Alternative History
People's Republic of Ceasa
Flag of of the People's Republic of Ceasa Coat of Arms of Ceasa
Flag Emblem
Arise, those who whish to not be Slaves
March of the Free

Ceasa map (Rome and China)
Dark green: Territory controlled by Ceasa. Light Green: Claimed territory
Paris Night
The Capital Parisi at night
Other cities Roma, Milano, Antberpa
Official languages Oficial Ceasan
Ethnic groups  Ceasans, Germanians, Croats, Slovenes, Bosnians, Serbs, Hungarians
Religion No religion, Folk, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism
Demonym Ceasan, Roman, Romanian
Government Unitary Marxist–Leninist one-party socialist republic
 -  President Donaldo Trumpanun
 -  Premier
Legislature National People's Congress
 -   estimate 631 Million 
Currency Lissibo Dollar
Time zone UTC+1
Drives on the Right

Ceasa (Official Ceasan: ROMANIA), officially the People's Republic of Ceasa, is a country in Western Europe. It is the most populated nation in Europe with a population of 631 million people, the majority being either Ceasan or Germanian. The country consists of 23 provinces and 3 special administrative regions (Lissibo, Almada, and Cepta).

Modern Ceasa can trace its origin back to the formation of the Roman Kingdom 2776 years ago which soon became a republic and conquered large parts of Europe, North Africa and Western Asia. By the 1st century Before Christ it became the most dominant nation around the Mediterranean before becoming a monarchy with Ceasar Augustus as the first emperor. Christianity was initially percecuted and soon merged with the folk beliefs of old Roman religion. During the 3rd century, Germanic tribes invaded and settled in the eastern lands of the empire, evolving into the modern states of Elledenland, Albanien, Serbia and Bulgaria. Its lands in North Africa were lost to the Arabs while its borders with Germania stabilized. Foreign trade flourished along the silk road, trading with the Asian states of the east. A slavic dynasty lasted for a hundred year from 1280s - 1370s, but the Genua Dynasty re-established Ceasan control. The Hohenzollen Germanian-led dynasty doubled the empire's territory with the establishment of control over both Germania and Romania.

The Hohenzollen monarchy collapsed in with the Milano Revolution of 1912, when the Republic of Ceasa (ROC) replaced the Hohenzollen dynasty. In its early years as a republic, the country underwent a period of instability known as the "Warlord Era" before mostly reunifying in 1928 under a Nationalist government. A civil war between the Nationalist Party of Ceasa and the Ceasa Communist Party (CCP) began in 1927. Britain invaded Ceasa in 1937, starting the Second Anglo-Roman War and temporarily halting the civil war. The surrender and expulsion of British forces from Ceasa in 1945 left a power vacuum in the country, which led to renewed fighting between the Communists and Nationalists. The civil war ended in 1949 with the division of Ceasan territory; the CCP established the People's Republic of Ceasa on the mainland while the Nationalist-led ROC government retreated to the islands of Corsica, Sardinia, several other Mediterranean islands and Sicily, though the PRC later invaded the island. Both claim to be the sole legitimate government of Ceasa, although the United Nations recognized the PRC as the sole representation since 1971. From 1959 to 1961, the PRC implemented an economic and social campaign called the "Great Leap Forward" that resulted in a sharp economic decline and an estimated 10 million deaths. From 1966 to 1976, the turbulent period of political and social chaos within Ceasa known as the Cultural Revolution led to greater economic and educational decline, with millions being subjected to either persecution or "politicide" based on political categories. Since then, the Ceasan government has rebuked some of the earlier policies, conducting a series of political and economic reforms since 1978 that have greatly raised Ceasan standards of living, and increased life expectancies.

The country is one of the fastest-growing major economies and is the world's largest manufacturer, exporter and importer. Ceasa is a recognized nuclear-weapon state with one of the world's largest army and defense budget. Ceasa is considered to be a potential superpower due to its high level of innovation, economic potential, growing military strength, and influence in international affairs.


The name comes from the first dynasty after the First Republic, where its emperors bore the name of Ceasar. The empire was later commonly referred to as Ceasar or Ceasa by foreign traders.


