well as the northern and southern ones.
  • Austria sends 10,000 regular soldiers to Vietnam and strengthen the coastal forts on the Vietnamese Coast, Austria also works on building modern infrastructure at home.
  • Japan expands its Vietnamese holds and plants coffee, tea, sugar, rice, and pepper to create a food surplus and stimulate the economy.
  • Tsar Alexander III is nearly assassinated, but the would-be assassins were using wet powder, and their pistols did not fire. After being caught by the Tsar's guard, Alexander writes about how he got "Backup from Otherworld" and was "saved by an angel," As such, he assumes God has shown favor for Russia, and Alexander claims it is the "greatest nation the world has set its eyes upon" and nationalism develops all over, particularly in the Russian Far East, where Dozens of Statues and libraries are built in several cities. The city of Yuzhono-Sakhalinsk is renamed Alexandria, and it is reconstructed in the Baroque Style.
  • Chancellor Bismarck pushes a series of laws through the new German Confederation Parliament, including the first Industrial Laws, which bans children under 16 from working in factories, establishing safety guidelines for industry, and sets millions of Reichsmarks aside for loans to budding industrialists and for expansion minded factories. As well, a "Social Wellness" law, the first of its kind in the world, is also passed, making education for all children 5-16 mandatory, as well as establishing the first subsidized healthcare system in the world for poor people. Most of these laws are in response to the rise of Socialist ideas, and Bismarck wishing to undercut the Marxists. It will take until at least 1870 for most of these provisions to be put in place. Bismarck also begins to pursue a course to establish German Security: A non-aggression pact is offered to Austria, as well as the possibility of holding a referendum about the future of Bavaria. If Austria accepts the idea of a referendum, then the German Confederation will offer favorable terms to Austria in future trade deals.
  • The Empire of Hind-Bharat's first constitution is established. The constitution says that to qualify as an adult, you must be 21. To work in the army, you must be 18 and to work in general, you must be 16. The age of 21 is for voting, joining the parliament, getting an active commission in the army and becoming an MP. Huge exoduses begin to South Africa and Australia and the colony of Indochina is established by the Indians in the south east. It includes Burma, Vietnam and Laos and Cambodia, all have been turned into protectorates to protect from the Dutch and French. Troops are sent to help the colonization and all previous royalties of the area become part of the Empress' court.


The World in 1866.5
  • United Kingdom: The UK foresees trouble when the Metis leader, Louis Riel, creates a provincial government for the Metis, causing Ontarian protesters to try to end the government and many are assassinated. Meanwhile, the UK, along with Indian troops, begin to expand South Africa. Also, without more of India to colonize, the UK begins to expand their colonial empire in OTL Burma, Thailand and Indochina area. (more to come)
    • Hind-Bharat Diplomacy: A proposal is made with the British that they can take the long peninsula of the south as well as Cambodia is Hind-Bharat can get the rest. Diplomatic channels are open for more negotiations ...
  • Empire of Hind-Bharat: Teams of expeditionists explore the jungles of the South East while adding to the amount of land controlled by the Empire. Cotton mills are upgraded and farming efficiency is improved. New weapons are made and troops are armed with them. Artillery is also improved from just cannons.
  • China: China does not wish for Europe to seize more of East Asia, so they propose an alliance with the Empire of Japan. Meanwhile, China builds up its military and the military-industrial complex, creating many jobs and benefiting the economy of China.
  • Iberian Empire: Iberian empire sends 500 elite colonizers towards the Sahara regions of Abadia, Kanadsa, Bechar, Taghith, Benni Abbes, Tindouf (These are north-western towns of Sahara) and 500 ironclads with 5000 experienced colonizers to the Lanzarote island, located west of Morocco. The colonization ends in 59 days, since these regions aren't that full of resistance or big enough.
  • IE's Diplomacy: Iberian Empire, led by Franco Hernandez, guarantees the independence of Swiss Confederation, making the relation between these countries better.
  • Ethiopian Empire: The Ethiopian Empire agrees to the Indian alliance against the Ottomans, and the trade deal. they establish their first mounted camel divisions to help them fight in the desert terrain of northern Sudan, and potentially against the Ottomans. Modernization of industry continues, with the Ethiopians establishing a respectable mechanized agriculture sector.
  • Dutch Empire: The Dutch expand their colonies in Africa, and the colony of Mozambique is expanded significantly with the help of experienced Boer explorers. This includes Boers being sent from Transvaal to the Mozambique colony, which effectively makes the British colony around OTL Swaziland and south Mozambique an enclave surrounded by the Dutch on all sides. The Dutch offer to buy this colony from the British for £50,000. Zululand is also made a protectorate of the Netherlands. The Dutch colonization of Sumatra and Borneo also finishes. With this, the colonizers are sent to the Moluccas islands.
  • Dutch Diplomacy: The Dutch offer to buy the British colony around OTL Swaziland and south Mozambique for £50,000.
  • British Diplomacy: The British accept the offer and troops are sent back to the UK or South Africa.
  • USA: The USA continue to expand their Madagascan colony. North and West Madagascan colonies join up to form the colony of American Madagascar. Other US colonies in Africa expand too.
  • USA Diplomacy: The Americans also propose a trade with the British: The British Madagascan colony, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and South Ontario for the US Namibia, US Angola and £7000.
  • UK Diplomacy: The UK rejects the US trade deal, as they want the Canadas more than the African colonies for their resources, but will sell the British Madagascan colony for £80,000.
  • US Diplomacy: The USA accepts the £80,000 for Madagascar and imposes complete control over the Madagascan coastline with this deal.
  • Chilean president Jose Joaquin Perez is re-elected for another five-year term. The inauguration of his second mandate took place in September 18, with celebrations for the country progress in the last four years. The exportation of grains, cattle, iron and other metals it continues stable. The government prepares an reforms in education.
  • Chilean Diplomacy: Chile propose an trade agreement to Colombia.
  • Brazil: Relations breakdown between the Brazilians and Paraguay, resulting in the mobilization of the Brazilian Army, and a declaration of war by the Brazilians.
  • Japan: Japan continues to expand its New Guinea and Vietnamese colonies. They accept the Chinese alliance. the cities of Taipei and Naha expand do to increased trade.
  • Russian Empire: With the Indian Conflict resolved, and the military still prepared to invade, the Tsar begins to annex the various small Central Asian States, putting down what little resistance present with extreme prejudice. The invasion will probably be done by late next year. Finally, Tsar Alexander III offers to Great Britain to join the Grand Alliance with Russia and Prussia.
    • British Diplomacy: The British gladly accept to join the Grand Alliance.
    • Empire of Hind-Bharat: Wholeheartedly accept the offer to join the Grand Alliance and thank the Russians for offering it.
  • Canadian Federation: The Canadian Federation attempts to grow it economy by encouraging anyone who wants to be a farmer 100 acres in Alberta and other places. They also ask to buy Alaska from Russia for $15 million U.S dollars and offer a alliance to Russia and America.
    • Russian Diplomacy: Despite most thinking Alaska as little more than a second Siberia, Alexander III sees something in it, and refuses to sell it to the Canadians. However, the Russians will accept the Canadians into the Grand Alliance, provided they do not also ally themselves with the United States, which is suddenly the sworn enemy of the Russian Empire because who didn't see that coming?


The World in 1867.0
  • China: Cultural revivals of minority cultures continue throughout China. The Chinese government encourages this, fearing that the Europeans will try to destroy Eastern Culture like they did to the Africans. China continues to increase the size of their army, preparing to expand to encompass as much of Asia as they can.
  • German Confederation: The German Confederation offers an economic deal to China: weapons and machinery for raw materials. Industry is already starting to increase, almost nearly double of its total five years ago, though is still a long way from rivaling Britain. The expanded army that now includes the North German states is up to par with the former Prussian establishment.
    • German Confederation Diplomacy: Since no word from Austria has been received concerning Bavaria and the South German States, Bismarck restates his offer: a referendum be held to decide the future of these small nations, and a non-aggression pact between the two German nations. If no word is heard in six months, then Germany will hold the referendum anyway, with no guarantee of a non-aggression pact.
    • Chinese Diplomacy: China accepts the economic deal, and proposes an alliance against the expansionist Russians.
    • German Confederation Diplomacy:Due to the Current alliance with Russia, the German Federation declines, instead stating they will act as mediators in any dispute Russia and China may have in their expansion in Central Asia.
  • Russian Empire: Fearing a Chinese invasion, the Russian Empire speeds up the conquering of the few Central Asian States in OTL Kazakhstan/Turkmenistan, planning the finish the conquest by the end of June this year. In addition, 750,000 Russian troops are gathered/drafted, and garrisoned in Alexandria and other major cities in the Russian Far East. Also, the Free Indian State is offered membership to the Grand Alliance, promising it protection, specifically from the Chinese who are said by the Tsar to be "Power hungry, mad, and intent on destroying any semblance of civilized life in Asia". Finally, Russia offers China an ultimatum; be happy with the land it currently holds, and Russia promises no further European exploitation, or invade, and face the might of Russia and its allies.
    • Chinese Diplomacy: China states that they have no intention of taking the Central Asian States, as they are not East Asian.
  • Japan: Japan expands their New Guinea holds and establishes a small outpost in the southern Philippines. Japan reforms its navy focusing on increasing its number of modern ships and developing a marine corps. Dozens of light cavalry regiments are created to protect the fringes of the empire.
  • Negotiations with Bolivia about borders don't go for a good way. Both countries are not willing to yield the rich mining zone of Atacama's desert. The Perez government order expand the chilean presence in the area, with the construction of new railroads and settlements. Also, with the acquisition of new technologies from US and France, the Concepcion shipyard prepare the construction of a series of new ships for the Navy.
  • Iberian Empire: Iberian Empire has finished massive unit recruitment, and currently holds an army of 250'000 regular troops, 25'000 experienced troops and 5'000 elite troops. The fleet has reached 1'000 ironclads and is called a Iberian Navy. The massive recruitment is finishes, but the troops are started to be trained heavily, almost without breaks. After the massive recruitment is finishes, the economy is stabilized again. They also expand their Mauritanian colony to the east.
  • Iberian Empire's Diplomacy: Iberian Empire offers Japan, China and German Federation a Formal Alliance treaty.
  • German Federation Diplomacy: The German Federation accepts the Iberian Empire's offer for an alliance, and offers a trade agreement to help industrialize Iberia.
  • Iberian Empire's Diplomacy: Iberian Empire accepts German trade agreement offer, and sends the horses to help bring the tools from German Federation.
  • Australia and New Zealand colonise the rest of Papua New Guinea. People from Europe are encouraged to migrate to Australia.
  • Dutch Empire: Dutch colonists discover Lake Milawi as the Dutch South East Africa Colonies continue to expand. Colonization in the Moluccas islands (the two islands in east OTL Indonesia which have yet to be colonized on our map) speeds up with the islands designated to be under complete Dutch control by the end of the year. The Dutch also establish a protectorate over Oman.
  • Dutch Diplomacy:The Dutch ask their neighbours the German Confederation for a formal alliance. Ethiopia is also offered a formal alliance due to the current good relations between the two countries.
  • USA: The USA finishes the colonization of Madagascar, half a year ahead of schedule. Other colonies expand too. Membership into the WEC is also offered to any nation who wishes to join too.
  • United Sweden-Norway: Karl XV of Sweden decides to regain the former glory of the Swedish state, he dreams of a Nordic state with colonial powers. the first thing he does is ask for admittance onto the Grand Alliance and sends out diplomats and offers protection to the East African state not touched by colonies. (I put my candidature for modship, and As there are 17 players I think that the five would be a nice, good number, there will always be a majority, because there will be five if I get approved, I'll add my name to the section but I won't put a number and I'll write candidate next to my name. If that's bad, feel free to erase my name entirely.)
    • Personally, I think that we should vote for new mods and not just have people ask for it. No offense, but I think having all the members approve the mod would be a better way of doing things. Lieut. Tbguy1992: Profile; Talk 15:48, November 2, 2011 (UTC)
    • There is a poll up and running to decide whether Lx should become a mod. This will happen to all mod candidates. Fair? 1 Imperium Guy 20:19, November 2, 2011 (UTC)
  • Ethiopian Empire: The Ethiopian Empire accepts the Dutch alliance. They respectfully decline the Swedish offer of protection, due to distance and lack of common interests. They subjugate OTL Northern Kenya through superior technology. Some become worried by continued expansion, saying it could weaken the Empire and make it more vulnerable to foreign occupation.
  • Brazil: The Empire of Brazil begins its invasion of Paraguay, sending an army of approximately 80,000 to mass on the enemy's flank in the west of the country, while some 24,000 fend off a Paraguayan attack in the east.
    • Brazil Diplomacy: The Empire of Brazil offers Chile and the United States a trade agreement, trying to help build up a wealthy empire.
    • This was me guys, I just forgot to sign in again. Ownerzmcown 21:43, November 2, 2011 (UTC)
    • Chilean Diplomacy: Chile accept the agreement proposal from Brazil.
  • Empire of Hind-Bharat: Expansion continues in Indochina with British colonisers. Help is taken from the British and the first major industries in Iron and Coal are set up using the unemployed population. The army also grows with new recruits and more squads of explorers are sent into Indochina.


