| |||||
Capital (and largest city) |
Havna | ||||
Language | Coaban Taino, Guanajatabey, Cibony, Arabic | ||||
Emir | Yusif II | ||||
Chief Minister | Uth Aguanex | ||||
Population | 7,869,300 | ||||
Independence | 1871 | ||||
Currency | CBD |
The Emirate of Coabana, Coabana, is a constitutional monarchy situated in the Taino Sea south of mainland Leifia. To the north lie the mainland nations of Aismark and Caalusa. To west lies Mexica. To the south lies the French controlled island of Xaymaca and the much smaller King Rudolph Islands controlled by Austria-Bohemia. To the East lies the Quisqueyanos Federation and the Lucayan islands owned by Vinland, Susquehanockland and Passamaquoddia. It is the largest of the Taino islands in area. Its capital is Havna and it has a population of around 7.8 million.
The Head of State is Emir Yusif II.
Arabic, though once the language of government, has declined sharply since independence. Coaban Taino has largely taken over from it as the main language of the island though Guanajatabey and Cibony are still widely spoken.
It uses the Coaban Dinar (CBD).
Inhabited by three separate tribes; the Taino, Guanajatabey and Cibony, the island of Coabana was devastated by disease brought by Vinlandic explorers and traders from mainland Leifia. Populations slowly stabilised but inter-tribal warfare in the 15th century prevented the island benefiting fully from the leaps in agricultural progress that many other Leifian nations were beginning to enjoy.
In 1545 The Emirate of Granada first intervened in Coaban politics, building a fort at Havna as a depot for its small fleet which supplied gold and silver to the Mediterranean nations. In 1552 it seized full control of the island, initially to end the ongoing civil war and stamp out piracy, an act that began a scramble for the Taino and Carib islands between several European nations.
Under Granadan rule the island was pacified and soon began to fulfill its agricultural potential. By the mid 1600s it was supplying food to the booming populations of the mainland nations to the North as well as tobacco to Europe. It found even more wealth when it began to grow coffee. The rule of the princes sent from Granada was light, a fair proportion of its wealth stayed in the country and no concerted effort was made to convert the population to Islam, although many did - seeing it as a route to promotion and success. Currently about 30% of Coabans are muslim.
During the Mexic-Leifia Wars and Mexic-Kalmar Wars Coabana remained a safe and neutral nation for all nations to meet and do business. Indeed Havna was often chosen as the place to handle the diplomatic discussions to end the wars. While Mexic fleets blocked passage to any Leifian or European nation, ships flying the Granadan flag were generally untouched.
During the Iberian Revolution the Granadan royal family fled to Coabana. There the previously popular Prince Muhammed was pushed aside for the incoming Emir Ismail V. Fanatical about regaining his emirate he poured vast sums of money into the Coaban army and navy at the expense of nearly every other service. Increasingly unpopular a full scale revolt was only averted by the end of the war and Emir's return to Europe in 1836. However the damage had been done, and despite the return of Prince Muhammed as governor, the clamour for native rule continued to get stronger.
This eventually broke out into the Coaban War of Independence (1867-1871). Granada was forced to grant independence though the three tribes once again threatened to descend into civil war trying to set up a coherent national government.
Granada re-invaded in 1914, taking opportunity of another revolt between the Taino and Cibony. This was widely condemned by European and Leifian nations alike. As a result of the criticism Granada did not seek to reimpose its direct rule, merely ensuring the continued existence of the local royal family.
Coabana is divided into four 'circles', three correspond to the original tribal areas and the fourth comprises Havna and its immediate surroundings. Each circle elects its own congress and ministers, raises its own taxes and sets its own laws. The unified Upper Congress in Havna deals with matters of national importance.
The royal family was re-established in 1924 after the Granadan Reconquest. It has adopted a low profile, has a modest country estate and does not get involved in politics much. Consequently many Coabans do not mind the Emir and appreciate his ability to diffuse deadlocks in the congress as well as the family's tireless efforts to promote Coaban business and interests in the world.