Since the rule of Hadrian, Rome emerged into a stage where it ended its fast expansion in favour of strengthening its rule over current territories. The Great Wall of Europe was later built by Hadrian to act as a border with Northern tribes and was split into two parts that followed the Rhine and Danube rivers. A civil war would follow in 193.

Collaspe of the East[]

During the 3rd Century, Ceasa experienced an era of diaster. The empire experinced several dynasties, wars and invasions. Order was however restored by Constantine the Great, who became the first Christian emperor and ended the persecution, eventually leading to the adoption of Christianity has main religion. After Theodosius I, the empire was split between east and west. The east began to disintegrate, with Germanic peoples migrating into Brittania and the Eastern Empire. However the western empire endured, losing territory around the Rhine and Alps.

Dalmatia Dynasty[]

Genua Dynasty[]

Ceasan Revolution[]

Hohenzollen Dynasty[]

Main Article: Hohenzollen Dynasty

Betraying the Genua loyalists in 1799, Friedrich Wilhelm III was crowned the Emperor of Ceasa on Christmas Day 1799 as Friderico Guillielm I. This marked the end of native Ceasan rule. Unlike previous dynasties, the Hohenzollen dynasty was the most violent. The initial years of Friedrich as Emperor was spent conquering and subduing rebellious provinces still loyal to the Genua pretender Louis VII. After Louis' death in 1824, the movement mostly died down. For a brief 20 years, the dynasty enjoyed some peace. By the mid-1800s, Asian colonial empires started to exert more influence and power over Ceasa. Many surrounding nations that had once bowed down to the Ceasan Emperor as vassals for centuries now broke off and found protection under Asian armies. Likewise, the Eastern Frontier was threatened by a rapidly modernising Russia. Two wars over trade rights led to the loss of Polonia and other Eastern provinces to Russia, while Asian Empires carved out trading ports in the Empire's southwest such as Japanese Lissibo. Under Emperor Friderico Guillielm II, Ceasa had entered its century of humiliation.

Fed up by Germanian rule and abuse by foreign powers, unrest grew in the provinces. In 1850, a schism occurred between the Emperor in Parisi and the Pope in Roma. A week after Easter 1850, the Pope declared a general Catholic uprising against the Emperor with the goal of establishing a Catholic theocratic state. The Emperor immediately ordered a weak military response, which failed to destroy the movement that occupied Italia and the countryside of the Western provinces. The conflict lasted 14 years, with the Emperor establishing a new papacy based in Cologne under his control. In 1858, the Emperor's forces led a campaign down the Italian peninsular ending with the capture of Roma and the flight of the Pope to Egypt and then relocation to Britain. The Papacy in Cologne moved to replace the Roman Papacy but had little loyalty from the common population. In 1864, a treaty concluded the war and allowed the Roman Papacy to return on the condition that a new Pope be selected and that the Papacy concerns itself with only religious affairs. The war significantly decreased the Emperor's popularity.

Under Guillielm I, Ceasa continued to lack behind its neighbours Britain and Russia. One of the remaining vassals to Ceasa, Frisia, experienced a coup that ousted the pro-Ceasan side of the royal family. Guilliem I ordered the Ceasan army into the country, only to be met by the modernised British Imperial Army in the First Anglo-Roman War. The war cemented Britain's supremacy over Western Europe. During the century of humiliation, a new class of educated liberals began to emerge that questioned tradition and the role of the Emperor. When Friderico I began Emperor, there were hopes he would begin the modernisation of Ceasa which he did. Friederico I had received his higher education in Japan and sought cooperation with Britain through his marriage to the British Empress' daughter. As Emperor, he passed reforms aimed at tackling army corruption and extended an alliance to Russia by arranging a marriage between Princess Viktoria and Tsarevich Nicholas of Russia, son of Tsar Alexander III. During his rule and before, he came into conflict with the powerful conservative Otto von Bismark who commanded the army. However, both agreeed that the Empire needed reform if it was going to survive.