The World in 1867.5
  • German Confederation: The German Confederation negotiates with Bavaria, Baden and Württemberg over joining with the Federation of not. In a close decision, all three vote to join the German Federation, expanding the Confederation to encompass all the German states minus Austria with Germany.
    • I did a number generator to determine the result: 1 out of 100, with anything below fifty being a no, and above yes. I got 62, so, therefore, yes. Lieut. Tbguy1992: Profile; Talk
  • CSA: The CSA, after a major period of isolation and rebuilding, announces desire to establish friendly relations with the US. Jefferson Davis himself states a very memorable, yet simple, quote: "We are both Americans". They accept the American deals that had been proposed earlier, including the division of Mexico. In the meantime, a request to buy Cuba is sent to Spain. (I am so so so sorry for not posting until now.)
    • Cuba is already yours
  • East Africa Division
    China: China continues to expand their military and their colonization fleet. They don't wish to be left out of the race, so a large force is sent to Africa, to explore the coast around it. They offer to buy the two United States colonies northwest of the British South Africa for a large amount of money, predicting that the US will have financial problems due to their massive colonization spree and large amounts of wars. China offers to make a treaty with the United States as well if they accept the offer, that they will help the US in any wars that are not either against China or their older ally Japan.
    • Sorry if I'm being rude but, Did I not make it clear in my last post as Sweden-Norway that I was laying claim to the land below Ethiopia?
    • Oh, sorry, I didn't know you were claiming it, I thought you were just posting something along the lines of making some treaty with them. Grr, now there's nowhere in Africa to colonize! Perhaps the US will need money after all those wars and colonizations?
    • You could split Oman into 4, with each colonial power (Netherlands, China, Sweden-Norway and Ethiopia) could colonize the area.
    • Oman is a Dutch protectorate, and is as far as the Dutch will go in Arabia for that matter, so you have the Netherlands' grace to go and colonize other parts of Arabia like OTL UAE, Qatar, etc. Note when I say Oman I mean OTL Oman in Arabia, I think the land Sweden has / what you guys think is Oman (as in East Africa) is actually Swahili lands. But then again it might be Omanise colonies :P. Well, that's the way I am interpreting the matter, anyway: VonGlusenburg (talk to Von!) 12:25, November 3, 2011 (UTC).
    • I doubt a whole colony can't just be taken over like that, especially since you have other Dutch colonies to worry about. But whatever. Also, I gave Sweden-Norway only part of African Oman, and the rest will have to be colonized later.
    • I never said I was taking over Oman, it is simply a protectorate. Also if we're saying that land in OTL Tanzania is Oman colonies, then the Netherlands and Sweden have an issue, Sweden is attacking my protectorate's colonies >:( Diplomacy is gonna be needed here. Maybe Sweden buys the Southern half of Oman Africa? Invading it is gonna cause a war otherwise... VonGlusenburg (talk to Von!) 20:49, November 3, 2011 (UTC).
  • Never mind. I just did my researching and it turns out that place is actually the Sultanate of Zanzibar who split from Oman in 1856. So it's not Oman when you invaded Sweden, you attacked Zanzibar so the Netherlands are fine with that! :D VonGlusenburg (talk to Von!) 12:59, November 4, 2011 (UTC).
  • ​Iberian Empire: Iberian Empire continues to colonize the Africa - they move their colonizers to the south-east. Also, Iberian Empire is still offering Japan and China a formal alliance. They also send diplomats to France, aiming to build a trade route: Iberian Empire-France Wine-Cheese. They also send an offer of Economic Alliance to Ethiopian Empire, which includes Ethiopia joining the Dollar Currency. If Ethiopia doesn't like this offer, Iberian Empire suggests a counter-offer: trade agreement. Iberians will exchange wine for flour.
  • Australia: Australia declares independence from Britain!!!!! However there are two conflicting sides in Australian politics. Both Victoria and New South Wales wish to be the capital territory and the states fracture over the argument. Victoria declares itself separate from the rest of Australia's seven states and is joined by South Australia, Tasmania and Western Australia. New South Wales is supported by Queensland and New Zealand. The Australian Civil War has begun! New South Wales achieves the first victory in the Battle of Coopers Creek and follows with further victories in the Battle of Lake Eyre, the Battle of Alice Springs and the Battle of Darwin. New South Wales asks to ally with the Iberian Empire fearful of attacks by the British.
  • Iberian Empire accepts New South Wales' request, and becomes its ally straight away. Iberian Empire prepares to send some of their troops to New South Wales as a gift. They will be ready in six months.
  • Kingdom of the Netherlands: The Dutch King and the Belgium Queen are married and an act of Union takes place between the Netherlands and Belgium. With this union, Belgium becomes one of the countries encompassing the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Luxembourg is also given nation-status. Colonization continues in Africa as always.
  • Dutch Diplomacy: The Dutch thank the Ethiopians for joining the alliance and the offer of formal alliance is once again asked to Germany.
  • USA: The USA continue to expand their colonies they are also pleased with the CSA's new look on the two nation's relations. The USA also refuse the Chinese offer to buy Angola-Namibia as it is the largest US colony. America also sends its promised aid in the form of industrial help and raw material shipment to the Empire of Hind-Bharat.
  • Empire of Hind-Bharat: More and more factories are sent up, with troops arriving in huge numbers in Indochina. By now, all of Laos and Southern Vietnam is under Hind control. Most of Myanmar is also controlled through protectorates and assimilation into the Empire. Troops are put onto its Western border and intensive training routines begin.
  • Ethiopian Empire: the Ethiopian Empire enters into a period of consolidation. A large scale pacification campaign takes place, as their conquests are incorporated into the empire. Rebels are ruthlessly crushed and villages destroyed. Education standards are put in place to teach Ethiopian culture and history. The Economic alliance with the Iberian Kingdom is rejected, as they see no use for a unified currency, and they are very protectionist of their developing economy. They do agree of the trade of wine for flour, and some of the wheat left over from harvests is turned into flour and is shipped to Iberia.
  • Chile: Is official; negotiations with Bolivia failed and for the Perez's government only the military actions seems to be way to resolve this. He order the mobilization of the I Army Division (located in Atacama and La Serena) to Antofagasta and Calama for to secure the control of the area, along with the Chilean Navy. This will take place in the next months.
  • Empire of Brazil: The Army of Paraguay is crushed at the Battle of Ponta Pora, destroying their advance into Brazil, allowing the Brazilians to launch a two-pronged offensive into Paraguay.
  • Russian Empire: Russian expansion into Central Asia is finalized, giving it a border with the Empire of Hind-Bharat and a second border with Persia. In addition, troops are sent to conquer Georgia, and the Persian-Russian border in the Caucasus is heavily militarized preparing for an attack on the Muslim state. Finally, Sweden is welcomed into the Grand Alliance.
  • Sweden-Norway: Sweden is glad to be accepted into the alliance. Sweden reaffirms its protectorate in Africa as its holding and decides to establish a great trading post, hoping that this colony will end in success instead of failure like the others in Swedish history. Sweden updates its army and offers Denmark to join into the Scandinavian union. Feelings of Scandinavianism are starting, that is the union of Sweden, Norway and Denmark as one nation.
  • Japan: agrees to join in a trade agreement withe the Iberian Empire but does not wish to use the dollar as its currency or join in a military alliance. Japan expands its Vietnamese holdings and captures the rest of unclaimed New Guinea.


The World in 1868.0
  • China continues to build up its military, especially the overseas division. They still have a lot of money left over from when they saved up to try to get Angola from the United States. They ask if any nations need money, and would be willing to sell a colony to China in return. China will make a military alliance with any nation that sells it a colony. The minority cultural revival continues throughout China.
    • Hind Diplomacy: An alliance is asked with China for possible trade relations and mutual development.
    • Chinese Diplomacy: China accepts the alliance, eager to try to have Asia as united as possible.
  • German Confederation: The German Confederation officially becomes the German Empire, with King William I becoming the Kaiser. Bismarck remains the Chancellor, and sets his sights on expanding German power in all fields. The Alliance with the Netherlands is accepted.
  • Russian Empire: Following a startling dream wherein the Angel Gabriel foretells of a Great War, Tsar Alexander III offers to sell the Russian Colony of Alyeska to China for $15 million (Because all nations use US dollars for international sale and purchase in 1868), and also for a military alliance between the two nations, promising peace and trade between the two. Finally, the Tsar oversees the annihilation of the last Georgian rebels, and the construction of a military city begins in OTL central Georgia, called Alexigrad, because the Tsar is so egocentric he needs multiple cities bearing his name. This pushes back the invasion of Persia to at least 1870.
    • Chinese Diplomacy: China agrees to buy Alyeska from Russia, and sends the Tsar the 15 million USD for the colony. China states that they will help Russia in any wars Russia has in the future, unless the war is with Japan, in which case China will remain neutral.
    • Hind Diplomacy: An alliance is asked with Russia with possible wars in Asia as well as for mutual trade relations.
    • Russian Diplomacy: "Any wars fought in Asia concerning Russia or the Empire of Hind-Baharat will concern both nations" decrees Tsar Alexander III. Trade also begins between Russia and Hind.
    • Hind Diplomacy: Ports are opened up to all Russian traffic and trade commences in full swing.
  • Australia: A major battle occurs on the outskirts of Adelaide. It results in the surrender of the state. With Western Australia now cut off from Victoria they slyly switch sides. The full strength of the unites Australian and New Zealand division bear down on Victoria which decides to graciously surrender along with Tasmania. Australia is reunited by the end of May and colonizing expeditions are sent out to the Pacific.
  • Iberian Empire: Iberians continue to expand their colony of Africa, expanding to the south-east. Iberians are pleased with Japanese decision to accept the trade agreement. Iberian economy is currently one of the best in the Earth, because of all the trade routes connected to it.
    • Iberian Diplomacy: Iberian Empire offers USA $5'000'000 for the colony, closest to them (Not sure of the name though)
  • The Kingdom of the Netherlands: Colonization continues in Africa, and the former British colony bought by the Dutch is formed into a republic member of the Kingdom of the Netherlands known as the Arabische gom Bay Republiek or Arabische for short. Arabische is admitted into the kingdom as a republic with its capital at Maputo.
  • USA: The USA continue to expand their colonies in Africa. Industrial help is continuously provided to Hind-Bharat in exchange for raw materials.
  • US Diplomacy: The USA ask the CSA to disband and rejoin the Union.
  • CS Diplomacy: The CSA will not rejoin the Union.
  • Ethiopian Empire: Emperor Tewodros II dies during a clash with tribal rebels in Northern Kenya. Yohannes IV takes the throne after a short political struggle between him and the claimant Tekle Giyorgis II. Yohannes proclaims a new era of empire, and leads his men in conquering OTL Southern Kenya, where he discerns that aid for the tribal rebels in the north is coming from. He brutally subjugates them, and proclaims that "Kenya shall never be free".
    • Iberian Empire: Iberian Empire, once again, tries to make an economic alliance with Ethiopian empire. And to stabilize their economy after joining the Dollar State, Iberian Empire also offers them $1,000,000.
  • Japan: Using money from its colonies and many trade routes Japan lays miles of rail to connect the major ports and cities of the Japanese empire factories also begin to crop up throughout Japan building ships, weapons, and processing foods. Many Japanese have returned to the ancient religion of Shinto instead of Buddhism. To further re-establish the connection to Japans ancient past the government begins to make what little Samurai remain into generals.
  • Empire of Hind-Bharat: More land is colonized with the colonization activities of Burma is suspended as more focus is put on Indochina.. Soon, all of Cambodia and Laos us under Hind-Bharat control, with the land to the north is also colonized. The area of Vietnam left untouched by the Japanese is colonized and become part of Hind-Bharat. Diplomatic channels are open... More troops are sent to the western border of Hind-Bharat and ports are opened up to all Russian traffic and trade between the two countries commences in full swing. Railroad construction begins in many parts of the empire. Special emphasis is given to the northern desert regions. The 1st phase is expected to take around 2-3 years.
  • Chile: Chilean troops seized with the control of the territories until the Loa river, without any opposition from the minority Bolivian people. Soon, Bolivia send his army for to repel to the Chileans, but they are defeated in the Battle of Calama. The Perez's government order to the Army prepare to march to Bolivia.
  • United Kingdom: The UK questions the US's continuous hold on Quebec as a protectorate stating, "you fought for its independence and yet you still keep it. We expect them either to be given to Canada or as its own independent state." Meanwhile, the Metis declare war on Canada and Great Britain, wanting their land back and their own government to govern it. 150,000 troops are sent to Canada to ease the situation. Also, many in the British Parliament believe that part of the CSA remake a Republic of Mexico is long overdue and requests Russia, Prussia and India make Mexico a country again.
    • Hind Diplomacy: The Maharani is unsure what to do as they do think that better days "might" lie ahead of Mexico as a part of the CSA. If, however, thins is not the case, Hind-Bharat will not hesitate in siding with the British on the Mexico issue.
    • Chinese Response: Sends secret support to the Metis.
  • Sweden-Norway: The Swedish government establishes another protectorate on the only lands not colonized on the African coast, this one is declared Norway's colony. Sweden Expands its colonies in Africa. Swedish offer the danish to unite into a super-national Scandinavian state, with one currency, military (but three separate commands: Danish, Norwegian and Swedish, but acting as one), but with two sovereigns and separate jurisdictions for the superstate and the nations. after much bribery, the king of Denmark reluctantly agrees (85 on
    • That land in Africa your colonizing/invading is the Sultan of Zanzibar
  • Empire of Brazil: Brazil continues its invasion of Paraguay, and the Paraguayan capital city, Asuncion, falls to siege by the Brazilian Army.
    • Brazilian Diplomacy: The Empire of Brazil offers Chile a military alliance, and to join with them in their coming war with the Bolivians.
    • Chilean Diplomacy: The Republic of Chile accept the alliance with Brazil and his entry to the conflict, and also offers them to send military advisors to help them in his fight against Paraguay.
    • Brazilian Diplomacy: The Empire of Brazil accepts Chile's offer.
  • CSA: The Confederate States of America adopts a constitution similar to the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution combined. Honoring George Washington's voice on political parties, elections become non-partisan. The CSA announces that Mexico is better off in Confederate hands.
  • Dean Sims and I are negotiating this right now.
  • I, Dean Sims, rebuke my previous proposal on the division of Mexico due to CS inactivity and demand that the Confederacy cede Arizona and Texas to the Union.


