Alternative History
Bundesland Bosnien-Montenegro (German)
Савезна држава Босне и Црне Горе (Serbian)
Federal State of Bosnia-Montenegro
State of Greater Austria (1919-1952)
Flag of Bosnia (1878-1908)
1919–1952 Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Flag of Montenegro
Flag of Bosnia (1908-1918) Coat of arms of Bosnia and Herzegovina (1889–1918)
Flag Coat of arms
NGW Bosnia-Montenegro
Bosnia-Montenegro in Greater Austria, in 1930.
Capital Sarajevo
Official language German, Serbian
Religion Catholicism, Sunni
Government Constitutional Monarchy
 - 1919-1929 Ferdinand II (First)
 - 1929-1933 Karl I
 - 1933-1952 Otto I(Last)
 - Established 1919
 - Disestablished 1952
Currency Krone (Kr)