Friderico only lived a few months before dying and was succeeded by his traditionalist son Guillielm II who dismissed the need to reform. Just like his father, he came into conflict with Bismark until he arranged his assassination to personally control the army after years of it falling into the control of rogue generals. However, the assassination only made the army's generals more distrustful of the Emperor. Under Guillielm II, conditions only deteriorated. In 1897, the murder of Buddhist monks gave justification to Asian Empires to seize more concessions. In 1900, a secret society called the Knights emerged and began mass killings of foreigners, Buddhists and Hindus. Their goal of removing foreign influence from the Empire led to their increased membership before in 1901 they moved to besiege the Foreign Legation Quarter in Parisi. In response to the siege, a coalition of Asiatic nations and Britain seized the Seine river and moved into Parisi to relieve the quarter. Guillielm II, enraged at the foreign incursion, declared war on the coalition only to face defeat. In addition, the declaration of war wasn't followed by the Iberian and Italian provinces whose generals did not bother to support the Emperor in his war. The 1901 war was a failure and in 1902, the Gang of Six led a coup to remove Guillielm as Emperor. He was succeeded by his son Guillielm III and exiled to Russia.

Instead of putting another monarch with absolute rule in power again, Guillielm III had little control. Power instead rested in the Prime-Minister appointed by Parliament. Parliament convened in Parisi and allocated half of its seats to Ceasan nobles, and another half to Germanian nobles elected to 5 year terms. Emile Loubet was elected but was seen as too anti-Germanian. In 1908, Guillielm III and unsatisfied Germanian generals led a coup to oust Loubet. It failed and Guillielm was ousted in 1910. Parliament, which had been readjusted to be 2/3 Ceasan, saw the accension of the child-Emperor Guillielm IV as a way to pass reforms without interference from the Emperor. To prevent the Royal Family from seizing power, the Emperor and the immediate Royal Family were locked up in their Parisi Palace, while Guillielm II and Guillielm III were in exile in Russia. Tebaldo de Bethmann Hollweg was elected to satisfy Germanian generals who were becoming increasingly independent. However, it was not just the Germanians who felt unsatisfied with Parliament. On 20 November 1910, republicans seized Milano and initiated an uprising against Parliament. By December 1910, 17 out of 23 provinces rejected the rule of Parliament and the supremacy of the Emperor and Royal Family. Liberals, socialists, and republicans across Italia gathered at Florents[1] and declared the establishment of the Third Republic of Ceasa on 1 January 1911. Hollweg authorised Philippe Petain to take full control of the Southern Armies to crush the rebellion, defeating the republicans at the Battle of Pacenta and seizing the major cities of Italia. Petain however allied himself with the Republicans in Florents before turning back north. With little communication with Petain, Prime Minister Hollweg declared him a traitor before fleeing into Germania with Germanian parliamentarians. Petain arrival into Parisi with republican forces was celebrated and on 4 February Guilliem V abdicated in favour of the Republic. Petain was then declared President and commander of the army. Following this, the Germanian generals established cliques in Germania loyal to the exiled Germanian parliament. This would start a period of civil war in the country.

Republic of Ceasa[]

Communist Rule[]

Major combat in the Ceasan Civil War concluded in 1950 with the Nationalist government retreating to major islands within the Western Mediterranean such as Majorca, Sardinia, Corsica and Sicily. Sicily was eventually invaded by communist forces, with the Battle of Sicily acting as the last major period of combat in the war. On May 4, Giorgis Dej proclaimed the People's Republic of China. In the East, terms such as Red Ceasa and Communist Ceasa have been used. During the war, Dej was supplied by the Soviet Union and the province of Borussia occupied by the Soviets was given over to Dej. During his reign, Dej maintained good relations with its neighbour until reforms undertaken by Khrushchev and the Romano-Soviet Split.

Under his rule, massive implementation of forced collectivization of land occurred along with purges of the political opposition. Relationships started to deteriorate with the USSR after Khrushchev's reforms. He initiated the Great Leap Forward which aimed at transforming the country from an agrarian economy to a heavily industrialized one. Relationships with outside countries improved as the demand for outside resources grew such as the importation of iron from India to a steel plant in Fertalitia, Dacia. To quell any conspiracies against him, the Secret Police under the name of Securidas. During the 50s and 60s, Dej reached out with nations in the East such as Hinode. Due to conflicting alliances and relations, the Romano-Soviet split began as Ceasa began drifting away from the USSR.