The World in 1868.5
  • German Empire Bismarck's massive industrial plan is starting to take shape, and the economy is rapidly booming, leading to an increase in the value of the Reichsmark. However, Bismarck, in a statement to the Reichstag, announces that Germany does not seek any overseas expansion, and will not in the course of his tenure.
    • German Diplomacy: In light of the alliances made between Russia, China and Hind, Germany extends all benefits of friendship and alliance with both Asian Empires.
    • Chinese Diplomacy: China agrees to the alliance
  • Iberian Empire has started a massive recruitment and professional training of their troops. The constructions of military ports around Iberian Peninsula's coastlines begin.
    • Iberian Empire's Diplomacy: Iberian Empire is still offering China a formal alliance. Also, due to the barbaric actions of United Kingdom, they issue an Act of Embargo to them and will not remove it, until the war is finished they prove that they are a peaceful nation. Also, Iberian Empire is still offering USA $5,000,000 for the colony closest to it (Iberian Empire).
    • British Diplomacy: A member of Parliament sends a message to the Iberian Empire, "Barbaric actions? You mean the war with the Indian tribes? We didn't even fight with them, we just offered to end the war if most of their colony is returned. The only other war we fought is with the US, and they actually declared war on us, attacked Canada, and ended up annexing part of Ontario and took Quebec away from us, and you're still an ally with them."
    • Iberian response: "Canada is none of your concern, why would you need it, anyway? It's over five thousand km away from your homeland. It takes more of your men to die in sea to travel there, than the number of bananas you bring from there. I suggest you stop offensive and defensive actions in North America, unless you still have a VALID reason."
    • UK response: "... Canada is a British colony, and an attack on any British colony is an attack on the British. Our actions in trying to protect our own soil is not offensive and it certainly is defensive. It's like a US attack on Morocco."
    • Iberian response to UK response: "The people fight for independence in these lands, and you STOP them. What a shame. I am very upset on your decision to send troops there."
    • UK response to Iberian response: "You obviously didn't understand the situation. Quebec wished not to join Canadian Confederation and the UK respected their wish. They never wished to become independent. The US invaded Quebec so the UK to get Quebec independent, and we respected it, but the US actually attacked our Canadian colonies (Ontario, Acadia, BC, Northwestern Territories) to conquer them. Do you really want someone who can easily conquer your colonies as an ally over a peaceful nation?"
    • Chinese Diplomacy: China agrees to the alliance with Iberia, and joins in on the Act of Embargo against the United Kingdom. They continue to send aid to the Canadian rebels.
    • Iberian Empire's diplomats close the doors to UK member of Parliament, after the following words said to them: "It's completely none of your concern, cannibals."
      • The USA thanks there allies in fighting against their nation's previous imperial rulers and joins in with the embargo against Britain as protest against the British continuing imperial rule over the people of North America.
      • Franco Hernandez himself moves to USA to talk to their leader and discuss the actions which should be taken against United Kingdom. This meeting is only known to some Iberian and American diplomats, Franco and USA leader and is considered a secret meeting.
        • Actions for what, exactly? ChrisL123 (since you won't listen to Parliament)
        • Probably barbaric actions. It's just roleplay. Franco has his own opinions :P Doctor261
  • Empire of Brazil: The Brazilian Army makes a new offensive push into Paraguay, successfully capturing a vast part of the country still left in Paraguayan hands. Meanwhile, several army corps make minor pushes into Bolivia, in correspondence with the Chileans.
    • Brazilian Diplomacy: The Empire of Brazil offers the United States both a formal alliance and a trade agreement.
  • Japan: Continues to meld its past with its present creating a sort of cultural nationalism that spreads across the country. Japan expands their Filipino holdings and annexes the island of Guam.
  • USA: The USA state to Britain that Quebec is a protectorate of the USA as they cannot trust the British to honour Quebec's independence if it wasn't protected by the USA. Quebec is independent but it is under US protection. The USA also ask France to join the issue since it was a former French colony. The USA also unwilling to sell to the Iberian empire.
  • The Netherlands: The Dutch expand their colonies in Africa.
  • Australia: The loss of Australia showed the fragility of the battered British Empire. Fearful for their safety and wanting a nearby ally, British India and Malaysia join Australia to form a closer defense network. However all nations still have a strong allegiance to the "mother" nation.
    • The UK never agreed to this ... They could have them in a sort of entente but the UK is not going to give them up.
    • Hindustani Response: Not wanting to let their allies down. The Maharani sends troops to kill of the government supporting Australia. British India is returned to the British.
  • United Kingdom: Louis Riel states, "We want our own government. Your Canada is destroying our land for their own homes and settlements. We just want our own government to govern over." The UK respects their wishes and wants no international incident with China. Queen Victoria issues the Manitoba Acts, which state that a chunk of NWT will be Manitoba, a British dominion that will let the Metis control their own land. Also, interest in Ottoman Greece increases after new independence movements increase. During the Tsar's visit, Queen Victoria discuses if they should consult with Prussia and France over getting Greece independent. (more to come.)
    • Russian Diplomacy: The Tsar ventures to the Great Britain to discuss with the Queen herself how Russia can ease the situation at hand, if not through warfare than by mediation.
    • Chinese Diplomacy: China supports the actions the British took in Manitoba. Meanwhile, they state that they will help Europe in dealing with the Ottomans
  • Russian Empire: A large military buildup is begun, troops are mobilized, and brought from all over the Russian Empire to line the Russo-Persian border. Work on the city of Alexigrad, however, is still underway and will be taking up the majority of Russian resources.
  • Empire of Hind-Bharat: The railroad plan continues. Burma and Indochina are linked up. A bit bit of territory north of Indochina is captured and assimilated into the colony. The industrial program continues with success and troops are sent to Indochina from the Hind's western border. This helps bolster the Hind presence in the region.
  • Ethiopian Empire: Ethnic cleansing begins in the Empire, with non-Ethiopians being put into servitude and killed en mass. They are hidden form the outside world, who wouldn't know how to find them in Ethiopia anyway. Expansion is halted while this takes place.
    • US Diplomacy: The USA cancels the plebiscites in Mexico concerning southern Mexico joining the CSA, so Mexico is still American Territory.
      • It's a little too late now. Unless you fight for it or ask for it or something.
  • Sweden: Sweden expands its colonies in Africa. Denmark starts synchronizing its military with the Swedo-Norwegian.


The World in 1869.0
  • The United States of America: The USA begins to send military units into Africa and expansion by military force more than quadruples the size of some colonies while US troops begin to position themselves on the Rio Grande while 400,000 US troops are put on the northern US-CS border in preparation for war. The USA asks Quebec to help with providing troops for the future war, and Quebec accepts in return for five ironclad steam frigates and 20 gunboats, which are given to Quebec. Quebec joins the World Economic Community and the Allied Nations of Earth. Conscription is introduced while Horatio Seymour is elected, Increasing the modernization of the military more than tenfold. Conscript from Mexico bring the total number of US troops up to 735,000 men, 85 ironclad steam frigates, and various other military units and naval vessels. US troops land in the Central American States and conquer it before the turns end, although resistance will continue until the years end. Construction begins on the San Juan Canal through former Nicaragua.
  • Iberian Empire: Iberian Empire expands far to the south-east in Africa, due to the lack of resistance. Due to the bad climate and temperature, troops are supplied with a lot of water.
    • US Diplomacy: The USA asks that its allies (Austria, Iberia, Ethiopia, the Empire of Hind-Bharat, Chile, and Quebec) to help and send troops to fight in North America if they can be spared so that the slave holding Confederacy can be removed from the face of the Earth or be reduced to every CS state east of the Mississippi River and have North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and Kentucky become US territory and rejoin the Union. The rest of the CSA will then be split into the Republic of Florida (Florida, Cuba, and all other CS Gulf possessions), the Carolina Union, and the Republic of Southern (Alabama and Mississippi). The World Economic Community and all of its members are asked to not trade with the Confederacy. If aid is given the USA will elp its Allies in there own military ventures such as a Chilean conquest of Peru and Argentina or an Ethiopian war to conquer a huge part of Africa.
    • Iberian Empire's response: Iberians accept to help USA and sends 5000 elite troops to US. They are thought of planting dynamite (which was invented two years ago) on the enemy gunships and buildings.
    • US Diplomacy: Iberia is tanked ten times over for its help and 20,000 tons of grain are sent to Iberia as a gift.
    • The grain is hereby accepted into Iberian Peninsula, and most of it is invested for the future army of Iberian Empire. They also offer northern Philippines for the colony which is closest to them(to Iberians) (Still can't figure out the name of it).
    • Ethiopian diplomacy: The Empire respectfully says they cannot send troops to fight in America, due to differences of climate, and the necessity of keeping troops for pacification efforts. They apologize if this is a problem.
  • Empire of Brazil: The Brazilian Army finally crushes the last holdouts inn Paraguay, accepting the remaining army units' final surrender at Pilar. With the war with Paraguay over, the Brazilians prepare their army to move towards the border with Bolivia, as the army units there continue to make advances.
    • Brazilian Diplomacy: The Brazilian offer of trade and alliance still stands to the United States.
    • Iberian Diplomacy: Iberian Empire also offers Brazil a Formal Alliance (Military+Economic (Doesn't need to enter the Dollar State)), due to the Brazil having a good interest in US.
    • US Diplomacy: The USA accepts the Brazilian offers and asks that Brazil send troops to fight in North America. A Chilean/Brazilian division of South America will then be supported by the USA after the USA defeats the CSA, with Peru and the rest of Argentina going to Chile while Brazil will take most of the rest.
    • Brazilian Diplomacy: Brazil agrees to the Iberian alliance, and agrees to send soldiers to fight in North America, after securing a ceasefire agreement of Uti possidetis with the Bolivians.
  • Confederate States of America: President Alexander H. Stephens assumes the office and immediately begins preparing its military for combat. Several hundred thousand Mexican troops join the Confederate army. Charleston pumps out dozens of ironclad warships, ready for combat, should the US try for another war. The President states, "America cannot declare war on us because they went back on a deal. Confederate Mexico wants to be Confederate and shall remain Confederate." The CSA asks for help from China, UK, France, and Germany. The CSA states, "This war is a war of defense against the north. We have no reason or wish to dissolve the USA.
    • Iberian Empire, asks China, France and Germany, not to interact with this situation.
    • UK: The UK is unsure if they should join in the war. Queen Victoria also adds that she wants part of Confederate Mexico to secede from the CSA to rejoin into an independent Mexico.
    • US Diplomacy: US-CS relations are now very friendly and the two have an alliance and an economic trade alliance. Below is the Unofficial US Flag while the 56 star flag remains the official US Flag:
    • German Diplomacy: Bismarck announces that Germany will have no interest in a North American war, but will offer to be peace mediator in case of further flare ups.
  • Japan: Expands its Vietnamese and Filipino colonies and tells the CSA that it will be supported if they are attacked without reason. Several more ironclads are built. The Island of New Britain is annexed.
  • Empire of Hind-Bharat: With Burma and Indochina linked up, railroads construction begins there as well. Most of the northern grey is now part of Indochina. As a year of the railroads program is completed, the northern regions are well connected by railroads. Industry continues to be built in many places of the country and mass public works are created. The Maharani aims to turn a chaotic nation into a stable and industrious one, however long it might take.
  • United Kingdom: The meeting of Queen Victoria with the Tsar of Russia went well. Louis Riel approves of the separatism of Canada as its own dominion. The UK plans to hold a conference with several world leaders to discuss the future of Ottoman Greece and Mexico. (more to come)
    • Hind Diplomacy: The Maharani wishes to meet with Empress Victoria of the British Empire as well as the Tsar of Russia to discuss various topics.
  • China: Uses the money that is generated from the profits from the Alaskan colony to further industrialize and modernize their army. They state that they will side with their ally Japan if the CSA is attacked by the United States. The minority cultural revitalization continues.
  • Germany: With the Empire now firmly established, the primary goal of Germany is Economic and Peaceful: Germany will trade with all, and will offer her services to mediate any conflict that may arise. But should war break out, Germany will suspend trade with both nations (unless Allied), and will remain on the sidelines. The German army is for defensive purposes only, Bismarck states.
  • Chile: The Chilean troops under the command of the General Marcos Maturana, continues their advance into Bolivian territory, capturing the cities of Sucre and La Paz and forcing to the Bolivian president Mariano Melgarejo Valencia and the remains of his army to moving to Santa Cruz, in the east. The war report is send to the government of the President Jose J. Perez in Santiago, who hope that the war will end after defeating to the last Bolivian regiment.
  • Iberian Empire is still offering USA North Philippines for the colony south of Morocco.
  • Russian Empire: A few hundred thousand troops are drafted, bringing the total up to about 1.5 million. Work on Alexigrad is nearing completion, soon everything will be ready for the invasion of Persia.
  • Oman: The Dutch backed Oman starts a period of expansion to comprise more of Arabia under Omani rule. Omani people from recently conquered Zanzibar are allowed to return to Oman, and the Sultanate of Zanzibar falls completely to the Swedish.
  • The Kingdom of the Netherlands: It expands her colonies and also carves out a new Boer republic from the Dutch colony of Mozambique. This is to be called the Republic of Mozambique. The remaining Dutch colonies in OTL Mozambique are renamed Dutch South East Afrika. The Dutch also seize control of the Comoros islands around Madagascar.
    • Dutch Diplomacy: The Dutch ask to buy the Iberian colony in between the two Dutch colonies in North West Africa/OTL Senegal.
    • Iberians gift Western Iberian Colony to the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
      • Dutch Diplomacy: The Dutch thank the Iberians and invest the money saved from being gifted the colony instead of buying the colony, in the new Dutch North West Afrika Colony. They also remind Iberia that the Dutch are there for them and more than willing to help out their ally.
  • Ethiopian Empire: The Empire expands more into Kenya towards Lake Victoria. The Emperor is determined to remove the Kenyan threat forever. Ethnic cleansing continues, with non-Ethiopians being routinely rounded up and shot, and put into slavery. They ask the German Empire for a trade deal, to assist in their industrialization.
  • Scandinavia(Sweden, Norway, and Denmark):Sweden starts industrializing, and the parliament approves of a five-year plan to improve the industrial condition around the Swedish Norwegian and danish holdings. Oscar of Norway marries the danish princess, securing himself as heir to the danish throne. The Swedish expand Zanzibar inland, almost quadrupling its territory. Sweden asks all colonial powers in Africa to attend a conference hosted in Copenhagen to determine the colonial claims of each nation (like OTL's Berlin Conference) that will be hosted in 1870.


