The year is 1965. The Cold War is at a hot point. America is tied up in the Vietnam War, sparking the hippie movement. Meanwhile, the Beatles have struck it big in Europe and America. The Space Race is in full swing. The motivation to explore space is high, though if anyone had known what was out there, mankind would have happily stayed on Earth.
In July, Mariner 4 flew by Mars and discovered something shocking: a lone spacecraft of unknown origins flying toward the Red Planet. The craft impacted on Mars and exploded. Fingers pointed at the Russians, but the Russians denied the capability of this. Attempts to get to the craft began immediately. Little did humanity know they were stepping into affairs beyond them...
Space Programs (Soviet Union/Russia)
- You may have one alien species and one nation.
- Each race has two perks (one general and one unique) and two weaknesses.
- Choose one perk from the perk list. Make the other one up (within reason).
- No superweapons until the mods decide on a set date.
- When we do allow superweapons, don't destroy the Earth please.
- No implausibility (Yeah, it's an ASB game, but use some sense in expansion)
- There will be THREE maps. One is of Earth and will be updated every five turns. The other is of the local cluster. It will update every five turns as well. Finally, we will have a galaxy map. It will update every TWENTY turns (space is big, people).
- Don't try to uplift humans too quickly.
- Spaceflight (for most races) will take a turn if your homeworld is in the local cluster. After that, an additional turn per 10,000 light years will be tacked on to travel time.
- The moon isn't a giant space station. That being said, ancient artifacts left on Earth ARE allowed, but recovering them may require an invasion.
- Each turn is three months.
- Mods are legendary races. Legendary races are ancient races that have written galactic history. Mods must be on the wiki for at least six months and have a plausible track record. Due to their long-living empires, they all have hyperdrive technology.
Please choose one.
- Hyperdrive Technology- You are able to travel to planets within one turn, no matter where you are.
- Death Ray- Destroy any non-shielded vehicle in one shot!
- Telepathy- Read and affect minds.
- Telekinesis- Move objects with your mind.
- Death Ray Shielding- Makes Death Ray ineffective against your species!
Please choose two
- Susceptible to EMPs
- Weak immune system
- Newer race (not as advanced)
- No homeworld
- Short lives
- Poor memory
- Poor economy
- Homeworld near enemy
- Homeworld in the middle of nowhere
- Overly hostile
- Weak military
- Weak genetic diversity
- Low population
- Susceptible to telekinesis
- CrimsonAssassin 00:37, February 29, 2012 (UTC)
PitaKang- (Talk|Contribs) 01:40, February 29, 2012 (UTC)
- Bobalugee1940
- '-Lx' (leave me a message)
- United States of America- CrimsonAssassin 00:37, February 29, 2012 (UTC)
- USSR-Monster Pumpkin 01:13, February 29, 2012 (UTC)
- United Kingdom-Whitesight 01:12, February 29, 2012 (UTC)
- France- CourageousLife 01:08, February 29, 2012 (UTC)
- China- DeanSims 19:20, March 3, 2012 (UTC)
- Japan-TacoCopper 14:46, February 29, 2012 (UTC)
- Italy-Alex3142e
- Spain-
- Turkey-
- Canada-
Syngraféas Enallaktikí̱ Istoría, Dic mihi lingua Anglorum. 01:40, February 29, 2012 (UTC)
- Mexico- Charlietheunicorn1205
- Cuba-
- Brazil-
- Australia-Wegscuba 22:59, February 29, 2012 (UTC)
- South Korea-
PitaKang- (Talk|Contribs) 01:39, February 29, 2012 (UTC)
- South Africa- Bobalugee1940 02:52, February 29, 2012 (UTC)
- Argentina -- Galaguerra
- Israel-- Enclavehunter 23:04, March 22, 2012 (UTC)
- West Germany- Iukcasin
- Malaysia- IhaveSonar 14:34, April 1, 2012 (UTC)
Ancient Mods[]
- Mechs-
- <Perks: Death Ray Shielding/Mech Computer Virus>
- <Weaknesses: Suseptible to EMPs/Homeworld in the middle of nowhere> CrimsonAssassin 01:24, February 29, 2012 (UTC)
- Terran Empire-
- Venusian:
- Death Ray Shielding> <Expert Sailors>
- <Weak Genetic Diversity> <Homeworld Near Enemy>
- Bobalugee1940
- Azaranians:
- <Hyperdrive Technology/PtP Warp (see invasion 1950)> <death Ray>
- <The Azhurania-manipulators of pure energy(therefore certain can "reincarnate" themselves(close to DW regeneration)
- <Homeworld in Middle of nowere><Suseptable to telekenesis>
Just Ancient[]
- Dravimos Empire -
- <Hyperdrive Technology> <Sentient Biological Assimilation>
- <Weak Genetic Diversity> <Overly Hostile>
- Monster Pumpkin 01:36, February 29, 2012 (UTC)
- Regenetech:
- Strengths: <Hyperdrive Techology> <Reneget Firewalling>
- Weaknesses: Homeworld near enemy, although both in the middle of nowhere.
Syngraféas Enallaktikí̱ Istoría, Dic mihi lingua Anglorum. 01:42, February 29, 2012 (UTC)
- Caborr- CourageousLife 01:08, February 29, 2012 (UTC)
- Strengths: <Telekinesis> <Regeneration>
- Weaknesses: <Susceptible to EMP's> <Newer Species>
- Braq Confederacy:
- <Hyperdrive technology> <Aquatic Race> Galaguerra
- <susceptible to telekinesis><weak genetic diversity>
- Democrists:
- Strengths: <Hyperdrive Technology><Massive Energy Production>
- Weaknesses: <Overly Hostile><No homeworld> TacoCopper
Imperial Salaamberian CompanyKingdom of Salaamberia- Strengths: <Hyperdrive technology><Mass Production of Munitions and Military Supplies>
- Weaknesses: <Weak Immune System><Susceptible to Telekinesis>
- Wegscuba 23:16, February 29, 2012 (UTC)
- Ryrak Trade Federation
- Strengths: <Hyperdrive Technology><Telepathy>
- Weaknesses: <No Homeworld><Low Population>
- Byzantium Empire
- Strengths: <Hyperdrive Technology><Highly advanced in land/water/air/space warfare><Terraformation><Highly adaptable to extreme climates>
- Weaknesses: <Susceptible to telekinesis><Homeworld in the middle of nowhere>
- The Legion
- Strengths:<Telepathy><Massive Strength>
- <Susceptible to telekinesis><Low technology level>
- USA: Upon reviewing evidence of a crashed unidentified object on Mars, the United States goes into action, investigating the crash. Records are kept top secret for now, seeing as how it may spark a conflict or panic. The general theory among those who know of this believe this to be Soviet. Late into the quarter, the USSR is asked about the craft.
- USSR: The USSR has no idea what the craft is, but proposes a joint space mission to discover its identity.
- Mechs: Probes gathering information return to the Installation Flotilla in Deep Space. Life forms and extensive civilizations on a galactic scale are discovered. The Mech Soldiers are prepped for re-activation as many more are created by the workers.
- Just curious, are the Mechs based on the reapers/geth of mass effect, because they are similar in many ways.
- A little bit, but not by much.
- USSR: The USSR begins a massive buildup of its space program, intent on discovering the object. All Soviet telescopes are pointed at the sky, watchful of any other strange objects. The military is ordered to keep the secret from becoming public knowledge.
- DX Empire: Despite recovering from the large endemic, the empire has yet to expand back to its former glory. The space fleet begins to attack many deserted colonies now used by Pirates. Many of the pirates are biologically assimilated by the Xeraji.
- France: France contacts its ally the United States and requests an NATO summit be held to discuss the mysterious ship. France also requests that all information obtained about the ship be shared with other NATO members.
- Caborr: The Caborr ships pass Earth, rushing to rescue survivors of the crashed ship. They attempt open communication with the governments of the strongest nations, The United States and the Soviet Union.
- To the United States and the Soviet Union - We come in peace, we are attempting to rescue survivors of a crashed research vessel on the fourth planet from your sun. We mean you no harm, and wish to communicate more when we return.
- South Korea: The South Korean government agrees with the NATO summit to discuss the mysterious ship. They also keep the secret from being released to the public.
- Terran Empire: A probe from the Terran Empire, which had been orbiting planet KU-292-I2 since 3200 BC, begins sending information to the Terran homeland about Caboor and DX ships within range of Earth. It continues passive observance, as it had been for the last several thousand years. The Terran Empire becomes worried about contact with planet KU-292-I2, since they fear this could lead to galactic war.
- Salaamberia: Rumors of a ship crashing in a remote part of the Milky Way Galaxy surface on the planet Ozna-Quetar-PL0. it is widely assumed that the vessel was a ship of the Caborrean starfleet, due to a deep space probe passing by the planet, and picking up footage of the ship picking up survivors. The probe itself was initially launched to test the improved hyperdrive system, which is successful, and boosts the probe to the Ozna system. On route past the solar system, the probe drops a singular surface probe onto Ozna-Terra-PL0. It lands in a semi-Arid environment. the atmosphere is composed mainly of Nitrogen and Oxygen, and there are several varieties of plants and animals. the atmosphere is very similar to the Alaamberian atmosphere, and pictures indicate large quantities of, what is believed to be water. In orbit, there are several devices which are unidentifiable, one of which, was actually rumored to be some person conducting a spacewalk, However, this is uncertain, because scientists believe that creatures on this planet must appear to be different than Puchaatans (Puchaat is the planet that Salaamberia is located on, as the whole planet is not unified). Similarly unidentifiable was a primitive spacecraft with unknown markings. scientists are ordered to be sent there at once, as soon as ships are fitted with hyperdrive. the probe found signs of intelligent life, as it was discovered and then shut off by natives. it is unsure that contact with the natives is wise, and are uneasy about the Caborreans contacting them.
- 'Australia: An unknown object is found in the Australian outback. upon taking it and dismantling it, it was found to be unlike anything ever seen before. it is hidden from the public, on the grounds that it may stir controversy.
- Azaranians: The Azaranians, seeing disturbance in the Milky Way, decide to use the ancient technology once left behind by their ancestors. Luckily, a PtP warp system was left on Mars, which constituted the Martian Pyramids, has enough power to transport a crew to analyze the ship that has fallen. Azaranian monitoring systems are picking up suspicious behavior in planet Sol-4 (Mars), that might disturb the peace in that region, and decide to send a crew to investigate via the Martian Pyramids, and even if this gets out of hand, the possibility of once again returning to earth. The PtP drives on Mars however, are nearly depleted, and will take some time to repair by the crew. Meanwhile, a new way of terraforming is conceived, making it possible to control the gravitational fields and generate new atmospheres. From Earth, the Warp event was seen as a momentary streak of light bursting from the red planet.
- South Africa: The South Africans begin to build an Apollo-esque spaceship to land humans on Mars to investigate the crash. The South Africans request that the USA help build an Apollo rocket. South Africa also offers to buy Apollo rockets from the United States. The South Africans also begin to build the preparations for a launch pad near the Cape of Good Hope. The South African mines are expanded.
- Argentina, ruled by this time by Arturo Illia, the weak leadership of the new government makes the more conservative and pro-imperialist sector of the population angry. The Peronism is allowed as well, and the Peronist citizens ask more representation in the government. They get a triumph in the legislative elections.
- The Braq Confederacy, ruled by the President Alqa Naggal, who is brother of the Prince Merchant Ogo Naggal, is trying to improve its economy after the last elections, that were expensive avoiding fights betwern the parties. But the peace seems to be restored, and the Prince Merchant is looking for potential allies in trade, exploring the deep space. The Braqian army, lead by the Supreme Sealord Ozhen Agaqa, also looks for potential new colonies to settle in.
- Regenetechs: They discover that a ship crashed into the fourth Sol Planet.
- Read the posts before to see what happened before you post. That was a Caborr ship. Read the posts by Caborr and Salaamberia.
- Oh. Thanks.
- Canada: Canada is intrigued by recent developments. It asks the US share news about the Mars problem and offers to launch a joint mission.
- France and South Korea have already asked for an NATO summit.
- Can the same not be asked by Canada?
- Just saying. Come join the club friend!
- Israel: Israeli President Zalman Shazar and the military staff of Israel meet in Tel Aviv to discuss about this "alien" accident. Meanwhile, the Israeli military begins to go under an expansion and upgrade due to the threat coming from its surrounding Arab nations, and the "hostile" UFO's that crashed into the moon. All of the Israeli Air Force is put on alert.
- Venusians: The Venusians send a frigate to Mars to examine the wreckage. The Venusian vessel land several Venusian Marines who secure the wreckage and they begin work to identify the remains of the vessel and to make sure no weapons of war were entering the solar system. The Venusians begin a blockade of Mars to make sure no one is able to 'steal' the spacecraft they are working on. The Azaranians are warned not to enter the atmosphere of Mars until they are finished with the wreckage. A Venusian scientist begins to work on ways to recover another downed spacecraft that landed on Earth several years ago near Roswell, New Mexico, USA. But scouting probes over the area record that the vessel was taken by Who-man authorities several years prior. Work begins on finding it.
- Japan: Research begins on robotics to help in the factories. Research also starts on rockets to help create better ones. Following the recent alien activities in the world, we ask the US if the treaty preventing the Japanese from building a large military can be made void, as this is for defense.
- US Diplomacy: If you feel you must, you may build a larger military.
- Democrists: A Democrists trade vessel goes off course and soon lands in solar system to see other races are there. The Democrists decide to not be left out and seeing that they have already lost their homeworld to nuclear war, they decide that the Humans, even though inferior, must be saved. We send a large group of settlers to Pluto to stay undetected, and a large dome base that will keep the setters warm is built.
- USA: The United States responds to the bizarre message from space. Attempts to decode it do not work. Satellites, however, have discovered several new objects entering the Solar System. A NATO summit is planned for January to discuss these events.
- Mechs: More of the military is activated. Already, 13.5 billion soldiers are activated and many more are on their way. Installations 5, 6 and 7 are activated. Interception of transmissions is conducted and trade links are learned. Late this quarter, a probe is sent to survey the Orion and Sagittarius Arms of the galaxy.
- Regenteches: A space probe is sent to the Solis System when interest is spared following the Solis-vor Incident. It enters the depths of Neptune and then stops sending signals. Meanwhile, they decide that they will not approach Solis-Vor (Mars).
- The Byzantium Empire: Colonization ships and cruisers are sent to Mars and Earth respectively.
- Canada: Decides to launch its own space program and starts investigating other planets.
- Israel: Israel still doesn't like the news about this alien contact, and continues to increases its military, and expansion on its nuclear weapons stockpiles. More mobilization occurs, and non-aggression pacts are sent to the surrounding Arab nations.
- D-X Empire: The Empire insists that all species withdraw from the Sol system with the exception of the Venusians. To enforce their request, a fleet of two Dravimosian Research ships, one Dravimosian frigate, and four Xeraji frigates enter the Sol system and enter orbit around Pluto. The empire also announces that strange signals have been coming from the outer edges of the galaxy. Translation of Human languages begins.
- USSR: The Soviet Union ends its current spacewalk mission after strange signals are received from space. It calls all Warsaw pact members to a meeting to discuss the issue.
- Caborr: Three Cabborean cruisers pull into Venusian orbit. Encountering the Venusians, they request that they be allowed to collect the survivors still inside the wreckage as well as the data collected. The rest of the wreck is theirs to check, but the Caborreans would like that back also. The Caborreans reach out to contact the Salaamberians and Azaranians, hoping for an alliance between the three powers. The Caborreans realize the need to protect and preserve the human planet, and seek to again attempt contact when they return to Earth's orbit.
- Venusian Diplomacy: You may retrieve your dead, but nothing else
- France: France prepares delegates to send to the NATO summit in January. They are also puzzled by the strange message from the passing ships.
- Argentina suffers the coup d'état called Argentine Revolution, and Juan Carlos Oganía becomes de facto President. The conservative government of Oganía forbids Peronism and Communism. Argentina starts to launch its first space program with the intention to establish contact with the aliens.
- Barq: The Prince Merchant Ogo Naggal arrives to Venus, where he asks for a trade pact with the Venusians. The Braqian President Alqa Naggal, head of the diplomatic relationships, chooses to ignore the Xeraji request of a withdrawal from Sol. His veto is apply in the Propaganda and Communication Committee, in charge of all the government's publications, so the asking is not even known by the people of Braq. A powerful Sealord called Oroq Ogo Allagg travels to Venus to ask the Venusians about his new discovered Earth species. What do they know about them?
- Is this the Barq?
- Venusian Diplomacy: The Venusians say that "All you need to know about Earth is one thing, always expect the unexpected."
- Braqian Diplomacy: All right, then. Do you accept our trade offer?
- Venusian Diplomacy: Yes I accept
- Australia: Australian Radio transmitters ind a signal that sound similar to a voice, however it is indecipherable. this is odd, coupled with the events of the probe, and the spaceship recently discovered in mars. they ask the USA if they know anything more about this (Note: Australia is not a member of NATO, and the USA would keep findings secret, except from close allies, so Australia doesn't really know anything.)
- Imperial Salaamberian Company: The Salaamberians make first contact with the Xeraji-Dravimos people, and the Venusians. They send researchers to study earth as a preserve.They Wish to make no contact with earth, as it is evident that they are a very primitive species, and should not be interfered with.Earth should be left preserved as is. They think newer species may not grasp this, but being around for a while, the Salaamberians feel it's best to leave things alone. They Prepare a meeting on Ozna-Dw-15, (known on Earth as Sedna, an asteroid near the edge of the solar system.), for those nations involved to decide the fate of earth.
- D-X Empire diplomacy: The Dravimosians will be there.
- Venusian diplomacy: The Venusians will be there
- Caborrean diplomacy: The Caborreans will be there.
- Braqian diplomacy: The Prince Merchant Naggal will be there.
- Japan: After getting no response from the US or NATO, the Japanese declare that they will build up the military. Missiles are being built, though they aren't nuclear. Research on robotics and rockets continue.
- Democrists: The First Domed Structure on Pluto has been complete, and more DSs are being built. A Space Station has been left in orbit around Pluto to have a place to help keep the bases supplied. They warn the Humans that if they have nuclear war, their homeland will be destroyed just like our old homeland, a wasteland.
- Venusian Diplomacy: We demand that you leave the Sol System, though you may stay in the Oort Cloud.
- Venusian: The Venusians continue the blockade of Mars. They allow the Caborr to take their dead and they then quickly descend on the wrekage. They methodically transport the ship into Martian orbit where it is taken to Venusian orbit for study. The Venusians begin to line the Oort Cloud with picket ships and frigates to intercept any ships attempting to enter the Sol System. The Venusians revisit Roswell, New Mexico in a small planetary lander. They retrieve all the evidence that they can find and then leave, several of the survivors are taken as well but returned in 12 hours. The Venusians begin to intercept signals from the fabeled "Forge". The Venusians send three battleships and ten frigates to seek out the signal from the "Forge".
- Caborrean Diplomacy: The Caborr are outraged, and demand return of the wreckage and the data collected from the ship. The Caborr intended for the Venusians to search the ship to prove that there were no weapons being carried, and nothing else.
- The West Germans not caring about the events in space work to build back up their destroyed economy.
- The Ryrak trade federation is interested about event on mars, but look the other way for now as they head north to collect payments form other planets.
- Salaamberian Diplomacy (meeting on Ozna-Dw-15)
- The Salaamberians state clearly that their intention is to leave the planet alone as a preserve. it should be studied, but not interfered with.
- The Dravimos insist that all races not native to the system leave as soon as possible. A battle group will be arriving in the next three months to ensure that everyone leaves. Studying will still be permitted, but establishing bases in the system will not be.
- Salamberian Diplomacy: The Salaamberians intend on establishing a research base on Ozna-Dw-15. However, it is in the Oort cloud and would only be used for peaceful purposes.
- The Dravimos will allow it for a few years, but will expect it to be destroyed at some time. The Sol System should belong solely to its indigenous races.
- The Caborr will leave, but insist that the Venusians return the wreckage and data from the crashed ship before they do. For now, they will remain in Venusian orbit.
- Caborrian Diplomacy: What if we make this official and form an alliance to ensure the protection and isolation of earth?
- Al; right, we can form an alliance and we'll return your ship, but without any electronics as they will be taken for research.
- If you want the electronics, just ask. Since we're in an alliance, we will share our information openly with our allies.
