| |||||
Capital | Tenochtitlán | ||||
Largest city | Tenochtitlán | ||||
Other cities | Guadalajara, Acapulco, Coatzcoalcos | ||||
Language | Nahuatl, Portuguese, German | ||||
Religion | Roman Catholicism | ||||
Demonym | Aztlán, Mehican (dated) | ||||
Government | Unitary Presidential Republic | ||||
Legislature | National Assembly | ||||
Gran Gouvernor | Brian Neves Amaral (1910-present, currently serving 1st term) | ||||
Population | 22.5 million (1885)
32.2 million (1910) | ||||
Independence | from The Kingdom of Iberia | ||||
declared | 1788 |
Aztlán is a nation situated in OTL Mexico and Central America. It gained independence from the Kingdom of Iberia in 1788.
Mehican history[]
Aztlán War of Independence[]
The call for independence was there for a long while since the Conquering of the Mehican alliance and other various Mehican states which happened in 1539 for the Old Mehican Alliance but the great call happened around 1780 when the Iberian Crown decided to tax the Aztlán population heavier to get Iberian buildings built in their Homeland in Europe. Together with the starting of Enlightened and Liberal ideas philosophers and politicians questioned Iberian Rule over their lands. Another factor that has to be recognised that helped the Independence movement pick up, is the Aid from the then Californian Kingdom and The European Kingdom of England which provided much aid to the ideals of freeing Aztlán lands from. So, on the 3rd of May, the leaders of these ideals declared their independence from the Iberian Crown. With the Californians' help the Aztlán Federation was able to take it former autonomous lands and all Texas which became the third state of the Union. After which, the Californians negotiated peace and the independence of the state in the treaty of Santo Didacus.
The Unification with the Californian Empire[]
The Unification With the Californian Empire Happened shortly after the treaty of San Diego when unhappy generals of its nation tried to overthrow the Emperor Philipe Augusthino Diltwa I. However, this failed. While this did keep the nation from a civil war it did weaken it enough to have the Emperor ask to join the federation as in the treaty of Diltwa Wituye as the state of Grande Califórnia. After which many of the Former Californian institutions like the army model were taken over by the Aztlán federation since the Californians experienced their independence for a long 150 years. After this the nation really began a transitional Period with laws being established and states made this time was one where they prepared for democracy to be granted in a period of ten to 20 years after independence. The Alliance between California and the Salish nation was also renewed and edited to fit the Aztlán and Salish needs. During this period parties got also founded like the Mēxihcah Iluitsintli, a party of Aztec nationalists and imperialists, who wish to have Augusthino Diltwa return to the nation to bring the Aztec Empire back to its former glory.
The Overthrow of the Federation[]
In 1798 the first elections were held in the then Aztlán Federation and Mēxihcah iluitsintli Won the elections with 79% of the votes going to them and the other 21% to independent candidates who after their heavy defeat formed the Federalist Party. After the burning of churches and other administrative buildings in California happened the Aztec party had an emergency called and then quickly installed the son of the former Californian Emperor and they crowned him Tlahtoāni Moctezuma Raul Augusthino Diltwa I.He quickly there after proclaimed the Mēxihcatl Emperadoryōtl , Raul quickly changed the flag and began preparing for the liberation of the rest of Cēmānāhuac (the word wasn't in use then yet but he referred to the region of it).
Liberation of Gran Panama (1800-1805)[]
After the Bread Takeover in mainland Iberia, the Gran Colombia established its independence in 1800, redubbing itself "New Granada". In 1801, Mehico lent its support, but were hugely distrusted by the locals. After New Granada was able to achieve independence in 1802, its government attempted to wrest free of Mehican control. Situations escalated later in the year, after New Granada refused the following ultimatum, given by Mehico:
- New Granada must end any challenges to Mehican control.
- New Granada must give the Panama Isthmus to the Mehicans.
- New Granada must recognize the provisional Mehican government in Medellin as legitimate.
After a continued refusal of the terms, war was declared in 1804 to protect the provisional Mehican government. In 1805, New Granada surrendered and accepted Mehican rule, becoming the state of "Gran Panama" in the Mehican Empire.