The World in 1869.5
  • German Empire: Germany accepts the Ethiopian Empire's request for a trade deal, and announces support for Scandinavia's attempt to hold a colonial conference, and offers to serve as a non-partial mediator (as we have no colonies, and have no desire for one), as we would like to do our best to make sure no wars over the colonies flare up.
  • China, knowing that the newly founded nation of Canada may need help and money getting organized, offers to give the Canadians a vast sum of money, in addition to an alliance, should Canada give China the area to the east of the continental divide (OTL Yukon) to add to Alyeska. Alyeska was already being profitable, so China hopes that the Canadians will oblige, letting them gaining more profitable land.
  • Australia: Australia colonises Vanuatu and invites thousands of migrants from Europe to Australia.
  • Iberian Empire sends diplomats to Australia offering it a Formal Alliance, and an agreement to close all relations with United Kingdom. They also send diplomats to France to extend their Open-Border Policy to a Military Protection alliance (MPA). Iberian Empire expands more to the southeast.
  • Ethiopian Empire: The Emperor asks Sweden-Norway if they will be allowed to attend the conference. They continue their ethnic cleansing campaigns, and conquering Kenya towards Lake Victoria. The Kenyans resist, but the Empire is merciless, killing prisoners, and selling women into slavery in their nation. They assume the Europeans are too busy with the crisis in North America to find out.
    • you may attend to ensure your independence.
  • Empire of Hind-Bharat: Troops are sent back from Indochina to the western Hind border. The army is mobilized and troops and cannons are brought to the western border using the railroads. Industry starts to go into overdrive, providing jobs as well as war material and commercial goods. The railroads program continues, with the focus being to link up the railroads being built in Indochina to the ones in the north. More land is colonized. This time the colonization takes place at Burma, with the colonization at Laos-Cambodia stopped for the time being.
  • The World in 1869

    The Dutch proposal for the partition of Africa

    The Kingdom of the Netherlands: Zululand is annexed by the Kingdom and given nation status in the Kingdom. The Dutch also support the African Colonization Conference and ask it be held in Berlin, Germany; as Germany is to be the non-partial mediator in this Conference. Otherwise the Dutch are optimistic about the soon to be held Berlin Conference, and Dutch Diplomats begin drawing up maps which could be used as guidelines on how to split up Africa.
    • Dutch Diplomacy: Dutch Diplomats draw up a map on how the Dutch think Africa should be split up (Note we kept in borders of current colonies)
    • I don't think that's a good idea yet; land has to be surveyed and explored before that vast majority can be claimed like that. Maybe as the game goes on and borders get closer to each other with disputes can we actually make a partition proposal.
    • Dude, we're in 1869 :D We're not in 14th century where Africa is completely unknown. And if we know the coastline, that means we can predict how Africa looks like. Doctor261 04:56, November 8, 2011 (UTC)
  • United Kingdom: The UK agrees to join the African Colonization Conference. Queen Victoria plans to initiate the Future of Greece and Mexico Conference by 1872. Meanwhile, the British Parliament believes taking the money from the Chinese for the Great Continental Divide area would be a good idea for Canada's military and industrialization. Also, the UK beings to colonize the OTL Southern Thailand-Burma area. And in Africa, the British colonies continue to grow. South Africa splits into another colony (name TBD shortly) to start colonizing inland. The two colonies on western Africa plan to join borders in 2.5 years, and to split into several different colonies to form a Union of British West Africa.
    • Note the mapmakers: China gets OTL Yukon territory because of this deal.
    • Iberian Empire removes an embargo of United Kingdom.
  • Chile: The Chilean army finally defeat to the last Bolivian force near to Santa Cruz and forced to the Bolivian president to accept the peace. The treaty signed on November, established the chilean sovereignty over the disputed territory in the Atacama Desert (called now as Province of Antofagasta). Also, as a war compensation, Bolivia ceded to Chile the departments of Oruro, Potosi, Chuquisaca, and Tarija. For to thank the Brazilian help, also, Chile made that Bolivia accept the Brazilian sovereignty in the region of Acre. Despite this new military success, the long war bring to the country some economic problems, which moved to the Perez's government to make some changes in the cabinet and economic policy.
  • Japan: Increases its number of gunboats and continues to build up its number of marine and light cavalry divisions. Japan begins to colonize the Solomon island and expands into southern Siam.
  • Russian Empire: Unemployment nearly disappears as the Tsar begins sponsoring millions of new jobs in industry and farming, to prepare the nation for a massive war with Persia. In addition, the Tsar states that a meeting of the Grand Alliance Members will be held in Moscow in 1875.
  • Sweden-Norway: Preparations continue for the Copenhagen Conference. every nation with an African colony and Russia are invited. The Dutch proposal is considered a viable candidate.
  • The United States of America: Colonization continues.


The World in 1870.0
  • China: China moves into the newly bought areas of Canada, and adds them to the Alaska colony. Meanwhile, China continues to increase the size and power of their military. However, Empress Cixi and the puppet Emperor have begun to become unpopular among the other court officials. Meanwhile, the minority culture revival groups are getting stronger and stronger..
    • Yeah no, im Canada and I never gave it to you.
    • Oh jeez, I'm sorry. I thought you guys discussed it on your talk page or something. I'll revert it.
  • Russian Empire: A full scale invasion of Persia is begun by Russia, with Hind-Baharat expected to join in for support soon thereafter. (How exactly will we go about posting war algorithms? Will this be a strictly mod thing, or will I have to learn something about coding before the week's end?)
    • Chinese Diplomacy: Qing China will join in and help Russia attack Persia. They state that they desire no territory from Persia, as Russia did give them Alyeska (with the money of course). However, China asks if they can get the Russian part of the island of Kuye/Sakhalin
    • Russian Diplomacy: The Russians are perfectly willing to give up a miniscule island piece for aid in the Russo-Persian War. Tsar Alexander III signs it away without a second thought.
  • German Empire: Germany plans a modest expansion of the army to keep in line with the growing power of the other European nations, though it is decided technology rather than weight of numbers alone will be vital if any conflict should break out.
    • German Diplomacy: Diplomats meet with Sweden-Norway to politely ask that the African Conference be held in Berlin, on "neutral" ground, since Sweden-Norway does have colonies at stake, and holding the conference in Stockholm could be seen as a way to pressure other nations for concessions.
  • Germany is trying to do everything possible to make sure to NO WARS ARE STARTED OVER COLONIES, as this has the possibility of dragging in every nation on Earth, including Germany.
  • Iberian Empire begins the research of espionage tactics. This is considered a secret research and other nations are not to know it, unless spied on. They continue expanding to the south-east, as stated in the Pact.
  • Australia: Australia colonizes Fiji and encourages more European migrants to arrive. A huge infrastructure project is started to bridge Sydney Harbour.
  • Empire of Hind-Bharat: After deploying the mobilized troops, an attack is launched into Persia to make it a protectorate of Hind-Bharat to protect the Shias of Persia. Cannons are brought in and it seems Persia will not withstand an attack from both sides. Troops are ordered to kill commanders and the government rather than engage in full fights with the army as that is needed to fight another enemy. Industry is successfully coping with the war due to the huge workforce being drafted in to the industry and farming.
  • The Kingdom of the Netherlands: Expansion in Dutch North West Afrika, Dutch Equatorial Guinea and Dutch South East Afrika continues.
  • Japan: improves infrastructure in the colonies and continues to expand into southern Siam. More trade ships and naval vessels are built.
  • Chile: Parliamentary elections took place in the country, including in the new territories. Liberal–Conservative Fusion, the officialist coalition, won the majority in both chambers, and prepares for the presidential election in the next year.
  • Empire of Brazil: Protests breakout across Brazil, ordering amendments to the constitution that expand voting rights and that disestablishes the process of indirect voting. This comes just before a new general election is to be held, causing alarm among some of the parliament's elite.
  • Ethiopian Empire: Ethnic cleansing begins winding down, and government loyalty officials begin moving into conquered Kenya. Ethiopian troops reach the shores of Lake Victoria, and proclaim the death of the Kenyan tribes as independent peoples.
  • United Kingdom: The UK expands her African colonies. It also slightly expands the British Indochina colony. The situation in Persia interests the UK, and requests that if Russia and Hind-Baharat conquer Persia, that the UK could get a part of Persia as a buffer zone to keep the peace.
    • Russian Diplomacy: The UK is thanked for this offer, but it is not needed, any border disputes between Russian, Hind-Baharat, and the Ottoman Empire will be handled in a gentlemanly manner as always, with no need for British mediation.
    • Hind Diplomacy: Hind-Bharat also thanks the British for their offer but say that relations between the Russians and Hinds is very good and they do not think that any border disputes will take place.
  • The United States of America: Colonization continues.


The World in 1870.5
  • Canada: Canada starts construction on a Transcontinental Railroad and employ many people in the project. Canada also ask for America to give its client state, Quebec to Canada in exchange for a alliance. Canada also offers to start trade with China in Alaska.
  • China: In order to stop the growing nationalism amongst the minorities, the government of China decides to focus Chinese energies outwards. Already they have sent many supplies to Russia to conquer Persia, but many Chinese feel that they should have a great colonial empire like Europe, instead of just Alaska. Unfortunately, most land is taken. However, they notice that many of the small Pacific Islands are unclaimed. China sends many ships out, landing on most of the small islands that are unclaimed, such as Fiji or OTL Polynesia and the other ones that are grey on the map. They claim these islands for the Empire of China.
  • Russian Empire: Large-scale revolutions begin throughout Persia, started by Russian espionage agents. Meanwhile, with all the Chinese supplies, the Russian and Hind-Barahti war machines are grinding through, killing many Persian soldiers, but taking most captive, for a future project. At this rate, the Tsar predicts, admittedly optimistically, that Persia will fall in a year or so.
  • German Empire: Further economic growth, spurred by trading with China, Ethiopia and other allies, pushes German industry to heights of power and strength that is starting to rival Britain.
  • Iberian Empire continues to massively recruit troops for their army and expands further south-east in Africa.
  • Australia: Australia takes Fiji and the Solomons more immigrants are encouraged to migrate to Australia.
  • Empire of Hind-Bharat: Troops charge through the Persian lines, using the same tactics as the Russians, take the majority of the armies prisoner rather than killing them. Supplies for the Russians come through the Hind ports to supply the needs the Russians cannot give through the mountains. However, railroads are continuing to be built, admitedly most around the war zone to transport supplies directly to the troops. Expansion continues in Indochina, with more of Burma being taken over and it is predicted that a third of Burma will be Hind territory by the end of the year.
  • Netherlands: Gold is discovered in Transvaal and causes colonial expansion north west of Transvaal to start in order to find more gold deposits. Colonial expansion in Dutch North West Afrika also hastens in order to get more desert land necessary to extract sand and create sand bags on a huge scale to build a series of forts in the Boer states. The Dutch economy expands rapidly with the expansion of these two new Dutch industries.
  • United Kingdom: The UK expands the African colonies and thinks of buying the small Iberian colony in West Africa (OTL Guinea-Bissau), but no request is made yet. Also, the UK buys more land from Honduras and Nicaragua for the British's Misquito Coast, after many natives had complained about lack of land. They also grow the Indochinese colony. (more to come)
  • Sweden-Norway: After the conference in Stockholm, the danish map becomes the official division of Africa. The Swedes start expanding their small chunk as fast as they can. Sweden continues to implement its industrialization plan, its first step: factorization is complete. the second step, the construction of a pan-Scandinavian railroad is about to commence. the third step will be full scale industrial activity in both Sweden and her colonies. The Swedish protectorate in Afrika is often now called by swedes Swedish East Africa or Norwegian East Africa. Some explorers are sent to discover new resources.
  • Japan: Annexes the rest of unclaimed Vietnam and expands its Malay colonies. Japanese begin to mass migrate to all of Japan's colonies. A Korean railway project begins to link up all of Korea's cities.
  • The United States of America: Colonization continues.