- Braqian diplomacy: The merchant class, supported by the party currently in power, seems to agree with the policy of the rest of the governments. The Supreme Sealord Ozhen Agaqa, a confederal conservative, supports the idea. But the Sealord Oroq Ogo Allag, who is more liberal, seems to disagree. He says: "Who are we to isolate the Earth and study its inhabitants like it was a natural reserve full of animals. Have you forgotten the dark ages that our planets pass before enter in this space era? I say that we must sends representatives to the Earth, we must help the humans to avoid the dark ages and become part of our modern civilization. It's just cruel to let them continue primitive and isolated."
- The Venusians have known the humans since their inception, if we arrive there it will do more harm for their society than good. It is best for us to remain in the shadows and perhaps pull their strings from afar until they can handle an alien encounter.
- Dravimosian Diplomacy: They already know about the ship crashing into mars and several messages have been sent to them. not much harm can come if we contact their governments.
- The Dravimos are not saying to leave the system alone completely, just not have any non-indigenous race have colonies there. You can still contact Humanity if you want.
- The Democrists ask if we can allow bases in the outer planets as the Human race won't be able to use these planets for a few hundred years until they get the needed technology to do so. They could also destroy themselves if left alone.
- Dravimos Diplomacy: You can try, but the Venusians won't like it and we wouldn't either.
- Democrists Diplomacy: Well, what I am saying is that the outer planets are too cold for the Humans but we have the technology to build structures to warm our colonists. If the Humans got the technology to colonise the planets in the solar system, then this would be a different story. However, they don't, plus we wouldn't be taking any planets that would be useful for them.
- Dravimosian Diplomacy: It's also the Venusian's system as well, so they have a right over the planets as well. By the way, we could help you reconquer your home planet if you want.
- Democrists Diplomacy: We will leave Pluto then, and don't worry about our homeland. It has been destroyed twice in a nuclear war, so it wouldn't be a good idea to go back. That, and it might be an inspiration for the people who want to force us back into those dark years.
- Salaamberian diplomacy: Earth is too primitive. they are not ready for this, yet. I say that we at least wait to contact them. they will wonder about the previous messages, but they won't come close to deciphering them. Until they are able to land their own race on another planet (probably Mars) they should not be interfered with. Furthermore, I agree with the Caborreans in making an alliance to protect Earth. We don't know who may be out there trying to exploit their resources, or enslave its people. Also, the Venusians agree with not contacting them, and they understand them the best.
- Caborrean Diplomacy: I'll take the honor of naming the alliance. How about, the Sentient Protection Alliance. After all, we're all sentients here and we're trying to protect other sentients.
- Salaamberian diplomacy: That sounds good to me. we are establishing a research base on this asteroid/dwarf planet/celestial object (Sedna) called Jnudeelq. It could serve as the headquarters for such an alliance.
- Sign-ups for the Sentient Protection Alliance:
- Caborr
- Salaamberia
- Venusian
- Dravimos
- Caborrean Diplomacy: Caborr will immediately dispatch seven representatives (one from each color) to Jnudeelq.
- Azaranians: Azaranians continue working on fixing their warp engine on Mars, and begin to consider accepting the proposal of the sentient protection alliance.
- USA: The United States discusses with its fellow NATO members how to handle the situation. Seeing increased UFO ships in New Mexico ends up in America sending the military to the location. They do what they can to tell the UFO to please leave US airspace.
- Will be making a negotiation page for Aliens and Humans.
- Mechs: Several cruisers speed toward Earth. When approaching the Oort Cloud, the Mechs notice a blockade of ships with a familiar registry. Several stealth fighters sneak by unnoticed through the blockade, shooting probes toward a few cruisers to introduce the Mech Computer Virus into the cruisers. The virus sends the language of the blockaders to the Mechs so the Mechs can communicate with them. Furthermore, the virus blinds a few sensor arrays, creating a blind spot in the sensors. The cruisers stay outside of the Oort Cloud to facilitate communication with the blockade as the stealth fighters speed to Earth in search of the beacon.
- Caborr: The Caborrean ship returning to Jnudeelq with the seven representatives notices a peculiar ship. They quickly alert the Salaamberians and Venusians. It appears that the first confrontation has begun.
- Japan: Research on robotics and rockets continues, and some advances are made in these fields. The military continues to be built up, and some new missiles are built, non-nuclear, for defense purposes.
- Democrists: The base on Pluto is dismantled after an agreement at the meeting on Onza. Instead, we will focus more on home affairs and continue to expand in our own area. Settlers will instead colonise planets near us to prevent conflict with other alien species. Exploration teams start to go out to go find other planets that can be colonised.
- Dravimos-Xeraji Empire: The Ninth Battlegroup enters the Sol system and settles into orbit around Sedna to ensure that the area maintains peace. The Battlegroup consists of one Dravimos Capital ship, one Dravimos carrier, three Dravimos battleships, twenty Dravimos cruisers, ten Dravimos frigates, one Xeraji battleship, forty Xeraji cruisers, and two Dravimos Senosr ships. The sensor ships send out electromagnetic signals that record every object within 100 AU. They detect unidentified ships in the system, and they alert other races about the situation.
- USSR: The government begins a new space program to learn about the origin of the strange signals in space. They launch a crew of four cosmonauts to take readings outside Earth's atmosphere.
- Israel continues to amp up and expand its army and self-sufficiency, and an majority of their nuclear weapons are put on alert. Israel hopes to discuss an non-aggression pact with the USSR and Warsaw Pact.
- Salaamberia: all the research vessels get to Ozna-Dw-15. since the numbering system is only for planets of relatively minor to no importance, it is renamed Jnudeelq, salaamberian for "god's vision" (referring to the SPA's viewpoint to observe earth) meanwhile, one of the research vessels refuses to open after it lands. It then tries to fly away, and even manages to kill a scientist. It eventually does fly away. Attempts to track it fail, due to the fact that it has disabled its own tracking device. In fact, the ship started acting like some kind of rabid-machine that developed sentience. surveillance pictures show that there was a probe of some kind attached to this ship. they warn all personnel to dismantle or reprogram any ship with these pods on them.
- Australia: The Australians are still in the dark about what is going on. They see extraterrestrial activity on Mars, and in the far reaches of the solar system. They ask the USA to tell them any knowledge of these events.
- The Byzantium Empire: The Byzantiums land a colonization ship on Mars and establish the settlement of Nova Roma. Examination of the wreckage begins. The Byzantium Empire lands two Space Cruisers in Egypt on Earth, and a base is established there.
- Sentient Protection Alliance: On behalf of the SPA, the Dravimos demand that you withdraw your ships from Mars and Earth immediately before someone detects you. There is no more wreckage on Mars.
- Byzantium Empire Diplomacy: Byzantium will leave Earth, at least for now, but it will not vacate Mars. The total amount of cruisers near Mars is just over 50, while they carry a large amount of colonists and troops, as the home world is crowded and Mras looks like it can be terraformed. Terraforming has actually already begun with the beginning of the construction of large magnetic bands of metal and other elements to help foster a Magnetic Field. More Cruisers are sent to Mars. Construction on war industries has already begun on Mars as well.
- Venusian Diplomacy: Leave, we do not want you messing with the environment of planets nearby.
- SPA: This is not your system, so you must leave at some point. Also, you should ask the Venusians, as they are the most advanced native race to this system, whether they want Mars terraformed. What is your homeworld, by the way?
- BE Diplomacy: In the Large Megellanic Cloud Galaxy, around the star called Byzantar I, and we are the third planet from that sun, although we have colonized the rest of the Byzantar I system.
- SPA: You are once again requested to vacate the planets of Mars and Earth and proceed to the Oort Cloud. If you refuse to comply with SPA regulations, you will be subject to immediate action.
- BE Diplomacy: Earth has been left, but the Mars colony is still growing largely and its population is growing hugely. The number of colony ships is more than 2000, and will arrive next turn. Military forces are also accompanying the colony ships, and if you really don't want the humans to see us, then I wouldn't try fighting back, or WE WILL tell the humans we are here, and give one select human nation technology for space travel.
- The Braqians sign the treaty of the Sentient Protection Alliance. But the Sealord Allag is angry. He starts a movement with his supporter in the planets of the Braq Confederacy. The movement marches under the motto "Help the humans to civilizate, they're no animals". The entire confederation knows about the ambitions of conquest of Allag, and his desire to become Supreme Sealord, and his empathy with the people is helping him. He spreads more propaganda in the foreign government to get supporters in his movement. The Prince Merchant Naggal asks for a mutual trade and military allaince between the members of the Sintient Protection Alliance. Two scientists, one ambassador and one Sealord (called Reqlon Azhag, member of the opposite faction to Allag) are sent to Jnudeelq.
- I am a mod and I state that this is slightly ASB, please try to, in the future, be less ASB. If there are any questions ask a mod. Bobalugee1940
- Regenetech:
A colony is established in Neptune, since Vladsar V, the probe, has examined it and it is very similar to the Regenel Homeworld.They place Extrend X (another probe) in orbit around Mars while Raggin VII is sent to explore Earth's Moon. Plans are to expand the Empire within the Sol System. A colony is established on Triton since the Regenetechs breathe Nitrogen. - You are aware that you can't land on Neptune, right?
- Neptune is a GAS GIANT. You can't land on gas. Sorry.
- Then a moon. Triton.
- He actually said IN Neptune, so that may imply in the atmosphere.
- Venusian: The Venusians quickly recognize the Mech Virus from their previous war with the said species. The Venusians remotley detonate the infected probes and launch an anti-matter weapon at the infected Salaamberian vessel, completely destroying it. The Venusians mobilize their military and they launch nearly twenty frigates, thirteen hundred fighter-bombers, and over one thousand AI fighters from their storage around Venus and Mercury. They send these fighters to the Oort Cloud and cloak themselves as to not be detected by the Mechs. The Venusians arm EMP devices on their ships to disable any Mech drone attempting to establish a Mech Virus on the vessel. The ships also cut all communications from each other besides visual signals and primitive radio transmissions to not allow the Mech Virus to spread from one ship to another.
- France: Since all of us seem to agree, I'll assume we're carrying through with the joint mission. Question 1: Who is willing to support the mission. Question 2: Where to? There seem to be two possibilities: Mars and the Moon. Please respond with below. Make sure for Question 2 you respond with you nation's name and which we should go.
- Who will support the joint mission?
- France
- Canada
- Japan
- South Africa
- Where should we go?
- France: Mars
- USSR: Moon
- Canada: Mars
- Japan: Moon
- South Africa: Solar Orbit
- Proposed Mission Names
- Ascension (USSR)
- Archangel (France)
- Explorer (Canada)
- Liberty (Japan)
- Helios (South Africa)
- Who will support the joint mission?
- Azaranians: The Azaranians are nealy finished seting the warp up.
- United States: A mission to Mars is confirmed. The planned Apollo Mission is scrapped for the Ares Mission. The Ares mission is a series of missions to Mars to study the research vessel.
- France Diplomacy: Is this the joint mission we discussed or a strictly United States mission?
- US Diplomacy: This is separate. A joint mission will also be underway, barring international incident.
- Mechs: Though the infected ships had been destroyed, the information required was transmitted to the Mechs. The Mech fleet gets closer to the blockade to communicate with the blockaders. They transmit a signal to the Venusians, stating "We wish to reclaim an artifact from a planet in this system. This artifact cannot fall into the wrong hands. Allow our cruisers to pass so we may reclaim this artifact and sentient lives will not be wasted. Do you accept these terms and conditions?" Meanwhile, the stealth fighters reach Earth and search.
- Japan: All research projects continue and the miltary is expanded. More funding goes into space research following several plans for going into space.
- Democrists: More bases are established on planets near our solar system. A team went out to our orignal homeland, but deemed it too radoactive for anyone to go back there without good protection from the radiation. This disappoints many people who thought it might have been safe by now, but many think we might be able to go back one day. A large amount of energy is being used to create new weapons that will be able to fire electricity. However, thanks to our capablities to create large amounts of energy, this isn't much of a problem for the signal from the artifact, remaining undiscovered.
- Argentina is building up its defense and military system. Oganía, still in power, asks the NATO to become an associate member, a representer in the southern hemisphere. Some peronist guerrillas, as also Communist ones, start to attack the government and spread disorder and chaos.
- Braq decided to send the Sealord Reqlon Azhag to establish a colony in the outskirts of the Sol System with the objective of support the protection given by the SPA. The anti-government Sealord Allag is spreading his "anti-isolationist" ideals in the braqian population, turning more and more soldiers and citzens, and even some Prince Merchants (who see a possible business in Earth). The Prince Merchant Naggal says that, to solve the problem with the mechs. himself, in company of one representative of each race of the SPA, and a mech, would be the member of the expedition that searches the artifact.
- D-X Empire: The Ninth Battlegroup moves further into the Sol System, establishing new orbit around Neptune to be closer to Earth in the event a race lands there. The Eighth Battlegroup captures several systems from pirates.
- Regenetech Diplomacy: Stand clear of Triton and the other moons of Neptune, for we are there.
- USSR: The cosmonauts in space detect several anomalies but are unable to discover the source of them. The government prepares for a new moon mission.
- Israel: Israeli radar detects numerous targets approaching Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, but nothing is visible, and the computer was working fine. The Israeli air force is mobilized, and begins a massive recon into the airspace over other Arab nations (we mean no harm to the other countries) in search of these targets.
- Canada: Canada decides to take on a moon project named Apollo. However, this creates controversy since Canada wants to help NATO with the Mars Operation. A solution is reached. For the anti-Communist's sake, Canada will take on its Apollo mission to defeat the USSR in the moon race. Meanwhile, Canada will not have its own Mars mission, but will help the NATO mission to Mars.
- Regenetech: Seeing that no other Neptunian moons are habitable, the Regenetech move closer toward Sol. It is detected that Xeraji-Dravimos are orbiting Neptune, and a fleet of ships are sent to orbit Neptune just in case. Meanwhile, having approached Titan, a settlement is established there, with the great conditions found rather surprising. A group of Tritonian Regens move to the Titanian settlement. The 98.4 Nitrogen in the atmosphere is found strenghten the Regen life span and the frozen water in Kraken Mare is broken up to provide water.
- Byzantine Empire: Earth has been left, but the Mars colony is still growing largely and its population is now over 220,000 Byzantine settlers and growing fast. Industry on Mars is now producing space cruisers and weapons while greenhouses are now producing large amounts of food. The
200020 colony ships arrive, and establish four more settlements within 100 miles of the original settlement. The total population of Byzatines on Mars is nowover 3,000,000500,000 civilians, as the home world is crowded. Shields are already in place over all of settlements, and if they are attacked, the Humans will learn of our existance and be given knowledge of Space travel, although not all that the Byzantines know.- I think that this is not very - let's say plausible - to raise the population after you left the planet into three million from 200,000 in less than four months. I mean ... this is just implausible, especially since there are no other people coming from your homeworld. Even 220 000 is very implausible number at this point.
- This is ASB to have 3,000,000 civilians on this planet, light years away from the nearest star (exculding the Sun), in under/at six months. It would take at least three years, one million per year. So right now you are at 500 thousand. Also 2000 colony ships are ASB. The only reason I said over one thousand for me is because that they were small, alI driven, fighters. Not colony ships. Bobalugee1940
- I sent over 2000 colony ships to Mars. I think that's a fair population, and besides, my species breeds very quickly.
- We would have known that if you put it on the species page ... just saying ... Wegscuba 00:23, March 5, 2012 (UTC)
- China: China continues to buff up its military. In a bloody assassination, all of China's highest ranking and best abled Government officlais are killed in a massive bombing by anti-Communist planes. With no leaders, or government, the rest of the Communists are killed and a provisional Republic is established by the people of China.
- Australia: initiates a space program. Telescopes confirm the existance of some kind of life on Mars. They report their findings to the UN, but keep it a secret from average citizens.
- Imperial Salaamberian Company: sends battlecruisers to Jnudeelq because of recent events.
- Venusians: The Venusians tighten their blockade of the Sol System and send three carriers to the blockade party. The Council of the Aristocracy agree to allocate funds to the blockade of Mars. Seventeen Frigates are sent into Martian Orbit where they make sure that the Byzantines do not send any more colonists.
- BE Diplomacy: Venus is told to stay away and remove the blockade, over 800 Cruisers are on Mars, and willing to fight.
- Are you sure? Azaranians will be on the side of the Venusians, you will not bring space travel tech to the human race!
- Members of the SPA - go to the Alien negotiation page for a summit on recent events
- SPA: Mechs, we may grant you permission to retrieve your artifact known as the forge under these conditions:
- A representative starship from each species in the SPA will accompany you.
- You bring only one ship.
- You remain on earth only long enough to retrieve the artifact.
- Once you obtain the forge, you use its power to create another planet in the system of the Byzantine Empire that they can inhabit and colonize.
- Mech Diplomacy: The Forge is large. It will take a few construction cruisers to raise The Forge and escort it out of the system. Rebuilding it will take a few years, but with our workers, we can rebuild it. Byzantine, we can create a planet, but keep in mind that it will need to be in the habitable zone to STAY habitable. Venusians, we know we have some bad blood between us, but we can make it up to you by making Venus habitable again.
- Venusian Diplomacy: We will accept an alliance if you can make Venus habitable again. But if you try to destroy us we will blow the Forge to Kingdom-come - weven if that means destroying Earth.
- Note: It's not going to just happen and Venus will be habitable in four months. It will take many, many years.
- That was not me, please don't pretend to be me.
- I should have made it clearer. That was FROM the Mechs TO the Venusians.
- Okay, thanks for clearing that up.
- South Africa: The South Africans continue to build up their economies and they begin to build rockets for space exploration.
- Azaranian: Crews sent to Mars finally finish setting up the Warp engine, and it is now fully opprational. A recon ship is warped from earth. It is nothing that was ever seen before - this event even more magnificent that the last. The crew discovers the Byzantines, and their intention of giving the Humans Space travel technology. The Azaranians say that if the Byzantines do such a thing, they will face the wrath of the Azaranian race, and the Azhurantia. Being an ancient race, the Azaranians are able to comprehend certain elements of this new dialect that the Venusians are speaking, calling it New Venutian (as the last encounter with creatures in this system was 10 000 years ago on earth, and 100 000 years ago on Venus, at which time the Azaranians built Stonehenge (called it!) and learned the old Venusian dialect). The Azaranain crew, seeing a base on Sol-4x5-195 (Ceres), they decide to send a delegation to a meeting of the SPA to observe their discussion and position. These men are dressed in diplomatic robes (like senatorial robes, but they are green). The delegation is followed by 30 fighters and five cruisers filled with marines ready to fight in order to protect the member of the great council that is traveling with them (wearing "Azhuria robes")
- Regenetech: We establish a trade route between Triton and Titan. Now we aim for Mars.
- SPA Diplomacy: We request that the Regentech not advance any further into this system. You have already violated SPA rules by entering the system. Leave now or deal with SPA consequences.
- Regenetech Diplomacy: There are others within the system. The X-D are orbiting Neptune and the Byanztiums are on Mars. And Azanarians are on Mars as well. And we woul like to ask why. We will not do anything if you let us stay on Titan and Triton.
- Canada: We observe several spaceships approaching Mars. A space station is built on the Arctic Islands. Meanwhile, we rapidly push on our Apollo program and ask South Africa if they want to help.
- South Africa: yes we need help.
- Canadian Diplomacy: Apollo Program is now joint between CAN and SA.
- South Africa: yes we need help.
- Japan: We ask France if we are still having a joint mission into space. If not, we are going to form our own mission into space, though it might take longer to get into space. Research on all previous things continues, and the military is expanded.
- French Diplomacy: We are still carrying out the mission.
- South African Diplomacy: The South Africans request that the Japanese help the South African space missions.
- Democrists: More colonists land on planets in our own solar system. We have begun to use genetics technology to re-create animals that were on our old planet that were wiped out because of nuclear war. New anti-weapon systems are being put around our planet to prevent the usage of ICBMs. Also, moons around the planets we are colonising are being turned into space ports to place supplies for storage.
- China: A mass expansion of all areas of the military continues and many ships are added to the increasingly strong navy. (Scrawland playing for DeanSims)
- South Africa: The South Africans attempt to launch an Apollo rocket that they have attempted to make. It unfortunantely explodes in-atmosphere killing all three crew members. The South Africans turn toward creating an independently made rocket system. The South Africans make something akin to the Gemini rockets and name the series Nike, after the Greek goddess of victory. Nike I is launched out of the Cape of Good Hope and achieves Earth Orbit. Nike I lands in the Indian Ocean near Madagascar and is retrieved by the South African Navy.
- I doubt South Africa could make a spacecraft in one year.
- It's not an Apollo rocket or anything super-complex, plus they aren't building it from scratch either as they already have the research done by others and all they have to do is build it.
