Alternative History
Alternative History

Trust Territory of Somaliland under Austro-Gustavo Administration
Treuhandgebiet Somaliland unter österreichisch-gustavoischer Verwaltung (German)
Dhulka Aaminaada Somaliland ee hoos yimaada Maamulka Austro-Gustavo (Somali)
منطقة الوصاية على أرض صوماليلاند تحت إدارة النمسا - غوستافو (Arabic)
United Nations Trust Territory
Flag of the United Kingdom
1950–1960 Flag of Somalia
Bandicam 2022-03-06 19-01-30-600United Nations Flag Coat of arms of the Trust Territory of Somaliland
Flag Coat of arms
Italian Somaliland in its region
Location of the Trust Territory of Somaliland.
Capital Mogadishu
Languages German (official)  · English (official)  · Somali  · Arabic
Religion Islam
Political structure United Nations Trust Territory
Historical era Cold War
 -  Established April 1, 1950
 -  Independence July 1, 1960

The Austro-Gustavo Somaliland, officially the "Trust Territory of Somaliland under Austro-Gustavo administration" (German: Treuhandgebiet Somaliland unter österreichisch-gustavoischer Verwaltung), was a United Nations Trust Territory situated in present-day Somalia. Its capital was Mogadishu and was administered by Austria-Gustavo from 1950 to 1960, following the dissolution of the former British Military Administration. It gained independence in 1960.