The World in 1871
  • China finalizes its claims over all of the previously unclaimed Pacific islands. They send many ethnic Chinese to those islands, as well as to Alyeska, soon dominating over the natives. They continue to send aid to the Russians and Hind-Barahti forces in Persia. However, micronationalism continues to rise in China, as does distrust of the Qing Dynasty...
  • German Empire Nothing of note happens in the first months of 1871.
  • Iberian Empire expands their colony in the South-western Africa by 20* and their main African country by . They also begin improving infrastructure in Iberian Sahara. Iberians are still offering USA North Philliphines for north-western African colony belonging to USA.
  • The Kingdom of the Netherlands: The Dutch African colonies expand a lot more thanks to the expanding Dutch economy.
    • Dutch Diplomacy: What is this Danish map what the Swedish are on about for the partition of Africa? I haven't seen anything and the Dutch won't agree with it until we see it!
    • I (Chris) put it because of this post that was there in 1868.5, I think:
  1. "Sweden-Norway: The Swedish government establishes another protectorate on the only lands not colonized on the African coast. This one is declared Norway's colony."
  2. That was generally the only uncolonized portion and naturally I put it there. If I'm wrong I'll get rid of it.
I meant more so concerning if an agreement on how to divide all of Africa up had been made with out the consent of the Dutch VonGlusenburg (talk to Von!) 17:06, November 11, 2011 (UTC).
  • Empire of Brazil: The Brazilian people use their new general election to elect on the Brazilian Social Democratic Party, who promises to amend the constitution to benefit the masses. Passing new amendments that creates a direct election system based on popular vote and lowering the voting age to 18, even though only men could still vote.
  • Empire of Hind-Bharat: After spontanious attacks, most of the regiments and divisions fall to pincer tactics used by the Hinds which were taught by the Russians. Using the 300,000 Russian troops under Hind command, the colony of Indochina is expanded towards Austrian Vietnam. ir is expected to take around a year more. Railroads continue to be built, mainly in Indochina and the Afghan region.
  • Ethiopian Empire: The Ethiopian Empire begins moving towards Kenya's unconquered border with Sudan. The Kenyan culture is oppressed by the government, and new education programs are put in place to teach the people only the Ethiopian culture. The Empire also states that they will support the Danish division of Africa, but questions if ll those areas can be controlled by the nations they would be delegated to.
  • Chile: Federico Errázuriz Zañartu won the presidential election and assume as new President of the Republic. Errazuriz decides firmly to maintain the unity in the Lineral-Conservative coalition, and for this make a national accord between the two forces, about different reforms claimed by both sides.
  • United Kingdom: The UK finally joins Sierra Leone and Nigeria and unites them to officially make the United Republic of West Africa. The URWA plans to now expand northward. They also expand the Indochinese colony and grow their military.
  • Russian Empire: With Persia soundly defeated, the Eastern half is given to Hind-Baharat and the western half becomes a the puppet state Republic of Persia.
  • Sweden-Norway: Sweden continues its Industrialization plan, framework and maps for the construction of such trans-Scandinavian railway are put unto way Swedish East Africa expands inwards.
  • The United States of America: Colonization continues.


The World in 1871 5
  • China: Stabilizes its control over the new Pacific territory which it has gained. They realize that Britain no longer controls Canada, so they cease to expand into the Yukon area, apologizing to the Canadians for the misunderstanding. However, many Chinese settlers illegally begin travelling into the mountains looking for gold, despite the colonial government attempting to stop them. This isn't the Qing government's first failure recently. The old Chinese whisper that the Mandate of Heaven may be slipping through their fingers...
  • Bulgaria: Begins a massive rebellion against the Muslim Ottomans throughout OTL Bulgaria and Macedonia that they have been planing for almost a decade.
  • Iberian Empire continues to expand to the south. Due to the lack of infrastructure, many Iberian soldiers and resistance fighters are fighting badly and dying.
  • Netherlands: The Dutch colonize the South Atlantic islands of Ascension, Sao Paulo, and the Tristan Da Cunha islands. The Cocos islands and Christmas Island in the Indian Ocean are also taken over by the Dutch. These small islands have small port towns built on them, to be used as coaling stops along the Dutch Sea Route to the East Indies and South African Dutch territories. This action not only improves the Dutch's naval power but it also improves the trade routes which boost the economy.
    • So still what is this Danish division of Africa? The Netherlands haven't agreed to any division of Africa... VonGlusenburg (talk to Von!) 17:24, November 11, 2011 (UTC).
    • You did mention a few turns back: "Never mind. I just did my researching and it turns out that place is actually the Sultanate of Zanzibar who split from Oman in 1856. So its not Oman when you invaded Sweden, you attacked Zanzibar so the Netherlands are fine with that! :D" So since you changed your mind now, you'll have to talk with the Swedish player about it.
    • No no, I'm fine with the Swedish colony after taking over Zanzibar and expanding, I mean more of a complete division of Africa. Like you've all agreed on how all of Africa will be split up between the colonial powers, VonGlusenburg (talk to Von!) 13:25, November 12, 2011 (UTC).'
    • No one's agreed to it (from what I read) except for Sweden-Norway, but my argument is still valid; we can't just assume colonies like that, especially when some colonies get less land than others. We'll have to continue our colonization until the nations meet up (and of course at a moderate rate.)
  • Empire of Hind-Bharat: The last resistance is crushed and Persia is now conquered. Hind Persia is incorporated into the Empire, with the Persian army being merged with the Hind forces. Recognition is asked by the government of the new Hind territories. The colony of Indochina is expanded towards Austrian Vietnam. It is expected to take around half a year more. Railroads continue to be built, mainly in Indochina and the Afghan region. Work is begun to expand the railroads into Persia. The ones in Indochina are almost complete.
  • German Empire has nothing new to report, frankly.
  • Empire of Brazil: Relation break down between Brazil and the Republic of Uruguay after Uruguayan nationalists are accused of blowing up a Brazilian corvette docked in Montevideo. The Emperor of Brazil orders the Brazilian Army mobilized, and the Brazilian fleet to be sent to blockade Uruguay.
  • Russian Empire: Following the end of the war, the Russian Army decreases in size to a paltry 300,000 men, with the rest given jobs in the Russian Railroad Corporation, following the Tsar granting that corporation a large sum of money, on the agreement that the veterans of the Russo-Persian War would be able to easily acquire a job there. As such, more railroad construction begins, helping further the industrialization of the nation.
  • Republic of Persia: Following its defeat and revolution, Persia begins holding free elections, whereby all landowning males can partake in voting for the elected Sultan. The elections are, however, a sham, and the elected men are merely figureheads for Russian rulers, who begin to modernize Persia. In addition, Persia would like to take out a sum of 10 million USD from any nation willing to be so charitable to jumpstart an oil drilling operation; in return, should the oil drilling bear fruit, the loaning nation would receive twice its investment in oil profits.
  • United Kingdom: The UK grows their colonies in Africa. Queen Victoria also thinks Parliament should begin speaking with other nations in Europe about Greece's future.
  • Japan: Builds more warships and annexes the rest of unclaimed Malay and the islands of Andaman and Nicobar to establish a foothold ihn the Indian Ocean.
  • Sweden-Norway: The Construction of the Pan-Scandinavian Railway continues. The Swedish found the Swedish Africa company, and with it they monopolize all trade in their colony. The Swedish openly refuse to use the world dollar and join the world economic community, the Swedish king saying that: the Kronar is worth more than this dollar and is a source of swedish pride, only dire circumstances will make us give it up.
  • The United States of America: Colonization continues.


  • Empire of Brazil: The Brazilian Army launches their invasion of Uruguay, sweeping into the country from the east. As the Uruguayan Navy tries to break the Brazilian blockade, they charge the left flank of the blockade, where several squadrons and three battleships are holding out the blockade. They charge near the port of Colonia, but are decisively beaten, and only further crippling Uruguayan war effort, while the Brazilians suffer only minor casualties.
    • Chilean Diplomacy: The government of Chile put to disposition from the Brazilian Empire two regiments with experienced soldiers for his fight against Uruguay. They will be sent along with a fleet of three ships.
  • Iberian Empire: launches a massive colonization team in Africa to the south.
  • Chile: The Chilean Congress passed an series of reforms proposed by President Errazuriz, with majoritary support, including changes in the Senate duration, citizenship, freedom of education, and others. The government also, begin the construction of two new shipyards in Valdivia and Punta Arenas.
  • Ethiopian Empire: The Empire moves into Sudan, in an effort to remove the bulge of hostile territory in their empire. The Emperor proclaims a new era of reatness for the Ethiopians. Kenyans are rounded up and all that ethnic cleansing stuff continues in theirnation. They begin building a navy to patrol their coast.
  • China continues to be divided, due to the growing minority nationalism within all of its empire, for even the Chinese want to be totally Chinese and not forced to abide by Manchurian laws. The movements are not united, so the Qing are still able to dominate over them. At least, they are not united yet ......
  • Bulgaria: Assaults ottoman troops that have massed near Sofia and after a three day battle the bulgarians captures the city due to their larger force and will to win. After the battle the nation of Bulgaria is formed including most ottoman territory north of Greece.
  • German Empire: Continues to do nothing of any serious note. Elections are scheduled for later this year.
  • United Kingdom: The UK issues a statement to the US: "It's been 6 and a half years, we can assure you that we have no intention of annexing Quebec. We respect their decision of not wanting to join Canada, but they do deserve their independence as a self-sufficient nation, not a protectorate." Queen Victoria also announces that a European Conference will be held in London, England for all European nations and others (US, CSA, India, Russia, etc.) to discuss the futures of Mexico, Quebec, Serbia, Greece and possibly Persia. (this will be held on a separate article so the map game won't be spammed with too many edits). They also grow their African colonies.
    • Iberian Diplomacy: Franco Hernandez, Iberian leader, promises to attend the European Conference.
    • Dutch Diplomacy: The Netherlands shall send several senior members of the Royal council, but the main Dutch concern is the inactivity of some countries/players, and would like to make sure that the players of the countries concerned (US, CSA, Ottoman Empire, France, Austria, etc.) will actually attend and take a greater interest in their country's affairs in this game.
  • The Kingdom of the Netherlands: Dutch Equatorial Guinea expands inland as the Dutch begin to set up large sized rubber plantations in the colony. Dutch South East Afrika also expands in order to find more gold deposits, but miners instead discover diamond deposits and the share prices of Boer mining companies sky rockets. With all these growing Dutch industries, many factories are built in Holland and Belgium in order to process and manufacture goods from the resources harvested from the Dutch colonies.
  • Russian Empire: Tsar Alexander III falls ill with the flu, his wife refuses to leave his side, and his children are too young to rule, leaving the President of the Duma, Sergei Bolotnikov, de facto ruler of Russia. As such, Bolotnikov halves the number of Russian veterans working on the railroads, and puts them to work building a navy. 50 ironcalds are ordered to be built by the end of the year.
    • Hind Diplomacy: The Maharani comes to help boost morale of the Tsar's wife.
  • Republic of Persia: Persia looks for a nation to loan it $10 million USD in order to jumpstart the oil programme. Persia offers $20 million USD to any nation willing to pay, after the oil drilling project bears fruit.
    • Iberian Empire: sends $2'000'000 USD to Republic of Persia, and promises to send the other 8 million in the next year, when they finish working on their farms and selling the goods.
  • Empire of Hind-Bharat: The colony of Indochina finally borders Austrian Vietnam. Railroads continue to be built, mainly in Persia and the Afghan region. Work continues on the railroads into Persia. The ones in Indochina are completed, however, new ones are started to connect the new territories gained. More modern arms are bought and are used to upgrade the army.
  • The United States of America: Colonization continues.


  • China currently is on the verge of having a civil war. The Nationalist groups among the minorities have seized vast quantities of territories, and the ethnic Chinese are angry at the Qing government for other reasons. However, the Qing are still in control for now, thanks to the military's support. Should the military turn against them, the dynasty would fall within a month. The Qing, desperate for a way to attract national attention away from the growing crisis, offers to buy the southern areas of the island of Sakhalin that the Japanese control.
  • Japan: Continues to build up its navy and cavalry and refuses to sell its portion of Sakhalin on the grounds that many ethnic Japanese have relocated to the area. Japanese factories are built in Japanese New Guinea near the city of port Meiji
    • Chinese Diplomacy: This failure to buy southern Sakhalin has made many more Chinese disappointed in the Qing government. Many are now openly declaring that the Qing have lost the mandate of heaven, and the anti-Qing movements are gaining more and more momentum. Yet no leader has emerged, to get the army on the anti-Qing side and to unite the movements....
  • Iberian Empire: expands their Main Iberian African colony to the south.
  • The Kingdom of the Netherlands: The Dutch African colonies expand some more.
  • Empire of Brazil: The Uruguayans make the decision to try to break the Brazilian Army on its northern flank, which results in the Brazilians being able to surround them, and destroy the remnants of the Uruguayan Army.
  • Chile: The national armed forces are reorganized by the Minister of War and Navy Aníbal Pinto Garmendia; now the Army es divided into 8 Military Divisions, and the navy in 4 fleets. While, the economy in zones like the Mendoza, Patagonia and Antofagasta and Oruro, is increase.
  • German Empire: Kaiser Wilhelm II offer's his support to his ally Tsar Alexander II, and makes an official state visit to Russia. The elections are still held, but a large faction clamoring for military growth and the pursuit of colonies has sprung up in the Reichstag, leaving Chancellor Bismark in very precarious position between the uber-nationalists on the far right and the Socialists on the left.
  • Empire of Hind-Bharat: Huge resources are put into upgrading the army as well as creating industry and building railroads. Many coal mines are started up to make use of Hind-Bharat's huge reserves. After huge planning and designing, the new flag of Hind-Bharat is created, with the help of expert British designers. The British are thanked for their help and he new flag becomes the official flag of Hind-Bharat.
  • Russian Empire: The Tsar gets over his bout of the flu, forcing the President of the Duma to stop down as Alexander III retakes the throne of Russia. The plans for 50 ironclads is expanded upon, making it 250 by the end of 1875.
    • Hind Diplomacy: Request to buy around 50-75 ironclads once they are completed as they still need to establish a strong navy.
  • Republic of Persia: Iberia is thanked for the money, and a massive oil drilling operation begins in the south of Persia, near the Arabian Gulf.
  • Ethiopian Empire: More expansion continues in Sudan, and the ethnic cleandsing program is widened to include the new influx of Sudanese peoples. The porgroms against the Kenyans are ended as they are finally incorporated into the Empire. The new Ethiopian Navy grows larger with the addition of several Cruisers and numerous Frigates
  • The United States of America: Colonization continues.


