Alternative History

General comments

According to intereviews, beta would appear to be under the political, economical and cultural influence of a group of anglo- saxon countries known variably as the "United states", "United Kingdoms", "Commonwealth" or "Coalition". They have bases in many countries around the world and would appear to be currently at war with an army of mahomethans.

From certain comments made, it would seem that a large number of countries have a form of government close in some way to the republican system although with an almost plutocratic bent. Reference made to "free trade agreements" could indicate a form of proto-monocentrism presence.

Although the name of france was recognised (and apears to be a republic based on the knowledge of the revolution), none of the other republics seemed to be familiar save for Roma which was said to be a city. Just as unknown was the name Sieyès. This has lead to speculation about some form of collapse of the republics early on.

A very puzzling thing is the mention of "napolion bonapart" when the subjects were asked to name famous frenchmen. He was apparently some sort of military dictator in the early 19th century that somehow managed to conquer most of europe. Even with alternate spelling, no french politician or military leader of that name have been found. One hypothesis is that he was a first or second generation immigrant from one of the italian republics (according to experts, his name has some similarity with those of that region) who on alpha somehow never existed*


Here follow a tentative list of countries:

America Britain France Germany (united but said to have been divided until recently. mention of a dictator named Hitler responsible for a world war) italy (united, no knowledge on how long so could assume that its been for a while) russia (not an empire anymore but subjects seem uncertain what type of regime it currently has. was said to have been "communist" (?) until recently. One subject claim they still were.)


Christianism of various sorts hold sway in the european part of the world. "Islam" (mahomethism) is said to be present in most part of the world including europe. Subjects have expresses some sort of worry in that regard. No known cults of reason (or equivalent) seem to enjoy any form of popularity.
