Cat Tale is a 2009 computer-animated comedy film written and directed by Felix Ip. The film was originally scheduled for a 2007 release, but then pushed to a 2009 release, where it was thus distributed by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer.
A cat named Rover ends up in a place called Dogtown and goes to a place called Catopolis.
- Sean Astin as Rover McKibble, a British Shorthair who acts like a dog, the main protagonist.
- Elisha Cuthbert as Cleo, a beautiful Turkish angora with a pink scarf, she works as a News reporter in Catopolis.
- Alan Cumming as Newton, a Havana Brown who guides Rover in Catopolis.
- Stanley Tucci as Simon, a villainous Korat who is Cleo ex-boyfriend.
- Billy Idol as Digger McKibble, a clumsy Jack russell terrier who is Rover's younger brother.
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