- Israel: Israel announces today, that it will begin an space program, in which it will hunt down the objects that were intercepted by Israeli radar. Israel also declares that any UFO that comes within twenty miles of the Israeli coast, or 1000 feet in Israeli airspace, would be consider an threat, and would be intercepted, and if so, destroyed. Upgrades in the military continues.
- D-X Empire: The Ninth Battlegroup tracks every foreign ship in the system, and they prepare for the Mechs to retrieve their artifact.
- USSR: The Cosmonaut mission returns safely to Earth, and the government begins the Ascension project to the moon. They gain assistance from other Warsaw Pact members.
- USA: The Ares Project continues. UFO sightings increase, especially around the coasts and near Texas. The Air Force is dispatched to escort confirmed UFOs to runways, though none are found by the Air Force.
- Mechs: The search for the beacon begins early this quarter as several construction ships prepare to receive The Forge. Finally, the Beacon is discovered in the intertidal zone of Chicxulub. A subsurface scan reveals that The Forge retains minimal power, but is in many pieces. Though it is inside of a nation, The Forge is in an uninhabitable part of Mexico, so the extraction does not harm or displace any humans. By the end of this quarter, sediment is pumped out of The Forge and parts are raised onto the beach and prepped for launch into space. The engines of The Forge have yet to be discovered and the main power source is unaccounted for. Also, images of the dig site are revealed to the public.
- Venusian Diplomacy: We no longer wish for you to make Venus rehabitable but instead wish that the Venusians and the Mechs will instead form an alliance and use "the Forge" together.
- Veusians: The Venusians pull back their ships from the blockade of Mars and the group around the Sol System. The Venusian clergy cry out against the terraforming of Venus stating that the Mother Goddess and the Father God do not wish for the planet to be terraformed as they have set Venus as a Holy Shrine to all believers. The Venusian Prince instead asks for the Mechs to not terraform Venus but that instead they join in an alliance and use the forge together. Several Venusian landers land in New Mexico and are attacked by the USAF. The landers destroy three of the planes before retreating back to orbit to avoid any contact with large population centers. Several Venusian landers do land near the Mech excavation site and the scientist request that they enter the Mech site to help excavate the site with the least possible damage to Earth.
- French Diplomacy: The members of the joint mission include France, USSR, Japan, Canada, and South Africa. Since I still assume that we are going through with the mission, I have an idea. What if we begin manufacturing space stations that can stay in orbit permanently? Not just one, several. What do you think?
- USSR Diplomacy: The USSR agrees to this plan, and proposes moving to the moon mission next.
- French Diplomacy: Moving outward seems to be the logical procession- orbit, Moon, Mars.
- Canadian Diplomacy: We agree. Moon, Mars. Yep.
- Japanese Diplomacy: We joined earlier, did we do something to get kicked off the list?
- USSR Diplomacy: Nope, you're still on.
- Japanese Diplomacy: Just saw that. Anyway, we are still on board.
- Australian diplomacy: can Australia join the joint mission. we don't have much as far as a space program, but we have been left in the dark as far as what's out there
- Caborr: Caborrean ships pull into orbit around the moons of Triton and Titan and set up a blockade. Acting on the authority of the SPA, the Regentech are asked to leave the planets.
- Terran Empire: Seeing that other nations are coming in to colonize the this star system, they quickly begin terraforming Pluto. Due to its small size, it is estimated to be finished in three or four months. The Emperor sees Earth as an opportunity to capture a planet with a large population to be used as scientific testing "animals". Meanwhile, seeing the activity in this star system, its vast army of 600 billion is mobilized, while its three billion starships are also activated and readied to be sent out. Meanwhile, a warp drive is set up in Pluto, to be used as a stepping stone to the other colonies. They mostly lie in wait, letting no one know of their plans. The military is quietly but steadily built up.
- How are you going to do that anyway?
- What do you mean?
- ISC: The ISC tells all foreign races to stay out of earth. A recent scientific discovery shows that they have several WMDs on their planet, weapons, that if used in large enough quantities, could destroy even our homeworlds. if they are willing to destroy their own species, just think of the contempt they may have for us if we are contacted. all of our "colonizing" and "exploring" has alerted them to our presence. we must vacate this system, except for the venusians, who have lived here for millennia without disturbing earth.
- Azaranians continue to observe this new solar system, and the readiness of Humans for contact.
- United States: After losing contact with an Air Force squadron, the US is on high alert in New Mexico. Meanwhile, telescopes pointed at Venus discover a number of UFOs around the planet. The US works on communication with these UFOs. The Ares Mission continues construction. A message for UFOs is planted into the rocket.
- Mechs: Recovery of The Forge continues. The massive skeleton is recovered and sent into orbit. The engines are recovered in the Gulf of Mexico and is sent into orbit. Scaffolding around the skeleton is constructed as the main part of The Forge is rebuilt by the diligent workers. In September, a group of humans discover the dig sites. The humans panic and attack on sight. The Mechs are forced to capture, pacify, and wipe their memories of this incident. They let them go, but not before taking tissue samples to clone and place on Mech Infiltrators. The Infiltrators are used for peaceful purposes (learning the human language). A report of this incident is sent to the SPA. No humans were harmed.
- SPA: We appreciate the notification.
- Japan: Research continues into rockets and robetics. We begin sending funding to the joint international space mission. We ask France for the offical name of this organization. We also ask when we are going to send up some rockets. The miltary is expanded and more missiles are built.
- Democrists: We colonise more of the planets in our solar system and install more anti-ICBM systems. More people begin to move into nearby solar systems. Most of the army has been equiped with laser weapons. We demand the Terran Empire doesn't terraform Pluto, as we were forced to leave it by the international community.
- Regenetech: A fleet is dispatched from the homeworld and reaches the colonies in the Sol System. The Regenetechs want peace, but action will be taken in the SPA attacks. The fleet remains in Titanian and Tritonian orbits and await further order and stand by. Meanwhile, a delegation is sent to the SPA and ever other non-human race to attend. (i.e. Venusians, Mechs, X-D)
- Canada: The Apollo project is estimated to succeed in two-three years. We ask the US if we can share info with Australia and join Apollo with them and South Africa.
- Byzantium Empire: Colonists start leaving Mars and the Solar System on request of the SPA.
- The Terran Empire: The Terran Empire finish terraforming Pluto, and quietly begin moving into Naiad, a moon off of Neptune. It is also terraformed, much faster due to its small size. Warp drives are also built on Naiad, and the Terrans begin readying to colonize more moons.
- D-X Empire: The Eighth, Tenth, Eleventh, and Twelveth Battlegroups enter the Sol System, and all battlegroups converge on Neptune. They demand that the Terrans cease all terraforming and withdraw from this System, as it violates Venusian colonies and the Venusian people. The total number of ships are now well over one thousand, including eleven capital ships capable of massive destruction. Dravimos scientists create an airborn version of the Xeraji virus, which they deploy as a chemical weapon, the likes of which have never been seen before.
- Regenetech Diplomacy: The Regen Ambassador and the Governor emerge from Triton accompanied by 700 of the best Regen ships, and two fleets sent from the homeworld. They ask the D-X and the SPA if they can be allowed to stay on Triton and Titan and offer to release all territorial claims on Triton. But Titan, we say, can we keep some claim over? Since Titan is somehow Venusian, we ask if we can retain Triton or keep Triton or swap with the SPA. You keep Triton, give us Titan. Or can we purchase both or one? Preferably Titan. We will offer you any sum we can afford to acquire territorial claim on areas near Kraken Mare on Titan and area on Triton.
- D-X Empire Diplomacy: You'll have to take that up with the Venusians, since they own the system.
- Regenetech Diplomacy: We thank you and we ask the SPA to send the same message to the Venusians, since we cannot contact them. However, we keep attempting to contact them.
- Venusian Diplomacy: Sorry, I was offline for a while The Venusians do not want any amount of money for Triton, we demand that you leave.
- Regenetech: The fleets take all Regens off Triton and Titan. However, they cannot leave due to the surrounding ships. (Move your ships!) Sorry, I was sleeping in EST.
- USSR: The Asenscion Project continues as planned, and the first phase should begin next year if all goes well.
- Venusians: The Venusians sends the three carriers from the group near the fringe of the system (the VSS Venus, the VSS Saturn, and the VSS Jupiter) to Saturn along with two batteships, and twenty frigates. The carriers hold one thousand AI fighters and one hundred manned fighter-bombers. The colonist on Venus set up artillery against the Regens, ready to fire at a moment's notice. The Council of the Aristocracy approves the Prince's plan to allocate nearly 17 million credits to the excavation of the Forge.
- Regenetech: The fleets take all Regens off of Triton and Titan. However, they cannot leave due to the surrounding ships. (Move your ships!) Sorry, I was sleeping in EST.
- Caborr: The Caborr remove their ships to allow the Regen to exit.
- Regenetech: Leave, but not before asking the Venusians if some settlers can stay on Titan.
- Caborr: A team is dispatched to Pluto to investigate it's terraforming.
- Regenetech: 1/5 of a leaving fleet stops to investigate terraforming of Pluto alongside the Caborreans due the SPA becoming concerned about this matter.
- France: This year, everyone will begin building the framework and structure for two space stations. In a year, we will share information to equip them similarly internally. Feel free to name them however you like. My two stations - Archangel Michael and Archangel Gabriel.
- Canada: Our names: Explorer of Humanity and Orienter of Discovery. We noticed a great cluster of dots surrounding Neptune and Saturn. Canada's Apollo 1 is launched, containing one Canadian astronaut, one South African, and an American astronaut, all of whom were formerly trained by NASA and then trained in the CSEA. It goes into orbit and come back down. Mark Holt, one of the Canadians, notes many dots surrounding many planets in the Solar System. Apollo 2's launch is planned for 1969, alongside Nike V, if South Africa wishes so.
- South Africa: Our names will be Space Station Ever Victorious and Space Station Odysseus. Nike II is launched along with Nike III which both orbit Earth several times before landing in the Indian Ocean.
- Australian diplomacy: I guess I joined the mission. I'll work with South Africa, since Australia doesn't have a space program
- Japan: Research continues, and new robotics technology comes out that shows it has promising use in manufacturing. The miltary is equiped with more missiles, and we have begun construction one of the two space stations. A large amount of funding is going to it, and some of the nation's best engineers, scientists, and designers are working on the project. The two names will be Liberty and Freedom.
- United States: The planned Ares Mission is going quicker than expected. Launch is expected in October. Training for the astronauts begins as the spacecraft's construction enters its final stage. Meanwhile, the USA offers a non-aggression pact to the USSR for five years.
- Mechs: More of The Forge is recovered. The main engines are upgraded and installed. Meanwhile, the power source is discovered in the deep Atlantic Ocean. It is installed into The Forge, though kept inactive. By the end of this quarter, most of the superstructure has been restored. Upgrades are beginning. Unfortunately, another incident with the humans arises. Another human discovers the dig site and brings in reinforcements. The reinforcements (a drug cartel) bring guns and weapons. Several workers are killed and a fuel depot is damaged. The Mechs open fire, killing the hostile humans and recovering the bodies. Dissection of the corpses begin. Again, the incident is filed to the SPA.
- SPA: Thank you for sending use this report. However, since this group was not affiliated with any government, please do not retaliate.
- Terran Empire: 3000 ships are mobilized, as well as 800 billion soldiers and 300 billion support staff, in an army larger than 1 trillion. The entire army warps in to around Pluto, and begins to take up defensive formations. They warn other nations on aggression against the Terrans, as the Mechs are with them.
- Regenetech: Are Mechs really with you?
- Mechs: We are sympathetic, yes, though we would rather avoid a war. Resort to diplomacy before violence.
- Regenetech: We would also prefer diplomacy any day and do not want any bloodshed.
- Regenetech: We warn you. Being a non-SPA member (although we don't want to be hostile to any sentients), we now what will happen. It is best if you leave now.
- Do you even know how much one trillion is???? or even 800 billion? too much I tell you. Scale your numbers down
- Really big numbers. There's not even 10 billion people on Earth! take off a couple of zeroes and take the numbers down to the hundred thousands and millions. More of the former, less of the latter.
- And why not? My race has been developing for billions of years, and our population is probably in the trillions.
- Regenetech: The first five Fleets are sent toward Pluto but wait outside in the Kuiper Belt. Does the SPA want us to attack teh Terran?
- Dravimosian Diplomacy: Not yet. The Terrans have yet to respond to diplomacy.
- 'Regenetech Diplomacy: ' OK, we shall wait. We shall attack on command on the SPA, though we prefer a peaceful solution. Emperor Vlasvar will visit Jnudleeq soon to confer with SPA.
- Israel: Another mass of blops are detected on radar, and the air force is mobilized. For the first time, the object was seen, and is intercepted by the Israeli Air Force, and damaged by the Israeli air force, and later crashes into the coast off of Israel.
- Canada: Work continues on Apollo 2. Funding is provided to the joint mission with NATO featuring the space stations. A model of Explorer and Discovery are built. They will be linked together. Astros I will be launched in April, putting the first part of Explorer-Discovery in space.
- D-X Empire: The various battlegroups continue their orbit around Neptune. Seeing the mass of Terran forces massing on Pluto, several Xeraji battlegroups join the system. They make one final demand to the Terrans: Leave your colonies behind and return the terraformed worlds to normal. This is not your system, and a race as old and distinguished as yours could easily find another system without inhabitants.
- USSR: The first section of the first Ascension Space Station is put into orbit. Fearing any complications, a small cannon is put on it, but with no current passengers it cannot harm anyone.
- Canadian Diplomacy: Will other nations be able to access Ascension?
- USSR Diplomacy: At the moment no, but this will change over time.
- Byzantium Empire: Byzantians continue to leave Mars.
- ISC: The ISC decides that Earth is a savage planet, and doesn't deserve the protection of the SPA. While salaamberia will still be a member of the SPA and Jnudeelq will continue to be the headquarters of the SPA, the ISC will take a much less active role in affairs involving earth
- Dravimosian Diplomacy: No species deserves extinction, and this race is in the period of their history when they are divided, much like all races were at one time.
- Mech Diplomacy: Error: Excessive violence and oppressiveness justifies destruction of civilization. Extinction: unnecessay/unintended side effect. Proceed with caution.
- Dravimosian Diplomacy: Don't judge a species of billions by the actions of twenty.
- Terran Empire: We laugh in the face of your threats. The Terrans have been around since about 2.3 billion years ago, much longer than your puny civilizations. We have already destroyed 4 civilizations and almost destroyed 2 others. If you want war, you will get war.
- Dravimosian Diplomacy: Our comment was not a threat, we were just saying that it is inproper to judge a species on the actions of only a few individuals.
- Mech Diplomacy: Warning: War likely if diplomacy not made clear.
- Regenetech Diplomacy: Do you want us to explain what we think of Earthians or what we want the Terran to do?
- Dravimosian Diplomacy: All we request is that the Terrans leave Pluto and the Neptunian system, as the Venusians are the most advanced race native to this system and have colonies on these worlds. This is what we ask
- ISC:I am not saying earth should be destroyed, but I don't believe that it is worthy of protection, logically.
- Canada: The first part of Explorer-Discovery is taken into space near the Moon. Astros I is not reaccessible since it crashed in the Baffin Bay. Cosmos I, a space probe, is launched. It lands on the Moon and closely monitors Explorer-Discovery and Ascension. The launch pad for Astros was ruined on launch, so South Africa is asked if they can launch the next two sectors of Explorer-Discovery using Astros II.
- Canada: The CSEA builds another launch pad for the Astros-Apollo Projects. Astros II is set to launch in March. Apollo 2 will be saved for May. Cosmos II launches and lands on the Exploration.
- South African Diplomacy: The South Africans can launch sections of the Explorer-Discovery using the Astros II, although they ask if they can reverse engineer the rocket.
- Regenetech: Two more fleets are sent to wait in the Kuiper Belt. The Imperial Astonomical Engineering Agency develops the Mass Gun Replicator, which can reproduce/manufacture guns faster than usual. Extra guns are provided to troopers and personnel standing by in the Kuiper Belt. The fleets are relocated to Sergei-VX-912. (Eris)
- Do you no how much energy it takes to make a small amount of matter. E=MC^2 means that the majority of the energy is going to LIGHT not matter. It would take so much energy to proudce a single gun, not to mention it could just make a hunk of metal not anything complex, would take more than the Sun produces in an entire week!
- I think he meant a way of mass producing guns faster than usual, not by creating matter. Not sure though, it's his call,
- Whoever said this is correct. Maybe I should have made that more clear.
- USSR: A Soviet cargo ship on route to Cuba catches sight of several strange objects on the water. It notifies Soviet authorities, whos send a fleet to investigate. They also catch sight of the objects, and stay far away from them, but still within sight. They appear to be robots that are excavating something under the water. Two more sections of Ascension 1 are launched and attached to the main station.
- USSR Diplomacy: The USSR offers the US a peace treaty resolving the Vietnam War.
- Israel: Israel sends out an naval fleet to surround and recover the down UFO, and begins to study it. Meanwhile, strange sightings are occuring across the desert along the Israeli-Jordan border, and sends the army to chase them.
- Japan: Work on the space stations continues, and it is estimated that they will be ready for being sent up by the end of the year. Research continues, and the miltary is equiped with more missiles.
- Democrists: More settlers head to other planets, and more of our solar system is taken over. Research on new anti-matter weapons has begun. The miltary is equiped with massive missiles that can destroy large areas of land. Massive hippie-like protests have begun in the nation's capitol when a foreign tourist of a different race was beaten by the Democrist Protection Agency (DPA), a rascist organization formed by extreme nationlists. However, these protests are being put down.
- South Africa: The South Africans launch Nike IV into Earth Orbit. Nike IV has the first South African space-walk as the South African floats in space for nearly one hour before returning to the craft. The Nike V rocket
New Flag of South Africa
- Canadian Diplomacy: Will you be able to launch Astros II?
- Australian Diplomacy: Can australia work with south africa, as we do not have a space program
- Canadian Diplomacy: Australia can work with Canada.
- South African Diplomacy: Yes we can help Canada and Australia.
- Venusians: The Venusians continue to make visits to New Mexico before they finally abduct an officer from the nearbye Area 51 and realise that their missing craft is within its walls. The officer is returned to Area 51 with a mind wipe and a tissue sample taken from his left buttocks. The Venusians once again are confronted by the USAF, but this time it is a warship and not a lander. The entire flight is destroyed in a single flash of light. The Venusians tell the international community that the Venusians "...wish for the continued existence of Humans, if only to remind us of our past." The Venusians investigate the changed heat of Pluto and some Neptunian Moons and discover the Terrans. Immediately they request that they evacuate the region.
- France: Work continues on the Archangel Michael and Archangel Gabriel.
- Caborr: The Caborr ships in the system locate and come alongside of the Terran ships to escort them out of the system.
- Dravimosian Empire: The Empire's fleet are in full orbit around Pluto, and they offer to evacuate the Venusian citizens still on the planet. Electromagnetic imaging reveals that the Humans have established several small space stations. The Dravimos request that the Terrans withdraw from this system.
- Terrans are on Pluto, not Venusians.
- If the Venusians colonized the Kuiper belt, they would have also colonized Pluto.
- Forgot Pluto was re-classified as a Kuiper Belt Object. Still think it was a stupid call by the scientists.
- It is stupid. Pluto should be a planet for every reason. I would be more okay with having maybe twelve planets rather than eight.
- 'but the definition of Kuiper Belt in venus' case depends on the Venusians' definition of it, not earth scientist ... am I right? 'and yes, I also agree with 12 planets. And also, as long as venus does not have any colonies there, which they do not (as indicated by their previous posts), it is fine that Terrans have it there, as Venus is not there.
- The problem with that is the Venusians established colonies there millions of years ago, far before this game began. So the Terran's actions could be considered an act of war.
- but the areas weren't colonized by Venus, and by Azaranian law, a species can only claim an entire system is they are the sole Sentient race native to it or if they occupy one planet in every "ring of orbit" if they are not a native species. since the humans are also sentient, although a bit primitive, the terrans have full right to establish colonies. But if the colonizing race is not native, and the colonies in this system are too small in size to adequately hold the number of colonizers and soldiers, this is considered an act of hostility, and if the native races reach a consensus that they want them gone, the native races and any allies (if requested) many use any force necessary to evict. if any non-native races want to evict, this is an act of war, while in the case of native races, it is not war, but the colonizing race breaking the law, and the native race doing justice.
- No, the Venusians established colonies throughout the Sol system millions of years ago, check it out on the species page.
