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North Korea (The White Sun shines over the Far East) -
North Korea (Alternative DPRK) -
North Korea (The Lions of England meets the Elephants)
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- File:Flag of North Korea (1948).svg
- File:Flag of North Korea (emblem cut during the North Korean Revolution).png
- File:Flag of North Korea.svg
- File:Flag of northern korea.jpeg
- File:Flag of the Korean People's Army (Fringed).png
- File:Flag of the Korean People's Army (Fringeless).png
- File:Flag of the Korean People's Army Ground Force.svg
- File:Flag of the Korean People's Navy.svg
- File:Flag of the Provisional People's Committee for North Korea.svg
- File:Flag of the Sinŭiju Special Administrative Region.svg
- File:Flag of the Workers' Party of Korea.svg
- Free Republic of North Korea (Georgia Mix-Up)
- File:NKAF flag.svg
- File:NKSOF-flag.png
- North Korea (6-2-5 Upheaval)
- North Korea (A Sacred Time)
- North Korea (Alternate Asia)
- North Korea (Alternative DPRK)
- North Korea (Brave New Dawn)
- North Korea (Differently)
- North Korea (Double Collapse)
- North Korea (Lucyandanny)
- North Korea (Milkdromeda)
- North Korea (New Republic)
- File:North Korea (orthographic projection).svg
- North Korea (President Dukakis)
- North Korea (Regnum Bueno)
- North Korea (Revolutionary Front)
- North Korea (The Dragon Splits)
- North Korea (The Era of Relative Peace)
- North Korea (The Lions of England meets the Elephants)
- North Korea (The Scarlet Banner)
- North Korea (The Tables Didn't Turn in Korea)
- North Korea (The White Sun shines over the Far East)
- File:North-Korea.gif