A Political Capital, or Capital City, is the area of a country, province, region, or state, regarded as enjoying primary status, usually but not always the seat of the government. Here are a few examples of current and former capitals found throughout the multiverse:
- Berlin (USA Kingdom)
- Bisanz (Groß-Deutschland)
- Brünn (Groß-Deutschland)
- Constantinople (Chaos)
- Constantinople (Groß-Deutschland)
- Cuzco (Aztec Empire)
- Cycaes (The Sicans)
- Denver, Colorado (World War III - 1956)
- European Capital District (Bye Bye Belgium)
- Georgetown (Short-lived US)
- Innsbruck (Groß-Deutschland)
- Klagenfurt (Groß-Deutschland)
- Kosakenstadt (Groß-Deutschland)
- London (USA Kingdom)
- Martinsburg (Chaos)
- München (Groß-Deutschland)
- New Córdoba (Ard Marjhoola)
- New Orleans (British Louisiana)
- Port George (American Union)
- Rome (Alexander the Great)
- Rome (Chaos)
- Rome (USA Kingdom)
- San Jose (New Albion)
- Tokyo (Vegetarian World)
- Toledo (Andean Wars)
- Tunis (Chaos)
- Vienna (Chaos)
- Xanux (The Sicans)
- Zere (The Sicans)