- ISC: Believes that before the humans used some of the technology from the Venusian spacecraft to start making space stations. they start to believe that they may have other technologies as well. the ISC sends approx. 200 battlecruisers (each with 50,000 elite marines on board) just in case. they are kept near Jnudeelq, which, on normal power (not hyperdrive) is about a three day trip to earth. they are not there to attack earth, but are simply there in case earth gets out of hand.
- Mechs: The main superstructure of The Forge is powered up for the first time. It is warped to Mech Space to finalize reconstruction. The Mechs begin cleaning up the dig site of evidence of a Mech presence when a large number of humans, armed with grenades and other explosives, attack the Mechs. Due to the low presence of Mechs (and the few that remain on Earth at this point are workers), much of the dig site is taken over. The Mechs respond by warping a mid-size cruiser to reoccupy the dig site. The survivors are captured and the Mechs attempt communication. The human panics, but states 'we will kill you all!' Seeing this as a declaration of war, the Mechs learn what they can from the local area. Finally, the Mech virus is introduced into the area's electronics to learn about the infrastructure.
- Venusian Diplomacy: It would have been easier to sterilize the area with your cruiser and suffer no one who saw to live. You could have just dropped a small nuke from orbit, never even exposing yourself as it could have been mistaken for a asteroid.
- United States: The Ares Mission continues to go well. Launch is expected this June. Late this quarter, news of a disturbance in Mexico reaches the US. A USAF strike force heads to the site of the disturbance and never returns.
- The Terran Empire: The Terran Empire continues to send ships and soldiers to Pluto and Neptune. There are now a combined 3000 capital ships around Pluto and Neptune, as well as 900 billion soldiers and support staff.
- Dravimosian Diplomacy: With the increase of ships to this system, the Dravimos send billions of Xeraji to the battlegroup orbiting Pluto. The Dravimos government also threatens to contact and arm the Human race if diplomatic talks are not held over the next few months.
- Regenetech: We don't want Earthians to notice us. If they see too many "things" near Pluto and Neptune, they might send probes after us and discover us or something. For the sake of the Earthians, we should be careful. Now a total of fifteen fleets are present at Sergei-VX-912.
- SPA Races, please check out the new SPA page. It will be used for secret negotiations.
- Azaranians Send a second Delegation to the Terrans (containing a member of the Azhuranthia council , and a viable candidate for the next emperor of Azarath), and order both delegations to relay this message to both races: According to Azaranian law, a species can only claim an entire system is they are the sole Sentient race native to it or if they occupy one planet in every "ring of orbit" if they are not a native species. since the humans are also sentient, although a bit primitive, the terrans have full right to establish colonies. But if the colonizing race is not native, and the colonies in this system are too small in size to adequately hold the number of colonizers and soldiers, this is considered an act of hostility, and if the native races reach a consensus that they want them gone, the native races and any allies(if requested) many use any force necessary to evict. if any non-native races want to evict, this is an act of war, while in the case of native races, it is not war, but the colonizing race breaking the law, and the native race doing justice. one catch though: humans must agree. but if you can prove that they cant comprehend yet and are not responsible and united enough to decide for themselves concerning galactic war, you can decide on their behalf (this only happened once when the Azarath got involved, because the other native race was primitive and nearly wiped themselves out with nukes). The Azarananian people and the Newly Elected Senate think alike on this issue, and we will go to any means to protect this law, and act as possible mediators in the upcoming conflict. Galactic peace must be respected, and the supreme law of the first Azaranian Galactic Summit must be respected, the first law governing space, as developed by the first race this time has seen! We have unlimited means, and our only objection to the Byzantines' Occupation of MArs is that they said to give stelar tech to the devided race of humans, which in and of itself means transfrering knowledge to a divided race (last time the Azaranians let this pass, an entire planet and its sentinet inhabitants got blown to smitherines, and the perpetrators convicted of Genocide). LONG LIVE THE AZARATH! LONG LIVE THE GUARDIANS! LONG LIVE THE AZHURANTIA, THEIR LEGACY! " The Azaranian Delegation to the SPA has given this stature of Azaranian law to the SPA council. (Look, I'm trying to be an ancient race that tries to derive peace at any costs and is very proud of its laws and customs, and considers them the galactic law code, as they are proetty contextual, and depending on context, the Azaranians could settle prior differences with other races to protect Azaranian Law at any cost. Believe me, the Azaranians are not happy with the prior genocidal mood of the Terrans, and are more likely to side with the SPA on this issue, but if the amount of people is scaled down, there seems to be no threat. to the Native species of this system(and because they are two, the venusians cant just claim the entirety of the Sol System unless its occupation by force)). Meanwhile, an Asteroid(actualy an Azaranian impac reserch vessel) goes down to earth and prepare the ancient structure of stonehenge to be used as a warp site, as mars is, and to learn the language of humans and decifer the culture and situation of the planet> this will take 0.5-1.25 years. a bunch of these impact research vessels (containing personnel) are sent throughout the world to asses the conditions of unity of the race and the differences in culture and language, and to learn them. ETA: 0.75-2 years.
- Mechs: Several recon ships visit Earth to gather more information. Humans are abducted for study and fake human skins are put on Mech Infiltration units. The situation around the world is analyzed. Much of the world is unstable.
- United States:The Ares I rocket is launched to Mars. Meanwhile, tales of 'alien abductions' increase by almost 40% this year.
- Soviet Diplomacy: The USSR offers a treaty to the US ending the Vietnam war.
- Canadian Diplomacy: The US is still running the Mariner program, correct? (I'm asing, because America's Voyager I probe is the farthest man-made structure now, and Canada could gladly launch it for you. Mariner program should be launching Mariner 6 and 7 in 1969. But this is alternate history, so you don't have to launch it if you don't want to.)
- USSR: The Soviet navy observes UFOs attack a drug gang that took over a dig site in the Atlantic Ocean. They report to the government, who reacts with hysteria. They order large scale spending on military improvement and space research. they send more supplies to Cuba. More sections of the Ascension Space station are launched and Cosmonauts are sent to man the station.
- Israel: Research into the captured alien ship begins, with the two surviving crew members being taken into custody and tried as an violation of Israeli airspace, their fate will never be known to the Israeli government, the people of Israel, United Nations, and the aliens hovering in their ships. Israel begins sending small amounts of supplies to its neighboring Arab nations, to allow themselves to protect them.
- Japan: Research continues, and work on the space stations continues. They are complete, and will be sent up before the end of the year. The military is equipped with more missiles, and the military is starting to research new ways of fighting enemies without using massive amounts of manpower. New advances in rockets give the military the power to do this. New, faster, and more accurate missiles are built that will use less manpower than using tanks or planes. The military starts to focus more on these types of weapons over the conventional ones, and begins to shirt gears toward better and bigger missiles.
- Democrist: Colonists move onto more planets in our own Solar System. Every planet of our Solar System has at least one settlement of ours on it. New major weapons are being built which include Massive Lasers that can destroy meduim sized cities (i.e population of 500,000 or less). It is being called the Rain. It is first used on a small civilization that has been a long time enemy of the Democrists. They are called the Enumus. Contact was lost with them after the First Nuclear War. It was later learned that they soon went off into civil war, but soon recovered and formed a new nation. To show the new nation the Democrist's power, the Rain will destroy a massive city that belongs to them in revenge for a similar attack they committed when they raided a large group of ships carrying a weapon that could destroy all nuclear weapons being fired, this was done before the First Nuclear War, therefor destroying all chance of stopping the war. Many Democrists hate the Enumus for this, and vow to get revenge.
- Dravimosian Diplomacy: We request that you do not hunt the Enumus to extinction. We will send a small fleet of ten ships to ensure that. We also offer a new chance to take back your homeworld and terraform it back to normal.
- Democrists Diplomacy: The Enumus are the reason that our anti-ICBM systems were not in place. Because of them, an entire race could have gone into extinction. However, if you help us fix our old planet by terraforming it, we will let them live.
- Dravimosian Diplomacy: Agreed, it's just that in our culture we believe that no species deserves extinction. We will take some Enumus for cryo-storage
- ISC: The ISC sends more troops. there are over 1,000,000 Salaamberian special ops marines in the system.
- Regenetech: The Empire sends another fleet to the Sergei-FX-912. The Empire peacefully takes over numerous minor planets at the very edge of their Solar System.
- Canada: Canada launches Apollo 3. It orbits the moon, but has return to Earth before making a landing. Apollo 4's launch is scheduled for June. Astros 2 is launched. Two more sections of Explorer-Discovery are launched with it. Astros 3 and Astros 4 are sent to South Africa to launch in June. Permission to reverse-engineer the rocket is given. Blueprints for the Astros launchers are also sent to Australia, so that they can reverse-engineer the Astros and help Canada. The Bellona Project is created, to hit Mars.
- Canada: Apollo 4 launch time arrives. However, complications arrive within the rocket, and it, supported by Neptune VI, cannot launch. Relaunch is scheduled for Early July.
- South Africa: The South Africans receive the Astros 3 and Astros 4 and they prep the Astros 3 for launch in November. The Astros 4 is systematically taken apart and every part analyzed. They incorporate several of the designs into Nike VI. Nike V launches and sends the first South African into Polar Orbit. He circles the Earth seven times before landing 20 miles off of Wilhelm II Land in Antarctica. The South African is quickly recovered by the South African Navy, although he suffers severe hypothermia. The astronaut makes a full recovery in Cape Town General Hospital. South African astronomers discover several dozen objects around Venus. The news is kept quiet though as they back up their claims.
- Dravimos: The Xeraji construct multiple space stations around the orbit of Eris and Sedna. They also create several Space Hives, rapidly breeding more soldiers in the system. The government declares it will not attack the Terrans unless the Venusians attack first. A translation device with all known languages is completed and given to all soldiers.
- Terran Empire: The Terran Empire colonizes another planet in star system SE-340-234, a nation with sentient natives who are somewhat primitive, bringing their total colonies to 23,534 and their population to 152 trillion. More ships are sent to Pluto and Neptune, and the total capital ships are 4500 and small ships are about ten million. There are also 700 billion soldiers and 200 billion support staff.
- These numbers are too big, I don't even think Pluto or the other small objects out there can even hold 221 trillion. A number in the millions is much more likely.
- considering that he has that many colonies, it is possible, but only if he has around 10 billion population on each. 221 trillion is still too much but it is somewhat realistic (although I doubt he could have a population of ten billion on each colony_
- The number 221 trillion was my total population the 900 billion troops I have around Pluto are mostly on my ships, although some are on the ground. I fixed the 221 trillion to 152 trillion, so the population on each one is considerably less. Also, this doesn't include asteroids, satellites, etc. Finally, my main world is much bigger than earth (although not as huge as Neptune, etc), and holds say 23 billion. Also, it's possible to move ten billion to colonies because of my warp drive.
- Also, they were not empty planets. They were civilizations with sentient creatures (take that, SPA!)
- What I'm saying is that ten billion people on a planet gets deadly close to overpopulation, whatever the planet size, and stuff, so I would say its the population max.
- Depends. Earth has seven billion, and it's not even close to real overpopulation. Also, I lowered my population.
- Just getting into this argument, and I noticed something. The mods are all ancient races with many billions or trillions of soldiers. How can any other players stand up to them? The mods are already powerful enough by the fact that they are mods, so they shouldn't commit hundreds of billions to two worlds that other players are interested in. Just saying.
- Caborr: The Caborr send several fleets to the solar system in case of attack.
- France: Construction on the space stations continue.
- Canada:
- October: Apollo 5 is launched, using the rocket Neptune VII. Mark Holt and Neil Armstrong note several little dots near Neptune and Pluto. As they continues their journey, the number of dots increase and the dots become clustered clouds surrounding the two planets.
- November: Astros V and Astros VI are launched. Explorer is completed. Two more segments of Discovery are needed. Canada proposes the "International Space Station," a space station that all nation with space travel can have access to. When Apollo 5 lands on the moon, world history is made. Mankind has stepped foot on another celestial body. However, after Armstrong says the famous words "One small step for man, and a giant leap for mankind," a small space probe marked with strange letters passes overhead just as the NATO flag is planted on the moon. The Canadian flag, UN Flag, and US Flag are planted swiftly on the moon and Apollo 5 prepares to go back to Earth. Cosmos III is sent to monitor Explorer.
- December: The crew of Apollo 5 returns home. They are celebrated all over the world. The Bellona Project begins. Launch for Bellona 1 is expected in November. Astros VII is launched. One more segment, the largest segment, is needed to complete the space station. Three men are sent to live in the Canadian Space Station Explorer. They are sent on the Space Shuttle Alexander.
- Regenetech: The Dravimos are asked if they can lend knowledge of the Earthian languages to the Empire. The RSD Enforcer and the RSD Executor are sent back the Home System to be fitted for superlasers. A space station is started in the Oort Cloud, with Regen Firewalling. The Empire asks the SPA if they want to use it as some sort of military base. The superlaser is attached to the space station, which is named Preseverance.
- Mechs: The Forge is tested on an uncharted planet. Results seem promising.
- USA: The Ares I rocket continues toward Mars.
- Mexico: starts to make rockets to go to Jupiter and Mars.
- You can't land on Jupiter. It's a gas giant.
- He never said landing, he just said that he was sending rockets there.
- USSR: The Soviet Union expands the Ascencion Space station; it is now holding eleven cosmonauts and has two small cannons for defense. A probe lands on the moon at a prime landing zone, and plans for a landing are underway. A Soviet Army is sent to North Vietnam to end the war there.
- Dravimos: Several space stations are now in orbit around Eris and Sedna. The translation software is sent to the Regenetech. A small fleet of ships is sent to the Enumus Homeworld to capture a few of them.
- Regenetech Diplomacy: Many thanks from the IAEA and the Empire for the translating device software.
- The Byzantine Empire: The Alpha Centauri now is more than 90% colonized by the Empire, while Mars's Byzantine Population still is growing despite the massive amount of civilians moved to the Alpha Centauri system, with Alpha Centauri numbering over 180 million Byzantines just on the main planet of Alpha Centauri, which is the size of Sol's Jupiter. The entire system has over 3 billion Byzantines thanks to increased immigration form the homeworld/system and Mars, which is being evacuated by the Byzantine Empire as fast as possible in accordance with the SPA's offer. Mars still numbers over 8 million people due to illegal immigration and the high birth rates of the species. The SPA's guidelines are being followed to the letter, and we are leaving Mars as fast as we can. The Empire captures the American rocket Ares I, and its crew are taken to the Byzantine base on Mars, where all information possible is peacefully taken from them, including the types of religions, government systems, space technology, nuclear weapons technology (who has it), and they are soon given a memory wipe and given memories of a malfunction in the rocket and they are sent back to Earth with enough life support systems to get them home, and the malfunction is created although it is non-life threatening, and they and there rocket are carefully escorted home to make sure they are not harmed, although the Humans do not know of the escort, or any alien civilizations. The new data is offered to other Alien nations.
- Regenetech Diplomacy: Not to sound rude, but the Alpha Centauri A is colonized by the Empire. We own our home system, two neighboring systems, and Alpha Centauri A. Please move to Alpha Centauri B.
- Byzantine Diplomacy: We are aware of that, and we are talking about System B.
- Regenetech: OK. Be quick in evacuating Mars. Amerrickka is sending Earthians to Mars. We offer two fleets to help you evacuate Mars. (That's 520 ships)
- BE Diplomacy; The Empire suggests the American mission be mysteriously caused to disappear, with the Humans being taken unharmed to talk to them and learn of their world, after words, they will have their memories wiped and be returned to there home world in a exact copy of their ship with a malfunction so that the USA suspects nothing. The ships are accepted as well, and the Regenetec are thanked.
- Regenetech: No, no. The Amerrickkans are smarter than the other Earthians. They will send something after their ship. They have cameras. What we can, however, is to send radio signals to their ship and make it land somewhere where your Byzantines are not located. Are the settlers in the North, South, East, or West?
- BE Diplomacy: The act has been done, and the Americans are being sent home. The cameras were deceived using stealth rays (invisible shields), so the Americans saw nothing.
- Regenetech Diplomacy: The 520 ships are sent back home in disgust. You didn't need to extract information from those astronauts. The Empire and the Dravimos had knowledge of this. It could have been offered to the Byzantines, but not now, not from the Regenetech Empire. Now the small human race has not achieved their mighty goal of landing on Mars.
- BE Diplomacy: The Empire can land a Byzantium scientists there and have him claojed as a human, giving the Americans more space technology and allowing them to reach Mars within a year.
- RD: The Amerrickkans will just fix their ship and send Earthians to Mars in months.
- BE D: The Empire has landed the cloaked Byzantium scientist on Earth, and he has approached the government of a nation called China to give them space technology. Another has been sent to the American government.
- RD: No! Not Sina! Absolutely not!
- Please take back the "cloaked" scientists! China doesn't have space program! Just because you're playing China doesn't mean that you get to help them.
- China: China's new Democratic government is now functioning quite well adn efficiently, and China's military is now over 45 million men in uniform, and growing fast. Nuclear research continues at a very rapid pace as Chinese spies in both the USSR and the USA are uncovering more and more information on the "Nuclear Puzzle", the first bomb should be detonated very soon... The Chinese launch a manned rocket to Mars after years of construction, and it should arrive within 2 turns.
- Japan: Celebrations are being held in the streets as people are excited that Humans have landed on the moon. Research continues, and one of the space stations is finished. Liberty goes up into orbit, and it can hold three people. It is decided that instead of two minor space stations, the other one will become an attachment to the other one. It is sent up, and the astronauts begins putting the two space stations together. A large telescope is being built to be sent up next year.
- Democrists: More people head to planets in our solar system, and the economy continues to grow. New planets have been discovered near us that have a large amount of new plants that we have never seen before. The other planets seemed to have plants similar to ours, but these are completely different. Several scientists are being sent to the new planet to research these new lifeforms.
- Israel: Israel begins designing an space program to send an Israeli into space, and soon be able to make an space station, and request help from both the USSR, USA, and South Africa to do so. Meanwhile, the two Israeli Air Force jet chases to more dots into the desert of Jordan, but never return. Research into the advance spacecraft captured continues, as does construction on more nuclear weapons.
- South Africa: Nike VI and Nike VII are launched. They reach lunar orbit and return to Earth within five months. The South Africans begin building nuclear weapons, they plan to detonate their first atomic weapon in 1971.
- Venusians: The Venusians request that the BE leaves Mars within six months. They offer two hundred three cargo ships to move their population, granted it won't be a pleasant trip being in a cargo hold but it will get the job done. The Venusians begin to research intergalactic travel, something that used to be impossible because of the massive gravity wells just outside of the galaxy. The Venusians request that the Terrans leave the Sol system.
- BE Diplomacy: The Empire thanks the Venusians for the offer, and it is accepted, but asks that the ships be filled only half way, as the Race will probably fill these by the time they get to Alpha Centauri B, but this will only get 350,000 Byzantines there. 80,000 colony ships are sent to Mars, these are to help transport the Martian-Byzantines to A-C B.
- Regenetech Diplomacy: We would like to help develop intergalactic travel.
- Here's a map of nearby stars
Many thanks to Bobalugee for the map.
- Regenetech: Alpha Centauri and Proxima Centauri. Our home system is located in between these two stars.
- Dravimos: The stars surrounding Procyon. That is our home system. More specifically, Luyten's Star (already colonised), Ross 614, DX Cancri (Already colonised), and Sirius (Small military presence).
- Democrists: The Solar systems around Teegarden's star. That's where our solar system is.
- Byzantium Empire: Serius, Ross 249, Ross 128, Wolf 359, Groombridge 34, Struve 2398, and Crooger 60. We have minor colonies in all of these systems from the Empire's early days in the colonization rush.
- Notice: Overcolonization! Where exactly is the Byzantine home world? And the Dravimos have a presence in the Sirius system.
- Most of those don't even have planets orbiting the stars, guys.
- Just because we haven't detected planets around them doesn't mean that there aren't. In fact it is very probable that they do have planets around them.
- Correction: There is probability of planets around aCentauri A, B and C. There could be exoplanets there. And besides, many of us races have terraforming power.
- No, it is very likely that there are planets around almost every star. Not that we can see from Earth maybe, but they are likely there.
- Yes, that is correct. There is high probability of planets around stars, especially those like our Sun. Most stars do have exoplanets, although unseen by the Human race.
- Another Thing: If the BE is native to the Large Magellanic Cloud, they must have developed intergalactic travel, which no one has!!!!
