Alternative History
United Empire of Brésil
Empire Unis du Brésil
Brazil Imperii Unitum Est
Timeline: Principia Moderni IV (Map Game)
OTL equivalent: Empire of Brazil
Flag of Brésil Nic 3 Coat of arms of the Empire of Bresil Nic
Flag Coat of arms
La Constitution, L'Union, et L'Empereur!
(The Constitution, The Union, and The Emperor!)
Par La Persévérance Sous Dieu
(Through Perseverance Under God)
Royal anthem: 
De Florence à Nouveau Alençon
(From Florence to New Alençon)
PMIVBresil 1806
The French Red color shows territories of Brésil that are colonized and settled, the Red-Pink color shows territories that are claimed not colonized, and the Striped territories are claimed and disputed territory with Argenta.
(and largest city)
Official languages French, Latin
Regional languages German, Basque, Portuguese, Castilian, Indigenous languages
Demonym French
Religion Roman Catholicism
Government Representative Unicameral Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy
 -  Emperor Alexandre I of Brésil
Legislature Grand Assembly
 -  Discovered 1503 
 -  First Settlement 1529 
 -  Arrival of French 1543 
 -  Captaincies Established 1631 
 -  Antarctique Established 1642 
 -  Riviere D'Argent 1778 
 -  Empire Established 1786 
 -  1943 census 99 million 
Currency Brésilian Florin (ƒ) (BSF)

The United Empire of Brésil (French: Empire Unis du Brésil) is a constitutional monarchy in Eastern Laurentia, originating as the Captaincy of New Valois (Nouveau Valois) and the Governorship of Antartique as a colony under France. Brésil officially became independent in 1786, when they broke their union with Riviere D'Argent and wrote a constitution.


Discovery, Exploration, and Settlement[]

The territory of modern-day Brésil was first discovered in 1586 by the Burgundian explorer, David Lauwen. Most accounts record that Lauwen briefly landed ashore, before sailing north to Rupertstad. Once word of his discoveries made it back to Europe, the land became an interest of King Manuel I of Portugal. Manuel sponsored the first settlement in Brésil at São Paulo (modern-day Atterrir-Haut) in 1529. This led Manuel to create a royal charter named "Brasil" due to the discovery of the cash crop known was Brasilwood. By the end of that year, 150 Portuguese settlers had moved to the colony. Contrary to the name, the colony's main export was sugarcane, while Brasilwood was a close second.

Finally in 1543, the French captain Mathis Valentin reached land at modern-day Rivière du Comte and founded the first French settlement in the region. At the same time, German merchants began flooding into southern parts of the region due to the growth of the logging market around Brasilwood. French settlements gradually moved up the northeastern coast, which lead to the foundation of Saint Pierre in 1578. Although the French had hegemony in the region there were many other settlements including those from German Princes (Villellemande, circa 1557) and the Knights Hospitaller (Saint John, circa 1582). Through the seventeenth century, the French colony continued to expand North and gained the name Brésilland (with etymology from the Portuguese colony). In 1630, Frédéric, Comte d'Augsbourg the head of the French East India company founded another major settlement in northern Brésil. This colony functioned as a major port for connect to the French East Indies, and sustained itself with its massive sugarcane production. Frédéric named the colony Nouvelle Calabre, which is the modern-day capital Saint-Denis.

Captaincy and Governorship[]

Since their inception, French Brésilian settlements were relatively unorganized under royal charters by the King of France. This was the situation until 1631, when the the head of the French East India Company, Comte d'Augsbourg separated the charters into several French captaincies. The captaincies were given to noble families who in turn held it as a fiefdom for the Royal East India Company, with its capital in Nouvelle Calabre. The families included the Orange, Welser, Fugger, and Medici houses among countless others. In order to stimulate growth and usage of the sugar plantations in the Captaincies, they begin to bring over African indentured servants from the Kingdom of Kongo.

In 1636, King Charles X ordered the seizure of German Brésil south of the French colony. The invasion was successful, and the German colony was absorbed into the Royal East India Company by 1638. Through a treaty, Charles X guaranteed the rights of Germans on Brésilian soil, which still protects the minority group today.

The Captaincies continued to expand inland, concentrated along the Parando and Pilcomayo rivers. A large amount of French traders settled in the coastal cities attracted by the policies of the Royal East India Company. Another small-scale invasion expanded the colony with seizure of some Portuguese lands in 1641. Due to all of this expansion, the Governorship of French Antarctique was created in 1642 which separated the French colonies along the latitude of Rivière du Comte. In this period, silver grew as an export of Brésil.

Six years later, in retaliation for the earlier French invasion, the Portuguese invaded French Brésil. In two years they had occupied nearly all of major cities in Brésil. Many cities were burned, massacres were made against the French settlers, and Iberian settlers seized the property of many French ones. The most known massacre is the Victoire Slaughter were French settlers refuse to provide food or housing to Portuguese troops and in return their city was burnt to the ground. By 1650, the story had changed with France being able to reoccupy their colonies and occupy the Portuguese ones. The war ended with status quo antebellum between the nations, even though many French wanted revenge for the massacres they were subject to.