After the death of Giorgis Dej from lung cancer in 1965. A power struggle which began before his death insued between Gion Maurer and Nicolos Ceausescu. Ceausescu eventually won, being a long time ally of Giorgis Dej. The Ceasan Worker's Party was renamed to Ceasan Communist Party, while it remained a People's Republic. Press censorship was initially eased. The main aim that Nicolos aimed to achieved was transforming Ceasa back into a world superpower that it was back in the early Hohenzollen Dynasty. In 1966, he hoped to increase the nation's population as a deterrent from an invasion from the Soviet Union, banning abortion and contraception which persists today. In 1969, the Hinodian president visited the nation.

However during the 70s, the Ceausescu regime became more authoritarian. Youth paramilitaries such as the Red Guard were endorsed and encouraged, propaganda was expanded, larger involvement of political beliefs in education. Previous efforts for liberalization were condemned. 1971 marked the beginning of the Cultural Revolution. The Revolution aimed at merging the Party with day-to-day activities and cement the role of communism in the nation. In 1974, Ceausescu achieved total control over Ceasa with the creation of the role of 'President of Ceasa'.

During the 1989 Soviet Crisis, Ceasan soldiers entered and occupied Besserabia. After the official dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1995, Besserabia gained independence yet Ceasan forces remained as 'peacekeepers'. After the election of Jamus Chriac as the Paramount leader and President of Ceasa by the CCP, a referrendum was called and the population voted 65% in favour of joining Ceasa. In 1997, Besserabia was introduced into the republic as the lastest province in Ceasa. The legitimacy of the result has been questioned, particularly by Russia who view the population - which is of mostly Russian origin - as part of Russia. However these inhabitants were brought in during the exile of the native Ceasan population.

21st Century[]

Map of Ceasa with labelled provinces

Map of Ceasa's provinces: Light red - provinces; light blue - special municipalities; green - special autonomous regions; beige - autonomous regions; grey - territory claimed but controlled by the Republic of Ceasa


Ceasa is bordered by several European nations. The Nation of Frisia is surrounded by Ceasa, and seperated by the Rhine in the south. To the north, the Germanic nation of Danemark, along with a maritime border with Sweden, makes up the republic's northern border.

Politics and Government[]

International Relations[]

In contrast, Ceasa's relationship with its island neighbour of Britain has been strained. During the 19th and 20th centuries, Britain participated in several wars against Ceasa. The latest was the Second Anglo-Roman War which saw it eventually becoming a part of World War II. Following the end of Hinodian occupation and the establishment of communist rule, relationships continue to be strained. Ceasa states that this is due to Britains inability to acknowlegde previous war crimes, while Britain states this is due to the expansionist behaviour of the PRC. Revisionist comments by British nationalists, and the removal of any mention of the Parisi massacre of 1937 have done nothing to repair relations.

Both Eire and Danemark remain healthy relations with Ceasa. Ceasa supported the communist factions during both nation's civil wars, with the communists suceeding in Danemark. Ceasa continued to support Danemark during the Danish Genocide and against the following Swedish invasion. Even after the return of the Danish monarchy, Ceasa remains an important partner with Danemark.

Within Africa, Ceasa has sought out influence within the continent over its abundent resources. It has particularly gained influence over North Africa apart from Morocco.