- I beg to differ! Azaranians have in their day at their height held control of half of their known universe! the PtP Warp systems were installed in every planet that the Azaranian Empire had visited. through this warp, Azaranian ships can travel throughout the stars and across galaxies, as long, however as they have a PtP warp drive to go to. without a start and end drive, the Place-to-Place warp can not work. The Pyramids of mars with the great face of Mars and Stonehenge are such warp drives (although you shouldn't know about Stonehenge until I get it up and running or some spies or something figure it out). Destroy the end drives and I can't warp anything anymore.
- Say what???
- That is not possible in the least. No matter how old your civilization is, it is very doubtful that you would even be able to travel between galaxies, let alone half the universe. Realistically, if your species fully evolved and started civilizations around 12 billion years ago, that is still not enough to travel most of the universe without breaking the laws of physics, which you just can't do.
- I thought that I would have to explain this, but "know universe" is whatever the Azaranians know, not entire (Discovered universe, if you will, which is two or three galaxies). intergalactic travel is possible, and we still haven't discovered the properties of superluminal travel, which is still theoretically possible. We haven't disproven faster-than-light travel.
- We know what the "known universe" is. We're saying that no one has intergalactic travel. No matter how ancient, no species has intergalactic travel. Gravity wells outside the galaxies prevent this. It would be very hard to travel IG. Take the Star Wars Expanded Universe: It took the Yuuzhan Vong billions of years to figure out how to get into another galaxy. The bottom line is: Nobody can travel intergalactically.
- And another thing: you had to get to another galaxy to put a warp drive there.
- Making the Assumption that cryogenics are possible, and with the fact that the Andromeda Galaxy is only about 2.5 million light years away, I would say it is possible, also considering that having warp systems implies that faster-than-light travel is possible. if cryogenics and faster-than-light travel is possible, then it is possible to travel to another galaxy. with a series of established warp drives between there and here, it is possible using Azaranian Technology to swiftly travel between these galaxies. for a multi-billion-year-old civilization, it is very well possible.
- Azaranian:Capety's star, Teegarden, YZ Ceti, EZ Aquari, tCeti, eErandi, Ross 154 and Luyten 726-8 are all planets with an Azaranian presence, and with Azaranian Warp drives, some are mere drives, others are full settlements. the Azaranians have colonized systems and half of their known universe in the past (half of known, that doesn't mean all, just out of the planets we know are habitable. Oldest Empire in History. This is possible).
- ISC: We are located in the Sagittarius galaxy, which is ridiculously close to the Milky Way Galaxy, so there won't be any problems with travel. We own most systems there (it is rather small compared to the Milky Way) and we have not colonized any of these stars yet, we have colonies close, but not in this star cluster. The only claim we made is on Jnudeelq (sedna) which is an interplanetary diplomatic base.
- Canada:
- January: The last section of Discovery is launched, using Astros VIII. Victory is celebrated throughout Canada and the NATOsphere. The first complete space station in the World is completed. In the name of Canada! Long live the CSEA! Alexander II goes up into space taking seven astronauts. Two go onto Explorer while five go onto Discovery. With the grandeur being brought in with the new year, more greatness in astronomical advances are expected.
- February: Cosmos IV is launched. It lands on the Discovery, bringing two small cannons with it. One is mounted on Explorer, while the other is mounted on Discovery. Canada promises that these will not be used against any other nations.
- March: Bellona 1 is launched, using Neptune VIII. The reason Bellona was prepared so fast was because it was built using American Ares designs. The ship is checked for any malfunctions before sent off. A space probe, Sealion, is sent alongside the ship.
- Regenetech: The Empire sends Enforcer and Executor back to Sergei-VX-912. Might and Domination are sent back to the home system. New reaches the Empire that "Kanadda" is launching a mission to Mars. Two fleets are sent very quickly to Mars to evacuate the Byzantines. The Empire warns them to not do anything to the ship. If the ship is intercepted, the Empire will do its best to prevent this. Once again, we offer to help redirect the ship so it does not encounter the colonial settlers. Fleet Engineer Ed Bantha tells the colonists that the fleets can send the Kanaddian ships to the other side of Mars.
- Mechs: The Forge is officially declared completed. Meanwhile, to facilitate better communications and trade with known space, the Mechs warp Installation 6, an artificial planet, to orbit Fomalhaut. A planet in its orbit is also changed by The Forge before The Forge is warped back to Mech Space. The Mechs produce soldiers at an unprecedented level. Meanwhile, Installation 4 is brought into the Outer Arm. The area experiences widespread blackouts and mechanical issues.
- Israel: The space program continues to progress, and plans to send the first Israeli man in 1971, an man on the moon in 1973, and the construction of an space station on the moon by 1981 (these are all just goals for the Israeli government, so there not affirmative. Meanwhile, more UFO's are intercepted by the Israeli army and air force, which leads to the destruction of an ISN cruiser, an squadron of F-4's, and two M60 Pattons.
- USSR: The Soviets land three cosmonauts on the Moon as per the Ascension project. The Soviets will return to establish a moon base later this year. A spacecraft directed at Venus is also planned for later this year, but the effort is mainly toward the moon base. The Soviet army stops the North Vietnam army from attacking South Vietnam.
- Dravimosian Empire: Two more space stations are added to the ones in Sedna orbit. A fleet is sent to Sirius to ensure protection of the Empire's interest's it that system. The number of Xeraji in the Sol system now number in the billions because of their fast reproduction rate.
- China: China discovers a scientific genius by the strange name of Afkar Byzantine, who sells the Chinese governments plans for building a space rocket within months and getting to Mars within six months, these plans are immediately put into effect, and the Afkar 1 is launched with five astronauts into Space and it is targeted to reach Mras, using Byzantines plans, within 5 months. Construction of more space rockets with goals of reaching Venus and Mars are completed, and Afkar 2 is launched toward Venus. Afkar is kept in Beijing where he is kept safe from any attempts on his life by enemy spies.
Spies: By order of their government, spies are secretly sent to Beijing. Posing as great Chinese officials, they offer to take Afkar with them so they can talk. While being transported to the spies' homeland, he dies of hypothermia since the ship is going through the Arctic circle. With him, Chinese space plans are lost. (Remember, no one knows about this!)- China: China has him under top security, so now you didn't.
- Canadian Diplomacy: Don't try to go toward Venus. If you get too close, your spaceship might explode or spontaneously combust. Save your men now and bring back to Earth!
- Chinese Diplomacy: Our ships, with Afkars plans, which were copied and put under Top Secret, DEFCON 1 Security level protection, and Afkar is still alive and well while The ships have every last detail, including the unlikely event of micrometeors and extended fuel tanks and solar batteries including an early shielding ray which blocks many problems that could harm the craft. And Afkar is given all the things he will ever need.
- Read this very carefully: You are going overboard here. Many things are wrong:
- Do Byzantines even look like humans, that "Afkar" could fool the most intelligent nation of Asians?
- China had no space program. Remember that each turn is three months long. It take at least 6-9 months to start one, then even more months to make just one spaceship, then even more months to build another space ships. By the end of all this, nearly two years should have passed.
- Realistically, you can't put more than four men in a standard sized spaceship. If you put five, it would have to have been huge. If it was too big, it would be able to escape the gravity pull of Earth.
- If it was too big, it would burn up in the atmosphere.
- The most overboard part: Because you are playing for China and the BE, you think you should help yourself to get off the ground. And we all know that you will allow Afkar I to land on Mars, sparking a major scale GALACTIC WAR, between most known species and the BE.
- It'll take months to get Afkar 1 to Mars. By then, Canada's Bellona 1 will have landed there. But the BE will just intercept the ship and cause a "malfunction" and send it back to Earth.
- You can't even try to approach Venus. If you get too close, you'll explode. Even you manage to enter Venus, your ship will explode in the boiling Venusian atmosphere.
- Just because it goes near Venus does not mean it will explode. Venus has less gravity than Earth, so nothing would go wrong. If he tried landing on Venus, then the spacecraft would either be fried or implode, likely both.
- Byzantines are humanoids, and have two arms, two legs, and with the applying of some cloaking and the ability of some Byzantines to morph some of their appearance, yes they do look somewhat like humans.
- The Empire has advanced building methods and can build a large ship in weeks.
- I was talking about China. It is a human race. It would take months to develop a space agency, start building a rocket, and finishing a rocket. Of course the Empire can do it, but China cannot accomplish this, because they are human and not as old as other species.
- I will reduce it to three
- It will not land on Venus, it will orbit the planet for a while and then return home.
||*#Afkar 1 will be deflected to a Martian moon and forced to land in the uncolonized portions of Mars near the South Pole. And Canada's will not malfunction and be allowed to land near the South Pole. And the Empire has cloaking technology so the colonies cant be seen from Space.
- OK, I said it would take a while
Venusian Diplomacy: If it gets too close to Venus I'm blowing it up, there final word.
China, it will take a year just to build a spaceship and upward of two years to get to Mars. And BE, it is against the rules to 'uplift' a nation like this.
That's what I've been trying to tell him.
- Japan: Research continues, with nice gains in Rockets and Robotics happening. A Spaceship is being built that can carry three people. At first, it was decided that it should carry five people, but after technical problems it was scrapped and three people was chosen. The two Japanese Space Stations in orbit have successfully been put together to form Liberty. The Astronauts out there have begun researching how to best protect Astronauts from the sun's rays. The military is equipped with more missiles.
- Democrists: More settlers head to the planets in our solar system, and the military is equipped with more laser weapons. The Rain is completed, and is tested on a large town full of pirates and escaped criminals. It is a success, and the town is destroyed. Other cities on the Asteroid reported small magnitude earthquakes, but it wasn't on the large scale.
- Venusians: The Venusians begin to post picket ships along the outer fringes of the Oort Cloud once more. The Venusian Navy begins to prepare the defenses of Venus to make sure that other species cannot enter Venusian Orbit without permission.
- South Africa: South Africa launches the Nike VIII into Lunar Orbit and they meet up with Nike IX, launched just after they were. They both transfer crews before returning to Earth. The South Africans launch an invasion of Lesotho and Swaziland, quickly capturing both small nations using massive amounts of chemical weapons and infantry.
- Japan denounces South Africa, stating that no nation should ever use chemical weapons on any nation. Also, this is bully of smaller nations by South Africa.
- Azaranians: The Azaranians have finished the linguistics report on the languages that the human "United Nations" call official languages: Russian, English, Spanish, French, Mandarin Chinese, and Arabic. with these languages now deciphered, they can now be programed into the Azaranian Mass Translation Device, so that every word can be understood in these languages. The Azaranians reveal that they can now contact the Earthican Governments and inform them about the events that occurred. the Unity report is nearly done, while the Repair of the Stonehenge Warp drive is now entering the final stages of completion, mabe one or two more months before it is done. the Azaranians set up a Temporary residence on Mars next to the Great face warp while the Delegations are with both the Terrans and the SPA. Some constructions workers and small scale terraform and false gravitation experts are also warped to make the area that the Azaranians will inhabit hospitable while it lasts. A small area nearly 1000 sq km in size is chosen for a short term residency for the Ambassadors in the delegation and their crews and fighter pilots and everyone that is deemed necessary to be the escorts of the two Azaranian Delegations along with their servants. Azaranian People are not advised to go due to the short-termed plan of residency.
- Dravimos Diplomacy: Just saying, we already created a translation software, we can send it to you if you want.
- Azaranian Diplomacy: We have our own, it's just a matter of programing human languages into it. it is advanced enough to filter out voice in radio and video transmissions and translate them while keeping the proportional voice of the speaker (while leaving the background relatively untouched, but will translate all voice recognized), and will also translate both ways, meaning earthicans will be able to understand us now. If your software does the same thing, the Azaranians will thankfully use it, although it will take a while to reconfigure them to our computers and systems. Thank you for the technology if it does the same thing.
- Terran Empire: The Terran Empire continues to build defenses on Pluto and Naiad. However, they do offer support against the Byzantines in case of a war with them with the Venusians, if the Byzantines violate Venusian airspace. Meanwhile, a thousand more ships are built and warped into Pluto and Neptune, to guard against possible attack. Meanwhile, three more planets are colonized in other places.
- Canada:
- April: Early in the month Bellona 1 reaches the Explorer. It is scheduled to leave Explorer and go to Discovery in June. The astronauts on board Bellona and Explorer make contact with ground base. Plans are created to build a new space station. Astros IX and Astros X take parts of Kratos and Chaos into space.
- May: The astronauts of Apollo 5 are released from quarantine. Cosmos V goes to Explorer to give supplies to the astronauts onboard. It moves on to Discovery so that it will be prepared to refuel Bellona 1's astronauts when it gets there. Astros XI takes more parts of Kratos and Chaos into space.
- June: Bellona 1 leaves Explorer. It reaches Discovery by the end of the month. There, the astronauts make contact with Earth again so that they don't go crazy from being isolated from Earth for so long. Astros XII and Astros XIII take the last parts of Kratos into space. Because of its small size, it is finished quickly. Alexander III takes men to man it, including supplies and a small cannon. Astros XIV takes more parts into space. Bellona 1 is scheduled to meet Kratos in July.
- Regenetech: Ships are sent to evacuate the Byzantines from Mars. Three fleets leave Sergei-VX-912 and take Byzantines away. The new translation software is improved by the IAEA.
- Japan: Research continues, and we warn South Africa if they don't retreat from the countries they conquered, we will take military actions against them. Work on the Space Ship continues, and we plan it will take at least a year to complete it. The military is equipped with more missiles.
- Error: Japan is not allowed an offensive military after WWII. In fact, you aren't even allowed to have an army more than 100,000, so yeah.
- We asked the US in the first turn if that treaty could be made void so that we can build up our military.
- Democrists: More Settlers head toward the planets in our solar system, even faster with the destruction of a massive pirate city. The Rain is being used on a small asteroid to which the amazement of many military officers, it destroyed it.
- USSR: The first section of the Acenscion Moon base is landed on the near side of the moon. The Acenscion space station is almost self sustaining, and now has 20 cosmonauts in it. A small robotic probe is launched toward Venus to examine the atmosphere and study the surface with radar.
- Israel: Israel prepares to launch a man into space, while research into their captured alien ship, when they receive alien signals. They used the captured aliens to transfer the message, and since months of captivity, have been adopted to both the Israeli sun and the language. The message is taken to the President, who sends it out to the military, who deploys everything. Israel finally announces its capture of
- South African Diplomacy: You are liars! You have no aliens, ya'll are just Zionist freaks!
- Israeli Diplomacy: We shot an UFO down, lost four jets, if you think were liars fine, but at least I didn't attack an smaller country.
- Dravimosian Empire: Several members of the Enumus race are abducted and studied as part of the impending Democrist invasion. They also begin to bombard the ravaged surface of the Democrist homeworld as per the agreement. Scientists begin studying the possibility of Intergalactic travel, but very little has been achieved. Dravimos scientists also land on Sedna, Eris, Pluto, and Triton to collect data. They leave shortly afterward.
- ISC: Sedna is Jnudeelq. there is no point in landing there.
- Mechs: A blockade around the outer spur commences. Billions of Mech ships patrol the area around the spur. Communications from the outer spur cease. Outgoing ships are impounded or destroyed, Ingoing vessels are told 'there has been a situation and it is too dangerous in the area. The Mechs have it under control'. Late this quarter, more ships are brought to strengthen the blockade.
- USA: The Ares I rocket is doing well in its mission to Mars.
- Terran Empire: The Terran Empire suddenly disappear from Pluto and Neptune, warping their fleets to an unknown location. Meanwhile, in another solar system, when a colonization mission goes awry, two sentient civilizations (Moderate advancement) are exterminated by KEW bombardment of their planet.
- Canada:
- July: Bellona 1 docks to Kratos. The astronuats there restock the food supply of the Bellona 1 as well as giving them the flag that they must put on the surface of Mars. Astros XV intercepts them and restocks the station as well as bringing more parts to Chaos.
- August: Canada decides that they will start Project Asteroids, to approach the asteroids and to perhaps land a man on Ceres or one of the other large asteroids. Chaos is completed with the launch of Astros XVI. Three men are going to be sent to it in the following month before Bellona 1 reaches it.
- September: Alexander IV takes four men to Chaos, and a cannon, surplus supplies, and radios. Bellona 1 reaches it in the middle of the month. The same procedure is repeated. Bellona 1 leaves at the end of the months, starting the final segment of the journey to Mars. Canada again proposes and International Space Station.
- Early October: Canada, after talks with Israel and Japan, starts its long-time proposal of an ISS. Astros XVII and later Astros XVIII take parts of it into lunar orbit. Cosmos VI is launched to monitor activity around the ISS in construction.
- Regenetech: The IAEA continues teleportation. A strange object crashes into Deregen. When examined, it is proven to be a teleportation device. The IAEA reverse-engineers the whole thing, completing another section of the great researches of the IAEA. An Imperial-class Super Star Destroyer is sent to the farthest known star, where a space probe is deployed so the Empire can figure out what happens to it when it exits the Galaxy. Might and Domination are sent back to their home fleets. The Space Station around Sergei-VX-912 is completed, and SVX912 is renamed Jespin.
- France: The French finally complete construction on the Archangel Michael and Archangel Gabriel, which are immediately sent into orbit.
- USSR: The Ascension Moon base is now officially started, and two modules are added, though no one lives in it yet. The Ascension Space Station is given a rocket module that shoots one rocket and it has four others in storage. The robotic probe flies by Venus, and the informations it sends back suggests Venus is uninhabitable.
- Dravimosian Empire: Upon seeing the Terrans leaving the Sol System, the Dravimosian fleet there inspects the situation. Xeraji scouts land on Naiad, and they encounter no one, although they recover Terran DNA and several data files. The fleet begins to un-terraform Naiad, and it is completed after about a month. A fleet patroling in the Sirius system detects an unidentified ship, and they apprehend it when it responds to no signals. It is taken to Krysalis for study when borders find no one.
- Dravimosian Empire: Dravimosian Scientists request that the Terrans send the Dravimos genetic samples of species that they exterminated. Also, the Dravimos will contact Humanity over the next few months if no one objects
- Regenetech Diplomacy: Objection. And how are you going to get the DNA? They're extinct.
- Dravimosian Diplomacy: It is very likely that they would keep DNA samples. Just because they are extinct does not mean there is no DNA.
- Terran Diplomacy: The Terran Empire refuses. Those species waged war against the Terrans and they paid the price.
- Regenetech Diplomacy: We still object to contacting humans.
- Dravimosian Diplomacy: @Terrans - Very well, it was just a request for scientific purposes. @Regenetech - We have evidence that suggests that they might already know about us. Since they have not tried to destroy us, they might not be as violent as we assumed.
- Regenetech Diplomacy: As soon as we meet them, they will be unconvinced unless member from every species land outside their capitals. They might just open fire. Even if they do know about us, they can't fight us because they've just now put themselves off-planet.
- Japan: The Space Ship has been finished, and it has been launched. It is going to go to the moon. It is carrying three people. Some people think that a base should been made on the moon. Three ships have begun to be built. To raise funds for this project, a new tv show has come out that talks about the various space programs. It will help raise funds for this project by asking people to donate to the project. Other ways of paying for it are raising tariffs. We ask other nations if they wish to participate in the program.
- Canada: Canada already has a space station near the moon. Also, does Japan want to help with the International Space Station? It has been a proposal of Canada for long.
- Israeli: Israel wants to join on the ISS.
- Canada: Let's get more nations to join first, although Canada will start launching parts of it.
- Japan: We thought we were helping in the ISS, thats why we sent up a large space station. Also, we are planning to create a base on the moon, not a space station around it.
- Canada: Oh and oh. You might need permission from the UN to build a moon base. Ask on the Human Negotiation Page.
- Democrists: More settlers head to planets in our solar system. More planets are colonised, and our homeland is finally returned after it was terraformed by Dravimos. The Rain is used on other pirate cities, and has proved to be an estiantial tool in the war on pirates.
- Israel: Israel continues translating the messages from the captured UFO's, who are treated well, and given an plentiful supply of food and water, as well as teaching them on how to use M-16's and other types of weaponry and entertainment. The President declares the two aliens citzens, while research into their vessel continues, and is expected to have an space ship ready by 1971.
- Just wondering, but since this might influence later events, what species are you thinking this is? Is it one of the player races or one we don't know about?
- We don't know, as we (Israel) has not seen any other spieces, but its most likely it would probaly one we don't know.
- True. And EH is not playing for any alien species.
- Terran Empire: The Terran Empire continues to create military warships, and colonize more planets.
