The Colony of Asaymocenis (from the Yannian for "Across the Sea Nation"), was a colony of the Yannian Empire. The colony began during a mission undertaken by the natural philosopher Fano’yetoc the Binded-Hands to explore and convert any native populations, and in Year 11 the outpost that became the city of Tik’akna was founded. Fano’yetoc and the holy men of the Yannis Empire used the location as an outpost and settlement for the next several decades, becoming a recognized colony around Year 41.
At this time the Colony of Asaymocenis became a semi-independent polity, with little to no oversight from the Yannian government in the Holy City of Ya’gothna-Vis. As a result Fano’yetoc the Binded-Hands created a "perfect city", in which society was dominated by the scientific community that the philosopher was apart of. According to the chronicle by Ninedera, Tik’akna consisted of many levels; there was the ground level that was in a perfect grid shape radiating from the capital in the center, and below that an entire subterranean city build from the old mines below it, where the poorest lived, and above it all a series of bridges and towers that passed all over the city. The elders of the city, who were the greatest scientists and holy men hand picked by Fano’yetoc, traveled above the city in the “sky level”, where they lived a lavish lifestyle. The sky level came together at the Dome of Vedomilana, where there was an extensive library. The Keepers of Vedomilana became known as “crows” for their all black attire, and for always remaining in the skies.
After the death of Fano’yetoc the arrival of his successor governor, the brother of the Anointed One, Yahn’ges, brought with it a more tradition nobility system, but the class of powerful philosophers remained. During the revolts of Year 81, Yahn’ges vacated the city, and the Keepers of Vedomilana managed to take over the city once more, but not before the other levels of the city revolted in turn. This led to a situation where the city itself was effectively split into three independent entitites, none of which aligned with the colonial government, which moved south to Cuiracala. Additionally, the rest of the former colony fractured into several other states.
Successor States[]
Kingdoms with Tik’akna[]
Due to the nature of Tik’akna's many levels, all of which largely disconnected from the other, numerous "kingdoms" formed within the city itself. Originally the three kingdoms that developed were Tik’akna-Vedomilana, or the "Sky Level", which was a kingdom dominated by the Keepers of Vedomilana and their leader at the time, Huisnasinac. Below the Sky Level was the Ground Level, and below that the Underground Level.
The nation of Tik’akna-Vedomilana or the "Sky Level" refers to the nation that formed in the up most level by the Keepers of Vedomilana and their leader, Huisnasinac. The nation formed in 81, when Yahn’ges withdrew from the city with most of its garrison, in order to quell the rebellion breaking out in the center parts of the colony. The Keepers of Vedomilana, also known as "Crows", attacked the city's small garrison left by Yahn’ges. A brief battle took place in the sky level, in which it is said that Huisnasinac cast a spell on the second-in-command, Nalitnec, which lit him on fire. The men loyal to Yahn’ges were cast over the side into the streets below. Although the Keepers of Vedomilana claimed the entirety of the city, their rule quickly fell apart after the subsequent rebellions by the other levels of the city. This left their rule trapped only to the Sky Level.
The nation of Tik’akna-Bima (Tik’akna "of the Ground"), or the "Ground Level", refers to the areas of the city of Tik’akna that existed at ground level, below the Sky Level. This region rebelled soon after the take over of Huisnasinac and the Keepers of Vedomilana, as the common people of the city did not wish to see the Vedomilana return to power.
Kingdom of the Underground[]
The Kingdom of the Underground refers to the "Underground Level" of the city of Tik’akna. Underneath the city existed hundreds of ancient tunnel systems, many of which created from old mines. In the days of Fano’yetoc the Binded-Hands' rule the poorest individuals of the city took up residence in the tunnels, and worked the harshest jobs, for the benefit of the other regions of the city. After the rebellions broke out above ground, the Kingdom of the Underground was declared by a leader named Sulma’tenec. After his death the kingdom splintered further into a dozen different underground domains. Notably there was a Xüonaian named Oladan, a former slave named Nisron, and a Yannian named Holo’Tizoc, who all competed for the crown of Sulma’tenec.
After the capture of Tik'akna by the Keepers of Vedomilana, the de jure governor of all Asaymocenis, Yahn’ges was left outside his capital city. Facing attack from rebels to the south, Yahn’ges and the Yannian army continues on its original mission, but as a result Yahn’ges was killed. His son, Guotec’neum, attempted to continue his father’s work, but soon discovered that retaking the city of the Crows would be nearly impossible. Instead he consolidated control over the areas outside the city that he owned, effectively creating an independent nation south of Tik’akna, with the city of Cuiracala serving as a capital. The rebellion within Tik’akna prevented the Crows from stopping Guotec’neum, and the impenetrability of the Tik’akna walls prevented anyone from retaking the capital.
The nation of Esarhaddon refers to the loosely held native confederacy that was formed by the warlord Esarhad. As one of the catalysts of the initial rebellion, Esarhad united the natives that were revolting against Yannian rule, and managed to establish a powerful confederacy. Under Esarhad the confederacy expanded to occupy the majority of the former colony of Asaymocenis.
In the far south of the former colony the Yannian stronghold of Temayal managed to survive isolated from the rest of the Yannian kingdoms. Completely cut off from the rest of the colony and the major Yannian cities, due to the revolt in the center of the colony, the city of Temayal came to be ruled by one of its high priests, a man named Iximanasa. Although the city of Temayal under Iximanasa managed to hold on to its independence against other parts of the former colony, in the years following the initial revolt the colony became the target of several foreign powers. The nation of Lyania began expanding north into Yannian territory, leading to an alliance between Temayal and Lyania’s enemy, Emalia. At the same time the Kingdom of Haretia attempted to expand east across the river, threatening Emalia.
This culminated in the so-called Battle of the Five Armies, in which Iximanasa of the Yannians, Saria of Lyanians, Haretius of the Haretians, Ema of the Emalians, and a mercenary army from Xüonai’s colony, which had gone unpaid and decided to defect, all clashed in the mountains west of Temayal. The exact details of the battle are unknown, and it is only known that Emalia failed to reassert its control over Haretius’ breakaway kingdom or Lyania, and that Iximanasa managed to fend off the invaders. Not long after the battle establishing Temayal’s survival, the confederacy under Esarhad invaded and managed to capture much of the nation. The nation managed to hold on by holding the vital connections to the river, where the Yannians were still able to trade with Xüonai’s colony.