Alternative History
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Mongols in Galdan Gazar
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Aztec Empire
Mēxihcatl Hueytlahtocayōtl (Nahuatl)
Timeline: Parallelity of Parallelities
OTL equivalent: Mexico without California and Yucatan peninsulas
Aztec Empire flag Aztec Empire CoA
Coat of arms
Cōān cē ācatl, cōān cē ōcēlōtl
Royal anthem: 
Long Live Tlahtoani
Parallelity of Parallelities Map AztecEmpireHighlighted
Location of the Aztec Empire
(and largest city)
Official languages Nahuatl
Regional languages Purepecha
Other Languages Mayan languages, Mongolian, Zapotec, Navajo
Religion Toyecnemiliztli
Demonym Aztec
Government Absolute Monarchy
 -  Tlahtoani Xōchipilli II
 -  Prince Cuauhtemoc Xōchipilli
 -   estimate ~ 150 million 
Currency Quetzal (AZQ)
Calling code +52

Mexico, officially known as the Aztec Empire, is a country in southern Galdan Gazar. It is bordered by the Pacific Ocean to the west, the Navajo Republic and Galdan Uls (Mongol Empire) by the northwest, Comancheria to the northeast, the Aztec Gulf to the east, the Mayan Empire to the southeast, and the Zapotec Kingdom to the south. Its capital and largest city is Tenochtitlan.


Early History[]

Coming soon...

Conquista and Tlācatzōmātlālpan[]

Macuillan Tlahtoloyan (Quintuple Alliance)[]

Ilhuicatl Tlamatiliztli[]

Renaissance in Aztec Empire[]

Abolishment of Quintuple Alliance[]

Habsburg Dynasty in Aztec Empire[]

Colonization of Africa[]

Great Wars[]

Cold War[]

Contemporary Era[]


[TBD government]


[TBD demographics]


[TBD culture]


[TBD economy]

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