Third Panama War and Revolution (1823-1825)[]
In 1823, the Mehican government began to incite rebellion of the British Savannah colony against the crown. This immediately sparked a war with Britain. In the same year, the Governate of Gran Panama rebelled from Mehican control. The movement immediately gained support, with Brésil throwing its support immediately.
In the following year, 1824, a coup d'etat occurred. General Geronimo seized power and established a new provisional Aztec Union. The states of Novo Galiza, Maiam, Nova Leão and Mêcicipi quickly fell under the new government. However, in 1825, Geronimo died after falling down a flight of stairs and a third government was proclaimed: the modern, capitalist Aztlán Republic. Soon after, the Treaty of Guadalajara was signed, ending the Third Panama War and declaring New Granada independent once more. In addition, the territories of Boricano and Mêcicipi were ceded to the British. This treaty marked the end of Mehican imperialism on the continent.
Aztlán history[]
Aztlán-Salish War (1825-1832)[]
Immediately after the Third Panama War, the Aztlán Republic declared a state of war against the Salish State. Russia was soon to follow. Warfare formally began in 1826, and the Aztlán army of 20,000 marched in. The Aztlán-Russian force slowly crept to a victory in 1832, and territory was annexed by Russia, after the Salish army suffered a massive morale drop.
The Hawaiian Crisis (1837-1841)[]
In March 1837, Aztlán declared war on Hawaii, attempting to assert its naval dominance in the Pacific and compensate for the loss of the General Geronimo Islands (OTL Galapagos) to New Granada in 1825. Due to an overwhelming Aztlán advantage, Hawaii surrendered immediately. However, the Russians simultaneously invaded the archipelago to repel Aztlán control. In 1838, the Russians sent a force of 10,000 marines to the island chain and began to prepare Novorossiya for a possible war with Aztlán.
In 1839, the Russian navy formed a blockade around the strategic islands of Oahu and Maui. In 1841, the Russian forces captured Honolulu, and peace was declared on the terms that Aztlán would retreat from the Hawaiian Islands and observe Hawaiian sovereignty. Moreover, California would be ceded to the Russians.
Texan War of Independence (1840-1845)[]
In 1839, some unrest began in the Tejan area of Aztlán. Since Aztlán's conquering of the area in 1788, many of the white British citizens had disliked Aztlán rule. The final straw, however, was the recent influx of Aztlán settlers into the area. In 1840, fighting began outright, and a new Texan state was declared in 1841, with the new government reaching out to Britain for help. After troops from Savannah drove the Aztlán back, Texan independence was secured in 1845.
Crisis in Mapuche (1846-1848)[]
After the Texan War of Independence, Aztlán recognized that it was not the unbeatable empire it had once been. Aztlán came to the negotiation table near the end of 1845, guaranteeing the safety of Novorossiya and other Russian colonies in Arcadia. In addition, the government sought to improve relations with Scandinavia, Argentine, Prussia, and even Iberia.
In 1846, Aztlán began to establish more peaceful relations, sending supplies to Russia and Mapuche. However, Argentine naval forces (eighty vessels) blockaded Mapuche ports (Argentine claimed Mapuche lands at the time), triggering a crisis. The Mapuche were able to lift the blockade and declare their independence in 1847, with an Aztlán army invading Argentine (as well as a Brésilian army approaching from the north and a French embargo). A formal treaty, the Treaty of Mendoze, was signed in 1848, ending the civil war and giving Aztlán free access to Argentine ports, financial compensation, and the port city of Quilmes as an autonomous exclave.
Era of Peace and Industrial Revolution (1848-1886)[]
After the Treaty of Mendoze, Aztlán entered a relative period of peace, unparalleled in length since Mehican times. When tensions flared in Europe in 1852, Aztlán elected to stay neutral. (The tensions were to escalate into a war.) In 1853, the old Tlahtoāni, Carlos I, began trade with Japan. Traders gathered in the town of Cabo, establishing a Japanese minority.
Tensions in the Argentine lands flared once more in 1858, with a new Argentine nation being declared under Prime Minister Ernest Bret. Aztlán was to remain neutral in this conflict, and Argentine was helped back up on its feet by France.
In 1869, major industrialization began in Aztlán, after years of disorganization and a lack of government control. It sees the full implementation of a new economic policy which sees some major economic successes; specifically, the building of new railways from its coal deposits to factories near the capital.
