Alternative History

Santiago De León de Baruta is a city in the east of Venezuela


In 1567 is founded Santiago de León de Caracas, and others little towns like Baruta, Chacao and Catia are founded near to Caracas, after the earthquake of Caracas Baruta becomes the most powerful town in the zone, in consequence all the Valley town falls in the influence of Baruta

In the middle XIX century, La Guaira becomes the principal port of Venezuela, in 1863 is created the Valley Train, connecting all the towns, after of this Caracas town becomes the home of textile and manufacture industries and El Hatillo the home of agriculture industry

In 1898 the metropolitan goverment start to promote the inmigration searching more laborers, the inmigration comes principally from Iberia, Türkiye, Lebanon and others parts of the mediterranean, thanks to the mediterranean crisis

Beetween 1930 and 1960 the city of Baruta start to being modernized and expanded with the pictourisque urbanizations and modern buildings, in 1954 takes place a very huge earthquake, the reconstruction of the city takes 3 years.


In the world exist 1.801.892, in Baruta live 1.765.812, the majority of Barutans are mixed beetween subsaharians and mediterraneans with minorities of germans and east asians.

The 56% of Barutans are women and the 44% are men, the avarage age in the city is 39 years, the most common surname is Galíndez
