Alternative History

Roman Elections (March 2772)[]


March 2772 saw the inauguration of a new government under the popularly elected Aeliana Berninu of the NLL and the senatorially elected Cassandra Bergamòne of the HDF.

The sitting Consul, Mogerines, was unable to retain the consulship despite a very close election, while the two traditional powerhouse factions, the HDF and PF, maintained their flagging third and fourth place positions held over the past few elections, suggesting a growing turn by the Roman populace towards populist ideas and factions.

Zahir Region Conflict (2756 - Ongoing)[]

An on going conflict primarily in the countries Bambutia and Batwana, wedged between Congo and Bakitara. The conflict originates in a Congolese death squad known as The Harvesters who want to clear the land of the Pygmoid people (the inhabitants of Bambutia and Batwana are completely made up of these) to open it up for mineral exploitation. The primary objective of The Harvesters is the territorial conquest and ethnic cleansing of Pygmoids from the Zahir (Nzere in Congolese) Region of Libia. The Harvesters consider them "subhuman", a belief widespread in Congo, and it is believed by many that the flesh of the Bambutians and Batwanans hold "magical powers". There have been reports of cannibalism being widespread. It is estimated 60,000 to 70,000 Pygmy were killed in the campaign. In 2769 the International Criminal Court found Lt. Bemba guilty of human rights violations in Congo. Congo has continued to deny a role in the conflict yet brazenly Congolese soldiers are witnessed within Bambutia and Batwana's borders, alogn with the rebel group The Harvesters, also from Congo. The group stems from the pervious Congolese Civil War and Bakitara loudly declares that The Harvesters are sanctioned by the Congolese government.

Bakitaran infantry have been operating in Bambutia and Batwana, with those countries blessings since 2770, and there has been widespread engagement between the Bakitaran forces and the Harvesters as well as the Congolese army. This has led very nearly to open warfare between Congo and Bakitara, but as yet remains a guerrilla campaign within the Pygmoid countries, which have witnessed a huminatrian crisis as a result.

Congo currently faces numerous international sanctions because of the conflict.

Roman-Bakitaran Coffee-Tea Exchange[]


Roman Councilor of State for Trade Helena Viteliscu and Bakitaran Foreign Minister Raila Aukot shake hands at the conclusion of the Coffee-Tea Pact signing.

The Roman and Bakitaran governments, under Consul Mogerines of Romania and Rais Ekuru Odinga of Bakitara, signed a trade deal between the two countries focused on the coffee and tea trade. The provisions would allow Bakitara to increase their trade of these goods with Romania while also aiding the Romans in equal exchange and humane trade in coffee and tea globally, an arena that Bakitara has been a major force in ensuring, to guarantee no exploitation of coffee and tea farmers globally and to ensure good land stewardship.

The Coffee-Tea Pact already had a number of signatory states but Bakitara warmly welcomed the addition of the Romans who have major influence abroad, hoping this will cascade a number of other nations to agree to the international provision for the good of small farmers and the environment.

Homophile Rights Campaign[]

Jorgania, Armenia, Congo, and Arabia faced international sanctions due to human rights violations against homophile citizens of their countries. Armenia in particular has faced international scrutiny due to numerous cases of assault and murder with police looking the other way and, at times, accused of being involved.

Romania currently leads the investigation and has been among the most prominent advocates, attempting to strangle the economies of these countries until they comply with international human rights standards in this realm.

Osajia War (2762 - Ongoing)[]

The murder of Roman journalists and husband and wife Larentu Panula and Lillia Avitu in Osajia sparked the ongoing conflict in Central Hesperia. The duo were covering the religious Osajia Civil War between the Osajian government and the religious faction following Lalawithism.

The Prophet's Land, the leading rebel group, abducted the Roman journalists and executed them - their bodies later displayed hanging. The crisis led to Roman intervention in the war, along with several others, and has evolved into a quagmired guerrilla war.

A cornerstone of the conflict is the disdain for historical as well as contemporary cultural and market imperialism, rooted largely in Europe and Asia and the exploitative business practices used abroad by European and Asian powers.

Abyssinian War (2767 - )[]

Nation Specific Events and Issues[]



Consul Aeliana Berninu

March 2772 saw the inauguration of a new government under the popularly elected Aeliana Berninu and the senatorially elected Cassandra Bergamòne of the HDF. Issues at hand include and administrative problems related to Romania's status as a close financial and trading partner within the European community, the diminishing of Romania's global standing and economic competition with long-time friend Sina, the two ongoing wars, immigration and climate change, racism against the Sinti, the power struggle between Consul and Council, and attempts to increase the transparency and efficiency of the Council.


Consul Cassandra Bergamòne

The long-standing push-and-pull between the Consulate and the Council remains a contentious issue. Consul Berninu has remained an antagonistic figure, riding into office on a wave of national-populism across Romania. The consul is seen by some as pushing the boundaries of the Consulship and using the office to broad excess of power. Issues which Consul Berninu rode into office on include immigration issues, including a rising anti-migrant sentiment brought upon by climate and war refugees, principally from Libia and Hesperia.

A wave of anti-Sinti sentiment has accompanied Berninu’s election as well, with a national conversation started by her political party, the New Latin League Party, suggesting moving the Sinti to India, a situation causing a diplomatic crisis with the Indian Republic. Claims of racism have since sparked from within the Senate and from leaders abroad, with witness to additional protest movements within Romania itself.


Protest against mistreatment and rising racism by Sinti community in Romania, 2772

The Consulship has been largely cooperative, to the dismay of many in the Senate who had perhaps hoped a moderate-closed element in Consul Bergamòne would act as a moderating force to the radical-closed of Consul Berninu. At present the principal issue between the consuls is the war in Abyssinia and the war in Osajia; Consul Berninu wishes to speed up the situation with swift and aggressive force and turn these two areas into reliant states on Romania that the refugee communities might be forcibly returned to. Consul Bergamòne wishes to continue the gradual course Romania has been on and aid these two states in stabilizing themselves and subsequently protect Romanian interests at large.


Youth protest movement in Romania, rallied against rising xenophobia and wars abroad.

Bergamòne continues to act as a moderating voice in the Consulship regardless and, as 2772 pushed on, Bergamòne has begun to increasingly step in the way of Berninu, causing mild tension in the Consul.

Consul Berninu has recently (December 2772) been heavily promoting a desire to renew the contract with Kveld Company, a private military company, or mercenary organization, from Scandia. The last popularly elected Consul, Federica Mogerines, terminated Kveld's contract immediately upon entering office, citing numerous complaints from the Roman military as well as numerous reports of abuse perpetrated by the increasingly notorious organization while in Abyssinia and Osajia. Aeiliana Berninu's argument is that the contracting of the ongoing wars will alleviate Romania's loss of life and financial drain, as the mercenary companies are deemed to be far more cost effective.


Former Consul Mogerines has remained an outspoken critic of the current Consulship

A continuously outspoken critic of Berninu, former Consul Federica Mogerines has been seen by many as a leader of the opposition movement. A member of the Spartacus Society Faction, Mogerines narrowly lost the popular vote for her re-election, losing to Berninu in 2772.