In the early 1870s, Aztlán saw droves of Germanic immigrants come to its lands, mostly due to the repeal of many people's right to vote in the three Germanies. In addition, Aztlán economy skyrocketed during this period, with the industrial revolution underway.
However, after two decades of peace, war struck again, with the native Arcad population rising up against Aztlán rule in 1871. Fighting died down in 1872, with the conflict proving inconclusive.
In 1873, in the middle of the Aztláni-Indian wars, Iberia began an outreach program to reconcile with Aztlán, its former enemy. Efforts began later that year, and relations greatly improved.
On June 21, 1880, the Aztlán government received a request from Iberia to build a canal through the region of Nicaragua to make ocean travel between the Pacific and Atlantic more feasible. Later, in 1881, the Aztlán government was forced to withdraw from the Nicaragua Canal project due to serious spitfire from the international community, which derided the project and threatened economic sanctions and war.
In 1880, the government released this decree, promising government reforms:
Effective July 1, 1880, there will be clear legislative, executive and judiciary branches in the government. Term limits and other eligibility requirements will be determined next year. Furthermore, all men will be eligible to vote assuming they pass a basic literacy test that measures basic proficiency in either Portuguese or Nahuatl.
The following year, this statement was also released, stating more details:
Term limits for the legislative and executive offices would be six years while there would not be term limits for judiciary officials. The minimum ages to hold a legislative, executive and judiciary office at a national level are 25, 35 and 45, respectively. It is unknown what will happen to the royal family. Additionally, all males over the age of 18 will be eligible to vote so long as they can read Nahuatl or Portuguese and have valid identification.
The Diltwa house finally stepped down in 1888, passing power to Gran Gouvernor Geronimo Fontes. This ended 90 years of monarchy.
Commonwealth War (1886-1887)[]
In 1886, following a declaration of war between Borealia and the British protectorate of Avalon (and later Britain), Aztlán joined the war on Borealia's side. However, by the Treaty of New Gwynedd in 1887, Aztlán had lost about 30,000 men with no gains. The results of this war still resound in northeastern Arcadia as the League of Empire Loyalists continues to struggle.
More Developments (1887-1909)[]
With more modern military developments worldwide, the Aztlán army and navy followed suit, releasing an impressive new line of naval ships and testing out new inventions in its land army.
Great War (1913-20)[]
Aztlán leaders[]
Political entities[]

Aztlán at its greatest extent in 1821, just before the Third Panama War. Notice the seven distinct states. (Note: Boricano is the small territory on the west coast of OTL Puerto Rico.)
Current entities | ||||
Image | State name |
Date joined (Date lost) |
Extra info | Capital city |
Governate of Novo Galiza | June 1787 | First state to rebel | Tenochtitlán | |
Governate of Maiam | August 1787 | Hosts the Federal Navy | Mérida | |
Exclave of Quilmes | January 1848 | A port gained after the Treaty of Mendoze, located on the Argentine coast
All goods passing through are duty-free by the terms of the treaty |
Quilmes | |
Former entities | ||||
Governate of Nova Leão | January 1788
(1845) |
First state to be created out of conquest
Ceded to Texas in the Texan War of Independence |
Santo António | |
Governate of De Deniae Maris | March 1789
(1841) |
Was the only state with an Emperor as Governor
Ceded to Russia in the Hawaiian Crisis Now a part of Arcadia and Providence |
Santo Didacus
(New Leipzig) | |
Territory of Boricano | September 1794
(1825) |
First territory to be created out of bought lands
Ceded to Great Britain in the Third Panama War |
Aguadilla | |
Governate of Mêcicipi | September 1799
(1825) |
Had been created out of Imperial funds
Ceded to Great Britain in the Third Panama War Now a part of Texas |
(indefinite) | |
Governate of Gran Panama | January 1814
(1825) |
Became a governate after a political coup in New Granada
Ceded to New Granada in the Third Panama War |
Medellín |
Important Symbols and flags[]
Image | Name | Usage | Extra info |
The Yellow Stripe banner | On Aztlán Administrative buildings in Non states controlled lands | Designed to get the Aztlán tri-colour known | |
The Civil victory flag | Used by the nationalist | A horizontal adoption of unofficial banner | |
Guadalajara's city flag | On Buildings to represent Guadalajara | Changed its colour after independence | |
Tribal proud | Use by the Illinois confederation, member of the Liga de proteção | Has been based on an old Mzerkan banner | |
Monogram of the Company | Used by the "Empresa de Comercio Polinésica Unida" | Many use this on top the Mehican flag |
The Culture of the Aztlán is best to be split in three kinds of cultures with their own subcultures because of how the state came into existence.
