Alternative History
Sicilian Channel

The Compact of Valletta is an international compact relating to the safe passage across the Sicilian Channel. It was formed after a meeting between Abbasid and Neapolitan diplomats on the island of Malta to discuss methods of efficiently promoting trans-Mediterranean travel after the imposition of the Second Compact of Iskenderun.

The conference, which was spearheaded by King Matteo Visconti of Italy and Naples, took place in 1469, followed by subsequent negotiations by all parties to the Compact.

Basis of Compact[]

No nation shall have access to the Sicilian Channel, either coming from the West or the East, unless they meet the following conditions:

  • They renounce any and all claims on Neapolitan, Italian, and Abbassid claimed and administered lands.
  • They recognize Neapolitan sovereignty over all claimed and administrated peninsular possessions, and over all claimed and administrated island possessions, including but not limited to Sicily, Sardinia, and Malta.
  • They recognize the joint administration of the Sicilian Channel by the Abbasid Caliphate and the Kingdom of Naples, and these nations' rights to pass joint treaty-based legislation to further determine access through the Channel.
  • They recognize the rights of all other signatories to access the Sicilian Channel, regardless of international relations with said nation.
  • They agree to store, half in Tunis and half in Syracuse, a sum of gold equivalent to one-tenth of the total value of their nation's trade across the Sicilian Channel per annum
  • They agree that any attempt by a national to smuggle goods through the Sicilian Channel will result in the confiscation of the aforementioned sum of gold, which must be restocked prior to the resumption of trans-Channel access. 
  • They agree to a 5% tariff, to be collected at Valletta and distributed evenly between the Kingdom of Naples and the Abbasid Caliphate.
  • They agree to seek the joint permission of both the Kingdom of Naples and the Abbasid Calipate on a case-by-case basis prior to sending any military ships across the Sicilian Channel.
  • They separately work out a set of terms to be met, after consultation with both the Kingdom of Naples and the Abbasid Caliphate.

In exchange, the Kingdom of Naples and the Abbasid Caliphate agree to provide the following services to all nations party to this compact:

  • They will protect the Sicilian Channel from all pirates, rebels, and other brigands.
  • The will provide temporary docking privileges for party nations in the ports of Valletta, Syracuse and Tunis.
  • They will enforce the aforementioned terms.

Agreements by Nations[]


The Kingdom of France and all vassals thereof, and the Kingdom of Naples and Abbasids Caliphate and all vassals thereof, agree to the aforementioned terms.

  • Henceforth, the Kingdom of France and all merchants thereof, and their respective vassals, will be allowed to utilize the Sicilian Channel to conduct trade and commerce.

King Matteo Visconti, by the Grace of God, King of Italy and Naples, Sovereign of Sicily and Sardinia, Count of Malta, and Protector of Eprius, Morea and Albania. - Reximus | Talk to Me! 02:23, September 28, 2016 (UTC)

By the Grace of God, Most Christian King of France, Charles VIII: Flippedlion NicDonalds Lionsymbol 02:56, September 28, 2016 (UTC)

Khalifat Rasul Allah, Abu Bakr. La 'illah 'illa allh. Muhammad rasul Allah.  File:SPQR Emblem Transparent.pngConsul Ioshua  TSPTF Badge


The Kingdom of England, Scotland, Ireland and Duchy of Brittany and all vassals thereof, and the Kingdom of Naples and Abbasids Caliphate and all vassals thereof, agree to the aforementioned terms.

  • Henceforth, the Kingdom of Naples and the Kingdom of Italy shall have access through the English Channel at a fixed tax-rate of 0.5%.
  • Henceforth, the Kingdom of England, Scotland, Ireland and Duchy of Brittany and all merchants thereof, and their respective vassals, will be allowed to utilize the Sicilian Channel to conduct trade and commerce.

King Edward IV, King of England and Scotland representing his vassals the King of Ireland the Duke of Brittany User:Person67

King Matteo Visconti, by the Grace of God, King of Italy and Naples, Sovereign of Sicily and Sardinia, Count of Malta, and Protector of Eprius, Morea and Albania. Reximus | Talk to Me! 21:41, October 1, 2016 (UTC)

Khalifat Rasul Allah, Abu Bakr. La 'illah 'illa allh. Muhammad rasul Allah.  File:SPQR Emblem Transparent.pngConsul Ioshua  TSPTF Badge


The United Crown of Greater Iberia and all vassals thereof, and the Kingdom of Naples and Abbasids Caliphate and all vassals thereof, agree to the aforementioned terms.

  • Henceforth, the Kingdom of Naples and the Kingdom of Italy shall have access through the Straits of Gibraltar at a fixed tax-rate of 5%.
  • Henceforth, the Kingdom of Naples and Abbasid Caliphate, and the Kingdom of France, shall recognize all present territorial boundaries of the United Crown of Greater Iberia.
  • Henceforth, the United Crown of Greater Iberia and all merchants thereof, and their respective vassals, will be allowed to utilize the Sicilian Channel to conduct trade and commerce.


Her Majesty Eleanor I, by the Grace of God, of the Kingdoms of Aragon, Catalonia, Castile, Gibraltar, Granada, Leon, Majorca, Navarre, Sardinia and Sicily, Queen; Countess of Malta; Lady of Athens and of the Kingdom of Portugal, Morocco and the Algarves; Defender of the Faith — T I M (TSWAHMGWContribs) 05:48, October 2, 2016 (UTC)

How are you still claiming Sardinia, Sicily, and Malta when you have just renounced your claims to them? Edit your signature, please. -Rex

By the Grace of God, Most Christian King of France, Charles VIII: Flippedlion NicDonalds Lionsymbol 02:50, October 4, 2016 (UTC)

King Matteo Visconti, by the Grace of God, King of Italy and Naples, Sovereign of Sicily and Sardinia, Count of Malta, and Protector of Eprius, Morea and Albania. Reximus | Talk to Me! 02:28, October 2, 2016 (UTC)

Khalifat Rasul Allah, Abu Bakr. La 'illah 'illa allh. Muhammad rasul Allah.  File:SPQR Emblem Transparent.pngConsul Ioshua