Alternative History
Alternative History
Republic of Crimea
Крымская Республика
Timeline: Timeline
Flag Coat of Arms
Flag Coat of Arms
Location of Crimea
Location of Crimea
Вперед к победе! (Russian)
("Forward to Victory!")
(and largest city)
Language Russian,Ukrainan
Government Parliamentary republic
  Legislature Crimean Parliament
President Pyotr Wrangel
Prime minister Grigory Mikhaylovich Semyonov
Area 26,100 km²
Population 1,234,765 
Independence from Principality of Ukraine
  declared 1898
  recognized 1901
Currency Crimean Rubel

Crimea (officialy the Republic of Crimea)is a sovereign state located on the crimean peninsula.




The Republic of Crimea is a parliamentary republic.The preisdent is the head of the state and has the highest position in the country.He or she appoints the prime minister and the cabinet.The president serves for a four year term which can be renew idefinetly.The president have the powers to dissolve the parliament,dismiss the prime minister and veto laws proposed by the parliament.

Foreign Relations[]

The republic of Crimea maintains friendly relations withe The Siberian Republic