Religion in Ceasa (2023)

  Non-religious/Folk religions (74%)
  Christian (17%)
  Muslim (6%)
  Buddhist/Hindu (2%)
  Pagan Roman, and others (1%)

The Ceasan government officially supports and embraces state atheism, running several antireligious campaigns. The State Administration for Religous Affairs oversees religous issues, while freedom of religion is guaranteed by the constitution, although organizations without official permisson have been persecuted. Before the adoption of Christianity, Roman Polytheism was the main religion with parts of it surviving today in Ceasan folk religion, having been adapted from Greece. As the Ceasar Dynasty expanded, local cults and religions were brought into Rome and became popular. The largest of these was Christianity who became the most popular religion and became the official state religion in 380 Christian Era. After Christianity, the Roman and Christian calendars continue to be used. Following the Muslim conquest of southern Iberia, Islam became the most popular religion on the peninsular. After the reconquest, Islam remained a popular religion, and the more south in Iberia you went, the more popular Islam would become. During the 1800s under the Hohenzollen dyansty, large areas of central Europe were conquered and their form of Christianity still endures the area. Also during the century, Buddhist and Hindu missonaries from Asia led to large conversions of people to the faiths of Buddhism and Hinduism. After the Communist victory, religious faiths were persecuted and frowned upon. Reforms in the 1990s ended most persecution.

A 2023 Study found that approximately 74% of Ceasans are either non-religious or follow unorganized religions, particularly folk religions. 17% are Christian, 6% are Muslim, 2% are Buddhist or follow Old Roman Religion and 1% are Hindu.


Young Children[]


Born between the years of 2004 and 2010, teenagers in Ceasa have lived a drastic life different to past generations. Due to the embracement and exposure of Eastern culture, along with the change in Ceasa's development and economy, many teenagers in Ceasa have abandon many traditions and religions, more so in urban areas than in rural areas. This easternization have caused many teenagers to own their own personal devices such as computers, laptops and phones. Although being more online, Ceasan teenagers are less social and romanticly involved compared to their counterparts around the globe. Education also become more important to this generation of teenagers

Young Adults - Post Ceausescu Generation[]

Born between the years of 1990 and 2003, the Post Ceausescu generation has some of the most varied lives in the country - some could be homeless, while others could be successful business owners. This generation were born and grew up after the reign of Nicolos Ceausescu, and his policies such as the Cultural Revolution.

Nicolos Ceausescu Generation[]

Born between 1965 and 1989, now at the ages of 58 to 34, this generation experienced the policies of Dictator Nicolos Ceausescu. The generation grew up in a time with large censorship and mass surveillance by the secret police, as such this generation is less politically involved than the ones that came after them. At the start of his reign, abortion and contraception were banned and, along with the culture of having more than 3 children, led to a spike in the population after its decline during the previous famine. This generation grew up with many siblings and often had to learn to share with others on things such as attention. This generation grew up during Ceausescu's Cult of Personality and as such many of the generation still look at his reign with nostalgia and it being better than today. Many people, especially those in rural areas grew up with little education, instead being drawn towards the Red Guard and other paramilitary youth organizations. Eventually, these organizations were disbanded and members sent into rural areas to undergo re-education and labour on farms.





The Eiffel Tower is one of the most visited sites in Parisi.

In 2019, before the COVID-19 pandemic, Ceasa recieved 848 million tourists, the most of any country. Out of these, cities such as Parisi, Beronlina, Roma and Madrid with most tourists coming from Britain, Hinode, Russia and over European nations . Ceasa also experiences high levels of domestic tourism, especially during the winter when tourism to the warmer south. Ceasa hosts the largest number of World Heritage Sites. Most of this is due to reform undertakened during the 1970s after years of isolation.


Cruisine holds great importance in Ceasan culture, originating from diverse regions of Ceasa and the Ceasan disapora around the world. The cruisine of Ceasa has, along with its history, influenced nearby nations. Though crusine varies greatly from region to region there are some characteristics that they hold in common. Ceasan crusines put a large emphasis on sauces. Dairy products are also utilised. Wheat-flour bread as historically been the main cruisine and main source for starch although potatos has become another major source. In recent years with the growth of the Ceasan economy, meat has had a larger role in Ceasan crusine. Fast food chains, most of them Asian, have also gained large popularity in recent years.


Main Article: Ceasan Companies


Ceasan music covers a highly diverse range of music from traditional music to modern music. Ceasan music dates back to republican times. Today Ceasan pop (C-Pop) rock, electronic and hip hop are some of the most popular genres.


  1. OTL Florence