- Canada:
- October: Astros XIX, Astros XX, and Astros XXI take more parts of the ISS into space. Bellona 1 reaches the 9/10 mark. Landing on Mars is scheduled for December, if all goes well. Alexander V takes more men to Kratos and Chaos.
- November: Bellona 1 reaches 19/20 of the way to Mars. The landing is set for the South Pole of Mars. The astronauts of Apollo 5 are reintegrated into the CSEA pool of astronauts. They all volunteer for the Asteroids program. Astros XXII and Astros XXIII are launched, completing the Canadian section of the ISS. Now the other nations must launch their part of it.
- December: Alexander VI takes men to it, alongside Cosmos VII, which takes supplies and other thing to it. Plans are created to put a space station between Mars and the Asteroid Belt. Bellona 1 reaches the South Pole of Mars on the 31st. Millions of people watch it live on TV and then go off to celebrate New Year's Eve. History has been made. The long return journey starts.
- Second Azaranian Delegation to the Sol System (now transfered to Earth): Translator systems online: The Human Race Has proven Itself worthy. The Unity report has come in. The Unity of your nations is not to be said, but I see hope, as when your nations find about threats, I see you able to overcome differences, and unite as to save yourselves. you are ready for first contact, and its time to do it the Proper way. I am Azhuranthia Councilor Sheraniran Xeni. And I extend a welcoming arm to you first Earth Pioneers, to the Nation of Kanada, and All earthly naitons. The Ruskiis have set up a base on your Satellite, Luna, you are worthy of who you will greet upon you return: our Emperor!
- Canada, the UN and Humans: The UN receives this message in one of its meetings. Some people believe that it is joke being played on them, while some believe that it is related to the recent alien stuff.
- Regenetech Empire: The Empire continues work on its researches. The Space Station around Jespin is manned and armed. The superlaser is attached to it. Troops are sent to it. The Imperial Flag is raised on it. It is given its own factory and own naval division. Ships are sent to Mars to evacuate the Byzantines.
- Byzantium Empire: The Empire continues to evacuate Mars. The Regenetech ships return to evacute more.
- China: China keeps Afkar under secure protection and start building more of his designs. Afkar 1 continues to Mars, while Afkar 2 reaches Venusian orbit.
- Venusian: The Venusians destroy the Afkar 2 just before it reaches visual range of High Venus.
The Venusian Frigate Aphrodite intercepts Bellona 1 they capture the vessel and take the crew out of the craft and disect them, they are then sewn back together and put back into the vessel, they wipe the camera's and crew's memory of the encounter and return the Bellona 1 to a Earth intercept path. - Hey, why'd you attack Bellona 1? It reached Mars and was going back to Earth!
- There is no way any Earth-built ship is reaching Mars within two years.
- Actually, there is. Look it up.
- After talking with Bobalugee, he apparently had no reason for intercepting the Bellona 1, so I struck it out. Forgive me if I shouldn't have done that, and forgive me if Bobalugee had a reason. (Although if he had one, he did not tell me.)
- No, I was just bored.
- South Africa: The South African Astronomer William Van Dyke discovers High Venus above Venus, he mistakes it for a moon and announces the discovery of a moon of Venus, which he names Aphrodite. The Nike program is discontinued and the Jupiter series is begun, it is basically the same thing as Nike except it has many computers integrated into the space craft.
- Dravimosian Empire: The derelect ship found by the navy is brought to Krysalis for examination. Scientists find DNA of an unknown species, and the engineering of the ship appears similar to that of of the forge artifact found on Earth. To investigate this, the Empire asks the Mechs if Dravimosian Scientists can examine declassified data files, assuming that the Mechs have any.
- USSR: The Ascension Space station is now considered more or less self sustaining, and for the first time astronauts from other nations may request to board. A high caliber machine gun is added along with two escape pods. A third section is sent to the Ascension Moon base, and some cosmonauts are sent to put it together before leaving. the discovery of a Venusian moon confuses Soviet scientists, as the Venera probe detected no such thing on its recent flyby.
- USA: The US Rocket Ares I is doing well on its mission to Mars.
- Mechs: By now, electric disturbances in the Outer Arm become widespread. Servant androids and computers act on their own accord, if not completely refuse to work at all. Several starship crashes are blamed on these disturbances. Late this quarter, the Mech blockade is re-inforced around the Arm.
- Dravimosian Diplomacy: Will the mechs grant access to declassified files as we requested?
- Mech Diplomacy: Yes, provided no information is witheld.
- Dravimosian Diplomacy: Of course. You will get the results that we get.
- Japan: Research continues. We ask the USSR if we can combine our two space stations with each other and form a larger one, and as a symbol of peace, we ask that it keep the name of your space station. The Space Ships that we were working on continue to be built, in case the UN says yes to our request to build a base.
- USSR Diplomacy: We will consider the possibility of combining our space stations.
- Terran Empire: The Terran Empire continue to build up their military, and colonize more planets.
- Azaranian Empire: After Much deliberation within the Senate, the Emperor Agrees to Be present in the First Formal Contact. The Second Delegation to Sol is asked to Stay behind and Greet the American Travelers upon their landing. A formal Escort is also issued to travel alongside the Canadian Vessel on its way back, equipped of course, with translation software, The Azaranian Emperor and his Imperial Escort are set to come to earth via the Stonehenge Drive(still not known as a Warp Drive), Fasinate the locals by doing a flyby, crossing the Atlantic ocean, then showing up in the city of new york, in the UNited NAtions Seat, and do a Formal first contact with every nation on the Planet Earth simultaneously through this UN (OON). THe Azaranians closely monitor the sky to try to predict where the americans will land, so that contact could be made. The Second delegation will also be in charge for visiting the future Luna base. The Research teams are told to stay on Earth to not alert the Earthlings of the Stonehenge Device ahead of time, as it would inconveniance the Azaranians to have it destroyed. Formal acceptance into the SPA is asked.
- SPA Diplomacy: Your request is readily granted.
- Canada:
- January: The Bellona 1 reaches Kratos on its return journey. The Asteroids Program is officially started. A probe name Eriksson goes toward the asteroid belt. Apollo 6 is launched for another moon mission.
- February: Apollo 6 enters lunar orbit. The mission lands on the moon and returns. Neil Armstrong and Mark Holt announce "Armstrong and Holt," their astronomy organization. They say that Van Dyke's moon is not a moon.
- March: Eriksson exits terrestrial orbit and heads for Mars. Work starts on Asteroids I.
- Early April: Bellona 1 reaches the Discovery. Eriksson reaches Martian orbit. It lands on the South Pole.
- Regenetech Empire: The Empire continues its researches and completes more work. Vlasvar VI is assassinated on a state visit to Nemethis.
- Japan: Work on the ships continues, and the new space industry is helping get people high tech jobs. Private investment in space has gone up 59% in the last year. A large group of wealthy people want to visit space. To help raise funds for the space program, a person can pay 50 million dollars to go into space and stay on the Space Station Liberty for four months. Immediately, some wealthy businessmen paid to go into space. There is a waiting list to go, and this is helping the Japanese space program.
- USSR: The Soviet government gives the OK for the Japanese to join the Ascension Space Station. The Soviet Space program sends up an Armory equipped with AK-47 assault rifles and CZ-75 automatic pistols. They also send a greenhouse module so that the cosmonauts can grow their own food. The government begins to increase relations with other Communist countries.
- Dravimosian Empire: The Fourth Battlegroup is attacked by a hostile race when it enters a new star system. The battlegroup fights back, but victory is yet to be declared. Research of Mech files continues, but the sheer number of files makes it difficult to come to any conclusion at this time.
- Azaranian Diplomacy: Please don't do that yet, we are only going to have a formal "first contact" when the canadian ship lands...please wait a bit ... please, you can contact them at the same time as us and if you do You can use the Stonehenge drive to fly beside us to demonstrate the unity of galactic races. but even if you decide not to, you can ask the humans on the space station to say nothing about the encounter until the official first contact...please.
- What Canadian ship?
- bellona 1
- Regenetech Diplomacy: We will send a message too.
- Sorry, I misread your post. I will change mine so first contact happens next turn.
- Oh, ok.
- The Terran Empire complete their planet destroying laser, and test it out on a long enemy of the Terrans, the Reims. Their home planet is completely destroyed, as well as several colonies of theirs. The Terran Empire formally annex the remainder of the Reim Empire, taking in 72 planets.
- Azaranians: Preparations for First Contact with Humans are made. The Azaranians colonize another world in the SMC.
- Canada:
- April: In this month, significant progress is made. Canada send Eriksson II out into the galaxy, although in the opposite direction of its predecessor. It goes toward Mercury, skipping Venus, following the destruction of Afkar 2.
- May: Bellona 1 docks at the Explorer. The astronauts stay there until July, in order to recover from their journey. Eriksson I lands on Deimos.
- June: Armstrong and Holt say that Mercury also has an object in orbit, although not a moon. It is too small to be a moon, but too big to be a space probe. Eriksson III is launched. It follows Eriksson I. On the advice of AH, the CSEA decides to send up Alexander VI, to bring the Bellona 1 home without wasting its fuel.
- Early July: Alexander VI receives Bellona 1 from the Explorer and begins its return journey to Earth.
- USSR: The Soviets station more troops in other Communist countries. Talks begin with Mongolia. The Ascension Space Station is expanded and now has 30 cosmonauts aboard.
- Azaranians: Final Preparations to Contact the Earthicans are made. The Emperor is prepped and briefed on the situation and the imperial guard prepares ships to travel from Mirtosalia to Stonehenge. The Second Sol Delegation is officially transferred to Earth and The Scientists and researchers on earth flock to New York and some to England to prep the Stonehenge Drive for Transfer. The Bellona's Escort try to establish communications with any people on the station, but stop trying as first contact nears. Establishing Connections with the Earthicans' Luna Base is made a priority for the Second Sol Delegation. The Azaranians have received reports that the Earthicans may try to cover up, and will try to make sure that the media will pick up that they have met with the Earthicans, and have made contact. The Second Delegation will be encouraged to construct an Embassy on Earth when first contact has happened. The Azaranians invite any other SPA races to join in this ceremony, as it is going to show unity of the races. a docking with the space stations in Near Earth Orbit is also planned for at the same time as first contact happens.
- ISC diplomacy: The ISC does not wish to soil relations with the Arazanians, but, if first contact is made, we will cut all diplomatic, economic and military ties with the Arazanians. we do not wish Earth to know of our presence. do not tell them we are here.
- Regenetech Diplomacy: We'll be there.
- Dravimos Diplomacy: The commander of the Fifth Battle group will be there.
- Regenetech Empire: The Emperor Byslank III prepares to land in New York City's Staten Island and then go to the UN headquarters for First Contact. An alliance is set with the Dravimos. (Am I right?) (LOL, yes) The Enforcer and Executor prepare to go to Earth, although they are nowhere near the Sol System.
- Dravimosian Empire: The Empire welcomes its new Alliance with the Regenetech Empire. The battle group plans to land in New York for the meeting. The Empire announces to the other races that the empire is in fact a confederacy of five races and that they intend to peacefully integrate the Humans into this empire.
- France: The cities of Paris and Marseille are destroyed by two massive nuclear explosions. Investigations begin immediately and the whole country is put on lockdown.
- Canada: Canada expresses sorrow over the bombings and the Canadian Air Force recovers a very very tiny fraction of the Eiffel Tower and promises to build a new one and give it to the French as a sign of good faith. Quebecois offer their deepest condolences, since many of them were related to the nuclearly deceased.
- Caborr: The Caborr witness the destruction of Pahrees and Mharesai (Caborrean for Paris and Marseille) and immediately alert the SPA. The main concern is that an alien nation destroyed the cities as as some kind of warning to the humans.
- Does anyone want to have First Contact now?
- Why not?
- What do you think will happen if a strange ship attempts to land in New York, arguably the most important city on the planet, which just happens to be inside of one of the countries currently in a Cold War, just after its allies two biggest cities got blown to kingdom come?
- Good point but still. We have our interests.
- We're trying to get something done here. If we don't do it now, someone will just bomb more and more cities.
- Making Earth part of your empire may not be the best idea. Besides, this species is divided into many factions and are not even ready to deal with others of their own race, much less, to them, extraterrestrials.
- I never said that it would, just that we would try to make it so. Don't worry, I won't take the role of the mods before the roll back.
- You know those people who try to force the puzzle pieces to fit together when they just won't? You can try, but I'm telling you that the humans aren't going to like it and will push back.
- I know, and I'm not going to directly force it on them if they refuse. All I'm going to do is suggest it to the Human nations. If they attack me, then that's not my fault.
- Just saying: give them a warning that you're going to land, don't do it out of the blue.
- Here's how we should do it: Send a radio to the UN. We'll tell them that aliens will land, and they better not attack. Then we ought to land. And go to them.
- Terran Empire: The Terran Empire continue to build military ships, and colonize more planets.
- Come on, people! Play! The game is slowing down!
- Israel: Israel sends its condolences to France. Meanwhile, talks with Lebanon begin on an unification treaty, combining the two. Israel says that it must put aside our differences, and protect each other from what ever or whoever attacked France.
- ISC: The ISC lands marines on Jnudeelq. they threaten to cut all diplomatic ties with nations who contact Earth. if Earth is contacted they will also take possession of Jnudeelq as a colony, and force all other races to leave the dwarf planet.
- Do you really want to evenly remotely try that? After all, the SPA is there.
- Australia: An Australian aboriginal man gains followers, as he believes the two french cities were destroyed by Gods. the government pays no attention to him, and he is ridiculed by the newspapers. He tells them that a god contacted his primitive radio, and while unable to contact back, he believes that they will come to earth soon.
- Japan: The Space Station, Liberty, has begun to join the Soviet space station. We continue to build ships that can go to the moon, and hope that we will have the three ships ready by the end of the year.
- Canada:
- July: Alexander VI returns to Earth. Delegates are sent to France (specifically far, far away from Paris and Marseilles). The government starts running into problems with funding for the CSEA. Fortunately, A&H saves the day and much money is donated.
- August: Eriksson I lands on Phobos. Pictures of Mars taken from there show strange clusters of dots. Work continues on the salvaged and repairing Eiffel Tower. Eriksson II makes its flyby of Venus. The Mercurian Satellite is said to have disappeared.
- September: Apollo 5's results are released to the public. Data and samples from the moon are seen by all.
- France: After its two biggest cities are reduced to non-existence, very few government officials are still alive. France holds emergency elections in order to restore the government and start the rebuilding process.
- ISC: Seeing as the plans for contacting earth are underway, ISC marines effectively capture Jnudeelq, and land several million marines there. they have captured most delagates and are holding them hostage in remote locations across the dwarf planet. they have a radar screen set up around Jnudeelq, and they demand a written treaty preventing Earth from being contacted. if Earth is contacted, or any hint of an operation to rescue the hostages is shown, all hostages will be killed immediately.
- Dravimos: With the hostage crisis on Sedna taking place, another battlegroup is sent to the system. The Dravimosian government demands that the ISC release the hostages at once, or the fleet in the system will completely destroy all life on Sedna.
- Caborrean Diplomacy: The Caborr send support fleets to the Dravimos, but request that no hasty decisions are made.
- ISC: do not attempt to assist Earth. you destroy your own men by destroying Sedna. we also have our battlefleet there which is in orbit, and will have to retaliate.
- Azaranian Diplomacy: If you kill a member of the Azhuranthia council (the highest position under the Emperors), the might of the Azaranian Empire will be unleashed upon you! if the Azhuranthia is not released, this will be considered an act of War. The Azaranian Emperor will continue his visit regardless. You continue your hostage situation, this is a declaration of war on the Azaranians, and by extension, the SPA. End of Story.
- Dravimos Diplomacy: While the loss of our diplomats would be regretable, if you kill them you will face a force like no other.
- Dravimos Diplomacy: With the teleportation technology given to the Dravimos, the armed forces begin Phase One of their plan. Team 14, the best Crixus infiltration team, teleports down to the surface of Sedna. Outfitted with special gold ammunition, they begin to resuce the hostages. When the operation is over, the team reports that they managed to rescue five hostages, and the other were unfortunately killed in the operation.
- Regenetech Empire: The Empire's attending fleets escort the Dravimos ships out of the system, while the Eighth Delegation come out of hiding and leave as well.
- USSR: The USSR continues to expand it space and moon stations while increasing relations with other Communist nations in Asia and Africa.
- Terran Empire: The Terran Empire claims responsibility for the bombings of the two cities, and say that Earthians are too violent and must be eliminated. To do this, another KEW is launched at Chicago, and Chicago is completely destroyed. A KEW will be shot every three months that Earth does not surrender, until nothing is left of Earth but dust. They send a message to all leaders of Earth, saying "We of the Terran Empire are mighty. Surrender now, or die." Quick and to the point :D
- ISC diplomacy: The ISC agrees that the natives of Earth are savage, but does not wish for them to be completely eliminated. th survivors among them should be allowed to live, however they should become more civil, and servants to our races. the ISC suggests an alliance between the two nations.
- Azaranian Message:
- This genocide will not be tolerated. Stop now or feel the power of the Azarath.
- Regenetech Diplomacy: We will not stand for this.
- Caborrean Diplomacy: This is wrong. Genocide is never the answer. What have you to gain from this?
- Regenetech Diplomacy: They will get nothing. This is why we will not accept this and we are begin to mobilize. And we would like everyone to know that we have set up The Great Firewall around our star systems, so no one can attack our home system now. And all ships have the Firewall too, so don't ever claim you blasted them to pieces.
- ISC: As a note, if such an alliance was created, it would only be under the conditions that a genocide would not happen against Earth natives.
- Australia: Upon hearing this message, the australian government imprisions the Aboriginal preacher in the desert, and his folowers, in fear that they will seize the government and surrender their nation to the extraterrestrials. a few followers manage to escape into the wilderness. The australian military is put on high alert, and jets are kept scrambled 24/7
- Azaranians: The Azaranians are in outrage. the Emperor of Azarath Comes to Earth. the Stonehenge Warp is activated, and an Azaranian escort follows the emperor. The Azaranians Announces to all Earth NAtions that if the Terrans attempt a Genocide once more, then the Azaranian Empire will fight, and hold their leaders trial for th crimes of their ancestors, and their ancestors' ancestors. The Mars Warp is once agian activated, and through it, the Azaranians' greatest weapon, the most sophisticated superweapon ever constrcted, the Kaltezrean. Many Azaranian ships come through, armed with many men. In an official Statement to the Terran Empire, and the ISC the Azaranian Emperor of the Planets announces: We have Drives in nearly every corner of the galaxy. in every region we ever visited, we have placed one. that includes near your homes if we have contacted you, we are near you. near your homes and colonie. active, maybe not, but with enough power to push one ship of the fleet through, and with that ship, we can send our armada. we can kill with one swipe, and our weapons will destroy, we will not forgive, we will not forget, we are the Azarath, the legacy of the Guardians!" The Azaranians ask for an alliance with the USSR and The Americans.
- Regenetech Empire: The Empire does not stand for this. The Emperor visits the Earthicans, USA, UN, USSR, Warsaw Pact nations, NATO Nations, and Canada. Alliances are offered to the Azanarians, Canadians, Americans, and Soviets. The Delegation goes to Australia and tells them not to surrender themselves to the Terrans, because we have their backs. We can save any moment of the day. We also offer to provide help to America since the Chicago bombings.
- Australian diplomacy: Thank you for helping us. We are very thankful.
- Regenetech Empire: No problem. We will have invisible ships in orbit to help you if anyone tries to attack.
- Soviet Diplomacy: Although they are afraid, the Soviet government accepts the alliances of both races.
- Regenetech Diplomacy: Don't worry. We will help you at any cost. We will send some ground troops to you if you wish.
- Soviet Diplomacy: We accept, and we also increase our military defence as well.
- Israel: Israel continues to research, and the military is upgraded. Israeli troops are deployed, and anti-air missiles are placed over Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, and ships some to Damascus, Baghdad, and Mecca for its neighboring Arabs.
- ISC HOSTAGE SITUATION ON JNUDEELQ: Five Dravsmosian felegates were rescued, and the others killed. the Arazanian delagates were killed as well, due to thir contacting earth. Regenetech delegates Escaped sucessfully. The Venusians and Caborreans allowed to return home, as they did not contact Earth, or attempt to rescue their hostages. Several battlefleets are put on alert, and they warp to the Ozna (sol) system immediately. several are put on reserve in the Sagitterius Galaxy. Several special operations troops attempt to find the Kaltzerea (I'm guessing this is the singular of Kaltzerean) located in the galaxy and dismantle it.