Although Brésil continued to gain prosperity from its exports of Brasilwood, sugar, and silver many problems arose for the colony. Pirates were conducting large scale invasions on northern coastal cities which was stalling shipping and growth. Resources of the colonial government also needed to be siphoned off in the search for a man known as the wandering Jew. This also caused a large amount of internal migration in Brésil.

Another conflict against Iberia occurred starting in 1698, but this time the French government was prepared. French and English troops were stationed in many cities and on the coast to halt any large-scale Iberian invasion of the colony like there was before. The Iberians blockaded the coast for most of the war and sacked a few cities. French shipping was looted during the conflict, effectively halting trade. By 1706, Savoyard mercenaries sent by Iberia had occupied Nouvelle Calabre, which forced the French king to sign peace. Only minor territorial changes were made to the Captaincies, and the King helped the colony recover by financing the reconstruction of cities.

Following the death of Guálter de Sá in 1725, the Iberian colony of Parnaíba in northern Brésil was abandoned and returned to France, although keeping a plurality of Iberian settlers. The captaincies continued to expand and gain prosperity through 1700s, still moving inland with many settlements on rivers.

Union With Riviere D'Argent[]

By the late 1700s, influence over French Brésil was split between two entities. In the north, it was mainly influenced by the Royal East India Company, while the south was under influence of the Viceroyalty of Riviere D'Argent. Riviere D'Argent gained more and more influence, especially in the political situation of Brésil. This led the viceroy to institute the very unfavorable Actes Intolerables and removal of self-governance in Brésil. Under this the Brésilians felt betrayed, and when Riviere D'Argent declared itself a republic next year, after a brief union, they declared their own separate government.


Due to the dissatisfaction with the government of the new state of Riviere D'Argent and their Actes Intolerables and the removal of Brésilian self-governance, the captains of New Valois and the governor of French Antarctique meet with each other in Nouveau Alençon to create a new government. The “founding fathers” declare their own independence as the United Empire of Brésil with the union of the captaincies of New Valois and the governorship of French Antarctique. Over the next few weeks, the founders write a constitution for their new nation which guarantees many rights including freedom of speech, assembly, to vote, and press. The constitution also sets up the new government as representative unicameral parliamentary constitutional monarchy. After lots of debate, the founders choose the new emperor to be one of their own, the former Grand Captain of New Alençon, Nicolas Alexandre de Medici-Brésil (who takes the name Nicolas I of Brésil) and create the Grand Assembly.

Reign of Nicolas I[]


The United Empire of Brésil is a representative unicameral parliamentary constitutional monarchy. The head of state is referred to as Emperor of Brésil, while the head of government is known as Grand Deputy.

Grand Assembly[]

The constitution states that the Grand Assembly is a legislative body made up of members known as deputies. The body has many powers including making laws for the nation, taxing the nation, and checking the power of the Emperor. The members of the Grand Assembly are elected by constituency districts every four years on the last Saturday of the month, and can only be re-elected once. On the first day that the body assembles, the deputies have a majority vote among themselves to elect the Grand Deputy who acts as head of the body.

The assembly meets throughout the week on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. The body opens at noon, and deputies propose, discuss, and debate laws for six hours. The last two hours are reserved for voting on laws. With the formation of parties in 1798, parties usually meet on separate occasions to discuss proposals, and then bring them to the body. The Grand Deputy can call an emergency meeting or emergency vote if there is a pressing issue. Once laws are passed with a majority or amendments to the constitution are passed with a super majority, the document is taken to the emperor who can approve or veto laws. 


The Emperor is the head of state of the nation and is in control of the executive branch. Their powers include management of foreign relations, commander-in-chief, the right to veto legislation, and appoint judges. It is a hereditary role with agnatic primogeniture, but it is very limited by the constitution and assembly, unlike its counterparts in Europe.

Royal Family[]

The Medici-Brésil Dynasty is the ruling family of the United Empire of Brésil. The House of Medici-Brésil is a cadet branch of the House of Medici, and rose to prominence after it was given control of one of the captaincies of New Valois in 1631. The founder of the House of Medici-Brésil is Nicolas Alexandre I when he became Emperor of Brésil in 1786 after being selected by the founding fathers of Brésil.