  • German Empire The new Colonialist movement in the Reichstag starts pushing Bismarck to buy a colony for Germany, especially one of the South African Dutch colonies. However, Bismarck continues to sidestep the issue, planning on trying to use it to get the Colonialists to support other issues closer to home.
  • Iberian Empire extends their main colony to the south-east and invests a lot of money for infrastructure.
  • The Netherlands: The Dutch colonies expand some more, but they tell Germany that the Dutch South East Afrika colony is not for sale, and the Boer republics would never join Germany and lose their independence. However the Dutch are planning something which the Germans may find very interesting ;)
  • Sweden-Norway: Sweden continues its plan. all the infrastructire is updated as industrialization levels soar around the country. Sweden Expands its protectorate in Africa. Sweden Sends explorers into the heart of the nation, making some explorers even reaching the great lakes
  • Empire of Brazil: The Brazilians successfully capture the last holdouts of Paraguay, and subsequently annexing the country. A provisional Brazilian authority is established as a military ruler for the recently annexed country.
    • Brazilian Diplomacy: The Empire of Brazil offers a military alliance to the United States, and requests to join the World Economic Community.
  • Chinese Empire: The revolts by the nationalists and the anti-Qing forces have escalated to a full-on revolution. At first, the military manages to keep everything other control. However, a Chinese general by the name of Quan Liu-Tao turns against the Qing, and many soldiers follow him. The nationalists are promised by Quan that if he becomes emperor, he will give their people more self-autonomy, so they unite under Quan as well. Things look bad for the Qing Empire...
    • Hind Diplomacy: The Maharani proposes a meeting between the two factions to sort out the problem diplomatically.
  • Chile: Tensions between Chile and Argentina increase again, after that chilean inteligence discover argentine support to some rebel groups in Mendoza, former argentine territory. The activity of this groups move to the chilean government to create a special unit from the Army; los Nuevos Husares de la Muerte (new Death Hussars), under the command of the Colonel Manuel Baquedano.
  • Ethiopian Empire: In a lightning attack, the Ethiopiamn army annexes the entirety of a fledgling Ugandan State. The Ethiopian Empire does not wish to see a rival African power, and wishes to secure control of Lake Victoria, renamed Lake Yohannes.
  • Japan: Builds several more ironclads and frigates why consalidating control over its colonies. The japanese send supplies and weapons to the Qing Empire and ask if they what help from the Japanese military to crush Quan and his rebellion.
  • Bulgaria: Solidifies its new borders and creates a formal army Bulgaria sends trade proposals to Germany and Sweden.
  • Russian Empire: Work on the Ironclads continues, and more men and resources are diverted to this, away from the railroads.
  • Republic of Persia: The oil drilling is a success, with a hundred thousand barrels being produced in the six months between the Iberian gifting and now. Now, Persia is offering its vast oil reserves to anyone willing to buy them.
  • Empire of Hind-Bharat: Huge resources are put into upgrading the army as well as creating industry. Railroad construction continues in the state of Afghan and Persia. Hind-Bharat start their own hunt for oil in Persia and the Afghan region as well as in the state of Rajahistan. Many coal mines are started up to make use of Hind-Bharat's huge reserves. With expansion in Indochina complete, expansionists are sent to Burma, to colonize it completely, however, this is predicted to take a long time, around 2-3 years.
  • The United States of America: Colonization continues.


  • Sweden-Norway: Sweden decides to remain neutral in the Chinese civil war. Sweden expands its colony. Norwegian People start to question their ruler and the like, but the feelings of Scandinavism are still present in post things. Swedish and Norwegian Explorers Discover the African Great Lakes. Sweden continues to bild the railroad, and it is predicted to be done in a year. an urban Boom hapens in Oslo, increasing the population by 10 000 in the second half of the year.
  • Chinese Empire: The Qing have lost the support of Manchuria, due to Manchurian nationalists finding them too Chinese, and they have lost the support of China, with Chinese nationalists finding them too Manchurian. They are now restricted to Northern China, around Beijing. Quan has organized the anti-Qing army to be much stronger and more efficent, and he wins many victories against the Qing dynasty. The Qing use the supplies of Japan, but they are still badly losing the war, with many doubting that they will last another 6 months.
  • Canada: Canada continues to keep its economy growing and starts to enroll more people in the military. Canada also offers to buy Alaska from China for $15 Million in order to help pay for new firearms.
    • Chinese Diplomacy: Currently, exactly which Chinese government would get the money is up for dispute. Meanwhile, many Chinese have fled to the colony to escape the war. However, some immigrate to other nations, particularly the United States of America...
  • German Empire: The fact that the Dutch have refused to sell any colonies stunned the Colonialists in the Reichstag, but in meetings with the Netherlands, a basis of a treaty of cooperation is laid out.
    • German Imperial Diplomacy: A Treaty of Cooperation is offered to the Netherlands, along matters discussed in private.
    • Dutch Diplomacy: The Dutch accept the treaty of Cooperation, and hope that an agreement will be reached soon to proceed with the plans.
  • Iberian Empire: Main Iberian African colony is expanded more to the south. They also send their diplomats to Canada to create friendly relations.
  • The Netherlands: The Dutch introduce national service in the armed forces from the ages of 21-24. The Dutch school system is also changed so children in the Kingdom are in school ages 6-16. Children must either attend a school or be home schooled; but school isn't completely compulsory, as long as a child does the end of year exam at the end of each school year a lot of the school is poorer areas wouldn't bother chasing after students to find out why they aren't attending. Children can fail school and be held back a grade, but once they reach the age of 16 and a child hasn't finished their school education, they don't have to attend school to finish if they don't want to. Child labour laws are also brought so Children under 16 can only work a maximum of 20 hours per week, with an hour break every day.
  • Russian Empire: Work on the Ironclads continues as planned, on schedule. Tsar Alexander III also decides to give 50 of the completed ironclads to Hind-Baharat, in a token of the two nations' partnership.
    • Hind Dipmomacy: Russia is thanked and men and workers are sent to work in Russia. Hind will also export coal to Russia for cheap prices in return for the ironclads.
  • Republic of Persia: Oil drilling is continued, and a significant amount of government resources are invested in studying and perfecting the relatively new internal combustion engine.
  • Empire of Hind-Bharat: Huge resources are put into upgrading the army as well as creating industry. Railroad construction continues in the state of Afghan and Persia. Hind-Bharat Expansion in Burma continues, with more land being colonized everyday. It is said it will take around two more years to completely colonize Burma.
  • The United States of America: Colonization continues.


  • Quan Confederation

    Map of the Quan confederation. This is not the same resolution as the Map, I will edit these borders onto the main map

    China: The Qing are defeated by General Quan's army, and exiled to one of the more remote Pacific islands. The Quan dynasty is established as the ruling dynasty in China, with Liu-Tao becoming China's emperor. Liu-Tao has China given massive restructuring, and breaks it into several sovereign nations united under his leadership: Zhonghua (China; ethnic Chinese and minorities whose nationalist movements did not unite with Quan) Bod (Tibet), Shinjang (Xinjiang), Mongolia, Manju (Manchuria), Ningxia, and Guangxi. These nations not only have Quan Liu-Tao as their Emperor, but also share a common army and foreign policy and currency. This new confederacy is named the Imperial Quan Confederacy.
  • Russian Empire: The Tsar is not happy with the regime change in China, but feels that in opposing it he would only make new enemies. Instead, he begrudgingly offers relations with General Quan, hoping to renegotiate their terms their alliance. In addition, work on the ironclads continues, relatively unabated.
    • IQC Diplomacy: Emperor Liu-Tao states that all alliances that the Qing had with foreign nations will be upheld by the Quan. He even forgives Japan for helping the Qing, and states that at least in IQC diplomacy, their alliance is the same as it was before.
    • Hind Diplomacy: The Maharani is please and would like to open up proper diplomatic channels as well as discuss railroad integration of Hind and Chinese railroads...
    • IQC Diplomacy: Once Emperor Liu-Tao is sure that there will be no more violence, he will extend railroads with his ally. However, the Himalayan mountains would be nearly impossible to build railroads in between. He urges the Hind to try to take Burma as fast as they can, so that they have an easier land route. The Confucian Buddhist Liu-Tao asks what is the state of Buddhists within the Hind-Barat Federation
    • Hind Diplomacy: Buddhists are treated fairly and have full rights as a citizen of the Federation. Buddhists can visit Buddhist shrines in China and visa versa. It is agreed that Burma will be the place for the link up of railroads, it should become Hind territory in around a year. The Chinese are invited to build traditional Buddhist temples in Hind-Bharat. The Maharani Laxmi Bhai asks how are Hindus, Muslims and other religions in the Imperial Quan Confederacy, as there seems to be perfect harmony between the peoples'
    • IQC Diplomacy: Emperor Liu-Tao is pleased that Buddhists are well treated in Hind-Barat. He states that there is freedom of religion in the confederacy. However, he is suspicious about organizations between temples, churches, mosques, etc. and seeks to have all places of worship be either independent and not affiliated with any others, or in one organization (aka, one association of Daoist Temples, one association of Buddhist temples, etc, and if they don't want to be part of the organization, then they are totally independent). There are many Muslims in the eastern parts of the confederacy, however, there are few Hindus, although the number has grown slightly recently. He asks if there is any Hindu organization that is strong in Hind-Bharat for the Hindu temples to join.
    • Hind Diplomacy: The main association of Hindu temples is a strong organization. The Maharani likes the idea and will do the same thing with Hindu and Buddhist temples and mosques.
  • Republic of Persia: Research on the internal combustion engine continues, as does oil drilling.
  • German Empire: The German Military holds a series of war-games in rural East Prussia, practicing new techniques of warfare as demonstrated in the Confederate Independence War, as well as several new strategies that the General Staff has come up with. Chancellor Bismarck earmarks huge sums of money to scientists and industrialists to help with research and development.
  • Empire of Hind-Bharat: Huge resources are put into upgrading the army as well as creating industry. Railroad construction continues in the state of Afghan and Persia. Hind-Bharat Expansion in Burma continues, with more land being colonized everyday. It is said it will take around 1.5 years more to completely colonize Burma. In light of news received by the Maharani about new war plans practiced by the Germans, Hind troops practice successful Russian tactics as well as incorporate the tactics used by the Germans into the war games. More weapons are ordered and the Maharani is pleased that the Russians are giving Hind-Bharat 50 ironclads. The researchers of the Maharani's royal court work on adding the cannons of the ironclads into a normal warship and adding the armor of the ironclad on the warship as well, effectively making the first battleship. The Maharani is impressed and order 50 of these new "battleships" to be constructed by the end of next year.
  • Iberian Empire: Iberian Empire extends their main African colony south and other small colonies a bit to the east.
  • The Kingdom of the Netherlands: Our OTL French Polynesia is colonized as Dutch Polynesia.
  • Ethiopian Empire: Ethnic cleansing comes to a halt, as does industrialization. Most of the Kenyans and Ugandans are put into servitude. Industry is greatly enhanced with imports from the German Empire, and the Ethiopians begin working on developing their own military-industrial complex.
  • The United States of America: Colonization continues.


  • IQC: Emperor Liu-Tao has become worried. There are many Muslims and Christians in his nation, and they may have loyalty to other nations than the IQC, and different values than the traditional Chinese values. However, he doesn't want to totally destroy freedom of religion. Therefore, the Emperor makes an edict: no church or mosque is to be part of any organization, except for the official one. The official organizations are the United Mosques of Confucian Muslims and the Confucian Christian Church. These blend Confucian ideals into the theology of Islam and Christianity. Churches and mosques can remain independent from these organizations, but they can't join any new organizations, just a single independent church.
  • Iberian Empire extends more to the south and begins massive recruitment again, raising the army of ironclads, elite troops and others.
  • German Empire: Tensions that were suddenly sparked between Germany and France finally came to a head in late August, when a French army brigade shot upon peaceful protesters asking that Alsace-Lorraine join Germany. A series of notes exchanged between the two governments, and accusations that Berlin is behind the demonstrations, have resulted in Bismarck declaring war on France for the sake of national honor. German forces advance towards Strasbourg and Metz, encountering light opposition until reaching the mighty fortresses. However, the technology advanced and highly trained German troops finally manage to take the fortresses, at a moderate cost. However, French reinforcements had been brought up, holding the German forces deep inside French territory.
  • The Kingdom of the Netherlands: The Dutch condone France for attacking peaceful German protesters and sends Germany military aid. This angers the French however and the French bombard a small Belgium border village. The Dutch are outraged, and declare war on France as well and Dutch forces pour over the border to invade France and Lille is put under siege. As well as in France proper, the Dutch also attack French Guiana from Dutch Suriname; French Saint Marten is attacked from Dutch Sint Maarten; the Dutch navy also blockade and bombard Saint-Barthelemy, and the French Congo is also attacked.
  • Empire of Hind-Bharat: Resources are put into upgrading the army as well as creating industry have payed off, with the army becoming more up to date and the industry being able to produce cotton and war materials as well as make ships. Railroad construction nears completion in the state of Afghan and Persia. Hind-Bharat Expansion in Burma continues, with a huge drive to colonize as much land as possible to connect railroads with the Chinese. It is said it will take around 0.5 years more to completely colonize Burma and railroad construction in Burma is given priority, with around 2/3 of Burma Hind territory and bordering the Quan Confederacy. The construction of the battleships is well under way and should be completed on schedule. Some will be offered when they are complete to Hind-Bharat's allies. A campaign is started to sent Hind-Bharatis to Australia and South Africa as well as the West Indies to help in the construction of the colonies.
  • Quebec: Decide to build roads in the country.
  • Russian Empire: The Tsar is outraged that France could provoke such a peaceful nation such as Germany to war, and because the German Empire is a fellow member of the Grand Alliance, the Tsar will intervene. Work on the railroads stops, and work on the ironclads is heavily stymied, as the army is raised to a million men strong, placed in the hands of the Tsar's most capable generals, and sent to Germany to defeat the French menace. Secondly, with the number of Ironclads reaching about 190, the Tsar drafts enough men into the Russian Navy to utilize the ships, and they set sail from Persian ports, bound for French ports, hoping to starve the nation of any outside help. They will be passing through the Suez canal, and the Tsar states that either the ships will move through freely, or a war with the Ottomans will begin as well.
    • Hind Diplomacy: Troops are mobilized and the Tsar is asked whether he wants Hind troops to accompany the attack on France. The 300,000 Russians are redined with the rest of the Hind army.
    • Russian Diplomacy: The Tsar agrees to Hindi help on the issue, and allows them use Russian supply lines while in France.
  • Republic of Persia: Thus far work on the internal combustion engine prove fruitless. Russian ironclads are launched from Persian ports, though Persia itself is at this time neutral in the affair.
830px-The World in 5


