Alternative History

The Brussels Conference was a meeting of the great powers of Europe and the United States to codify and solidify future colonial gains and spheres of influence to the European powers in their conquest of Africa. With the riches and resources of the continent at last open to our peoples, the European nations must take it upon themselves to bring civilization to these poor peoples as well as bring the modern age to this untamed frontier of the world.

Brussels Conference Borders (The End of Peace Map Game)

Brussels Conference Final Borders


  • Political interference in another power's colonial empires is forbidden.
  • Arming insurgents and rebels is forbidden.
  • The Colonial acquisitions will act as closed markets to the mother country.
  • Blocking rivers and waterways that are shared between colonies of different powers is expressly forbidden. 

War over claims[]

  • If you are pressing a claim you may solve it out peacefully, colonial wars that are solely colonial wars and not part of a war on the continent are not allowed.


  • Russian Empire : Vinny
  • Kingdom of Romania: Jade090705 aka King Carol I