Alternative History
Alternative History

Canada is a country in the midwestern part of North America. Its fifteen provinces and two territories, Its border with the United States, Mexico, and Dominion of Columbia, is the world's longest bi-national land border. Canada's capital is Detroit, and its three largest metropolitan areas are Chicago, Montreal, and New Orleans.

République fédérale du Canada
Federal Republic Of Canada
Timeline: British, French, and Italian Alliance

OTL equivalent: Illinois, Michigan, Missisippi, New Brunswick, Ohio, Prince Edward Island, Wisconsin, and parts of Quebec, Ontario, Nova Scotia, Iowa, Indiana, Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Minnesota, North Dakota, and Louisiana
Flag Coat of Arms
Flag Coat of Arms
Location of République fédérale du Canada
Location of République fédérale du Canada
From Sea to Sea (From Sea to Sea)
Anthem "O Canada"
Capital Detroit
Largest city Rouille
Other cities Montreal, Chicago, New Orleans
Language English, French
Religion Christianity, Non-Religious, Others
Ethnic Group European, African, Native, Others
Demonym Canadian
Legislature Federal Paramentary Constitutional Republic
President Nicole Marois
Prime Minister Jean Fortin
Area 3M km2 3 ,illion km2
Population 100.7 million 
Established July 1, 1867
Currency Canadian Pounds
Time Zone 8:00


  1. Flag of New Brunswick Acadia (Nashwaak)
  2. Flag of Cape Breton Island Cape Breton (Sydney)
  3. MichiganFlagUCA Huron (Marseille)
  4. Flag of St. Louis, Missouri Illinois (Sangamon)
  5. Flag of Montana (1861 HF) Iowa (Des Moines)
  6. Flag of Kentucky (1861 HF) Kentaki (Tayyip Jolt )
  7. LouisianaFlagUCA Louisiana (Baton Rouge)
  8. Minnesota North Star Flag Minnesota (Vinland)
  9. Mississippi 2001 flag proposal Mississippi (Funland)
  10. Flag of Lincoln (1776 UCA) Ohio (New Paris)
  11. Flag of Ontario Ontario (Rouille)
  12. Flag of Ontario (No Napoleon) Ottawa (Ottawa)
  13. Flag of Indiana (1861 HF) Ouabache (Ouabache)
  14. Flag of Wisconsin (1861 HF) Ouisconsin (Milwaukee)
  15. Flag of Quebec Quebec (Quebec)
  16. Flag of Superior Superior (Marquette)
  17. Flag of Prince Edward Island St. John's Island (Port la Joye)