  • The United States of America: The USA increases troop levels in Africa to over 100,000, and due to the rapid advancements of troops and the failures of anyone to add to its colonies on the map, the colonies triple in size. Thee USA offers the Dutch a deal in which they will receive Liberia, 32 million World Dollars, and a naval base in Hawaii and Indonesia in return for the Dutch colony next to US Madagascar. The USA declares war on the Central American States and easily conquers them (I need an algorithm please), and they are annexed. The USA declares war on Peru and Ecuador and lands troops on their Pacific Coasts due to imperialistic motives and evidence of the current regimes brutalities against there populations. Hawaii joins the Union while the Indonesian Colony becomes a US state and joins the Union. I NEED AN ALGORITHM PLEASE
    • Please look at rule 8. You can't expand that much in less than half a year. I'll grow it a little larger than usual since you haven't had a turn in a little while but my point remains. Also, you can't determine if you've won the war with Central America, so you can't say you've annexed them all yet. I'll have to revert the map for now. ChrisL123
    • Yeah, the US has been really implausible this whole map game, really, but now its more ridiculous than ever
    • I think I created rule 8, :/ It works though!! :D 1 Imperium Guy
    • Can mods please take action to stop this implausibility, its not fair on the other players; VonGlusenburg (talk to Von!) 11:52, November 19, 2011 (UTC).
  • United Kingdom: The UK grows their colonies as always. The UK government prepares the military to deploy ships and men to help the Central American states and request that other countries do the same. The Queen mentions, "[the Central American states] didn't do anything to the United States, and the war doesn't seem to have a purpose. A military intervention is required, or else Central America will suffer the same fate as Mexico."
    • IQC Diplomacy: The Imperial Quan Confederacy will sell supplies to the UK or the Central American States, due to the IQC needing money.
    • Hind Diplomacy: As the U.K and the U.S.A are both allies of Hind-Bharat, Hind-Bharat declares neutrality in the war. A trade agreement is sought to help the IQC's economy as well as Hind-Bharat's.
  • Empire of Brazil: A new time of peace has begun in the post-expansion Empire of Brazil, and has brought good news for the War Department and Naval Department. The War Department is given more money to begin a new process of updating soldier and officer training and the Naval Department is given the money to expand, repair, and retrofit the fleet.


  • German Empire: With help from her Allies Russia, the Netherlands and Hind-Bahrat, Germany plans a major attack to end the war, marching on the fortresses of Verdun and Sedan. The French Armies are devastated in battle, and are routed, and German troops advance quickly to Paris, laying siege to the capital. However, the French government refuses to negotiate, and since German forces are overstretched and exhausted, no attack on Paris itself is attempted.
    • German Diplomacy: Germany asks Russia if we can buy 36 ironclads for coastal defense, and will offer brand new artillery and small weapon's that are just being designed in return.
  • Chile: The Husares de la Muerte squad eliminate the principal bases from the rebels groups in Mendoza, but a last group try to escape to Argentina. The Chilean troops follow them into Argentinian territory, where they manage to catch them, but after that, the Chileans are attacked by Argentinian soldiers. The combat ends in stalemate, and eventually leads to the beginning of hostilities between both countries.
  • IQC: The Imperial Quan Confederacy builds up its military, and sends more aid to the anti-US forces. Meanwhile, the reorganization of Churches and Mosques has been successful everywhere except for Shinjang, due to the large amount of Mosques there.
  • Iberian Empire: Sends a lot of elite troops to Dutch, to support them in their current war against France. Iberian Empire also closes all their relations with France. Iberians expand south on their Main African Colony.
  • Empire of Hind Bharat: The army is more up to date and the industry being able to produce cotton and war materiel as well as make ships and is booming. Railroad construction is completed in the states of Afghan and Persia. Hind-Bharat Expansion in Burma comes to an end, with all of Burma now in firmly Hind-Bharati hands. Railroad connection with the Chinese is started. The construction of the battleships is well under way and should be completed on schedule. Some will be offered when they are complete to Hind-Bharat's allies. A campaign started to send Hind-Bharatis to Australia and South Africa as well as the West Indies to help in the construction of the colonies continues.
  • The Kingdom of the Netherlands: French Saint Marten falls to the larger Dutch forces, as does French Saint-Barthelemy. French Guiana is practically conquered, minus the colony's capital of Cayenne, and some of the east of the colony. Things in French Congo don't go as well as planned, but the Dutch still have the upper hand, if only a marginal advantage. More troops are sent to boost the attack on the French Congo. Whereas in France proper, the Dutch continue to slowly advance; Lille is taken but there is still tough French resistance. (I'll do the algorithm for Germany and Netherlands V.S France soon just to back this all up)
    • Iberian empire is also supporting you.
    • As in supporting or in the actual war? Regardless just the Dutch or Germans by themselves won against France, so it doesn't make too much difference to the algorithm.
  • The United States of America: The USA declares war on France in support of its Iberian Ally, and since troops levels in Africa are high to increase colonization, US troops invade southern French Algeria while other French colonies are simultaneously attacked by US forces and bombarded by the Navy. The colony near Liberia is easily conquered while the colony north of US Namibia is taken as well. The colony between the Dutch and Iberian colonies is also attacked, but tougher resistance forces US troops to battle it out for several months. None are annexed, but US troops begin to arrive quickly in the American African colonies to help in the war. Plans for the annexation of Quebec are approved by Congress and a plebiscite is set for next turn. The USA tells the UK to back or face war. The US African colonies will be given to countries who help the USA if war with Britain occurs and declare war on the UK, as the days of Britain's global empire is coming to an abrupt end, and that the UK is just a big bag of wind, stating that before the USA even dealt any damage, the UK gave up territory to the USA and begged for peace.


  • The UInited States of America: Expansion in the colonies continues. All colony deals are cancelled.
  • Quebec ask for allience with Iberia.
    • Iberian Empire signs an alliance with Quebec.
  • The Kingdom of the Netherlands: The Dutch-German alliance defeats the French. The Dutch gain Saint Marten, Saint-Barthelemy, French Guiana, French Congo, and part of Northern France, are sceeded to the Netherlands. The French also pay a small amount of war reparations to the Netherlands. These newly conquered French lands become colonies of the Netherlands, but some of these territories are due to be quickly added into the Netherlands properly as nations of the Kingdom or being annexed by nations in the Kingdom.
  • German Empire: Germany takes Alsace-Lorraine and other areas of Northern France including Verdun as compensation to the war. Colonies not taken over by the Netherlands (most notably Algeria) are also taken, appeasing the Colonialists in Germany. Germany does pay France a small sum (like 25 million Reichsmarks) in commiseration to France, and encourages the Netherlands to abandon the war reparations, so as to not leave continuing hostility.
  • Empire of Hind Bharat: The army is more up to date and the industry being able to produce cotton and war materials as well as make ships and is booming. Railroad connection with the Chinese continues, with Burma being the focus of the construction. The construction of the battleships is are completed and some are offered to Hind-Bharat's allies. A campaign started to sent Hind-Bharatis to Australia and South Africa as well as the West Indies to help in the construction of the colonies continues. Troops recruitment starts in Burma and Hindu missionaries start to convert people, telling the Burmese that Hind-Buddhism is a part of Hinduism (which is true as Buddhism started in Hind-Bharat and have many things similar).
  • Russian Empire: Due to the shortness of the war and the minimality of casualties, the Tsar decides to use the momentary State of War to declare war on the Ottoman Empire, after a samll Ottoman/Persian border town is attacked. Because Persia is technically part of the Grand Alliance, Russia attacks the Ottomans, and requests aid from other GA members as well. Ottoman ports are blockaded by the 140 Russian ironcalds.
  • Republic of Persia: A contingent of troops-disguised as Ottoman troops-attack a border town with extreme prejudice, allowing the Sultan to begin a massive recruitment program, and declare war on the Ottomans.


  • Quebec asks for a trade agreement with Netherlands.
    • Dutch Diplomacy: The Dutch accept.
  • Empire of Brazil: The new Brazilian Navy takes to the seas and travels thousands of miles around the African coast, until finally reaching the port of Gibraltar. From there they move deeper into the Mediterranean and launch an attack on the city of Tripoli. After hours of naval battling, they secure the cities port after light casualties. From there they land 5,000 Marines, who then proceed to take the city and establish a military colony in the name of Emperor Pedro II.
  • Iberian Empire establishes Caravan Society in Iberian America, whose goal is to stabilize the economy.
  • The Kingdom of the Netherlands: The Dutch decide to scrap the war reparations demanded from France. Otherwise the Dutch continue to recover after the war.
  • German Empire: The short, victorious war has given Germany a larger, stronger position in Europe, and plans to use this to her full advantage.
  • IQC: The Imperial Quan Confederation continues to build up their military, and continues the unification of the churches and mosques into the Confucian equivalents.
  • Japan: Continues to build up there navy, infrastructure, and industry. Japan uses the situation in Europe to attack a much weaker France the island of New Caledonia is captured.
  • Confederate States of America: The CSA infrastructure improves at drastic levels. Highways and other roads are built as the economy booms. Trade with the US increases, along with an offer to China, the UK, and France for an alliance.
  • United Kingdom: The UK accepts the CSA's alliance offer. They also grow their colonies (will add more later, will grow colonies later)
  • Chile: The Chilean troops advance into the Argentinian territory, in direction to the principal cities, while the navy make a blockade in the ports of the province of Buenos Aires.
  • Empire of Hind-Bharat: War is finally declared after the army got their act together. Troops invade through the Republic of Persia and the newly recruited Indochinese troops attack the Ottomans. The Shia army of the former Persian Empire is also used, their hate for the Sunnis fueled by propaganda. The battleships help to protect the ironclads and can successfully destroy merchant ships from afar with its cannons. The process of the missionaries in Burma continues with great success, with the locals believing what is said. Some don't but even they are starting to be converted. Railroad construction continues but at a slower rate as battleships are given priority. Russian and Hind troops finally return from Europe and are immediately used in a different campaign, to attack Austro-Hungarian Vietnam. It is predicted to be an easy victory, even with the many forts.
  • The United States of America: An offer is given to China to purchase Alaska for any size of money that the Chinese Empire wishes. Naval bases in Pearl Harbor are also offered along with the deal.
  • Russian Empire: A state of total war begins with attacks on the Ottomans plunging deep into OTL Iraq.
  • Republic of Persia: Using the natural hatred of the Ottomans by the Persians, attacks by Russia are supplemented by Persian forces.


  • Iberian Empire: The economy continues to be worked on.
  • German Empire: The process of bringing the "French Provinces" into the Empire are started, a series of laws that state that both French and German will be accepted in Government posts in Alsace-Lorraine and the rest of the newly captured land. Money is pumped into the local economy as well, in order to bring this area up to the same level as the rest of Germany.
  • Ethiopian Empire: Seeing that the Ottoman Empire is in a war against Russia and the Federation of Hind-Bharat, the Emperor decides that it is time to drive the Muslims out of Africa. War is declared on the Ottoman Empire, and the Ethiopian Army slams into the Ottoman Empire troops in Sudan and Egypt. Algorithm please.
  • Netherlands: The Dutch industries expand into the recently gained former French territories. Factories are built around Lille; rubber, coffee and Cocoa plantations are started in the Congo and Guiana. Dutch South America is declared after the colonies of Suriname and Guiana are joined together as the two provinces of the Dutch South America colony.
  • The United States of America:. Colonie's are expanded and an offer is given to purchase Alaska from China on China's terms. The United States puts up its African colonies except for Namibia and Madagascar up for sale.
    • IQC Diplomacy: The IQC declines to sell Alyeska, as many Chinese have gone to settle there. In their desire to counter European expansion in Asia, they offer to buy the US colony in Indonesia.
    • US Diplomacy: The USA says that for Alyeska, all Chinese citizens will be given the same rights as native US Citizens and that as long as a US naval base can stay in Indonesia; Indonesia, US Morocco, and US Liberia as well as 45 million dollars will be given to China. Military support for the Ottoman war will also be given as well as US Army Units. The USA asks Britain to purchase its South Africa colony.
    • UK Diplomacy: The UK declines the offer for South Africa.
  • IQC: Emperor Liu-Tao has been successful in having all of the Mosques and Churches in China become Confucian. He sends an army to help its allies Russia and Hind-Barat attack the Ottoman Empire.
  • CSA: The CSA improves its military and infrastructure.
FA Mexico

Possible Borders

  • United Kingdom: More interest is put forth in India and North America than in Africa, after Parliament realizes millions of dollars are being wasted. The money is instead put into amping up its Canadian military to prepare for any war. Also, the British Parliament creates a map of a possible North America to incorporate an independent Mexico (of course the government would be controlled by the US, CSA, UK and possibly China until the government can take hold again). They ask the opinions of other countries to see what they think of the map.
    • US Diplomacy: The USA will agree if British Colombia, and UK Minnesota are given to the USA and in exchange Quebec will become British and a UK protectorate. Central America should join an independent Mexico as well.
    • UK Diplomacy: The UK will agree to a border change of 54° 50 and along the Columbia river (refer to this) and is obligated by Canada and the Metis to keep Manitoba ("UK Minnesota") a British Dominion in return for the proposal of Mexico.
    • US Diplomacy: The USA accepts the fair offer and affers to buy Britain's Central American colonies so they, along with the rest of an independent Mexico and Central America, can help the new Mexico have some strength and a reasonably sized country.
  • Canada: Canada reminds the U.S.A and U.K that they are fighting in the Canadian influenced areas and ask the U.K to give Canada U. K Minnesota, British Columbia, and British Arctic Islands in exchange for better relations. Canada also wants to buy the U.S.A territories in Africa for $15 million dollars. Canada continues to grow its economy. The Canadians also start a colonisation crew to colonise OTL Eastern Saudi Arabia.
  • Quebec: has announced that they will be neutral during the UK and US issue.
  • Russian Empire: The War continues, with troops being slowed greatly upon crossing the Tigris River, with things settling in and the surprise beginning to wear off.
  • Republic of Persia: The War is continued, with the Sultan postponing elections and claiming emergency powers in order to maintain stability.
  • Empire of Hind-Bharat: The attack continues on the Ottomans, using the acclaimed pincer tactics of the Persian campaign. The battleships help to protect the ironclads and can successfully destroy merchant ships from afar with its cannons and more are constructed. The process of the missionaries in Burma continues with great success, with the locals believing what is said. Railroad construction continues but at a slower rate as battleships are given priority. The attack on Austro-Hungarian Vietnam continues with success.


