Alternative History
Cortes Gerais of New Granada
Cortes Gerais Novagranadino
12th Cortes Gerais of New Granada
Cortes Gerais COA (New Granada PMIV)
Type Unicameral
Houses Cortes Gerais
Palestrante Eduardo Graça, PUL—M
since 1870
Established 1830
Preceded by Provisional Assembly
Members 120
1875 New Granadian Cortes Gerais (Principia Moderni IV Map Game)
Cortes Gerais Political groups
  NI:Esquerdo: 15
  PUL—M: 70
  NI:Centro: 6
  PdP: 18
  NI:Direito: 11
Cortes Gerais Last election 1875
Meeting place
Plaza of Man's Government
Praça do Governo do Homem
Plaza of Man's Government

The Cortes Gerais of New Granada (Portuguese: Cortes Gerais Novagranadino) is the unicameral legislative body of the Kingdom of New Granada.

The Cortes is led by the Palestrante, who serves in a position that combines both the speakership and the prime ministerial role. The current Palestrante is Eduardo Graça, of the Partido Urbano e Liberal—Miguelista.

The 120 delegates, as members of the Cortes are known, are elected from the 12 provinces every five years. Every province is entitled to five delegates, with additional members being assigned due to the census-based population every decade. Each province may determine its own method for electing its delegates pursuant to its provincial charter.


The history of representative government in New Granada dates back to 1790, when the Dominion of New Granada was established by the last King of Iberia during the first wave of rebellion in the New World. The legislature of the Dominion was granted a good deal of devolution, but remained in a personal union with Iberia.


During the Governate of Gran Panama era, when the nation was de facto ruled by the Mehican Empire, the legislature was the Governmental Duma. It had little real power, with the Governor (primarily under Atílio Duarte de Alcantara) exercising all authority over the nation.

During the Third Panama War, a Provisional Assembly was gathered by the followers of Miguel I Bragança. This assembly was largely a liberal grouping who agreed with the King's Sentiments of Man in the New World. The Assembly drafted the New Granadian Constitution, which places the executive power with the King and the legislative power with the Cortes Gerais.

The first election to the Cortes was held in 1830, following the Constitution's ratification.


All legislation to be considered by the Cortes Gerais must begin with introduction. During introduction, the bill is assigned to the Steering Committee, which is traditionally led by the Palestrante. The Steering Committee then may assign the bill to a committee of origin, which has oversight over a given area of policy.

Committees of origin may change over time, as each Palestrante has the authority to change the number of committees, their partisan composition, and their areas of focus at the start of a new Cortes.

Should a bill pass through its respective committee of origin, then it advances to the Committee on Rules, which is traditionally the second most powerful committee and led by the Chief Deputy Palestrante. The Chief Deputy Palestrante then has the authority to assign a bill to a secondary committee. A secondary committee is not a standing committee, but rather exists to evaluate the single piece of legislation in question. Often, the secondary committee will be comprised of members in such a way to kill or significantly alter the underlying bill.

As of 1870, the standing committees of the Cortes Gerais are:

  • Steering Committee
  • Committee on Rules
  • Committee of Origin on Foreign Affairs
  • Committee of Origin on Military Affairs
  • Committee of Origin on the Economy
  • Committee of Origin on Infrastructure and Development
  • Committee of Origin on Provincial Relations

Electoral History[]












1870 New Granadian Cortes Gerais



1875 New Granadian Cortes Gerais (Principia Moderni IV Map Game)