- Regenetech Diplomacy: They were on a ship. How in the Shnepping Galaxy did you kill them without getting on our ship? No, you didn't. And don't control other people's species or nations. That is their decision.
- Didn't know they were on a ship. Sorry about that, I changed it. the Dravsmosians posted earlier that they successfully rescued five, and the rest were lost. I did not control any nations
- Oh, OK then. I don't believe I clarified that earlier. No problem then. I understand.
- UPDATE ON THE REGENETECH EMPIRE: The Empire successfully develops an AI Army, given their own fleets. They are all put under Zahntim, Genreathite, and Lukz'ab Commanders. Prince Deeregshi IV is born to the Emperor.
- Venusians: The Venusians, after a large amount of deliberation declare neutrality in the Terran controversy. They also withdraw from the SPA. The Venusians move several frigates to the farside of the moon to protect the tenative mining operation there. Over seven hundred Venusians emigrate to the lunar mining facility.
- Canada: Canada meets the aliens. A space station is brought from the Tech Empire. A delegation is sent to the Tech homeland. A delegation, Tech V1 (transliterated from Trea'akkhen Von El Er En On Und Pli'ek G'thet, Regen for First Delegation to the Uplifted Nation.)
- Dravimosian Empire: The Empire declares war against the Terran Empire, and they formally contact the Human Race. The ISC has been given one chance to vacate the Sol System or be attacked. Breeding restrictions of the Xeraji have been lifted, and all ships and troops in the empire have been mobilized. A new intelligent species has been discovered on the fringes of Dravimosian Space.
- Regenetech Empire: The Empire follows the Dravimos in declaring war against the Terrans. The Entire Interstellar Fleet is sent inside and outside the Sol System. A base is established on Sergei-VX-912. The AI Army is activated, establishing a total of 17 Million personnel in the Army. The Zahntim Army is recalled from the edges of the Galaxy. The ISC are requested to leave from Jnudeelq immediately or force will be taken. The Lukz'ab Army is sent to the Salaamberian Home System and the plasma saber is distributed among the Standard Army and Zahntim Army.
- Caborr: The Caborr sends representatives to many of the European nations, and try to explain the situation. Special attention is paid to France, and assistance is offered to rebuild Paris and Marseille.
- France: France is wary of the aliens as their cities were destroyed by aliens. However, they do accept the help offered. A delegate from France is sent to contact the Tech as well.
- Regenetech Empire: The Empire sends aid to France and AI Soldiers to help in the cleanup. The Trea'akkhen Von El Er En On Und Stredoy'd G'teth (First Delegation to the Destroyed Nation) is sent to France. The Firewall is built over France, effectively shielding it from any attacks.
- The Terran Empire KEWs Vancouver this time, completely destroying the city. They declare war back on the Regentechs, as well as the Dravimosians
- Regenetech Empire: The Empire sends AIs to help Canada. The Firewall is built over the Four Great Cities of every continent.
- New York: Four Shields
- Washington DC: Four Shields
- Toronto: Three Shields
- Ottawa: Three Shields
- London: Four Shields
- Moscow: Four Shields
- Berlin: Four Shields
- Moscow: Four Shields
- Beijing: Three Shields
- Tokyo: Four Shields
- Jerusalem: Three Shields
- Manila: Three Shields
- Sydney: Four Shields
- Canberra: Three Shields
- New Zealand: Four Shields
- Indonesia: Three Shields
- Johannesburg: Three Shields
- Cairo: Three Shields
- Every City With Pyramids: Three Shields
- Algiers: Three Shields.
- The Empire wants to create a Great Firewall around the entirety of Earth to protect the Humans, but we will need the help of the Dravimos and Azanarians.
- Azaranians offer full aid.
- The Dravimos will help as well.
- Azaranians: The Azaranians, in total outrage, even after his regeneration, the Azaranian ambassador, the Azhurania Councilor, still manages to survive execution via re-incarnaiton(regeneration), the ISC later Killed the Azaranian by accidentally stopping both his heats about 15 hours after regeneration via electric shock (the most variable time an Azaranian can experience is 15-16 hours after regeneration, the 1st 15 hours after regeneration, however, is a period of virtual invincibility, the only possible cause of death being full decapitation in less than 1.2 seconds in time). The Salambarian Warp Drive is activated, as the Azaranian Senate Unanimously Decide to Declare war on the ISC and the Terran Empire for this unforgivable offence. THe Terran high command is tried in absentia in the Azaranian equivalent of a Supreme Court, and unanimously convicted by all of the Justices of four counts of Genocide and 2 attempted genocides. A High bounty is put on their heads. The Flagship of the Azaranian Fleet, IASV (Imperial Azaranian Space Vesssel) Arat'ilstal III and the 100 007th intergalactic fleet warp to the Salambarran homeworld via the IASV Arat'ilsra III's internal PtP, and begin a full-on assault on the ISC homeworld. After a hefty battle, one of the three existing Kaltezra is warped and is preparing to blow the Salaambaran's star Supernova. Shields are set up in Montreal, Canada.
- Dravimosian Diplomacy: Please do not explode their star or extinct them.
- Caborrean Diplomacy: We cannot resort to measures that we are condemning. That would be considered genocide as well, wouldn't it?
- Regenetech Diplomacy: Yes. However, destroying any star would prove disastrous for us since it would release rays everywhere.
- Azaranians: We are using their star as a bargaining chip. If we want to, we will blow it up, and we are present whten this happens, no shields in the universe will help us, we all have FTL drives, and the Azaranian wrap, and also the radiation travels slower than light. The ISC will be warned, and if they chose to evacuate, we will not fire upon civilian ships. If they do not surrender, their star will be destroyed. I presume the have colonies with decent population. This and act of war, not an act of genocide, as they will have the choice to evacuate or leave people there, or surrender and will have many more population on their colonies (although I can see how killing them en masse can be considered genocide, but this will happen in wartime regardless). If they chose to evacuate, not a single shot will be fired at civilians. although I can see how this is objectionable, this sun will be a bargaining chip.
- Israel: The Israeli President, thankful of the "shield" over Jerusalem, ask to meet with whoever built it. Meanwhile, Tel Aviv is defended by two armored divisions, anti-aircraft and anti-air missiles, and the entire Israeli navy. Israel moves troops into the Gaza Strip, although sparking outrage by the Arab neighbors, Israel sets up hospitals and schools, to repair the facility.
- Regenetech Empire: The Emperor goes to Israel to meet with the President.
- Soviet Union: The strain of meeting the aliens prove to be a bit much for the Communist world, and Soviet officials debate on what to do. A meeting with the alien leader suggests new reforms for the Soviet Union. Communist nations in Eastern Europe start to stray away from the Soviet Union, thinking it will save them from the Aliens. On the other hand, the Communist nations of Asia connect with the Soviet union even more, so as to stand united. The People's republic of the Congo is welcomed to the Soviet sphere of influence. Accelerated by the arrival of the aliens, Soviet and Mongolian officials plan to unify the two countries assuming that other nations have no complaints. More rights are given to the average people at the suggestion of the alien leaders.
- Regenetech Empire: The Empire offer the Soviets an alliance, since we have already shielded their capital.
- Soviet Diplomacy: We warily accept.
- I think we did this last turn, LOL.
- LOL, I know we did this last time, but we don't have to have that full conversation again.
- Japan: Work on the three ships has finished, and they are ready to go. However, out of fears that any lunar colony established might be destroyed, the ships are put in a secret military bunker deep underground. The military is improved, and it is estimated that it has over 3000 missiles. However, it has little amount of other types of weapons, so it will have to rely on destroying alien ships before they land, and if they do land, it is hoped that they can be contained.
- Democrists: The Democrists ask for an alliance with the Terran Empire, stating that the Humans are inferior to our race, and even though we believe all races are inferior, we believe we can work with yours to achieve a common goal. The Rain is being sent to the Solar System, and a large amount of ships are being sent to help protect it. When it arrives, it fires on the unprotected area of Vietnam, killing large amounts of Americans and Vietcong.
- Los Angeles is protected by a shield. Try again.
- Yeah. He beat by two seconds. Dang it. :D
- Darn. Is Austin protected?
- Look at the map above. Anything dark grey or black is protected.
- DANG IT MP! YOU KEEP BEATING ME! I HATE EDIT CONFLICTS! Jk, LOL. Although, you are right. The whole USA is protected. See the map above.
- LOL, don't worry about it. And don't worry, you're not the only one who hates edit conflicts. :)
- LOL, I know. But it happens to nearly every other edit I make.
- Darn, now Taco did it! XD
- That's so weird, cause Pumpkin did it to me. It is like a chain of people.
- It is.
- Happened to me as well when I was replying to my Azaranian post!
- XD
- Now Ya'll are doing it to me. I'm trying to post for the ISC and Australia.
- Okay, I just gotta ask. What is XD suppose to be? I can't figure it out.
- When you're laughing so hard, you become cross-eyed.
- I can see that now, I kept thinking of Disney XD, because my younger brother watches it and that is the first thing that pops up in my mind.
- Now I get to say: XD
- ISC: The nation and empire of Salaamberia, being caught off guard by the Arazanians, evacuates as much of the population as possible, and moves as many as they can into pre-determined bunkers. using a series of nuclear weapons that were swtored for such an event, the ISC explodes their own sun, causing a supernova, which destroys their sun, most of the Arazanian troops in the system, and several billion Plutarchs. also destroyed in the explosion is the Arazanian warp device. the salaamberian government is moved to the closest habitable system, and the remainder of the salaamberian starfleet begins hunting down the remainder of the vessels in the Sagittarius galaxy, and creating a blockade to prevent any more starships from entering the Galaxy
- Australia: The Aliens are welcomed, and treated to various festivities. the Australians are very thankful for the shield created by them, that will protect the nation. meanwhile, the aboriginal preacher gains more followers, and they begin to worship the aliens publicly, bow down to them, and hail them as gods. despite the extraterrestrials' attempts to explain that they are not divine, they do not listen and keep praising them.
- Regenetech Empire: We are by no means divine.
- USA: The USA evacuates several civilians from major cities. ICBMs are launched at Terran ships near lowly populated areas.
- Mechs: The Mechs, seeing the opportunity, land on Earth. They hack several Earthling computers and televisions. They spread their message via electronic communication. "//Greetings. We are Mech. Attack on your homelands=obvious. Attack= Cleansing of your undesirables. Boarding Mech Ships + avoiding major cities= only way of survival. We have constructs ready to take you in.
- Caborr: The Caborr, in order to prevent mass panic, create a jamming signal based in an undisclosed location in the atmosphere to prevent any Mech propaganda from entering the airwaves. Any broadcasts from the Mechs will have to be done manually on the surface.
- Mechs: Virus= nontransmittable through air. Attempt at jamming signal = null.
- Regenetech: You cannot make attacks on any major cities because we have most of those under shield, which we constructing with the help of the Dravimos and Azanarians.
- Terrans: The Terrans, angered by the Regentechs, start stepping up their rate of KEWing. They KEW New Delhi, and shoot about 100 KEWs at small villages and towns in Africa and India. The Terrans also KEW Tel Aviv furiously with 75 KEWs until the shields are completely destroyed, as well as Tel Aviv. The Democrist offer of alliance is accepted, and the first human is biologically assimilated into the Terrans. Also, the Planet Destroyer is used on New York, switched to a lower power. The laser simply punches through the first two layers, but is stopped barely by the last one. However, one-half of New York is destroyed by the blast. They plant to switch to the Planet Destroyer by the next turn instead of KEWs. Also, Hawaii is completely destroyed, with over 200 KEWs striking the tiny line of islands. Hawaii does not exist anymore.
- Regenetech: Cease this now. Your destruction will only follow.
- Dravimosian Empire: A large battle group moves into the Sol System, reinforcing the ones that are already there. Fierce fighting now begins in Earth orbit, with no clear winner. The Dravimos request that their allies send fleets to remove the Terrans from the Sol System. The Dravimosian government offers aid and small bits of knowledge to the Humans, so they can develop on their own. Scientists begin copying the Firewall technology of the Regenetech, and are expected to have it completed soon. The Terrans are offered a treaty: leave the Sol System alone and never come back, or this will end badly.
- Lolz We are not even in the system. We are just barely outside it, our hidden KEW satellites (who don't even need ammunition- they pack the dust in the area) are the only things there. So technically we are not in the system :D
- If that is the case, then how do your Kinetic impact weapons hit the Earth before we can respond? The laser I get, but no way could you move an object that fact before we intercept it.
- No, our satellites are in the system ... orbiting Earth, in fact :D
- I find this very hard to believe.
- Really? Then were are fighting them as we speak.
- Regenetech Empire: The Empire establishes its entire navy in the Sol System while the Lukz'abs are recalled to defend the home system. Earth is put under the full FIREWALL (WHICH IS INDESTRUCTIBLE, NO MATTER WHAT PITAKANG SAYS. THIS IS OUR PERK.) New York is given extra protection. AIs are recalled from France and sent to New York. By the end of the three months, New York is livable in again.
- Nothing is indestructible.
- Who says?
- Thinking logically, I took back it back. I am plotting now.
- Caborr: The Caborr reconfigure the jamming array to broadcast outward, using a technology similar to echolocation, to begin locating the Terran KEW bases that threaten earth.
- .... Not bases, satellites. They move...
- That doesn't mean they can't be located with an Echolocation-esque device.
- Israel: Israel is stunned by the attack, and prove that shields are faulty. Israel, however, managed to shoot one of these weapons down with all of the anti-air missiles around the city of Tel Aviv, and crashed in the desert. The Strategic Command begins to building a ship from the knowledge of the down alien craft captured an few turns back. All of Israel's nuclear stockpile is taken to an secure location, as is the president, foreign minister, and important figureheads.
- You cant shoot down a big rock....
- He means the satellite that launches them.
- Regenetech Empire: Our good Israelis, the shields were always destructible.
- Israel: We know everything is destructible, but we mean is that it went down fast.
- Soviet Union:
- January: The Soviet Union increases security over the possibility of more attacks, and they activate their entire nuclear stockpile. The attacks appear to have pushed back the Mongolian unification plan, and they are now expected later this year.
- February: The Soviet Union reorganizes its political structure at the advice of both Soviet and Alien advisors. The laws of the land are lessened, but any regarding Aliens are still tightly controlled.
- March: Relations with Eastern European nations decreases, with Albania throwing off Communist rule. Relations with East Asian nations rises, and the Brezhnev meets with Kim Il Sung, Ho Chi Minh, and Yumjaagin Tsedenbal in Irkutsk.
- Terrans: Seeing as how the KEWs are becoming obsolete, the KEW satellites simply begin bombarding the Earth with their KEWs, wherever they are. However, the KEWs are not launched this time but simply dropped, slowing them drastically. They expose their location, and many are destroyed, but not before about 300 KEWs impact the middle of the Atlantic at the same time, causing massive tidal waves to hit Iceland, UK, Spain, and the US East Coast, as well as the Caribbean Islands. However, in this attack, all of the KEW satellites were destroyed. The attack completely flooded Washington, D.C. and New York, and the individual KEWs have shot up so much dust into the air that a nuclear winter is descending into Africa and Europe. Meanwhile, Cairo is also destroyed with KEWs, targeted by over 200 KEWs. After launching their KEWs, the satellite themselves throw themselves down at Earth, slowing down when the firewall comes to about 30 mph, and then speeding up when they are past the firewall. Hong Kong is hit with a satellite, as well as Hamburg, Johannesburg, Tripoli, Seattle, Los Angeles, Rio de Janeiro, Manchester, and New York. The cities are completely destroyed by the impact of the satellites, which had contained anti-matter reactors which exploded at impact. They begin to instead destroy cities by launching slower moving missiles, which sped up as it went through the firewall. Also, the siege on the Terran Homeland is broken, as the entire Terran fleet warps into their star system. Over three billion starships and ten million capital ships crush the Regentech fleets, with extensive use of anti-matter weapons. The fleet then moves on to the Regentech systems, and begin systematically clearing all Regentech colonies of all life. Nuclear fire is rained down on five colonies, exterminating all life in those planets, and chemical and biological warfare is used on three others. NOTE: I AM NOT DESTROYING CAPITAL CITIES. THAT IS TO ALLOW GOVERNMENTS TO SURRENDER. HOWEVER, IF YOU DON'T, WASHINGTON, D.C. WILL BE NEXT.
- We have no colonies.
- So 97 trillion people live on one planet?
- Ten large planets and several Earth-sized moons. If you read our page, you would have known that.
- Japan: The military is given more missiles, and new gains in missile technology allow us to fire faster, bigger missiles.
- Democrists: The military had managed to land forty million soldiers in Africa, with major weapons, and are taking towns that haven't been destroyed. Humans there have been taken back to our planet, and they are being studied. However, soon there is too many Humans for the scientists to use, and most become slaves to our race.
The Rain is fired upon India, killing large amounts of Indians. However, it wasn't aimed properly, so it didn't hit a major city. - Regenetech Empire: The Empire destroys the moons of Democrist A (the planet where Democrists come from) and lands several million soldiers who take all humans that can be found and destroy several labs although the Democrists there are allowed to leave. One Democrist is taken back to the Empire. All this has happened.
- France: France receives some information dispatched by the aliens pertaining to electric-powered transportation. French scientists jump into action and begin experimenting and constructing models.
- ISC: The ISC, now with their home system completely destroyed, is established on the next system over. the Planet of Plutarch, though it remains, has had its oceans boiled into oblivion, all life destroyed, and the atmosphere destroyed as well. It is no longer suitable for life, as it is also highly radioactive. now that all battle fleets are in the Galaxy, a blockade has been created that shields the Galaxy from any Arazanian threat. Any Arazanian ships in the galaxy have been destroyed. they ask the Arazanians for a truce. our home system is destroyed, along with trillions of our people. your warp has been destroyed. charging the blockade is suicide, and we are in no position to attack you either.
- USA: Evacuation of major cities continues. The President goes to an underground bunker to survive the attacks. Meanwhile, citizens begin to take the Mechs up on their offer.
- Mechs: The battle in the Outer Arm is going well, with much of the arm under Mech Occupation. The Mechs offer the Terrans a very valuable offer: Mechanization. In becoming mechanical, the Mech/Terran Alliance will strengthen even more. Mechanization will also grant the Terrans bonuses in many fields. Meanwhile, many Mech ships land around the world to rescue Humans. Finally, an Installation seed is sent toward Earth.
- Terran Response: They will Mechanize part of their army, but not all. They will all be volunteers.
- Soviet Union: We respectfully decline your offer, saying that this is our world, and we will fight to the death to defend it, rather than leave.
- Why are you evacuating humans.
- Because it's just like Skyline all over again, LOL.
- Mechs: Human Race= Valuable. Human society= Null. These humans will be rehabilitated + form a new culture + create a new AI, given time. When AI is sufficiently advanced, the humans will have served their purpose in this galaxy and be terminated. The AI will replace them. This will happen a long time from now.
- Australia:Major controversy stirs up, as one of the fringe alien-worshiping cults has killed several Australian politicians and sacrificed them for the appeasement of the aliens. both the extraterrestrials and humans that witnessed this were shocked, and police attempts to control and arrest these men ended in a firefight that killed several Australians, and several members of the cult. the cult has now organized themselves into a militia that has its headquarters somewhere in the outback.
- Dravimosian Empire:
- April - The Battle group around Earth sets up a sensor array using several detection ships, and now no ship can approach Earth without being detected. The occasional air raid inconveniences Democrist forces in Africa. Xeraji breeding limits are fully removed, and their population starts rising exponentially.
- May - Maoimer relations are at an all-time high, and they are fully absorbed into the Empire as an equal race. The Dravimos awaken several Enumus from cryo, and they are offered a chance at revenge against the Democrists. Scientists start testing a laser-proof firewall, and small scale tests are promising.
- June - A battle group emerges from warp and after a week's battle defeat the Democrist forces around the Enumus home world. Negotiations with the remaining Enumus are underway. The government sets up three new firewalls around the Dravimos home world.
- Regenetech Empire:
- April: The Empire start manufacturing droids heavily and start taking the actual sentient beings out. A couple of droid fleets are sent to capture the Rain of the Democrists while some more are sent to their home system.
- May: The Empress signs legislation that allows several droid fleets to join the Enumus. The Empire successfully tests its first star destroying laser, testing it out somewhere in an abandoned star system. Luckily, everyone was far enough from the blast that they all lived. A peace treaty is proposed to all warring nations:
- Regarding the Fate of Earth: No non Earth-native shall attack Earth, no one shall capture Earthians, no one is allowed to enslave Earthians. Should a non-human want to live on Earth, they shall not harm any species native to Earth, sentient or non-sentient.
