Alternative History

A list of differences in the King of America that result from the position of Prince Henry of Prussia as King of the United States.


  • The Constitution of the United States would be constructed quite differently from the OTL constitution. The executive branch would consist of the monarchy, while the legislative branch would consist of the President of the United States and Congress. The judicial branch would remain the same as in OTL.


  • The United States has a much more expansionist outlook during the 19th century than OTL. The monarchs of Hohenzollern-Amerika royal family would try to follow the footsteps of their Prussian, later German, relatives.
  • During the Canadian Revolutionary War, the United States would intervene in favor of the Patriote Movement (Lower Canada) and the Republic of Canada (Upper Canada) after the rise of American nationalism and border conflicts with Britain. The U.K. reluctantly decides to release the territories and the two states unite into a single Canadian republic. By 1842, however, the Quebecois grew resentful of the Anglophone Canadians and re-declared their independence. The remaining Canadian republic decided to join the United States as the U.S. states of Niagara and Superior.
    • As a result, several OTL Canadian politicians from parts of Ontario would be prominent American politicians in ATL.
  • Canada and Acadia would be annexed into the United States following World War I. This would lead to the Canadian War, a civil war fought between the United States and Canadian nationalists.
  • Due to OTL Washington, D.C. not serving as the national capital from 1883 to 1956, Washington is referred to as "Washington City" during that period. The name continues to this day.


  • With the Entente defeated in World War I, Ireland would be granted complete independence, while Luxembourg would be annexed into Germany and Belgium would be annexed into the Netherlands.
  • Germany and Italy are the dominant powers in Europe following World War I & II.
  • Wallonia would become independent from Belgium as a puppet of Germany following World War I until 1948, when it became a sovereign republic.




  • World War I is fought with different alliances.
  • World War II is much more European based as the allies would have to contend with three major powers fighting against them. This would allow for Japan to expand with virtually no combat against any of the major allied powers.
    • Japan and the United States would combat each other between 1941 and 1942, however President Al Smith would offer Japan a peace-deal if they decided to help fight the Axis Powers. The U.S. and Japan would lead joint-attacks on French Indochina and the British Raj; albeit very little cooperation and respect towards each other were seen.
  • The Cold War would be between the United States and the Empire of Japan. Many consider it to be an active conflict to modern day.



Culture and Religion[]


  • John Jay would be selected by the Federalist Party as the 1796 Federalist nominee and would lead a much more popular and successful term than Adams. As a result, he wins another term in 1800 and Federalist Charles C. Pinckney wins the 1804 election; ensuring a longer survival of the party.
  • The OTL Republican Party would be known as the National Party as the word "republican" would bear an anti-monarchy tone in the U.S.
  • Due to an earlier American entrance in World War I and the war being much closer to home, the Socialist Party would appeal to the lower class during and after the war. The Socialists would capitalize on the Department of Justice targeting unions, antiwar activists, and socialists in order to gain popularity.