House of Medici-Brésil

  • Nicolas I Alexandre (1747-1806) Emperor of Brésil = Florentine Welser
    • Alexandre Nicolas (1773) Emperor of Brésil = Françoise Monteil
      • Alexandre Francisque (1797) Prince Imperial of Brésil
      • Florentine Virginie (1801)
    • Cosme Nicolas (1775) = Viviane Savoia
      • Nicolas Cosme (1799)
      • Claude (1803)
      • Bernadette Florentine (1805)
    • Hippolyte Nicolas (1778) Minister of Transportation and Post = Marie-Thérèse Kahoowha
      • Nicolas Matéo (1808)
      • Hippolyte Kamehameha-Renaud (1809)
    • Virginie Caterina (1782) = Ambroise Bonaparte
      • House of Bonaparte
    • Alphonse Francisque (1783) = Rosette Savoia
      • Sylvie Rosette (1807)
      • Nicolas Emmanuel (1809)

Grand Parlement[]

In 1798, Grand Deputy Jean-Pascal Nicollier with a 60-40 vote, authorized the official creation of the Grande Parlement, the highest court in the nation. The court officially has 11 members, with one of them being the Grande Justice. Each Justice has a ten-year mandate, and a new one is appointed every year so their mandates don’t all expire at once. Every other year, their appointments alternate between the Emperor and the Grand Deputy. With the Emperor also appointing justices in lower courts, the Grand Parlement heads a relatively weak judiciary, heavily influenced by executive and legislative branches. There is no official amendment for it in the constitution, so it can technically be disbanded any time after its creation in 1808.

Imperial Ministries[]

Imperial Ministries have little to no power and basically serve as advisers to the Emperor under the executive branch. The ministries are headed by ministers. Mostly nobles are appointed by the Emperor for this position so he can satisfy the major noble families throughout Brazil. Imperial Ministries include the Ministry of State, Ministry of Treasury, Ministry of War, and the Ministry of Transportation and Post.

Foreign Relations[]

The United Empire of Brésil has formal diplomatic relations with many nations of the globe.

Trade Agreements/Good Relations

  • Kingdom of Hawaii - Main trade partner in Oceania; free trade exists with this state. State visits have been made between both nations as well as a royal marriage between their ruling families. There are embassies in both nations.

Neutral Relations

  • Kingdom of Burgundy
  • United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
  • Mehican Empire
  • Salish

Uneasy Relations

  • Republic of De Platé - Brésil and De Platé used to be united under Riviere D'Argent. Disputed territory exists between them over the region of Paraguay. Border trade exists between the two nations but with a normal tariff.
  • Lé Dominioń Inca - As the Viceroyalty of Peru plans were drawn up to invade and re-establish French authority in Brésil. Some trade exists between the two nations but with a large tariff.
  • Kingdom of France - Brésil declared independence from the Kingdom of France, and hostilities existed between the two states. Technically there is a trade embargo on French goods, but it is not heavily enforced.
  • Consulate of Iberia - The War of the Amazone was fought between Brésil and Iberia, and per the Treaty of Nouveau Alençon a truce lasts between the nations until 1825. The normal tariff rate exists on Iberian goods.


Host country Ambassador Date Appointed Appointed by
Kanaka Maoli flag Kingdom of Hawaii Ambroise Bonaparte 1800 Nicolas I
Flag of England U.K. of England and Ireland Cosme Nicolas Medici 1816 Alexandre I
Ancient Flag of Burgundy Kingdom of Burgundy Amédéé Chambrun 1816 Alexandre I
Belkan Flag Actually Centered Belkan Federation François Marais 1816 Alexandre I
Flag of the German Empire Empire of the Germans Grégoire Alard 1816 Alexandre I




Throughout its colonial history, Brésil's currency was the French Livre (short for Livre Tournois) mostly minted out of Tours, France. Although it experienced some changes over time, it was subdivided into 20 sous (also sols), each of 12 deniers with its worth being based on silver.

After independence, Brésil quickly adopted Brésilian Liberté. This currency was based on eights with it being subdivided into eight Blancs, each of eight Deniers. eight Libertés would then equal one Livre de Saint Pierre. The coins were only minted at one location in Saint Pierre.

12 years later, under the Coinage Act of 1798, the currency was officially decimalised and formed into the Brésilian Florin. This currency would have two minting locations with another mint opening up in Villellemande. The Florin would be subdivided into 100 deniers.

Value Name Minted Composition Edge Obverse Reverse
ƒ0.005 Milles 1798–present Brass Plain Saint Martin C.U.E.
ƒ0.01 Deniers 1798–present Copper Plain Saint Remi One Lily
ƒ0.02 Cinquantiès 1798–present Copper Plain Joan of Arc Two Lilies
ƒ0.03 Triolets 1798–present Copper Plain Emperor Medici Coat of Arms
ƒ0.05 Vingtiès 1798–present Copper Plain Emperor Medici Coat of Arms
ƒ0.10 Dixiès 1798–present Silver (.750) Reeded Emperor Medici Coat of Arms
ƒ0.20 Quintes 1798–present Silver (.750) Reeded Emperor Medici Coat of Arms
ƒ0.5 Demiès 1798–present Silver (.896) Reeded Emperor Medici Coat of Arms
ƒ1 Florins 1798–present Silver (.917) Reeded Charlemagne Oriflamme
ƒ2 Jumeaux 1798–present Silver (.917) Reeded Knight Averardo Oriflamme
ƒ5 Libertés 1798–present Gold (.750) Reeded Saint-Denis Oriflamme
ƒ10 Liès 1798–present Gold (.900) Reeded Saint-Denis Oriflamme & Wreath
ƒ100 Centiè 1798–present Gold (.917) "C.U.E."  Saint-Denis Oriflamme & Wreath