- Regarding the Fate of Outer Space: No Empire may exterminate, mass kill, or destroy any species or their home planet. A sort of Interstellar Peace Committee could be established to help regulate everything, sort of like the human UN.
- Regarding the Fate of the War: Status quo ante bellum will be restored with some exceptions, although each warring nation will have a planet in the Sol System to maintain order. This can be decided once the Treaty is ratified.
- Regarding the Fate of the Warring Nations: All territories not belonging to the Democrist and Terran originally will be freed. This means that the Reim, Hoxian and other empires will be released from Terran control and that the Democrists will have to give the Enumus independence.
- Regarding the Fate of Destructed Areas: Areas like Paris, Vancouver and Chicago will be reconstructed and put back on their feet.
- Regarding the Fate of Armies: No space faring nation (excluding Humans) can have an army more than 25% of their full populations.
- So - what does everyone think?
- Why do we get planets in the Solar system? The Venusians are there as well, remember.
- Let's say that you have a base on Mars. The X Empire attempts to invade Earth and kill everyone. You can just destroy any incoming things, like space stations or ships.
- 'Hoxians are extinct, and as far as I know there is only one species alive today that the Terrans did not exterminate. Perhaps you meant that one.'
- 'Yeah, that's what I meant. It was an example.'
- ISC: I see a problem. Earth's armies can surpass ours in number if they become hostile.
- Caborr: How?
- Earth has very small numbers.
- The Enumus are already independent. BTW, the Democrists accept.
- Japan: The military is equipped with more missiles. Research continues, and promising gains are made.
- Democrists: After increasing pressure from the generals of the army, the Rain is warped back to our home system. After being attacked by several Enumus ships, which attacked merchants and citizens touring space, the Rain is used on the Enumus's capital city. Millions of Enumusians die, and ships begin attacking their planet. Large amounts of ICBMs are used on the planet, with the King of the Democrists stating that not only was this for attacking us, but it was also for almost destroying the Democrist race.
- Soviet Union:
- April - The Soviet-Mongolian Union treaty is signed and ratified, and both nations unite together. Similar treaties with other Communist nations are proposed, but none reach the drawing stage at this time. The military begins to build up in preparation.
- May - Soviet forces are sent to South Yemen and Somalia, fellow Communist nations, in order to assist them in their fight against the aliens. With the help of Alien air strikes, the Soviet army and Somalian forces take Mogadishu from the enemy aliens.
- June - Soviet forces in Somalia are having trouble defeating the aliens there, but their morale is raised at the superior air protection that the friendly aliens provide. Soviet generals admit, however, that they are unlikely to aid the Communist Congo. Signs of tension rise in East Germany.
- ISC: Salaamberia agrees to the treaty. they continue rebuilding after the war. the Salaamberian blockade is maintained and strengthened. they once again ask the Arazanians for peace, as further bloodshed will solve nothing. they cannot possibly attack us anywhere in our galaxy, and we cannot attack them. meanwhile, the ISC forces are sent back to their colonies to regulate them. A similar blockade maintained wholly by the ISC is created to shield their colonies from Arazanian attack.
- Australia: during the late part of the spring, the aboriginal militia conducts a raid on Sydney, successfully capturing the city. the defense shield is temporarily disabled, and it seems as though the militia will control the city into summer
- USA: The USA continues to evacuate civilians to Mech ships.
- Mechs: The evacuation of more human cities continues. Meanwhile, several large empires in the Outer Arm surrender. The survivors are rounded up and turned into Mechs. An offer is made to many major species similar to the offer sent to the Terrans: combine their organic parts with synthetic parts to upgrade their race.
- Dravimos Diplomacy: We decline your offer, and all our species in the empire do so as well. Please leave Earth alone, and your ships there can't leave without our consent.
- Mech Diplomacy: Our ships will come and go as we please, organic. Don't make an incident out of this.
- Dravimos Diplomacy: We will only let your ships past the blockade if you inform the inhabitants of Earth what will happen to them. Otherwise, nothing can get through.
- Mech Diplomacy: Salvation will occur. We will keep them safe and alive on habitable Installations. We already have informed them of this.
- Dravimos Diplomacy: And your habit of mechanizing races that you absorb/conquer? Did you inform them of that?
- Mech Diplomacy: Mechanization is a gift, not a curse. We have a different agenda with the humans. They are a young race and not worthy of Mechanization.
- Dravimos Diplomacy: Very well, you can take Humans off world but only as long as they are volunteers. If you start forcing them onto your ships, then we have a problem.
- Mech Diplomacy: Herding the animals into the ships shouldn't be too difficult. I don't see us using force to get them off of Earth.
- Israel: Israel declares that it if an alien invasion would or is already occurring, that they will fight to the last man, and after that the last woman, and after that, the last child. Meanwhile, troops are sent to Somalia to help aid the Soviets and Somalians in pushing the aliens back. The air force continues to intercept hostile UFO's that pass by Israeli airspace.
- Soviet Diplomacy: Since we both have similar goals regarding the aliens invading Earth, perhaps we should have an alliance.
- Israeli Diplomacy: I say mutual defense and trade agreements is better (as an alliance is implausible, due to the fact that the Soviet Union then supported Israel's enemies (Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Iran, etc.)
- Soviet Diplomacy: We accept.
- Venusians: The Venusians move back their ships from the Oort Cloud back to Venusian Orbit. The Prince of Venus declares that the Venusians shall be neutral during the Terran War of Aggression. The Venusians though begin a conscription of all males of 13-45 in case of the violation of the Venusian's neutrality. The Venusians also condemn the mass extermination of humans. The Venusians begin to develop a trans-species virus for bio warfare in case of war. (sorry wasn't logged in Bobalugee1940)
- Azarnians: The Azaranian Military is recovering from the loss of part of the 100 007th fleet, although many ships are able to escape due to the warp drives, the kaltexra and 50% of that fleet was lost, although the Azaranina flagship was spared. Azaranian military start attacking Terran colonies, and attend possible peace conventions. An end of hostilities is offered to the ISC, in return they will offer one of their highest nobles for execution(as retribution for the loss of an Azhurania councilor), in return, the Azaranians will drop all charges against the ISC and pay for some damages due to the loss of their homeworld. You will also be asked to follow Azarina intergalactic law as much as possible.
- The ISC reluctantly agrees to hand over a noble, since the war was brought on by the Imperial Salaamberian company directly, the king of Salaamberia orders that the noble handed over will be the president of the Imperial Salaamberian Company. The company itself is to be disbanded, its leaders tried, and all colonies are to be put under direct jurisdiction of the Kingdom of Salaamberia. what regulations are required by Arazanian intergalactic laws?
- All you need to do is follow it in the Milky way, do whatever you want in the Saggitarius. Several key points were already pointed out: no exterminating(or leading to extermination), no claiming entire systems with sentient species evolved or evolving(unless terraformed), if Sentient species in system want you to leave, you have no choice not to, or face the consequences, no enslaving sentient species, no forcing them onto ships, no giving a divided race(although this definition is very ambiguous) technology that can be weaponized to completely decimate one side or another, or help one side to do so(trade with other species through FTL/warp drives in other systems)(this ties into the no extermination or no leading to extermination law). those are the key points, anything else doesn't really matter.
- Terran Empire: The Terran Empire secretly places huge anti-matter weapons in their colonies, and so if hostile forces overwhelm defenses, the planet may be destroyed, and with it, the enemy. Meanwhile, the Terran Imperial Armada continues on into the Dravimos home system, and wipe out one moon of theirs, using nuclear rain and chemical weapons. Also, warp drives are set up for everyone in the main Terran main worlds, so that everyone can quickly evacuate to an undisclosed location immediately. Also, about 18 anti-matter weapons are planted ont their Capital planet. Also, military nanites begin mass production and use, quickly infiltrating the Dravimos fleet and providing the Terrans with valuable information. After that, the nanites then begin attacking the Dravimos on board, punching through them and choking them. It is a great success, and everyone on board of one of the Dravimos capital is slaughtered. The nanites then took control of the ship, and brought the ship safely to the Terran fleet, where it was integrated into the Terran fleet.
- Look buddy, why the hell are you attacking us so much? Do you even realize that we are not doing any fighting? IT IS THE DRAVIMOS WHO DECLARED WAR ON YOU. We are only there on Earth. We have done absolutely nothing to you. Why don't you go attack someone who is blasting you ships and plan attacking them.
- Ooh, sorry, I just read that you were attacking Terran colonies so ... you may want to stop tho XD
- That was the Azaranians actually. Since this war seems to be getting on everyone's nerves, how about a peace treaty? We can negotiate it on the alien negotiation page. :)
- Ok, all we have to do is get the Terrans to ratify the old treaty proposed above. Any additions will be considered.
- Yes, please, with a peace treaty. And also, let's all help to reconstruct earth!
- Caborr: Seeing the Mechs taking humans off world, the Caborr decide to do the same with 'Project Ark'. The Caborr take volunteers from Earth to one of the moons in the Caborrean home system. There, the moon will be terraformed and deposited with all of the species from Earth. Project Ark is a means of survival for the human race, should anything happen to Earth. The humans will be given full sovereignty over the moon. Unlike the Terrans, the humans will not be terminated once they have developed an 'AI'.
- @MonsterPumpkin - I'm going on vacation until the 9th. Would you mind being the Caborr and France for me until I get back? The Caborr will support the SPA but otherwise they don't do anything independently. France will support the NATO, but do nothing independently. Thanks - CourageousLife 19:57, March 29, 2012 (UTC)
- Byzantium Empire: The Empire announces it is keeping its Martian colony, as by now most of the planet is under Byzantium control, and over 495,000,000 Byzantines live there and the population grows by 50% every Byzantium year (which is 1/4 of a Earth year). There are 500,000,000 more Byzantiums now nearing Mars along with hundreds of thousands of star cruisers and battleships. Dr Device is also completed, a device that separates molecules from each other and leaves only dirt in its path, much like the sam device in Enders Game
- Sir, there is no room for more than FIVE BILLION PEOPLE on Mars. Scale you number down. And if you keep "hundreds of thousands" of ships around Mars, they'll crash into in the Moon, Deimos, Phobos, and Earth because of being too close. Do you even know what you are talking about?
- That's 500 million, not five billion. and the ships don't all surround the planet at once, and they stay away from earth, as mars and earth aren't in a straight line with each other very often.
- USA: The Ares I rocket lands on Mars. It's a bittersweet victory since the astronauts will be returning to a changed Earth. This is a major moment for the nation, however. Meanwhile, evacuations continue.
- Byzantium Diplomacy: Offers a Byzantium-American Alliance as well as opening up trade, as Byzantium has untapped trillions of barrels of oil in its intergalactic empire ready for shipment to the Americans at very low prices. Technology for shields for your cites and for battle cruisers fro space defense are also offered, as Earth must be able to defend itself and offers America a city on Mars for Americans to emigrate to should America want a backup nation or just a colony on Mars.
- The first humans? I beg your pardon, but Canada beat you at that. It took us two years to get there, and we ain't letting you get the fame. Read up on Canada's moves!
- They got to Mars?
- Yeah.
- Mechs: The Mechs continue evacuating humans. They declare that the window of opportunity will be closing soon and evacuations will cease. Meanwhile, turmoil in the Outer Arm calms down a bit. The Great Killing begins, in which all organic life on these planets that has not been found and Mechanized or cannot be Mechanized are killed. This ranges from survivors to trees to micro-organisms. The Great Killing is mainly done through destroying atmospheres and heavily bombarding planets, but the Forge is used to destroy several planets with 'a Class V Organic Infestation'.
- Byzantium Diplomacy: Stop the killings or we will destroy your home planet and all of the planets you mechs are on. WE will use Doctor Device on you which destroys your planets in a matter of seconds, as well as naval fleets, armies, etc.
- Caborr: The Caborr continue their evacuations as well, attempting to get as many volunteers off of the planet as possible. They fear that the war will destroy life on the planet and will attempt to preserve it at all costs.
- Soviet Union:
- July: The Soviet Union places conventional missile silos in South Yemen, for use against the Alien forces in Africa. The Soviet military pushes the Aliens back out of Somalia after they suffer from the Alien blockade above.
- August: Modernization of military equipment is advanced because of the help of Aliens from above. The first crew to live on the moon is prepared.
- September: The Soviet Union tries to increase its fragile relationship with the states of Eastern Europe.
- Regenetech Empire: The Empire withdraws from the war although staying above Earth and attempting to have a peace with the Terrans.
- Salaamberia: The Imperial Salaamberian Company is disbanded, all assets are given to the Kingom of Salaamberia, their colonies are put under Salaamberian jurisdiction, and the salaamberians agree to follow Arazanian law in the milky way. The president of the ISC is handed over to the Arazanians for execution. The remaining higher-up members in the company are tried, and many are executed for various crimes. the KoS wishes to re-establish relations with as many nations as possible. they first send a diplomat to the arazanians, claiming the ISC was a "tumor, that plagued us for so long, that we have finally cut out" meanwhile, engineers are working to see if the shell of a planet that was once plutarch can be repopulated.
- Byzantium Empire: The Humans landing on Mars are captured and brought to the capital of the Martian colony, the city of Byzantarthenine, where they are given computer accessible data on the history of all alien species known to the Byzantiums and about the SPA. The Byzantiums then give them humans a tour of Mars under Byzantium rule and allow them to stay in the capitol of Mars until they wish to return home. They are asked to return this information to the United States government, and two Battle Cruisers and a diplomatic vessel are ready to return to Earth with the Humans to open up diplomatic relations with the Humans and hopefully a Byzantium-American Alliance as well as opening up trade, as Byzantium has untapped trillions of barrels of oil in its intergalactic empire ready for shipment to the Americans at very low prices.
- China; China continue to build up its military.
- Dravimos Empire: Attention all Races! A peace treaty is being signed on the Alien Negotiation page! Please cease all hostilities until a conclusion on the peace treaty is made!
- Actual Turn: The Maoimer are fully integrated with the armed forces, and experimental laser-proof firewalls are put above the other race's homeworlds in the Empire. Attempted negotiation with the Aliens species on the fringe of the empire begin, although nothing promising happens yet.
- Canada:
- July: Canada congratulates America on being the second nation to be on Mars. Eriksson III lands on the dark side of the planet Mercury.
July: Canada asks the USA to stop evacuating people (because it is implausible) because we have received a lot of messages from your citizens asking us to let them in. Here is an example of one such letter:
"Dear Canadian Government, please allow the people of Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn and Bronx to flee to Toronto and escape the insanity of the President and his colleagues, who are being fooled by the Space Robots into committing suicide by leaving."- The Canadian Government cannot allow such a thing to happen, because then we will run out of space and become overcrowded. We too agree that you are acting like coward by leaving and that you are being insane in your decision to leave. If you leave, you will eventually be massacred.
- The President is not endorsing this and he hasn't evacuated. He's remaining on Earth. The government is not endorsing this in any way. The ones evacuating are citizens making choices on their own. The place they're being evacuated to is actually a very large construct (planet sized). As for the Mech motives, that's open for speculation. Also, why is evacuation implausible?
- Because no sane human would do that.
- Okay, imagine this: major cities around the work have been destroyed. The leader of your country is hiding. The economy is down and the people are going insane. There's looting and you're in as much danger from your neighbor as you are from aliens. Other races are helping by just operating a shield. Suddenly, a race offers you a place to go. Nobody on Earth has any idea what they've done or what they can do, but they got passage through the firewall, so they must be trustworthy. You might already be panicked or something, which clouds your judgment.
- These people obviously ain't met me as yet. And actually, here is the scenario: Chicago is gone, aliens are defending you, only God and the Aliens know where your government is, the economy is probably as good as it will get (due to trading with the aliens), and robots are offering you this. I am not trusting any robot. Bring me real, sentient people with flesh and blood!
- Remember, this isn't EVERYONE that trusts the Mechs LOL. These are just some people.
- Israel: Israel launches another satellite, and begins to send up an cannon taken from the captured alien ship and be put on Jerusalem One. Meanwhile, another alien ship (no specific race) is shot down by SAM missiles, as they once again violated Israeli airspace. After tense negotiations, and threats of war, Israel annexes the Sinai Peninsula to protect the Suez Canal from the aliens.
- Australia: The shields are down in Australia, and it doesn't seem as if the alien-worshipping rebels will surrender these major cities any time soon. in many towns, entire populations are killed in mass sacrifices.
- Regenetech Empire: The Empire's latest.
- October: The Empire officially ends the Great War by becoming the last signatory on the Treaty of Pluto. Peace is restored. Planetary Proposal:
- Regenetech Empire: Pluto, Mars
- Dravimosian Empire: Neptune, Saturn
- Azanarian Empire: Uranus, Neptune
- Terran Empire: Mercury (half of the far side from the Sun)
- Democrists: Eris, Mercury (half of the far side from the Sun)
- Salaamberia: One quarter of Saturnian moons, Deimos, Phobos
- November: The Emperor returns to the Republican Senate and the Empire's Public. Ships begin to be rebuilt.
- December: Artificial Snow Removers are launched in some areas of Earth, since they have overly long and cold winters due to the KEWs. Cold Reduction Machines are also employed.
- October: The Empire officially ends the Great War by becoming the last signatory on the Treaty of Pluto. Peace is restored. Planetary Proposal:
- Soviet Union:
- October: The Soviet Union continues to fight the aliens and pushes them out of Ethiopia with the help of the Derg regime. The Soviet Union also solidifies its control over Eastern Europe.
- November: The Soviet Union, angered by Israel's annexation of the Sinai Peninsula, threatens to annex South Yemen in retribution.
- December: The government starts to finance and support Communist insurgents in Manchuria in China, hoping that they will either break off and join the Soviet Union or restore Communism to China.
- Dravimos Empire:
- October: The new laser-proof Firewall is created, and four layers are put over all Dravimos homeworlds. The blockade of Earth is still going well, with the alien forces on the ground slowly being defeated. Aronicus forces land on Earth to help the Humans defeat the Australian extremists and the Democrist occupiers.
- November: A new secret superweapon is being constructed, and its location and any schematics are hidden from almost everyone in the government.
- December: The race on the fringes of the empire appear to wish to join the empire, but first impressions can be wrong and scientists are unable to conclude that they will take such a step anytime soon.
- Salaamberia: The Salaamberians begin to use Arazanian law in the milky way. Meanwhile, in an effort to salvage Plutaarch, the bombed out home-world is to be towed to the nearest habitable system (not too far away) using supercharged ion engines. because hyperdrive would be too unstable for such a large object, it will take several years to get it into the new system.
- Israel: Israel does not care about the threat sent by Soviet Union, as annexing the Sinai Peninsula was an action of defense. Israel also tells the Soviet Union that no aggressions were shown, and that if the aliens attack, the canal would probaly be there first target, to cripple the shipment of goods. Military build up increases, and the nuclear arsenal is once again hidden.
- France: France continues to rebuild its destroyed cities, and the government keeps working on the space program, although progress has slowed because of the attacks.
- Caborr: The Caborr continue to assist the other races with the aftermath of the war, although the Purple Counsul starts to distance himself and the military from the war.
- Where is everyone? I really liked this game. Come on people, play! Where are you, Crim, Lx and PitaKang?! And all you other people who aren't taking their turns!
- Mechs: Low-level VIs are sold to private consumers around the galaxy as servants. When asked why the Mechs endorsed what they call slavery, the Mechs responded by saying, "VIs are not self-aware and are not sentient at all." Furthermore, the area in which The Forge had crashed is purchased from the Mexican government, though it still has a human infestation. When the problem is taken care of, a memorial will be placed on the former dig site. The memorial is to commemorate the Mech lives lost in the fight against the tyranny of the Phantoms.
- Let's wait and see who keeps up playing this game. If some of the others start playing, we can start this turn.
- NOTICE: Please edit the last turn if you have not done so already.
- Can we start this turn? it doesn't look like anyone else is posting.
- OK.
- Regenetech Empire:
- January: The Empire is now at peace again. By Imperial Order and Inquisition of the Senate, Battalion Droids begin to explore the Sol System. A scientist, tinkering around with equipment, discovers a new metal that can withstand all except the superlaser.
- February: Regenetech citizens start moving to Earth (remember, if you destroy them, then you will meet your doom!) and explore the mighty planet. The first Earth-Extra-terrestrial newspaper is created, the Galactic Times. A historian of the Empire creates a book on the entire history of the Empire, and that of the war.
- March: The First Imperial Senator of the Lukzabs resigns. The Enforcer is replated with the new metal, titled "blanksite," alongside the Executor.