This Culture was a culture with its own writing system. With their language of Nahuatl they spread their culture which heavily involved Human Sacrifice and the Drinking of Hot chili cacao. The Culture split was hierarchical with a king on top with the most known Emperor Moctezuma I. They also were unknown with metallurgy. Even with this disadvantage they used Obsidian which is still use now they know how to use metal for precision knives for human operations. Many of their Mehican Gods have also translated in their adoptions into Aztlán Saints. This is after the adoption of Roman Catholicism took over their region to get higher standing with the New Iberian rulers. After which they adopted their technology and the rich and noble even adapted their clothing and naming customs. The Portuguese language became wide spread because it made people able to get higher up while Nahuatl was taught to other non-Nahuatl speakers to give the Iberians an easier time for documentation.
Novas Astecas/novos californianos[]
Although these people are not exactly one group of people their feature of European mixed heritage makes them look quite different from their Nahuatl and Californian brothers. Their language is mostly Portuguese with some loanwords from Nahuatl and Athabaskan and other native languages. These people do wear clothing more native Nahuatl and Sinkyone. They also make Use of make up to alter their skin colour to look more their native brothers. They also make use of more Iberian instruments for their music and they use Portuguese surnames with mostly Aztec and Californian names.
Before 1888, the government was a monarchy led by a Tlahtoāni. After Benito I's reforms in the 1880s, the government became tripartite (similar to the United States'), led by a Gran Gouvernor, in 1888. Each presidential term lasts six years, and Geronimo Fontes is on his third.
Current Relations (Outdated, work in progress)[]
Liga de proteção Memberstates de Cēmānāhuac.
- Grand Principality of Gran Panama
Allies and friends
- Salish nation/Saliya - the Salish was originally a good ally of the Mzerkans which later became the Kingdom of California. That after it joined the Aztlán confederation, kept its alliance.
- Mapuche Confederacy - The Mapuche had been helped by the Aztlán armies in their struggle against the Argentines and because of this, greatly improved the view seen by the Mapuche and due to this aid they have been close allies.
- Brésil- Aztlán Federation was one of the first nations to recognise the Brésilia independence and it supports it although help and aid has been limited due to the distance.
- Hawaii/Havaii- Our convoys discovered the Havaiians around the turn of the 19th century and directly after its discovery conducted diplomatic relations with it giving Mehico an embassy in 1800
Trade Agreements/Good Relations
- French Republic - France has recently sanctioned the Aztec enemy, Argentine, in favor of new better trade agreements with Aztlán and the Mapuche, this has greatly strengthened the relationship between the two.
- Japanese Empire: The Aztecs have begun a trade relationship with Japan to become more involved in Asian politics and benefit from the trade with the land of the rising sun.
Neutral relations
- Basically everyone else
Negative relations
- Kingdom of Iberia - Since the Iberian conquering of the Aztecs relations went bad seeing them as oppressors but finally gaining independence from them and since then many proxy wars have come with them support different governments the Mehico did.
- United Kingdom: supported Aztlán's enemies in recent conflicts and has began to anger Aztlán with the competition
- Tejas - Aztlán had greatly despised Tejas for their independence however have since set aside that hatred to focus it on a greater enemy in a war that they could win.
- Argentine - After a failed blockade against the Mapuche the Aztlán rather than leave the Mapuche to fight the powerful Argentines, supported them in a conflict which tipped the balance in the Mapuche's favor. The Argentine have been angry with Aztlán's decision ever since.
Mēxihcatl Emperadoryōtl
No Messico senza il nostro Dio Internal Devisions Gouvernate of Novo Galiza ♦
Gouvernate of Maiam ♦
Gouvernate of Nova Leão ♦
gouvernate of De Deniae Maris ♦
Territory of Boricano ♦
Gouvernate of Mêcicipi •
Governate of Gran Panama
Dynasty Military Army of the Mehican EmpireReligion