  • IQC: Emperor Liu-Tao continues to encourage immigration from Zhonghua to Alyeska and the Pacific Islands. His forces continue to attack the Ottoman Empire, focusing on the African and Arabian portions of the empire. The IQC continues to industrialize, especially in Zhonghua, Guangzhi, and Manju. However, they still keep traditional Chinese clothes and culture. Immigration of Chinese to the USA continues, with many travelling to California and US Mexico. The Emperor has a survey conducted in Alyeska, to find if the IQC citizens there would wish to join the US, but they sadly decline to join the US, so Alyeska will remain IQC. China offers to give the US 20 million worth of US dollars in return for the Indonesia colony of the US, and will be America's ally as well if they agree.
  • Japan: Annexes the rest of the unclaimed Philippines and begins to colonize New Caledonia. A small economic and industrial boom begins in the Japanese colonies.
    • Philippines belonged and belongs to Spain. Seeing as you have annexed it, I assume this is declaration of war against Iberian Empire? Doctor261 14:26, November 22, 2011 (UTC)
    • I didn't annex any of your territory just the southern part that had yet to been claimed I already controlled part of the islands. Anyway, it was unclaimed and I'm not at war with you.
    • Southern part or whatever, whole Philippines belonged to me. And I see it as invasion. Let it be.
    • No it didn't. Look at the map. At the beginning of the game Spain only had SOME of the Philippines. You decided not to colonize the rest, so you'll have to let Japan colonize the rest (because that was their turn.)
  • Empire of Hind-Bharat: The attack continues on the Ottomans, using the acclaimed pincer tactics of the Persian campaign. More battleships are constructed, with the ships getting into battle with Ottoman ships, and winning almost every time. The process of the missionaries in Burma continues with great success, with the locals believing what is said. Most are now converted to the new group of Hinduism, Buddho-Hinduism. Railroad construction continues but at a slower rate as battleships are continuously given priority. The attack on Austro-Hungarian Vietnam continues with success. it is predicted to be finished by the end of the year.
  • Netherlands: The Dutch keen to have a stopping point in the Mediterranean while ships sail to the Suez canal, join in with the Russian war against the Ottoman Empire. Dutch ships start a blockade of the Ottoman Empire in the east Mediterranean sea. The Dutch land on Create and begin a campaign to take over Create and make the island a Dutch Colony.
  • Chile: The conflict with Argentina, continues as the chilean troops face more resistance by the argentinians during his advance. Several cities has fallen under chilean control, and the navy bombards Buenos Aires.
  • The United States of America: 30,000 US troops are sent to Chile to help the US's ally against the Argentinians. US naval vessels blockade Argentina, helping the Chileans make larger and more resounding victories over there enemy.
  • Iberian Empire: Following the japanese invasion of Philippines, Iberian Empire asks for their allies to help them and aid in an upcoming war.
    • At the morning of June 5th, 1877, Franco Hernandez, High King of Iberian Empire, issued Japan ultimatum, which is supposed to give back the southern Philippines and sum of $5'000'000.
      • IQC Diplomacy: The Imperial Quan Confederation urges the Iberians to reach a peace with Japan, but if it does come to war, the IQC will go to Japan's aid
      • Iberian response: "Can't you see what have they done? They invaded us. I gave them a good offer. Instead of starting a war where people would die, I decided to send them ultimatum. Do not join the people whose objective is to take over the world. Our goal is to maintain peace in our territories, and by japanese invasion of our boundairies, I see no other option that to worsen the relations with Japanese Empire."
      • I invaded no one it was unclamied territory im not tryin to take over the world but improve my nation look at the previous map i want peace.
  • US Diplomacy: 15,000 troops from US Indonesia are sent to help Iberia in its war with Japan while five ironclad steam frigates are sent to help as well. Now that British Colombia is American, 120,000 US troops are placed on the Alaskan border. Canada is offered an alliance which would give Canada northern Alaska while south Alaska goes to America
    • And the reason for randomly declaring war upon the Imperial Quan Confederation is...
  • Canada: 'Canada accepts the U.S alliance and allows U.S troops to pass through Canadian territory for the invasion of Alaska (You only got to 54" 40', I got the rest). Canadian troops mass on the Alaskan Border with the U.S troops in prep for the attack. Candian Colonist reach OTL Eastern Saudi Arabia and at the point they landed create New Ottawa, the capital of the new colony. More people are eager to stake claim in the new land and some decide to create a new colony in OTL Venuesala in June.
    • I must remind you that you are Canada with a lower than average economy and you are colonizing Saudi Arabia (which is a desert), so it will take a while to get a large colony.
    • I Know.
  • United Kingdom: The UK continues to help grow Canada's economy and military and offers assistance to help grow their Saudi Arabian colony, on the condition that the colony will be a Canadian colony as well as a part-British protectorate (so that Canada has more of the say in decisions made). Meanwhile, the British Caribbean islands officially join together into "United West Indies" in order to counterattack any invasion. They also grow their colonies a small amount, but not a lot.
    • Um, there mine, not yours and why would they join a place even farther away. Implausable (We are already losing land to U.S.A)
    • Well, to be perfectly frank with you Canada is still British since you haven't declared independence, and you haven't lost land, the UK has. I've wanted to join the Caribbean colonies for a while now in case of any American invasion and what better way to gain protection by joining with a land colony. It isn't implausible in the least. But if you really want Acadia I could give it back.
    • Oh, I need to declare independence ... Okay then. Thanks for Acadia. (Note: US and Canada are allies)
  • Canada Diplomacy: Agree to Saudi Arabian Part-British Protocate. Also, Canada declares Independence from Britain and continue good relations and still has the queen as it leader. Canada also offers Britain an alliance.
  • German Empire: Germany announces neutrality in all current conflicts, as a French partisan movement is starting to break out in occupied France, drawing all attention there.
  • Also, new map please?
  • Done.
  • Let me make this very clear. Japan invaded no one. They merely colonized a unclaimed piece of land that Spain obviously didn't want because they never made any move to colonize it. If you want to start an unnecessary war over that, go right ahead. I will fight and I will win.


  • United States of America: Colonies are expanded due to the offers not being large enough. US Colonies are still up for sale. Add more later...
    • Canadian Diplomacy: Canada offers to buy the U.S colonies for $50 million dollers.
    • IQC Diplomacy: the IQC sends warning to Canada, stating that they too threatened Alyeska, but Canada was less of a threat than the US, so the IQC will not attack them. However, they demand that Canada stop the military buildup along the border with Alyeska.
    • Canadian Diplomacy: Canada offers to buy all of the U.S Colonies for $50 million in order to REPEAL A -16 POINTS IN THE WAR!
    • No, that will not repeal the -16 points in the war. Have you read the algorithm rules? It says nothing of the sort.
  • (NOW BEING PLAYED) Italy: A new Italian leader rises to power hoping to make Italy once again a powerful nation. The nation begins to build up and upgrade its military. Weapons and waships are being produced in factories. They also send diplomats to establish alliances with France and Spain. It also begins to build factories for economical purposes through cheap labor.
    • Iberian Empire accepts the alliance.
  • IQC: Due to the USA and Canada preparing to invade Alyeska, the IQC launches an attack against the United States of America. It calls upon its allies of Japan, Hind-Barat, and Russia to aid it in defending the Chinese that live in Alyeska, and asks that anyone who opposes the reckless expansion of the United States (or wishes to take American territory) aid the IQC in the war as well. The IQC fleet attacks American Indonesia and the other colonies of the USA, and land forces begin to arrive at the Alyeskan border, preparing to fight back any US troops that cross over into IQC territory. Emperor Liu-Tao apoligizes to his allies, but states that defending native Chinese is more important than defeating the Ottomans, so his forces fighting the Ottomans begin sailing to assail the US from the east. He states that if they defeat the US and the Ottoman war continues, the IQC will come to the fight once more.
    • We're just massing troops on the border and drawing up plans to split it if we want...
    • Well, the IQC was threatened and will respond with war. It's time to teach the US a lesson about its crazed expansion and daring to consider attacking the Quan Empire.
    • You said that you were building up troops on the border with Alyeska, and that you would let the US go through that border to attack Alyeska. I posted that I had forces massing on the border in case the US or Canada sent any troops to attack. No IQC forces crossed over into Canada
  • Iberian Empire: Iberian Empire begins to send their troops to Middle Philippines to prepare for a counterattack against Japan. They ask for USA, Canada, Italy, Hind-Bharat, Kingdom of the Netherlands, Russian Empire, Sweden-Norway, Quebec, Brazil, China, Ethiopia to declare war on Japan and bring the justice. Franco states: "Dear allies, people of the World. My people were killed in Philippines. Many got killed. By japanese scumbags. I ask you all, to help me take back what belongs to me, and erase Japan from the world for their wishes to take over the Earth. Philippines was and is a peaceful set of islands. And it will. WE will fight for Philippines. And once again, I ask you for help."
    • IQC Diplomacy: Emperor Liu-Tao remarks that Franco needs to reexamine the facts. Japan did not attack any Iberian colony in the Philippines, and it simply colonized an unclaimed island. The islands are still peaceful, and the only one who would break the peace is the Iberian Empire. He suggests that Iberia offer to buy the Japanese colony before starting a massive war to take it.
    • Iberia shows ICQ the maps made five years ago, showing that the island which is now Japanese was an Iberian island. Even the infrastructure plans are drawn there.
    • Hind Diplomacy: Although they are on good terms with most countries of the world, Hind-Bharat cannot deny that the Japanese colonized Iberian claimed lands. They wish that the war is stopped with the Japanese keeping the territories they had prior to the war and same with the Iberian Empire.
    • Russian Diplomacy: The Tsar would love to help his ally China and hurt his enemy Iberia, but due to pressing issues with the war with the Ottoman Empire still going on, focus cannot be shifted away from the Middle East.
    • IQC Diplomacy: Emperor Liu-Tao states that it appears that the colonization of that island was so recent, that Japan did not know it had occurred. He states that there is no evidence that anyone was killed, and there is no way that anything was build there or any large amounts of settlers had arrived in so short a time. He states that it would be foolish to destroy the peace over such a small mix-up. A similar incident occurred recently, with the IQC thinking that a part of Canada had been bought and moving people in. However, no one was harmed and the Chinese settlers simply returned to Alyeska or stayed as Canadians. He states that the IQC is about to gain massive territories from the United States of America due to their many victories in the war, and that if Iberia does not attack Japan, then they will give Iberia vast amounts of land.
  • Japan: Agrees to sell the part of the Philippines that all this is about but states that they did nothing wrong and will retain control of the part of the Philippines they controlled before the expansion. Why didn't you say anything when I established the first outpost in the area so it wouldn't go his far. Japan attempts to diffuse the situation in Alyeska.
    • IQC Diplomacy: It is too late to diffuse the situation in Alyeska, for the IQC has already launched a massive attack on the USA.
    • Iberian Diplomacy: "We peacefully offer you $500,000 for the colony of South Philippines."
  • Chile: The Argentine government has surrendered before the Chilean troops led by the General Justo Arteaga, after the Battle of La Plata. Despite some ultra-nationalist sectots in Chile propose the total annexation of Argentina, the majority of the Chilean government doesn't support this idea. The terms of peace establish that Chile gains the rest of Argentine territories, except for the provinces of Buenos Aires, Santa Fe, Entre Rios, Corrientes, Misiones and La Pampa.
  • Canada: Canada keeps troops on Alaskan border but the mission changes to defend. Canada improves its military and its economy continues to grow. Before this become a war over the whole world, Canada invites degnitaries from China, U.S, Iberia, and Japan to the now growing colony of Arabian Canada, which has expanded and the coast is now being farmed (NOT DESERT), Capital of New Ottawa to find an end to this war. Canadas offer for U.S colonies is still up for $50 million. Meanwhile, Canadian troops are also moved to the Pacific Northwest to protect against any attack from China but not to attack.
    • How do they convert desert to farmland?
    • The Coast is not desert, it accually is good farmland.
  • United Kingdom: Being an ally of the IQC, Canada and the US, the British Parliament declares they will be neutral in war but will offer ammunition to the IQC to defend their only colony. The UK grows their colonies. Also, the UK offers the United States $7 million for North-West Africa, the one south of Morocco. (Also, I doubt that Canada, a newly formed country, can afford 50 million dollars without destroying their economy. Just saying.)
    • Today that is just one billion dollars with inflation.
  • Empire of Hind-Bharat: The attack continues on the Ottomans, using the acclaimed pincer tactics of the Persian campaign. More battleships are constructed. The process of the missionaries in Burma continues with great success, with the locals believing what is said. Railroad construction continues but at a slower rate as battleships are continuously given priority. The attack on Austro-Hungarian Vietnam is finished with a mojor victory for the Hind army. The troops stablize the region and a small percentage is kept as a peacekeeping force. The rest are sent to help Hind troops in the battle against the Ottomans.